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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ventilation i flerbostadshus- hur fungerar den ur ett fuktperspektiv? / Ventilation in apartment buildings- how does it work in a moisture perspective?

Israelsson, Simon, Hallgren, Anton January 2018 (has links)
För att skapa ett bra inomhusklimat i flerbostadshus ställs höga krav på ventilationssystemet för att ta hand om den fukt som skapas. Det finns således anledning att undersöka om Boverkets byggreglers krav för minsta luftflöde är tillräckligt ur fuktsynpunkt. Syftet är att uppmärksamma problem med ökande fukttillskott i nyproducerade flerbostadshus vilket skulle kunna förändra projekteringen av ventilation i framtiden. För att kunna undersöka om Boverkets byggreglers krav är tillräckligt ur fuktsynpunkt analyseras relativ fuktighet och fukttillskott i fyra flerbostadshus i Jönköping. Det framgår att flera lägenheter erhöll höga värden för fukttillskott och relativ fuktighet vilket kan skada byggnaden och påverka människors hälsa. Boverkets byggreglers krav för minsta luftflöde var otillräckligt ur fuktsynpunkt i flera av de undersökta flerbostadshusen. / To create a good indoor climate in apartment buildings, high demands are made on the ventilation system to take care of the moisture that is created. There is therefore reason to investigate if Boverket, the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning, requirements for minimum airflow are sufficient from a moisture point of view. The purpose is to rise awareness about increasing additional moisture in newly built apartment buildings, which could change the project planning of ventilation systems in the future. In order to investigate whether requirements of the Boverket building regulations are sufficient from a moisture point of view, relative humidity and additional moisture were analyzed in four apartment buildings in Jönköping. Several apartments received high values of additional moisture and relative humidity which could damage the building and affect human health. The requirements of Boverket building regulations for minimum airflow should therefore be reviewed.

Zjednodušené počítačové modely prvků pro distribuci vzduchu / Simplified computer models of elements for an air distribution

Mishuk, Aliaksandra January 2018 (has links)
The goal of this master thesis is to create a simplified model of an actual swirl diffuser using CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) simulation, so that it would be easy to calculate (would have a simple geometry, a proper mesh and would enable quick definition of the model’s boundary conditions) and would also create an airflow pattern in space as close to reality as possible. In the process a CFD model with a certain geometry was created. Subsequently, various model settings were tested. Calculation results were compared with the results of the experimental measurement done using the PIV method.

CFD simulace proudění vzduchu v kabině automobilu / CFD simulation of air flow inside a car cabin

Kučera, Cyril January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with CFD simulating the air flow inside the car using the numerical calculation program Star-CCM+. The aim of the thesis was to prepare 3D geometry, resp. realistic model of the real car, preparing boundary conditions including material properties, simulating the steady state of the environment and evaluating the speed and temperature of the car cabin. The paper presents the results of the temperature distribution and air velocities in the cabin during the winter, spring and summer conditions in HVAC on and HVAC off modes. The monitored air temperatures and surface temperatures of the car parts are compared with the measured data. The average difference between simulation and measurement was at air temperatures of 2.3 °C and surface temperatures of 3.4 °C.

Vélocimétrie par suivi 3D de particules pour la caractérisation des champs thermo-convectifs dans le bâtiment / Three-dimensional particle tracking velocimetry for the study of thermal convection airflow in buildings

Fu, Sijie 31 October 2016 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est de réaliser une étude approfondie sur la vélocimétrie par suivi 3D de particules (3D Particle Tracking Velocimetry, 3D PTV) pour l'air intérieur convective thermique. Ce travail se concentre principalement sur l'étude de la littérature, l'évaluation des performances des algorithmes de mesure de la 3D PTV, et l'étude expérimentale pour l'air intérieur convective thermique en utilisant la technologie 3D PTV. Tout d'abord, la technologie 3D PTV typique et ses principales applications précédentes pour l'étude de d'air intérieur sont examinés. Ensuite, les performances de différents algorithmes de mesure de la 3D PTV sont évalués numériquement et expérimentalement. Deux sections se compose de cette partie, on est de comparer les performances de mesure de l'algorithme de PIV typique et l'algorithme de 3D PTV, une autre est de comparer les performances des sept algorithmes complets de 3D PTV. Enfin, sur la base de l'analyse présentée dans la thèse, l'étude expérimentale de l'écoulement d'air intérieur généré par la méthode de ventilation mélange est réalisée / The objective of this thesis is to conduct a comprehensive study on 3D Particle Tracking velocimetry (PTV) for thermal convective indoor airflow. This work mainly concentrates on the literature survey, the performance evaluation of 3D PTV measurement algorithms, and the experimental investigation for thermal convective indoor airflow using 3D PTV measurement technology. First, typical 3D PTV technology and its main previous applications for indoor airflow study are carefully reviewed. Then, the performances of different 3D PTV measurement algorithms are evaluated numerically and experimentally. Two sections consist of this part, one is to compare the measurement performances of typical PIV algorithm and 3D PTV algorithm, another is to compare the performances of seven complete 3D PTV algorithms. Last, based on the analysis in the thesis, the experimental investigation for indoor airflow generated by mixing ventilation method is conducted

La ventilation nasale du nouveau-né : études cliniques d'anomalies congénitales, modélisations numériques de l'écoulement et du réchauffement de l'air / Neonatal nasal breathing : clinical studies of congenital abnormalities, numerical modeling of airflow and air-conditioning

Moreddu, Éric 07 December 2018 (has links)
La ventilation nasale est vitale pour le nouveau-né, respirateur nasal exclusif. Le tiers antérieur des fosses nasales peut être modifié par une sténose congénitale de l’orifice piriforme, tandis leur partie postérieure peut être fermée par une atrésie choanale uni ou bilatérale ou par des lésions du nasopharynx.Les simulations numériques permettent d’analyser l’écoulement et le conditionnement de l’air en contournant les limites techniques et éthiques rencontrées in vivo. Devant la rareté des données dans la littérature, une étude de faisabilité a été nécessaire et concluante : les modèles numériques sont qualitativement proches de la réalité. Un travail sur les conditions physiologiques chez le nouveau-né a ensuite été réalisé, avec une méthodologie retravaillée. La reconstruction tridimensionnelle des fosses nasales est possible dès la naissance. La création d’une sphère centrée sur la pointe du nez, éloignant le domaine d’entrée de la zone d’intérêt, a permis d’analyser le rôle du tiers antérieur des fosses nasales.La valve nasale joue un rôle majeur en inspiration : perte de charge, accélération, guidage des flux et réchauffement de l’air. Les trois quarts du réchauffement ont lieu en amont du cornet inférieur. Une obstruction nasale entraîne une réduction des vitesses et une augmentation des températures de l'air. La simulation de l’inspiration d’air à 0°C a permis de constater que les fosses nasales permettent d’amortir les effets du refroidissement de l’air extérieur.Ce travail constitue une première approche de la physiologie de la ventilation nasale du nouveau-né par modélisation numérique, indispensable à la compréhension de la pathologie nasale néonatale. / Nasal breathing is essential for the newborn, exclusive nasal breather. The anterior third of the nasal fossae may be modified by a congenital stenosis of the pyriform aperture, while their posterior part may be closed by unilateral or bilateral choanal atresia.Numerical simulations are a good means to analyze airflow and air-conditioning: they circumvent the technical and ethical limits encountered in vivo. Given the rarity of available data in the literature, a feasibility study was necessary and was conclusive: numerical models are qualitatively close to reality. A work on the physiological conditions in newborns was conducted, using refined methodology. The three-dimensional reconstruction of the nasal fossae is possible from birth. The creation of a sphere centered on the tip of the nose, moving the boundary conditions away from the area of interest, made it possible to analyze the role of the anterior third od the nasal fossae.The nasal valve plays a major in inspiration: it is a zone of pressure loss, acceleration, flow guidance and air warming. Three-fourths of the warming takes place upstream the inferior turbinate. A partial nasal obstruction modifies these results with lower velocities and higher temperature of the air. The simulation of the inspiration of cold air (0°C) has shown that the nasal fossae can dampen, without canceling, the effects of air cooling. This work is a first approach to the physiology of nasal ventilation of the newborn by numerical modeling, which is essential to the understanding of neonatal nasal pathology.

A new generation of hospital operating room ventilation

Sadeghian, Parastoo January 2020 (has links)
Surgical site infection is responsible for 38 percent of reported infections after surgery. This infection increases mortality and treatment costs, and prolongs the hospitalization of patients. Bacteria-carrying particles are the main cause of surgical site infection and one of the main sources of these particles is skin fragments released from the surgical personnel during an ongoing surgery. Ventilation systems reduce the concentration of bacteria-carrying particles by supplying clean air in the operating room. The performance of operating room ventilation systems is affected by internal disruptions such as medical equipment, surgical lamps, number of staff and their behaviour during the surgery. Using computational fluid dynamics, this thesis investigates the airflow behaviour and distribution of the contamination in the operating room under the presence of various internal disruptions. In this regard, three common ventilation systems are considered: laminar airflow, turbulent mixing and temperature-controlled airflow ventilations. This study tries to overcome the weaknesses of the ventilation systems by providing sustainable solutions and continuously being in contact with design companies. It is common to use warming blankets to prevent reduction in the core body temperature of the patient during major surgeries. However, there is a major concern that these blankets disrupt the supplied airflow, which results in rising contaminant concentration. Most of the studies about warming blankets are clinical works and it is still not clear whether or not these blankets should be used. The results of the present study show that using warming blankets had no impact on increase of contamination level at the surgical zone. However, one common type of warming blanket – a forced-air warming blanket – can considerably increase the concentration of bacteria-carrying particles at the wound area if it becomes contaminated. The simulated results of the airflow field and particle tracking showed that the laminar airflow ventilation system was disturbed more easily by the local heat loads than overall heat loads in the operating room. Surgical lamps are considered as an obstacle in the supplied airflow path. These lamps create a stagnant area above the operating table and increase the contamination level. In this regard, a novel design of surgical lamp, a fan-mounted surgical lamp, was introduced to operating rooms.This device was used in the operating rooms equipped with laminar airflow and mixing ventilation system. The simulated results revealed that this lamp significantly reduced the contamination level at the operating table. Visualization techniques were adopted to teach and improve the understanding of surgical personnel about transmission of contaminated particles in operating rooms. Here, a virtual and augmented reality interface was used to visualize the impact of differences in ventilation principle, surgical staff constellation and work practice. / Infektioner relaterade till kirurgiskt ingrepp utgör 38 % av rapporterade infektioner efter operation. Dessa infektioner ökar dödligheten och behandlingskostnaderna samt förlänger patienternas sjukhusvistelse. Bakteriebärande partiklar är den främsta orsaken till infektion vid kirurgi. Huvudkällan till dessa partiklar är hudfragment som frigörs från kirurgisk personal under en pågående operation. Genom att tillföra ren luft via ventilationssystemet kan koncentrationen av baktebärande partiklar i operationssalen minskas. Ventilationssystemets förmåga att ventilera salen påverkas av föremål som stör luftströmmen, som exempel medicinsk utrustning, kirurgiska lampor samt av närvarande personal och deras beteende under operationen. Med avancerade numeriska strömningsberäkningar undersöks i denna avhandling luftflöden och fördelningen av föroreningar i operationssalen under inverkan av sådana störningar. Tre olika ventilationssystem inkluderas. Ett för laminärt luftflöde, ett för turbulent omblandning och ett för temperaturreglerad luftströmning. I studien kartläggs ventilationssystemens funktion och relevansen prövas i ett kontinuerligt samarbete med tillverkande industri. Användning av värmefiltar förekommer under större operationer för att hålla patientens kroppstemperatur stabil. Det finns emellertid en stor oro för att dessa filtar stör det tillförda luftflödet och därmed ökar föroreningsnivån. En vanlig typ av värmefilt med forcerad varmluft kan om den är förorenad avsevärt öka koncentrationen av bakteriebärande partiklar i sårområdet. De flesta undersökningar om värmande filtar är kliniska studier och det är fortfarande inte helt klarlagt i vilken mån och hur dessa filtar skall användas. Denna studie visar emellertid att användning av värmefiltar inte påverkar föroreningsnivån i den kirurgiska zonen. Gjorda datorsimuleringar av luftflödesfältet och partikelspårning visar att det laminära ventilationsflödet lättare störs av lokala värmebelastningarna än av generella värmebelastningar i operationssalen. Kirurgiska lampor betraktas som hinder i en planerad luftflödesväg. Lampor kan skapa en stillastående luftmassa ovanför operationsbordet och därmed öka föroreningsnivån. För detta introduceras en ny design av kirurgisk lampa, en fläktmonterad kirurgisk lampa för operationsrum, utrustade med laminärt luftflöde och omblandning. Simulerade resultat visar att denna nya kirurgiska lampa signifikant minskar föroreningsnivån vid operationsbordet. Visualiseringsteknik användes i denna studie för att förbättra förståelsen hos kirurgisk personal om hur förorenade partiklar kan spridas i operationssalen. Med ett virtuellt och förstärkt gränssnitt visualiserades föroreningshalter i rumsluften då olika typer av ventilationssystem användes. Visualiseringen visar också hur kirurgigruppens storlek och arbetsställning under operation påverkar spridningen av föroreningar. / <p>QC 20201103</p>

Modeling of Indoor Environment and Ammonia Emission, Distribution, and Dispersion Within and From Manure-Belt Layer Houses

Tong, Xinjie 08 July 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Reducing Airflow Energy Use in Multiple Zone VAV Systems

Tukur, Ahmed Gidado 08 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.

The impact of the wet dyeing process on the environmental sustainability : A case study of IKEA and their usage of water, energy and chemicals

Abrahamsson, Paulina, Johannesson, Maja January 2022 (has links)
Background: As a company it is more important than ever to consider the environmental sustainability aspect within the whole supply chain and all the stakeholders. Studies show that people's concerns about environmental sustainability increases and will continue to grow in the future. The wet dyeing process is the part of the textile production that consists of liquor and contains three main steps which are pretreatment, coloration and finishing. This process is presented as the most water, energy and chemicals consuming process within the textile industry and because of that, it is important to investigate it to be able to improve the environmental sustainability.  Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to increase the understanding of IKEA’s suppliers' current usage of water, energy and chemicals within the wet dyeing process. Followed by an identification of opportunities for improvements in the wet dyeing process, aiming to become more environmentally sustainable.  Method: Through interviews with two suppliers, information regarding IKEA’s current wet dyeing processes will be collected. After that, data from relevant theoretical sources will be collected to analyze possible improvements of methods and colorants that can be relevant for IKEA as well as other companies within the textile industry to implement.  Conclusion: For research question 1, the researchers reach the conclusion that IKEA’s supplier number one has a more environmentally sustainable wet dyeing process compared to the second supplier.. A conclusion is nevertheless drawn that improvements within both suppliers wet dyeing processes should be considered to become more environmentally sustainable. For research question 2, the researchers come to the conclusion that Spray dyeing is the best alternative method to implement for improving environmental sustainability within the wet dyeing process. The researchers also recommend companies to actively become a part of the development of bacterial colorants, the future of coloration.

Lung function by plethysmography : a new method in Vietnam for asthma diagnosis / La pléthysmographic : une nouvelle méthode d’exploration fonctionnelle au Vietnam pour le diagnostic de l’asthme

Lê Tuan, Thành 22 September 2015 (has links)
La fréquence de l’asthme augmente au Vietnam, mais les moyens de diagnostic et d’évaluation fonctionnelle sont limités. Une étude précédente utilisant la technique des oscillations forcées a montré une différence de résistance des voies aériennes entre enfants français et vietnamiens à l’âge de 10 ans mais pas à 6 ans. Si l’hypothèse d’une différence ethnique significative est correcte, alors des différences semblables devraient aussi exister à l’âge adulte. Pour tester l’hypothèse, une étude par pléthysmographie a été mise en place pour mesurer la résistance des voies aériennes et la résistance spécifique des voies aériennes chez de jeunes adultes sains en France et au Vietnam. Nous avons profité de l’étude pour établir des valeurs de référence pour les volumes pulmonaires dans ces populations. La résistance des voies aériennes est significativement plus grande chez les sujets vietnamiens que chez les caucasiens, mais il n’y a aucune différence de résistance spécifique des voies aériennes. Au final, l’étude ne montre pas de différence de calibre des voies aériennes normalisé pour le volume pulmonaire liée l’ethnie, à l’âge adulte. La taille debout est le facteur prédictif le plus important pour la capacité pulmonaire totale, tandis que l’ethnicité est un facteur important pour la capacité vitale et le rapport du volume résiduel à la capacité pulmonaire totale. Cette étude est la première qui fournit des valeurs de référence pour la résistance des voies aériennes, la résistance spécifique des voies aériennes et les volumes pulmonaires par pléthysmographie chez l’adulte vietnamien. La pléthysmographie a été validée à Hanoi et l’étude a permis la formation d’un nouveau groupe de travail sur le diagnostic et la prise en charge de l’asthme au Vietnam / Despite the increasing prevalence of asthma in Viet Nam, the country has limited means for respiratory function testing. A previous study using the forced oscillation technique suggested lower respiratory resistance between French and Vietnamese children at 10 years but not 6 years of age. If the hypothesis of a significant ethnic difference in airway caliber is correct, then similar differences should exist at adult age. To test the hypothesis, a plethysmographic study was set up to measure airway resistance and specific airway resistance in healthy young adults in France and Viet Nam. We took advantage of the study to provide reference values for lung volume in these populations. Airway resistance is significantly larger in Vietnamese than in Caucasians but there is no difference in specific airway resistance. Altogether the study does not support the consequence of a putative ethnic difference in childhood airway caliber on airway resistance normalized for lung volume at adult age. The standing height is the best predictor of the total lung capacity, while ethnicity is an important predictor of vital capacity and of the residual volume to total lung capacity ratio. This is the first study which provides reference values for airway resistance, specific airway resistance and lung volumes by plethysmography in healthy young Vietnamese adults. Plethysmography was validated in the north of Viet Nam, and the study allowed initiating a young working group on asthma diagnosis in Vietnam

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