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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Handikappkoden och dess inverkan på individens liv.

Nordlund, Mari, Jansson Haglund, Carina January 2007 (has links)
<p>Denna uppsats handlar om arbetshandikappkodning som är det system arbetsförmedlingen använder sig av för att möjliggöra vissa arbetsmarknadspolitiska åtgärder för personer med nedsatt arbetsförmåga. Uppsatsens syfte var att synliggöra hur denna kodning inverkat på individens liv på väg till arbete, men också hur kodningen har påverkat övriga livet, positivt eller negativt. För att få svar på våra frågor genomförde vi fem temabaserade intervjuer. Respondenterna var alla män mellan 30 och 50 år och alla hade en eller fler koder. Som underlag för analysarbetet använde vi oss av Erving Goffmans stigmateori. Studien visade att arbetshandikappkodningen har inverkat på individens väg till arbete på så sätt att det har lett till ett arbete anpassat efter personernas förmåga. Kodningen upplevdes dock som ett hinder att göra sig gällande på den öppna arbetsmarknaden. När det gäller den andra frågeställningen kunde vi märka en viss påverkan på det övriga livet. Däremot kunde vi inte se om denna inverkan berodde på kodningen i sig eller det bakomliggande funktionshindret </p>

Handikappkoden och dess inverkan på individens liv.

Nordlund, Mari, Jansson Haglund, Carina January 2007 (has links)
Denna uppsats handlar om arbetshandikappkodning som är det system arbetsförmedlingen använder sig av för att möjliggöra vissa arbetsmarknadspolitiska åtgärder för personer med nedsatt arbetsförmåga. Uppsatsens syfte var att synliggöra hur denna kodning inverkat på individens liv på väg till arbete, men också hur kodningen har påverkat övriga livet, positivt eller negativt. För att få svar på våra frågor genomförde vi fem temabaserade intervjuer. Respondenterna var alla män mellan 30 och 50 år och alla hade en eller fler koder. Som underlag för analysarbetet använde vi oss av Erving Goffmans stigmateori. Studien visade att arbetshandikappkodningen har inverkat på individens väg till arbete på så sätt att det har lett till ett arbete anpassat efter personernas förmåga. Kodningen upplevdes dock som ett hinder att göra sig gällande på den öppna arbetsmarknaden. När det gäller den andra frågeställningen kunde vi märka en viss påverkan på det övriga livet. Däremot kunde vi inte se om denna inverkan berodde på kodningen i sig eller det bakomliggande funktionshindret

Mitt och Ditt Sverige : Att vara invandrare i Samhall

Bourelius, Fanny, Kristiansson, Malin January 2013 (has links)
The theme of this bachelor thesis in sociology has been developed through the perspective of ”grounded theory”, where the writers starting point touched the subject of integration in the organization Samhall in Sweden, an organization that hires disabled individuals that do not have enough working abilities to be hired any place else. From there, the methodology moved into a qualitative research through interviews with first generation immigrants hired at Samhall, where the result presented clear patterns of integration problems such as identification with an organization that does not have a normal way of working, the feelings of security which led to an unwillingness to leave the organization (which actually is the main goal of Samhall) and the stigmatized presumptions of the organization as such that makes it even harder to get a regular job on the open work market. These patterns were then put together with theories of stigma, cultural sociology and organizational identification, which three were the theoretical framework of this thesis. This study has contributed with an enlightenment of how it is to be an immigrant in a state governed organization and the consequences that follow when integrating an immigrant in a work disabled working environment.

Utvärdering av projekt "Entré"

Muratovic, Samir, Jusufovic, Daniela January 2007 (has links)
Detta är en utvärdering av projekt ”Entré”. ”Entré” är ett samverkansprojekt mellan Malmö stads Arbetscentrum och Arbetsförmedlingen Nya Invandrare i Malmö. Syftet med utvärderingen är att undersöka huruvida projektet har nått upp till sina huvudmålsättningar, om projektet påverkat verksamhetens kvalitativa aspekter och på vilket sätt samt att bidra med ökad kunskap och erfarenhet som vunnits genom projektet. Genom en kvalitativ intervjustudie med fyra projektansvariga och sju deltagare i projektet undersöks följande frågeställningar: Har projektet lyckats med sin huvuduppgift, att genom rehabilitering och andra insatser hjälpa nyanlända flyktingar och invandrare med funktionshinder finna sin plats på den öppna arbetsmarknaden? Har projektet bidragit med ökad kvalitet av Arbetsförmedlingens och Malmö stad Arbetscentrums ordinarie verksamhet? Har samverkan mellan projektaktörerna någon betydelse för att ett projekt ska anses lyckat? Vem/vilka som egentligen är problemägare i en rehabiliteringsprocess?Utvärderingens resultat visar att projektet ”Entré” har, trots sina brister, bidragit med nya och värdefulla kunskaper och erfarenheter om nyanlända invandrare och flyktingar med funktionshinder i Sverige och kartlagt de problem som denna population har i förhållande till arbetsmarknaden. / Evaluation of the project "Entry"

Arbetshandikappad eller arbetsoförmögen

Ingelsson, Peter January 2008 (has links)
<p>Summary</p><p>At the start of my employment at the Swedish National social insurance office I was a bit confused because there were two categories which I defined as belonging to the same category (working handicapped) but it wasn’t so. The persons I where going to meet was defined as having incapacity to work and therefore, they were defined as not standing to the labour markets conversion. They were defined as being to sick for being at the labour market. </p><p>The aim of this work is to shed light on what grounds a decision concerning a person which will be categorized as incapable of working and looking at the categorized person’s status. At the same time look if the statuses are marred to similarities or differences with the group of persons which are categorized as working handicapped defined through the definition according to enactment 2000:630 which is on of the Swedish Labour Market Board’s (AMS) laws for the Swedish labour market politic. </p><p>The way the author Mikael Holmqvist describes parts of his empiric in his book (2005): “Samhall, att bli normal i en onormal organisation” found an astonishing resemblance with my own experiences. I decided that Holmqvists book could fill a very important role in my work. To shedding more light over my question I looked very briefly on statistics concerning people with different impaired bodily functions from Statistiska centralbyrån (SCB), statistics from the National social insurance office (Försäkringskassan), and statistics from the project I was working in - FUNAKTIVA.</p><p>My theoretical perspective is in the intersection between human’s possibility to decide or not decide his/her own shape. Therefore I have chosen a role theoretical perspective. Talcott Parsons classical theory of the sick role is widely used, therefore I also used it. I also use Deborah Stones theory of explaining politics of disablement from the development of the western industrialism. </p><p>To reach some answers for my aim of the subject I have used a case method. I have analyzed five cases. I have found that my procedure for collecting data is most likely to conform to an ethnographic perspective. Conceptions for the analytical work are mostly done with the help of Pierre Bourdieu and parts of his conceptions. My empiric for this work are from journals from my work, different kind of conversations with persons in my daily work, different organizations, there are also three interviews which I had done with part of my empirics. My intention to compare the group which was defined as working handicapped with the group that I met which was defined as retarded/pensioned or incapable of working take place with Mikael Holmqvist study and my own practical experience. </p><p>The statement in the summary of the analysis is that I found an obvious perspective of conflict between the status of the persons´ when they where administrated within the Social insurance office and the local employment office as sick and the opinion that the persons in the empiric had of themselves. I also found out that there is an obvious perspective of conflict between the persons will to study and/or work and what the systems says that they are capable of doing.</p><p>The empiric shows that none of the persons were given topical interest to any of the roles in the system of work (working-handicapped and the different ways of employee one can be with the help of the code working-handicapped).</p>

Arbetshandikappad eller arbetsoförmögen

Ingelsson, Peter January 2008 (has links)
Summary At the start of my employment at the Swedish National social insurance office I was a bit confused because there were two categories which I defined as belonging to the same category (working handicapped) but it wasn’t so. The persons I where going to meet was defined as having incapacity to work and therefore, they were defined as not standing to the labour markets conversion. They were defined as being to sick for being at the labour market. The aim of this work is to shed light on what grounds a decision concerning a person which will be categorized as incapable of working and looking at the categorized person’s status. At the same time look if the statuses are marred to similarities or differences with the group of persons which are categorized as working handicapped defined through the definition according to enactment 2000:630 which is on of the Swedish Labour Market Board’s (AMS) laws for the Swedish labour market politic. The way the author Mikael Holmqvist describes parts of his empiric in his book (2005): “Samhall, att bli normal i en onormal organisation” found an astonishing resemblance with my own experiences. I decided that Holmqvists book could fill a very important role in my work. To shedding more light over my question I looked very briefly on statistics concerning people with different impaired bodily functions from Statistiska centralbyrån (SCB), statistics from the National social insurance office (Försäkringskassan), and statistics from the project I was working in - FUNAKTIVA. My theoretical perspective is in the intersection between human’s possibility to decide or not decide his/her own shape. Therefore I have chosen a role theoretical perspective. Talcott Parsons classical theory of the sick role is widely used, therefore I also used it. I also use Deborah Stones theory of explaining politics of disablement from the development of the western industrialism. To reach some answers for my aim of the subject I have used a case method. I have analyzed five cases. I have found that my procedure for collecting data is most likely to conform to an ethnographic perspective. Conceptions for the analytical work are mostly done with the help of Pierre Bourdieu and parts of his conceptions. My empiric for this work are from journals from my work, different kind of conversations with persons in my daily work, different organizations, there are also three interviews which I had done with part of my empirics. My intention to compare the group which was defined as working handicapped with the group that I met which was defined as retarded/pensioned or incapable of working take place with Mikael Holmqvist study and my own practical experience. The statement in the summary of the analysis is that I found an obvious perspective of conflict between the status of the persons´ when they where administrated within the Social insurance office and the local employment office as sick and the opinion that the persons in the empiric had of themselves. I also found out that there is an obvious perspective of conflict between the persons will to study and/or work and what the systems says that they are capable of doing. The empiric shows that none of the persons were given topical interest to any of the roles in the system of work (working-handicapped and the different ways of employee one can be with the help of the code working-handicapped).

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