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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Obecné nauky římskoprávních služebností / The Theory of Roman Law Servitudes

Šejdl, Jan January 2014 (has links)
Servitudes represent a fundamental part of private law and legal relations stemming therefrom. Their origins may be traced back to the very beginning of private law as well as to the depth of Roman law. This also characterizes the nature of servitudes in their oldest form which later develops and changes greatly. The thesis answers the fundamental question of the system of Roman law servitudes as well as their place in the overarching Roman law and their inner structure. Additionaly, attention is brougt to the manner of inception and termination of servitudes which differs according to the type of servitude, the geographical area or historical period. Lastly, the thesis focuses on the protection of servitudes, generally the most common concept in Roman law. The protection of servitudes is being achieved either throurgh bringing an action or through instruments of extraordinary magistrates, such as interdicts. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Natureza, aliena??o e capitalismo em Marx: uma cr?tica da sustentabilidade

Santos, Ronaldo Alencar dos 18 March 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-05-31T19:59:13Z No. of bitstreams: 1 RonaldoAlencarDosSantos_TESE.pdf: 1285571 bytes, checksum: b0b1d96b2288b6160ed46f48e2b0786f (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-06-01T19:06:16Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 RonaldoAlencarDosSantos_TESE.pdf: 1285571 bytes, checksum: b0b1d96b2288b6160ed46f48e2b0786f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-01T19:06:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RonaldoAlencarDosSantos_TESE.pdf: 1285571 bytes, checksum: b0b1d96b2288b6160ed46f48e2b0786f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-18 / Entende-se, a partir de uma pesquisa de cunho te?rico, que a degrada??o ambiental produzida pelo homem na atualidade est? indissociavelmente ligada a uma forma de organiza??o social espec?fica: o modo de produ??o capitalista. A partir da compreens?o da sociedade capitalista, ou seja, uma forma de sociedade cuja organiza??o das rela??es sociais ocorre a partir do modo de produ??o capitalista, e na perspectiva da rela??o de apropria??o e mercadoriza??o da natureza, deve-se buscar os meios te?ricos h?beis para explicar como o processo de degrada??o do meio ambiente natural se constitui no interior deste sistema. Sob tal perspectiva, questiona-se: ? poss?vel explicar atrav?s do materialismo hist?rico dial?tico, o modo como, dentro de sua necess?ria apropria??o da natureza, a produ??o capitalista se torna produtora da degrada??o ambiental? At? que ponto este processo social de destrui??o ambiental pode ser considerado uma condi??o inerente ao desenvolvimento do pr?prio sistema capitalista? Para alcan?ar tais respostas, utilizamos como instrumentos te?ricos de an?lise os conceitos de metabolismo social e aliena??o, retirados da teoria marxista, propondo ao final uma abordagem conceitual como forma de contribui??o ? compreens?o dial?tica sobre os atuais problemas ambientais. Defende-se a hip?tese da exist?ncia de uma estrutura de aliena??o, decorrente da rela??o do homem com a natureza, produzida no interior da produ??o capitalista, que ter? como conseq??ncia a implica??o desta rela??o numa separa??o, num n?vel ontol?gico, entre o homem a consci?ncia de sua esp?cie. No interior deste sistema, o homem encontra-se alienado do meio natural onde vive e de sua pr?pria natureza. Em consequ?ncia deste distanciamento estrutural, um tra?o peculiar da aliena??o capitalista se destaca, manifesto no ato de que o homem somente reconhecer? o meio ambiente atrav?s de sua exterioriza??o na forma de mercadoria, e conforme esta se encontra inserida dentro da l?gica do consumo. / From a theoretical research, this work defends the idea that the environmental degradation produced by man today, is inextricably linked to a form of social organization: the capitalist mode of production. Understanding the capitalist society as a form of society whose organization of social relations occurs from the capitalist mode of production, and by investigating the way of the appropriation and commodification of nature relationship, the explanation for destruction environmental must be find, our goal with this work. Under this point, the question is: is it possible to explain, through the dialectical historical materialism, how, within its necessary appropriation of nature, capitalist production becomes producer of environmental degradation? The environmental destruction could be considered a condition inherent in the development of own capitalist system? To achieve these answers, we use as an analytical theoretical tools the concepts of social metabolism and alienation, derived from Marxist theory, proposing to end a conceptual approach as a contribution to the dialectic understanding of the current environmental problems. It defends the hypothesis of the existence of a disposition of structure resulting from man?s relationship with nature, produced within the capitalist mode of production, which will lead to the implication of this relationship in a separation, a ontological level, between man and awareness of its kind. Within this system, the man is alienated from the natural environment where they live, and from his own nature. As a result of structural distance, the peculiar feature of capitalist alienation comes up, manifest in the fact that man will recognize the environment only through its manifestation in the form of merchandise entered into the logic of consumption.

O marketing: uma an?lise a partir da cr?tica da economia pol?tica

Silva, Danne Vieira 18 April 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Raniere Barreto (raniere.barros@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-04-18T17:45:17Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) danne_vieira_silva.pdf: 1185622 bytes, checksum: 3e3cd82acdf6dac1c8071503f113b0f1 (MD5) / Rejected by Rodrigo Martins Cruz (rodrigo.cruz@ufvjm.edu.br), reason: Inserir keywords , uma em cada campo. UFVJM n?o ? ag?ncia financiadora. on 2018-04-20T14:33:48Z (GMT) / Submitted by Raniere Barreto (raniere.barros@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-05-15T17:52:52Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) danne_vieira_silva.pdf: 1185622 bytes, checksum: 3e3cd82acdf6dac1c8071503f113b0f1 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Martins Cruz (rodrigo.cruz@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-05-15T19:26:31Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) danne_vieira_silva.pdf: 1185622 bytes, checksum: 3e3cd82acdf6dac1c8071503f113b0f1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-15T19:26:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) danne_vieira_silva.pdf: 1185622 bytes, checksum: 3e3cd82acdf6dac1c8071503f113b0f1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017 / A ideologia da classe dominante no atual modo de produ??o ao preencher a totalidade da vida dos indiv?duos lan?a expedientes que visam manter o status hegem?nico, assim, o faz lan?ando cotidianamente expedientes alienantes. Dessa forma, a burguesia imprime sua idiossincrasia sobre o mundo, falseando o pr?prio movimento real para legitimar a sociabilidade capitalista e seu padr?o de acumula??o de riquezas. Portanto, a extrema capacidade produtiva que elevou quantitativamente a fabrica??o de mercadorias, implicou numa nova sociabilidade consoante a tais ditames. Portanto, a sociedade da produ??o em massa, de maneira paradoxal, implicou na consolida??o de uma sociedade de consumo em massa que fizesse a demanda equiparar com a oferta. Nesse contexto surge o marketing como uma ferramenta de direcionamento do consumo atrav?s do est?mulo das demandas individuais ou da exacerba??o das necessidades. Para isso conta com uma s?rie de ide?logos, cuja figura principal situa-se em Philip Kotler, se valem de todo um arcabou?o ret?rico que justifique a exist?ncia n?o apenas do marketing, mas da pr?pria sociedade regida pela ordem do capital. Dessa maneira, a manipula??o se fez presente preenchendo todos os poros da vida cotidiana no tocante de potencializar e exaltar as particularidades do g?nero humano, direcionando-os para o consumismo. Nesse sentido, a presente disserta??o tem como objetivo apreender a an?lise dessa disciplina mercadol?gica sob a perspectiva do m?todo cient?fico da Cr?tica da Economia Pol?tica no sentido de encontrar elementos que comprovem de que essa ferramenta ? uma importante aliada na acumula??o capitalista na particularidade do capitalismo monopolista tardio. / Disserta??o (Mestrado Profissional) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Tecnologia, Sa?de e Sociedade, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2017. / The ideology of the ruling class in the present mode of production in filling the totality of the life of the individuals launches expedients that aim to maintain the hegemonic status, thus, it does it throwing daily files alienating. Thus, the bourgeoisie imprints its idiosyncrasy on the world, distorting the actual movement itself to legitimize capitalist sociability and its pattern of accumulation of wealth. Therefore, the extreme productive capacity that quantitatively elevated the manufacture of commodities implied a new sociability according to such dictates. Therefore, the mass production society, in a paradoxical way, implied in the consolidation of a society of mass consumption that made the demand equate with supply. In this context, marketing appears as a tool for directing consumption by stimulating individual demands or exacerbating needs. For this he has a series of ideologues, whose main figure is in Philip Kotler, if they use a whole rhetorical framework that justifies the existence not only of marketing, but of society itself governed by the order of capital. In this way, manipulation became present filling all the pores of daily life in terms of potentializing and exalting the peculiarities of the human race, directing them towards consumerism. In this sense, this dissertation aims to understand the analysis of this market discipline from the perspective of the scientific method of the Critique of Political Economy in order to find evidence that this tool is an important ally in the capitalist accumulation in the particularity of late monopoly capitalism.

Právo stavby v českém a francouzském právu / Superficial Right of Construction in Czech and French Law

Srbová, Alena January 2016 (has links)
PRÁVO STAVBY V ČESKÉM A FRANCOUZSKÉM PRÁVU, 2015 Abstract (English) Superficial Right of Construction in Czech and French Law The Superficial Right of Construction is one of the new institutions of civil law after the entry into force of the new Czech Civil Code on January 1st , 2014. But the institute is not quite unknown to Czech law, because it was a part of it until 1964. This fact enables to compare the current legislation with the previous provisions and to follow up the development of the explored institute's concept, both in terms of the shift of its nature from public to private, as well as of its content. It is also possible to identify the characteristics of "new" Czech Superficial Right of Construction which reflect not only the development of law in the last fifty years in general, but also of a similar institute in other (European) countries. One of such an institute is undoubtedly French bail à construction, existing since 1964 which seems appropriate for comparison with Czech Superficial Right of Construction mainly due to its continual development and a fairly frequent practice use in its home country. Apart from the relation of Superficial Right of Construction to the Roman principle superficies solo cedit, identification of the expression and legal nature of the institute, excursion into...

Aliena??o e reifica??o na ind?stria cultural e internet

Goulart, Fabio 21 January 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:55:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 457488.pdf: 1595503 bytes, checksum: ba7c7724f61d9322204f052c70491628 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-01-21 / This dissertation has the general objective analyze how the process of alienation and reification happens from the cultural industry and internet, considering and presenting the respective differences and similarities. As specific objectives firstly will be presents the philosophical concepts of alienation and reification, secondly will be analyzed and traced the differences between the mass communication, cultural industry and internet. Thirdly will be presented the Kantian concept of enlightenment as antonym of alienation and reification studied here, after that, this investigation progresses to specific alienation strategies and democratization of the mass communication. Finally, will be realized the reflection regarding three scopes that bring us different ways to evaluate whether cultural industry and internet are clarifying or alienating the masses. Evidently this is a thematic dissertation that passes by several authors and texts, mainly on the internet are cited several extreme contemporary authors, but as a fundamental core have the following books: Dialectic of Enlightenment by Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer published in 1947, What is cultural industry by Teixeira Coelho published in 1980 and Critical Theory Cultural Industry by Rodrigo Duarte published in 2003. / Esta disserta??o tem como objetivo geral analisar como ocorrem os processos de aliena??o e reifica??o a partir da ind?stria cultural e da internet, considerando e apresentando as respectivas diferen?as e similitudes. Como objetivos espec?ficos em primeiro lugar ser?o apresentados os conceitos filos?ficos de aliena??o e reifica??o, em segundo lugar ser? analisado e tra?ado as diferen?as entre meios de comunica??o de massa, ind?stria cultural e internet. Em terceiro lugar ser? apresentado o conceito kantiano de esclarecimento como ant?nimo da aliena??o e reifica??o aqui estudadas, depois esta investiga??o progride para estrat?gias espec?ficas de aliena??o como o gatekeeping e as restri??es ? democratiza??o dos meios de comunica??o de massa. Por fim, ser? feita a reflex?o acerca de tr?s escopos que nos trazem maneiras distintas para avaliarmos se a ind?stria cultural e a internet est?o esclarecendo ou alienando as massas. Evidentemente esta ? uma disserta??o tem?tica que passa por diversos autores e textos, principalmente referente ? internet diversos autores de extrema contemporaneidade s?o citados, por?m como n?cleo fundamental temos os seguintes livros: Dial?tica do Esclarecimento de Theodor Adorno e Max Horkheimer publicado em 1947, O que ? ind?stria cultural de Teixeira Coelho publicado em 1980 e Teoria Cr?tica da Ind?stria Cultural de Rodrigo Duarte publicado em 2003.

Consci?ncia, ideologia e pobreza: sociabilidade humana e desigualdade social / Consciousness, ideology and poverty: human sociability and social inequality

Euz?bios Filho, Antonio 11 December 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:27:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Antonio Euzebios Filho.pdf: 831916 bytes, checksum: aca0707752a134b38b439c1f646c0d84 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-12-11 / Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas / This study comes from an established practice in a context marked by social inequality. The inclusion in a public school, located in Campinas, has been through by the project, From Risk to Protection", sponsored by CNPq. This is a project which one of the goals is to contribute to the empowerment of the networks of social support, with the focus children together in that institution school. In this context, from the professional performance in different areas (school, community and social assistance), we identified an understanding that blames the poor for the situation in which it finds itself. The objective of this work was to understand how social inequality influences the way of people perceive itself and the other, of different social segments. For the deepening of this analysis, interviews were conducted with two professionals of social assistance about the way that they perceive social inequality and life s condition of families assisted by the government. In addition, interviews were made with two children?s parents (of that school) on how to understand their living conditions and the social inequality. The interviews were conducted regarding the procedures of ethical research, from a semi-structured roadmap that sought address some issues relevant to this search. An intensive analysis of interviews helped constructed categories of directions that sought portraying the sense that the participants brought in their discourses. The participants related their trajectories with their professional paths of life, also understood the social inequality from the differences in living conditions of a population (inequality of income, access to services such as education and health, condition of housing, expectation of life, etc.). The individual characteristics have been taken like one of the mains causes of social inequality. The life s condition were perceived, by the participants, as result the presence or absence of a capable force inside, which were understood as enough to change the reality in which they live. The prospects for the future are limited to the prospects for immediate improvement of living conditions. The alternatives for improvement of living need of a structural analysis of reality, therefore, the participants were limited to the development of focal and individualized perspectives. / Este trabalho surge de uma pr?tica estabelecida em um contexto marcado pela desigualdade social. A inser??o em uma escola p?blica, situada em Campinas, deu-se por meio do projeto "Risco ? Prote??o", financiado pelo CNPq. Um dos objetivos do projeto ? contribuir para o fortalecimento das redes de apoio social, tendo como foco as crian?as acompanhadas na referida institui??o escolar. Neste contexto, da atua??o profissional nos diferentes espa?os (escola, comunidade e coordenadoria de assist?ncia social), identificou-se uma compreens?o que culpabiliza o pobre pela situa??o em que ele se encontra. O objetivo deste trabalho foi compreender como a desigualdade social interfere na maneira das pessoas perceberem a si mesmas e aos outros, de distintos segmentos sociais. Para tanto, foram realizadas entrevistas com duas t?cnicas da assist?ncia social sobre a forma como percebem a desigualdade social e as fam?lias assistidas pelos programas governamentais. Por outro lado, foram feitas entrevistas com dois pais de alunos (da referida escola) sobre como compreendem suas condi??es de vida e a desigualdade social. As entrevistas foram realizadas respeitando os procedimentos ?ticos de pesquisa, a partir de um roteiro semiestruturado que buscou abordar alguns temas relevantes para esta pesquisa. Uma an?lise intensiva das entrevistas permitiu extrair categorias de sentidos que buscaram retratar o sentido que os participantes traziam em suas an?lises. Os participantes relacionaram suas trajet?rias profissionais com suas trajet?rias de vida. Eles tamb?m compreenderam a desigualdade social a partir das diferen?as das condi??es de vida de determinada popula??o (desigualdade de renda, acesso ? servi?os como Educa??o e sa?de, condi??o de moradia, etc.). As caracter?sticas individuais foram tomadas como uma das principais causas da desigualdade social, ou seja, a condi??o de vida da pessoa ? compreendida como resultado da presen?a ou aus?ncia de uma for?a interna capaz, por si mesma, de modificar a realidade em que se vive. As perspectivas para o futuro limitam-se ?s perspectivas imediatas de melhoria das condi??es de vida. Os participantes ficaram limitados ? elabora??o de perspectivas de mudan?a social focais e individualizadas.

O processo de consci?ncia em um movimento de trabalhadores na luta pela sa?de / The consciousness process in a worker s moviment in a struggle for health

Silva, Daniel Luca Dassan da 18 February 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:28:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Daniel Luca Dassan da Silva.pdf: 1106848 bytes, checksum: 9232c511b07a82e054c85f25c9ac2bbf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-02-18 / Universidade Estadual Paulista J?lio de Mesquita Filho / The objective of the present research was to study the consciousness process in a labor movement involved in a struggle for health and also to study what the function of the group organization in this process is. The Association of Workers Exposed to Chemical Substances - AEWCS (Associa??o de Trabalhadores Expostos a Subst?ncias Qu?micas ATESQ) studied group in the research gathers contaminated ex-workers in the labor process in a manufacturing plant in the city of Paul?nia initially belonging to Shell. In order to better comprehend the study object, it is used a marxist basis, recognizing, therefore, that the social system which this association is inserted is marked by a class struggle dynamics, in which the workers have their labor explored by the owner of the production means. Alienation and Ideology were used as key elements to the analysis. in order to contextualize the studied group, it is presented the constitution of the theoretical field about the Workers Health and the history of struggles for public politics in this field in Brazil. with respect to the method, the research was oriented by the Dialectical Historical-Materialism and ethnographic inspiration technics were used, which the researcher observed and participated the group meetings in a period of 15 months. In the results are described a great variety of aspects observed in the field in order to subsidize the consciousness analysis, such as the factory experience, the group operation, the judicial process, the psychosocial consequences of contamination and the relation between the group and politics. The analysis indicates the procedural and conflicting nature of consciousness, confirming the literature. It is also sought to elucidate the effects of some elements in the consciousness process, such as the business discourse, the judicialization and the financialization as struggle goals. They are examples of elements that would behave as embarrassments to the workers organization to the development of the consciousness process. On the other hand it is reaffirmed the AEWCS s (ATESQ) role in he disideologization and in the disalienation of its members. Lastly it is presented a reflection about the different kinds of relations between the consciousness process and the suffering experienced by the workers. / A pesquisa teve com objetivo estudar como se da o processo de consci?ncia em um movimento de trabalhadores em luta por sa?de e qual o papel da organiza??o do grupo neste processo. A associa??o de Trabalhadores Expostos a subst?ncias Qu?micas (ATESQ) grupo estudado na pesquisa aglutina ex-trabalhadores contaminados no processo de trabalho em uma planta Fabril da cidade de Paul?nia inicialmente pertencente ? Shell. Para compreens?o do objeto de estudo, parte-se de um olhar marxista, reconhecendo, portanto, que o sistema social em que essa associa??o est? inserida, ? marcado por uma din?mica de luta de classes, na qual os trabalhadores t?m seu trabalho explorado pelos propriet?rios dos meios de produ??o. S?o usados como elementos chave para a an?lise a Aliena??o e Ideologia. Para contextualizar o grupo estudado, ? apresentada a constitui??o do campo te?rico da Sa?de do Trabalhador e um hist?rico das lutas por pol?ticas p?blicas na ?rea. Com rela??o ao m?todo, a pesquisa se orientou pelo Materialismo Hist?rico Dial?tico e utilizou uma t?cnica de inspira??o etnogr?fica, na qual o pesquisador acompanhou as reuni?es do grupo durante um per?odo de 15 meses. Nos resultados s?o descritos diversos aspectos observados no campo visando a subsidiar a an?lise da consci?ncia, tais como A viv?ncia na f?brica, o funcionamento do grupo ,o processo judicial as consequ?ncias psicossociais da contamina??o e a rela??o entre o grupo e a pol?tica. A an?lise indica o car?ter contradit?rio e processual da consci?ncia, corroborando a literatura. Tamb?m se busca elucidar o efeito de alguns elementos no processo de consci?ncia, como o discurso empresarial, a judicializa??o e a financeiriza??o como objetivos da luta, que s?o exemplos de elementos que funcionariam como empecilho ? organiza??o dos trabalhadores ao avan?o no processo de consci?ncia. Por outro lado, ? reafirmado o papel da ATESQ na desideologiza??o e na desaliena??o dos seus membros. Por fim ? apresentada uma reflex?o sobre as diferentes rela??es entre o processo de consci?ncia e o sofrimento vivido pelos trabalhadores.

Sujeito e consci?ncia: entre a aliena??o e a emancipa??o / Subject and consciousness: between alienation and emancipation

Euz?bios Filho, Antonio 27 October 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:29:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Antonio Euzebios Filho.pdf: 1170209 bytes, checksum: c26ecf893e6571179f4a2bb270dfef16 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-10-27 / Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas / This work aimed at examining aspects of class consciousness of people who are either beneficiary or are registered in programs of cash transfer. This study was conducted in a region of Campinas, which is marked by social inequality. In this scenario, we made contact with the participants through a university extension project, which develops activities in public institutions. Our research approach was a qualitative, constructive-interpretative methodology, based on dialectical and historical materialism. Interviews were conducted with eight women between 22 and 58 years. One is a "Renda Cidad?," beneficiary, five are "Bolsa Familia" beneficiaries and two are registered in the last program. Through the interpretation of interviews, we found that the sense of outrage is present in the consciousness of the participants. It is common knowledge that life is not easy and that we must improve it. But the challenge is to transform ideas into action. To achieve a better life - a job, a house, a better salary - the participants tend to prioritize the individual action to the collective ones. In some moments of their lives the participants were engaged in political movements, driven by affectivity. There are moments when the participants play a leading role, propose and carry out political actions in their community. At other times they passively expect the State to guarantee their rights. This contradictory movement between fatalism and claim is strengthened by an ideological confusion between what is considered right and what is considered a favor. The participants see their rights denied by the State, but consider the benefits as a government help. / Este trabalho buscou analisar aspectos da consci?ncia de classe de benefici?rios e cadastrados em programas de transfer?ncia de renda. Esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida em uma regi?o de Campinas, marcada pela desigualdade social. Nesse cen?rio, tomamos contato com as participantes, por meio de um projeto de extens?o universit?ria, que desenvolve atividades em institui??es p?blicas. Nossa pesquisa adotou uma metodologia qualitativa, construtivo-interpretativa, com base no materialismo hist?rico e dial?tico. Foram realizadas entrevistas com oito mulheres entre 22 e 58 anos, sendo uma benefici?ria do Renda Cidad?, duas cadastradas no Bolsa Fam?lia e cinco que recebem este ?ltimo benef?cio. Pela interpreta??o das entrevistas, pudemos constatar que o sentimento de indigna??o est? presente na consci?ncia das participantes. ? consenso que a vida n?o est? f?cil e que ? preciso melhor?-la. Mas o grande desafio ? transformar as ideias em a??o. Para alcan?arem melhores condi??es de vida - um emprego, uma casa, um sal?rio melhor - as participantes tendem a priorizar a a??o individual ? a??o coletiva. Envolveram-se em movimentos pol?ticos, movidas pela afetividade. Em alguns momentos, as participantes s?o protagonistas, prop?em e realizam a??es pol?ticas em suas comunidades. Em outros momentos aguardam, passivamente, o Estado garantir seus direitos. Esse movimento contradit?rio, entre o fatalismo e a reivindica??o, ? refor?ado por uma confus?o ideol?gica entre o que ? considerado direito e favor. Assim, as participantes veem seus direitos serem retirados pelo Estado, mas entendem os benef?cios como uma ajuda do governo.

Aliena??o parental : as falsas acusa??es e o efeito alienador na atua??o do Poder Judici?rio

Gauer, Patricia Inglez de Souza Machado 11 December 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2016-03-17T13:09:17Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_PATRICIA_INGLEZ_DE_SOUZA_MACHADO_GAUER_PARCIAL.pdf: 443681 bytes, checksum: a2a83e06da00d3706d345fe423c0ef4f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-17T13:09:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_PATRICIA_INGLEZ_DE_SOUZA_MACHADO_GAUER_PARCIAL.pdf: 443681 bytes, checksum: a2a83e06da00d3706d345fe423c0ef4f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-12-11 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / On the present paper it?s faced the question of Parental Alienation by a bibliographic review, elaborated from a multidisciplinary perspective, essential to the comprehension of the subject, added by a documental research of four concrete cases. After the first introduction chapter, it?s performed a brief analysis of the family. Starting by a historical perspective, it?s punctuated questions about the national legislation in regard the family, as well as the State?s intervention on the family plan. Finally, it?s elaborated an overview of family relationships conflicts and the family psychodynamics conflicts, approaching, more specifically, the unconscious contract on the couple relationship and the conflict?s influence on the well-being of the sons. On the third chapter, entering on the discussion about the Parental Alienation, it?s faced the problematics of the Parental Alienation Syndrome. Information?s about international?s diplomas and national legislation?s dispositions of children?s and adolescent?s protection are also exposed. After, we bring legal aspects of the Parental Alienation, especially the law n? 12.318/10 and the difficulties resulting from false accusations. On the fourth chapter, are described four judgements by Rio Grande do Sul?s Court of Justice in witch its noticed the existence of a criminal proceeding against one of the parents, which was established due to an accusation resulting from an context of family disaggregation, permeated by Parental Alienation acts. It?s studied the State?s intervention as a fact that, in some cases, especially when it?s determined the separation of parent and son, increases the Parental Alienation. In the last chapter, some considerations about the search of a reflection about what was faced in the paper are made, in order to, by the bibliographic review and by the analysis of the studied cases, conclude that the State can be an instrument of increasing Parental Alienation. / Na presente disserta??o ? abordada a quest?o da aliena??o parental mediante uma revis?o bibliogr?fica, realizada a partir de uma perspectiva multidisciplinar, essencial para a compreens?o do tema, aliada a uma pesquisa documental concernente a quatro casos concretos. Ap?s o primeiro cap?tulo introdut?rio, ? realizada uma breve an?lise acerca da fam?lia. Iniciando por uma perspectiva hist?rica, s?o pontuadas quest?es concernentes ? legisla??o p?tria no que diz respeito ? fam?lia, bem como ? interven??o estatal no ?mbito familiar. Por fim, ? constru?do um panorama dos conflitos na rela??o familiar e da psicodin?mica dos conflitos familiares, tratando, mais especificamente, do contrato inconsciente nas rela??es de casais e da influ?ncia dos conflitos no bem-estar dos filhos. No terceiro cap?tulo, adentrando na discuss?o a prop?sito da aliena??o parental, ? tratada a problem?tica da instaura??o da S?ndrome de Aliena??o Parental e s?o apresentadas informa??es relativas a diplomas internacionais e a dispositivos da legisla??o nacional de prote??o ? crian?a e ao adolescente. Posteriormente, s?o trazidos aspectos jur?dicos da aliena??o parental, com ?nfase na Lei n? 12.318/10 e nas dificuldades oriundas das falsas acusa??es. No quarto cap?tulo s?o descritos quatro julgados do Tribunal de Justi?a do Rio Grande do Sul, nos quais se percebe a exist?ncia de um processo penal em desfavor de um dos progenitores, instaurado em face de acusa??o oriunda de um contexto de desagrega??o familiar, permeado por atos de aliena??o parental. ? estudada, ainda, a interven??o do Estado como um fator que, em alguns casos, em especial quando determina o afastamento do genitor da prole, potencializa a aliena??o parental. Por fim, s?o tecidas algumas considera??es na busca de uma reflex?o tangente ao que foi abordado, de forma que, pela revis?o bibliogr?fica e pela an?lise dos casos estudados, conclui-se que o Estado pode acabar sendo um instrumento potencializador da aliena??o parental.

O conceito de trabalho na filosofia de Hegel e alguns aspectos de sua recep??o em Marx

Sch?fer, M?rcio Eg?dio 02 March 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:55:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 438145.pdf: 1105933 bytes, checksum: cbea879689be97b4c6cacf0097feda71 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-03-02 / This research aims to analyze the concept of work (Arbeit) in Hegel s philosophy, by emphasizing some aspects of its reception in Marx. In order to do so, in the first place, the argumentation focuses to explicit the place and the role of the concept of work in Hegel s system pointing out the problems that it aims to solve and the influence that Hegel has had to develop a concept of work in a positive sense, for which the modern world, especially the political economy, has a special contribution. Secondly, the concept of work is examined with the purpose to clarify the meaning of the classic Hegelian formulation according to which the work forms (bildet). This is analyzed in the sphere of the Subjective Spirit, which discusses the forming dimension of work in relation to the individual as well in the sphere of the Objective Spirit, in which the forming dimension of work in his relation to the humankind is cleared. Nevertheless, to clarify this dimension demands to revisit his speculative structure as it appears in the Logic. However, if the work assumes this forming dimension, Marx ads that can succeed the opposite, in other words, it can also deform the human being, and that appears under the heading of the negative face of work or of the problem of alienation. This point is examined in the third moment, which aims to explain the Hegelian treatment of this problem. Finally, on the basis of the arguments presented, this search intends to expose some arguments on which basis it is possible to think the actuality of the concept work. / A presente pesquisa procura analisar o conceito de trabalho (Arbeit) na filosofia de Hegel, enfatizando alguns aspectos de sua recep??o em Marx. Para tanto, em primeiro lugar, explicita-se o lugar e a fun??o do conceito de trabalho no sistema hegeliano, focando os problemas que pretende resolver e as influ?ncias que Hegel teve para desenvolver um conceito de trabalho numa acep??o positiva, para o que a Modernidade, especialmente a Economia Pol?tica, deu uma contribui??o especial. Em segundo lugar, investiga-se o conceito do trabalho com o prop?sito de esclarecer o significado da cl?ssica formula??o hegeliana segundo a qual o trabalho forma (bildet). Isso ? feito tanto na esfera do Esp?rito Subjetivo, em que se analisa a dimens?o formadora do trabalho em rela??o ao indiv?duo, como tamb?m na esfera do Esp?rito Objetivo, em que se esclarece a dimens?o formadora do trabalho em rela??o ao g?nero humano. Por?m, esclarecer essa dimens?o exige que se revisite a estrutura especulativa do trabalho tal como ela aparece na L?gica. Mas, se o trabalho assume esse papel de formador, Marx acrescenta que tamb?m pode se suceder o inverso, ou seja, pode ser deformador do ser humano, o que aparece sob a rubrica da face negativa do trabalho ou do problema da aliena??o. Isso ? investigado no terceiro momento, tentando explicitar o tratamento hegeliano desse problema. Por fim, com base na argumenta??o desenvolvida, busca-se expor alguns pontos com base nos quais ? poss?vel pensar a atualidade do conceito de trabalho.

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