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New Strategies to Improve Multilateration Systems in the Air Traffic ControlMantilla Gaviria, Iván Antonio 14 June 2013 (has links)
Develop new strategies to design and operate the multilateration systems, used for air traffic control operations, in a more efficient way. The design strategies are based on the utilization of metaheuristic optimization techniques and they are intended to found the optimal spatial distribution of the system ground stations, taking into account the most relevant system operation parameters. The strategies to operate the systems are based on the development of new positioning methods which allow solving the problems of uncertainty position and poor accuracy that the current systems can present. The new strategies can be applied to design, deploy and operate the multilateration systems for airport surface surveillance as well as takeoff-landing, approach and enroute control. An important advance in the current knowledge of air traffic control is expected from the development of these strategies, because they solve several deficiencies that have been made clear, by the international scientific community, in the last years. / Mantilla Gaviria, IA. (2013). New Strategies to Improve Multilateration Systems in the Air Traffic Control [Tesis doctoral]. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/29688
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The effect of target fascination on control and situation awareness in a multiple remote tower center : A human factors studySjölin, Victor January 2015 (has links)
The Multiple Remote Tower Center concept (mRTC) is a cutting edge project which allows one air traffic control officer (ATCO) to be in charge of multiple remotely situated airports simultaneously. When implemented, it will revolutionise how air traffic is managed at smaller airports and allow for increased efficiency and decreased operational costs. Consequently, at the time of writing a lot of effort is going into evaluating this new way of air traffic management from a safety perspective. Air traffic management has been defined as an issue maintaining situational awareness and exercising control. This thesis aims to investigate how the phenomenon target fascination affects the ATCOs ability to exercise control over its controlled airspace and maintain its situation awareness. It does so by creating a baseline scenario of work in a mRTC, and then comparing the ATCOs performance in the baseline scenario with its performance in the same corresponding scenario, but with elements of target fascination introduced. The differences in the scenarios are analysed using the Contextual Control Model, the Extended Control Model and a holistic framework for studying situation awareness. The analysis shows that target fascination does affect the ATCOs ability to maintain control, but not radically so, and only for a short period of time. The target fascination forces the ATCO to rely on information in the immediate environment to a higher degree than during regular work, as opposed to making decisions based on a holistic understanding of the situation and high level goals. However, once the understanding of the situation have been re-established, the level of control quickly returns to normal levels. Situation awareness is thus a key concept in maintaining control. The situation awareness analysis show that target fascination affects situation awareness by causing the ATCOs understanding of the situation to become outdated without the ATCOs knowledge. Because of this, there may be developments in the situation that the ATCO is not aware of, which hinders it from acting as it normally would. In some cases an intervention from an external actor or element may be necessary to break the fascination and re-establish the ATCOs understanding for the situation. As soon as the fascination is broken, the ATCO quickly takes steps to re-establish its situation awareness and return to normal operations.
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Συσκευή αναγνώρισης και παρακολούθησης ιπτάμενων αντικειμένωνΦίλης, Δημήτριος, Ρένιος, Χρήστος 08 July 2011 (has links)
Η τεχνολογία της αναγνώρισης και παρακολούθησης αεροσκαφών βρίσκει ποικίλες εφαρμογές σε όλους τους τομείς της αεροναυσιπλοΐας, πολιτικούς και στρατιωτικούς, από τον έλεγχο και τη ρύθμιση της εναέριας κυκλοφορίας σε πολιτικά αεροδρόμια έως το χειρισμό και την καθοδήγηση αντιαεροπορικών όπλων για στρατιωτικούς σκοπούς (π.χ. το σύστημα TAS του αντιαεροπορικού συστήματος MIM-23B Hawk). Έως σήμερα, γνωστές μέθοδοι υλοποίησης αποτελούν οι ραδιοεντοπιστές (radar), οι υπέρυθρες και οι θερμικές κάμερες, τα οποία είναι εγκατεστημένα σε επίγειους σταθμούς, σε κινούμενες μονάδες και σε αεροσκάφη. Το σύστημα που δημιουργήθηκε και θα παρουσιαστεί στην παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία αποτελεί μια εναλλακτική μέθοδο υλοποίησης της αναγνώρισης και της παρακολούθησης ιπτάμενων αντικειμένων, που εκμεταλλεύεται το οπτικό φάσμα με τη χρήση μιας οπτικής κάμερας ενσωματωμένης σε ένα σερβοκινητήρα. Σε σημεία όπου είναι δύσκολο να εφαρμοσθεί κάποια άλλη τεχνολογία ή σε σημεία που δεν καλύπτονται από άλλες συσκευές ανίχνευσης (π.χ. radar), η συσκευή μας προσφέρει όμοιες υπηρεσίες και συμπληρώνει πιθανά χάσματα ακάλυπτων περιοχών. Συγκεκριμένα, μέσω του λογισμικού που έχει αναπτυχθεί, όταν κάποιος στόχος (αεροσκάφος) εισέλθει στο οπτικό πεδίο της κάμερας, ανιχνεύεται και αναγνωρίζεται. Στη συνέχεια ο σερβοκινητήρας παρακολουθεί τον στόχο τροφοδοτούμενος με δεδομένα της θέσης και της ταχύτητάς του, ενώ βρίσκεται σε συνεχή επικοινωνία με την κάμερα. Όλα τα παραπάνω έχουν αναπτυχθεί ώστε να λειτουργούν σε συνθήκες πραγματικού χρόνου. Παρά την απουσία μιας θεωρητικής παρουσίασης ή μιας ολοκληρωμένης λύσης οπτικής αναγνώρισης και παρακολούθησης αεροσκαφών, η αναζήτηση και μελέτη της διεθνούς βιβλιογραφίας μας έδωσε το θεωρητικό υπόβαθρο για την κατανόηση του προβλήματος και ταυτόχρονα τη δυνατότητα να συνδυάσουμε τεχνικές και μεθόδους για την επίτευξη του στόχου μας. Για την επιτυχή αναγνώριση και παρακολούθηση των στόχων δημιουργήθηκαν διάφορα μοντέλα προσομοίωσης για τον έλεγχο της συμπεριφοράς μεμονομένων χαρακτηριστικών. Συγκεκριμένα, στο υποσύστημα της αναγνώρισης του στόχου μοντελοποιήθηκε αρχικά μια μέθοδος εξαγωγής της θέσης βασισμένη στο χρώμα του στόχου σε περιβάλλον Matlab/Simulink. Στη συνέχεια η ίδια μέθοδος μεταφέρθηκε σε περιβάλλον LabVIEW για να εμπλουτισθεί με διάφορες άλλες μεθόδους βασισμένες σε ένα σύνολο από χαρακτηριστικά που θα αναλυθούν στη συνέχεια. Το τελικό μοντέλο αποτελεί συνδυασμό των μεθόδων του αθροίσματος απολύτων διαφορών, της οπτικής ροής, της εξαγωγής χρωματικών και σχηματικών χαρακτηριστικών, της κανονικοποιημένης εττεροσυσχέτισης και άλλων λογικών μεθόδων και βελτιστοποιήσεων τους. Για την επίτευξη μιας επιτυχυμένης παρακολούθησης ενός “κλειδωμένου” στόχου, δοκιμάστηκαν και έγιναν πολλές προσομοιώσεις με διαφορετικούς τύπους ελεγκτών. Συγκεκριμένα η δυναμική του μοντέλου που δημιουργήθηκε, εξαρτάται από ένα συνδυασμό ελεγκτών θέσεως, ταχύτητας και άλλων παραμέτρων. Αυτά εξασφαλίζουν ένα ευσταθές και γραμμικοποιημένο σύστημα παρακολούθησης, ικανό να παρακολουθήσει οποιοδήποτε στόχο με τη προϋπόθεση ότι τα χαρακτηριστικά του στόχου καθώς και η κατάστασή του (θέση, ταχύτητα κτλ.), ικανοποιούν τις απαιτήσεις του αλγορίθμου αναγνώρισης και είναι μέσα στις εργοστασιακές δυνατότητες του συστήματος. Το μοντέλο αυτό αναπτύχθηκε και υλοποιήθηκε σε περιβάλλον LabVIEW, όπως και οι μετρήσεις και προσομοιώσεις που έγιναν πάνω σε αυτό. Όλες οι παραπάνω μέθοδοι συνεργάζονται και είναι ικανοί να δώσουν ακριβή αποτελέσματα θέσης πραγματικών στόχων κατά τη διάρκεια της ημέρας ακόμα και κάτω από δύσκολες συνθήκες (όπως συννεφιά, χαμηλή φωτεινότητα, παρεμβολή αντικειμένων) σε πραγματικό χρόνο. Η ακραία μεταβολή των περιβαλλοντικών συνθηκών θα επηρρέαζε οποιοδήποτε οπτικό σύστημα, συνεπώς και το παρόν. Περιγραφή των παραγόντων που επηρρεάζουν το σύστημά μας θα γίνει στη συνέχεια. / The technology of aircraft recognition and tracking applies in various applications in all areas of air navigation, civil and military, from air traffic control and regulation at civilian airports to anti-aircraft weapon handling and guidance for military purposes (e.g the TAS system of MIM-23B Hawk anti-aircraft system). To date, known methods of implementation are the radar, infrared and thermal cameras, which are installed at ground stations, in moving plants and aircrafts. The system that was created and is presented in this thesis is an alternative implementation of identifying and tracking flying objects, which operates in the optical spectrum using an optical camera built into a servomotor (pan-tilt unit – PTU). In regions where is difficult for one technology to be applied or in areas that are not covered by other detection devices (e.g. radar), our device offers similar services and complements potential gaps that arise by uncovered areas. Specifically, through the software we developed, when a target (aircraft) enters the field of view of our camera, it is detected and identified. Then the PTU, fed with data of target position and velocity, tracks the aircraft while keeps in constant communication with the camera. All the above have been developed to operate in real time. Despite the lack of a theoretical presentation or a complete solution of optical aircraft recognition and tracking, search and study of literature has given us the theoretical background for understanding the problem and making it possible to combine techniques and methods to achieve our goal. For the successful identification and monitoring of the targets, various simulation models were created to control the behavior of isolated features. Specifically, for the target recognition subsystem a method for extraction of the position based on the color of the target was initially modeled in Matlab/Simulink environment. Then the same method was implemented in LabVIEW to be enriched with several other methods based on a set of features that will be discussed below. The final model is a combination of the sum of absolute differences between two images, the extraction of color and shape profiles, the normalized cross-correlation and other logical methods and their optimizations. In order a successful tracking of a “locked” target to be achieved, there have been many tests and carried out many simulations with different types of controllers. Specifically, the dynamic of the model which was created, depends on a combination of position/velocity controllers and other parameters. These provide a stable and linearized tracking system, capable to follow any target under the condition that the characteristics of the target and its current status (position, speed, etc.) meet the requirements of the recognition algorithm and is within the capabilities of the system. The model was developed and implemented in the LabVIEW environment, as well as measurements and simulations were carried out in it. All these methods work and are able to give accurate results of the position of real targets during the day, even under difficult circumstances (such as clouds, decreased sky brightness etc) in real time. The extreme variation of environmental conditions would affect any optical system and hence could affect ours as well. Description of the factors that affect our system will be presented.
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Collision Avoidance And Coalition Formation Of Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vechicles In High Density Traffic EnvironmentsManathara, Joel George 05 1900 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis addresses the problems of collision avoidance and coalition formation of multiple UAVs in high density traffic environments, proposes simple and efficient algorithms as solutions, and discusses their applications in multiple UAV missions.
First, the problem of collision avoidance among UAVs is considered and deconfliction algorithms are proposed. The efficacy of the proposed algorithms is tested using simulations involving random flights in high density traffic. Further, the proposed collision avoidance algorithms are implemented using realistic six degree of freedom UAV models. The studies in this thesis show that implementation of the proposed collision avoidance algorithms leads to a safer and efficient operational airspace occupied by multiple UAVs.
Next, coalition formation in a search and prosecute mission involving a large number of UAVs and targets is considered. This problem is shown to be NP-hard and a sub-optimal but polynomial time coalition formation strategy is proposed. Simulations are carried out to show that this coalition formation algorithm works well. The coalition formation algorithm is then extended to handle situations where the UAVs have limited communication ranges.
Finally, this thesis considers some multiple UAV missions that require the application of collision avoidance and coalition formation techniques. The problem of multiple UAV rendezvous is tackled by using (i) a consensus among the UAVs to attain rendezvous and (ii) the collision avoidance algorithm previously developed for safety. The thesis also considers a search and prosecute mission where the UAVs also have to avoid collisions among one another.
In summary, the main contributions of this thesis include (a) novel collision avoidance algorithms, which are conceptually simple and easy to implement, for resolving path conflicts – both planar and three dimensional – in a high density traffic airspace with UAVs in free flight and (b) efficient coalition formation algorithms for search and prosecute task with large number of UAVs and targets where UAVs have limited communication ranges and targets are maneuvering. Simulations to evaluate the performance of algorithms based on these concepts to carry out realistic tasks by UAV swarms are also given.
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Exploration et exploitation de l’espace de conception des transitions animées en visualisation d’information / Exploration and Exploitation of the design space of animated transitions in Information VisualizationCordeil, Maxime 18 December 2013 (has links)
Les visualisations de données permettent de transmettre de l’information aux utilisateurs. Pour explorer et comprendre les données, les utilisateurs sont amenés à interagir avec ces visualisations.Toutefois, l’interaction avec les visualisations modifie le visuel. Pour éviter des changements brusques et garder l’utilisateur focalisé sur les objets graphiques d’intérêt, des transitions visuelles sont nécessaires pour accompagner les modifications de la visualisation. Ces transitions visuelles peuvent être codées sous la forme d’animations, ou de techniques qui permettent de faire des correspondances, ou des liens avec des données représentées sur plusieurs affichages. Le premier objectif de cette thèse était d’étudier les bénéfices et les propriétés des animations pour l’exploration et la compréhension de grandes quantités de données multidimensionnelles. Nous avons établi en conséquence une taxonomie des transitions animées en visualisation d’information basée sur les tâches des utilisateurs. Cette taxonomie a permis de constater qu’il n’existe pas de contrôle utilisateur sur la direction des objets durant l’animation. Nous avons donc proposé des interactions pour le contrôle de la direction des objets graphiques lors d’une transition animée. D’autre part, nous avons étudié une technique de transition animée mettant en jeu une rotation 3D entre visualisations. Nous avons identifié les avantages qu’elle pouvait apporter et en avons proposé une amélioration.Le second objectif était d’étudier les transitions visuelles dans le domaine du Contrôle du Trafic Aérien. En effet, les contrôleurs utilisent de nombreuses visualisations qui comportent des informations étalées et dupliquées sur plusieurs affichages: l’écran Radar, le tableau de strips, des listes spécifiques d’avions (départ, arrivées) etc. Ainsi dans leur activité, les Contrôleurs Aériens réalisent des transitions visuelles en recherchant et en reliant de l’information à travers les différents affichages. Nous avons étudié comment les animations pouvaient être utilisées dans le domaine du contrôle aérien en implémentant un prototype d’image radar regroupant trois visualisations usuelles pour instrumenter l’activité de supervision du trafic aérien. / Data visualizations allow information to be transmitted to users. In order to explore and understand the data, it is often necessary for users to manipulate the display of this data. When manipulating the visualization, visual transitions are necessary to avoid abrupt changes in this visualization, and to allow the user to focus on the graphical object of interest. These visual transitions can be coded as an animation, or techniques that link the data across several displays. The first aim of this thesis was to examine the benefits and properties of animated transitions used to explore and understand large quantities of multidimensional data. In order to do so, we created a taxonomy of existing animated transitions. This taxonomy allowed us to identify that no animated transition currently exists that allows the user to control the direction of objects during the transition. We therefore proposed an animated transition that allows the user to have this control during the animation. In addition, we studied an animated transition technique that uses 3D rotation to transition between visualizations. We identified the advantages of this technique and propose an improvement to the current design. The second objective was to study the visual transitions used in the Air Traffic Control domain. Air Traffic Controllers use a number of visualizations to view vast information which is duplicated in several places: the Radar screen, the strip board, airplane lists (departures/arrivals) etc. Air traffic controllers perform visual transitions as they search between these different displays of information. We studied the way animations can be used in the Air Traffic Control domain by implementing a radar image prototype which combines three visualizations typically used by Air Traffic Controllers.
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Utilizing Data-Driven Approaches to Evaluate and Develop Air Traffic Controller Action Prediction ModelsJeongjoon Boo (9106310) 27 July 2020 (has links)
Air traffic controllers (ATCos) monitor flight operations and resolve predicted aircraft conflicts to ensure safe flights, making them one of the essential human operators in air traffic control systems. Researchers have been studying ATCos with human subjective approaches to understand their tasks and air traffic managing processes. As a result, models were developed to predict ATCo actions. However, there is a gap between our knowledge and the real-world. The developed models have never been validated against the real-world, which creates uncertainties in our understanding of how ATCos detect and resolve predicted aircraft conflicts. Moreover, we do not know how information from air traffic control systems affects their actions. This Ph.D. dissertation work introduces methods to evaluate existing ATCo action prediction models. It develops a prediction model based on flight contextual information (information describing flight operations) to explain the relationship between ATCo actions and information. Unlike conventional approaches, this work takes data-driven approaches that collect large-scale flight tracking data. From the collected real-world data, ATCo actions and corresponding predicted aircraft conflicts were identified by developed algorithms. Comparison methods were developed to measure both qualitative and quantitative differences between solutions from the existing prediction models and ATCo actions on the same aircraft conflicts. The collected data is further utilized to develop an ATCo action prediction model. A hierarchical structure found from analyzing the collected ATCo actions was applied to build a structure for the model. The flight contextual information generated from the collected data was used to predict the actions. Results from this work found that the collected ATCo actions do not show any preferences on the methods to resolve aircraft conflicts. Results found that the evaluated existing prediction model does not reflect the real-world. Also, a large portion of the real conflicts was to be solved by the model both physically and operationally. Lastly, the developed prediction model showed a clear relationship between ATCo actions and applied flight contextual information. These results suggest the following takeaways. First, human actions can be identified from closed-loop data. It could be an alternative approach to collect human subjective data. Second, the importance of evaluating models before implications. Third, potentials to utilize the flight contextual information to conduct high-end prediction models.
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Sun-Synchronous Orbit Slot Architecture Analysis and DevelopmentWatson, Eric 01 May 2012 (has links)
Space debris growth and an influx in space traffic will create a need for increased space traffic management. Due to orbital population density and likely future growth, the implementation of a slot architecture to Sun-synchronous orbit is considered in order to mitigate conjunctions among active satellites. This paper furthers work done in Sun-synchronous orbit slot architecture design and focuses on two main aspects. First, an in-depth relative motion analysis of satellites with respect to their assigned slots is presented. Then, a method for developing a slot architecture from a specific set of user defined inputs is derived.
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Air Transport versus High-Speed Rail: From Physics to EconomicsGregorian, Hayk January 2019 (has links) (PDF)
Purpose - This bachelor thesis compares high-speed rail (HSR) transport with air transport. The investigation considers physical fundamentals, energy consumption, environmental impact, infrastructure and investment, market situations, passenger's selection criteria to choose transportation options, and overall economics. --- Methodology - The thesis combines an investigation of physical principles with a literature review. --- Findings - Steel wheels on steel rails show by far less rolling resistance to support the train's weight than drag due to lift (induced drag) to support the aircraft's weight. This leads to less energy consumption. HSR trains use electricity from an overhead line. Hence, the environmental impact of HSR also depends much on how the electricity is produced. Airplanes only need an air traffic control environment to connect airports. In contrast, HSR needs infrastructure to connect stations. The amount of necessary infrastructure depends on the geological conditions. For example, crossing mountains means high investment. Longer passages over water are infeasible for HSR. High-speed rail is superior to air transport when connecting megacities because the trains have higher transport capacity, offer higher service frequencies and mission reliability, shorter total travel time, shorter access time to stations, shorter unproductive waiting time in stations and potentially lower travel costs. HSR is a strong competitor to airline services and has replaced some short range flights. A comparison of HSR in different world regions shows differences in the market situation and in passenger's selection criteria for transportation options. --- Research limitations - The potential of high-speed rail was investigated mainly on busy routes with high service frequencies. A comprehensive network comparison between high-speed trains and airplanes was not done and could lead to somewhat different results. --- Practical implications - The report tries to contribute arguments to the discussion about alternatives to air travel. --- Social implications - With more knowledge people can make an educated choice between transport options, can vote with their feet, and can take a firm position in the public discussion. --- Originality/value - A general comparison of HSR and air transport from physical fundamentals to economics seemed to be missing.
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Tower? Yes, plane? : En kvalitativ studie av fjärrstyrd flygledningsmiljö / Tornet? Ja, planet? : En kvalitativ studie av fjärrstyrd flygledningsmiljöBlagojevic, Dragoljub, Juliano, Jenny January 2022 (has links)
En modernisering av Air Traffic Management pågår för att hållbart hantera den förutsedda ökningen av flygtrafik fram till år 2035. Som en del av denna modernisering har Saab AB utvecklat en produkt, “Digital Tower”, som möjliggör att flygtorn kan fjärrstyras genom ett system av kameror. I syfte om att öka kunskap kring flygledarnas behov och flygsäkerhet i takt med ökad mängd flygtrafik, har denna studie undersökt den kognitiva belastningen inom den operativa miljön av en Digital Tower som är i bruk. I dess nuvarande form har interaktiva gränssnitt inom arbetsmiljön begränsad flexibilitet och anpassningsmöjligheter. Frågeställningen har därför ställts kring hur dessa begränsade anpassningsmöjligheter påverkar flygledares arbete och samarbete. Studien har utgått ifrån en kvalitativ metodik, en contextual inquiry med observationer och intervjuer i kontext där arbetet skedde. Analysen gjordes utifrån Distributed Cognition som teoretiskt ramverk, vilket möjliggjorde en analys av den distribuerade kognitionen mellan aktörer och hur de brukar artefakter inom kontexten. Studiens slutsats är att gränssnittets begränsade anpassningsmöjligheter påverkar den kognitiva belastningen negativt, men anses inte som ett hinder för flygledarnas arbete. Eftersom den centraliserade arbetsmiljön har en stark närvaro av kollegor, har resultatet blivit att kollegorna kan kompensera för gränssnittets brister och avlasta i situationer av hög arbetsbelastning. / An ongoing modernization of Air Traffic Management is in effect to keep up with the forecasted increase in air traffic by 2035. As a part of this modernization a product was developed by Saab AB to control air traffic from remote control towers with a system of cameras, called “Digital Tower”. With the purpose of increasing the knowledge about the needs of Air Traffic Controllers and general flight safety with increased amount of flight traffic, this study researched the cognitive load within the operative Digital Tower environment in service. Currently the interactive interface within the work environment has limited flexibility and possibilities for adaptation. The study has therefore answered the question about how these limited adaptations affect the Air Traffic Controllers work and collaboration between them. The study has used qualitative methods in order to answer the question, by using a contextual inquiry which includes observations and interviews of the Air Traffic Controllers in their context. The result was analyzed by using Distributed Cognition theory, which made it possible to analyze the distributed cognition between people and artifacts within the context. The conclusion of the study is that the limited adaptations of the interface negatively affects the cognitive load, but has not been identified as a crucial interference for the Air Traffic Controllers. The centralized work environment has a strong presence of colleagues, which has led to the colleagues compensating for the limited interface by physically unburden the workload in critical situations.
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A SIMD Approach To Large-scale Real-time System Air Traffic Control Using Associative Processor and Consequences For Parallel ComputingYuan, Man 01 October 2012 (has links)
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