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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Difusão anômala: transição entre os regimes localizado e estendido na caminhada do turista unidimensional / Anomalous Diffusion: Transition between the Localized and Extended Regimes in the One Dimensional Tourist Walk

Rodrigo Silva Gonzalez 05 September 2006 (has links)
Considere um meio desordenado formado por $N$ pontos cujas coordenadas são geradas aleatoriamente com probabilidade uniforme ao longo das arestas unitárias de um hipercubo de $d$ dimensões. Um caminhante, partindo de um ponto qualquer desse meio, se desloca seguindo a regra determinista de dirigir-se sempre ao ponto mais próximo que não tenha sido visitado nos últimos $\\mu$ passos. Esta dinâmica de movimentação, denominada caminhada determinista do turista, leva a trajetórias formadas por uma parte inicial transiente de $t$ pontos, e uma parte final cíclica de $p$ pontos. A exploração do meio se limita aos $t+p$ pontos percorridos na trajetória. O sucesso da exploração depende do valor da memória $\\mu$ do viajante. Para valores pequenos de $\\mu$ a exploração é altamente localizada e o sistema não é satisfatoriamente explorado. Já para $\\mu$ da ordem de $N$, aparecem ciclos longos, permitindo a exploração global do meio. O objetivo deste estudo é determinar o valor de memória $\\mu_1$ para o qual ocorre uma transição abrupta no comportamento exploratório do turista em meios unidimensionais. Procuramos também entender a distribuição da posição final do turista após atingir um estado estacionário que é atingido quando o turista fica aprisionado nos ciclos. Os resultados obtidos por simulações numéricas e por um tratamento analítico mostram que $\\mu_1 = \\log_2 N$. O estudo também mostrou a existência de uma região de transição com largura $\\varepsilon = e/ \\ln 2$ constante, caracterizando uma transição aguda de fase no comportamento exploratório do turista em uma dimensão. A análise do estado estacionário da caminhada em função da memória mostrou que, para $\\mu$ distante de $\\mu_1$, a dinâmica de exploração ocorre como um processo difusivo tradicional (distribuição gaussiana). Já para $\\mu$ próximo de $\\mu_1$ (região de transição), essa dinâmica segue um processo superdifusivo não-linear, caracterizado por distribuições $q$-gaussianas e distribuições $\\alpha$-estáveis de Lévy. Neste processo, o parâmetro $q$ funciona como parâmetro de ordem da transição. / Consider a disordered medium formed by $N$ point whose coordinates are randomly generated with uniform probability along the unitary edges of a $d$-dimensional hypercube. A walker, starting to walk from any point of that medium, moves following the deterministic rule of always going to the nearest point that has not been visited in the last $\\mu$ steps. This dynamic of moving, called deterministic tourist walk, leads to trajectories formed by a initial transient part of $t$ points and a final cycle of $p$ points. The exploration of the medium is limited to the $t+p$ points covered. The success of the exploration depends on the traveler\'s memory value $\\mu$. For small values of $\\mu$, the exploration is highly localized and the whole system remains unexplored. For values of $\\mu$ of the order of $N$, however, long cycles appear, allowing global exploration of the medium. The objective of this study is to determine the memory value $\\mu_1$ for which a sharp transition in the exploratory behavior of the tourist in one-dimensional media occurs. We also want to understand the distribution of the final position of the tourist after reaches a steady state in exploring the medium. That steady state is reached when the tourist is trapped in cycles. The results achieved by numerical simulations and analytical treatment has shown that $\\mu_1 = \\log_2 N$. The study has also shown the existence of a transition region, with a constant width of $\\varepsilon = e/ \\ln 2$, characterizing a phase transition in the exploratory behavior of the tourist in one dimension. The analysis of the walk steady state as a function of the memory has shown that for $\\mu$ far from $\\mu_1$, the exploratory dynamic follows a traditional diffusion process (with gaussian distribution). In the other hand, for $\\mu$ near $\\mu_1$ (transition region), the dynamic follows a non-linear superdiffusion process, characterized by $q$-gaussian distributions and Lèvy $\\alpha$-stable distributions. In this process, the parameter $q$ plays the role of a transition order parameter.

Estudo de experiências anômalas em médiuns e não médiuns: prevalência, relevância, diagnóstico diferencial de transtornos mentais e relação com qualidade de vida / Study of Anomalous Experiences in Mediums and Non-Mediums: Prevalence, relevance, differential diagnosis of mental disorders and relation with quality of life

Jeverson Rogério Costa Reichow 19 September 2017 (has links)
Experiência Anômalas são comuns na população em geral e são, muitas vezes, confundidas com sintomas psicóticos, sem necessariamente serem patológicas. Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar a prevalência das experiências anômalas em uma amostra composta por quatro diferentes grupos da população (Médiuns (n=40), Consulentes (n=36), ARNM (n=40) e Ateus (n=42)), de modo a conhecer os tipos de experiências vivenciadas e sua relevância, relacionando-as com o perfil sociodemográfico e religioso/espiritual dos experienciadores, correlacionando esses dados com qualidade de vida (em dois momentos T0 e T1), esquizotipia, e o diagnóstico diferencial de transtornos mentais. Para a coleta de dados, foi elaborado e aplicado o Q-PREA (Questionário de Prevalência e Relevância de Experiências Anômalas) com 43 itens, juntamente com o MINI-PLUS (Entrevista Psiquiátrica de Transtornos Mentais), o O-LIFE-R (Inventário Reduzido Oxford-Liverpool de Sentimentos e Experiências, que avalia quatro fatores de Esquizotipia), o WHOQOL-BREF (Instrumento de Avaliação da Qualidade de Vida da Organização Mundial de Saúde versão abreviada) e o WHOQOL- SRPB (Instrumento de Avaliação da Qualidade de Vida relacionada à Espiritualidade, Religião e Crenças Pessoais da OMS). Dos 158 respondentes (idades de 18 a 64 anos) que participaram da pesquisa, 100,0% alegaram ter vivenciado pelo menos uma experiência anômala. Em relação aos tipos de EAs experienciadas, houve prevalência de 93,7% de Experiências Relacionadas a Psi e de Sonho ESP 63,9%, de ESP em Vigília 79,7%, Sonho Lúcido 69,0% e Experiência Mística 58,2%. Foram encontradas diferenças significantes entre os grupos em termos de gênero, renda, estado civil, religião e religiosidade e crenças de maneira geral. Verificou-se também que a prevalência de experiências anômalas no grupo dos Médiuns foi superior em relação aos demais grupos, e que Médiuns são os que mais crêem em experiências anômalas, reencarnação, em vida após a morte e em práticas alternativas. O grupo ARNM foi o que mais relatou mudanças de atitude em decorrência das EAs. Médiuns e membros do grupo ARNM relataram que mudaram mais suas crenças em função das EAs e que o grupo dos Médiuns foi o que mais sofreu influência das EAs na tomada de decisão. Tal influência está significativamente relacionada à atribuição de causalidade feita para as experiências anômalas vivenciadas. As atribuições de causalidade são coerentes com a crença, adesão ou postura religiosa dos experienciadores. Houve prevalência atual de 36,7% de Transtornos de Ansiedade na amostra, 17,1% de Transtorno Depressivo e 8,2% de Transtorno Bipolar. A prevalência de Algum Transtorno de Ansiedade foi maior no grupo dos Ateus e de Transtornos Depressivos no grupo dos Consulentes. Os fatores de Esquizotipia se correlacionaram negativamente com QV, e Desorganização Cognitiva, Anedonia Introvertida e Não Conformidade Impulsiva se correlacionaram com piores níveis em todos as domínios de QV. O Transtorno de Ansiedade Generalizada esteve associado com pior QV em todos os domínios. Anedonia Introvertida se correlacionou positiva e significativamente com Transtorno Depressivo Atual. Houve correlação positiva e significativa entre Transtorno de Ansiedade Generalizada e Desorganização Cognitiva e Não Conformidade Impulsiva. Também houve correlação positiva e significativa entre Desorganização Cognitiva e Transtornos Depressivos e Ansiosos (A) e com Qualquer Transtorno. Os dados foram discutidos em detalhes, enfatizando-se a complexidade de suas associações e correlações. Os resultados não são conclusivos, mas apontam tendências que já foram encontradas em outros estudos e deverão ser exploradas de forma mais aprofundada em estudos futuros / Anomalous Experiences are common in the general population and are often confused with psychotic symptoms without necessarily being pathological. This study aimed to verify the prevalence of anomalous experiences in a sample composed of four different groups of the population (Mediums (n=40), Consultants (n=36), ARNM (n=40) and Atheists (n=42), in order to know the types of experiences and their relevance, relating them to the sociodemographic and religious / spiritual profile of the experiencers, correlating these data with quality of life (in two moments T0 and T1), schizotypy, and differential diagnosis of mental disorders. For the data collection, the Q-PREA (Prevalence Questionnaire and Relevance of Anomalous Experiences) with 43 items was elaborated and applied, along with the MINI-PLUS (Psychiatric Interview of Mental Disorders); The WHO-LIFE-R (Reduced Inventory of Feelings and Experiences, Oxford-Liverpool, which evaluates four Schizotypy factors), the WHOQOL-BREF (World Health Organization Life Instrument Assessment) and WHOQOL-SRPB (Life Quality Assessment Instrument related to Spirituality, Religion and Personal Beliefs). Of the 158 respondents (ages 18-64) who participated in the survey, 100.0% reported experiencing at least one anomalous experience. Regarding the types of AEs experienced, there was a prevalence of 93.7% of psi related experiences, and 63.9% of ESP Dreams, 79.7% of ESP in Vigil, 69.0% of Lucid Dream and 58.2% of Mystical Experiences. Significant differences were found between groups in terms of gender, income, marital status, religion and religiosity, and beliefs in general. It was also verified that the prevalence of anomalous experiences in the group of Mediums was superior in relation to the other groups, and that Mediums are those who most believe in anomalous experiences, reincarnation, life after death and in \"alternative practices\". The ARNM group reported the most changes in attitude as a result of the AEs. Mediums and members of the ARNM group reported that they changed their beliefs more because of AEs and the Medium group was the one most affected by the AEs in decision making. Such influence is significantly related to the attribution of causality made for the anomalous experiences experiencers. The attributions of causality are consistent with the belief, adherence or religious posture of the experiencers. There was a current prevalence of 36.7% of Anxiety Disorders in the sample, 17.1% of Depressive Disorder e 8.2% of Bipolar Disorder. The prevalence of some Anxiety Disorders was higher in the Atheist group and Depressive Disorders in the Consultants group. Schizotypy factors were negatively correlated with QOL and Cognitive Disorganization, Introved Anhedonia and Impulsive Nonconformity correlated with worse levels in all QOL domains. Generalized Anxiety Disorder was associated with poorer QOL in all domains. Anhedonia Introverted correlated positively and significantly with Current Depressive Disorder. There was a positive and significant correlation between Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Cognitive Disorganization and Impulsive Non Conformity. There was also a positive and significant correlation between Cognitive Disorganization and Depressive and Anxious Disorders (A) and with Any Disorder. The data were discussed in details, emphasizing the complexity of their associations and correlations. The results are not conclusive, but point to trends that have already been found in other studies and should be explored in more depth in future studies


Fischborn, Marcelo 21 February 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Anomalous monism is a theory in the philosophy of mind put forth by Donald Davidson in the 1970s. Although influential at the time, it received numerous criticisms, and it is now widely rejected. The present Master s Dissertation argues for a revision of the reasons for which anomalous monism should be rejected. According to a well known objection in the literature, anomalous monism entails the thesis of property epiphenomenalism, and should be rejected because this consequence is unacceptable. It is proposed that this objection is inadequate in its two crucial steps. First, property epiphenomenalism does not seem to follow from anomalous monism, and, second, there seems to be no sufficient reason for a decisive rejection of property epiphenomenalism. Despite this, there are alternative reasons for rejecting anomalous monism, which concern the justification of the monist thesis. At least one of the premises Davidson takes to support it appears to be false, and, additionally, the very possibility of the monism at issue is threatened by problems in the ontology of events it assumes. / O monismo anômalo é uma teoria em filosofia da mente proposta por Donald Davidson na década de 1970. Embora influente na época, essa teoria recebeu inúmeras críticas e é atualmente amplamente rejeitada. A presente dissertação argumenta em favor de uma revisão das razões pelas quais o monismo anômalo deve ser rejeitado. De acordo com uma objeção bem conhecida na literatura, o monismo anômalo implica a tese do epifenomenismo de propriedades e deve ser rejeitado porque essa consequência é inaceitável. Propõe-se que essa objeção é inadequada em seus dois passos cruciais. Em primeiro lugar, o epifenomenismo de propriedades não parece se seguir do monismo anômalo, e, em segundo, não parece haver razões suficientes para uma rejeição decisiva do epifenomenismo de propriedades. Apesar disso, há razões alternativas para se rejeitar o monismo anômalo, que dizem respeito à justificação da tese monista. Pelo menos uma das premissas que Davidson empregou em sua defesa parece falsa, e, adicionalmente, a própria possibilidade do monismo em questão é ameaçada por dificuldades na ontologia de eventos que pressupõe.

Measurement of the WW production cross-section in Proton-Proton Collisions at sqrt(s) = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector / Mesure de la section efficace de production WW dans les collisions proton-proton A sqrt(s) = 8 TeV avec le détecteur ATLAS

Gao, Jun 30 October 2015 (has links)
Le Modéle Standard (MS), actuelle théorie fondamentale de la physique des particules, fournit une description des particules élémentaires et de plusieurs interactions fondamentales : les forces électromagnétique, forte et faible. Au Centre Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire (CERN), des scientifiques du monde entier cherchent à com- prendre les lois fondamentales régissant l’Univers. LHC (Large Hadron Collider), pour les faire entrer en collision au centre des détecteurs et obtenir des indications quant à la manière dont les particules interagissent et ainsi appréhender les lois fondamentales de la nature. L’expérience ATLAS(roidalLhcApparatuS), couvre un large spectre de mesures physiques, incluant des mesures de précision du MS, la recherche du boson de Higgs, ou de trace de nouvelle physique. L’expérience CMS a un programme similaire. Les événements W+W−sont sélectionnés à partir de trois états finaux : ee, eµ, and µµ. Afin de réduire le bruit de fond, constitué principalement de processus Drell-Yan ou de paires t¯t, une coupure est appliquée sur l’énergie transverse manquante, et les événements contenant des jets hadroniques satisfaisant certains critères de sélection sont rejetés. Les principaux bruits de fonds résiduels, essentiellement des processus W+jets, top, Z+jets, sont estimés à l’aide de modèles établis à partir des données observées (méthodes data driven). Ces méthodes d’estimation sont validées en les comparants à d’autres méthodes indépendantes. La section efficace mesurée est 71.0+1.1−1.1(stat)+5.7−5.0(syst)+2.1−2.0(lumi) pb, en accord avec la prédiction NNLO du MS de 63.2+2.0−1.8pb. / The Standard Model (SM), actual fundamental theory for particle physics, provides a description of the elementary particles and the fundamental interactions: the electromagnetic, weak and strong forces. At the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), physicists and engineers from all over the world are searching to understand the fundamental laws of the universe. It is at CERN that the world's largest and most sophisticated experimental instruments have been built, to accelerate particles at the energy of 3.5-4 TeV with the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). A Toroidal LHC ApparatuS (ATLAS), one of the four main detectors at LHC. In ATLAS, di-boson production is one of the most important electro-weak processes.The electro-weak sector of the SM, as well as the strong interactions, can be tested through the precision measurements of the $W^+W^-$ production cross section. A measurement of the $W+W-$ production cross section in 8 TeV center of mass proton-proton collisions is presented here from data collected with the ATLAS detector at the LHC for a total integrated luminosity of 20.3 fb^-1. The W+W- events are selected with 3 final states: ee, emu, and mumu. In order to suppress the background contamination, mainly from the Drell-Yan and ttbar processes, a cut on missing transverse energy is applied and events with hadronic jets satisfying appropriate selection criteria are rejected. The major backgrounds, mainly including W +jets, top and Z+jets, are estimated by data driven technique. The measured cross section is 71.0+1.1−1.1(stat)+5.7−5.0(syst)+2.1−2.0(lumi) pb, which is consistent with SM Next-to-Next-Leading-Order prediction of 63.2+2.0-1.8 pb.

Synthesis and Characterization of Heusler Compounds with Non-Collinear Magnetic Structure - From Spin Glasses to Spin Reorientation

Kroder, Johannes Christoph 17 September 2020 (has links)
Heusler compounds form a large class of intermetallic materials, which attracted a lot of interest in recent years. The reason is their enormous flexibility, which makes it possible to observe almost every physical effect in one of the 1000 members known nowadays. Especially many magnetic Heusler compounds display promising properties, which offer potential application in fields like rare-earth free permanent magnets, magnetocalorics, spin transfer torque devices and tunnel junctions. Apart from that, magnetic Heusler systems are also interesting for fundamental research since some members host skyrmion lattices and other magnetically complex orders. The search for new Heusler compounds is therefore fruitful in many ways. Accordingly, the present thesis followed the approach of synthesizing and characterizing such Heusler compounds that were either entirely new or had unexplored magnetic properties. Exactly this second approach was demonstrated in Chapter 3, namely for IrMnGa. With help of combined neutron and x-ray diffraction experiments it was possible to correct the structural model from literature and show that the compound crystallizes indeed within the half-Heusler space group but with a substantial degree of Y -disorder. In contrast to older suggestions, the subsequent magnetic characterization revealed a robust canonical spin glass state instead of antiferromagnetic order. The magnetic phase diagram was found to be similar to Au1−xFex and thus hinted on a Heisenberg-like spin glass with considerable anisotropy. Contrary to synthesis route and heat treatment, changing the composition allowed to tune the spin glass state extensively. Increasing the Mn content caused a transition from spin to cluster glass behavior and for Mn contents above 40 at%, it was even possible to introduce ferrimagnetic order. Notably, the composition dependence of spin glasses was only studied for binary systems before. It turned out that many trends are quite similar for the Ir-Mn-Ga ternary scenario with the exception of magnetic behavior near the percolation limit being more complex. Generally, spin glass order is rather rare in Heusler compounds and especially for half-Heusler systems a report remained elusive up to IrMnGa. Chapter 4 then summarized investigations on the Heusler series Fe3−xMnxSi, which features a spin reorientation transition at low temperatures. Despite being one of the most studied Heusler systems, the magnetotransport properties were not yet covered systematically in literature. The presented investigations unveiled that the mechanisms of longitudinal as well as Hall resistivity change upon cooling through the spin reorientation transition. For the Hall effect, skew scattering dominates above TR whereas it is the intrinsic mechanism below. The finding emphasizes the dependency of the intrinsic Hall contribution on the magnetic structure and it should be possible to generalize this change of the Hall mechanism to all magnetic transitions, where the intrinsic contribution is affected. The subsequent Chapter 5 provided a reevaluation of the Fe-Mn-Si phase diagram. The approach seemed well justified since the obtained phase boundaries agreed better with theory than the old experimental studies. Furthermore, it was found that those compounds, which were previously identified as β-Mn, actually crystallize in a superstructure. The ordered version has a Mn3IrSi as prototype and derives from β-Mn by splitting of the 8c site into two 4a sites. Due to the close relation of both structures, this phase was named β’-Mn. Moreover, it turned out that the ’mysterious’ secondary phase, which was mentioned for Mn-rich Fe3−xMnxSi Heusler compounds but never specified, is given exactly by β’-Mn. The investigations of its magnetic properties indicated a transition to a canonical spin glass state at low temperatures. β’-Mn thus adds a further type of magnetic ordering to the Fe-Mn-Si system. Indeed, the latter comprised all kinds of solid state magnetism but no spin glass order was reported before. Finally, the spin glass state was demonstrated to exhibit a similar composition dependence as in Ir-Mn-Ga, which illustrated nicely the universal character of the spin glass concept. The last chapter dealt with the difficult search for entirely new Heusler compounds. It was explained that high-throughput studies struggle to predict phase stabilities, which is why they have to be treated with care. To overcome these issues, some design rules were suggested to evaluate whether a Heusler compound is likely to be experimentally stable or not. Usually, there are no reports for systems, which do not form as single phase. Since this is a highly inefficient habit, 26 multi-phase ’Heusler compounds’ were listed. In the end of the chapter, the successful synthesis of three new compounds was presented, namely Ru2CrAl, Ru2CrGa and Ru2CrSb. Ru2CrGa was identified as Pauli paramagnet whereas Ru2CrSb exhibited an antiferromagnetic transition around 100 K. A second transition at 40 K was accompanied by a small increase of magnetization, which hinted on some more complex magnetic structure at low temperatures.

Studie magnonických krystalů ve frekvenční doméně / Study of magnonic crystals in a frequency domain

Turčan, Igor January 2017 (has links)
Popis magnetodynamických vlastností nanomagnetů a nanostrukturovaných magnetických materiálů vyžaduje metody vhodné pro zkoumání typické časové odezvy těchto systémů, tj. v řádu nanosekund a méně. Nedostatek technik, vhodných právě pro charakterizaci v časové doméně, je spojen s možnostmi současné elektroniky. Další možný přístup, jak popsat vlastnosti nanomagnetů, je charakterizace ve frekvenční doméně v pásmu GHz. Nejrozšířenější technikou charakterizace ve frekvenční doméně je měření feromagnetické rezonance (FMR). Ze spekter FMR lze získat cenné informace o systému: parametr tlumení, saturační magnetizace atd. Metoda, kterou využíváme k detekci excitací spinových vln, má za cíl zjednodušení charakterizace. Využíváme termoelektrickou detekci spinových vln v magnetických drátech prostřednictvím anomálního Nernstova jevu. Metoda je založena na disipaci tepla uvnitř magnetické vrstvy v důsledku útlumu spinových vln, a proto dochází k vytvoření teplotního gradientu směrem k substrátu (kolmo k povrchu). To vede k vytvoření elektrického pole kolmého jak na teplotní gradient, tak na směr magnetizace. Napětí je obvykle v řádu V, proto může být měřeno obvyklým laboratorním vybavením. Navzdory své jednoduchosti poskytuje tato metoda velmi zajímavé výsledky a může být použita pro charakterizaci magnonických vlnovodů, magnonických metamateriálů, emitorů spinových vln a dalších zařízení, pracujících se spinovými vlnami.

Investigations on the relevance of Onsager's conjecture in real incompressible turbulence / Détection des singularités de Navier-Stokes dans des écoulements expérimentaux turbulents

Kuzzay, Denis 05 October 2016 (has links)
En turbulence pleinement développée et incompressible, on constate que l’énergie cinétique d’unécoulement est dissipée à un taux indépendant du nombre de Reynolds. C’est la loi zéro de la turbulence.Cette loi, qui fut découverte en 1935 par Taylor, a eu de nombreuses confirmations expérimentaleset numériques, et est au coeur de notre compréhension de la physique des régimes turbulents. Dansles années qui suivirent, Taylor proposa un mécanisme pour rendre compte de la loi zéro, basé sur laviscosité et sur l’idée d’une cascade d’énergie à travers les échelles. En 1949, Onsager se rend comptequ’une dissipation d’énergie peut aussi se produire sans l’assistance des forces visqueuses à petite échellesi le champ de vitesse devient suffisamment irrégulier, et propose une conjecture sur la régularité minimaleque devrait satisfaire le champ de vitesse pour assurer la conversation de l’énergie en l’absencede viscosité. En 2000, deux mathématiciens français, Jean Duchon et Raoul Robert, formalise pour lapremière fois les idées d’Onsager dans un cadre mathématique rigoureux. Ils établissent la forme exactede la dissipation d’énergie émanant de l’existence possible de singularités, et I’expriment en fonctiondes incréments de vitesse. Cependant, la pertinence de ces concepts en turbulence expérimentale resteà établir, et n’a jamais été étudiée.Dans cette thèse, nous proposons les premiers tests des idées d’Onsager à partir de données expérimentales,en se basant sur le travail de Duchon et Robert. Pour cela, nous nous plaçons dans le cadredes écoulements de von Kármán où la régularité des équations de Navier-Stokes n’est pas connue. Nousutilisons des mesures de vélocimétrie par image de particules pour obtenir les trois composantes duchamp de vitesse dans un plan méridien, et ainsi calculer ses incréments à l’échelle de résolution de notresystème de mesure. Le résultat principal de ce travail est la mise en évidence du caractère non-trivialdes écoulements turbulents à l’échelle de Kolmogorov, où l’on observe des topologies très irrégulièresdu champ de vitesse coïncidant avec des évènements extrêmes de transferts inertiels d’énergie. / The zeroth law of turbulence states that fully developed turbulent incompressible flows dissipatetheir kinetic energy independently of the Reynolds number. Since its discovery by Taylor in 1935, thislaw has had many experimental and numerical confirmations, and is at the heart of our understandingof turbulence. In the following years, Taylor proposed a mechanism for the zeroth law, based onviscosity and the idea of a cascade of energy through scales. In 1949, Onsager realized that energydissipation could occur without the final assistance by viscosity at small scales if the velocity fieldbecomes sufficiently irregular, and conjectured the minimum regularity condition above which energyconservation is ensured in the absence of viscosity. In 2000, two french mathematicians, Jean Duchonand Raoul Robert, were able to derive the analytical expression for the inertial dissipation in termsof velocity increments, along with the corresponding energy balance. However, the relevance of theseideas for real turbulence has never been studied.In this thesis, we present the first tests of Onsager’s idea from experimental data, based on thework of Duchon and Robert. We enter the framework of von Kármán flows for which the regularity ofNavier-Stokes equations is unknown. We use particle image velocimetry measurements which provideus with the three components of the velocity field on a meridional plane, and allows for the computationof velocity increments at the resolution scale of our measurement set-up. In this work, we point out thenon-trivial character of turbulent flows at the Kolmogorov scale, where we observe irregular

Modellierung von Diffusionsprozessen in Polyelektrolytmultischichten

Klumpp, Georg 16 July 2014 (has links)
Die Diffusion durch Polyelektrolytschichten ist bei vielen biotechnologisch-pharmazeutischen Anwendungen im Nanometerbereich von Bedeutung. Bei Experimenten wurde gefunden, dass bei der Diffusion eines Quenchers in mit Fluoreszenzfarbstoff markierten Polyelektrolytmultischichten die Kinetik des Diffusionsprozesses Charakteristika einer anormalen Diffusion aufweist. In dieser Arbeit wird qualitativ und quantitativ gezeigt, dass die Diffusion des Quenchers mit Subdiffusion beschrieben werden kann. Der gemessene Diffusionsprozess kann durch eine Superposition von Markov‘schen Diffusionsprozessen dargestellt werden. Das wird mit einer Monte-Carlo-Simulation nachgewiesen, die auf der analytischen Lösung des vorliegenden Reaktions-Diffusionsgleichungssystems basiert. Die experimentellen Daten werden im Zusammenhang mit der strukturellen Basis der parallel ablaufenden Diffusionsprozesse diskutiert.

Anomální difuze plazmatu z okrajové turbulentní oblasti tokamaku / Anomalous diffusion of plasma in tokamak edge region

Seidl, Jakub January 2013 (has links)
Title: Anomalous diffusion of plasma in tokamak edge region Author: Jakub Seidl Tutoring institution: Institute of Plasma Physics AS CR, v.v.i. Supervisor: Doc. Ing. Ladislav Krlín, DrSc., IPP AS CR Consultant: RNDr. Radomír Pánek, Ph.D., IPP AS CR Abstract: This work provides brief introduction to the topic of plasma turbu- lence in tokamak edge region and several aspects of anomalous plasma diffusion are discussed. We use numerical code ESEL to model interchange turbulence and investigate properties of turbulent structures in different regimes of parallel trans- port. Means of experimental verification of the results are discussed. Results of the modelling are then used to interpret unexpected results experimentally obtained by electrostatic ball-pen probes on tokamak ASDEX Upgrade, mainly appearance of a 'bump' in power spectra of measured plasma potential. Next, we explain be- haviour of cross-correlation function of density signals measured by two spatially separated Langmuir probes in the vicinity of magnetic separatrix and we point out an ambiguity in interpretation of results of vorticity measurement made by set of floating Langmuir probes. In the last part, transport of plasma impurities by electrostatic turbulent potential is modelled. We identify reversal of radial particle velocity for particles with...

Development of x-ray spectroscopy coupling with resonant scattering -toward applications of practical materials- / 共鳴散乱を組み合わせたX線分光法の開発 -実用材料への応用に向けて-

Kawaguchi, Tomoya 23 March 2015 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第18981号 / 工博第4023号 / 新制||工||1619(附属図書館) / 31932 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科材料工学専攻 / (主査)教授 松原 英一郎, 教授 邑瀬 邦明, 教授 宇田 哲也 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DGAM

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