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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nécessité d'une approche multidimensionnelle de l'apathie dans la schizophrénie : études transversales et longitudinales de l'apathie en lien avec l'anhédonie et le système motivationnel / Need for a multidimensional approach of apathy in schizophrenia : cross-sectional and longitudinal studies of apathy in relation to anhedonia and motivational system

Yazbek, Hanan 05 December 2013 (has links)
La schizophrénie (SZ), maladie psychiatrique invalidante, est caractérisée par des symptômes positifs, négatifs, cognitifs, désorganisés, affectifs et moteurs. De par l’absence de résultats positifs dans la prise en charge des symptômes négatifs, nous avons décidé de nous intéresser à l’apathie dans la SZ. Elle se définit par une baisse des comportements dirigés vers un but ayant une origine cognitive, émotionnelle ou comportementale. Notre objectif est d’apporter un éclaircissement sur le concept d’apathie en s’intéressant aux liens entre apathie, anhédonie et BIS/BAS. Le protocole 1 porte sur la validation de la Lille Apathy Rating Scale (LARS), outil multidimensionnel de l’apathie validée dans la maladie de Parkinson, dans la SZ, auprès de 112 patients. Le protocole 2 (étude transversale) s’intéresse aux liens entre apathie, plaisir consommé, anticipatoire, sociale et BIS/BAS, auprès de 112 patients. Enfin, le protocole 3 (étude longitudinale d’un an) porte sur l’évolution de l’apathie et explore les déterminants émotionnels et comportementaux qui pourraient la prédire, auprès de 61 patients. Nos résultats ont mis en évidence une LARS à quatre facteurs avec de bonnes qualités psychométriques dans la SZ. Le facteur 1 est associé au BAS, à l’anhédonie sociale et anticipatoire. Le facteur 2 corrèle avec le BIS et l’anhédonie sociale. Trente-six pourcent des patients ont une apathie trait. Enfin, seul leplaisir anticipatoire prédit le facteur 4. L’apathie nécessite donc pour sa compréhension une approche multidimensionnelle. L’anhédonie et le BIS/BAS ne peuvent expliquer à eux seuls l’apathie émotionnelle et comportementale. D’autres pistes méritent donc d’être explorées. / Schizophrenia (SZ) is a chronic psychiatric disease characterized by positive, negative, cognitive, disorganized, emotional and motor symptoms. The lack of positive results in the treatment of negative symptoms led us to be interested in apathy. Apathy is defined as a multidimensional psychopathological state (cognitive, emotional, and behavioral) manifesting as a reduction of voluntary behaviors directed toward one goal. Our aim is to provide a clarification of the concept of apathy by focusing on the relationship between apathy, anhedonia and BIS/BAS. The first study deals with the validation of the Lille Apathy Rating Scale (LARS), which is a multidimensional tool of apathy validated in Parkinson’s disease, in 112 SZ patients. The second study (cross-sectional study) focuses on the link between apathy, consummatory and anticipatory pleasure, social pleasure and BIS/BAS, in 112 SZ patients. Finally, the third study (one year longitudinal study) deals with the evolution of apathy and explores the emotional and behavioral derminants that could predict it. Ours results have shown that the LARS is structured in four factors and has good psychometric properties in SZ. The factor 1 is associated to the BAS and the social and anticipatory anhedonia. The factor 2 is linked to the BIS and the social anhedonia. Thirty-six percent of the patients have an apathy trait. Finally, only anticipatory pleasure predicts the factor 4. Therefore, apathy requires for its understanding a multidimensional approach.Anhedonia and the BIS/BAS cannot by themselves explain the emotional and the behavioral apathy. Consequently, others lines of research need to be explored.

Influence de la pression temporelle sur la coordination motrice lors d’une tâche simultanée de flexion rapide de la cuisse et d’extension de l’index en posture debout : effets de l’avancée en âge et d’une charge additionnelle / Influence of temporal pressure on motor coordination during simultaneous leg flexion paired with ipsilateral index-finger extension : effect of ageing and load addition

Hussein, Tarek 04 July 2014 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse était de mettre en évidence les différentes stratégies adaptatives posturales et motrices face à une contrainte temporelle chez le jeune adulte et la personne âgée lors de la production d’un mouvement complexe mobilisant l’ensemble du corps. Le modèle de mouvement choisi est composé d’une flexion rapide de la cuisse dominante associée à une extension simultanée de l’index ipsilatéral. Les résultats de la première étude ont montré que le mode de déclenchement de la commande motrice modifiait l’organisation posturale du mouvement. La durée des APA associés à la flexion de la cuisse était plus courte en condition de pression temporelle forte (condition temps de réaction, TR) qu’en condition de pression temporelle faible (condition auto-initiée, AI). Cette diminution de la durée des APA était compensée par une augmentation du pic de déplacement anticipateur du centre des pressions (CP) vers la jambe oscillante. De cette façon, la stabilité dynamique ainsi que la performance motrice restaient inchangées. Les résultats de la deuxième étude ont montré que les sujets âgés étaient également capables de réduire la durée des APA en condition TR. Cependant, au contraire des sujets jeunes, ils ne compensaient pas cette diminution par une augmentation du déplacement anticipé du CP. La stabilité dynamique au moment du décollement du pied était dégradée dans cette population. Par ailleurs, l’effet de la pression temporelle sur la synchronisation motrice ne changeait pas avec l’avancée en âge. Cependant, l’erreur de synchronisation était plus importante chez les âgés que chez les jeunes, en condition AI uniquement. Enfin, l’étude 3 a montré que la modification transitoire des propriétés mécaniques des membres inférieurs (par l’addition d’une charge de 5 kg aux chevilles) affectait l’ordre de synchronisation du mouvement, en condition TR uniquement. En présence d’une charge, les sujets semblent basculer d’un mode de synchronisation de type « réactif » vers un mode « prédictif », ce qui leur permettait de maintenir une précision de synchronisation optimale. En revanche, le mode de contrôle des APA ne changeait pas. Il semble donc que le mode de contrôle des APA et de la synchronisation des mouvements puissent être dissociés selon les contraintes biomécaniques imposées par l’expérimentation. L’ensemble de ces résultats met en évidence la capacité du SNC à moduler l’ordre temporel de la synchronisation du mouvement ainsi que les paramètres spatio-temporels des APA dans le but d’assurer une coordination temporelle et une stabilité dynamique optimales. / This work aimed to investigate the adaptive postural and motor strategies developed by young and elderly healthy subjects during a complex task involving the whole body when facing a temporal pressure constraint. The motor task chosen was a simultaneous rapid leg flexion paired with ipsilateral finger index extension. Results of the first study showed that the mode of triggering of movement modifies the postural organization of the leg flexion. The APA duration associated with leg flexion was shorter in the reaction-time (RT, high temporal pressure) condition as compared to the self-initiated (SI, low temporal pressure) condition. This APA shortening was compensated by an increase of APA amplitude so that the mediolateral (ML) stability and the motor performance were both unchanged. Results of the second study showed that elderly subjects were unable to compensate this APA shortening by an increase of anticipatory ML centre-of-pressure displacement. Dynamic stability at foot-off was degraded in this population, with a consequent increased risk of ML imbalance and falling. Besides, the effect of temporal pressure on motor synchronization was not affected by ageing. Of particular importance, the synchronization error was greater in elderly than in young subjects, but in the SI condition only. Finally, the third study showed that transitory changes in the mechanical properties of the lower limbs (by ankle loading) affect the order of movement synchronization, but in the RT condition only. With ankle loading, subjects thus switched from a “reactive” to a “predictive” mode of synchronization allowing then to maintain an optimal synchronization. In contrast, ankle loading did not modify the mode of control of the APA. Therefore, it seems that the mode of control of APA and of movement synchronization can be decorrelated according to the biomechanical constraints. These results provide novel insights into the capacity of the CNS to modulate motor synchronization and APA spatio-temporal features to ensure optimal motor coordination and dynamic stability across ages.

Naujų darbuotojų socializacijos proceso tobulinimo poreikis (2 organizacijų lyginamoji analizė) / Newcomers’ socialization development needs (2 organizations benchmarking)

Zemleckienė, Eivyda 27 January 2014 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe išanalizuotas naujų darbuotojų socializacijos procesas privačioje ir viešojo sektoriaus organizacijose. Darbe nagrinėjama socializacijos samprata, vertinami socializacijos procesai organizacijoje ir socializacijos etapai bei aplinkos veiksniai, turinys įtakos naujų darbuotojų socializacijos procesui: kolektyvinio valdymo ir organizacinės kultūros formavimo svarba, mentoriaus įtaka, valdymo stiliaus reikšmė. Aptariamos socializacijos taktikų organizacijoje naudojimo galimybės. Tiriamojoje dalyje įvertintas socializacijos proceso sėkmingumas bei jo tobulinimo poreikis dviejose organizacijose, iškeltos socializacijos proceso organizavimo problemos bei pateikiamos rekomendacijos, kaip tokias problemas galima išspręsti. Pagrindiniai žodžiai: Organizacinė kultūra, valdymo stilius, išankstinė socializacija, adaptacija, integracija. / Socialization process of new employees in private and public sector organizations are analyzed in this master’s work. The paper examines the concept of socialization, socialization processes in organization, socialization stages and environmental factors affecting the socialization process for new employees: the importance of collective management and organizational culture developing, impact of mentor and management style values. Socialization tactics and its development opportunities are discussed in this work. The process of socialization success and its need for improvement in organizations are evaluated in exploratory part. Also there are initiated problems of the process of socialization in organizations and recommendations on how such problems can be resolved are provided. Key words: Organizational culture, management style, anticipatory socialization, adaptation, integration.

Countering murphys law: the use of anticipation and improvisation via an episodic memory in support of intelligent robot behavior

Endo, Yoichiro 21 October 2008 (has links)
Recently in robotics, substantial efforts have been invested on critical applications such as military, nursing, and search-and-rescue. These applications are critical in a sense that the robots may directly deal with human lives in life-or-death situations, and they are therefore required to make highly intelligent decisions as rapidly as possible. The intelligence we are looking for in this type of situations is proactiveness: the ability to anticipate as well as improvise. Anticipation here means that the robot can assess the current situation, predict the future consequence of the situation, and execute an action to have desired outcome based on the determined assessment and prediction. On the other hand, improvisation is performed when the consequence of the situation is not fully known. In other words, it is the ability to deal with a novel situation based on knowledge or skill being acquired before. In this presentation, we introduce a biologically inspired computational model of proactive intelligent behavior for robots. Integrating multiple levels of machine learning techniques such as temporal difference learning, instance-based learning, and partially observable Markov decision process, aggregated episodic memories are processed in order to accomplish anticipation as well as improvisation. How this model can be implemented within a software architectural framework and integrated into a physically realized robotic system is also explained. The experimental results using a real robot and high fidelity 3D simulators are then presented in order to help us understand how extended experience of a robot influences its ability to behave proactively.

Portfolio choice and asset pricing with endogenous beliefs and skewness preference / Choix de portefeuille et évaluation d'actifs avec des croyances endogènes et de la préférence pour le skewness

Karehnke, Paul 24 November 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie le choix de portefeuille et l'évaluation d'actifs avec des préférences qui vont au-Delà des préférences d'espérance d'utilité et de moyenne-Variance standard. La première partie de cette thèse porte sur un modèle de décision dans lequel le décideur forme des croyances endogènes compte tenu de son utilité d'anticipation et de sa déception à posteriori. Les implications du modèle en termes de choix de portefeuille et d'évaluation d'actifs sont dérivées et comparées aux implications du modèle d'espérance d'utilité standard. La deuxième partie de cette thèse porte sur des investisseurs qui dérivent l'utilité des trois premiers moments du rendement de leur portefeuille. Nous dérivons et testons les conditions sous lesquelles des actifs supplémentaires peuvent améliorer l'univers d'investissement des investisseurs avec des préférences moyenne-variance-skewness. Les implications de ces préférences pour les rendements d'actifs à l'équilibre sont ensuite analysées et testées avec des rendements boursiers. / This thesis studies portfolio choice and asset pricing with preferences which go beyond the standard expected utility and mean-Variance preferences. The first part of this thesis analyses a decision model in which the decision maker forms endogenous beliefs given his anticipation utility and his ex-Post disappointment. Portfolio choice and asset pricing implications of the model are derived and compared to the implications of the standard expected utility framework. The second part of this thesis analyses investors choice when preferences are derived from the first three moments of portfolio returns. We derive and test the conditions under which additional assets can improve the investment opportunity set of investors with mean-Variance-Skewness preferences. The implications of these preferences for the equilibrium cross-Section of asset returns are then analyzed and tested with stock returns.

A expedição de provimentos provisórios pelos tribunais de contas : das “medidas cautelares” à técnica antecipatória no controle externo brasileiro

Scapin, Romano January 2016 (has links)
A expedição de medidas cautelares pelos Tribunais de Contas é assunto pouco abordado pela doutrina brasileira, apesar de contar com reconhecimento pacífico na jurisprudência pátria a respeito de sua possibilidade. Analisando o tema, averiguouse que as bases teóricas que fundamentam o provimento cautelar no processo de contas servem para sustentar, em verdade, a utilização da técnica antecipatória no âmbito das Cortes de Contas. Tal constatação permitiu a aproximação com os conceitos do processo civil a respeito do assunto, sobretudo quanto à tutela provisória. Assim, o presente trabalho buscou sistematizar cientificamente o emprego dos provimentos provisórios no processo de contas, analisando todas as competências constitucionais atribuídas aos Tribunais de Contais e relacionando-as às hipóteses e os limites da expedição desses provimentos. / The utilization of precautionary measures for the Accounts Tribunals is a topic rarely adressed by the brazilian doctrine, despite trust in the peaceful recognition in the country's jurisprudence about it's ability. Analysing the theme,it was ascertained that the theorical bases that ground the precautionary provision in the Accounts Tribunal. Such finding allowed the aproximation with the concepts of civil procedure about the theme, especially as the provisional protection. Therefor the present project had as objective systematizscientificaly the employ of the temporary provisionses in the procces of accounts analysing all the constitutionals skills assign to the Court of Auditors and relating it to the hypothesis and the limits of the dispatch of those provisionses.

Enhanced Power System Operational Performance with Anticipatory Control under Increased Penetration of Wind Energy

January 2016 (has links)
abstract: As the world embraces a sustainable energy future, alternative energy resources, such as wind power, are increasingly being seen as an integral part of the future electric energy grid. Ultimately, integrating such a dynamic and variable mix of generation requires a better understanding of renewable generation output, in addition to power grid systems that improve power system operational performance in the presence of anticipated events such as wind power ramps. Because of the stochastic, uncontrollable nature of renewable resources, a thorough and accurate characterization of wind activity is necessary to maintain grid stability and reliability. Wind power ramps from an existing wind farm are studied to characterize persistence forecasting errors using extreme value analysis techniques. In addition, a novel metric that quantifies the amount of non-stationarity in time series wind power data was proposed and used in a real-time algorithm to provide a rigorous method that adaptively determines training data for forecasts. Lastly, large swings in generation or load can cause system frequency and tie-line flows to deviate from nominal, so an anticipatory MPC-based secondary control scheme was designed and integrated into an automatic generation control loop to improve the ability of an interconnection to respond to anticipated large events and fluctuations in the power system. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 2016

Sonhos antecipat?rios: influ?ncia de um evento significativo da vig?lia na atividade on?rica

Scott, Rafael Neia Barbosa 18 May 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:36:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RafaelNBS.pdf: 1024882 bytes, checksum: c829a50c3f00bc3a4f9a1f5bc84386a4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-05-18 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / In most cultures, dreams are believed to predict the future on occasion. Several neurophysiological studies indicate that the function of sleep and dreams is to consolidate and transform memories, in a cyclical process of creation, selection and generalization of conjectures about the reality. The aim of the research presented here was to investigate the possible adaptative role of anticipatory dreams. We sought to determine the relationship between dream and waking in a context in which the adaptive success of the individual was really at risk, in order to mobilize more strongly the oneiric activity. We used the entrance examination of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) as a significant waking event in which performance could be independently quantified. Through a partnership with UFRN, we contacted by e-mail 3000 candidates to the 2009 examination. In addition, 150 candidates were approached personally. Candidates who agreed to participate in the study (n = 94) completed questionnaires specific to the examination and were asked to describe their dreams during the examinaton period. The examination performance of each candidate in the entrance examination was provided by the UFRN to the researcher. A total of 45 participants reported dreams related to the examination. Our results show a positive correlation between performance on the examination and anticipatory dreams with the event, both in the comparison of performance on objective and discursive, and in final approval (in the group that not dreamed with the exam the rate of general approval, 22,45%, was similar to that found in the selection process as a whole, 22.19%, while for the group that dreamed with the examination that rate was 35.56%). The occurrence of anticipatory dreams reflectes increased concern during waking (psychobiological mobilization) related to the future event, as indicated by higher scores of fear and apprehension, and major changes in daily life, in patterns of mood and sleep, in the group that reported testrelated dreams. Furthermore, the data suggest a role of dreams in the determination of environmentally relevant behavior of the vigil, simulating possible scenarios of success (dream with approval) and failure (nightmares) to maximize the adaptive success of the individual / Nas mais diversas culturas, atribui-se aos sonhos a capacidade de prever o futuro. Diversos estudos neurofisiol?gicos indicam que a fun??o do sono e dos sonhos ? consolidar e transformar mem?rias, em um processo c?clico de cria??o, sele??o e generaliza??o de conjecturas sobre a realidade. Com o objetivo de investigar cientificamente a poss?vel fun??o antecipat?ria dos sonhos, buscamos descrever a rela??o entre sonho e vig?lia subseq?ente num contexto em que o sucesso adaptativo do indiv?duo realmente estivesse em risco, de modo a mobilizar mais fortemente a atividade on?rica. Utilizamos o exame vestibular da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) como evento significativo da vig?lia. Atrav?s de uma parceria com a UFRN, contatamos por e-mail 3000 candidatos ao Vestibular 2009. Al?m disso, 150 candidatos foram abordados pessoalmente. Os candidatos que aceitaram participar do estudo (n=94) preencheram question?rios espec?ficos sobre a prova e lhes foi solicitado que relatassem um sonho relacionado ? prova, caso algum houvesse ocorrido nos dias que a antecederam. O desempenho final de cada candidato no exame vestibular foi fornecido ao pesquisador pela UFRN. Ao todo 45 participantes relataram que sonharam com a prova. Nossos resultados mostram uma correla??o positiva entre o desempenho na prova e sonhos antecipat?rios com o evento, tanto na compara??o do desempenho nas provas objetivas e discursivas, quanto na aprova??o final (no grupo que n?o sonhou com a prova o ?ndice de aprova??o geral, 22,45%, foi semelhante ao encontrado no processo seletivo como um todo, 22,19%; j? para o grupo que sonhou com a prova esse ?ndice foi 35,56%). A ocorr?ncia desses sonhos antecipat?rios refletiu uma maior preocupa??o na vig?lia (mobiliza??o psicobiol?gica) em torno do evento futuro (maiores escores de medo e apreens?o, al?m de maiores altera??es no cotidiano, nos padr?es de humor e de sono). Al?m disso, os dados sugerem um papel importante dos sonhos na determina??o de comportamentos ecologicamente relevantes da vig?lia, simulando poss?veis cen?rios de sucesso (sonhar com aprova??o) e fracasso (pesadelos) para maximizar o sucesso adaptativo do indiv?duo

A expedição de provimentos provisórios pelos tribunais de contas : das “medidas cautelares” à técnica antecipatória no controle externo brasileiro

Scapin, Romano January 2016 (has links)
A expedição de medidas cautelares pelos Tribunais de Contas é assunto pouco abordado pela doutrina brasileira, apesar de contar com reconhecimento pacífico na jurisprudência pátria a respeito de sua possibilidade. Analisando o tema, averiguouse que as bases teóricas que fundamentam o provimento cautelar no processo de contas servem para sustentar, em verdade, a utilização da técnica antecipatória no âmbito das Cortes de Contas. Tal constatação permitiu a aproximação com os conceitos do processo civil a respeito do assunto, sobretudo quanto à tutela provisória. Assim, o presente trabalho buscou sistematizar cientificamente o emprego dos provimentos provisórios no processo de contas, analisando todas as competências constitucionais atribuídas aos Tribunais de Contais e relacionando-as às hipóteses e os limites da expedição desses provimentos. / The utilization of precautionary measures for the Accounts Tribunals is a topic rarely adressed by the brazilian doctrine, despite trust in the peaceful recognition in the country's jurisprudence about it's ability. Analysing the theme,it was ascertained that the theorical bases that ground the precautionary provision in the Accounts Tribunal. Such finding allowed the aproximation with the concepts of civil procedure about the theme, especially as the provisional protection. Therefor the present project had as objective systematizscientificaly the employ of the temporary provisionses in the procces of accounts analysing all the constitutionals skills assign to the Court of Auditors and relating it to the hypothesis and the limits of the dispatch of those provisionses.

Negotiating Socio-Technical Contracts: Anticipatory Governance and Reproductive Technologies

January 2014 (has links)
abstract: This project develops the "socio-technical contract" concept, a notion that signifies the kinds of socio-technological assumptions and arrangements that characterize a particular domain of policy or practice. Socio-technical contracts, unlike their social contract counterparts in political theory, represent active negotiation and renegotiation of social contracts around emerging technologies, as opposed to the tacit social contracts of thinkers such as Locke. I use the socio-technical contract concept to analyze the governance of assisted reproductive technologies in the United Kingdom. For increasing numbers of people, reproduction is happening in a fundamentally different way. Conception outside of the womb became a reality with the 1978 birth of Louise Brown, the first baby born via in-vitro fertilization. Alongside Louise Brown's birth emerged new social and governance configurations around reproductive technologies, including, in the United Kingdom, the establishment of a national regulatory agency, the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority. The project applies the socio-technical contract concept in order to examine how distributed governance and socio-cultural processes in the British context worked over time to renegotiate fundamental ideas about families and kinship, the boundaries of "ethical" science, rules governing release of information, the "right to an identity," the role of the state in the reproductive choices of individuals, and general approaches to how to think about the roles and relationships of the child, parents, and the state in and around the introduction of these technologies. As these changes have occurred, policies, social understandings, and legal rights have been renegotiated and new governance capacities, what I call "anticipatory capacities," have come into existence to manage and coordinate change across complex social systems. In illuminating anticipatory capacities in each context, I explore the tools deployed by government actors, scientists, stakeholders, and citizens in negotiating evolving socio-technical contracts around reproductive technologies. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Political Science 2014

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