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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Foreclosures, Ownership and Crime: A Mixed Methods Case Study

Haessler, Katherine January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Segregationen – Hur ser den egentligen ut? : En metodanalys och skildring av segregerade områden inom Sundsvalls tätort / A method analysis and depiction over segregated living areas in Sundsvall Municipality, Sweden

Selin, Hampus January 2019 (has links)
Det som ofta faller bort i den offentliga debatten är att segregationens innebörd anspelar på åtskillnader av olika grupper, inte enbart de ”utsatta” utan även de socioekonomiskt starkare grupperna. Denna studie kommer att undersöka hur segregationen ser ut inom Sundsvalls tätortsområden och vilka faktorerna är som har störst påverkan till de skillnader som finns. Studien baseras på att urskilja den relativa segregationen, d.v.s. fördelningen av segregationspåverkande faktorer, i positiv och negativ riktning. Syftet i studien är sedan att jämföra två olika geografiska indelningssystem. Det ena är det kommunala nyckelkodssystemet (NYKO) och det andra är Statistiska centralbyråns regionala indelningssystem, demografiska statistikområden (DeSO). I metoden har två olika index använts för att mäta fördelningen av segregationsfaktorer genom en multikriterieanalys (MKA). Den första mätningen har skett genom en nyutvecklad segregationsindex och den andra mätningen genom index of dissimilarity. Studien har visat att det finns svårigheter kring att använda ett indelningssystem som kan verka funktionellt i alla avseenden. Beroende på vad studien syftar till att mäta så spelar olika zon- och skalindelningar en stor roll i hur resultatet framställs. Resultatet visar att segregationen utspelar sig inom både de socioekonomiskt svaga och starka områdena. Det finns däremot svårigheter med att bedöma vilken områdesindelning som är mest användbar då de verkar på olika grunder. Genom att jämföra DeSO och NYKO har resultaten av studien visat att befolkningsantalet och storleken på den geografiska områdesindelningen har en stor betydelse för hur pålitlig en studie kan bli. / What often falls away in the public debate is that the meaning of the segregation alludes to the separation of different groups, not just the "vulnerable" but also the socio-economically stronger groups. This study will investigate how the segregation plays out within Sundsvall's urban areas and which factors have the greatest impact on the differences that exist. The study is based on distinguishing the relative segregation, i. e. the distribution of factors affecting segregation, in a positive and negative direction. The purpose of the study is then to compare two different geographical area systems. One is the municipal key code system (NYKO) and the other is the state regional area system, demographic statistics areas (DeSO). In the method, two different indexes have been used to measure the distribution of segregation factors through a multi-criteria decision analysis (MKA). The first measurement has been made by a newly developed segregation index and the second measurement by the index of dissimilarity. The study has shown that there are difficulties in finding an area system that can function efficiently for all purposes. Depending on what the study aims to measure, the different zone and scale configurations play a major role in how the result is produced. The result of the study shows that the segregation takes place in both the socio-economically weak and strong areas. There are, on the other hand, difficulties in assessing which of the two area systems that is the most practical since they both operate on different grounds. By comparing DeSO and NYKO, the results of the study have shown that the population and size of the geographical area unit are of great importance for how reliable a study can be.

Case and case alignment in the Greater Hindukush : An areal-typological survey

Kowalik, Richard January 2015 (has links)
This thesis concerns languages in the Greater Hindukush, the area in northern Afghanistan and Pakistan, where a total of about 50 languages are spoken. The thesis’ topic is case systems and case alignment systems of nouns in an areal-typological perspective. This is investigated by using a representative sample. The grammatical relations of S, A and P, and the cases marking these, are investigated. The three attested alignment systems are accusative, ergative and split, and are clearly geogra-phically distributed, which indicates that their status is areal-typological. Based on the sample, there seems to be a tendency for the languages in the Greater Hindukush to exhibit split align-ment systems built on tense-aspect. Most languages employ accusative alignment in imperfect-tive, and ergative alignment in perfective tense-aspects. A compa­rison with a worldwide sample (WALS) is only partly possible, as this sample uses more categories than accusative, ergative and split, but the present sample supports the results in those categories which can be compared. A predominant pattern in core case syncretism is observed, with an opposition of the nomi­native singular versus the nominative plural and the oblique in both numbers. / Denna uppsats behandlar språk i Hindukush i norra Afghanistan och Pakistan, där sammanlagt ca 50 språk talas. Ämnet för studien är kasussystem och kasusmarkeringssystem vid substantiv ur ett areal­typologiskt perspektiv, vilket undersöks utifrån grammatikor i ett representativt urval av språken. De grammatiska relationerna mellan S, A och P och de kasus som markerar dessa under­­söks. Belagda kasusmarkeringssystem är ackusativ- och ergativsystem samt kluvet system. Systemen uppvisar en distinkt geografisk distribution, vilket antyder att kasusmarkeringssystemen är ett arealtypologiskt drag. Vidare pekar resultaten på ett kluvet system baserat på klyvning i tempus-aspekt som det dominerande kasusmarkeringssystemet i Hindukush. De flesta av språken använder ett ackusativt kasusmarkeringssystem i imperfektiva, och ett ergativt kasusmarke-ringssystem i perfektiva tempus-aspekt. En jämförelse med ett globalt sampel (WALS) är bara till viss del möjlig, eftersom studien i WALS använder fler kategorier än ackusativa, ergativa och kluvna system, men den här studien bekräftar resultaten i de kategorier som kan jämföras. Ett dominerande mönster för kärnkasussynkretism kan observeras, med sammanfall av nominativ plural och oblik i båda numerus. / Språkkontakt och språksläktskap i Hindukushregionen, Vetenskapsrådet, Projektnummer: 421-2014-631

The Geology of the Atlas Mine Area, Pima County, Arizona

Agenbroad, Larry D. January 1962 (has links)
The Atlas Mine is located on the northwest flank of the Silver Bell mountains; Silver Bell mining district, Pima County, Arizona. The deposit is high grade (?) sine-copper mineralization in an altered sedimentary sequence. Rocks in the area include Precambrian (?) alaskite; Permian (?) limestone, quartzite and siltstone; Tertiary (?) monzonite, quartz monzonite, quarts latite porphyry and dacite porphyry; and Quaternary alluvium. The limestone has been largely metamorphosed to a mass of tactite, siltstone has been locally metamorphosed to hornfels, and the quartzite has been silicified, locally shattered and altered. Mineralization is related to NE and E-W trending fault systems, and similarly trending intrusive dikes. Predominate ore minerals are sphalerite and chalcopyrite, associated with pyrite, specular hematite and “high temperature" silicates. Copper mineralization is related to the silicified sediments. Zinc mineralization is present in silicates but is more predominate in areas of recrystallized calcite and extensive garnetization, suggesting incomplete replacement of the original sediments by the silicates. Further exploration and development should be undertaken in areas of favorable structural control, and adjacent to favored intrusives.

The modifiable areal unit phenomenon : an investigation into the scale effect using UK census data

Manley, David J. January 2006 (has links)
The Modifiable Areal Unit Phenomenon (MAUP) has traditionally been regarded as a problem in the analysis of spatial data organised in areal units. However, the approach adopted here is that the MAUP provides an opportunity to gain information about the data under investigation. Crucially, attempts to remove the MAUP from spatial data are regarded as an attempt to remove the geography. Therefore, the work seeks to provide an insight to the causes of, and information behind, the MAUP. The data used is from the 1991 Census of Great Britain. This was chosen over 2001 data due to the availability of individual level data. These data are of key importance to the methods employed. The methods seek to provide evidence of the magnitude of the MAUP, and more specifically the scale effect in the GB Census. This evidence is built on using correlation analysis to demonstrate the statistical significance of the MAUP. Having established the relevance of the MAUP in the context of current geographical research, the factors that contribute to the incidence of the MAUP are considered, and it is noted that a wide range of influences are important. These include the population size and density of an area, along with proportion of a variable. This discussion also recognises the importance of homogeneity as an influential factor, something that is referenced throughout the work. Finally, a search is made for spatial processes. This uses spatial autocorrelation and multilevel modelling to investigate the impact spatial processes have in a range of SAR Districts, like Glasgow, Reigate and Huntingdonshire, on the scale effect. The research is brought together, not to solve the MAUP but to provide an insight into the factors that cause the MAUP, and demonstrate the usefulness of the MAUP as a concept rather than a problem.

The influence of attention on the processing of transparent motion in primate visual cortex / Aufmerksamkeitseinfluss auf transparente Bewegung im visuellen Primaten-Kortex

Lochte, Anja 03 November 2010 (has links)
Im Rahmen dieser Dissertationsschrift wird die Frage, wie Aufmerksamkeit die Verarbeitung von visueller Information beeinflusst, behandelt. Hierbei dient die hochentwickelte Fähigkeit von Primaten, visuelle Bewegungsinformation zu verarbeiten, als Modellsystem. Der Hauptteil dieser Arbeit besteht aus zwei aufeinander aufbauenden Studien, die Einzelzellableitung in dem Areal MT von wachen Rhesusaffen beinhalten und einem psychophysischen Experiment mit Humanprobanden. Alle drei Studien wurden mit dem Ziel entworfen, Aufmerksamkeitsmodulation bidirektionaler Bewegungsmuster zu untersuchen. Dieses Kapitel liefert eine generelle Einleitung zum visuellen System von Primaten mit einer Darstellung des Bewegungsverarbeitungspfades und von Aufmerksamkeitseinflüssen auf visuelle Verarbeitung. Einen Schwerpunkt des Einleitungsteils bildet die Übersicht der Verarbeitungsmechanismen bidirektionaler Bewegungsmuster im visuellen System und deren Aufmerksamkeitsmodulation. Das zweite Kapitel besteht aus drei Manuskripten, deren Zielsetzung und Haupterkenntnisse in kurzen Abschnitten zusammenfassend vorangestellt sind. Das dritte Kapitel bietet eine Zusammenfassung der Erkenntnisse, die im Rahmen dieser Dissertation gewonnen wurden.

Predicting future spatial distributions of population and employment for South East Queensland – a spatial disaggregation approach

Tiebei Li Unknown Date (has links)
The spatial distribution of future population and employment has become a focus of recent academic enquiry and planning policy concerns. This is largely driven by the rapid urban expansion in major Australian cities and the need to plan ahead for new housing growth and demand for urban infrastructure and services. At a national level forecasts for population and employment are produced by the government and research institutions; however there is a further need to break these forecasts down to a disaggregate geographic scale for growth management within regions. Appropriate planning for the urban growth needs forecasts for fine-grained spatial units. This thesis has developed methodologies to predict the future settlement of the population, employment and urban form by applying a spatial disaggregation approach. The methodology uses the existing regional forecasts reported at regional geographic units and applies a novel spatially-based technique to step-down the regional forecasts to smaller geographical units. South East Queensland (SEQ) is the experimental context for the methodologies developed in the thesis, being one of the fastest-growing metropolitan regions in Australia. The research examines whether spatial disaggregation methodologies that can be used to enhance the forecasts for urban planning purposes and to derive a deeper understanding of the urban spatial structure under growth conditions. The first part of this thesis develops a method by which the SEQ population forecasts can be spatially disaggregated. This is related to a classical problem in geographical analysis called to modifiable area unit problem, where spatial data disaggregation may give inaccurate results due to spatial heterogeneity in the explanatory variables. Several statistical regression and dasymetric techniques are evaluated to spatially disaggregate population forecasts over the study area and to assess their relative accuracies. An important contribution arising from this research is that: i) it extends the dasymetric method beyond its current simple form to techniques that incorporate more complex density assumptions to disaggregate the data and, ii) it selects a method based on balancing the costs and errors of the disaggregation for a study area. The outputs of the method are spatially disaggregated population forecasts across the smaller areas that can be directly used for urban form analysis and are also directly available for subsequent employment disaggregation. The second part in this thesis develops a method to spatially disaggregate the employment forecasts and examine their impact on the urban form. A new method for spatially disaggregating the employment data is evaluated; it analyses the trend and spatial pattern of historic regional employment patterns based on employment determinants (for example, the local population and the proximity of an area to a shopping centre). The method we apply, namely geographically weighted regression (GWR), accounts for spatial effects of data autocorrelation and heterogeneity. Autocorrelation is where certain variables for employment determinants are related in space, and hence violate traditional statistical independence assumptions, and heterogeneity is where the associations between variables change across space. The method uses a locally-fitted relationship to estimate employment in the smaller geography whilst being constrained by the regional forecast. Results show that, by accounting for spatial heterogeneity in the local dependency of employment, the GWR method generates superior estimates over a global regression model. The spatially disaggregate projections developed in this thesis can be used to better understand questions on urban form. From a planning perspective, the results of spatial disaggregation indicate that the future growth of the population for SEQ is likely to maintain a spatially-dispersed growth pattern, whilst the employment is likely to follow a more polycentric distribution focused around the new activity centres. Overall, the thesis demonstrates that the spatial disaggregation method can be applied to supplement the regional forecasts to seek a deeper understanding of the future urban growth patterns. The development, application and validation of the spatial disaggregation methods will enhance the planner’s toolbox whilst responding to the data issues to inform urban planning and future development in a region.

Planlegging av ny E6 mellom Storpynten og Buvatnet i Rennebu kommune i Sør-Trøndelag fylke / Planning of new E6 between Storpynten and Buvatnet in Rennebu municipality of Sør-Trøndelag county

Bye, Maren, Salomonsen, Joachim January 2012 (has links)
I denne masteroppgaven er det utredet et forslag til ny E6 ved Berkåk, kommunesenteret i Rennebu kommune i Sør-Trøndelag. Arbeidsområdet er begrenset av Storpynten i sør og Buvatnet i nord, en strekning på 6,6 km langs dagens E6. Resultatet av dette arbeidet er en ny trasé fra ved Storpynten til Barstad, og derifra to alternative traséer gjennom/forbi Berkåk. Planleggingen av ny E6 baserer seg på dimensjoneringsklasse S5, dette vil si vegbredde på 12,5 meter, 90 km/t og midtdeler. Dette fører også til at det kreves større eller mindre oppgraderinger av horisontal- og vertikalkurvatur i hele planområdet. For å gi et begrunnet valg på anbefalt trasé er det utført en konsekvensanalyse, Anslagsprosess og Effektberegning etter Statens vegvesen sine metoder. Traséen fra Storpynten til Barstad er prosjektert som en ny veglinje. Grunnen til dette er hovedsakelig at det vil kreves adskilt lokalveg ved bruk av motorveg, og det må bygges nye bruer over elvene Stavåa og Skauma. I tillegg vil bygging av ny veg fremfor utbedring av eksisterende, forenkle byggeprosessen betraktelig. Videre nordover fra Barstad til Buvatnet er det prosjektert to ulike alternativer, som i hovedsak er ulike løsninger på passering av tettstedet Berkåk. Alternativ 1 begynner i sør ved Barstad og strekker seg nord til Buvatnet. Den følger ny bru over elva Skauma og fortsetter så langs eksisterende trasé for E6 gjennom Berkåk sentrum.. Det foreslått 3 rundkjøringer langs E6 i sentrum, og utbygging av lokalvegnettet her for å sikre adkomst til næringseiendommer og bolighus. Alternativet er prosjektert i henhold til dimensjoneringsklasse S5, men med en lokal tilpassing av dimensjoneringsklassen med hastighet 60 km/t i sentrum. Vegbredden på 12,5 meter er beholdt på hele strekning for å gi en helhetlig vegstandard. Alternativ 2 begynner også ved Barstad og følger hovedsakelig ny trasé i tunnel øst for Berkåk. Tunnelen gir en god løsning for kryssing av både jernbanen og eksisterende E6, samt bidrar til at resten av veglinjen blir godt tilpasset terrenget. Videre vil dagens E6 bli omgjort til fremtidig lokalveg, samt at flytting av gjennomgangstrafikken skjermer Berkåk for støy og forurensning. Tunnelen ender like nordøst for Berkåk sentrum, hvor det er prosjektert et nytt toplanskryss som blir eneste tilkobling til tettstedet og Fv700. Næringslivets interesser og inntekter fra gjennomgangstrafikk på Berkåk er et viktig ankepunkt mot omlegging av E6. Konsekvensanalysen viser at alternativ 2 vil gi den største prissatte nytteverdien. Alternativ 2 har dog den største bygge- og vedlikeholdskostnaden, tunnelen er et stort bidrag til dette. Alternativ 1 får positiv netto nytte på 150,5 millioner kroner og alternativ 2 får negativ netto nytte på -34,7 millioner kroner. Innenfor ikke-prissatte konsekvenser kommer alternativ 1 dårlig ut, mens alternativ 2 er vurdert til å ha flest positive konsekvenser. Grunnen til dette er at alternativ 2 vil redusere trafikken i sentrum og frigjøre arealer som tidligere var bundet til veg. Dette kan bidra til et tryggere og triveligere sentrumsmiljø, og kan dermed føre til en positiv utvikling for tettstedet. På bakgrunn av en total vurdering med fokus på tettstedet, gjennomgangstrafikken, samt ønske om en stamveg med enhetlig vegstandard, er alternativ 2 anbefalt trasé til tross for negativ nettonytte.

Non-linear model fitting for the measurement of thin films and surface topography

Yoshino, Hirokazu January 2017 (has links)
Inspection of optical components is essential to assure the quality and performance of optical systems. Evaluation of optical components includes metrology measurements of surface topography. It also requires optical measurements including refractive index, thin film thickness, reflectivity and transmission. The dispersion characteristics of optical constants including refractive index are also required. Hence, various instruments are used to make these measurements in research laboratories and for quality assurance. Clearly, it would be a significant advantage and cost saving if a technique was developed that could combine surface metrology with optical measurements. {Coherence Scanning Interferometry} (CSI) (also referred to as {Scanning White Light Interferometry} (SWLI)) has been used widely to measure surface topography with sub-nanometre vertical resolution. One of the benefits of the CSI is that the technique is non-contacting and hence non-destructive. Thus the test surfaces are not affected by the measurement using a CSI instrument whereas damage to the surfaces can occur when using traditional contact methods such as stylus profilometry. However use of CSI is geometrically limited to small areas ($\lesssim 10 \times 10$ mm) with gentle slopes ($\lesssim \ang{40}$) because of the numerical aperture of objective lens whereas stylus profilometry works well with larger areas and higher slopes due to the range of motion of the gauge and the traverse unit. Since the CSI technique is optical and involves light reflection and interference it is possible to extend the technique for the measurement of the thickness of transparent films, the roughness of surfaces buried beneath thin films or interfacial surfaces. It may also be used to determine spectral complex refractive index. This thesis provides an analytical framework of new methods to obtain complex refractive index in a visible light domain and interfacial surface roughness (ISR). It also provides experimental verification of these new capabilities using actual thin film model systems. The original Helical Complex Field (HCF) function theory is presented followed by its existing extensions that enable determination of complex refractive index and interfacial surface roughness. Further theoretical extensions of the HCF theory are also provided: A novel theory to determine the refractive index of a (semi-)transparent film is developed to address the constraint of the current HCF theory that restricted its use to opaque materials; Another novel theory is provided to measure ISR with noise compensation, which avoids erroneous surface roughness caused by the numerical optimisation affected by the existence of noise. The effectiveness of the ISR measurement with noise compensation has been verified using a number of computer simulations. Stylus profilometry is a well established method to provide a profile and has been used extensively as a 'reference' for other techniques. It normally provides a profile on which the roughness and the waviness are computed. Extension of the stylus profilometry technique to areal measurement of asymmetrical surfaces, namely raster scan measurement, requires a system to include error compensation between each traverse. The system errors and the random errors need to be separately understood particular when the measurement of a surface with nanometre-order accuracy is required. In this thesis a mathematical model to locate a stylus tip considering five mechanical errors occurring in a common raster scan profilometer is provided. Based on the model, the simulator which provides an areal measurement of a sphere was developed. The simulator clarified the relationship between the Zernike coefficients obtained from the form residual and the size of the errors in the form of partial derivatives of Zernike coefficients with respect to the errors. This provides theoretical support to the empirical knowledge of the relationship between the coefficients and the errors. Furthermore, a method to determine the size of errors directly from Zernike coefficients is proposed supported by simulations. Some of the error parameters were accurately determined avoiding iterative computation with this method whereas the errors are currently being determined by iterative computation.

Characterization of plant-water interaction in Kilombero River Catchment in Tanzania using Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)

Minas, Michael Getachew January 2014 (has links)
Remote-sensing based indices such as Normalized Difference Vegetation Index have yielded valuable information about plant health. As the availability of water is one of the factors that controls plant's response to their environment, it is possible to indirectly studythe hydrology of an area via vegetation indices. Hence the thesis work used this tool to characterize the potential shifts in vegetation cover within and between years in Kilombero river catchment in Tanzania and make connection to the hydrology in the area. Separate time series analyses conducted on data pertaining to NDVI values and the areal coverage variability of arbitrarily defined NDVI-classes. The former data was extracted from a naturally vegetated wetland in the middle of the catchment while the latter from the topographically defined areas of the catchment. Results from the analyses showed that bothdatasets are sensitive to the seasonal rainfall while at inter-annual scale the areal coverage variability displayed significant correlations with past precipitation. Meanwhile the relatively higher sensitivity of the lowland area‟s NDVI to precipitation conforms to the initial assumption which emphasizes the importance of the wetland sub-catchment codenamed 1KB17 in describing Kilombero‟s hydrology. But the datasets show weak trends and it was not possible to make accurate future predictions on the hydrological conditions in the area. Meteorological distortions like clouds and environmental processes such as climate patterns or disturbances might have caused the problem in trend detection. Further studies needed to shed more light on the connection between land cover and hydrologic response in Kilombero.

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