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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Synthesis of Paclitaxel Analogs

Xu, Zhibing 29 November 2010 (has links)
Paclitaxel is one of the most successful anti-cancer drugs, particularly in the treatment of breast cancer and ovarian cancer. For the investigation of the interaction between paclitaxel and MD-2 protein, and development of new antagonists for lipopolysaccharide, several C10 A-nor-paclitaxel analogs have been synthesized and their biological activities have been evaluated. In order to reduce the myelosuppression effect of the paclitaxel, several C3â ² and C4 paclitaxel analogs have been synthesized and their biological evaluation have been studied. / Master of Science

Syntheses and Characterization of Novel Materials for Efficacious Anticancer Drug Delivery and Selective Sensing of Bioanalytes

Moitra, Parikshit January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
The thesis entitled “Syntheses and Characterization of Novel Materials for Efficacious Anticancer Drug Delivery and Selective Sensing of Bioanalytes” encompasses the syntheses and characterization of various novel materials those are primarily used for efficacious pH-targeted chemotherapy, selective sensing and quantification of ATP inside a single living cell and also for specific sensing of female sex pheromone of certain agriculturally important pests. In recent era of cancer research, pH guided anticancer drug delivery is an emerging field by which not only the drug-sensitive, but also the drug-resistant cancer cell lines can be targeted efficiently. Scientists have paid lot of attentions to this area of research to design biocompatible, pH-responsive drug delivery vehicles, where most of the literatures are end up with complex, elaborated synthetic procedures and use of expensive chemicals. There are only a few reports in the literature on small molecule based drug delivery vehicles, which is not well explored. Herein some of the biocompatible, pH-sensitive lipid and short peptide sequences are synthesized in easy and short synthetic procedures and successfully tested for their efficacious anticancer drug delivery properties by various biophysical and biological techniques. A pH and reduction dual bio-responsive short peptide sequences are also generated in simple steps for the same cause. The formation of different nanostructures from the self-assembly of these short peptides is probed from high level of theoretical calculations and ultimately a well known chemotherapeutic drug, doxorubicin, has been delivered efficiently both to the drug-sensitive and drug-resistant cancer cell lines. In a particular case, in vivo study has also been performed to establish the drug delivery efficacy of those serum-stable vehicles that led to proficient reduction of tumour volume as compared to the free drug. On the other hand, a few of the molecules are synthesized and characterized by various analytical means for the selective sensing and quantification of adenosine 5’-triphosphate (ATP) inside a single living cell. Unique surface functionalized templates are also fabricated over MEMS devices for specific sensing of female sex pheromone of Helicoverpa armigera and Bactocera oleae pest in an agricultural field to detect the early pest infestation. Toward this end, an extensive study on the design, syntheses and characterization of different novel materials is presented below.

Hyaluronic Acid Based Biodegradable Polyelectrolyte Nanocapsules and Modified Protein Nanoparticles for Targeted Delivery of Anticancer Agents

Sreeranjini, P January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Targeted delivery aids in minimizing most of the drug-originated systemic toxic effects as well as improving the pharmacokinetic properties of anticancer therapeutics. Tumor targeting using hyaluronic acid (HA) as the targeting ligand has attracted a great deal of interest among a host of strategies developed to target the overexpressed tumor specific receptors. HA is an endogenous molecule that possesses a lot of biological functions in the human body. The role of HA synthases, HA degrading enzymes and the interaction of HA with its primary receptor CD44 in tumor metastasis and angiogenesis is really complex and controversial to date. However, overexpression of CD44receptors on tumor surface has been well studied, which have been utilized to direct tumor targeted drugs. Most of the HA based targeting systems were HA drug conjugates and surface modified colloidal carriers which required covalent modification. The lack of accurate structural characterization of these systems resulted in modification of HA binding sites that could affect the efficient cellular uptake. LbL technique is a simple and facile method to incorporate several materials into polyelectrolyte assemblies for drug delivery applications. HA being a negatively charged polysaccharide can be easily incorporated into such systems without any covalent modification. Although HA based polyelectrolyte multilayer films and microcapsules have been reported in combination with polycations like PAH, PLL and chitosan, their application as targeted drug delivery systems have not yet been explored. Herein, two LbL architectures with HA as the terminal layer have been investigated as targeted drug carriers, which can recognize overexpressed CD44 receptors in metastatic breast cancer cells. In the first part of the thesis, a novel polyelectrolyte nanocapsule system composed of biopolymers HA and protamine sulphate (PR) as the wall components was prepared and characterized. These pH and enzyme responsive nanocapsules were then utilized for efficient loading and release of anticancer drug doxorubicin (dox). Higher drug release was observed in simulated intracellular conditions like acidic pH and presence of hyaluronidase enzyme as compared to physiological pH. In the second part of the thesis, dox incorporated bovine serum albumin (BSA) nanoparticles modified with HA-Poly(l-Lysine) multilayers were developed and characterized. The drug release pattern of the dox loaded BSA nanoparticles was found to depend on the presence of a protease enzyme trypsin than pH variations. Both of these drug delivery systems were then evaluated for their cell targeting efficiency and cytotoxicity in CD44+ positive metastatic breast cancer cell line MDA MB 231. The final layer HA facilitated targeted delivery of these drug carriers via CD44 receptor mediated endocytosis. The enhanced cellular uptake followed by sustained delivery of dox by virtue of slow intracellular enzymatic degradation of the drug carriers resulted in their improved cytotoxicity as compared to free dox. Further in vitro biodistribution and tumor suppression efficiency of both the systems were studied in breast cancer xenograft models using BALB/c nude mice. Enhance accumulation of dox in the tumor tissue and significant tumor reduction were observed when treated with encapsulated dox using the HA based nanocarriers as opposed to free dox.

Generation of anticancer vaccine based on virus-like particles / Modelinės priešvėžinės vakcinos konstravimas panaudojant į virusus panašias daleles

Mažeikė, Eglė 21 June 2011 (has links)
In this dissertation the investigation of potential applications of hamster polyomavirus (HaPyV) major capsid protein VP1 based chimeric virus-like particles (VLPs) harboring CTL epitopes for anticancer vaccine development is presented. The objective of this study was to investigate the potential of recombinant HaPyV VP1 based VLPs for anticancer vaccine generation in model systems, including investigation of VP1 applicability for heterologous CTL epitopes insertions, VLPs assembly and ability to induce insert specific immune response in vivo. HaPyV VP1 VLPs carrying CLT epitopes derived from different proteins were generated, most suitable positions for insertion into VP1 protein were selected, the ways to improve assembly and yield of the chimeric VLPs were determined and new VLPs purification procedure was created allowing to purify VLPs cheaper, faster and more efficiently. HaPyV VP1 based VLPs ability to induce CTL immune response in vivo was evaluated for the first time. It was demonstrated that model chimeric VLPs were able to stimulate antigen specific CTL cells in vitro and in vivo, induced insert specific humoral and CTL immune response in vivo and protected mice from insert specific virus infection and antigen-specific tumor growth. Presented data confirmed that HaPyV protein VP1 is universal carrier for CTL epitopes, capable to tolerate insertions, to form VLPs and to induce effective, long lasting immune response against inserted antigens in vivo. / Disertacijoje yra aprašomas perspektyvų panaudoti žiurkėno poliomos viruso (HaPyV) pagrindinio struktūrinio baltymo VP1 formuojamas į virusus panašias daleles priešvėžinių vakcinų kūrimui tyrimas. Pagrindinis disertacijos darbo tikslas buvo modelinėse sistemose parodyti rekombinantinių HaPyV VP1 baltymų formuojamų į virusus panašių dalelių panaudojimo priešvėžinių vakcinų kūrimui galimybes, įvertinant svetimų CTL epitopų įterpimo į VP1 baltymą toleravimą, VPD formavimosi efektyvumą bei sukeltą įterptam antigenui specifinį imuninį atsaką. Disertacijoje atlikta tyrimo srities literatūros apžvalga, smulkiai aprašomi darbe naudoti metodai, atlikti eksperimentai, pateikiami bei analizuojami gauti rezultatai. Darbe pirmą kartą buvo nuodugniai ištirtos HaPyV viruso VP1 baltymo formuojamų VPD savybės, parodytas jų tinkamumas būti CTL epitopų nešikliais, ištirtos įterpimui palankiausios VP1 baltymo vietos, išbandyti nauji VPD gavimo ir gryninimo būdai, pagerinantys chimerinių VPD formavimąsi bei išeigas. Panaudojant modelines chimerines VPD in vivo buvo ištirtas chimerinių HaPyV VP1 pagrindu sukonstruotų VPD sukeliamas humoralinis ir ląstelinis imuninis atsakas. Gauti rezultatai parodė, kad HaPyV VP1 baltymas yra vienas iš nedaugelio virusų struktūrinių baltymų, kurie ne tik formuoja VPD, bet pasižymi ir universaliomis baltymo – nešiklio savybėmis, o in vivo sukelia efektyvų, ilgalaikį, įterptam epitopui specifinį imuninį atsaką.

Une histoire de la recherche de substances naturelles à activités thérapeutiques / A story of natural products in therapeutic research

Da Silva, Pierre 20 December 2013 (has links)
L’identification d’une substance naturelle, produite par un organisme vivant n’est que l’une des toutes premières étapes du développement d’un nouveau médicament. Beaucoup de molécules à visée thérapeutique développées par des sociétés pharmaceutiques ont en fait été découvertes dans des laboratoires académiques. C’est toujours un continuum de la recherche fondamentale vers la recherche appliquée, souvent de la recherche publique vers la recherche privée, qui aboutit à la mise au point d’un médicament. Leur fabrication, directement à partir de substances naturelles, pose fréquemment le problème de l’approvisionnement en matière première. De nombreuses équipes du monde entier se heurtent aux difficultés de synthèse de ces molécules naturelles complexes. Ce travail de thèse retrace l’histoire des travaux majeurs sur la recherche de molécules naturelles d’intérêt médical à travers les succès et les échecs de chercheurs ayant mis leur énergie, leur imagination, leur ténacité et leur patience au service de la science pour surmonter les obstacles et découvrir de nouvelles molécules de grand intérêt thérapeutique. Elle présente également un travail complémentaire de mise au point d’une base de données regroupant un certain nombre de plantes utiles dans la lutte contre le cancer dans le cadre d’un projet de vulgarisation scientifique. La discussion est consacrée à la question de la place du hasard dans les découvertes scientifiques à travers l'exemple de Pierre Potier. / Identifying a natural substance produced by a living organism is only one of the very first steps towards the development of a new drug. Many molecules which were aimed at therapeutic goals and developed by pharmaceutical companies have in fact been discovered in academic research laboratories. The elaboration of a new drug is always a continuum from basic research toward applied research, and often from public research toward private research. Making these drugs straight from natural substances frequently confronts us with the problem of finding the raw materials. Numerous teams all over the world are facing the difficulties linked to the synthesis of these complex natural molecules.This PhD thesis relates the story of the milestones in the research of natural molecules for medicine through the successes and failures of scientists who put their energy, imagination, tenacity and patience into Science in order to overcome obstacles and discover new molecules for therapeutic use.It also presents a complementary work which consists in developing a database of useful plants in cancer fighting as part of a project of scientific vulgarisation. The discussion is about the part of chance in scientific discovery through the example of Pierre Potier.

Estudos de metabolismo in vitro de produtos naturais: biotransformação microbiana da piplartina / In vitro metabolism studies of natural products: microbial biotransformation of piplartine

Silva Junior, Eduardo Afonso da 25 March 2013 (has links)
A piplartina é um alcaloide natural conhecido por apresentar diversas atividades biológicas, onde se destaca a ação anticancerígena. Esse produto natural apresentou atividade seletiva frente a vários tipos de células cancerígenas, sendo assim considerado promissor para o desenvolvimento de fármacos. O conhecimento do metabolismo de produtos naturais bioativos é uma importante e necessária etapa para avaliar a eficácia e segurança dessas substâncias. Os micro-organismos são amplamente utilizados em estudos de metabolismo, uma vez que catalisam reações quimio-, régio-, e estereoespecíficas, que muitas vezes são semelhantes às catalisadas pelos seres humanos. Nesse contexto, esse trabalho teve o objetivo de estudar o metabolismo microbiano da piplartina pelos fungos endofíticos Papulaspora immersa SS13 e Penicillium crustosum VR4, de solo Mucor rouxii NRRL 1894, e de coleção comercial Cunninghamella echinulata ATCC 8688a e Beauveria bassiana ATCC 7159. Os experimentos de biotransformação foram monitorados por UPLC-DAD-MS e UPLC-DAD-MS/MS. Todos os fungos utilizados biotransformaram a piplartina, sendo que 14 substâncias majoritárias foram identificadas como produtos de biotransformação nos experimentos em pequena escala. A piplartina e seus derivados apresentaram fragmentações características em IES-EM/EM que foram explicadas utilizando cálculos computacionais. O estudo dessas fragmentações permitiu a identificação e proposição das alterações estruturais que ocorreram nos metabólitos formados. Os fungos P. crustosum VR4 e B. bassiana ATCC 7159 foram selecionados para realizar os experimentos de biotransformação em escala ampliada, pois foram capazes de formar a maior diversidade de derivados da piplartina. Cinco substâncias foram isoladas e identificadas por RMN de 1H, RMN de 13C, HMQC, HMBC, COSY e HRESIMS. Essas substâncias não tinham sido obtidas por biotransformação microbiana anteriormente, sendo que uma ainda não foi descrita na literatura. Foram identificados principalmente produtos formados a partir de reações semelhantes às do metabolismo humano de fase I, como reduções, hidroxilações e hidrólises. Dessa forma, podemos concluir que as culturas microbianas são uma ferramenta útil para estudos preliminares de metabolismo, e para obter padrões de metabólitos que podem ser formados pelo metabolismo humano. / Piplartine is a natural alkaloid recognized by its biological properties, especially the anticancer activity. This natural product showed selective activity against several cancer cells lines, thus being considered a promising hit for drug development. Studies of bioactive natural products metabolism are an important and necessary step for the evaluation of their efficacy and safety. Microorganisms have been widely employed in metabolism studies, since they may catalyze chemo-, regio- and stereospecific reactions that are similar to human metabolism. This work aimed to study the microbial metabolism of piplartine by different fungal strains: the endophytes Penicillium crustosum VR4 and Papulaspora immersa SS13, the soil strain Mucor rouxii NRRL 1894, and the commercial collection strains Cunninghamella echinulata ATCC 8688a and Beauveria bassiana ATCC 7159. Biotransformation experiments were monitored by UPLC-DAD-MS and UPLC-DADMS/ MS. All the screened fungi were able to biotransform piplartine, and 14 compounds were identified as major biotransformation products in the small scale experiments. Piplartine and its derivatives showed characteristics fragmentations on ESI-MS/MS, which were explained using computer calculations. These fragmentation studies allowed the identification and structural proposition of piplartine metabolites. The fungi P. crustosum VR4 and B. bassiana ATCC 7159 were selected to perform the large scale biotransformation experiments, since they were capable to produce a large diversity of piplartine derivatives. Five compounds were isolated and identified by 1H NMR, 13C NMR, HMQC, HMBC, COSY and HRESIMS data. The isolated products had never been previously identified by microbial biotransformation, and one of them was found to be novel in the literature. All the identified and isolated compounds have been produced by reactions similar to those that occur in phase I of human metabolism, such as reduction, hydroxylation and hydrolysis reactions. Thus, we can conclude that the microbial cultures are useful tools for preliminary metabolism studies, and to obtain chemical standards similar to those produced by human metabolism

Evaluation post-commercialisation des médicaments en oncogériatrie : application au traitement du cancer colorectal métastatique / Post-marketing evaluation of medications in oncogeriatry : application to the treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer

Gouverneur, Amandine Andrée Denise Suzanne 18 December 2017 (has links)
En France, en 2012, les sujets âgés d’au moins 65 ans représentaient 71 % de l’incidence du Cancer ColoRectal (CCR). Depuis 2005, des thérapies ciblées ont été autorisées dans le CCR métastatique (CCRm) et sont recommandées en 1ère ligne en association à une chimiothérapie. Face à un manque d’évaluation de ces médicaments chez le sujet âgé, l’objectif de ce travail était l’étude, en situation réelle de soins, de l’utilisation, des bénéfices et de la sécurité d'emploi des médicaments anticancéreux, dont les thérapies ciblées, chez le sujet âgé et/ou fragile atteint de CCRm. Une revue systématique de la littérature a confirmé la faible inclusion des sujets âgés et fragiles dans les essais cliniques évaluant les thérapies ciblées dans le CCRm. D’après une étude sur des données mondiales de pharmacovigilance et la réunion de deux cohortes de terrain de patients traités par thérapies ciblées, nous avons montré que leur effectivité et sécurité d’emploi chez le sujet âgé étaient équivalentes à celles du sujet plus jeune. Dans la cohorte, la fragilité vis-à-vis des effets indésirables graves et du décès était liée aux caractéristiques du CCRm. Enfin, d’après une étude de terrain pilote et une cohorte dans les données de l’Assurance Maladie française, nous avons montré que, chez le sujet âgé, le traitement par médicaments anticancéreux, dont les thérapies ciblées, n’était pas optimal et encore très lié à l’âge des patients. Le rapport bénéfices/risques des thérapies ciblées semble donc positif dans la population âgée atteinte de CCRm actuellement traitée. Cependant, la population âgée traitée ne semble pas encore totalement correspondre à celle qui pourrait bénéficier du traitement. / In France, in 2012, patients aged at least 65 years accounted for 71% of the incidence of ColoRectal Cancer (CCR). Since 2005, targeted therapies have been authorized in metastatic CRC (mCRC) and are recommended in first-line in combination with conventional chemotherapy. Given this lack of evaluation of these drugs in the elderly, the objective of this work was the study, in real-life setting, of the use, the benefits and the safety of anticancer drugs, including targeted therapies in elderly and/or frail mCRC patients. A systematic review of the literature confirmed the low inclusion of elderly and frail patients in clinical trials evaluating targeted therapies in the mCRC. According to a study on international pharmacovigilance data and the pooling of two field cohorts of patients treated by targeted therapies, we showed that their effectiveness and safety in the elderly were equivalent to those of the younger. In the cohort, frailty regarding serious adverse events and death was related to the characteristics of the mCRC. Finally, according to a pilot field study and a cohort in the French health insurance data, we have shown that, in the elderly, the treatment with anticancer drugs, including targeted therapies, was not optimal and still very related to the age of the patients. The benefit/risk ratio of targeted therapies therefore seems positive in the elderly population with mCRC currently treated. However, the elderly population treated does not seem to be fully matching with those who would benefit from treatment.

Estudos de Filmes de Langmuir e LB de complexo fosfínico de rutênio visando potenciais aplicações biológicas

Sandrino, Bianca 30 September 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-20T12:40:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Bianca Sandrino.pdf: 3429333 bytes, checksum: e320b1605b6c2c81bf2ecd35d8aa88f5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-09-30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / One of the major challenges in drug design is to identify compounds with potential toxicity toward target cells, preferably with molecular-level understanding of their mode of action. In this study, the antitumor property of a ruthenium complex, mer-RuCl3(dppb)(VPy)] (dppb = 1,4-bis (diphenylphosphine) butane and VPy = 4-vinylpyridine),RuVPy) was analyzed. Results showed that this compound led to a mortality rate of 50% of human laryngeal carcinoma HEp-2 cell with 120 ±10 mol L-1, indicating its high toxicity. Toward a better understanding if its mode of action is associated with its interaction with cell membranes, Langmuir monolayers were used as a membrane model. RuVPy had a strong effect on the surface pressure isotherms, especially on the elastic properties of the zwitterionic dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and the negatively charged dipalmitoylphosphatidylglycerol (DPPG) and dipalmitoylphosphatidylserine (DPPS) phospholipids. Results of thermodynamic parameters indicated miscibility between the components is not ideal mixed monolayers. Preferably attractive and repulsive interactions between RuVPy and zwitterionic or anionic phospholipids, respectively, are observed with mixed monolayer of DPPS/RuVPy energetically unfavorable. These data were confirmed polarization - modulated infrared reflection-absorption spectroscopy (PM-IRRAS). In addition, interactions between the positive group from RuVPy and the phosphate group from phospholipids were corroborated by density functional theory (DFT) calculations, allowing the determination of the Ru complex orientation at the air-water interface. Proof of interaction was confirmed by electrochemical results of Langmuir-Blodgett films of the phospholipid/RuVPy mixture. The presence of the RuVPy on the conductor substrate, which presents higher electron density, form "defects" in the monolayer of phospholipids increasing accumulation of electrons in the electrode/solution interface making it more permeable material. Although possible contributions from receptors or other cell components cannot be discarded, the results reported here represent evidence for significant effects on the cell membranes which are probably associated with the high toxicity of RuVPy. / Um dos grandes desafios na concepção de medicamentos é a identificação de compostos com potencial toxicidade para as células-alvo e a compreensão do seu modo de ação. Nesta tese, foi analisada a propriedade antitumoral do complexo de rutênio mer-[RuCl3(dppb)(VPy)] (dppb = 1,4-bis (difenilfosfina)butano e VPy = 4-vinilpiridina) (RuVPy), e os resultados mostraram que este composto levou a uma taxa de mortalidade de 50% de células de câncer de laringe (HEp-2) com 120 ± 10 μmol L-1, indicando sua alta toxicidade. Para a compreensão do modo de ação em nível molecular deste complexo, associada à sua interação com membranas celulares, monocamadas de Langmuir foram utilizadas como um modelo simples de membrana. O RuVPy apresentou um forte efeito sobre as isotermas de pressão de superfície, especialmente sobre as propriedades elásticas do zwitteriônico dipalmitoilfosfatidilcolina (DPPC) e dos fosfolipídios carregados negativamente dipalmitoilfosfatidilglicerol (DPPG) e dipalmitoilfosfatidilserina (DPPS). Resultados dos parâmetros termodinâmicos indicaram que há miscibilidade entre os componentes das monocamadas mistas não ideais. Interações preferencialmente atrativas e repulsivas foram constatadas entre o RuVPy e os fosfolipídios zwitteriônico e aniônicos, respectivamente, sendo a monocamada mista de DPPS/RuVPy energeticamente desfavorável. A interação entre o grupo de maior densidade eletrônica do RuVPy, obtido por cálculo de teoria funcional da densidade (DFT), e o grupo fosfato dos fosfolipídios foi confirmada por espectroscopia de infravermelho de reflexão e absorção de modulo polarizado (PM-IRRAS) realizada na interface ar-água. Prova desta interação foi constatada por resultados eletroquímicos dos filmes Langmuir-Blodgett da mistura fosfolipídio/RuVPy. A presença do complexo no substrato condutor, por ter maior densidade eletrônica, forma “defeitos” na monocamada dos fosfolipídios aumentando o acúmulo de elétrons na interface eletrodo/solução tornando o material mais permeável. Desta forma, é evidente que além de eventuais contribuições de outros receptores ou componentes celulares não poderem ser descartadas, os resultados aqui apresentados trazem os efeitos significativos nas membranas celulares que provavelmente estão associados à alta toxicidade do RuVPy.

Exploitation des données spectrales dans la sécurisation du circuit des médicaments anticancéreux / Exploitation of the spectral data in the safety management of the circuit of anticancer drugs

Lê, Laetitia Minh Mai 11 July 2014 (has links)
La plupart des médicaments anticancéreux sont des substances à marge thérapeutique étroite, les erreurs médicamenteuses peuvent avoir des conséquences majeures pour les patients. Il est de la responsabilité pharmaceutique de garantir le bon médicament à la bonne dose par la mise en place d’un contrôle qualité des préparations avant administration. Par ailleurs, ces molécules potentiellement cancérogènes, mutagènes et reprotoxiques présentent un risque pour les personnes exposées notamment le personnel de santé. L’objectif de ce travail de thèse a été de développer des outils permettant d’optimiser la sécurité du circuit de ces médicaments anticancéreux à l’hôpital tant pour le patient que pour le personnel de santé. Des outils analytiques associés à des méthodes d’interprétation des données issues de la chimiométrie et de la gestion de risque ont été mis en œuvre afin de répondre à cette problématique.Dans le cadre de la sécurisation du personnel, la recherche de traces de molécules anticancéreuses dérivées du platine a permis de mettre en évidence les zones les plus contaminées. Sur la base de ces contaminations et des conditions de travail, une méthodologie d’analyse de risque multicritère a été développée pour évaluer le risque d’exposition du personnel. Face au risque encouru, différentes mesures correctives ont été envisagées et des études évaluant plus spécifiquement l’efficacité détergente des opérations de décontamination des surfaces et des flacons ont été menées.En parallèle, des essais visant à sécuriser les préparations avant administration ont été conduits sur deux molécules anticancéreuses : le 5-fluorouracile et la gemcitabine. Au regard de leur caractère non destructif, non invasif et de ce fait, plus sécurisé, les spectroscopies vibrationnelles Raman et proche infrarouge ont été explorées. Les données spectrales (zones spectrales et prétraitements) ont été optimisées par des analyses multivariées ComDim pour développer des modèles de régression PLS prédisant la concentration en principe actif en solution. Les résultats ont montré la faisabilité et la complémentarité des techniques de spectroscopie Raman et proche infrarouge pour la détermination quantitative des molécules anticancéreuses. / Most of the anticancer drugs are defined by a narrow therapeutic margin; therefore medical errors can have major consequences on patients. Thus, it’s necessary to guarantee the good drug at the good dose by the implementation of a quality control of the preparation before administration. These potentially carcinogenic, mutagenic or teratogenic drugs present a risk for exposed people especially healthcare workers.The aim of this study was to develop tools which can optimize the safety of the cytotoxic medication circuit in hospitals, for the patient as much as for healthcare workers. In order to respond to these problematics, analytical tools have been associated with different methods of data interpretation of chemometric and risk management.To improve healthcare workers’ safety, environmental monitoring looking for traces of platinum compound cytotoxic drugs were performed to identify the most contaminated areas. Based on these contaminations and working conditions, a methodology of multi-criteria risk analysis has been developed to quantify the risk of exposure of healthcare workers. Regarding the risk, various corrective measures were considered. Thus, studies based on the detergent efficiency of decontamination protocols used to clean workplace surfaces and cytotoxic vials were conducted.In parallel, assays were performed on two anticancer molecules to secure cytotoxic preparations before administration: 5-fluorouracile and gemcitabine. Regarding their non-destructive, non-invasive properties and therefore, more secured handling, Raman and near infrared spectroscopy were explored. Spectral data (spectral zones and pretreatments) were optimized by multivariate analyses ComDim to develop models of regression PLS predicting the concentration of the active ingredient in solution. Results showed the feasibility and the complementarity of these two spectroscopies in the quantitative determination of the cytotoxic drugs.These works participate in the continuous approach of quality assurance implemented in numerous health institutions. We hope that they will contribute to durably decrease risks associated to cytotoxic drugs for both patients and healthcare workers.

Etude des régions d'insertion membranaire des protéines de la famille Bcl-2 et conception de "poropetides" anticancéreux / Study of membrane-active regions of Bcl-2 family proteins and development of anticancer "poropeptides"

Garcia Valero, Juan 18 February 2011 (has links)
Les protéines de la famille Bcl-2 sont des régulateurs-clés de l’apoptose (mort cellulaire), qui agissent en contrôlant la perméabilisation de la membrane mitochondriale externe par un processus encore mal connu. La dérégulation des membres de cette famille est souvent associée à la progression tumorale et à la résistance à la chimiothérapie. Notre projet a cherché à éclaircir le mode d’action de ces protéines en se focalisant sur les déterminants structuraux régissant leur interaction avec les membranes biologiques. Les connaissances glanées ont permis (i) de mieux comprendre les déterminants à l’origine de la divergence évolutive entre membres pro- et anti-apoptotiques de la famille Bcl-2 ; (ii) d’ouvrir la voie à la conception de ‘poropeptides’ conçus sur le modèle des hélices d’insertion membranaire des protéines Bcl-2, et qui pourraient être utilisés pour induire l’apoptose de cellules tumorales ou des cellules endothéliales entourant les tumeurs. / Bcl-2 family proteins, which include pro- and antiapoptotic members, positively or negatively regulate mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization, i.e. a critical step in apoptosis. Over-expression of pro-survival members is associated with tumor progression and may be responsible for chemotherapy resistance. Detailed understanding of the precise mechanisms by which Bcl-2 family members control apoptosis is therefore of considerable therapeutic interest. The overall aim of our project was to delineate a structure-function relationship of Bcl-2 family proteins with emphasis on their membrane-active domains. This analysis has provided a basis (i) to elucidate the molecular mechanisms by which different Bcl-2 proteins evolved opposite functions ; (i) to develop a new generation of pore-forming peptides targeting the mitochondrial outer membrane that may be used to kill neoplastic or tumor endothelial cells.

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