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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avfallsfraktioner i Sveriges hamnar / Garbage fractions in Swedish ports

Ljungqvist, Helena, Lönnqvist, Jonas January 2015 (has links)
Varje år ökar avfallsmängden och användningen av naturens resurser vilket gör att återvinning blir en viktig del för ett hållbart samhälle. Årligen dumpas mer än 6,4 miljoner ton plast i haven från fartyg. Den 1 januari 2013 skärptes regelverket MARPOL för att minska mängden avfall som slängs i havet. Mot denna bakgrund har syftet med studien varit att undersöka hur motivationen att sortera kan påverkas av antalet avfallsfraktioner i hamnarna. En kvalitativ metod med sju intervjuer har använts. Resultatet visar att antalet fraktioner inte är det viktigaste för att öka återvinningen. Studien visar också att det saknas en standard i hamnarna. Tillgänglighet, närhet och att det är enkelt att lämna avfallet framkommer som de viktigaste faktorerna. / Every year the amount of garbage and the use of natural resources increases which makes recycling an important subject for a sustainable society. Yearly more than 6,4 million tons of plastic is dumped into the oceans from ships. From the 1st of January 2013 MARPOL regulation got stricter to decrease the discharge of garbage into the sea. Against this background the purpose of this study has been to examine how the motivation to recycle can be effected of the number of garbage fractions in the ports. A qualitative method has been used and seven interviews were conducted. The result shows that the number of fractions is not the most important factor to increase recycling. The study also shows that there is no standard in the ports. Accessibility, proximity and that it is easy to carry out emerges as the main factors.

Förändringen av MARPOL Annex V år 2013 : Hur den implementerats och upplevts ombord

Rönnblom, Jenny, Sigurdh, Oskar January 2014 (has links)
Första januari år 2013 trädde den senaste versionen av MARPOL Annex V i kraft. Denna studie har genom en litteraturstudie samt intervjuer med nautiska befäl sökt svar på vilka förändringar som skedde, hur dem implementerats ombord samt hur förändringarna upplevts av sjöfarare. Syftet med studien var att bidra med en pusselbit till bilden av hur avfallssortering utövas till sjöss samt hur arbetet med det upplevs. Litteraturstudien kom fram till att den stora skillnaden är att papper, glas, metall samt aska inte längre får slängas i havet. Inom specialområde får endast matavfall destruerat genom avfallskvarn slängas överbord. Intervjuerna visade att respondenterna inte påverkats nämnvärt av förändringarna då de redan tidigare följt strängare riktlinjer och regelverk för avfallshantering. Den mest betydande arbetsuppgiften för avfallsansvarigt befäl ombord är att underrätta övrig besättning om hur avfall skall hanteras. Dock efterfrågas av samtliga befäl ytterligare internationell lagstiftning riktat mot hamnar för en global likformighet för att underlätta arbetet som annars kan ses som krångligt och omotiverat. / The first of January 2013 came an updated version of MARPOL Annex V. This research has been made with a literature study and interviews with nautical officers searched for answers to what changes have been made, how they are implemented on board and how the changes experienced by seafarers. The purpose of this study was to contribute how the waste handling works onboard, how waste sorting exercise at sea and how the work is perceived. The literature study found that the major difference is that paper, glass, metal and ashes can no longer be thrown in the sea. Food waste inside special areas must have been processed through a food waste disposer before thrown overboard. The interviews showed that respondents are not significantly affected by the changes as they have already followed a more strict version of the regulations for waste disposal. The most important task for the waste responsible officer on board is to inform the rest of the crew on how waste should be managed onboard. All the respondents ask for international legislation directed at ports of a global uniformity in order to facilitate the work that otherwise might be viewed as burdensome and unjustified.

Energieffektivisering av sjöfarten : En studie om att implementera obligatoriska riktlinjer / Making shipping energy efficient : A study regarding implementing mandatory guidelines

Falk, David, Niklasson, Markus January 2014 (has links)
Vi lever i en värld av klimatförändringar där det ständigt söks efter lösningar för att minska utsläppen av växthusgaser. IMO har infört SEEMP:en med målet att reducera utsläppen från världshandelsflottan och därmed öka dess energieffektivitet. Med denna bakgrund har syftet varit att undersöka hur svenska tankrederier implementerat och tillämpat SEEMP:en samt kartlägga åsikter kring den. En kvalitativ metod har använts för att på djupet undersöka rederiernas tillvägagångssätt. Undersökningen omfattar fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer med totalt sex personer ifrån två rederier där både ombord- och landanställda finns representerade. Resultatet visade att rederierna implementerat SEEMP:en efter IMO:s riktlinjer, i samråd med sitt klassningssällskap, där rederierna också har försökt ta tillvara möjligheten att energieffektivisera sin organisation. Båda rederierna såg positivt på införandet av SEEMP:en och menade att den borde införts tidigare. Det framkommer dock faktorer som anses motverka SEEMP:ens fulla potential, bland annat att strukturen i branschen måste ändras för att kunna applicera SEEMP:en fullt ut. / We live in a world of climate change where finding a solution to reducing the emission of GHG is a continuous pursuit. To reduce the emission from global shipping IMO has adopted the SEEMP consequently making the shipping industry more energy efficient. With this in mind the purpose of this study has been to review the implementation and usage of the SEEMP among Swedish shipping companies trading oil. Furthermore, the views of the involved parties with regard to the SEEMP were also investigated. In order to deeply analyze the companies´ approach to the SEEMP a qualitative research method has been used. The study consists of four semi-structured interviews with sex persons from two shipping companies including both onshore and ship-based personnel. The result shows that the implementation has been carried out in consultation with their own classification societies and with the IMO guidelines in mind. They have also tried to take the opportunity to make their organization more energy efficient. Both companies welcomed the adoption of the SEEMP and were of the opinion that it shouldhave been introduced at an earlier stage. However, some barriers to the SEEMP have been found, for example the operational structure of the shipping industry.

Hantering av toalettavfall från fritidsbåtar : Undersökning om dagens vattenbehandlingssystem för att minska övergödning i Östersjön

Johansson, Adam January 2015 (has links)
The eutrophication in the Baltic Sea is a big issue which threatens marine ecosystems, increases the depletion of oxygen in the water and causes harm to aquatic animals. Human activities such as industries, agriculture, forestry and untreated sewage increase nutrient input (mainly nitrogen and phosphorus) which causes increased levels of plankton and bacteria. Sweden has suggested to prohibit recreational craft owners to discharge their untreated wastewater to the ocean. The aim for this study is to examine and analyze the different types of water treatment systems that exist today and to see what levels of bacteria and nutrients the effluent water has from the systems. This research will help the EU-commission to decide what demands you can put on the discharged effluent water on recreational crafts. The study shows that none of the existing systems is able to decrease the levels of nutrients in the effluent treated wastewater. This makes it hard for the EU-commission to decide on demands for recreational crafts. This may lead to increased use of drainstations of wastewater in harbors for owners.

Modellgestützte Dokumentation und Integration von Managementsystemen / Model-based Documentation and Integration of Management Systems

Rößler, Richard 05 October 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Im Sinne einer nachhaltigen und ganzheitlichen Firmenentwicklung lässt sich in der Unternehmenslandschaft ein Trend in Richtung einer kontinuierlichen Erweiterung des unternehmerischen Zielsystems beobachten. Neben etablierten Aspekten, wie dem Qualitätsmanagement und der Arbeitssicherheit, erlangen weitere Themen, wie beispielsweise das betriebliche Umwelt- und Energiemanagement, zunehmend an Bedeutung. Um die Berücksichtigung dieser Aspekte nachzuweisen, steht Unternehmen die Möglichkeit zur Zertifizierung nach funktionsspezifischen Managementsystemnormen offen. Die Einführung und Dokumentation entsprechender Managementsysteme erweist sich jedoch als ein zeitintensiver Prozess, dessen Schwierigkeit vor allem in der unternehmensspezifischen Interpretation der allgemein formulierten Normanforderungen liegt. Strebt ein Unternehmen die Zertifizierung nach mehreren Managementsystemnormen an, so eröffnet sich die Möglichkeit zur Integration der Managementsysteme. Allerdings sind auch die Aufgaben der Integration durch verschiedene Herausforderungen gekennzeichnet, die den Bedarf nach einer systematischen Unterstützung verdeutlichen. Im Bereich der Wirtschaftsinformatik haben sich konzeptuelle Modelle als Instrument zur zielorientierten und verständlichen Beschreibung komplexer Informationssysteme etabliert. Entsprechende Modelle können die Durchdringung und Kommunikation komplexer Sachverhalte durch eine zweckmäßige Abstraktion und Strukturierung vereinfachen und eine Überführung in Anwendungssoftware vorbereiten. Für die vorliegende Dissertation leitet sich unter Berücksichtigung dieser Aspekte folgende zentrale Forschungsfrage ab: Wie kann die konzeptuelle Modellierung bei den Aufgaben der Dokumentation und Integration standardisierter Managementsysteme unterstützen? Der Forschungsmethode des Design Science Research folgend, präsentiert die vorliegende Arbeit funktionsspezifische und funktionsunspezifische Artefakte, die bei der Dokumentation standardisierter Managementsysteme und deren Integration modellbasiert unterstützen. Die Anwendbarkeit der Artefakte wird anhand eines realen Anwendungsfalls demonstriert. Die Ausführungen der vorliegenden Arbeit basieren auf einer Analyse der Anforderungen nach ISO 9001 für Qualitätsmanagementsysteme, ISO 14001 für Umweltmanagementsysteme, ISO 50001 für Energiemanagementsysteme, OHSAS 18001 für Arbeitsschutz- und Arbeitssicherheitsmanagementsysteme sowie des durch die Internationale Organisation für Standardisierung veröffentlichten Annex SL.

Vnitřní kontrolní systém organizace a jeho základní prvky / Basic parts of company's internal control system

Basař, Ondřej January 2009 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on basic parts of internal control systems in modern companies and its interaction among them. It expains main control mechanisms, approach to risk management and impact of Sarbanes-Oxley Act on internal controls. Application part describes actualisation, testing and validation of internal controls in Sarbanes-Oxley 404 Annex 4 form.

Tvärkraftskapacitet för håldäck med en igjuten kanal / Shear Strength Capacity of Hollow-Core Slabs with One Core-Filled

Wester, Anna, Fröling, Moa January 2024 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of the project is to modify the calculation model for the shearstrength capacity of Strängbetong's hollow-core slabs with one core-filled and with anS-bar.Method: The study’s methodology involves provoking the shear strength capacity ofhollow-core slabs with one core-filled through experimental destructive tests of twodifferent profiles of concrete hollow-core slab. The core-filling is produced with andwithout an S-bar to analyze the S-bar’s impact on the shear capacity. The experimentsare conducted over two days with full-scale test according to SS-EN 1168:2005 AnnexJ. Based on the test result from load tests and results from the calculation model inSS-EN 1168:2005 Annex F, analysis of the shear strength capacity is conducted tocreate a modified calculation model.Results: The findings reveal that the compressive strength of the concrete exceedsexpectations. The cross-sectional dimensions of the hollow-core slab are withinapproved limits. Average calculations indicate that the S-bar increases the shear strengthcapacity, although it is difficult to verify the increase. The standard model in SS-EN1168:2005 Annex F overestimates the shear strength capacity when compared with theresults from the load tests. Modified calculation models provide shear strength capacitybelow the standard model, as well as below the theoretically calculated ultimate load formost categories.Conclusion: It is possible to modify the standard model, however the results have awide variation. With only three load tests conducted, it can be concluded that there aretoo few test results to fulfill the purpose of this study / Syfte: Syftet med projektet är att ta fram en reviderad beräkningsmodell förtvärkraftskapacitet för Strängbetongs håldäck med en igjuten kanal med S-bygel.Metod: Studiens metodik innefattar att provocera fram tvärkraftskapaciteten förhåldäck med en igjuten kanal genom experimentellt förstörande tester av två olikahåldäcksprofiler i betong. Igjutningarna tillverkas med och utan S-bygel för attanalysera deras inverkan på tvärkraften. Experimenten utförs med fullskaleprover enligtSS-EN 1168:2005 Annex J under två dagar. Utifrån provresultaten frånbelastningstesterna samt med utgångspunkt från resultaten från beräkningsmodellen iSS-EN 1168:2005 Annex F genomförs analyser av tvärkraftskapaciteten för att skapa enreviderad beräkningsmodell.Resultat: Resultaten visar att betongens tryckhållfasthet är bättre än förväntat.Håldäckens tvärsnittsmått ligger inom godkända värden. Medelvärdesberäkningar visaratt S-bygeln ökar tvärkraftskapaciteten, men det är svårt att verifiera ökningen.Standardmodellen i SS-EN 1168:2005 Annex F överskattar tvärkraftskapaciteten vidjämförelse med de belastningstest som genomförts. Reviderade beräkningsmodeller gertvärkraftskapacitet under standardmodellen, men även under den teoretiskt beräknadebrottlasten för majoriteten av kategorierna.Slutsats: Det går att revidera standardmodellen, däremot har resultaten stor spridningoch med tre belastningstest går det att konstatera att det är för få provresultat för attkunna uppfylla syftet med den här studien.

Um modelo computacional para análise de conformidade de áreas e superfícies de proteção de aeródromos aos critérios da ICAO. / A computational model for compliance assessment of aerodrome protection aereas and surfaces to ICAO criteria.

Silva, Evandro José da 23 March 2017 (has links)
Esta tese propõe um modelo computacional para análise de conformidade de áreas e superfícies de proteção de aeródromos aos critérios de projeto geométrico previstos no Anexo 14 da ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization). Não foram encontrados na literatura softwares open source com esta finalidade. Os critérios da ICAO impõem áreas e superfícies imaginárias de proteção que se originam na vizinhança de cada uma das pistas de pouso e/ou de decolagem. Dessas exigências normativas decorre um complexo conjunto de áreas em solo e superfícies no espaço aéreo, as quais ordenam a presença de objetos fixos e móveis dentro e fora dos limites do sítio aeroportuário. Os dados de entrada do modelo proposto compreendem: informações sobre a topografia e sobre os limites internos e externos do sítio; a posição de objetos fixos e móveis; a categoria da aeronave; o procedimento de aproximação empregado; e informações sobre a configuração do sistema de pistas. O modelo computacional proposto integra conceitos de CAD (Computer Aided Design) e de GIS (Geographic Information System) para a geração automática de geometrias georreferenciadas, de acordo com um MDE (Modelo Digital de Elevação), internamente representado por uma malha TIN (Triangulated Irregular Network). Além da geração virtual das geometrias, o modelo permite a detecção automática de eventuais interferências nas áreas e superfícies de proteção pelos objetos fixos e móveis. O modelo apresenta os resultados das análises por meio de janelas gráficas e permite a exportação dos arquivos KML para um globo virtual, como o Google Earth. Os arquivos KML representam as áreas e superfícies de proteção e os objetos fixos e móveis, destacando os obstáculos detectados. A modelagem proposta foi implementada em linguagem Python, testada e validada para instâncias fictícias e para um caso real, relacionado ao Aeroporto de Viracopos em Campinas, no Brasil (SBKP). Buscas sistemáticas na literatura científica nacional e internacional indicam que a modelagem aqui proposta é inédita, contribuindo para preencher a lacuna identificada na revisão bibliográfica realizada. / This thesis proposes a computational model for analysis of conformity of aerodrome protection areas and surfaces according to ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) Annex 14 geometric design criteria. No open source software with this purpose could be found in the literature. ICAO criteria impose imaginary protection areas and surfaces that start at the vicinity of each runway, leading to a complex set of geometries on the ground and in the airspace. Fixed and movable objects, both inside and outside the aerodrome property limits, are controlled by means of this set of imaginary surfaces. Input data for the herein proposed model comprises: aerodrome site topography and internal and external boundaries; fixed and movable objects position; aircraft category; approach procedures; and runway system configuration data. The model integrates CAD (Computer Aided Design) and GIS (Geographic Information System) technologies in order to automatically generate georeferenced geometries, that take into account a DEM (Digital Elevation Model), internally represented by a TIN (Triangulated Irregular Network) approach. In addition to geometry generation, the proposed model also performs obstacle assessment regarding the suppositional geometric interferences between protection areas and surfaces and the fixed and movable objects. The model results are outputted by means of screen plots, execution console (detected geometric interferences) and KML (Keyhole Markup Language) files, to be exported to virtual globes, like Google Earth. The KML files represent the geometries of protection areas and surfaces as well as fixed and movable objects, highlighting detected obstacles. The model was implemented in Python language and tested for validation, employing both fictitious and a real instance, related to the Viracopos International Airport (SBKP), in Campinas, Brazil. The undergone bibliographic search, considering national and international literature, indicates that this research introduces an unprecedented model, filling in a gap in the literature.

How Effective is the Kyoto Protocol in Impelling Emission Reduction

Yang, Haoyuan, Zhang, Qian January 2011 (has links)
The Kyoto Protocol is one of the most important international climate change treaties aimed at fighting global warming. On January 1st 2005, the protocol was enforced with its first commitment period 2008-2012. However, the effectiveness of reducing CO2 emission has long been debated. The purpose of this thesis is to empirically as-sess the impact of the Kyoto Protocol on carbon dioxide reduction across countries, whether the protocol led significant difference after entering force in 2005. The data used in this thesis cover 37 Annex B countries and 148 non-annex B countries from 1990 to 2007. The models are constructed on the basis of the various contributing fac-tors to CO2 emissions and the Environmental Kuznets Curve model. The main find-ing is contrary against the result expected. The insignificant dummy variable cannot indicate that there is a “structural break” of CO2 emissions reduction after the Kyoto Protocol was implemented. The conclusion is that political agreements such as Kyoto Protocol cannot show critical effects on reducing carbon dioxide. The underlying main driving factors of CO2 emission are energy use, electricity from coal source, fossil fuel burning, in other words, industrialization. And the technology develop-ments cannot keep in pace with finding a new energy source and effectively control-ling CO2 emissions in the short run.

Aeronautical Information - And the Process behind It

Isulv, Alexandra, Lage, Jonatan January 2013 (has links)
In air traffic, safety is the key word. Safety is kept in numerous ways. One of these ways is with the help of Aeronautical Information (AI). AI is all information regarding air traffic, i.e. aerodrome hours of operation, weather reports and information about unserviceable navigational aids. Sometimes it happens that some of the information does not reach the pilots in the aircraft, which can have a negative impact on safety. This thesis examines the flow of AI all the way from the originator of the information to the end-user, and analyzes it to find where the errors occur. The thesis is based on the rules and regulations set by ICAO, the International Civil Aviation Organization, two field trips to the Swedish AI provider LFV, and interviews with four airlines, Novair, NextJet, Malmö Aviation, and SAS. The results exposes where in the flow the weakness exists, and finally gives advice as to how these weaknesses can be addressed.

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