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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Chemical Characterisation of Nitrocellulose

Aarseth Larsson, Kim January 2014 (has links)
Nitrocellulose is the main component in many types of ammunition, propellants and explosives. The principles of production for nitrocellulose have not changed much since the 19th century when it started being industrially produced for this purpose. The character of the nitrocellulose has a large effect on the end products abilities. The aim of this study was to develop a method that would be able to characterise and distinguish between nitrocellulose from different manufacturers to be able to relate the character of the nitrocellulose to the properties of ammunition, propellants and explosives. Samples were dissolved in acetone and analysed by GC/MS and data were then analysed by multivariable statistics. FTIR was also used to characterise the nitrocellulose. Results from both methods showed very small differences when chromatograms and spectra were analysed. This study shows that GC/MS and FTIR are not suitable for this type of characterisation. The differences between the data were not sufficient to be able to separate the samples from each other. / Nitrocellulosa är den viktigaste komponenten i många typer av ammunition, drivmedel och sprängämnen. Principerna för produktionen av nitrocellulosa har inte förändrats mycket sedan det börjades produceras industriellt för detta ändamål på 1800 talet. Karaktären av nitrocellulosa har en stor inverkan på slutproduktens egenskaper. Syftet med denna studie var att utveckla en metod som skulle kunna karaktärisera och skilja mellan nitrocellulosa från olika tillverkare för att kunna relatera karaktären av nitrocellulosa till egenskaperna hos ammunition, drivmedel och sprängämnen. Proverna löstes i aceton och analyserades med GC/MS och data analyserades med multivariabel statistik. FTIR användes också för att karakterisera nitrocellulosan. Resultaten för båda proverna visade mycket små skillnader när kromatogram och spektra analyserades. Denna studie visar att GC/MS och FTIR inte är lämpliga för denna typ av karaktärisering. Skillnaderna i data var inte tillräckliga för att kunna skilja proverna från varandra.

Propuesta de mejora en la eficacia de una Planta de fabricación de casquillos y balas de calibre 9x19 mm utilizando herramientas Lean / Proposal for improving the efficiency of a 9x19 mm caliber shell and bullet manufacturing plant using Lean tolos

Flores Campos, Harry Percy, Vilca Peralta, David Alejandro 13 November 2021 (has links)
Con base en el estudio del sector armamentístico, podemos definir la gestión de mantenimiento como uno de los problemas más relevantes dentro de su cadena de producción. La deficiente planificación y los errores en las entregas de pedidos a tiempo afectan en gran medida la eficacia de la empresa y su retorno de inversión. Por tal motivo, surge la necesidad de encontrar soluciones que permitan el crecimiento del sector armamentístico peruano y metalmecánico. La presente investigación propone una solución basada en las herramientas TPM y Spare Parts Management que permitirán una buena gestión del flujo de actividades de mantenimiento preventivo o correctivo, gestionar eficientemente el movimiento de los repuestos y su respectiva ubicación e inventarios en el proceso de ingreso de nuevos repuestos, eliminar los desperdicios innecesarios y controlar de manera óptima los repuestos de las máquinas. La empresa en estudio es una empresa con régimen estatal, pero con dirección privada, la cual presenta problemas en su gestión de mantenimiento, debido al exceso de paradas inesperadas y atascos, alta producción de productos no conformes y baja eficacia de producción de municiones a tiempo. Esta propuesta logró incrementar la eficacia de la producción de casquillos y balas en un 6.99% pasando de un 66.52% a 73.51%. / Based on the study of the arms sector, we can define maintenance management as one of the most relevant problems within its production chain. Poor planning and errors in order delivery on time greatly affect the efficiency of the company and its return on investment. For this reason, the need arises to find solutions that allow the growth of the Peruvian arms and metalworking sector. The present investigation proposes a solution based on the TPM and Spare Parts Management tools that will allow a good management of the flow of preventive or corrective maintenance activities, efficiently manage the movement of spare parts and their respective location and inventories in the process of entering new spare parts, eliminate unnecessary waste and optimally control machine spare parts. The company under study is a company with a state regime, but with private management, which presents problems in its maintenance management, due to the excess of unexpected stops and jams, high production of non-conforming products and low efficiency of ammunition production on time. . This proposal managed to increase the efficiency of the production of casings and bullets by 6.99%, going from 66.52% to 73.51%. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional


[pt] Os procedimentos de calibração de transdutores piezoelétricos, abordados pela base normativa de ensaios de munições leves, carecem de detalhes cruciais para assegurar a confiabilidade metrológica nas medições de pressão transiente dessas munições leves. Diante deste fato, cabe aos laboratórios, como requisito para a acreditação segundo a norma ISO/IEC 17025:2017, comprovarem a eficácia dos métodos empregados, sobretudo nas calibrações, o que motivou a realização do estudo. A abordagem metodológica baseou-se em pesquisas bibliográficas, documentais, experimentais e de laboratório, visando a coleta de dados conforme as etapas de avaliação dos métodos de calibração. Inicialmente realizou-se a avaliação de certificados de calibração de transdutores piezoelétricos, estudando, sobretudo, as características da regressão linear adotada pela base normativa nos procedimentos de calibração. Nesta etapa, a pesquisa propôs a adoção da incerteza do ajuste como parâmetro principal de avaliação de transdutores piezoelétricos, mostrando sua viabilidade em relação ao erro de linearidade. Em seguida, foi realizada a caracterização e modelagem da cadeia de medição de pressão transiente, composta por transdutor piezoelétrico e amplificador de carga. A modelagem permitiu a simulação de diferentes metodologias de calibração, resultando na previsão de erros, e proporcionando a avaliação da influência do amplificador de carga nas medições de pressão transiente. Por último, foram comparadas duas metodologias distintas de calibração, destacando a importância de sistemas automatizados de calibração para maior confiabilidade metrológica. / [en] The calibration procedures of piezoelectric transducers, addressed by the normative basis of small arms ammunition testing, lack crucial details to ensure metrological reliability in the transient pressure measurements of these small arms munitions. In view of this fact, it is up to the laboratories, as a requirement for accreditation according to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 standard, to prove the effectiveness of the methods used, especially in calibrations, which motivated the study. The methodological approach was based on bibliographic, documentary, experimental and laboratory research, aiming at data collection according to the stages of evaluation of calibration methods. Initially, the evaluation of calibration certificates of piezoelectric transducers was carried out, studying, above all, the characteristics of the linear regression adopted by the normative basis in the calibration procedures. At this stage, the research proposed the adoption of fit uncertainty as the main parameter for the evaluation of piezoelectric transducers, showing their feasibility in relation to linearity error. Then, the characterization and modeling of the transient pressure measurement chain, composed of a piezoelectric transducer and a charge amplifier, was performed. The modeling allowed the simulation of different calibration methodologies, resulting in the prediction of errors, and providing the evaluation of the influence of the charge amplifier on transient pressure measurements. Finally, two different calibration methodologies were compared, highlighting the importance of automated calibration systems for greater metrological reliability.

A muse of fire : British trench warfare munitions, their invention, manufacture and tactical employment on the Western Front, 1914-18

Saunders, Anthony James January 2008 (has links)
The emergence of static warfare on the Western Front in late 1914, encouraged the reinvention of devices associated with siege warfare and the invention of hitherto unknown munitions. These munitions included hand and rifle grenades and trench mortars and their ammunition. At the outbreak of war, the British effectively possessed none of these devices and lacked an infrastructure by which they could be quickly designed, manufactured and supplied to the BEF. The British met this challenge with considerable success and the subsequent proliferation of trench warfare munitions had profound consequences for the evolution of British tactics on the Western Front. This thesis examines the processes by which these devices were invented, developed into manufacturable devices and supplied to the BEF. It considers their novelty in respect to similar devices from the American Civil War and the Russo-Japanese War. It looks at how their technical evolution affected tactical developments. The thesis discusses the relationship between the technical characteristics of these devices and the evolution of their tactical employment on the Western Front. It also considers how the characteristics of certain munitions, such as the Stokes mortar and the Mills grenade, directly effected tactics. It argues that the tactical employment of these munitions was dependent upon their functionality, utility and reliability. The present thesis provides a different model of trench warfare conducted by the British during the First World War and thereby demonstrates the significance of the novel munitions under discussion and the role they played in changing infantry warfare. This thesis also provides a different view of the Ministry of Munitions from that usually offered and argues that certain aspects of the Ministry’s role in providing the BEF with munitions has been overstated by virtue of its having underplayed the work of the War Office, while overlooking that conducted by the Royal Engineers in France.

Försörjningstrygghet - I nationens intresse?

Onbiner, Fredrik, Sjölund, Magnus January 2019 (has links)
Att Försvarsmakten och våra soldater i alla händelser har ammunition till sina vapen kan tyckas vara en självklarhet. Men att skapa de mest optimala och kostnadseffektiva förutsättningarna för att trygga försörjningen av all denna ammunition är en utmaning. Addera därtill att försörjningslösningen ska fungera i både fred, kris och i krig. Den viktigaste slutsatsen är att Försvarsmakten saknar en adekvat försörjningstrygghet inom finkalibrig ammunitionsförsörjning. Den nuvarande försörjningslösningen har enligt författarna inte en sammansatt helhet, som bygger på en genomtänkt och riskanalyserad design, som kan säkerställa tillgången av ammunition i fred, kris och i krig. Författarna har valt att kvalitativt utreda om Försvarsmaktens nuvarande försörjningslösning för finkalibrig ammunition är robust och motståndskraftig. Med en induktiv ansats har författarna genomfört djupintervjuer med respondenter inom både Försvarsmakten, Försvarets materielverk och Försvarsberedningen. Resultaten analyseras därefter deduktivt mot en referensram bestående av forskning inom riskhantering i försörjningskedjan, single- och dubbelloopslärande och tvärfunktionellt arbetssätt. Resultatet av den empiriska analysen är genomgående samstämmigt och tydligt. Det finns övergripande strategier och verktyg för att skapa goda förutsättningar, men det finns ingen genomtänkt och riskanpassad design och helhetslösning för hur hela försörjningslösningen ska fungera i fred, kris och i krig. Författarna ger avslutningsvis ett antal rekommendationer till Försvarsmakten, vilka baseras på arbetets analys och slutsatser.

Transfert de polluants inorganiques dans un technosol de brûlage d’armes organo-arséniées soumis à un apport de matière organique et à des cycles de saturation/désaturation : expérimentation en mésocosme / Transfer of inorganic pollutants in a burning ground for organo-arsenical ammunition submitted to an input of organic matter and to saturation/desaturation cycles : a mesocosm study

Thouin, Hugues 15 December 2016 (has links)
La destruction par brûlage de munitions chimiques de la Première Guerre Mondiale a provoqué une contamination importante de la partie supérieure du sol du site de la Place-à-Gaz par l’arsenic, le zinc, le cuivre et le plomb. Le traitement thermique a eu pour effet de minéraliser l’As des agents de guerre organoarséniés, et de former un assemblage minéral inattendu composé d’arséniates de Zn, Cu et Fe, et d’une phase amorphe riche en Fe, As, Zn, Cu et Pb. Ce matériel amorphe est la principale phase porteuse de l’As et des métaux dans la zone la plus polluée. Le site est sujet à des changements environnementaux pouvant affecter la stabilité des contaminants inorganiques. Afin d’évaluer l’impact d’épisodes de saturation en eau et de l’apport de matière organique sur les cycles biogéochimiques des métaux et de l’As, une étude en mésocosme a été menée. Les résultats montrent que la phase amorphe est instable en conditions saturées, et libère des contaminants dans l’eau interstitielle du sol. Comme sur le site, les contaminants les plus mobiles sont le Zn et l’As. L’addition de matière organique a induit une immobilisation de l’As, par piégeage de l’As V sur les oxyhydroxydes de fer, dans la partie saturée du sol. La caractérisation du compartiment microbien a été effectuée via des dénombrements, une analyse de la diversité bactérienne et des tests d’activités d’oxydation de l’As III et de respiration et. Les résultats montrent que les microorganismes ont contribué activement au métabolisme du C et de l’As. L’apport de matière organique a promu la croissance des microorganismes As III-oxydants et As Vréducteurs et modifié la structure des communautés bactériennes. Cependant, un effet négatif de la matière organique sur la vitesse d’oxydation de l’As III a été observé, entrainant une augmentation des concentrations d’As III en solution. Cette étude en mésocosme a montré que le dépôt naturel de litière organique a des conséquences antagonistes sur le transfert des contaminants inorganiques. Ces résultats fournissent de plus amples informations sur l’impact environnemental de la Grande Guerre et, de façon plus générale, sur les processus biogéochimiques contrôlant le comportement des métaux/métalloïdes sur les sites pollués. / The thermal destruction of chemical munitions from World War I, on the site of “Place-à-Gaz”, induced intense local top soil contamination by arsenic and heavy metals. The heat treatment mineralized As from organoarsenic warfare agents, resulting in a singular mineral assemblage, composed of Zn, Cu and Fe arsenates and of an amorphous phase rich in Fe, As, Zn, Cu and Pb. The amorphous material was the principal carrier of As and metals in the central part of the site. The site undergoes environmental changes which may alter the stability of inorganic contaminants. To assess the impact of water saturation episodes and input of bioavailable organic matter on the biogeochemical cycles of metal(loid)s, a mesocosm study was conducted. Results showed that amorphous phase was instable in saturated conditions, and released contaminants in soil water. As previously observed on site, the most mobile contaminants were Zn and As. The addition of organic matter induced the immobilization of As by trapping of As V onto hydrous ferric oxides in the saturated soil. Microbial characterizations including counting, bacterial community structure, respiration, and determination of As IIIoxidizing activities were performed. Results showed that microorganisms actively contribute to the metabolisms of C and As.The addition of organic matter induced the increase of As III-oxidizing and As V-reducing microorganisms concentrations and modified the bacterial diversity. However, a negative effect of organic matter on the activity of As III oxidation was observed resulting in higher As III concentration in soil water. This study showed that the natural deposition of forest organic litter on the site, induced antagonist effects on the transfer of inorganic pollutants did not immobilize all the Zn and As and even contributed to As III transport to the surrounding environment. These results provide more information about the environmental impact of the Great War and more generally about the processes driving the behavior of metals/metalloids on polluted sites.

Quantification of potential elemental impact of a munitions production and testing facility on its immediate surroundings / Unique Janse van Rensburg

Janse van Rensburg, Unique January 2010 (has links)
The study attempted to quantify the elemental concentrations and possible accumulation levels in the antelope's organ tissue at Rheinmetal Denel Munitions (RDM), as well as to correlate the findings with the surrounding environment. To achieve this, the elemental concentrations within the kidney, liver and lung tissue of the antelope, and environmental factors such as the soil, vegetation and waterholes were quantified. STATISTICA was used to determine meaningful differences between variables and Canoco to determine the relationship between the different datasets. PCA analyses of the vegetation confirmed that the natural slope at RDM could have contributed to the distribution and variation of the elemental concentration. It became apparent that positive associations existed between the liver tissue and the K, the kidney tissue and Ni and Cd, and the lung tissue had a positive association with Mg, Mn, V, Rb and Co elemental concentrations. It became evident in this study that the elemental concentrations of Al and Ni were higher in the liver and kidney tissue of the antelope than the recommended concentration for livestock (Puls, 1994). The elemental concentration of Al, Ca, Fe and Mn also exceeded the recommended elemental concentration for livestock, in the water sampled at RDM (Puls, 1994). Four distinct areas were identified within the study area, the area above the factory, the area under the factory, the testing area and the area under the factory. Significant differences between the testing area and the area under the factory were found regarding the Tl, Ag, Hg and B elemental concentrations in the vegetation. Furthermore, it became apparent that the amount of precipitation could have contributed to the variation of the elemental concentrations and distribution in the study area as well as in the organ tissue of the antelope. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Environmental Science and Management))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Quantification of potential elemental impact of a munitions production and testing facility on its immediate surroundings / Unique Janse van Rensburg

Janse van Rensburg, Unique January 2010 (has links)
The study attempted to quantify the elemental concentrations and possible accumulation levels in the antelope's organ tissue at Rheinmetal Denel Munitions (RDM), as well as to correlate the findings with the surrounding environment. To achieve this, the elemental concentrations within the kidney, liver and lung tissue of the antelope, and environmental factors such as the soil, vegetation and waterholes were quantified. STATISTICA was used to determine meaningful differences between variables and Canoco to determine the relationship between the different datasets. PCA analyses of the vegetation confirmed that the natural slope at RDM could have contributed to the distribution and variation of the elemental concentration. It became apparent that positive associations existed between the liver tissue and the K, the kidney tissue and Ni and Cd, and the lung tissue had a positive association with Mg, Mn, V, Rb and Co elemental concentrations. It became evident in this study that the elemental concentrations of Al and Ni were higher in the liver and kidney tissue of the antelope than the recommended concentration for livestock (Puls, 1994). The elemental concentration of Al, Ca, Fe and Mn also exceeded the recommended elemental concentration for livestock, in the water sampled at RDM (Puls, 1994). Four distinct areas were identified within the study area, the area above the factory, the area under the factory, the testing area and the area under the factory. Significant differences between the testing area and the area under the factory were found regarding the Tl, Ag, Hg and B elemental concentrations in the vegetation. Furthermore, it became apparent that the amount of precipitation could have contributed to the variation of the elemental concentrations and distribution in the study area as well as in the organ tissue of the antelope. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Environmental Science and Management))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Contesting Risk, Expertise, and Environmental Justice on the Fenceline: The Cases of the Navajo Nation, Radford Arsenal, and Camp Minden

Nelson, Gregory Douglas 14 September 2016 (has links)
This dissertation examines the contestations over the politics of knowledge, risk, and environmental justice in three fenceline sites. Mobilizing the fenceline standpoint to study risk strengthens our objective understanding of the social situatedness of risk. To illustrate how a fenceline standpoint contributes to stronger objectivity of risk contestations, I survey public discourse of coal slurry extraction in Black Mesa, Arizona using an environmental justice framework. Discursive justifications for the construction of the slurry pipeline reveal how environmental injustice in the fenceline community emerged through urban controversies over water and power generation that excluded a fenceline standpoint. Insights from Black Mesa frame the next two cases: open burning hazardous waste at Radford Army Ammunition Plant, and M6 Disposal at Camp Minden, Louisiana. At Radford, scholar-activist research examines the contestations of risk at one of the most hazardous waste facilities in the nation. I analyze the construction of risk from open burning of hazardous waste from a fenceline standpoint. I discursively situate the controversy over fenceline community risk from open burning, by showing the inadequacies of official risk assessments. Critical discourse analysis of risk shows the extant contestations over the practice of open burning. In juxtaposition to Radford, the Camp Minden open burn controversy demonstrates how a fenceline movement successfully constructed alternatives to open burning. Fenceline success in Minden is forcing scrutiny over the risks produced by the practice of open burning explosives across the United States. The activation of fenceline knowledge and expertise, through grassroots organizing, is propelling inquiry from scientific and technical experts of the American Chemical Society who are questioning why the Department of Defense and the Environmental Protection Agency have approved the use of open burning at other sites despite safer alternative technology. Synthetically, each case illustrates the importance of fenceline knowledge as a crucial site of expertise. I present an argument for how a fenceline standpoint can challenge regulatory and producer constructions of fenceline risk. The creation of a program of research: Critical Risk Analysis, offers a model for scholar-activist intervention on the fenceline. The Camp Minden Dialogue demonstrates a successful example of how fenceline expert-activists can influence the construction of risk. Normatively, I build the argument that environmental justice research within Science and Technology Studies ought to situate the fenceline standpoint as equal to the competing epistemological claims of production and regulatory experts in order to strengthen the objectivity of our research in contested fenceline sites. / Ph. D.

Untersuchung der Geschosswirkung in der sehr frühen Phase unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Hochgeschwindigkeitsmunition / Study of bullet effects at a very early stage with special consideration of high-speed ammunition

Siegmund, Bernward 13 November 2006 (has links)
No description available.

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