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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'industrie chimique française et ses mutations, 1900-1931. / The French chemical industry and its changes, 1900-1931

Langlinay, Erik 02 December 2017 (has links)
L’industrie chimique française est une industrie qui apparait alanguie au début du siècle et distancée par l’Allemagne. Elle connait cependant une croissance, plus lente, et un certain nombre de transformations notamment au point de vue de la recherche. Elle croît à l’ombre d’un système d’ententes généralisée et du dur labeur des ouvriers. Quand la guerre éclate en 1914, elle est mal préparée et doit effectuer une transformation rapide. Sa montée en puissance se fait grâce à un effort d’outillage et un développement du travail intensif où les travailleurs coloniaux paie un cher prix. Les approvisionnements anglais et américains sont essentiels pour sa production. La guerre terminée l’industrie chimique française doit se reconvertir. Elle pense, avec l’aide des pouvoirs publics, le faire grâce au Traité de Versailles. Cependant la crise de 1920-1921 montre les fragilités de cette industrie. Le retour à la croissance entre 1922 et 1929 s’accompagne à partir de 1925 d’une concurrence accrue de la part de l’Allemagne qui a rationnalisé ses structures. La croissance se fait principalement sur le marché national. En fin de période, la recherche scientifique commence à s’organiser au sein des entreprises. Toutefois la transformation capitalistique c’est imparfaitement faite. Le secteur reste dispersé et continue d’employer une forte main d’œuvre immigrée, seule capable d’accepter les tâches les plus dures. / The French Chemical industry appears in the beginning of the century as a backward industry compared with the german one. Indeed there is a slow growth and a a certain number of progress, in research for instance. The Chemical Industry is structured by a general system of cartels and harsh labour. At the outbreak of the War, the French Chemical industry is ill prepared and has to shift rapidly. It’s improvment is made through the basic development of traditionnal factories and an intensification of work due to colonial workforce for the most. At the end of the war, the chemical industry as to convert to civil markets. The 1920-1921 crisis shows the fragility of this industry. When the economic growth is back in 1922-29 the German chemical is more competitive thane ever having rationalized its structures. Thus the inner market is developped. At the end of the period, scientific research is rising. Nevertheless the capitalistic transformation is far for being made. The branch is still divided in archaïc (foreign workforce) and modern trends.

從國家安全觀點探討我國全民國防與軍備發展 / A study of the ROC's all-out defense and armament development in terms of national security viewpoint

李永寧 Unknown Date (has links)
任何國家在面對安全威脅時,其關鍵在於強盛的國防軍力,現代戰爭已由「單純武力戰」轉為「全民總體戰」,而且台海一旦發生戰事,其作戰縱深短淺,已沒有前方和後方的分別,囿於國際情勢使武器外購受限,國防工業發展成為關鍵因素,我們應發展「小而精、小而強、小而巧」的國防武力,並建立全民國防理念與全民防衛動員機制,運用軍民一體的力量,共同來防衛我們的國土。本文將從「綜合性安全」的角度,以文獻分析法,透過國家安全的觀點,探討我國全民國防的建構、運用與軍備發展,並從中華民國國家安全遭受的威脅及全民防衛動員與軍備發展所面臨的挑戰,探討「全民國防」與「軍備發展」之涵義與重要性,並區分政策面、執行面兩個構面加以說明。在「政策面」的層次分析在「全民防衛動員準備法」的基礎上,闡述「全民國防的理念」與「軍備發展」;在「執行面」上,則針對塑造軍民共用之「國防工業發展」,以為「全民國防軍備體系」之實行方向等,說明全民國防與軍備發展的關係。俾整合全國產、學、研資源,推動國防和民生合一,釋出國防科技轉為民用,並藉由民生產業技術的提升,戰時能支持國防的需求,支援軍事作戰。達成「平時國防支持經建」、「戰時經建支持國防」的國家戰略目標。 / First of all whenever a country faces a threat security, the decisive point relies on the strength of its national power. This critical element has evolved over time from tangible arms forces into spiritual “All -out Defense”. Secondly due to our country’s long and narrow geography , as long as hostility breaks out across the straits, short battlefield depth makes no distinct from the area to frontline. Furthermore our foreign procurement for military we apons is subject to the international circumstance. Apparently “small but precise and strong” defense capability and All-out Defense Mechanism should be more suitable as the determining guidelines towards our defense industry. This study aims for the upcoming threats and challenges when it comes to our national security and is divided into 2 aspects: policy guidance and execution. The former focuses on the analysis of All-out Defense and Mobilization Law and sets forth concept and development tendency of the military preparedness. The latter direct at the relationship and interaction between the All -out defense and armament development. In the long term, we hope to consolidate efforts of the private sectors to develop defense technology industries, the public and civilian assets can be merged into a single whole; such combination can prompt the private sectors to support military missions in wartime and vice versa.

The Geneva Tripartite conference of 1927 in Japanese-American relations

Clemensen, A. Berle January 1975 (has links)
No description available.

Československo-íránské vztahy v letech 1918-1938. Politika, hospodářství, kultura, vystěhovalectví a krajanské kolonie / Czechoslovak-Iranian relations 1918-1938. Politics, economy, culture, expatriates and communities

Jůnová Macková, Adéla January 2012 (has links)
The work deals with Czechoslovak-Iranian relations in the interwar period and reflects their political, cultural and in particular economic dimension. The entrepreneurial activities of Czechoslovak enterprises that managed to break into Iranian market represent the main theme of the work. The economic relations based primarily on foreign trade are examined within the context of political negotiations and the issue of expatriates. The case study explains the process of market penetration of Czechoslovak export companies into Iran and analyzes the activities of Société Iranienne Skoda within the context of factory (i.e. plant and equipment) orders and infrastructure development. The work focuses on penetration of Czechoslovak armament factories (Škodovy závody, ČKD and Zbrojovka Brno) into Iranian market. Czechoslovak export of munition became especially in the 1930s the main pillar of relations between Czechoslovakia and Iran. The export of armament into Iran comprised more than half of total Czechoslovak export into Iran.

Proč státy vyrábí jaderné zbraně? Aplikace Saganova teoretického konceptu na případ Státu Izrael / Why do States build Nuclear Weapons? Application of Sagan's Theoretical Models on the Case of Israel

Čermáková, Kamila January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the historical development of the Israeli nuclear program and examines motives which led either to the decision to acquire nuclear weapons or to further develop Israeli nuclear arsenal. Indentified motives are compared with the theory by Scott Sagan who proposed three 'models in search of the bomb'. Security Model sees the effect of nuclear weapons on state security as the motivation, the Domestic Politics Model considers nuclear weapons to be a tool for gaining political profit and the Norms Model emphasizes their symbolic value. My proposition is that other than abovementioned motives, or more motives from different models might be found. Such a result would pose a challenge to Sagan's theory, and could be used a basis for further research. To define independent variables, which are the motives in my case, the method of process tracing is used. I identify critical moments which led to changes in the direction of the program, and define motives on their basis. In the thesis, I further deal with the policy of strategic ambiguity, which consists in complete non-acknowledgement of Israel's nuclear status and enabled Israel to reduce negative effects of the region's nuclearization.

El armamento de influencia La Tène en la Península Ibérica (siglos V-I a.C.)

García Jiménez, Gustavo 07 October 2011 (has links)
El armamento de tipo La Tène se ha venido relacionando habitualmente con la Segunda Edad del Hierro europea, y en general con un territorio dominado por poblaciones de etnia celta. Sin embargo, en la actualidad su alcance llega a un territorio más amplio, que en particular afecta a buena parte de la Europa occidental. En este trabajo se analizan y estudian las armas de influencia La Tène en la Península Ibérica a partir de la información directa del material arqueológico. Además de un catálogo exhaustivo de estas armas para el territorio, se realizan una serie de propuestas tipológicas y se procede al estudio de los conjuntos de armas (panoplias) y a procurar resolver las cuestiones de la llegada de estos influjos, de las vías de propagación de las armas, de sus características y peculiaridades morfológicas y tecnológicas y, finalmente, de su evolución a lo largo de más de cuatro siglos de historia. / The La Tène-type weapons have been usually associated with the Second Iron Age in Europe, and in general with a territory dominated by peoples of Celtic ethnicity. However, today its research extends to a larger area, which in particular affects a large part of western Europe. In this project we analyze and study the weapons of La Tène influence in the Iberian Peninsula from the information taken directly from the archaeological data. In addition to a complete catalogue of the weapons in this territory, a series of typologies are suggested and the study of sets of weapons (outfits) is also discussed. Finally, some questions such as the issues of the arrival of these influences, the ways of propagation of these weapons, their peculiarities (morphological and technological characteristics) and their evolution over more than four centuries of history, are taken into account.

L’avion de combat Rafale : de la matrice européenne à « l’avion mondial » ? : Histoire d’un programme d’armement majeur, des années 1970 à nos jours / The Rafale fighter aircraft : from the European cooperation to a “world class aircraft”? : History of a major armament program, from the 1970’s to today

Droit, Yohan 17 January 2014 (has links)
L’avion de combat Rafale est l’aboutissement du programme d’armement le plus important jamais engagé par l’armée de l’air puisqu’il sera, à terme, l’unique avion de chasse en service dans les armées françaises. Par conséquent, il structurera les forces aériennes françaises au moins jusqu’en 2040. Le programme Rafale conjugue des enjeux opérationnels, politiques, industriels et financiers majeurs et constitue à ce titre la quintessence d’un programme d’armement majeur. Cette caractéristique fondamentale nécessite d’adopter une approche transverse afin d’appréhender le plus largement possible les différents enjeux relatifs à sa conduite. Le programme Rafale connaît une trajectoire singulière. Après une première phase de définition s’effectuant dans le cadre d’une coopération européenne, le besoin opérationnel est finalement revu et affiné dans un cadre uniquement national. Cette phase de maturation débouche sur le lancement d’un programme conjoint à l’armée de l’air et à la marine nationale dont la réalisation dans les années 1990 se heurte aux ajustements budgétaires post-guerre froide. Suite à sa mise en service opérationnel au milieu des années 2000, le Rafale est employé avec succès dans les opérations en Afghanistan et en Libye auxquelles la France participe. Parallèlement, l’avion français débute sa campagne d’exportation dont les enjeux sont particulièrement importants pour la politique de défense française. Celui-ci connaît une première consécration avec la décision indienne en janvier 2012 d’engager des négociations exclusives en vue d’acquérir le chasseur français. / The Rafale fighter is the outcome of the most ambitious armament program ever engaged by the French Air Force. Projected to be the only fighter serving in the French military in the coming decades, it will shape the French Air Forces until 2040. The Rafale program intertwines military, political, industrial and financial interests at the highest levels of the French government and represents the essence of a French major armament program. This essential feature requires a comprehensive approach in order to meet this broad array of interests. The Rafale program has had a specific trajectory. After an initial definition stage which took place in the context of European cooperation, the operational need was finally reviewed on a national basis. This phase resulted in the official launch of the Rafale program both for the French Air Force and the French Navy. During the 1990s, it faced a severe budget constraint which hampered development and production. Following its initial operating capability in the mid-2000s, the Rafale fighter was successfully employed in operations in Afghanistan and Libya. Simultaneously, the Rafale began its marketing campaign to win international bids. The Rafale realized its first achievement with India’s decision, in January 2012, to purchase the French fighter.

Entwicklung immunchemischer Methoden zur Spurenanalytik der Sprengstoffe Nitropenta und Trinitrotoluol

Hesse, Almut 04 May 2017 (has links)
Der Sprengstoff PETN ist äußerst schwer zu detektieren. Ein verbesserter anti-PETN-Antikörper wurde durch Anwendung des Bioisosterie-Konzepts entwickelt. Diese polyklonalen IgGs sind sehr selektiv und sensitiv. Die Nachweisgrenze des ELISAs beträgt 0,15 µg/L. Der Messbereich des Immunoassays liegt zwischen 1 und 1000 µg/L. Die Antikörper sind recht pH-stabil als auch robust gegen Lösungsmittelzusätze. Für die Umweltanalytik von TNT wurde eine HPLC-kompatible Affinitätssäule mit porösem Glas als Trägermaterial hergestellt. Um die anti-TNT-Antikörper selektiv aus den TNT-Seren zu isolieren, wurde eine Trennung an einer Dinitrophenyl-Affinitätssäule durchgeführt. Zur Optimierung der Kopplungsmethode wurden orangefarbene Dabsyl-Proteine synthetisiert und auf der Oberfläche gebunden. Die Färbung wurde als Indikator für die Ligandendichte verwendet. Wegen der hohen Affinitätskonstanten der anti-TNT-IgGs lässt sich TNT nicht reversibel von der TNT-Affinitätssäule eluieren. Daher wurde eine neuartige Elutionsmethode entwickelt, die thermische Online-Elution. Die maximale Kapazität einer TNT- Affinitätssäule betrug 650 ng TNT bzw. 10 µg/mL Säulenvolumen. Um die Ligandendichte der TNT-Affinitätssäulen zu bestimmen, wurde ein neues Verfahren entwickelt, da die spektroskopischen Proteinbestimmungsmethoden nicht geeignet waren. Zur Proteinbestimmung wurde eine HPLC-Trennung der Aminosäuren Tyr und Phe ohne vorherige Derivatisierung entwickelt. Die Proteinhydrolysezeit wurde durch Einsatz einer Mikrowelle von 22 h auf 30 min verkürzt. Zur internen Kalibrierung wurden HTyr und FPhe verwendet. Die Nachweisgrenze bei 215 nm ist sowohl für Tyr als auch für Phe 0,05 µM (~ 10 µg/L). Dieses neue Verfahren, das als Aromatische Aminosäureanalyse (AAAA) bezeichnet werden kann, wurde zur Proteinbestimmung von homogenen Proben mit NIST-BSA validiert, wobei die Nachweisgrenze für Proteine 16 mg/L (~ 300 ng BSA) ist. Die relative Standardabweichung incl. der Hydrolysestufe beträgt 5%. / The explosive Pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN) is extremely difficult to detect. An improved antibody against PETN was developed by using the bioisosteric concept. These polyclonal antibodies are highly selective and sensitive. The limit of detection (LOD) of the ELISA was determined to be 0.15 µg/L. The dynamic range of the assay was found to be between 1 and 1000 µg/L. The antibodies are sufficiently pH-stable and resistant to solvent additives. An HPLC-compatible TNT-affinity column with porous glass as support material was prepared for the environmental analysis. In order to isolate the anti-TNT antibodies of the TNT sera a separation was carried out on a dinitrophenyl-affinity column. To optimize the immobilization method, orange-coloured dabsyl proteins were synthesized and bound to the surface. The colour intensity was found to be an indicator for the immobilization rate. In consequence of the high affinity constants of the anti-TNT antibodies, TNT can''t elute by a typical acidic elution step. Therefore, a novel separation approach, the thermal online-elution was developed. The maximum capacity of an affinity column was 650 ng TNT or 10 µg/mL of column volume. To quantify the immobilization rate of proteins, a new method has been developed, because the usual protein determination methods were unsuitable. Therefore an HPLC separation method of Tyr and Phe was developed without prior derivatization. Two internal standard compounds, HTyr and FPhe, were used for calibration. The LOD was estimated to be 0.05 µM (~ 10 µg/L) for Tyr and Phe at 215 nm. The protein hydrolysis time was reduced from 22 h to 30 min using microwave technique. This procedure, that was termed aromatic amino acid analysis (AAAA), has been validated for protein determination of homogeneous samples with NIST-BSA. The LOD for proteins was calculated to be below 16 mg/L (~ 300 ng BSA absolute). The relative standard deviation, including the hydrolysis step, is 5%.

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