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Enlightening Dark Tourism in NepalThapa Magar, Asha 12 1900 (has links)
This study aims to examine the motivation, experience and benefits of Nepalese domestic tourists visiting the seismic memorial sites after the 25 April 2015 earthquake (known as Gorkha earthquake). A total of 403 surveys was gathered from seismic sites of Nepal (Kathmandu, Bhaktapur and Patan). Data were tested to analyze why the tourists are interested in disaster sites and how their experience during their visit impact the benefits of the visits. Additionally, partial least square structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was employed to test the relationships among tourist motivations, experiences, and perceived benefits at the dark tourism sites in Nepal. Among the five motivational factors discovered, the empirical results depict that emotional reaction is the strongest factor of the dark tourism motivation, affecting both cognitive and affective experiences. Additionally, this study confirms that cognitive experience is more influenced by dark tourism motivations than affective experience. Among the four experience factors examined in the study, self-reflection is found to have the strongest impact of three aspects of perceived dark tourism benefits, such as knowledge gain, fulfillment, and appreciation. Overall, the findings of the study provide important implications to the management sectors of dark tourism sites, enhancing the importance of providing cognitive experiences (i.e. distributing the educational materials about the dark tourism events and offering the knowledgeable tour guide who can guide the sites) and affective experience of the tourists (storytelling about the events, organizing educational and volunteering programs at the sites). Further, this study contributes to the limited literature in the context of dark tourism and provide important managerial and practical implications based on the case of Nepal earthquake in 2015.
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Peripheral Germinal Centers Regulate Virus-Specific B Cell Accumulation in the CNSAtkinson, Jeffrey Ross 01 May 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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O discurso da Nova Escola : procedimentos e valoresCastro, Juliana Contti 26 March 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-23T14:01:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Juliana Contti Castro - elementos pre-textuais.pdf: 422846 bytes, checksum: 8bc10f100e885d019b5a6ce81eb75643 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2013-03-26 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This work examines the construction of the pedagogic discourse in the Nova Escola (New School) magazine, the discoursive procedures utilized in this construction, and the framework of values in which these discourses insert themselves. Thus this work takes as the principle corpus of analysis the periods 1997-1998 and 2011-2012. Emphasizing the analysis of the magazine s editorials, covers and advertisements, this work investigates the effects of meaning that these texts produce based on its discoursive construction. For the description and analysis of the verbal-visual texts, it refers to the French semiotic and its model of analysis of the signification proposed by A. J. Greimas, together with the visual semiotic, with the contributions of J. M. Floch. Its objectives are to design a landscape about the emergence of the magazines and their similarity to the newspaper; to localize the emergence of the Brazilian pedagogic publications; to investigate the emergence and consolidation of the Editora Abril as an expressive communication company; to examine the creation of the Victor Civita Foundation and, lastly, to investigate the teacher simulacrum reiterated and strengthened by the discourse of Nova Escola (New School). The analysis points to the reinforcement of a simulacrum that sees education, specially the first two years, as vocation and mission, stressing the instrumental dimension at the expense of the conceptual. The gender questions are also important; above all by the fact of the woman-teacher simulacrum be continuously reiterated in the discourse of the refered media. In terms of discoursive procedures, the play between objectivity and subjectivity, reinforces the scientific discourse as well as the relation of approximation that the magazine establishes with its readers. Thus, this work verifies the absence of any lexeme that treats the associative and sindical questions related to the teaching profession. The reiteration of the red, in what refers to the visual aspects, and the passionate feature of the texts highlights the verbal-visual discourse of Nova Escola, intrinsically connected to the reinforcement of the love-dedication-education relation / Este trabalho examina a construção do discurso pedagógico na revista Nova Escola, os procedimentos discursivos utilizados nessa construção, e o quadro de valores no qual esses discursos se inserem. Para tanto, toma como corpus principal de análise as edições do quadriênio 1997-1998 e 2011-2012. Com ênfase para a análise dos editoriais, das capas e das publicidades veiculadas por Nova Escola, investiga os efeitos de sentido que esses textos produzem a partir de sua construção discursiva. Utiliza a semiótica francesa e o seu modelo de análise da significação proposto por A. J. Greimas, juntamente com a semiótica visual, com as contribuições de J.-M. Floch, para descrição e análise dos textos verbo-visuais. Objetiva, ainda, traçar um panorama do surgimento das revistas e sua similaridade com o gênero jornal; localizar o surgimento das publicações pedagógicas brasileiras; investigar o surgimento e a consolidação da Editora Abril como expressiva empresa de comunicação; examinar a criação da Fundação Victor Civita e, por fim, investigar o simulacro de professor reiterado e fortalecido pelo discurso de Nova Escola. A análise realizada indica o reforço a um simulacro que vê a docência, principalmente a dos anos iniciais de escolaridade, como vocação e missão, sobrelevando a dimensão instrumental em detrimento da conceitual. As questões de gênero também são importantes, sobretudo pelo fato do simulacro da mulher-professora ser reiterado continuamente no discurso da mídia em questão. Em termos de procedimentos discursivos, o jogo entre objetividade e subjetividade, reforça tanto o discurso científico, quanto a relação de aproximação que a revista instaura com o seu leitor. Verifica-se, pois, a ausência de qualquer lexema que trate das questões associativas e sindicais tendo em vista a profissão docente. A reiteração do vermelho, no que se refere aos aspectos plásticos, e da feição passional dos textos dão a tônica do discurso verbo-visual de Nova Escola, intrinsecamente ligado ao reforço da relação amor-dedicação-educação
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A politics of memory : cognitive strategies of five women writing in CanadaThompson, Dawn 05 1900 (has links)
This dissertation attempts to develop a counter—memory,
a cognitive strategy that provides an alternative to the
most prevalent mode of political action by members of
minority or subaltern groups: identity politics. It begins
with Teresa de Lauretis’ semiotics of subjectivity, which
posits the human subject as a shifting series of positions
or habits formed through semiotic and cognitive “mapping”
of, and being “mapped” by, its environment. De Lauretis
maintains that the subject can transform social reality
through an “inventive” mode of mapping. The first chapter
of this study is a semiotic analysis of the memory system at
work in Nicole Brossard’s Picture Theory. It argues that
Brossard’s use of holographic technology is an invention
that attempts to alter women’s maps of social reality.
Quantum physicist David Bohm has also employed the hologram
as a theoretical model. By merging Brossard’s holographic
memory with Bohm’s theory of a “holomovement,” this study
develops an epistemological strategy that alters not only
the map of reality, but also the dominant representational
mode of cognitive mapping.
This enquiry then moves on to other novels written in
Canada which have a strong political impetus based on
gender, nationality, ethnicity, race and/or class: Margaret
Atwood’s Surfacing, Marlene Nourbese Philip’s Looking for
Livingstone, Beatrice Culleton’s In Search of April Raintree
and Régine Robin’s La Ouébécoite. Through textual analysis,
it attempts to establish that although these novels make no
mention of holography, each of them employs a memory system
that inscribes itself holographically. That holographic
memory provides an alternative political strategy to the
“identity politics” at work in each of these texts. Each
text, in turn, like a fragment of a hologram, adds another
structural and political dimension to the hologram. The
processual structure of the holographic theory provides a
ground for alliances between different political agendas
while resisting closure. As an epistemological strategy, it
promises to alter both the method and the ground of
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The impact of South Africa's non-ratification of the Convention on the International Sale of Goods ("CISG") on its trade as well as relations with other countriesVan der Merwe, Leoni 20 February 2017 (has links)
This research analyses the impact and materiality of South Africa’s choice not to ratify the CISG on its trade as well as relations with other states. As the point of departure, the broader events leading up to the creation of the CISG will be examined as well as UNCITRAL’s mandate and the development of trade in the local and global context. At present, the CISG has been ratified by 85 states. The decisions by common law jurisdictions such as the UK and India not to ratify the CISG as well as the delay by Brazil and Japan will be discussed. The legal, business and political or policy reasons for and against the ratification of the CISG are investigated which focuses on aspects such as legal certainty, uniformity of laws and the reduction of legal costs. An investigation is carried out regarding the historical foundations of the South African law of contract to this framework sets the tone for a comparison between the South African law and the provisions of the CISG. Lastly, a comparison is drawn between the provisions of the CISG and the South African law with specific emphasis on the remedies of specific performance and the right to claim damages which culminates in an overall conclusion that the South African law is compatible with the CISG insofar as remedies for breach of contract are concerned. / Mercantile Law / LL. M. (International Economic Law)
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Meio Ambiente e Educação Ambiental no MST: Representações Sociais no Assentamento 10 de Abril no Município do Crato-CE. / Environment and Environmental Education in the MST: Social Representation in the Settlement on April 10 in the municipality of Crato, CEOLIVEIRA, João Cesar Abreu de January 2008 (has links)
OLIVEIRA, João Cesar Abreu de. Meio ambiente e educação ambiental no MST: representações sociais no Assentamento 10 de Abril no Município do Crato-CE. 2008. 167f. 2008. 167f. Tese (Doutorado em Educação) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Faculdade de Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Brasileira, Fortaleza-CE, 2008. / Submitted by Maria Josineide Góis (josineide@ufc.br) on 2012-07-09T12:58:14Z
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Previous issue date: 2008 / This study focuses on the social representation of the environment and environmental education among the settlers of the Settlement on April 10, located in the municipality of Crato, state of Ceará. The importance of this work is directed with a view to understand aspects of environmental management in the process of agrarian reform Settlements. The methodology used for completion of this research was based on simultaneous analysis of qualitative data, using a methodology with particular emphasis on the research participant, using procedures such as literature and the internet, desk research, questionnaires and interviews, observation of meetings, informal conversations, collecting evidence and making maps monthly. The crucial question of the analysis concerns the lack of a consensus on what it means to the environment and environmental education in the Settlement settled on April 10. Thus, the terms environment and environmental education, used by those involved with the settlement, such as teachers, coaches, children, youth and adults, for they are inaccurate and reflect the daily practices in the settlement. Conflicts of interest arise when the subject turns to the implementation of environmental actions, because the differences on the social representations of the environment and environmental education are visible among the settlers themselves and the government and non-governmental organizations involved in the Settlement 10 April. Therefore environmental practices, despite the conceptual inaccurate conceptions about the environment and environmental education have been discussed in the Movement of Landless Workers (MST) and in several settlements, in order to strengthen a more just and equal society, whose construction is by a totalitarian vision of the human being and life. / Este estudo trata sobre a representação social de meio ambiente e da educação ambiental entre os assentados do Assentamento 10 de abril, localizado no município do Crato, no estado do Ceará. A importância deste trabalho está direcionada na perspectiva de compreender aspectos da dimensão ambiental no processo de gestão nos assentamentos de reforma agrária. A metodologia utilizada para concretização desta pesquisa se baseou em análises simultâneas de dados qualitativos, através de metodologias com ênfase principalmente na pesquisa participante, utilizando procedimentos como pesquisa bibliográfica e na internet, investigação documental, aplicação de questionários e entrevistas, observação de reuniões, conversas informais, coleta de depoimentos e confecção de mapas mentais. A questão crucial da análise realizada diz respeito à inexistência de um consenso sobre o que significa meio ambiente e educação ambiental nos assentados do Assentamento 10 de Abril. Assim, os termos meio ambiente e educação ambiental, utilizados por parte dos envolvidos com o Assentamento, como os professores, técnicos, crianças, jovens e adultos, são imprecisos para eles e refletem as práticas cotidianas no Assentamento. Os conflitos de interesses surgem quando o assunto volta-se para a implementação de ações ambientais, pois as divergências sobre as representações sociais de meio ambiente e educação ambiental são visíveis entre os próprios assentados e as organizações governamentais e não-governamentais que intervêm no Assentamento 10 de Abril. Portanto, as práticas ambientais, apesar das imprecisas concepções conceituais sobre meio ambiente e educação ambiental, vêm sendo discutidas no Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST) e em diversos assentamentos, na perspectiva do fortalecimento de uma sociedade mais justa e igualitária, cuja construção passa por uma visão totalitária do ser humano e da vida.
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Texto musical dialógico : contribuições para a criação musical ampliadas pelas lentes conceituais bakhtinianasBenassi, Claudio Alves 06 March 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Valquíria Barbieri (kikibarbi@hotmail.com) on 2017-08-16T21:53:25Z
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DISS_2014_Claudio Alves Benassi.pdf: 12615091 bytes, checksum: 09e2b36f6ddbd818becf968827735091 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Jordan (jordanbiblio@gmail.com) on 2017-08-21T13:42:58Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
DISS_2014_Claudio Alves Benassi.pdf: 12615091 bytes, checksum: 09e2b36f6ddbd818becf968827735091 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-21T13:42:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
DISS_2014_Claudio Alves Benassi.pdf: 12615091 bytes, checksum: 09e2b36f6ddbd818becf968827735091 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014-03-06 / CAPES / A flauta doce desapareceu do cenário musical e, posteriormente, foi trazida de volta
à vida. Difundida por meio da educação, popularizou-se e ganhou status de
instrumento profissional. Atualmente, seu uso massivo faz com que seja encarada
com preconceito e descrédito. Torna-se necessário ampliar seu repertório de forma
que as práticas musicais atuais sejam contempladas. Nessa perspectiva, a presente
pesquisa visa colaborar com a ampliação do repertório de música contemporânea de
concerto para flauta doce, concebendo uma obra para flauta doce e orquestra,
utilizando-se das suas técnicas expandidas e aplicando os conceitos de exotopia,
responsabilidade e acabamento do pensador e humanista russo Mikhail Bakhtin. Ao
longo dos estudos, um bocal de flauta doce que se adapta ao corpo da flauta
transversal foi testado, analisado e documentado em publicação de artigo e neste
trabalho. Uma análise foi realizada em obras de minha autoria no intuito de visualizar
a aplicação dos conceitos selecionados e sua possível aplicação na concepção
musical. A obra Requíem para os pássaros mortos em abril foi concebida sob a ótica
dos conceitos de exotopia, responsabilidade e acabamento, tendo como fio condutor
o número 9 que, na numerologia Pitagórica, é tido como o número dos iniciados. A
obra está estruturada em 9 partes, e utiliza-se da obra literária espírita Pássaros
mortos em abril para nomear cada uma delas, o que se configura como um
movimento cronoexotópico. A obra busca, ainda, em outras obras importantes,
motivos para sua enunciação. Essa rememoração, além de tornar a obra uma
reenunciação responsável, por meio da apreensão analítica e
apreciação/acabamento, mostra um trânsito de ir ao lugar do outro e o retorno ao
lugar do eu único e insubstituível. Conclui-se, então, que o texto musical dialógico
Requíem para os pássaros mortos em abril apresenta características exotópicas
responsáveis e acabamento analítico/apreciativo em sua concepção. Considera-se
um texto dialógico na perspectiva bakhtiniana, pois as vozes do autor-criador; autorhomem,
autor-pesquisador e autor pesquisado, constituem um diálogo que traz em
seu bojo ainda, as vozes de autores outros. / The recorder disappeared from the music scene and, was later, brought back to life.
Disseminated through education, it became popular and gained the status of
professional instrument. Currently, its massive usage causes its reception to be filled
with prejudice and discredit. It is necessary to broaden its repertoire so that the
current musical practices are contemplated. In this perspective, this research aims to
collaborate to the expansion of the repertoire of contemporary music for recorders,
conceiving a piece for recorder and orchestra, using its expanded techniques and
applying the concepts of exotopy, responsibility and finishing process of the Russian
thinker and humanist Mikhail Bakhtin. Throughout the studies, a mouthpiece of the
recorder which fits the body of the flute has been tested, analyzed and documented
in an article publication and in this work. An analysis was performed in the works of
my own in order to view the application of the selected concepts and their possible
application in musical conception. The work Requiem for the birds killed in April was
conceived under the perspective of the concepts of exotopy, responsibility and
finishing process, having as thread the number 9 that, in Pythagorean numerology, is
considered the number of the initiates. The piece is divided into 9 parts, and uses the
spiritist literary work Birds killed in April to name each of them, which is configured as
a cronoexotopic movement. The piece also takes elements from other important
works as a motive for its enunciation. This recollection, besides turning the piece into
a responsible re-enunciation, through analytical apprehension and appreciation/finish
process, shows a transit of going to the place of the other and returning to the place
of the unique and irreplaceable I. Then it is concluded that the dialogical musical text
Requiem for the birds killed in April presents characteristics which are exotopical and
responsible, and analytical/appreciative finishing process in its conception. It is
considered a dialogic text under Bakhtin's perspective, because the voices of the
author-creator, author-man, author-researcher and author researched, make up a
dialogue that brings with it also, the voices of other authors.
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O olho, a mão e o caleidoscópio: espaço(s) e violência em contos de Teolinda GersãoSouto, Rinah de Araújo 25 March 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-14T12:39:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2014-03-25 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This dissertation aimed at analyzing four short stories from the book A mulher que prendeu a chuva e outras histórias, by the Portuguese writer Teolinda Gersão. Those are: Encontro no S-Bahn , A mulher que prendeu a chuva , A ponte na Califórnia and Um casaco de raposa vermelha . For this, we relied on the theoretical proposal by Wolfgang Iser, in particular literary anthropology in the category of violence, according to the assumptions of René Girard, and by the method titled topoanalysis, we want to identify possible answers to the following questions: To what extent when literature is interlocking the real with fiction and imaginary can it give us clues to rethink how anthropos - as a perceptive subject - reacts before a space that is unknown? And what about borderline spaces? In which way does the human being respond to the direct conflict of his or her desires with alienating processes with other forms of valid knowledge? What are the implications of that? How the violence is presented? We verified that all short stories analyzed presented a prominence of feminine perspective in common, the presence of a scapegoat, and the conflict that generates violence in spaces, when they are urban, intimate, borderlines or "non-places". / O presente trabalho propõe-se a analisar quatro contos integrantes do livro A mulher que prendeu a chuva e outras histórias, da escritora portuguesa Teolinda Gersão, a saber: Encontro no S-Bahn , A mulher que prendeu a chuva , A ponte na Califórnia e Um casaco de raposa vermelha . Para tanto, nos baseamos na proposta teórica de Wolfgang Iser, nomeadamente a antropologia literária; na categoria da violência, segundo os pressupostos de René Girard; e através do método intitulado topoanálise buscamos, ao final, apontar possíveis respostas para as seguintes questões: Até que ponto a literatura ao imbricar o real com o fictício e o imaginário, pode nos dar pistas para (re)pensar como o anthropos - enquanto sujeito perceptivo - reage diante de um espaço que lhe é desconhecido? E em meio a espaços fronteiriços? De que maneira o ser humano responde ao confronto direto com os seus desejos, com processos alienantes, com outras formas de conhecimento válido? Quais as implicações disso? Como a violência se apresenta? Verificamos que todos os contos enfocados apresentam em comum a voz feminina em destaque, a presença do bode expiatório e o confronto que gera violência em meio a espaços, sejam eles urbanos, íntimos, fronteiriços ou não-lugares .
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A politics of memory : cognitive strategies of five women writing in CanadaThompson, Dawn 05 1900 (has links)
This dissertation attempts to develop a counter—memory,
a cognitive strategy that provides an alternative to the
most prevalent mode of political action by members of
minority or subaltern groups: identity politics. It begins
with Teresa de Lauretis’ semiotics of subjectivity, which
posits the human subject as a shifting series of positions
or habits formed through semiotic and cognitive “mapping”
of, and being “mapped” by, its environment. De Lauretis
maintains that the subject can transform social reality
through an “inventive” mode of mapping. The first chapter
of this study is a semiotic analysis of the memory system at
work in Nicole Brossard’s Picture Theory. It argues that
Brossard’s use of holographic technology is an invention
that attempts to alter women’s maps of social reality.
Quantum physicist David Bohm has also employed the hologram
as a theoretical model. By merging Brossard’s holographic
memory with Bohm’s theory of a “holomovement,” this study
develops an epistemological strategy that alters not only
the map of reality, but also the dominant representational
mode of cognitive mapping.
This enquiry then moves on to other novels written in
Canada which have a strong political impetus based on
gender, nationality, ethnicity, race and/or class: Margaret
Atwood’s Surfacing, Marlene Nourbese Philip’s Looking for
Livingstone, Beatrice Culleton’s In Search of April Raintree
and Régine Robin’s La Ouébécoite. Through textual analysis,
it attempts to establish that although these novels make no
mention of holography, each of them employs a memory system
that inscribes itself holographically. That holographic
memory provides an alternative political strategy to the
“identity politics” at work in each of these texts. Each
text, in turn, like a fragment of a hologram, adds another
structural and political dimension to the hologram. The
processual structure of the holographic theory provides a
ground for alliances between different political agendas
while resisting closure. As an epistemological strategy, it
promises to alter both the method and the ground of
knowledge. / Arts, Faculty of / English, Department of / Graduate
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Calendar Anomalies in the Nordic Stock Markets : A quantitative study of the Sell in May effect, January effect & Monthly AnomaliesEdberg, Christopher, Kjellander, Oliver January 2021 (has links)
This study has applied a geographical perspective with the ambition of evaluating the presence of the Sell in May effect, January effect and monthly anomalies in the Nordic stock markets. In extension the study examines the relationship between corporate size and the returns of calendar anomalies. The study has conducted statistical tests based on Newey-West regressions as well as a Generalized Auto-Regressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity model. The findings suggest that the Sell in May and January are present in the Nordic region and partially abide by theory and results of previous research. The findings suggest that the Sell in May and January effect are independent, however, tendencies when the January effect has a considerable influence on the Sell in May effect are also evident. Additionally, the “April Effect” is an unexpected outlier with positive excess returns that was identified through this study.
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