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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dead Bones Dancing: The Taki Onqoy, Archaism, and Crisis in Sixteenth Century Peru.

Henson, SΣndra Lee Allen 04 May 2002 (has links)
In 1532, a group of Spanish conquistadores defeated the armies of the Inca Empire and moved from plundering the treasure of the region to establishing an imperial reign based on the encomienda system. The increasing demand for native labor and material goods forced fragmentation and restructuring of indigenous communities. The failure of evangelization efforts by the Spanish, the breakdown of their early bureaucratic apparatus, and the threat of the Neo-Inca State in exile generated a crisis among the Spanish in the 1560s. Concomitantly, indigenous Andeans experienced psychological and spiritual pressures found an outlet in a millenarian movement known as Taki Onqoy. This thesis discusses the Taki Onqoy in the context of the decade of crisis, and its role as a mechanism of archaism by which the Andean people endeavored to restructure their post-conquest world.

Nepřeložitelné ze Sorokina / Untranslatable from Sorokin

Borůvková, Karina January 2019 (has links)
(in English) The present thesis titled "Untranslatable from Sorokin", is applying both theoretical and empirical approach. Particular attention is paid especially to translations from Russian to Czech language. This thesis focuses on common translation problems while working with books of Russian writer Vladimir Sorokin. The introduction to the theoretical part of the present study is devoted to general theoretical framework of translatological analysis of specific translation problems. In next step the most common difficulties are defined and systemized in several groups like author's neologism, foreign language lexicon, etc.. Empirical part of this thesis focuses on solving of particular translation problems and its analysis. These problems are also explained using examples from works of Vladimir Sorokin. The main goal of the thesis is partly to simplify understanding of Sorokin's books, but mainly to ease the work for translators. Various ways of dealing with difficultly translatable or completely untranslatable parts of Sorokin's books can then also help translators who translate another works from different authors.

Le slogan publicitaire, dynamique linguistique et vitalité sociale : la construction d'une esthétique sociale à travers la communication publicitaire / The advertising slogan, linguistic dynamics and social vitality

Lee, Chang-Hoon 17 February 2014 (has links)
Éternel objet de polémique, la publicité française, comme miroir social, consolide aussi notre lien social. L’examen de son élément langagier, le slogan, peut apporter beaucoup à la sociologie. Dans la perspective d’une socialité langagière et sous la forme du jeu de langage, sa dynamique linguistique se révèle comme une nouvelle manifestation semi-consciente d’un désir de transgresser les règles et d’être ensemble. Son style et son climat reflètent finalement baroquisme et hédonisme comme air du temps. Il semble urgent que la sociologie ne dédaigne plus la publicité : peu de phénomènes sociaux sont aussi révélateurs pour dire l’esprit du temps. / An eternal object of debate, French advertising, as a social mirror, also strengthens our social cohesion. An examination of its linguistic element, the slogan, can bring to sociology a lot. Within the prospect of a linguistic sociality and under the shape of a language play, its linguistic dynamics shows itself as a new semi-conscious demonstration of a desire to break rules and to be together. Its style and climate reflect finally baroquism and hedonism as the age atmosphere. It seems urgent for sociology not to disdain any more advertising : few social phenomena are so revealing to tell the spirit of the time.

Cesty k porozumění / Pathways to Understanding

Choulíková, Klára January 2013 (has links)
This paper presents the results of our research. Its aim was to explore the wide field of understanding archaisms or rare expressions by 11 to 15-year-old school-age children. For this purpose, a questionnaire was designed and distributed to several Czech elementary and secondary/high schools owing to the help and co-operation of six local teachers. The data obtained by the questionnaire were qualitatively analyzed and interpreted in terms of the strategies our respondents used to understand the unfamiliar or less familiar words. The issue of reading comprehension was also touched upon. At the same time, quantitative aspects of the relation between the level of understanding and certain variables, namely the age and gender of the respondents, were revealed.

La notion d’archaïsme chez les grammairiens latins ; avec une édition commentée de l’œuvre fragmentaire de Flavius Caper / The Notion of Archaism in Latin Grammars; with a Critical Edition of Flavius Caper's Fragmentary Work

Desiderio, Janyce 12 December 2017 (has links)
En deux parties distinctes mais complémentaires, ce travail se présente comme le parallèle dans le domaine grammatical des recherches menées sur l’archaïsme dans la rhétorique et la littérature latines. Nous analysons tout d’abord la manière dont les grammairiens latins, de Varron à Priscien, considèrent ce phénomène, dans le cadre de la définition de la langue latine correcte (Latinitas). Les questions du recours aux archaïsmes dans l’usage et de l’autorité des auteurs littéraires anciens, telles que l’on peut les retrouver dans les textes du corpus des grammatici Latini, sont au centre de notre étude. Nous proposons ensuite pour la première fois une édition avec traduction et commentaire critique des fragments de Flavius Caper, grammairien de la fin du IIe siècle après J.-C. : cette époque marquant la diffusion d’une mouvance stylistique et littéraire archaïsante, l’examen du point de vue d’un grammairien sur la langue latine contemporaine se révèle primordial pour comprendre l’évolution de la pensée linguistique antique. L'édition des fragments du De Latinitate et du De dubiis generibus de Caper nous donne par ailleurs l'occasion de réfléchir aux problèmes des sources et de la transmission des textes, aussi bien grammaticaux que littéraires, ainsi que d'effectuer un commentaire analytique sur un auteur à tort négligé et qui, par sa réception, a joué un rôle de premier plan dans la tradition artigraphique tardo-antique. / Organised in two complementary parts, the present research follows up, in the grammatical tradition, on other studies led on archaism in the fields of Latin rhetoric and literature. The first part deals with the way in which Latin grammarians, from Varro to Priscian, apprehend the notion of archaism, within the definition of what they consider to be the correct Latin language (Latinitas). The study is focused on both the main issues of the use of archaisms in the current usage, and the ancient poets’ and prose writers’ authority, as noticeable in the grammatici Latini corpus. In the second part, an edition of Flavius Caper’s grammatical fragments, with a French translation and critical commentary, is proposed for the first time. Caper is a scholar of the end of the 2nd century AD, an era especially known for the diffusion in the literary circles of an archaizing stylistic tendency. Consequently, examining the point of view of a grammarian on the linguistic usage of his time appears crucial to understanding the evolution of linguistic thought in Antiquity. The edition of Caper’s fragmentary De Latinitate and De dubiis generibus gives us the opportunity to reflect upon sources and transmission of grammatical and literary texts. Finally, the comments made on the work of a still unrecognised scholar should highlight the importance of his treatises in the late antique grammatical tradition.

Este ou la décadence d'un territoire. Etude d’une inscription vénète / Este, the decline of a city-state. A study of a venetic inscription

Magnin, Sophie 16 October 2010 (has links)
Le travail proposé est centré sur une incription d’Este retrouvée en 1979. Décrite à partir des années 1990 par des chercheurs comme Anna Marinetti ou Aldo-Luigi Prosdocimi, elle n’a cependant jamais été complètement traduite. Nous formulons des pistes de compréhension du texte, en partant d’une analyse la plus précise possible de l’objet en lui-même et en rapprochant les termes de l’inscription d’autres mots figurant dans le corpus vénète. L’étude de ce texte d’Este permet ainsi de parcourir l’ensemble des inscriptions vénètes et d’envisager à la fois la langue de ce peuple et leur civilisation, à travers notamment les rapports entre Este, Padoue et les Celtes. / The proposed study focuses on an inscription found during excavations in Este in 1979. From the 1990’s onwards researchers like Anna Marinetti or Aldo[…] analysed  the text,  but without being able to fully/completely  translate the inscription. Their interpretations form the basis of our (study/work/analysis). After studying the epigraphic characteristics of this inscription we will formulate new hypothesis on its meaning. The text cannot be separated from the rest of the venetic inscriptions. This study encompasses the language of the Venetic  People, its civilization and especially  relations between Padova, Este and the Celts.

Översättning av arkaismer från engelska till tyska i kontexten av TV-spel : En studie om svårigheter och tillvägagångssätt vid översättning av TV-spel som applicerar ett pseudo-arkaiskt språkregister

Myhr Eriksson, Max January 2024 (has links)
Translating archaic properties, used to convey a certain literal style within a language, in such a manner where the effect of feeling temporally distanced is kept intact, is no easy feat. Methods that have been used to achieve such results include, among others, finding cultural equivalents in the target language, paraphrasing, relying on less frequent vocabulary and using more neutral counterparts. The aim of this study is to examine how archaic lexemes, morphology, and syntax, along with stylistic aspects were dealt with in the English-to-German translation of the videogame Dark Souls – an action roleplaying game developed in Japan. To conduct such an analysis, the written dialogue files from the game’s directory were extracted and processed both manually and using R Markdown. The findings of this study have revealed that the archaic properties in the English version of the game are not true archaisms to begin with and are riddled with grammatical errors – so called pseudo-archaisms. Meanwhile, the German translation – due to how the German language developed in contrast to English – does not allow for the same frequency of errors and pseudo-archaisms. In addition, the German version applies archaisms far more than the English version.

Commento antiquario allo Scutum Herculis / Antiquarian Commentary on the Scutum Herculis

CHIARINI, SARA 20 April 2011 (has links)
La tesi contiene un commento continuo al poemetto tardo arcaico noto col titolo di Scutum Herculis e falsamente assegnato a Esiodo; vi sono affrontate in prevalenza questioni mitografiche, geografiche, antiquarie e iconografiche, ma talora anche aspetti linguistico-letterari, laddove siano utili all'inquadramento dell'orizzonte storico-culturale sotteso alla composizione dell'epillio. Nell'introduzione si dimostra come la sensibilità artistica dell'autore dell'ekphrasis possa essere ricondotta al periodo a cavallo tra il VII e il VI secolo a.C. / The dissertation contains a continuous commentary on the late archaic poem known as Scutum Herculis and wrongly attributed to Hesiod. It discusses especially mythographical, geographic, antiquarian and iconographic issues, but also some linguistic and literary aspects, which can contribute to the outline of the historical and cultural milieu, within which the poem was composed. In the introduction it is showed how the artistic taste of the author of the ekphrasis could date back to the period between the 7th and the 6th century B.C.

Modernité et archaïsme des lieux dans les romans d'enquête et d'aventure pour la jeunesse pendant les Trente Glorieuses en France / Modernity and archaism of the places in investigation and adventure novels for young people in post-war France (1945-1973)

Gille Comte-Sponville, Aurélie 04 November 2016 (has links)
Après la Seconde Guerre mondiale, la France vit une période de croissance économique remarquable qui s’achève après le premier choc pétrolier de 1973 et que l’on désigne communément sous le nom de « Trente Glorieuses ». L’édition profite pleinement de cette ère de prospérité : de nombreux ouvrages pour la jeunesse paraissent dès la fin de la guerre et conquièrent leur lectorat. Quelques collections connaissent alors leur apogée : Bibliothèque rose et verte ou Signe de Piste par exemple. Mais alors que la modernité envahit peu à peu la plupart des foyers, de nombreux romans pour la jeunesse mettent en scène des enfants qui partent à l’aventure ou mènent l’enquête dans des lieux ancrés dans le passé – châteaux, grottes, forêts, etc. –, ou qui recréent des lieux idéaux et hors du temps dans leur quotidien : des hétérotopies. S’appuyant sur un large corpus qui emprunte autant aux séries littéraires qu’aux collections de romans scouts, cette étude littéraire interroge l’interaction entre modernité et archaïsme dans la littérature de jeunesse de l’époque pour montrer que ces concepts s’inscrivent dans une tension narrative qui structure la logique du récit et favorise la mise en place d’un processus initiatique, héritier des grands rituels primitifs comme des schémas narratifs des contes ou des romans de formation. Cependant, l’initiation n’aboutit jamais car elle ne constitue pas le réel enjeu romanesque : l’importance des lieux correspond en réalité à la quête d’une utopie de l’enfance éternelle, qui figerait non seulement les héros dans la perfection de leur âge, mais aussi les lieux, dans une forme d’uchronie idéalisée. / Post-World War II France experienced a period of outstanding economic growth known as the “Thirty Glorious Years”, which ended with the 1973 oil crisis. Publishing benefitted greatly from the rise of the consumer society in this period of prosperity, and scores of children’s books and novels for young people were published immediately after the Second World War and soon became very popular. It was the heyday of a few book series such as Bibliothèque rose, Bibliothèque verte, or Signe de Piste. But while most households were gradually getting more and more modern, many novels for children and young adults involved children going off in search of adventure or leading investigations in places anchored in the past – castles, caves, forests, etc. – or in timeless, ideal places recreated within their own daily lives – heterotopias. The present research dissertation delves into a broad corpus of literary series and Boy Scout novels and explores both their literary aspects. By questioning the interaction between modernity and archaism in post-war children’s literature, it shows that both concepts are part of a narrative tension that shapes the logical development of the story and paves the way for an initiatory process reminiscent of primitive rites of passage, the narrative patterns of fairy tales and Bildungsroman. The initiation itself, however, is never completed for it is not the actual purpose of the novel. The places are significant only insofar as they belong to the quest for the utopia of eternal childhood, in which the ageless heroes as well as the places are set in perfection, in a form of ideal euchronia.

K problému archaismu a inovace ve východoíránských jazycích / Problem of Archaism and Innovation in the Eastern Iranian Languages

Novák, Ľubomír January 2013 (has links)
Problem of Archaism and Innovation in the Eastern Iranian Languages The presented dissertation aims to bring new information concerning the classification of the Eastern Iranian languages. Instead of commonly accepted two branches of Eastern Iranian (Northern and Southern) it seems that there can be classified at least five branches of Eastern Iranian languages, moreover, Avestan can form its own branch, which possibly may include also Khwārezmian. The main issue of the presented thesis was to show archaisms and innovations of the language group in focus. Such task is an issue for numerous studies so the main attention was paid to historical development of Sogdian and Yaghnōbī - two closely related Eastern Iranian languages. Linguistic proximity of Sogdian and Yaghnōbī has been observed shortly after discoveries of the first Sogdian documents in Chinese Turkestan on the beginning of the 20 th century, for a long time it has been supposed that Yaghnōbī is a modern descendent of Sogdian. By analysis of phonology, grammar and vocabulary of both languages I tried to find clues that may answer this question. From diachronic view there is no much difference between Sogdian and Yaghnōbī, individual changes may be interpreted as "dialectal", but there is one phenomenon that influenced different...

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