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Vykazování stálých aktiv podle české účetní legislativy a IFRS / Reporting of Long-term Assets according to Czech Accountig Legislation and IFRSHoráková, Kateřina January 2018 (has links)
The theme of the diploma thesis is „Reporting of tangible fixed assets according to Czech accounting legislation and IFRS “. The goal is to characterize the tangible fixed assets, its amortization, valuation, acquisition from the point of view how it is characterized by Czech accounting legislation and International accounting standards. Part of the thesis is the comparison of individual systems and pointing to the most significant differences in reporting and application to the particular entity.
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Vykazování vybraných skupin aktiv podle IFRS a české účetní legislativy / Reporting of Selected Groups of Assets according to IFRS and Czech Accountig LegislationStřasák, Tomáš January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis „Reporting of Selected Groups of Assets according to IFRS and Czech Accounting Legislation“ focuses on comparation of reporting of tangible fixed assets in various accounting systems. Thesis examines valuation, amortization and financial leasing. Also, thesis focuses on assessing the impact on financial statements and the impact on economic result.
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Vykazování vybraných skupin aktiv podle IFRS, US GAAP a české účetní legislativy / Reporting of Selected Groups of Assets according to IFRS, US GAAP and Czech Accountig LegislationProsserová, Kateřina January 2020 (has links)
The master´s thesis focuses on excluding certain asset groups by IFRS and czech accounting legislation. The target of the thesis is the charecteristics of assets, there dispence, awards, managment from the point of view of mentioned systems as described by the czech accounting legislation and international accounting standards. In the master´s thesis i compare systems and pointing out the mostsignificant differences in reporting and then application to the selected entity.
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Regulation – For better or for worse? : En kvantitativ studie om amorteringskravens påverkan på bolånerådgivare / Regulation – For better or for worse? : A quantitative study on how the amortization requirements has affected mortgage advisorsJönsson, Emma, Tholén, Nicole January 2020 (has links)
Bostad är för de flesta den största investeringen en person gör och finansieras med hjälp av bolån. Bolån medför makroekonomiska risker, till följd av höga skuldkvoter och minskad konsumtion. För att minska dessa infördes år 2016 samt år 2018 amorteringskrav. Amorteringskraven kan ses som mindre reglering hos bankerna men är av många ansedd som ett komplext införande. Rådgivare på svenska banker är de som ansvarar för utlåning till privatpersoner och de har behövt anpassa sig efter de nya regelverken. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur amorteringskraven påverkat bolånerådgivare i form av stress, standardiserad arbetsprocess och inlärning. Detta för att undersöka om det upplevdes som stressande att behöva anpassa sig till amorteringskraven. Vidare undersöktes vilka konsekvenser amorteringskravens införande fått för bolånerådgivares arbete, huruvida det i takt med ett ökande antal regleringar blivit mer standardiserat. Slutligen studerades om amorteringskraven upplevdes som svåra att lära sig eller implementera i det dagliga arbetet. Genom en kvantitativ forskningsmetod, har rådgivare svarat på en enkät baserad på studiens syfte. Tidigare studier har i större utsträckning fokuserat på amorteringskravens ekonomiska konsekvenser samt hur de påverkat bostadsmarknaden. Syftet med studien är därmed intressant att undersöka utifrån ett yrkesprofessionellt perspektiv. Resultatet av studien visade ett samband mellan amorteringskravens införande och en ökad stressnivå hos rådgivarna. Resultatet stödjer även tidigare forskning vad gäller att rådgivarna upplevt att amorteringskraven bidragit till en mer standardiserad arbetsprocess. Däremot fanns det inget stöd för att amorteringskraven varit svåra att lära sig eller att implementera i arbetet med bolånerådgivning. / For most people, housing is the biggest investment in life, and it is financed by mortgages. However, this entails macroeconomic risks as a result of high debt ratios and reduced consumption. To reduce these risks, amortization requirements were introduced in 2016 and 2018. The amortization requirements can be seen as a minor regulation for the banks, but it is considered by many to be a complex regulation. Advisors in Swedish banks are the ones responsible for lending to private individuals and have therefore had to adapt to the new rules. The purpose of the study is to investigate how the amortization requirements has affected mortgage advisors in terms of stress, standardized work process and learning. This is with the reason to examine investigate whether it was considered stressful to have to adapt to the amortization requirements. Furthermore, the consequences of the introduction of the amortization requirements for the work of mortgage counselors were examined, whether, as a growing number of regulations became more standardized. Finally, it was studied whether the amortization requirements were perceived as difficult to learn or implement in the mortgage advisors daily work. Through a quantitative research, advisors have responded to a survey based on the purpose of the study. Previous studies have focused to a greater extent on the financial consequences of the amortization requirements and how they have affected the housing market. The purpose of the study is thus interesting to investigate from a professional perspective. The results of the study showed a link between the introduction of the amortization requirements and an increased stress level of the advisers. The result also supports previous research in that the advisers considered that the amortization requirements contributed to a more standardized work process. However, there was no support for the fact that the repayment requirements were difficult to learn or implement in the work of mortgage counseling.
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The Effect of Accounting Standards on Business Acquisitions : An analysis of the Swedish acquisition marketHillman, Maxx, Sjösten, Linus January 2022 (has links)
The topic of business acquisitions has been much debated in 2022, largely due to Microsoft’s record-breaking acquisition of Activision Blizzard. Historically, business acquisitions and their corresponding goodwill values have been a thoroughly examined and debated subject between scholars and regulators due to the complexity and ambiguity of goodwill. Discussions regarding goodwill and acquisitions have been the foundation of many studies throughout the years. However, the effects of accounting standards on the factors of business acquisitions have not been examined thoroughly and therefore represents a knowledge gap in existing accounting literature. This thesis examines the relationship between the accounting standards IFRS and Swedish GAAP and their influence on business acquisitions. The focus of the thesis is on the number of business acquisitions as well as goodwill, or value added, to test if the standards themselves affect these factors. Other elements which could affect these factors are presented to broaden the research and isolate the accounting standard variable. By examining Swedish business acquisitions during a five-year period, the authors have identified 406 business acquisitions that were of such quality that they could be examined further. The study is inspired by other studies in similar areas, especially a paper written by Kashiwazaki et al. (2019) in which the effect of IFRS adoption on business acquisitions in Japan is researched. However, this study is not focused on adoption, the aim of the research is to examine the impact of the standards themselves. By examining the two accounting standards and their correlation with the frequency of acquisitions as well as change in goodwill, patterns can be identified and conclusions regarding whether accounting standards affect the two factors can be drawn. Several theories are discussed in order to contextualize the research, and different perspectives regarding the acquisitions and goodwill are presented. To broaden the context of the subject, specific theories and their counterparts are presented to get both perspectives of a phenomenon. Agency theory and stewardship theory are explained and compared throughout the thesis and the conclusion of this paper is that stewardship theory is more valid when examining Swedish business acquisitions. Other theories such as the resource-based view are explained and connected to business acquisitions and the results of the thesis. Lastly, motives and benefits behind business acquisitions are discussed and conclusions are drawn based on the results of the tests conducted. Two OLS regressions with corresponding T-tests for verifications showed a nonsignificant relationship between the dependent and independent variables in both tests. This means that there is no statistical significancy between either of the two factors and accounting standards. These findings suggest that there are other factors that are correlated with the number of business acquisitions and value added and explain the variance in these two factors. Some of the observable factors were the size of the firm, return on assets, operating income among others. In conclusion, there were no indications that accounting standards influence the number of business acquisitions nor value added.
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Effects of higher capital costs in local housing markets: Study in Täby, Upplands-Bro and Upplands Väsby municipality / Effekter av högre kapitalkostander på lokala bostadsmarknader: Studie i Täby, Upplands-Bro och Upplands VäsbyNiklasson, Beatrice, Nordin, Linnéa January 2016 (has links)
This bachelor thesis aims to study the relationship between higher capital costs and the households' ability to repay their loans as well as how this affects the housing market. The work studies three areas in three different municipalities in the Stockholm region. The limitations for this report were that it primarily focused on areas that have relatively new housing developments where the interest rate was the sole alternating variable. Today, the interest rates for housing loans are very low which has resulted in that Swedish people has record breaking high leverages. Recently, a new amortization requirement was adopted. This will affect all households when they take new loans with an LTV of 50 percent. House prices in Sweden are at a historically high level, especially in the Stockholm region. Households’ expectations play a large impact on prices, and some experts believe that the market today is overvalued and that we are in a housing bubble, which, if it bursts, can bring negative impact on the housing market. Consequently, migration and housing demands has not previously been seen at these levels in Stockholm. In this paper, we intend to examine how rising interest rates will affect households with different leverage ratios in three different municipalities in the Stockholm county region. Utilizing data from sources such as InsightOne and Konsumentverket among others a spreadsheet was created comparing four different typical households that reflect the most common household composition within the selected municipalities. The disposable income, after all expenses for accommodation and necessities accounted for, will be examined. We will also analyze how these households would cope in a scenario where changing fundamentals give households higher housing costs and further how the selected municipalities, all of which have a relatively high rate of construction, would be affected by a sudden drop in prices on the market. A spreadsheet with data from Statistics Sweden was also set up to investigate the percentage of all households in Stockholm that have the same capital costs as a custom range of the selected mosaichouseholds’. Our results show that not all households could cope with increased housing costs such as higher interest rates among other factors. According to the calculated budget estimate for each typical household, it was concluded that some households would be unable to cover their monthly necessities. In a scenario where this would become reality, the households with a high leverage and a high interest rate would have a much smaller amount of money to live on each month. This would lead to a reduction in consumption and a decrease in demand for housing, which would result in a less secure position in the housing market and force households to reassess its choice of timing for this type of investment. Ultimately this could lead to vacancies in the municipalities we investigated that are located quite a bit outside the city center. Based on our results, we consider the hypothesis proven; due to half of the mosaic households in the study reflecting a deficit in their budget when the leverage and interest rates peaked at high levels. Based on the income statistics from SCB, we could also deduce that 49.8 percent of all households in the Stockholm region displayed a lower annual income than the investigated mosaic households. Consequently, these households would demonstrate a greater deficit in their budget if their housing costs rose. / Kandidatarbetet syftar till att studera hur högre kapitalkostnader påverkar hushållens betalningsförmåga och vilka effekter det kan få på bostadsmarknaden. I arbetet undersöks tre områden i tre olika kommuner i stockholmsregionen. I rapporten finns begränsningen att räntorna är den enda variabeln som ändras och att det i de områden som undersöks finns relativt nyproducerade bostäder. I dagsläget är räntenivåerna väldigt låga för bostadslån och det har medfört att svenskarna aldrig någonsin har varit så högt belånade. Nyligen har även ett nytt amorteringskrav antagits, vilket kommer att påverka alla hushåll som tar nya lån med en belåningsgrad över 50 procent. Bostadspriserna ligger idag på en historiskt hög nivå och speciellt hög är prisutvecklingen i Stockholmsregionen. Hushållens förväntningar har en stor inverkan på priserna och vissa experter menar att marknaden idag är övervärderad och att vi befinner oss i en bostadsbubbla som, om den spricker, kan innebära stora negativa konsekvenser för bostadsmarknaden. Samtidigt har inflyttningen och efterfrågan på bostäder aldrig varit så hög som nu inom Stockholms län. I denna uppsats avser vi att undersöka hur en stigande ränta kan påverka hushåll med olika belåningsgrader i tre olika kommuner inom Stockholms län. Med hjälp av data från bland annat InsightOne och Konsumentverket har en kalkyl för fyra olika typhushåll ställts upp som speglar den vanligaste hushållssammansättningen i de valda områdena. Här kommer sedan den disponibla inkomsten efter att alla utgifter för boende och nödvändigheter är betalade att undersökas. Vi kommer därefter att analysera hur dessa hushåll skulle klara sig i ett scenario där förändrade fundamentala faktorer ger hushållen högre boendekostnader och vidare hur de valda kommunerna, som alla har en relativt hög nybyggnadstakt, skulle komma att påverkas av ett plötsligt prisfall på marknaden. Dessutom har en kalkyl med data från SCB satts upp för att undersöka hur många procent av alla hushåll i Stockholms län som har samma årsinkomst som ett anpassat intervall av de valda mosaichushållen. Våra resultat visar att inte alla hushåll skulle klara av ökade boendekostnader, exempelvis som en följd av högre räntor. De skulle alltså gått med underskott varje månad enligt den budget vi ställt upp för varje mosaichushåll och som redovisar de viktigaste utgifterna ett hushåll med denna sammansättning har. I ett scenario där detta blir verklighet skulle alltså hushåll med en hög belåningsgrad och höga räntor få en betydligt mindre summa pengar att leva på varje månad efter att alla nödvändiga kostnader är betalde, vilket skulle leda till en minskad konsumtion och minskad efterfrågan på bostäder. Detta skulle i sin tur leda till ett osäkrare läge på bostadsmarknaden, vilket skulle få ytterligare hushåll att omvärdera sitt val av tidpunkt för denna typ av investering. I slutändan skulle detta kunna komma att leda till vakanser i de kommuner vi valt att undersöka och som ligger någon eller några mil utanför innerstaden med dess ständigt höga efterfrågan på bostäder. Utifrån våra resultat kan den uppställda hypotesen styrkas. Detta då hälften av de mosaichushåll vi utgick ifrån i undersökningen visade ett underskott i sin budget då ränta och belåningsgrad låg på en hög, om än inte orimlig, nivå. Utifrån inkomststatistiken från SCB kunde vi även utläsa att hela 49.8 procent av alla hushåll inom Stockholms län har en lägre årsinkomst än de undersökta mosaichushållen, vilket innebär att dessa hushåll skulle visa ett större underskott i sin budget om deras boendekostnader ökade.
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Ungas bostadssituation och amorteringskravet – Är studenterna i Samhällsbyggnadsprogrammet på KTH bättre skyddade genom sin utbildning och kunskap i fastighetsekonomi? / Young people’s housing situation and the amortization requirement – Are the students at the Civil Engineering program at KTH better protected thanks to their education and knowledge within real estate economics?Granström, Rebecca January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Price Development of Residential Assets in the Stockholm Inner City Areas : Regression Analysis of Macro Prudential Policies, Construction Levels and Determination of Price in the Tenant Owned Market / Prisutvecklingen av bostadsrätter i Stockholms innerstadsområdenWesterberg, Tim, Karadja, Riad January 2019 (has links)
After the financial crisis in 2008 Sweden implemented a stricter monetary expansionary enforcement trying to stabilize the overall economy of the country. These measures have led to discussions about secular stagnation and an increased savings glut when the interest rate is lowered.Between 2013 and 2018, Stockholm has seen an increase of construction levels trying to meet the market demand of a somewhat neglected supply of housing. The import of the new tenant-owned assets has shown indications of not fulfilling the market demand as after stricter amortization requirements was implemented, the possibilities to purchase these assets has been somewhat limited.The research will focus on four inner city areas in Stockholm between the timeline, aiming to determine the household effect of a larger intake of supply and implemented regulations onto the price point of tenant-owned assets.Regression analysis is utilized to statistically determine the effects of these market conditions together with an overall analysis of the imposed dataset with a theoretical framework capitalizing models of the Stock-flow theory, Tobin’s Q and the four-quadrant model.Statistically the research regression model is built up with newly imposed variables such as user cost and new supply together with a variation of other independent variables determining effects the variables have had on the price development of tenant-owned assets. The empirical analysis then researches the mentioned scenarios together with individual area analysis in all of the specific research areas imposed by a hedonic cross-sectional method.The results of the paper indicate the amortization requirements as having a large part of the declining price development within the research areas. The new supply entering the market has had a small effect. Nevertheless, the intake of new supply has been greater than previous years, amounting to 30% over thetransaction volume at the end of 2018 indicating a large supply of tenant-owned assets that are not being sold.We conclude that the market is not in equilibrium and together with a large intake of new supply in a certain segment and strict amortization requirements, the price development has decreased indicating myopic and herd behavior by construction firms and developers that are advised to further increase and advance their strategies as well as tactics with deeper market analysis before processing new construction. / Till följd av finanskrisen år 2008 implementerades striktare monetära krav på bostadsmarknaden med syftet att stabilisera ekonomin i landet och minska skuldsättningen hos hushållen. Dessa krav har skapat diskussioner om sekulär stagnation och en ökad benägenhet att spara vid låg ränta.Mellan 2013 och 2018 har Stockholm haft en betydlig ökning av nybyggda bostäder för att möta den efterfrågan som tillkommit som följd av tidigare låg byggnation. Tillkomsten av nya bostäder på marknaden har visat indikationer på att de inte möter den påstådda efterfrågan, detta till följd av de konsekvenser som striktare amorteringskrav har haft på hushållens förmåga att få tillgång till bostadslån.Denna uppsats kommer att fokusera på bostadsmarknaden i fyra områden av Stockholms innerstad med fokus på tidsramen innan samt efter implementeringen av amorteringskraven i samband med den ökade byggnationen. Målet är att redogöra för effekten på bostadspriserna av den ökade byggnationen i samband med de striktare amorteringskraven.Uppsatsen kommer att tillämpa regressionsanalys för att statistiskt kunna avgöra effekten av amorteringskraven samt nybyggnationen med data från Bostad 2.0 i samband med ett teoretiskt ramverk bestående av Stock-flow, Tobin’s Q och Four-Quadrant modellen.Regressionsmodellen består av variabler som beskriver hushållens kostnader och mängden nytt utbud med en variation av andra oberoende variabler som bestämmer prisnivån på en bostad som storlek, antal rum, område och tiden för försäljningen.Resultatet av analysen påvisar att amorteringskraven har haft en betydande effekt av den nedåtgående prisutvecklingen i Stockholms innerstad. Den stora mängd nytt utbud har haft en liten effekt men transaktionsnivån har sjunkit vilket indikerar på att många bostäder inte har blivit sålda.Slutsatsen är att marknaden är i obalans där en stor mängd nytt utbud inte möter efterfrågan. Priset på bostäder har sjunkit det senaste året till följd av amorteringskraven och mängden nytt utbud indikerar att bostadsutvecklare inte har lyckats förutsemarknadsutvecklingen där bättre modeller och strategier behövs med mer djupgående analyser för att i framtiden kunna tillgodose marknadsutvecklingen för nybyggnation.
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Relative or Discounted Cash Flow Valuation on the Fifty Largest US-Based Corporations on Nasdaq : Which of these valuation methods provides the most accurate valuation forecast?Öhrner, Marcus, Öhman, Otto January 2023 (has links)
The topic of this Bachelor Thesis is “Which of these valuation methods provides the most accurate valuation forecast”. Assuming that the year is 2020, the goal of this thesis is to forecast the future stock prices of the fifty largest US-based companies on the Nasdaq stock exchange for 2021 and 2022. By using a quantitative method and looking ten years back at historical data. We determine which valuation method provides the most accurate stock price when conducted in a non-sector specific sample by comparing predicted prices to actual stock prices and discussing the results. There are several ways to evaluate a company and the ones being utilized in this thesis are the discounted cash flow valuation method, the price-to-earnings ratio method (equity multiple), and enterprise value to enterprise value before interest, tax, and depreciation (firm multiple). Our results show that when reviewing the valuations of multiple companies in different sectors the relative valuation methods provide better predictions with EV/EBITDA rather than the discounted cash flow method. This thesis provides the reader with a comprehensive overview of these different valuation methods and their effectiveness in providing valuation forecasts. The result of this thesis is beneficial for policymakers, investors, and financial analysts when forecasting future stock prices.
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Análise econômico-financeira das empresas reguladas pela Agência Nacional de Saúde Suplementar (ANS)Soncini, Alvaro José 30 November 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Marlene Aparecida de Souza Cardozo (mcardozo@pucsp.br) on 2016-12-19T14:48:10Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-11-30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The Brazilian Constitution of 1988 provides that the State has an obligation to insure health services to all Brazilian citizens. The Brazilian population is one of the largest in the world, which makes that a rather complex task. Failing to fulfill this role, the State leaves room for providers of private services, through private health care and health insurance. That market began to develop in the 60’s and was regulated in the year 2000, with the creation of the National Healthcare Agency (ANS). Currently, roughly 50 million people in Brazil have access to private healthcare or health insurance, which accounts for a fourth of the country’s population. This work has as its main goal to analyze the different economic sectors regulated by ANS, focusing on the financial situation and the distribution of wealth across sectors. That analysis was carried out through study of the Periodic Information Reports on Healthcare Providers (DIOPS) presented to ANS by companies within the period spanning from 2012 to 2015. Group-dentistry and benefits administration were the sectors which presented the greatest potential for generation of operating cashflow and the best economic performance, benefits administration having the best performance out of the two. In order to shed light into that sector, its most relevant companies were analyzed, which led to the conclusion that Qualicorp Group is the dominant player involved. Analysis of wealth distribution across ANS-regulated sectors revealed that 84% of the total pool of resources are distributed to companies or professionals which effectively render health services, such as hospitals, clinics, laboratories and the like. This work did not analyze the costs of these entities, which are paid through the obtained resources / A constituição de 1988 prevê que o Estado tem como obrigação garantir os serviços de saúde a todos os cidadãos brasileiros. A população brasileira é uma das maiores do mundo, tornando essa atividade muito complexa. O Estado, não tendo sucesso nessa função, abre espaço para a prestação de serviços privados através dos planos ou seguros de saúde. Esse mercado, iniciado na década de 1960 e regulado em 2000 através da criação da Agência Nacional de Saúde Suplementar (ANS), atualmente conta com cerca de 50 milhões de pessoas, o que significa um quarto da população brasileira. Desse modo, o presente trabalho teve como principal objetivo analisar os diferentes setores regulados pela ANS, analisando a sua situação econômico-financeira e também a distribuição de riqueza entre os setores. Essas análises foram realizadas através do Diops financeiro apresentado à ANS pelas empresas no período de 2012 a 2015. O setor de odontologia de grupo e das administradoras de benefícios foram os setores que apresentaram melhor potencial de geração de caixa operacional e melhor desempenho econômico, sendo o setor das administradoras de benefícios com melhor desempenho em ambos. Para conhecer melhor esse setor, foram analisadas individualmente as principais empresas do setor, verificando-se que o Grupo Qualicorp tem alta dominância no setor. A análise da distribuição de riqueza dos setores regulados pela ANS relevou que 84% da riqueza de todos os setores são distribuídos para empresas ou profissionais que prestam o serviço efetivamente, que são os hospitais, clínicas médicas, consultórios médicos, clínicas laboratoriais, etc. Este trabalho não analisou os custos dessas entidades, que são pagos através dos recursos obtidos
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