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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Clinical support to nursing community service practitioners in Ugu District, KwaZulu-Natal

Malunga, Ignatia Tandiwe January 2018 (has links)
Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Health Sciences: Nursing, Duban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2018. / Introduction: The shortage of skilled health professionals in public health care facilities is the main reason why compulsory community service was started by the South African government. The change in the disease pattern over the past two decades coupled with the mass exodus of health care professionals to overseas countries resulted in severe staff shortages especially in rural areas. Nursing community service practitioners (NCSPs) lack experience in dealing with complex clinical problems especially at primary health care level. They need experienced health professionals to offer clinical support to them. Aim of study: The aim of the study was to establish the degree of clinical support that is offered to NCSPs who are placed for compulsory community service within the Ugu district. Methodology: A qualitative study was conducted using an exploratory­ descriptive design. Purposive sampling was utilized to select eight NCSPs from a regional hospital and a community health centre. Semi-structured interviews were conducted and data was recorded verbatim for accurate analysis. Content analysis of data was employed where data was analyzed into meaningful themes. Results: The study revealed gaps in the clinical support offered to NCSPs. Lack of clinical support was reported more in the hospital than at the community health centre.·organizational problems such as lack of orientation, absence of in-service education and lack of proper rotation to different departments were some of the main concerns that were reported. Conclusion: Nursing community service practitioners need clinical support from experienced health professional to guide and teach them until they develop confidence. / M

Desempenho de pré-escolares com queixa de Distúrbios da Comunicação no Preschool Language Assessment Instrument (Plai-2) /

Moreira, Tamires Soares. January 2016 (has links)
Orientador: Célia Maria Giacheti / Banca: Jacy Perissinoto / Banca: Larissa Cristina Berti / Resumo: A Comunicação Humana envolve habilidades de recepção (entrada) e expressão (saída) da linguagem, que o indivíduo desenvolve, sejam elas relativas à fala, à escrita ou por meio de gestos. A avaliação da comunicação humana tem por objetivo levantar hipóteses diagnósticas e pode ser feita com o uso de testes padronizados. O Preschool Language Assessment Instrument - Second Edition (PLAI-2) é um instrumento norte-americano recém-traduzido e adaptado para o Português Brasileiro. Trata-se de um teste formal, utilizado para avaliar habilidades comunicativas em nível de recepção e expressão de crianças em idade pré-escolar. As habilidades comunicativas do PLAI-2 estão de acordo com quatro níveis de habilidade comunicativa: (1) escolha, que é a habilidade comunicativa mais elementar, somente vinculada a objetos tangíveis; (2) análise seletiva, item em que a criança deve responder a aspectos mais seletivos mediante uma situação controlada; (3) análise perceptual, que exige que a criança resista aos demais componentes e responda de acordo com as suas experiências o que está de acordo com a ordem solicitada; (4) raciocínio, que é a habilidade mais complexa da habilidade comunicativa e corresponde ao que a criança pensa sobre o que poderia, pode ou que aconteceria diante de determinadas condições. Este estudo teve como objetivos (1) verificar o desempenho de crianças com distúrbios de comunicação na versão brasileira do PLAI-2 e comparar com o desempenho de crianças com desenvolvimento tí... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The Human Communication involves receiving skills (input) and expression (output) of language, the individual develops these skills, whether spoken, written or through gestures. The assessment of human communication aims to raise diagnostic hypotheses, and can be done with the use of standardized tests. The Preschool Language Assessment Instrument - Second Edition (PLAI-2) is an American instrument newly translated and adapted to Brazilian Portuguese. This is a formal test used to assess communication skills in both inbound and expression of children in preschool age. The PLAI-2 communication skills according to four levels of communication skills:(1) choice, which is the most basic communication skills, only linked to tangible objects; (2) selective analysis item in which the child must answer more selective aspects through a controlled situation; (3) perceptual analysis, which requires the child to resist other components and respond according to their experiences which is in accordance with the order being requested; (4) reasoning, which is the most complex skill of communicative ability and corresponds to what the child thinks about what might, could or would happen before certain conditions. This study aimed to (1) verify the performance of children with communication disorders in the Brazilian version of PLAI-2 and compare the performance of children with typical development; (2) verify that the Brazilian version of PLAI-2 discriminates children with language disorder o... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Controle da tuberculose na atenção básica de saúde de Natal / RN: visão do agente comunitário / Tuberculosis control in primary health care in Natal / RN: community health agent\'s view

Erika Simone Galvão Pinto 18 July 2011 (has links)
O agente comunitário de saúde (ACS) é um ator social fundamental nas ações de controle da tuberculose (TB). Nesse estudo considerou-se à micro política voltada para prática do ACS. Objetivo do estudo: analisar segundo a visão do ACS a Busca de Sintomático Respiratório (BSR). Estudo descritivo do tipo inquérito, de forma transversal realizado em Natal, junho a setembro de 2009. População: 646 ACS do Programa de Agentes Comunitário de Saúde (PACS) / Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF). Critérios de seleção: ACS trabalhando no período de coleta. Foram excluídos aqueles que estavam de férias, licença ou com atestados médicos. Utilizou-se amostragem de múltiplas etapas: cálculo da amostra baseado na população, partilha proporcional de acordo com a quantidade de ACS por distrito sanitário (DS) e amostragem casual simples. Prevendo-se uma taxa de não resposta de 10%, calculouse um n=108. Para coleta de dados utilizou-se um formulário aplicado aos ACS. Este compreendeu um total de 28 questões, divididas em três seções: caracterização dos ACS (08 questões), dados sobre a Estrutura das unidades de saúde (07 questões), dados sobre o Processo de atenção (13 questões). Os ACS responderam cada pergunta segundo diferentes escalas variadas de respostas: dicotômicas, de múltipla escolha com resposta única e uma escala de possibilidades preestabelecida (escala Likert) à qual foi atribuído um valor entre \"um\" e \"cinco\". A resposta mais favorável recebeu o valor mais alto da escala e a mais desfavorável recebeu o valor mais baixo. Os dados sobre Resultado (01 questão) foram coletados através de dados secundários. Para analisar os componentes Estrutura e Processo os valores próximos de 1 e 2 foram estipulados a classificação insatisfatória ,próximo de 3, regular e próximo de 4 e 5, satisfatória.Para analisar o componente Resultado da BSR, considerou-se à proporção de sintomático respiratório examinados. A maioria do ACS era do sexo feminino, nível médio e trabalhavam em unidades saúde da família com tempo médio de atuação de 122 (±47,4) meses. Consideraram como bom o trabalho na comunidade, julgaram regular a remuneração, sempre/quase sempre recebem capacitação em TB. Com relação à Estrutura das unidades de saúde apresentaram condições satisfatórias para formulários ( x = 4,90) e potes ( x = 4,25), e, no entanto apresentaram deficiências (regular) em geladeira ou caixa térmica ( x = 3,73), para armazenar o material coletado (escarro). Em relação ao ACS sentir-se preparado para identificar o suspeito de TB ( x = 4,4), orientar sobre TB ( x = 4,7) e baciloscopia ( x = 4,2), contudo muitas vezes não suspeita que a tosse possa ser TB ( x = 3,4). Foram insatisfatórias no componente Processo as ações de BSR ( x = 2,7) e levar pedido de baciloscopia para o usuário ( x = 2,2). Apenas 11% das baciloscopias esperadas foram solicitadas. A ação de BSR pelo ACS no território torna-se complexa por envolver a sua formação, a Estrutura e a organização do serviço de saúde sendo importante a supervisão do enfermeiro com foco nos mais diversos ângulos do seu trabalho ,desde as visitas domiciliares até as atividades comunitárias. / The community health agent (CHA) is a fundamental social actor in strategies for tuberculosis control (TB). This study considered the micro policy towards CHA practice. Aim of the study: to analyze, according to the CHA\'s view, the Respiratory Symptomatic Search (RSS). It is a cross-sectional descriptive study, a survey conducted in Natal, from June to September 2009. Population: 646 CHAs employed at the Community Health Agents Program (CHAP) / Family Health Strategy (FHS). Selection criteria: CHA employed at the data collection period. Those on vacation, absence or medical leave were excluded. Sample was calculated using multiple steps: sample calculation based on population, proportional division according to the number of CHAs by sanitary district (SD) and simple casual sampling. As a 10% loss rate of was expected, n = 108. Data was collected using a questionnaire completed by the CHAs. There were 28 questions, sorted into three sections: CHAs\' profile (08 questions), data about health centers Structure (07 questions), data about the caring Process (13 questions). Each question was answered according to different answering scales: dichotomous, multiple answers with single option and a Likert scale ranging from \"one\" to \"five\". The most favorable answer was given the highest score and the most unfavorable was given the lowest score. Data about Result (01 question) was collected using secondary data. To analyze the Structure and Process components, scores similar to 1 and 2 were set as a dissatisfying, similar to 3 as regular and similar to 4 and 5 as satisfying. To analyze the RSS\'s Result component the proportion of respiratory symptomatic was considered. Most CHAs were female, with middle education level and employed at a health center for an average of 122 (±47.4) months. They rated community work as good, wages as regular, and reported education formation in TB always or almost always present. In the Structure component health centers met satisfying conditions regarding forms ( x = 4.90) and containers ( x = 4.25), despite some shortages (rated as regular) in refrigerators or thermal boxes ( x = 3.73) used to store collected material (sputum). The CHA\'s sense of preparedness to identify a TB suspect ( x = 4.4), to give orientations about TB ( x = 4.7) and about bacilloscopy ( x = 4.2), alghough in many occasions they don\'t suspect cough is a TB symptom ( x = 3.4). RSS\'s Process component was rated as unsatisfying ( x = 2.7) along with taking the bacilloscopy exam form to the patient ( x = 2.2). Only 11% of expected bacilloscopies were requested. The act of RSS by CHAs in the territory becomes complex because it involves education, health centers Structure and health care service organization. Nurse\'s supervision is important to focus on different views of the work process, from home visits to community activities.

Busca de sintomáticos respiratórios pelo agente comunitário de saúde em João Pessoa/PB / Search for respiratory symptomatic people by Community Health Aides in J.Pessoa/PB

Uthania de Mello França 05 December 2011 (has links)
A busca de sintomáticos respiratórios (BSR) é uma ação programática para detecção precoce de casos de tuberculose. O Agente Comunitário de Saúde (ACS) favorece a ação na atenção básica (AB) pelas peculiaridades de seu trabalho na família e comunidade. O objetivo foi avaliar a BSR desempenhada pelo ACS nos serviços de AB, João Pessoa/PB. Estudo epidemiológico descritivo tipo inquérito, realizado nas 53 unidades de saúde da família que compõem o DSIII com uma população de 635 ACS. O cálculo amostral considerou uma variância (Sd2=1); diferença entre a média amostral simples e a média da população (B = 0,2); e probabilidade do erro tipo I igual a (Z? = 1,96) resultando em 108 ACS. Utilizou-se 3 fontes de coleta de dados: Check list (material, insumos e logística para a BSR); entrevista estruturada para os ACS e dados secundários (resultados das baciloscopias). O estudo obedeceu aos preceitos éticos envolvendo seres humanos. Os resultados do desempenho do ACS, relacionado aos componentes da avaliação dos serviços de saúde, revelaram Estrutura quantitativa de recursos humanos (ACS) e materiais suficientes; O Desempenho limitado e deficiente dos ACS que realizaram capacitação em TB foi atribuído à falta de envolvimento da gestão, supervisão e organização do serviço para BSR como trabalho em equipe e formação profissional; e no Resultado: laboratório, baixa cobertura de SR examinados e inexpressivo número de casos de TB identificados pela AB, 3(2009 ) e 1(2010). Ressalta-se que os resultados não são homogêneos, quando se analisam as unidades isoladamente. Sugere-se estudos individualizados considerando a micro-gestão das unidades e maiores investimentos na reorientação das práticas da AB para o controle da tuberculose aliado a um forte processo de educação permanente em saúde, que envolva profissionais e gestores. / The search for respiratory symptomatic people (RSS) is a programmatic action to detect early tuberculosis cases. The community health aid (CHA) promotes action in primary health care (PHC) through the peculiarities of his/her work with families and communities. The goal was to assess RSS performed by CHAs in PHC services in J Pessoa/Pb. Descriptive epidemiologic study, inquest-type, accomplished in the 53 family health units that make up Sanitary District (SD III) with a population of 635 CHAs. The sampling calculus considered a variance (Sd2=1); a difference between the simple sampling mean and population mean (B=0,2); and error probability I equal to (Z?= 1,96) totaling 108 CHAs. Three sources of data collecting were used: checklist (material, input and logistic to RSS); structured interview for CHAs as well as secondary data (bacilloscopy results). The study followed ethic principles involving human beings. The results of CHAs\' performance, related to health services evaluation components showed quantitative structure of human resources (CHA) as well as sufficient materials. Limited and defective performance, by CHAs qualified in TB, due to the lack of involvement in management, supervision and organization of RSS services as a teamwork and professional qualification; and the results: laboratory, poor cover of examined RS and inexpressive number of TB cases, identified by Primary care, 3 (2009) and 1 (2010). We point out that results are not homogeneous as units are individually analyzed. We suggest separate studies when considering units micro-management, as well as more investment in reorienting Primary care practices, with a view to control TB, associated to a major process of permanent Health education which should involve both professionals and managers.

Les techniques audio-visuelles dans l'enseignement des mathématiques

Richard, Guy January 1970 (has links)
Doctorat en sciences psychologiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

La pluralité des modalités de professionnalisation contemporaines: le groupe professionnel des aides familiales au coeur de tensions

Artois, Pierre 24 April 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat interroge la polysémie des modalités de professionnalisation du fait professionnel contemporain. Elle s’inscrit au croisement de la sociologie du travail et des groupes professionnels se centrant sur les aides familiales comme clef d’entrée d’une analyse de l’évolution de l’autonomie professionnelle. Les modalités de professionnalisation au sens large restant l’objet substantif. Nous abordons la professionnalisation comme un folk concept afin de saisir les enjeux centraux au cœur de ces processus, que sont la division du travail et l’adéquation formation-emploi. Ce faisant, nous traduisons la professionnalisation comme un processus temporel mais aussi social. Ce mouvement dialectique s’initie de façon endogène par un groupe de travailleurs et est négocié de façon exogène par des acteurs extérieurs entrant en relation avec ces travailleurs. En ce sens, nous considérons que la professionnalisation est un prisme pour examiner les rapports sociaux de travail qui cristallisent le fait professionnel contemporain.<p><p>Nous avons choisi de centrer notre analyse sur un groupe professionnel méconnu, en recherche de reconnaissance et dont les incertitudes sur le travail pèsent à cause des redéfinitions émises par les politiques d’emplois le concernant suite aux changements démographiques et sociétaux affectant l’ensemble de la société. Notre hypothèse centrale est que la professionnalisation désignent des phénomènes problématiques ;qu’elle ne vise pas exclusivement à autonomiser un groupe de travailleurs sur le marché du travail afin qu’ils obtiennent un statut. Elle peut également servir à valoriser une activité afin de légitimer et développer la reconnaissance des organisations prestataires du dit travail.<p><p>Pour ce faire, nous sommes partis d’un cadre analytique original et novateur croisant les différentes modalités mentionnées dans la littérature pour en faire une typologie permettant de saisir l’hétérogénéité des phénomènes que recouvre la professionnalisation. Nous avons commencé par retracer les conditions socio-historiques de constitution du groupe à travers une recherche documentaire agrémentée par un travail ethnographique et d’observations participantes. Afin de tester nos hypothèses, nous avons opté pour des méthodologies mixtes. 412 questionnaires furent ainsi récoltés auprès des fédérations employeuses du secteur pour cerner les identités professionnelles revendiquées et convoquées. De même, une trentaine d’entretiens semi-dirigés ont été réalisé pour approfondir l’analyse en termes de trajectoires biographiques et d’évolutions des pratiques.<p><p>Nos principaux résultats se traduisent par une innovation théorique, proposant de replacer des formes d’analyses structurannionistes au sein de la sociologie des groupes professionnelles. Ce faisant, nous constatons que le processus de professionnalisation des aides familiales a suivi une catégorisation d’intervention publique où professionnaliser était synonyme de création d’emploi pour in fine devenir un instrument idéologique, qui est repris progressivement sous une catégorisation gestionnaire détachant l’individu, pris comme travailleur professionnel, de la fonction qu’il exerce.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences politiques et sociales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Approche longitudinale et différentielle de l’apprentissage de la lecture : Etude de l’impact d’aides adaptées aux profils des faibles lecteurs / Longitudinal and differential approaches of learning to read : A study on the impact of computer-assisted learning adapted to low readers’ profiles

Potocki, Anna 28 September 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans un double objectif. Il s’agit d’une part d’approfondir notre connaissance des processus de lecture et de compréhension au début de l’apprentissage de la lecture et d’autre part, de proposer des outils d’évaluation et des aides adaptées aux enfants en difficultés de lecture. Pour répondre à ces objectifs, plusieurs études ont été menées. Dans une première série d’études, les prédicteurs précoces de la réussite en lecture sont mis en évidence notamment grâce au suivi longitudinal d’une même population d’enfants depuis la grande section de maternelle jusqu’au CE1. Différents aspects de la lecture sont ici distingués, l’identification de mots écrits et la compréhension, ainsi que différents aspects de la compréhension de textes, la compréhension littérale et la production d’inférences. Un second axe de la thèse s’attache ensuite à développer des outils nouveaux permettant d’évaluer et de remédier aux difficultés de compréhension chez l’enfant. On observe en effet dans le contexte français actuel un manque certain de ce type d’outils. Ce travail de thèse se propose donc de combler ce manque en construisant 1/ une épreuve originale d’évaluation des capacités de compréhension écrite de récits chez l’enfant d’école primaire et 2/ un logiciel de remédiation des difficultés de compréhension pour les enfants apprentis lecteurs/ faibles compreneurs. La validité de ces instruments a été éprouvée auprès de vastes populations d’enfants. / The main objectives of this thesis are to deepen our knowledge about early reading and comprehension processes and to construct new instruments for assessing and remediating comprehension skills in children. First, in a three-years longitudinal study (from kindergarten to Grade 2), early predictors of reading achievement have been examined. Here, two aspects of reading have been distinguished, written words identification and comprehension, as far as two aspects of comprehension, literal comprehension and inference generation. Secondly, we aim to construct new instruments to assess comprehension skills and remediate comprehension difficulties in elementary-school children. Indeed obviously, there is currently a lack of such instruments in France. This second part of the thesis aims at filling this gap. A new test of reading comprehension has therefore been constructed and allows establishing a precise diagnosis of comprehension difficulties endured by some beginning readers. A computer-assisted learning program has then been proposed to less skilled comprehenders. This program specifically targets comprehension skills by stimulating 1/ literal information extraction, 2/ coherence inferences construction and 3/ knowledge-based inferences production. Efficiency and validity of each instrument have been tested with large population of children.

The role of volunteers in the empowerment of victims of crime

Dalgety, Bernadette 13 May 2008 (has links)
Crime in South Africa is currently a high priority topic discussed by politicians, professionals and the general public since violence has become part of everyday life. Trauma has become a fact of life. When trauma hits, it is usually sudden and unexpected. Traumatic events could include acts of human cruelty, a car or plane crash, an untimely death or natural disasters like a tornado or a flood. A traumatic incident abruptly rips a person out of their comfort zone and thrusts that person into the depths of loss and despair. Unfortunately many people live their lives under the shadows of trauma. Trauma does not have to be a life sentence, it can be healed, through intensive counselling (as the researcher experienced at the trauma centre where she is affiliated). There are individuals who are thankful that they have survived their traumatic experience. These individuals would often like to help and support others who have gone through similar experiences. These individuals are often linked to a centre or organisation that renders a service to a victim with the aim of empowering and equipping him/her if he/she was exposed to a similar situation. It was the willingness of these individuals to help and the researcher’s involvement at a trauma centre that motivated her to undertake this research study. The researcher became aware, in her everyday contact with these willing individuals who wanted to help others who were traumatised through crime, how important it was that these people should be recruited, screened and trained. These “volunteers” should be under the supervision of a manager of a victim empowerment programme. Therefore, the focus of this research study was on the volunteer who renders a service to the traumatised victim of crime. The primary goal of this study was to evaluate the impact of service rendering within the victim empowerment programmes on the victim of crime, with the emphasis on the role of the volunteer. To achieve this goal the researcher established the following objectives: • To explore the literature with regard to stress, crisis and trauma, with specific reference to the definitions of stress, crisis and trauma, as well as their related signs and symptoms, as specifically related to victims of crime • To discuss victim empowerment services in South Africa, with specific reference to Gauteng • To explore the available literature with regard to the recruiting, screening, training and supervision of volunteers in general, but with specific reference to volunteers who render a service to victims of crime • To evaluate qualitatively the recruiting, screening, training and supervision of volunteers who rendered a service to victims of crime • To evaluate quantitatively the effect of intervention by volunteers on the victims of crime, in terms of: the level of satisfaction with the victim of crime was experiencing with regard to the services rendered by the volunteer the level of satisfaction the victim of crime was experiencing with regard to the services rendered by the professional (although this aspect was included as an objective of this study, the focus of this study was on the volunteer who renders a service to the traumatised victim of crime) the symptoms the victim of crime was experiencing when the volunteers rendered trauma debriefing services • Based on the results, to formalise guidelines for the managers of the victim empowerment programmes, who manage volunteers, to improve their service rendering to victims of crime. The methodology of programme evaluation, as a combined quantitative and qualitative research approach, was implemented to achieve the goal and objectives set for this research study. The quantitative data was collected by questionnaires that were completed by victims who utilised the services rendered by various victim empowerment centres. This data was then analysed by utilising the SPSS computer programme. Frequencies between the variables was described and interpreted. The qualitative data was collected through interview schedules. Interviews were conducted with 10 management members and 10 volunteers from 10 selected centres in Gauteng, which utilised volunteers to render services to victims of crime. The qualitative data was analysed by identifying various responses and placing these responses into categories and themes. All the responses were transcribed. The main results derived from the quantitative data indicated that the victims were satisfied with the level of service rendering from the volunteers. The main results from the qualitative data indicated that volunteers who rendered services to victims of crime were recruited, screened, trained and supervised according to the requirements of the specific victim empowerment programme where this service was rendered. Victims of crime that received trauma debriefing appeared to experience less symptoms, with specific reference to physiological symptoms (reliving the trauma), than those who did not receive trauma debriefing. From the three literature chapters of this study the following main conclusions were made, namely: • Trauma (Chapter 2) It was imperative to discuss stress, crisis and trauma as they lie on a continuum of severity. The volunteer had to be aware of this and the effects thereof. Since each individual experienced the effects differently, knowledge of the effects would determine the volunteers’ level of service delivery to the victims of crime. • Victim Empowerment (Chapter 3) The victim empowerment literature for this study was relevant, since victim empowerment programmes are seen as the “umbrella” of the services rendered to victims of crime. • Volunteers (Chapter 4) The researcher wanted to highlight that the research results proved that volunteers played an imperative role in service delivery to victims of crime. The lack of relevant literature and research that has been completed with specific reference to the recruitment, screening, training and supervision of volunteers who rendered a service to victims of crime limited the study, especially with regard to the compilation of the guidelines for the managers of the victim empowerment programmes. These guidelines include advice on the recruitment, screening, training and supervision of volunteers who render a victim empowerment service to victims of crime. This advice is focussed on the mangers of the victim empowerment programmes that were responsible for the volunteers who rendered a service to victims of crime. With the completion of the guidelines, the researcher added value to the social work profession, since this profession increasingly utilises volunteers in their service rendering to victims of crime. / Prof. J.B.S. Nel Dr. E. Oliphant

The motivational needs of primary health care nurses in a mine clinic setting

Haman, Goitsemang Mida 09 December 2013 (has links)
M.Cur. (Nursing Management) / Motivation is a process that influence and directs behaviour in order to satisfy a need. Motivation of nurses is important in the primary health care environment since low levels of motivation among Primary Health Care (PHC) nurses; who are in a critical position in health service delivery; could have a negative impact on the achievement of high standards in the nursing profession. This situation is also relevant in a mine clinic setting. The main factor in motivating nurses may be a sense of success. However, levels of stimulation and individual requirements also significantly influence the motivation of a person. As a manager at a mine clinic setting, the researcher became aware; by means of staff progress reports and performance appraisals; that PHC nurses (professional nurses) were demotivated. The research questions were therefore posed: - What are the motivational needs of PHC nurses in the workplace at mine clinic settings? - What should be done to assist these nurses to acquire motivation in the work place? Therefore, it was imperative to explore and describe the motivational needs of PHC nurses in their work place and to describe recommendations for nurse managers at a mine clinic setting to motivate PHC nurses. The study was conducted within the theoretical framework of McClelland’s Acquired Motivation Theory that consists of three basic needs, i.e. the need for achievement, the need for power, and the need for affiliation. A quantitative, explorative, descriptive design was followed and the researcher used a structured questionnaire to explore the perceptions of PHC nurses about their needs to acquire motivation in their workplace. The accessible population in this study was PHC nurses (N = 30) working at the 13 mine clinics. The accessible population served as the total sample.

Knowledge, attitudes and perceptions of health care users towards HIV self-testing at selected Gateway clinics at eThekwini District, KwaZulu-Natal

Gumede, Sibongiseni Daphney January 2017 (has links)
Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Health Sciences in Nursing, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2017. / Background Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) testing, treatment and prevention programmes have been initiated and implemented, but nearly 19 million of the 35 million people globally who are living with HIV do not know they have it. A new and powerful movement called 90-90-90 has been set in motion where the target is that by the year 2020, 90% of all people should know their HIV status, 90% of those testing HIV positive should be commenced on lifelong antiretroviral treatment and 90% of the people receiving treatment should be virally suppressed. It is argued the new innovative HIV self-testing strategy can increase the uptake of HIV testing among key populations and the general public. Aim of the study The aim of the study was to assess health care users’ knowledge, attitudes and perceptions towards HIV self-testing at selected Gateway clinics in eThekwini District, KwaZulu-Natal. Methodology A quantitative, non-experimental descriptive design was used to determine knowledge, attitudes and perceptions of health care users at three selected Gateway clinics in eThekwini Health District. The researcher requested permission and was granted to conduct the study from all the relevant stakeholders. Human rights were protected and ethical considerations were adhered to throughout the research process. The convenience sample was 442 participants with a minimum of 98 and a maximum of 246 participants sampled from each of the three study sites. A survey questionnaire was used to collect data. Version 23 of SPSS was used to analyse data. Graphs and tables were used to represent frequencies. Inferential statistical were used to test whether any of the response options were selected significantly more or less than others Results Results of the study revealed that health care users had a reasonable knowledge of HIV self-testing and there were indications that they would use it if it was made freely available to the public and was properly regulated. Generally, there were indications that health care users had positive attitudes towards HIV self-testing. It was seen as a good idea as it can be performed in the privacy of one’s home and the person would be first to know about the results. Results also revealed that there could be more people who would know their HIV status and people could test more frequently. There were perceptions that there would be no difficulty in performing an HIV self-test. The lack of pre-test counselling, false negative results, possible coercion and sale of unregulated testing kits seemed to be issues of concern that require addressing if HIV self-testing is to be promulgated. / M

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