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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Funkcionalne i antioksidativne osobine tropa cvekle (Beta vulgaris) / Functional and antioxidant characteristics of beetroot pomace (Beta vulgaris)

Vulić Jelena 04 September 2012 (has links)
<p>Etanolni ekstrakti tropa odabranih sorti cvekle (Detroit, Cardeal-F1, Egipatska, Bikor i Kestrel) preči&scaron;ćeni su primenom ekstrakcije na čvrstoj fazi (SPE). Sadržaj ukupnih<br />fenolnih jedinjenja, flavonoida i betalaina u preči&scaron;ćenim ekstraktima određeni su spektrofotometrijskim metodama. HPLC analizom utvrđen je kvalitativni i kvantitativni sastav fenolnih jedinjenja i betalaina ekstrakata tropa odabranih sorti cvekle. ESR spektroskopijom ispitana je antiradikalska aktivnost ekstrakata topa cvekle na stabilne DPPH i reaktivne superoksid anjon i hidroksil radikale.<br />Spektrofotometrijski je određena antioksidativna aktivnost na DPPH radikale i redukciona sposobnost po Oyaizu u ekstraktima odabranih sorti cvekle. Ispitana je in vitro<br />antiproliferativna aktivnost frakcija ekstrakata, njihovim delovanjem na rast tri histolo&scaron;ki različite humane ćelijske linije: MCF-7 (adenokarcinom dojke), HeLa (epitelni karcinom cerviksa)i MRC-5 (fetalni fibroblastni karcinom pluća). U zavr&scaron;noj fazi rada određena je antimikrobna aktivnost ekstrakata tropa odabranih sorti cvekle.</p> / <p> Beetroot (Detroit, Cardeal-F1, Egipatska, Bikor i Kestrel)<br /> pomace ethanol extracts were purified using solid phase<br /> extraction (SPE). Contents of total phenols, flavonoids and<br /> betalains in purified extracts were determined by spectrophotometric<br /> methods. HPLC analysis were used for quantitative<br /> and qualitative characterization of phenolic compounds<br /> and betalains in investigated extracts. ESR spectroscopy<br /> was used for investigation of antiradical activity of<br /> beetroot pomace extracts on stable DPPH and reactive<br /> superoxide anion and hydroxyl radicals. Antioxidant activity<br /> was determined spectrophotometrically on DPPH radicals<br /> and reducing power according to Oyaizu in the beetroot pomace<br /> extracts. Antiproliferative activity of investigated extracts<br /> was determined in vitro, testing their influence on the<br /> growth of three histologically different human cell lines:<br /> MCF-7 (breast adenocarcinoma), HeLa (cervix epithelioid<br /> carcinoma) and MRC-5 (fetal lung). Also, antimicrobial activity<br /> of beetroot pomace extracts was determined.</p>

Karakterizacija funkcionalnog napitka od melise (Melissa officinalis L.) dobijenog fiziološkom aktivnošću čajne gljive / Characterization of functional lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.) beverage obtained by physiological activity of tea fungus

Velićanski Aleksandra 28 December 2012 (has links)
<p>Cilj rada je bio ispitivanje funkcionalnih karakteristika kombuha napitka<br />od melise (<em>Melissa officinalis</em> L.). Antibakterijska aktivnost kombuha<br />napitaka optimalne konzumne i većih kiselosti ispitana je prema<br />bakterijama izolovanim iz hrane i vode za piće. Nosilac antimikrobne<br />aktivnosti je sirćetna kiselina, a na ostale nosioce ukazuje delovanje<br />neutralisane kombuhe i čajnog napitka prema nekim test bakterijama.<br />Spektrofotometrijskom metodom određen je sadržaj ukupnih fenolnih<br />jedinjenja, a HPLC analizom određen je kvalitativni i kvantitativni sastav<br />fenolnih jedinjenja u fermentacionim tečnostima, čajnim i kombuha<br />napicima od melise i crnog čaja. Antioksidativna aktivnost istih uzoraka<br />ispitana je na DPPH i OH radikale ESR spektralnom metodom. Uzorci<br />fermentacione tečnosti i kombuha napitka od melise imali su veću<br />antioksidativnu aktivnost prema oba radikala u odnosu na uzorke sa<br />crnim čajem. Konzumna kombuha od melise imala je veću<br />antioksidativnu aktivnost od čajnog napitka. Aktivne komponente<br />kombuha napitka od melise su verovatno ruzmarinska kiselina i<br />kvercetin. U ispitivanju antiproliferativne aktivnosti konzumnog<br />kombuha napitka i čajnog napitka od melise na tri ćelijske linije humanih<br />karcinoma: HeLa (epitelni karcinom grlića materice), MCF-7<br />(adenokarcinom dojke) i HT-29 (adenokarcinom debelog creva) utvrđeno<br />je da nije do&scaron;lo do stimulacije proliferacije ispitanih ćelijskih linija pri<br />koncentracijama većim od 100 &mu;g/ml. Pored istraživanja biolo&scaron;ke<br />aktivnosti ispitana je mogućnost simultane mlečno-kiselinske i kombuha<br />fermentacije. Dodatkom starter kultura i <em>Lactobacillus spp</em>. izolata u<br />fermentacionu tečnost dolazi do povećanja sadržaja L- i D- mlečne<br />kiseline, iako su ćelije bakterija mlečne kiseline, osim izolata iz kiselog<br />testa (<em>L. hilgardii</em>), pokazale malu otpornost na uslove tokom<br />fermentacije i čuvanja pripremljenih napitaka. Izvr&scaron;ena je i identifikacija<br />bakterija sirćetnog vrenja izolovanih iz lokalnih čajnih gljiva PCR<br />metodom. Dva izolata verovatno pripadaju vrsti <em>Gluconobacter oxydans</em>,<br />a treći vrsti <em>Gluconacetobacter hansenii</em>.</p> / <p>The aim of this study was to investigate functional characteristics of akombucha beverage from lemon balm (<em>Melissa officinalis</em> L.) tea. Antibacterial activity of kombucha beverages with optimum and higheracidities was tested against bacteria isolated from food and drinking water. The main active component of antibacterial activity was acetic acid, while slight activity of neutralized kombucha and unfermented tea against some test bacteria indicated presence of other antibacterial components. Total phenol concentration in unfermented tea samples, fermentation broths and kombucha beverages from lemon balm and black tea was determined spectrophotometrically whereas qualitative and quantitative concentration of polyphenolic compounds was determined by HPLC method. Antioxidant activity on DPPH and hydroxyl radical in the same samples was determined on an ESR spectrometer. Fermentation broth and kombucha beverage from lemon balm had higher antioxidant activity against both radicals than the samples from black tea. Kombucha beverage from lemon balm with optimum acidity had higher antioxidant activity than unfermented lemon balm tea. The main active components of antioxidant activity were probably rosmarinic acid and quercetin. Antiproliferative activity of lemon balm tea and kombucha was measured by sulforhodamine B colorimetric assay on HeLa (cervix epitheloid carcinoma), HT-29 (colon adenocarcinoma), and MCF-7 (breast adenocarcinoma) cell lines. By applying concentrations higher than 100 &mu;g/ml, tested samples did not stimulate proliferation of cell lines. The possibility of simultaneous lactic acid and kombucha fermentation was tested as well. When starter cultures and Lactobacillus spp. isolates were applied, the content of Land D- lactic acid increased during fermentation, although lactic acid bacteria (except <em>L. hilgardii</em> isolated from sour dough) showed low resistance to the conditions during fermentation and beverages storage. Acetic acid bacteria isolated from local tea fungus were identified by PCR method. Two isolates might be <em>Gluconobacter oxydans</em> and one - <em>Gluconacetobacter hansenii.</em></p>

Antioksidativna, antiproliferativna i antimikrobna aktivnost odabranih ekstrakata tropova bobičastog voća / Antioxidative, antiproliferative and antimicrobial activity of selected berry pomace extracts

Vinčić Milica 28 September 2017 (has links)
<p>U ovom radu su ispitani hemijski sastav, antioksidativna, antihiperglikemijska, antiproliferativna i antimikrobna aktivnost liofiliziranih metanolnih ekstrakata tropa<br />maline (Rubusidaeus L) sorti Meeker (ETMM) i Willamette (ETMW), kupine (RubusfruticosusL) sorti Čačanska bestrna (ETKČ) i Thornfree (ETKT) i divlje borovnice<br />(Vacciniummyrtillus L) (ETB). Sadržaj ukupnih polifenola (TPh), flavonoida (TF) i antocijana (TAc) u ekstraktima tropova određeni su spektrofotometrijskim metodama.<br />Identifikacija i kvantifikacija fenolnih jedinjenja (fenolnihkiselina, flavonola i cijanidina) i vitamina C u ekstraktima tropova izvedena je HPLC analizom. Spektrofotometrijskim<br />testovima određena je antioksidativna aktivnostna DPPH i ABTS+ radikale i redukciona sposobnost ekstrakata. ESR spektroskopijom utvrđen je uticaj ekstrakata na reaktivne hidroksil i superoksid anjon radikale. Antihiperglikemijska aktivnost ekstrakata određena<br />je testom inhibicije &alpha;-glukozidaze. Antiproliferativna aktivnost ekstrakata tropova ispitana je in vitro, njihovim delovanjem na rast četiri histolo&scaron;ki različite humane ćelije:<br />HeLa (epitelni karcinom cerviksa), MCF7 (adenokarcinom dojke), HT-29 (adenokarcinom debelog creva) i MRC-5 (humani fetalni fibroblasti pluća). Antimikrobna aktivnost ekstrakata tropova bobičastog voća ispitana je na odabrane sojeve Gram-pozitivnih i Gram-negativnih bakterija, kvasaca i plesni disk difuzionom metodom i metodom &bdquo;bunarčića&rdquo;. Ispitana je i mogućnost primene liofiliziranih ekstrakata tropova bobičastog voća kao funkcionalnog dodatka sokovima od voća. Laboratorijski proizvedenim obogaćenim sokovima je određen sadržaj TPh, TF i TAc i utvrđena antioksidativna aktivnost testom redukcione sposobnosti i DPPH testom. Rezultati ispitivanja hemijskog sastava, antioksidativne, antihiperglikemijske, antiproliferativne i antimikrobne aktivnosti ETMM, ETMW, ETKČ, ETKT i ETB ukazuju da su svi ispitivani ekstrakti tropova potencijalni izvor prirodnih<br />bioaktivnih jedinjenja, a antioksidativna aktivnost obogaćenih sokova ukazuje na mogućnost kori&scaron;ćenja ovih ekstrakata, kao funkcionalnih aditiva u proizvodnji različitih<br />visoko vrednih prehrambenih proizvoda.</p> / <p>This work examined the chemical composition, the antioxidant,<br />antihyperglycaemic, antiproliferative and antimicrobial<br />activity of the freeze-dried raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.)<br />varieties Meeker (ETMM) and Willamette (ETMW), blackberry<br />(Rubus fruticosus L.) varieties (ETKČ) and Thornfree<br />(ETKT), and wild blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) (ETB)<br />pomaces methanol extracts. The content of total polyphenols<br />(TPh), total flavonoids (TF) and total anthocyanins (TAc) in<br />the pomace extracts were determined spectrophotometrically.<br />Identification and quantification of the phenolic compounds<br />(phenol acids, flavonols and cyanidins) and ascorbic acid in<br />the pomace extracts was performed by HPLC analysis. The<br />antioxidant activities of the extracts was determined spectrophotometrically<br />using DPPH and ABTS+ free radicals and<br />reducing ability assay. ESR spectroscopy is used for determination<br />of pomace extracts&rsquo; influence on reactive hydroxyl<br />and superoxide anion radicals. Antihyperglycaemic activity of<br />the pomace extracts was determined using &alpha;-glucosidase inhibition<br />assay. The antiproliferative activity of the pomace extracts<br />was tested in vitro, testing their influence on the growth<br />of four histologically different human tumor cells: HeLa<br />(cervix epithelioid carcinoma), MCF7 (breast adenocarcinoma),<br />HT-29 (colon adenocarcinoma) and MRC-5(human fetal<br />lung fibroblasts). Antimicrobial activity of berry pomace extracts was tested on selected strains of Gram-positive and<br />Gram-negative bacteria, yeasts and molds with the disc diffusion<br />method and the method of &ldquo;wells&rdquo;. The possibility of<br />freeze dried berry pomace extracts application as a fruit functional<br />additive was investigated as well. Laboratory produced<br />enriched juice was tested in terms of TPH, TF and TAc content,<br />reducing ability and DPPH scavenging ability as well.<br />The results of testing the chemical composition, the antioxidative,<br />antihyperglycaemic, antiproliferative and antimicrobial<br />activities of ETMM, ETMW, ETKČ, ETKT and ETB, indicate<br />that all investigated pomace extracts are a potential source of<br />natural bioactive compounds, and that the antioxidant activity<br />enriched juice indicates the possibility of using these extracts,<br />as a functional additive in the production of various high-value<br />food products.</p>

Antiradikalska i antiproliferativna aktivnost ekstrakata odabranih biljaka iz familija rosaceae i ericaceae / Antiradical and antiproliferative activity of selected plantextracts from Rosaceae and Ericaceae family

Tumbas Vesna 14 June 2010 (has links)
<p>Acetonski ekstrakti bobičastog voća iz familija Ericaceae<br />(borovnica,<em> Vaccinium myrtillus</em> L., i brusnica, <em>Vaccinium<br />macrocarpon</em> L.) i Rosaceae (&scaron;ipak, <em>Rosa canina</em> L., i glog,<br /><em>Crataegus oxyacantha</em> L.) preči&scaron;ćeni su i frakcionisani<br />primenom ekstrakcije na čvrstoj fazi (SPE). Sadržaj ukupnih<br />polifenolnih jedinjenja, flavonoida i antocijana u preči&scaron;ćenim<br />ekstraktima određeni su spektrofotometrijskim metodama.<br />HPLC analizom utvrđen je kvalitativni i kvantitativni<br />sastav frakcija ekstrakata ispitivanih bobica. ESR spektroskopijom<br />ispitana je antiradikalska aktivnost frakcija ekstrakata<br />bobica na stabilne DPPH<sup>●</sup> i reaktivne superoksid anjon i<br />hidroksil radikale. ESR spektroskopijom ispitano je i<br />prisustvo slobodnih radikala antioksidanata nastalih tokom<br />reakcije frakcija ekstrakata bobica sa superoksid anjon<br />radikalima. U zavr&scaron;noj fazi rada ispitana je<em> in vitro</em><br />antiproliferativna aktivnost frakcija ekstrakata bobica, njihovim<br />delovanjem na rast tri histolo&scaron;ki različite humane ćelijske<br />linije: HeLa (epitelni karcinom cerviksa), HT-29 (adenokarcinom<br />debelog creva) i MCF-7 (adenokarcinom dojke).</p> / <p>Acetone extracts of berries form Ericaceae (bilberry, <em>Vaccinium<br />myrtillus</em> L., and cranberry, <em>Vaccinium macrocarpon</em><br />L.) and Rosaceae (rose hip, <em>Rosa canina</em> L., and hawthorn,<br /><em>Crataegus oxyacantha </em>L.) families were purified and fractionated<br />using solid phase extraction (SPE). Contents of total<br />polyphenols, flavonoids and anthocyanins in purified extracts<br />were determined by spectrophotometric methods.<br />HPLC analysis were used for quantitative and qualitative<br />characterization of investigated berry extracts fractions. ESR<br />spectroscopy was used for investigation of antiradical activity<br />of berry extracts fractions on stable DPPH<sup>●</sup> and<br />reactive superoxide anion and hydroxyl radicals. The<br />presence of antioxidant free radicals formed during reaction<br />of investigated berry extracts fractions with superoxide<br />anion radicals was also investigated by ESR. Antiprolixferative<br />activity of investigated berry extracts fractions was<br />determined<em> in vitro</em>, testing their influence on the growth of<br />three histologically different human cell lines: HeLa (cervix<br />epithelioid carcinoma), HT-29 (colon adenocarcinoma) i<br />MCF-7 (breast adenocarcinoma).</p>

Χημεία συμπλόκων ενώσεων του βαναδίου : σύνθεση, δομή, φυσικές και βιολογικές ιδιότητες / Chemistry of vanadium coordination complexes : synthesis, structure, physical and biological properties

Σαρτζή, Χαρίκλεια 19 July 2012 (has links)
Στην παρούσα Διπλωματική Εργασία μελετήθηκε το σύστημα αντίδρασης του βαναδίου, V, με τον υποκαταστάτη δι-2-πυρίδυλο κετόνη, (py)2CO. Πρόκειται για έναν εξαιρετικά δημοφιλή υποκαταστάτη τον οποίο πολλές ερευνητικές ομάδες, όπως και η δική μας, έχουν μελετήσει με πολλά μεταλλοϊόντα, εκτός του βαναδίου. Η χημεία της δι-2-πυρίδυλο κετόνης βασίζεται στο γεγονός ότι η καρβονυλική της ομάδα μπορεί να υποστεί προσβολή από διάφορα πυρηνόφιλα (π.χ.H2O, ROH) και να σχηματίσει την ημικεταλική ή/και τη 1, 1-διολική μορφές της. Η μελέτη αυτού του συστήματος οδήγησε στη σύνθεση και το χαρακτηρισμό συμπλόκων του βαναδίου σε διάφορες οξειδωτικές βαθμίδες. Χαρακτηριστικό παράδειγμα αποτελεί το μικτού σθένους εννεαπυρηνικό σύμπλοκο (Et3NH)2[VIIVV8O18{(py)2CO2}4]∙2MeCN, με τον υποκαταστάτη να βρίσκεται στην διπλά αποπρωτονιωμένη 1, 1-διολική μορφή του. Ακόμη από το γενικό σύστημα αντίδρασης απομονώθηκαν σύμπλοκα VIV2, VV2, VIV3, VV4, VV12 και VΙV2 VV8 με τον υποκαταστάτη να βρίσκεται σε διάφορες μορφές. Μελετήθηκαν οι μαγνητικές ιδιότητες των συμπλόκων του τετρασθενούς βαναδίου. Η συμμετοχή ωστόσο του μετάλλου και των ενώσεων του σε διάφορες βιολογικές διεργασίες, όπως στη ρύθμιση του μεταβολισμού, στα ενεργά κεντρά μεταλλοενζύμων καθώς και η ικανότητά του να ενισχύει τη δράση της ινσουλίνης, μας έδωσαν το ερέθισμα να μελετήσουμε συγκεκριμένα την αντικαρκινική συμπεριφορά επιλεγμένων συμπλόκων που παρασκευάσαμε σε διάφορες σειρές καρκινικών κυττάρων. / In the present Diploma Work we have studied reactions of vanadium, V, sources and di-2-pyridyl ketone, (py)2CO. This ligand is very popular and its reactions with several metal ions have been investigated by many groups, including our group. No V complexes of (py)2CO have been reported. The chemistry of di-2-pyridyl ketone is based on the fact that its carbonyl group can be attacked by various nucleophiles (e.g. π.χ.H2O, ROH) to give the hemiketal or/and 1,1-diol forms. The systematic investigation of the V/(py)2CO reaction system has led to the synthesis and characterization of V compounds with the metal in various oxidation states. A characteristic example is the mixed-valence, enneanuclear complex (Et3NH)2[VIIVV8O18{(py)2CO2}4]∙2MeCN, in which the ligand participates in the doubly deprotonated 1,1-diolate form. From this general reaction system, VIV2, VV2, VIV3, VV4, VV12 και VΙV2 VV8 species have also been isolated. The magnetic properties of the VΙV complexes have also been studied. The participation of V compounds in important biological processes gave us the stimulus to study the antiproliferative activity of selected complexes in various cancer cell lines.

Cancer du foie au Cambodge : état des lieux épidémiologiques, description des médecines traditionnelles utilisées et évaluation d'espèces médicinales sélectionnées / Liver cancer in Cambodia : epidemiological survey, description of traditional medicine used and biological evaluation of some medicinal plant species selected

Chassagne, François 17 October 2017 (has links)
Le cancer du foie est le 6ème cancer le plus fréquent et le 2ème plus meurtrier dans le monde. Au Cambodge, en raison du contexte historique et économique, les données précises concernant cette pathologie manquent. A l'aide d'outils épidémiologiques, nous avons décrit les caractéristiques de 553 patients atteints de cancer du foie à l'hôpital Calmette à Phnom Penh, et ainsi mis en évidence l'importance de l'infection par les virus des hépatites B et C chez les sujets étudiés. Puis, nous avons documenté les connaissances de 42 de ces patients vis-à-vis de leur maladie. Nous avons détaillé leurs itinéraires thérapeutiques, mis en évidences des pratiques à risques (forte utilisation d'injections thérapeutiques et de techniques de dermabrasion), et le recours fréquent à des médecines dites traditionnelles. Nous avons ensuite tenté de comprendre les stratégies de prise en charge des patients souffrant de maladies hépatiques par les médecins traditionnels, et mis en évidence la variété des remèdes utilisés et l'importance de la perception khmère des propriétés des plantes. Enfin, à l'aide d'un modèle in vitro de culture de cellules cancéreuses hépatiques couplé à des outils d'analyse métabolomique, nous avons évalué 10 espèces médicinales, sélectionnées sur des critères bibliographiques et de terrain, et tenté d'identifier les composés potentiellement responsables de l'activité antiproliférative observée. / Liver cancer is the 6th most common and 2nd most lethal cancer in the world. In Cambodia, due to the historical and economic context, there is a lack of accurate data on this pathology. Using epidemiological tools, we described the characteristics of 553 patients with liver cancer at the Calmette Hospital in Phnom Penh, and thus highlighted the importance of infection with hepatitis B and C viruses in the subjects studied. Then we documented the knowledge of 42 of these patients about their disease. We have detailed their therapeutic itineraries, highlighted risky practices (high use of therapeutic injections and dermabrasion techniques) and the use of traditional medicines. We then attempted to understand strategies for the management of patients with liver diseases by traditional healers, and highlighted the variety of remedies used and the importance of Khmer perception of plant properties. Finally, using an in vitro model of liver cancer cell culture coupled with metabolic analysis tools, we evaluated 10 medicinal species, selected on the basis of bibliographic and field criteria, and attempted to identify the compounds potentially responsible for the antiproliferative activity observed.

Biopotencijal autohtonih gljiva u funkciji nutraceutika / Biopotential Autochthones Fungal in Function of Nutraceuticals

Novaković Aleksandra 02 October 2015 (has links)
<p>Karakterizacija&nbsp; ekstrakata&nbsp; plodnih&nbsp; tela&nbsp; devet&nbsp;autohtonih&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp; gljiva&nbsp; pripadnika&nbsp; razdela&nbsp;Basidiomycota&nbsp; obuhvatila&nbsp; je&nbsp; preliminarno&nbsp;ispitivanje&nbsp; hemijskog&nbsp; sastava&nbsp; i&nbsp; ispitivanje biolo&scaron;ke&nbsp; aktivnosti.&nbsp; Primenom&nbsp; HPLC‐MS/MS&nbsp; i&nbsp;GC-FID tehnike &nbsp;detektovan&nbsp;je&nbsp;i&nbsp;određen&nbsp;sadržaj&nbsp;fenolnih&nbsp;jedinjenja&nbsp;i&nbsp;metil&nbsp;estara&nbsp;masnih&nbsp;kiselina.&nbsp;<br />Primenom&nbsp; tehnike&nbsp; elektroforeze&nbsp; na&nbsp; mikročipu&nbsp;(&quot;LAB‐ON‐A‐CHIP&quot;&nbsp; kapilarnom&nbsp; elektroforezom)&nbsp;izvr&scaron;ena&nbsp;je&nbsp;karakterizacija&nbsp;proteinskih&nbsp;frakcija&nbsp;u&nbsp;odabranim&nbsp; vrstama&nbsp; gljiva.&nbsp; Antioksidantna&nbsp;aktivnost&nbsp; (sposobnost&nbsp; neutralizacije&nbsp; slobodnih &nbsp;radikala, &nbsp;redukcioni&nbsp;potencijal),&nbsp;sadržaj&nbsp;ukupnih&nbsp;fenola&nbsp; i&nbsp; flavonoida&nbsp; vodenih&nbsp; i&nbsp; etanolnih&nbsp;<br />ekstrakata&nbsp; ispitan&nbsp; je&nbsp; primenom&nbsp;spektrofotometrijskih&nbsp; metoda.&nbsp; Antimikrobna&nbsp;<br />aktivnost&nbsp; metanolnog&nbsp; i&nbsp; heksanskog&nbsp; ekstrakta&nbsp;ispitana&nbsp; je&nbsp; na&nbsp; Gram‐pozitivnim&nbsp; i&nbsp; Gram&ndash;negativnim bakterijskim&nbsp; sojevima.&nbsp; Efekat etanolnih&nbsp;i&nbsp;vodenih &nbsp;ekstrakata &nbsp;odabranih&nbsp;vrsta gljiva&nbsp; na&nbsp; rast&nbsp;ćelijske&nbsp; linije&nbsp; MCF7&nbsp; (humani adenokarcinom&nbsp;dojke pozitivan&nbsp;na&nbsp;estrogenske&nbsp;i progesteronske&nbsp;receptore),&nbsp;ispitan&nbsp;je&nbsp;MTT&nbsp;i&nbsp;SRB testom,&nbsp;dok&nbsp;je&nbsp;efekat&nbsp;frakcija&nbsp;ispitan&nbsp;primenom MTT&nbsp; testa.&nbsp; Sumarno,&nbsp; ukupni&nbsp; biopotencijal ispitivanih&nbsp;vrsta&nbsp;na&nbsp;osnovu&nbsp;sprovedenih&nbsp;analiza hemijske&nbsp; karakterizacije&nbsp; i&nbsp; biolo&scaron;kih&nbsp; testova upućuju&nbsp;opravdanost&nbsp;hipoteze&nbsp;da&nbsp;su&nbsp;odabrane vrste&nbsp;potencijalni &nbsp;izvori&nbsp;nutraceutika.&nbsp;Svakako&nbsp;je potrebno&nbsp;i&nbsp;neophodno&nbsp;nastaviti&nbsp;dalja&nbsp;istraživanja ovih&nbsp;vrsta.</p> / <p>Characterization&nbsp;of&nbsp;extracts&nbsp;of&nbsp;fruiting&nbsp;bodies&nbsp;of&nbsp;<br />nine&nbsp;native&nbsp;species&nbsp;of&nbsp;mushrooms&nbsp;members&nbsp;of&nbsp;<br />section&nbsp; Basidiomycota&nbsp; included&nbsp; preliminary&nbsp;<br />testing&nbsp; of&nbsp; chemical&nbsp; composition&nbsp; and&nbsp; biological&nbsp;<br />activity.&nbsp; Using&nbsp; HPLC‐MS&nbsp; /&nbsp; MS&nbsp; and&nbsp; GC‐FID&nbsp;<br />techniques&nbsp;the&nbsp;content&nbsp;of&nbsp;phenolic&nbsp;compounds&nbsp;<br />and&nbsp;fatty&nbsp;acid&nbsp;methyl&nbsp;esters&nbsp;has&nbsp;been&nbsp;detected&nbsp;<br />and&nbsp;determined.&nbsp;By&nbsp;applying&nbsp;the&nbsp;techniques&nbsp;of&nbsp;<br />electrophoresis&nbsp; on&nbsp; microchip&nbsp; (&quot;LAB‐ON‐A‐CHIP&quot;&nbsp;<br />capillary&nbsp; electrophoresis)&nbsp; characterization&nbsp; of&nbsp;<br />protein&nbsp;fractions&nbsp;in&nbsp;selected&nbsp;types&nbsp;of&nbsp;mushrooms&nbsp;<br />has&nbsp;been&nbsp;performed.&nbsp;The&nbsp;antioxidant&nbsp;activity&nbsp;(the&nbsp;<br />ability&nbsp; of&nbsp; neutralizing&nbsp; free&nbsp; radicals,&nbsp; reducing&nbsp;<br />potential),&nbsp; the&nbsp; contents&nbsp; of&nbsp; total&nbsp; phenols&nbsp; and&nbsp;<br />flavonoids&nbsp; of&nbsp; water&nbsp; and&nbsp; ethanol&nbsp; extracts&nbsp; has&nbsp;<br />been&nbsp; tested&nbsp; using&nbsp; the&nbsp; spectrophotometric&nbsp;<br />method.&nbsp; The&nbsp; antimicrobial&nbsp; activity&nbsp; of&nbsp; methanol&nbsp;<br />and&nbsp; hexane&nbsp; extracts&nbsp; was&nbsp; tested&nbsp; against&nbsp; Gram‐<br />positive&nbsp;and&nbsp;Gram‐negative&nbsp;bacterial&nbsp;strains.&nbsp;The&nbsp;<br />effect&nbsp; of&nbsp; ethanol&nbsp; and&nbsp; aqueous&nbsp; extracts&nbsp; of&nbsp;<br />selected&nbsp;fungi&nbsp;species&nbsp;on&nbsp;the&nbsp;growth&nbsp;of&nbsp;the&nbsp;cell&nbsp;<br />line&nbsp; MCF7&nbsp; (human&nbsp; breast&nbsp; adenocarcinoma&nbsp;<br />positive&nbsp; for&nbsp; estrogen&nbsp; and&nbsp; progesterone&nbsp;<br />receptors),&nbsp; has&nbsp; been&nbsp; examined&nbsp; using&nbsp; MTT&nbsp; and&nbsp;<br />SRB&nbsp;assay,&nbsp;while&nbsp;the&nbsp;effect&nbsp;of&nbsp;the&nbsp;fractions&nbsp;has&nbsp;<br />been&nbsp;tested&nbsp;by&nbsp;using&nbsp;the&nbsp;MTT&nbsp;assay.&nbsp;In&nbsp;summary,&nbsp;<br />the&nbsp;overall&nbsp;biological&nbsp;potential&nbsp;of&nbsp;the&nbsp;examined&nbsp;<br />species&nbsp; based&nbsp; on&nbsp; results&nbsp; for&nbsp; chemical&nbsp; and&nbsp;<br />biological&nbsp; characterization&nbsp; tests&nbsp; (anti‐oxidative,&nbsp;<br />antimicrobial&nbsp;and&nbsp;anti‐proliferative)&nbsp;indicate&nbsp;the&nbsp;<br />justifiability&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; hypothesis&nbsp; that&nbsp; examined&nbsp;<br />species&nbsp; of&nbsp; mushrooms&nbsp; are&nbsp; potential&nbsp; sources&nbsp; of&nbsp;<br />nutraceuticals.&nbsp; It&nbsp; is&nbsp; certainly&nbsp; needed&nbsp; and&nbsp;<br />necessary&nbsp;to&nbsp;continue&nbsp;further&nbsp;research&nbsp;of&nbsp;these&nbsp;<br />species.</p>

Visokovredna funkcionalna jedinjenja iz sporednih proizvoda prerade paradajza / High-valuable functional compounds from tomato by-products

Stajčić Slađana 02 November 2012 (has links)
<p>Ekstrakcijom heksanom, a zatim 80% etanolom predhodno pripremljenog tropa od<br />IZ odabranih genotipova Bačka, Knjaz, Novosadski niski, O<sub>2</sub>, Rutgers i Saint Pierre<br />paradajza, dobijeni su heksanski i etanolni ekstrakti tropa. Sadržaj karotenoida u<br />heksanskim i polifenolnih jedinjenja, flavonoida i askorbinske kiseline u etanolnim<br />ekstraktima određen je spektrofotometrijskim metodama. Identifikacija i<br />kvantifikacija pojedinih karotenoida u heksanskim i polifenolnih jedinjenja u<br />etanolnim ekstraktima tropa paradajza izvedena je HPLC analizom. U ostacima<br />nakon ekstrakcija tropa paradajza određen je sadržaj prehrambenih vlakana.<br />Spektrofotometrijskim testovima određena je antiradikalska aktivnost na DPPH<br />radikale i redukciona sposobnost dobijenih ekstrakata. ESR spektroskopijom<br />ispitan je uticaj etanolnih ekstrakata na reaktivne hidroksil i superoksid anjon<br />radikale. Pored toga, ispitana je i helirajuća sposobnost etanolnih ekstrakata.<br />Antiradikalsko delovanje na DPPH radikale ostataka nakon ekstrakcija tropa<br />paradajza radikale, takođe je utvrđeno. Ispitana je in vitro antiproliferativna<br />aktivnost frakcija ekstrakata, njihovim delovanjem na rast tri histolo&scaron;ki različite<br />humane ćelijske linije: MCF-7 (adenokarcinom dojke), HeLa (epitelni karcinom<br />cerviksa) i MRC-5 (fetalni fibroblastni karcinom pluća). Rezultati ispitivanja<br />hemijskog sastava, antioksidativne i antiproliferativne aktivnosti ekstrakata, kao i<br />ostataka nakon ekstracija tropa odabranih genotipova paradajza ukazuju na<br />mogućnost iskori&scaron;ćenja ovog sporednog proizvoda kao potencijalnog izvora<br />prirodnih antioksidanata, koji bi na&scaron;li primenu u prehrambenoj, farmaceutskoj i<br />kozmetičkoj industriji.</p> / <p>Tomato pomaces obtained from selected tomato genotypes (Bačka, Knjaz, Novosadski niski,<br />O2, Rutgers and Saint Pierre) were extracted sequentially with hexane and 80% ethanol. The<br />content of carotenoids i hexane and total polyphenolics, flavonoids and ascorbic acid in<br />ethanolic extracts was determined by spectrophotometric methods. Identification and<br />quantification of individual carotenoids in hexane and polyphenolics in ethanolic extracts<br />was determined by HPLC analysis. The content of dietary fiber was determined in the<br />residues after extraction of tomato pomaces. The scavenging activity on DPPH radicals and<br />reducing power of the obtained extracts were determined spectrophotometrically. The<br />influence of ethanolic extracts on reactive hydroxyl and superoxide anion radicals was<br />examined by electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy. In addition, the chelating ability of<br />ethanolic extracts was investigated. Scavenging effect on DPPH radicals of the residue after<br />extraction of tomato pomace, has also been established. Antiproliferative activity of<br />investigated extracts was determined in vitro, testing their influence on the growth of three<br />histologically different human cell lines: MCF-7 (breast adenocarcinoma), HeLa (cervix<br />epithelioid carcinoma) and MRC-5 (fetal lung). Based on the results of chemical analysis,<br />significant antioxidant and antiproliferative activity of the tomato waste extracts, as well as<br />residues after extraction showed that tomato waste obtained from different tomato genotypes<br />should be regarded as potential source of natural antioxidants, which can be used for various<br />purposes in the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry.</p>

Mikrotalasno stimulisane transformacije prirodnih i sintetičkih karboksilnih kiselina i njihovih derivata / Microwave-assisted transformation of natural and synthetic carboxylic acids and their derivatives

Pavlović Ksenija 25 September 2014 (has links)
<p>Predviđena istraživanja u ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji su usmerena u pravcu&nbsp;<br />modifikacije klasičnih metoda i postupaka za transformaciju karboksilne grupe&nbsp;<br />prirodnih i sintetičkih karboksilnih kiselina. Modifikacije su rađene novim,&nbsp;<br />savremenim, ekonomski i ekolo&scaron;ki opravdanim metodama rada u&nbsp;<br />mikrotalasnom reaktoru. Modifikovanim sintetskim postupcima u&nbsp;<br />mikrotalasnom reaktoru urađena je sinteza amida, hidroksamskih&nbsp; derivata,&nbsp;<br />kao i redukcija individualnih naftnih kiselina i&nbsp; sme&scaron;e&nbsp; prirodnih naftnih kiselina&nbsp;<br />&bdquo;Velebit&ldquo; do alkohola. Prirodne naftne kiseline kori&scaron;ćene u ovom radu su prvo&nbsp;<br />izolovane iz gasne frakcije (interval destilacije 168-290 &deg;C) vojvođanske nafte&nbsp;<br />&bdquo;Velebit&ldquo; a potom preči&scaron;ćene i razdvojene na uže frakcije na osnovu različite&nbsp;<br />kiselosti. Nakon toga, izvr&scaron;ena je njihova karakterizacija GC-MS-EI analizom&nbsp;<br />(čime je potvrđeno da dolazi do strukturne diferencijacije kiselina). U radu je&nbsp;<br />takođe ispitana biolo&scaron;ka aktivnost sintetizovanih derivata. Proučavan je uticaj&nbsp;<br />prirodnih naftnih kiselina &bdquo;Velebit&ldquo; i njenih derivata na rast&nbsp; pet sojeva&nbsp;<br />Pseudomonas sp., kao i uticaj odabranih sintetisanih jedinjenja na proliferaciju&nbsp;<br />četiri ćelijske linije humanih tumora pri čemu je kao kontrola služila jedna&nbsp;<br />zdrava humana ćelijska linija.</p> / <p>The investigation of this doctoral dissertation is directed toward the modification of the &nbsp;transformation of the carboxylic group of natural and synthetic carboxylic acids. The dissertation takes into consideration the classical methods and procedures of the reaction and modifies them using microwave reactor. The synthesis of amides, hydroxamic derivatives, as well as the reduction&nbsp; of individual petroleum acids and acid mixtures of natural oil &quot;Velebit&quot; to alcohol were achieved&nbsp; by the modifications made to the synthetic methods in the microwave reactor. The natural oil acids used within this study were first isolated from the gas fraction (distillation interval 168-290 &deg;C) of the Vojvodina&#39;s crude oil &quot;Velebit&quot;, and then purified and separated by the narrow fractions under the different acidity. After that, their characterisation was made by the GC-MS-EI analysis which confirmed that the structural differentiation of&nbsp;&nbsp; acids had been achieved. Also, the biological activity of the synthesized derivatives are analysed. The impact of natural petroleum acids &quot;Velebit&quot; and its derivatives on the growth of five strains of&nbsp; Pseudomonas&nbsp; sp. was studied, as well as the impact of selected synthesized compounds on the proliferation of four human tumor cell lines wherein one healthy human cell lines used as the control.</p>

Biološka aktivnost novosintetisanih D-seko i D-homo-estratrienskih derivata u in vivo i in vitro uslovima / Biological activity of the newly synthesized D-secoand D-homoestratriene derivatives in in vivo and in vitro experiments

Jovanović-Šanta Suzana 08 October 2010 (has links)
<p>Sintetisana su nova jedinjenja, 16- i 17-supstituisani&nbsp;16,17-sekoestratrienski derivati i D-homoestranski&nbsp;derivati, polazeći od 3-benziloksi-17-hidroksi-16,17-sekoestra-1,3,5(10)-trien-16-nitrila. Ispitana je&nbsp;estrogena i antiestrogena aktivnost u eksperimentima <em>in&nbsp;vivo</em>, antiaromatazna aktivnost <em>in vitro</em>, antioksidantna&nbsp;aktivnost DPPH &nbsp;i TBA testom, kao i antiproliferativna&nbsp;aktivnost prema ćelijskim linijama MCF-7 ATCC,&nbsp;MDA-MB-231, HT-29 i MRC-5 novosintetisanih&nbsp;jedinjenja.</p> / <p>Some new compounds, 16- and 17-substituted 16,17-secoestratriene derivatives, as&nbsp; well as D-homoestratriene derivatives, were synthesized, starting from 3-benzyloxy-17-hydroxy-16,17-secoestra-1,3,5 (10)-triene-16-nitrile. The newly synthesized compounds were tested for their <em>in vivo&nbsp;</em>estrogenic and antiestrogenic activity,&nbsp; <em>in vitro&nbsp;</em>antiaromatase activity, antioxidative activity by DPPH and TBA tests, as well as antiproliferative activity against MCF-7 ATCC, MDA-MB-231, HT-29 i MRC-5 cell lines.</p>

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