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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Desarrollo de nanoestructuras de ZnO mediante anodizado electroquímico en diferentes condiciones para su aplicación en el área energética

Batista Grau, Patricia 02 September 2021 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] La presente Tesis Doctoral se centra en el desarrollo de nanoestructuras de óxido de zinc (ZnO) mediante anodizado electroquímico en diferentes condiciones para su aplicación en el área energética, en particular, en la producción de hidrógeno mediante la rotura fotelectrocatalítica de la molécula de agua. El hidrógeno es un vector energético que se plantea como solución al problema asociado a la intermitencia diurna y estacional de la energía solar y a la variabilidad en la demanda de energía. Por otra parte, el ZnO es un material semiconductor prometedor como fotocatalizador para la producción de hidrógeno debido a sus características y propiedades. En este contexto, el ZnO es un material muy abundante, y por extensión, relativamente barato, no es tóxico y presenta una energía de banda prohibida de 3,37 eV, lo que le permite la absorción de fotones en la región UV del espectro solar. Asimismo, las posiciones de sus bandas de energía son apropiadas para llevar a cabo la fotoelectrólisis del agua. En la presente Tesis Doctoral la síntesis de nanoestructuras de ZnO se llevó a cabo mediante anodizado electroquímico, puesto que este método presenta múltiples ventajas frente a otros métodos de síntesis habituales. En general, el anodizado electroquímico constituye un método rápido, sencillo y eficaz de síntesis de nanoestructuras de ZnO mediante el que es posible diseñar las características superficiales de las nanoestructuras (tamaño y morfología) a través del control de sus parámetros. Como resultado de una revisión bibliográfica en profundidad, se analizó la influencia de los parámetros del anodizado en las características superficiales de las nanoestructuras. Además, se investigaron aquellos parámetros cuya influencia todavía no había sido analizada. Por una parte, se estudió la influencia de emplear diferentes condiciones hidrodinámicas de flujo (dadas por la variación de la velocidad de rotación del electrodo). Por otra parte, se estudió la influencia conjunta de modificar el electrolito con la adición de un disolvente orgánico (etanol o glicerol en distintas proporciones) y variar la velocidad de rotación del electrodo. Las muestras de ZnO sintetizadas se sometieron a una caracterización morfológica, estructural, electroquímica y fotoelectroquímica y se estudiaron sus propiedades para ser empleadas como fotocatalizadores en la producción de hidrógeno. De acuerdo con los resultados, las diferentes condiciones de anodizado dieron lugar a diversas nanoestructuras de ZnO con diferentes características superficiales y fotoelectrocatalíticas. Así, se obtuvieron nanoestructuras de elevada área superficial con morfologías de nanocables de distintos tamaños, nanotubos, nanoesferas y nanoesponjas. Asimismo, tras el calentamiento térmico las muestras presentaron una estructura cristalina hexagonal wurtzita con elevada cristalinidad y la presencia de defectos estructurales. Igualmente, las nanoestructuras sintetizadas presentaron una elevada fotoactividad, dada por los valores elevados de densidad de fotocorriente, presentando propiedades apropiadas para su utilización en la producción de hidrógeno. La muestra que presentó el valor de densidad de fotocorriente más elevado (0,34 mA/cm2) fue la muestra de nanocables de ZnO anodizada a 0 rpm en un electrolito con un contenido en etanol del 10 % en volumen. En la aplicación de dicha muestra en la producción de hidrógeno se obtuvo un volumen teórico de hidrógeno de 1,55 litros por hora de sol y metro cuadrado de ZnO. / [CA] La present Tesi Doctoral se centra en el desenvolupament de nanoestructures d'òxid de zinc (ZnO) mitjançant anoditzat electroquímic en diferents condicions per a l'aplicació en l'àrea energètica, en particular, en la producció d'hidrogen mitjançant el trencament fotelectrocatalític de la molècula d'aigua. L'hidrogen és un vector energètic que es planteja com a solució al problema associat a la intermitència diürna i estacional de l'energia solar i a la variabilitat en la demanda d'energia. D'altra banda, el ZnO és un material semiconductor prometedor com a fotocatalitzador per a la producció d'hidrogen degut a les seues característiques i propietats. En aquest context, el ZnO és un material molt abundant, i per extensió, relativament barat, no és tòxic i presenta una energia de banda prohibida de 3,37 eV, la qual cosa li permet l'absorció de fotons a la regió UV de l'espectre solar. Així mateix, les posicions de les seues bandes d'energia són apropiades per a dur a terme la fotoelectròlisi de l'aigua. En la present Tesi Doctoral la síntesi de nanoestructures de ZnO es va dur a terme mitjançant anoditzat electroquímic, ja que aquest mètode presenta múltiples avantatges enfront d'altres mètodes de síntesi habituals. En general, l'anoditzat electroquímic constitueix un mètode ràpid, senzill i eficaç de síntesi de nanoestructures de ZnO mitjançant el qual és possible dissenyar les característiques superficials de les nanoestructures (grandària i morfologia) a través del control dels seus paràmetres. Com a resultat d'una revisió bibliogràfica en profunditat, es va analitzar la influència dels paràmetres de l'anoditzat en les característiques superficials de les nanoestructures. A més, es van investigar aquells paràmetres la influència dels quals encara no havia sigut analitzada. D'una banda, es va estudiar la influència d'emprar diferents condicions hidrodinàmiques de flux (donades per la variació de la velocitat de rotació de l'elèctrode). D'altra banda, es va estudiar la influència conjunta de modificar l'electròlit amb l'addició d'un dissolvent orgànic (etanol o glicerol en diferents proporcions) i variar la velocitat de rotació de l'elèctrode. Les mostres de ZnO sintetitzades es van sotmetre a una caracterització morfològica, estructural, electroquímica i fotoelectroquímica i es van estudiar les seues propietats per a ser emprades com fotocatalitzadors en la producció d'hidrogen. D'acord amb els resultats, les diferents condicions d'anoditzat van donar lloc a diverses nanoestructures de ZnO amb diferents característiques superficials i fotoelectrocatalítiques. Així, es van obtindre nanoestructures d'elevada àrea superficial amb morfologies de nanocables de diferents grandàries, nanotubs, nanoesferes i nanoesponges. Així mateix, després del calfament tèrmic les mostres van presentar una estructura cristal·lina hexagonal wurtzita amb elevada cristallinitat i la presència de defectes estructurals. Igualment, les nanoestructures sintetitzades van presentar una elevada fotoactivitat, donada pels valors elevats de densitat de fotocorrent, presentant propietats apropiades per a la seua utilització en la producció d'hidrogen. La mostra que va presentar el valor de densitat de fotocorrent més elevat (0,34 mA/cm²) va ser la mostra de nanocables de ZnO anoditzada a 0 rpm en un electròlit amb un contingut en etanol del 10% en volum. En l'aplicació d'aquesta mostra en la producció d'hidrogen es va obtindre un volum teòric d'hidrogen de 1,55 litres per hora de sol i metre quadrat de ZnO. / [EN] This Doctoral Thesis focuses on the development of zinc oxide (ZnO) nanostructures by electrochemical anodization under different conditions for its application in the energy area, in particular, in the production of hydrogen through photoelectrochemical water splitting. Hydrogen is an energy vector that is proposed as a solution to the problem associated with the diurnal and seasonal intermittency of solar energy and the variability in the energy demand. On the other hand, ZnO is a promising semiconductor material as a photocatalyst for hydrogen production due to its characteristics and properties. In this context, ZnO is a very abundant material, and by extension, relatively cheap, it is non-toxic and has a band-gap energy of 3.37 eV, which allows it to absorb photons in the UV region of the solar spectrum. Besides, the positions of ZnO energy bands are appropriate to carry out photoelectrochemical water splitting. In the present Doctoral Thesis, the synthesis of ZnO nanostructures was carried out by electrochemical anodization, since this method has multiple advantages compared to other common synthesis methods. In general, electrochemical anodization constitutes a fast, simple, and effective method of synthesis of ZnO nanostructures by means of which it is possible to design the surface characteristics of the nanostructures (size and morphology) by controlling anodization parameters. As a result of an in-depth bibliographic review, the influence of anodization parameters on the surface characteristics of nanostructures was analyzed. In addition, those parameters whose influence had not yet been analyzed were investigated. On the one hand, the influence of using different controlled hydrodynamic conditions (given by the variation of the rotation speed of the electrode) was studied. On the other hand, the influence of both modifying the electrolyte with the addition of an organic solvent (ethanol or glycerol in different proportions) and varying the electrode rotation speed was studied. The synthesized ZnO samples were subjected to a morphological, structural, electrochemical and photoelectrochemical characterization and their properties were studied to be used as photocatalysts in hydrogen production. According to the results, the different anodization conditions gave rise to various ZnO nanostructures with different surface and photoelectrocatalytic characteristics. Thus, high surface area nanostructures were obtained with morphologies of nanowires of different sizes, nanotubes, nanospheres and nanosponges. Likewise, after thermal annealing the samples presented a wurtzite hexagonal crystalline structure with high crystallinity and the presence of structural defects. Likewise, the synthesized nanostructures presented high photoactivity, given by the high values of photocurrent density, presenting appropriate properties for their use in the production of hydrogen. The sample that presented the highest photocurrent density value (0.34 mA / cm2) was the ZnO nanowires anodized at 0 rpm in an electrolyte with an ethanol content of 10 % by volume. In the application of this sample in the hydrogen production, a theoretical volume of hydrogen of 1.55 liters per hour of sun and square meter of ZnO was obtained. / Authors would like to express their gratitude for the financial support to the Generalitat Valenciana and to the European Social Fund within the subvention to improve formation and employability of technical and management staff of I+D (GJIDI/2018/A/067) and for its financial support through the project: IDIFEDER/018/044. Authors also thank for the financial support to the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Project Code: CTQ2016-79203-R) and to the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación-Agencia Estatal de Investigación (Project Code: PID2019-105844RB-I00) for its help in the Laser Raman Microscope acquisition (UPOV08-3E- 012) and for the co-finance by the European Social Fund. / Batista Grau, P. (2021). Desarrollo de nanoestructuras de ZnO mediante anodizado electroquímico en diferentes condiciones para su aplicación en el área energética [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/172606 / Compendio

Korrelationen zwischen Herstellungsprozess, Struktur und Eigenschaften von anodischen Aluminiumoxidschichten für Verschleißschutzanwendungen / Correlations between production process, structure and properties of anodic aluminium oxide coatings for wear protection applications

Meyer, Daniel 30 August 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Das Ziel dieser Dissertation besteht darin, einen Beitrag zur technologischen, ökonomischen und ökologischen Weiterentwicklung der anodischen Verfahren zur Oberflächenkeramisierung von Aluminium zu leisten. Die Arbeit ist in zwei thematische Schwerpunkte untergliedert. Im ersten Teil wird für die Hartanodisation eine hinsichtlich eines geringeren Energieeinsatzes optimierte Elektrolytzusammensetzung identifiziert und mit einem optimierten galvanostatischen Pulsmuster simultan appliziert. Im Ergebnis kann die Gesamtleistungsaufnahme um ca. 6 % reduziert werden, ohne die mechanischen Eigenschaften der Oxidschichten zu mindern. Im zweiten Schwerpunkt werden das Lichtbogen- und das Flammspritzen mit der plasmaelektrolytischen anodischen Oxidation kombiniert, um verschleißbeständige Aluminiumoxidschichten auf Stahl-, Titan- und Magnesiumsubstraten zu applizieren. Neben einer umfangreichen Mikrostrukturanalyse (REM, EDX, XRD, EBSD) werden die mechanischen Eigenschaften der Schichten untersucht und mit atmosphärisch plasmagespritzten Al2O3-Schichten verglichen. Insbesondere Oxidschichten auf lichtbogengespritztem AlCu4Mg1 zeigen dabei eine hohe Härte sowie eine sehr gute Verschleißbeständigkeit. / The aim of the present work is to contribute to the technological, economic and ecological improvement of the anodic processes for the surface ceramization of aluminum. The work is subdivided into two thematic priorities. In the first part, for the hard anodizing process an optimized electrolyte composition for a lower energy input is identified and applied simultaneously with an optimized galvanostatic pulse regime. As a result, the total power consumption can be reduced by approximately 6% without reducing the mechanical properties of the oxide coatings. In the second focus, arc and flame spraying are combined with plasma electrolytic anodic oxidation to apply wear resistant aluminum oxide coatings on steel, titanium and magnesium substrates. In addition to a comprehensive microstructural analysis (SEM, EDX, XRD, EBSD), the mechanical properties of the layers are investigated and compared with atmospheric plasma sprayed Al2O3 coatings. In particular, oxide layers formed on arc sprayed AlCu4Mg1 coatings show a high hardness as well as very good wear resistance.

Vliv změny vstupních parametrů na výrobu nanoporézní keramiky / Impact of input parameters variation on fabrication of nanoporous alumina

Hriczo, Filip January 2010 (has links)
This thesis examines and tests acids and conditions, which make the production of nanoporous ceramic at the thin aluminium layer the most effective and provide the highest quality. This paper describes the production of nanoporous structures with pore size 15-400 nm, depending on the electrolyte. Creating a regular hexagonal structure by electrochemical oxidation is dependent on many parameters that affect the regularity of structure and parameters of the ceramics produced. They were investigated primarily by changes in temperature and input voltage. All results were examined by SEM analysis.

Mikrosenzory plynů založené na samouspořádaných 3D nanovrstvách oxidů kovů / Gas Microsensors Based on Self-Organized 3D Metal-Oxide Nanofilms

Pytlíček, Zdeněk January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation concerns the development, fabrication and integration in a gas sensing microdevice of a novel 3-dimensional (3D) nanostructured metal-oxide semiconducting film that effectively merges the benefits of inorganic nanomaterials with the simplicity offered by non-lithographic electrochemistry-based preparation techniques. The film is synthesized via the porous-anodic-alumina-assisted anodizing of an Al/Nb metal bilayer sputter-deposited on a SiO2/Si substrate and is basically composed of a 200 nm thick NbO2 layer holding an array of upright-standing spatially separated Nb2O5 nanocolumns, being 50 nm wide, up to 900 nm long and of 8109 cm2 population density. The nanocolumns work as semiconducting nano-channels, whose resistivity is greatly impacted by the surface and interface reactions. Either Pt or Au patterned electrodes are prepared on the top of the nanocolumn array using an innovative sensor design realized by means of microfabrication technology or via a direct original point electrodeposition technique, followed by selective dissolution of the alumina overlayer. For gas-sensing tests the film is mounted on a standard TO-8 package using the wire-bonding technique. Electrical characterization of the 3D niobium-oxide nanofilm reveals asymmetric electron transport properties due to a Schottky barrier that forms at the Au/Nb2O5 or Pt/Nb2O5 interface. Effects of the active film morphology, structure and composition on the electrical and gas-sensing performance focusing on sensitivity, selectivity, detection limits and response/recovery rates are explored in experimental detection of hydrogen gas and ammonia. The fast and intensive response to H2 confirms the potential of the 3D niobium-oxide nanofilm as highly appropriate active layer for sensing application. A computer-aided microfluidics simulation of gas diffusion in the 3D nanofilm predicts a possibility to substantially improve the gas-sensing performance through the formation of a perforated top electrode, optimizing the film morphology, altering the crystal structure and by introducing certain innovations in the electrode design. Preliminary experiments show that a 3D nanofilm synthesized from an alternative Al/W metal bilayer is another promising candidate for advanced sensor applications. The techniques and materials employed in this work are advantageous for developing technically simple, cost-effective and environmentally friendly solutions for practical micro- and nanodevices, where the well-defined nano-channels for charge carriers and surface reactions may bring unprecedented benefits.

Effets plasmoniques induits par des nanostructures d’argent sur des couches minces de silicium / Plasmonic effects induced by silver nanostructures on thin-films silicon

Mailhes, Romain 04 October 2016 (has links)
Le domaine du photovoltaïque en couches minces s’attache à réduire le coût de l’énergie photovoltaïque, en réduisant considérablement la quantité de matières premières utilisées. Dans le cas du silicium cristallin en couches minces, la réduction de l’épaisseur de la cellule s’accompagne d’une baisse drastique de l’absorption, notamment pour les plus fortes longueurs d’onde. Nombreuses sont les techniques aujourd’hui mises en œuvre pour lutter contre cette baisse de performance, dont l’utilisation des effets plasmoniques induits par des nanostructures métalliques qui permettent un piégeage de la lumière accru dans la couche absorbante. Dans ces travaux, nous étudions l’influence de nanostructures d’argent organisées suivant un réseau périodique sur l’absorption d’une couche de silicium. Ces travaux s’articulent autour de deux axes majeurs. L’influence de ces effets plasmoniques sur l’absorption est d’abord mise en évidence à travers différentes simulations numériques réalisées par la méthode FDTD. Nous étudions ainsi les cas de réseaux périodiques finis et infinis de nanostructures d’argent situés sur la face arrière d’une couche mince de silicium. En variant les paramètres du réseau, nous montrons que l’absorption au sein du silicium peut être améliorée dans le proche infrarouge, sur une large plage de longueurs d’onde. Le second volet de la thèse concerne la réalisation des structures modélisées. Pour cela, deux voies de fabrication ont été explorées et développées. Pour chacune d’entre elles, trois briques élémentaires ont été identifiées : (i) définition du futur motif du réseau grâce à un masque, (ii) réalisation de pores dans le silicium et (iii) remplissage des pores par de l’argent pour former le réseau métallique. La première voie de fabrication développée fait appel à un masque d’alumine, réalisé par l’anodisation électrochimique d’une couche d’aluminium, pour définir les dimensions du réseau métallique. Une gravure chimique assistée par un métal est ensuite utilisée pour former les pores, qui seront alors comblés grâce à des dépôts d’argent par voie humide. La seconde voie de fabrication utilise un masque réalisé par lithographie holographique, une gravure des pores par RIE et un remplissage des pores par dépôt d’argent electroless. Les substrats plasmoniques fabriqués sont caractérisés optiquement, au moyen d’une sphère intégrante, par des mesures de transmission, réflexion et absorption. Pour tous les substrats plasmoniques caractérisés, les mesures optiques montrent une baisse de la réflexion et de la transmission et une hausse de l’absorption pour les plus grandes longueurs d’onde. / Thin-film photovoltaics focus on lowering the cost reduction of photovoltaic energy through the significant reduction of raw materials used. In the case of thin-films crystalline silicon, the reduction of the thickness of the cell is linked to a drastic decrease of the absorption, particularly for the higher wavelengths. This decrease of the absorption can be fought through the use of several different light trapping methods, and the use of plasmonic effects induced by metallic nanostructures is one of them. In this work, we study the influence of a periodic array of silver nanostructures on the absorption of a silicon layer. This work is decomposed into two main axes. First, the influence of the plasmonic effects on the silicon absorption is highlighted through different numerical simulations performed by the FDTD method. Both finite and infinite arrays of silver nanostructures, located at the rear side of a thin silicon layer, are studied. By varying the parameters of the array, we show that the silicon absorption can be improved in the near infrared spectral region, over a wide range of wavelengths. The second part of the thesis is dedicated to the fabrication of such modeled structures. Two different approaches have been explored and developed inside the lab. For each of these two strategies, three major building blocks have been identified: (i) definition of the future array pattern through a mask, (ii) etching of the pattern in the silicon layer and (iii) filling of the pores with silver in order to form the metallic array of nanostructures. In the first fabrication method, an anodic alumina mask, produced by the electrochemical anodization of an aluminium layer, is used in order to define the dimensions of the metallic array. A metal assisted chemical etching is then performed to produce the pores inside the silicon, which will then be filled with silver through a wet chemical process. The second fabrication method developed involves the use of holographic lithography to produce the mask, the pores in silicon are formed by reactive ion etching and they are filled during an electroless silver deposition step. The fabricated plasmonic substrates are optically characterized using an integrating sphere, and transmission, reflection and absorption are measured. All the characterized plasmonic substrates shown a decrease of their reflection and transmission and an absorption enhancement at the largest wavelengths.

Korrelationen zwischen Herstellungsprozess, Struktur und Eigenschaften von anodischen Aluminiumoxidschichten für Verschleißschutzanwendungen

Meyer, Daniel 30 August 2017 (has links)
Das Ziel dieser Dissertation besteht darin, einen Beitrag zur technologischen, ökonomischen und ökologischen Weiterentwicklung der anodischen Verfahren zur Oberflächenkeramisierung von Aluminium zu leisten. Die Arbeit ist in zwei thematische Schwerpunkte untergliedert. Im ersten Teil wird für die Hartanodisation eine hinsichtlich eines geringeren Energieeinsatzes optimierte Elektrolytzusammensetzung identifiziert und mit einem optimierten galvanostatischen Pulsmuster simultan appliziert. Im Ergebnis kann die Gesamtleistungsaufnahme um ca. 6 % reduziert werden, ohne die mechanischen Eigenschaften der Oxidschichten zu mindern. Im zweiten Schwerpunkt werden das Lichtbogen- und das Flammspritzen mit der plasmaelektrolytischen anodischen Oxidation kombiniert, um verschleißbeständige Aluminiumoxidschichten auf Stahl-, Titan- und Magnesiumsubstraten zu applizieren. Neben einer umfangreichen Mikrostrukturanalyse (REM, EDX, XRD, EBSD) werden die mechanischen Eigenschaften der Schichten untersucht und mit atmosphärisch plasmagespritzten Al2O3-Schichten verglichen. Insbesondere Oxidschichten auf lichtbogengespritztem AlCu4Mg1 zeigen dabei eine hohe Härte sowie eine sehr gute Verschleißbeständigkeit. / The aim of the present work is to contribute to the technological, economic and ecological improvement of the anodic processes for the surface ceramization of aluminum. The work is subdivided into two thematic priorities. In the first part, for the hard anodizing process an optimized electrolyte composition for a lower energy input is identified and applied simultaneously with an optimized galvanostatic pulse regime. As a result, the total power consumption can be reduced by approximately 6% without reducing the mechanical properties of the oxide coatings. In the second focus, arc and flame spraying are combined with plasma electrolytic anodic oxidation to apply wear resistant aluminum oxide coatings on steel, titanium and magnesium substrates. In addition to a comprehensive microstructural analysis (SEM, EDX, XRD, EBSD), the mechanical properties of the layers are investigated and compared with atmospheric plasma sprayed Al2O3 coatings. In particular, oxide layers formed on arc sprayed AlCu4Mg1 coatings show a high hardness as well as very good wear resistance.

Revalorización de lodos resultantes del pasivado de aluminio por oxidación anódica mediante su utilización en la síntesis de zeolitas NaP1 y LTA

Peñafiel Villarreal, Fausto 10 June 2022 (has links)
[ES] La normativa ambiental potencia la revalorización de los residuos industriales y motiva su utilización como materias primas para la obtención de nuevos materiales útiles, en lugar de que dichos residuos sean depositados en rellenos, que a la postre pueden generar pasivos ambientales. Dentro de este contexto se planificó la síntesis de la zeolita NaP1 código GIS, de amplia utilización en el campo ambiental para la descontaminación de aguas residuales, particularmente polutas con metales pesados y, la síntesis de la zeolita A código LTA, con aplicaciones en la industria de detergentes en reemplazo de los fosfatos, causantes de acelerar la eutrofización del agua de lagos; esto utilizando como materia prima los residuos industriales provenientes de los procesos y operaciones unitarias del pasivado del aluminio por oxidación electrolítica anódica. La presente investigación se enfoca en la recuperación indirecta del aluminio presente en los residuos industriales de anodizado de aluminio, transfiriéndolo a la estructura cristalina de las zeolitas. El residuo contiene elevadas concentraciones de aluminio, tal como lo prueban los resultados obtenidos mediante microscopía electrónica de barrido SEM (38.9% - 40.42%) y por espectroscopia de absorción atómica con llama AAS (37.16 g/100g); pero es pobre en contenido de silicio (0.93% - 0.74%) determinado por SEM y 1.83 g/100g determinado por AAS. Además, el residuo de anodizado de aluminio contiene concentraciones menores de cationes alcalinos y alcalinotérreos. El contenido de humedad del lodo es de 69.84% (n=28) y su pH cae en el rango 7.7 a 8.3 (1:5 w/v), que lo hace ligeramente alcalino. Se observó que la relación molar Si/Al es significativamente menor que la unidad, de lo cual se infiere que los residuos industriales tal como salen de la planta de tratamiento, no se pueden utilizar para la síntesis de zeolitas. La caracterización de los residuos industriales deshidratados a 100°C por 4 y 24 horas mediante microscopia electrónica de barrido (SEM) y difracción de rayos-X muestran un material básicamente amorfo, sin morfología externa apreciable. La composición fisicoquímica en términos del contenido de aluminio en los lodos de anodizado, permite plantear la recuperación del aluminio y cationes a través de la síntesis de zeolitas, utilizando como materia prima el residuo industrial, enriquecido con silicio proveniente de fuentes externas. Así para sintetizar la zeolita NaP1, código GIS, se enriqueció el lodo de anodizado con silicio proveniente de una solución de silicato de sodio grado analítico. Con la finalidad de identificar la concentración a la que se tiene los mejores resultados, se utilizó como agente de mineralización soluciones de NaOH en concentraciones 0.5M; 1.0M; 1.5M; 2.0M; 2.5M y 3.0M. Se instrumentó el método hidrotermal de síntesis a una temperatura constante de 100°C y 48 horas de tiempo de reacción, utilizando los residuos industriales húmedos. Los materiales obtenidos a las diferentes condiciones de síntesis se han caracterizado mediante difracción de rayos-X y SEM. Así, las concentraciones 1.5M, 2.0M, 2.5M y 3.0M del agente de mineralización NaOH conducen a la síntesis de la zeolita NaP1 código GIS. Sin embargo, el producto obtenido utilizando como agente de mineralización NaOH 1.5M presenta cristales con morfología externa muy bien definida, en forma de esferas de tamaño homogéneo. Este material presenta una relación molar Si/Al de 2.44 y una fórmula teórica 0.98Na2O•Al2O3•4.88SiO2•yH2O. Los materiales obtenidos con concentraciones más altas del agente de mineralización, aun presentando un difractograma de rayos-X correspondiente a la zeolita NaP1, en el microscopio electrónico muestran cristales poco formados y de tamaños muy diferentes. De esto se infiere que el agente de mineralización NaOH 1.5M presenta los mejores resultados en términos de morfología. Utilizando como fuente de enriquecimiento de silicio el silicato de sodio comercial, se sintetizó la zeoli / [CA] La normativa ambiental potència la revaloració dels residus industrials i motiva la seua utilització com a matèries primeres per a l'obtenció de nous materials útils, en lloc que aquests residus siguen depositats en farciments, que fet i fet poden generar passius ambientals. Dins d'aquest context es va planificar la síntesi de la zeolita NaP1 codi GIS, d'àmplia utilització en el camp ambiental per a la descontaminació d'aigües residuals, particularment contaminades amb metalls pesants i, la síntesi de la zeolita A codi LTA, amb aplicacions en la indústria de detergents en reemplaçament dels fosfats, causants d'accelerar l'eutrofització de l'aigua de llacs; això utilitzant com a matèria primera els residus industrials provinents dels processos i operacions unitàries del passivat de l'alumini per oxidació electrolítica anòdica. La present investigació s'enfoca en la recuperació indirecta de l'alumini present en els residus industrials d'anoditzat d'alumini, transferint-ho a l'estructura cristal·lina de les zeolites. El residu conté elevades concentracions d'alumini, tal com ho proven els resultats obtinguts mitjançant microscòpia electrònica d'escombratge SEM (38.9% - 40.42%) i per espectroscòpia d'absorció atòmica amb flama AAS (37.16 g/100g); però és pobre en contingut de silici (0.93% - 0.74%) determinat per SEM i 1.83 g/*100g determinat per AAS. A més, el residu d'anoditzat d'alumini conté concentracions menors de cations alcalins i alcalinoterris. El contingut d'humitat del llot és de 69.84% (n=28) i el seu pH cau en el rang 7.7 a 8.3 (1:5 w/v), que ho fa lleugerament alcalí. Es va observar que la relació molar Si/A l'és significativament menor que la unitat, de la qual cosa s'infereix que els residus industrials tal com ixen de la planta de tractament, no es poden utilitzar per a la síntesi de zeolites. La caracterització dels residus industrials deshidratats a 100 °C per 4 i 24 hores mitjançant microscòpia electrònica d'escombratge (SEM) i difracció de raigs-X mostren un materials bàsicament amorfs, sense morfologia externa apreciable. La composició fisicoquímica en termes del contingut d'alumini en els llots d'anoditzat, permet plantejar la recuperació de l'alumini i cations a través de la síntesi de zeolites, utilitzant com a matèria primera el residu industrial, enriquit amb silici provinent de fonts externes. Així per a sintetitzar la zeolita NaP1, codi GIS, es va enriquir el llot d'anoditzat amb silici provinent d'una solució de silicat de sodi grau analític. Amb la finalitat d'identificar la concentració a la qual es té els millors resultats, es va utilitzar com a agent de mineralització soluciones de NaOH en concentracions 0.5M; 1.0M; 1.5M; 2.0M; 2.5M i 3.0M. Es va instrumentar el mètode hidrotermal de síntesi a una temperatura constant de 100 °C i 48 hores de temps de reacció, utilitzant els residus industrials humits. Els materials obtinguts a les diferents condicions de síntesis s'han caracteritzat mitjançant difracció de raigs-X i SEM. Així, les concentracions 1.5M, 2.0M, 2.5M i 3.0M de l'agent de mineralització NaOH condueixen a la síntesi de la zeolita NaP1 codi GIS. No obstant això, el producte obtingut utilitzant com a agent de mineralització NaOH 1.5M presenta cristalls amb morfologia externa molt ben definida, en forma d'esferes de grandària homogènia. Aquest material presenta una relació molar Si/Al de 2.44 i una fórmula teòrica 0.98Na2O•Al2O3•4.88SiO2•yH2O. Els materials obtinguts amb concentracions més altes de l'agent de mineralització, encara presentant un difractograma de raigs-X corresponent a la zeolita NaP1, en el microscopi electrònic mostren cristalls poc formats i de grandàries molt diferents. D'això s'infereix que l'agent de mineralització NaOH 1.5M presenta els millors resultats en termes de morfologia. Utilitzant com a font d'enriquiment de silici el silicat de sodi comercial, es va sintetitzar la zeolita Linde Tipus A, Codi estructural HISSA (Associació International de zeolite / [EN] Environmental regulations promote the revaluation of industrial waste and encourage its use as raw materials to obtain new valuable materials, instead of such waste being deposited in landfills, which can ultimately generate environmental liabilities. Within this context, the synthesis of the GIS code NaP1 zeolite, widely used in the environmental field for the decontamination of wastewater, particularly polluted with heavy metals, and the synthesis of the LTA code zeolite A, with applications in industry. detergents to replace phosphates, which cause the eutrophication of lake water to accelerate, were planned using as raw material the industrial residues from the processes and unitary operations of aluminum passivation by anodic electrolytic oxidation. This research focuses on the indirect recovery of aluminum present in industrial waste from aluminum anodizing, transferring it to the crystalline structure of zeolites. The residue contains high concentrations of aluminum, as proven by the results obtained by scanning electron microscopy SEM (38.9% - 40.42%) and by atomic absorption spectroscopy with AAS flame (37.16 g/100g); but it is poor in silicon content (0.93% - 0.74%) determined by SEM and 1.83 g/100g determined by AAS. In addition, the aluminum anodizing residue contains lower concentrations of alkali and alkaline earth cations. The moisture content of the mud is 69.84% (n=28) and its pH falls in the range of 7.7 to 8.3 (1:5 w/v), which makes it slightly alkaline. It was observed that the Si/Al molar ratio is significantly less than unity, from which it is inferred that industrial waste as it leaves the treatment plant has to be modified to be used for the synthesis of zeolites. SEM and X-ray diffraction characterization of the aluminum-containing industrial waste dehydrated at 100°C for 4 and 24 hours show basically amorphous materials without appreciable external morphology. The physicochemical composition in terms of the aluminum content in the anodizing sludge allows us to propose the recovery of aluminum through the synthesis of zeolites, using industrial waste as raw material, and enriching it with silicon from external sources. Thus, to synthesize the zeolite NaP1, code GIS, the anodizing sludge was enriched with silicon from an analytical grade sodium silicate solution. To identify the concentration at which the best results are obtained, NaOH solutions at 0.5M concentrations were used as mineralization agents; 1.0M; 1.5M; 2.0M; 2.5M and 3.0M. The hydrothermal synthesis method was implemented at a constant temperature of 100°C and 48 hours of reaction time, using wet industrial waste. The materials obtained at the different synthesis conditions were characterized by X-ray diffraction and SEM. Thus, concentrations of 1.5M, 2.0M, 2.5M, and 3.0M of the mineralizing agent NaOH lead to the synthesis of the zeolite NaP1 code GIS. However, the product obtained using 1.5M NaOH as the mineralization agent presents crystals with a very well-defined external morphology in the form of spheres of homogeneous size. This material has a Si/Al molar ratio of 2.44 and a theoretical formula of 0.98Na2O•Al2O3•4.88SiO2•yH2O. The materials obtained with higher concentrations of the mineralization agent, even presenting an X-ray diffractogram corresponding to zeolite NaP1, show poorly formed crystals of very different sizes. From this, it is inferred that the 1.5M NaOH mineralization agent presents the best results in terms of morphology. Using commercial sodium silicate as the source of silicon enrichment, the Linde Type A zeolite, structural code IZA (International Zeolite Association) LTA, was synthesized. This product is obtained with a weight ratio of wet industrial residue to commercial sodium silicate of 2.6 to 1, using 1.5M NaOH as a mineralization agent at 85°C and a reaction time of 4 hours, resulting in a zeolite A code LTA with Si/Al molar ratio, 1.04 (sample 1A) and Si/Al 1.05 (sample 2A). Taking into account the r / Peñafiel Villarreal, F. (2022). Revalorización de lodos resultantes del pasivado de aluminio por oxidación anódica mediante su utilización en la síntesis de zeolitas NaP1 y LTA [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/183230

Strengthening Mechanisms in Microtruss Metals

Ng, Evelyn 18 December 2012 (has links)
Microtrusses are hybrid materials composed of a three-dimensional array of struts capable of efficiently transmitting an externally applied load. The strut connectivity of microtrusses enables them to behave in a stretch-dominated fashion, allowing higher specific strength and stiffness values to be reached than conventional metal foams. While much attention has been given to the optimization of microtruss architectures, little attention has been given to the strengthening mechanisms inside the materials that make up this architecture. This thesis examines strengthening mechanisms in aluminum alloy and copper alloy microtruss systems with and without a reinforcing structural coating. C11000 microtrusses were stretch-bend fabricated for the first time; varying internal truss angles were selected in order to study the accumulating effects of plastic deformation and it was found that the mechanical performance was significantly enhanced in the presence of work hardening with the peak strength increasing by a factor of three. The C11000 microtrusses could also be significantly reinforced with sleeves of electrodeposited nanocrystalline Ni-53wt%Fe. It was found that the strength increase from work hardening and electrodeposition were additive over the range of structures considered. The AA2024 system allowed the contribution of work hardening, precipitation hardening, and hard anodizing to be considered as interacting strengthening mechanisms. Because of the lower formability of AA2024 compared to C11000, several different perforation geometries in the starting sheet were considered in order to more effectively distribute the plastic strain during stretch-bend fabrication. A T8 condition was selected over a T6 condition because it was shown that the plastic deformation induced during the final step was sufficient to enhance precipitation kinetics allowing higher strengths to be reached, while at the same time eliminating one annealing treatment. When hard anodizing treatments were conducted on O-temper and T8 temper AA2024 truss cores, the strength increase was different for different architectures, but was nearly the same for the two parent material tempers. Finally, the question of how much microtruss strengthening can be obtained for a given amount of parent metal strengthening was addressed by examining the interaction of material and geometric parameters in a model system.

Strengthening Mechanisms in Microtruss Metals

Ng, Evelyn 18 December 2012 (has links)
Microtrusses are hybrid materials composed of a three-dimensional array of struts capable of efficiently transmitting an externally applied load. The strut connectivity of microtrusses enables them to behave in a stretch-dominated fashion, allowing higher specific strength and stiffness values to be reached than conventional metal foams. While much attention has been given to the optimization of microtruss architectures, little attention has been given to the strengthening mechanisms inside the materials that make up this architecture. This thesis examines strengthening mechanisms in aluminum alloy and copper alloy microtruss systems with and without a reinforcing structural coating. C11000 microtrusses were stretch-bend fabricated for the first time; varying internal truss angles were selected in order to study the accumulating effects of plastic deformation and it was found that the mechanical performance was significantly enhanced in the presence of work hardening with the peak strength increasing by a factor of three. The C11000 microtrusses could also be significantly reinforced with sleeves of electrodeposited nanocrystalline Ni-53wt%Fe. It was found that the strength increase from work hardening and electrodeposition were additive over the range of structures considered. The AA2024 system allowed the contribution of work hardening, precipitation hardening, and hard anodizing to be considered as interacting strengthening mechanisms. Because of the lower formability of AA2024 compared to C11000, several different perforation geometries in the starting sheet were considered in order to more effectively distribute the plastic strain during stretch-bend fabrication. A T8 condition was selected over a T6 condition because it was shown that the plastic deformation induced during the final step was sufficient to enhance precipitation kinetics allowing higher strengths to be reached, while at the same time eliminating one annealing treatment. When hard anodizing treatments were conducted on O-temper and T8 temper AA2024 truss cores, the strength increase was different for different architectures, but was nearly the same for the two parent material tempers. Finally, the question of how much microtruss strengthening can be obtained for a given amount of parent metal strengthening was addressed by examining the interaction of material and geometric parameters in a model system.

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