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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mise en évidence d'un espace sensoriel et caractérisation des marqueurs relatifs à l'arôme des vins issus du cépage Chardonnay

Ballester Pérez, Jordi 06 May 2008 (has links)
El objetivo de este trabajo es caracterizar los compuestos volátiles responsables del aroma del vino elaborado a partir de la variedad Chardonnay, independientemente del origen geográfico y del estilo de vinificación. En una primera experiencia, la tipicidad « Chardonnay » de un grupo de 48 vinos (de los cuales 29 eran Chardonnay y 19 no) fue evaluada por un panel de expertos. Este estudio permitió la selección de un sub-grupo de vinos pertenecientes a dos niveles de tipicidad distintos: buenos ejemplos y malos ejemplos de vino Chardonnay. La segunda étapa del estudio consistió en seleccionar un método de extracción que diera lugar a un extracto representativo del aroma del vino de Chardonnay. Se evaluaron tres métodos de extractión: la extracción con diclorometano, el "salting-out" seguido de una destilación a vacio y el "salting-out" seguido de una extracción con diclorometano. Los extractos obtenidos fueron re-diluidos en una solución hidroalcohólica (12% vol.) para su comparacion sensorial con el vino original mediante un test de similitud. Los resultados mostraron diferencias significativas entre los tres métodos de extracción. El método de extración con diclorometano fue seleccionado por su buena compatibilidad con la cromatografia en fase gaseosa y por su facilidad de realización. Durante la tercera etapa se llevó a cabo una selección de los miembros del panel de olfactometria. Cuatro tests sirvieron para evaluar la habilidad de los candidatos a describir los olores, su repetibilidad en la deteccion y en la descripción, así como la presencia de hiposmias. Estos tests permitieron seleccionar 17 personas de entre 29 candidatos. La etapa sigiente consistió en el análisis olfactométrico propiamente dicho. Los 18 vinos elegidos fueron analizados por los 17 evaluadores seleccionados según el método de las frecuencias de detección. Setenta y dos zonas de olor fueron definidas. Gracias a una regresion PLS, se encontro una relación entre las notas de tipi / Ballester Pérez, J. (2004). Mise en évidence d'un espace sensoriel et caractérisation des marqueurs relatifs à l'arôme des vins issus du cépage Chardonnay [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/1850


Quijano Celis, Clara Elizabeth 02 December 2011 (has links)
Para comprender la composición de volátiles en guayaba fresca (Psidium guajava L.) Palmira ICA-1, en este estudio se plantearon diferentes métodos de extracción: la extracción líquido-líquido (L-L), la destilación-extracción simultáneas con disolvente (SDE), la microextracción en fase sólida del espacio de cabeza (HS-SPME) y la extracción con fluidos supercríticos (SFE). Se establecieron semejanzas y diferencias en la composición de acuerdo al método usado. Un total de 134 compuestos fueron identificados por los diferentes métodos de extracción, los ésteres, aldehídos y alcoholes fueron los más representativos. Se determinó la contribución sensorial mediante el cálculo de las unidades de olor (concentración del compuesto/umbral de olor) para los compuestos aislados por SDE, teniendo en cuenta el efecto de la temperatura durante el método de extracción. De igual forma se estudió la influencia del pH en la composición del aroma, 38 constituyentes volátiles se identificaron como enlazados a glicósidos. Igualmente, se realizó un estudio del mecanismo hidrodinámico (HDM) de la deshidratación osmótica con y sin pulso de vacío. Las mayores pérdidas de agua, ocurrieron con los tratamientos a 50 °C y con disoluciones osmóticas de 50 y 40 °Brix. La mayor transferencia de solutos ocurrió a 40 y 50 °C con vacío pulsante. Se demostró la influencia de los parámetros como temperatura, tiempo y concentración de la disolución osmótica en la cinética de la pérdida de agua, ganancia de solutos y evolución de la composición de volátiles en el producto osmodeshidratado. En general, las mayores pérdidas de volátiles ocurrieron a 50 ºC, mientras que las menores fueron a 30 y 40 ºC hasta 2 h con disolución osmótica a 30 y 40 ºBrix. Los ésteres fueron los compuestos que sufrieron mayores pérdidas durante el proceso de deshidratación osmótica a presión atmosférica y con pulso de vacío. / Quijano Celis, CE. (2011). ESTUDIOS DE LA COMPOSICIÓN DE VOLÁTILES Y SU EVOLUCIÓN DURANTE LA DESHIDRATACIÓN OSMÓTICA DE LA GUAYABA PALMIRA ICA-1 (Psidium guajava L.) [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/13828

Yeast diversity in artisanal cheeses: biotechnological applications

Padilla López, Beatriz 03 March 2014 (has links)
The impact of yeasts on food production, quality and safety is closely linked with their ecology and biological activities. Recently, as a consequence of the relationship between diet and health, yeasts are becoming relevant as new probiotics or for the production of bioactive compounds. In dairy products, yeasts play a key role in proteolysis, lipolysis and lactose fermentation during cheese ripening, promoting the development of sensory properties, particularly aroma. This thesis focuses on the yeast diversity in artisanal cheeses produced in the Natural Park Serra d¿Espadà (Castelló) from ewes¿ and goats¿ raw milk. Different molecular techniques have been employed in order to characterize yeast isolates. Moreover, the succession of species along the cheese ripening process was studied. The intraspecific variability of the most abundant identified species Debaryomyces hansenii and Kluyveromyces lactis was also assessed. Additionally, the potential of Kluyveromyces marxianus and K. lactis ß-galactosidases to synthetize prebiotic oligosaccharides from lactose and lactulose was tested. Finally, Kluyveromyces and Debaryomyces isolates were investigated for the production of cheese aromatic compounds. / Padilla López, B. (2014). Yeast diversity in artisanal cheeses: biotechnological applications [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/36065


Rambla Nebot, Jose Luis 15 January 2017 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [EN] Fruits both produce and emit volatile chemical compounds. These are short-chained low polarity molecules involved in many processes, and they are responsible of our perception of fruit aroma and of most of their flavour. This thesis is focused on the study of volatile compounds in the tomato fruit, which is one of the most important horticultural worldwide and is a model system for the study of fruit development and ripening. Some of the analytical methods more frequently used for the analysis of tomato fruit volatiles were systematically compared. Results revealed that the observed volatile profile is highly dependent on the precise analytical method used, both for sample processing and for the technique used for volatile acquisition. It was concluded that the method of election for the comparison of large sets of samples from a multi-omics approach consists on flash freezing the biological material with liquid nitrogen at the selected ripening stage and the use of headspace solid phase microextraction coupled to gas chromatography and mass spectrometry for the subsequent analysis. This method was implemented and was used for the determination of volatile compounds in selected NILs harbouring QTLs for characters related to flavour and aroma introgressed in different genetic backgrounds. The results allowed the association of several of the organoleptic characters previously identified with modified levels of several volatiles. It was also observed that the genetic background has a major effect on the production of such metabolites. Correlation analysis between the levels of volatiles and primary metabolites led to the conclusion that the production of volatile compounds is generally not determined by the levels of their precursors. Its regulation is most likely to be due to downstream processes such as the availability of either precursors or intermediate metabolites, the variability in specific processes leading to the concersion of precursors into volatiles, or to other still unknown regulatory mechanisms. Volatile compounds were also studied in a RIL population derived from a cross between Solanum pimpinellifolium accession TO-937, the closest species to cultivated, which produces red fruits, and S. lycopersicum cv. 'Moneymaker', a tomato variety for the fresh market. This allowed the identification of 102 QTLs for 39 different volatile compounds, 76 of which had not been previously described. All these QTLs were mapped along the 12 tomato chromosomes by means of the SOLCAP SNPs molecular market map. Most of the QTLs identified were subsequently evaluated on introgression lines (ILs) generated from the same original genotypes. It was observed that almost half of the QTLs previously identified retained their effect after introgression in the 'Moneymaker' genetic background. Additionally, 12 new QTLs were identified in this IL population. Based on the existing knowledge about the effect of volatile compounds on our perception of flavour and aroma and also on their ability to maintain their effect after introgression in the cultivated tomato, some of the QTLs identified are good candidates to be used in tomato flavour breeding programs. Eventually, the comparison of the localization in the genome of the QTLs identified in the different populations studied with those already described in the literature revealed a very low degree of co-localization between the different QTLs. This implies that there exists a wide range of variability in the wild species related to tomato available for breeding tomato flavour and aroma. / [ES] Los frutos producen y emiten compuestos químicos volátiles. Estos son moléculas en general poco polares y de cadena corta que cumplen diversas funciones, y son las responsables de que percibamos el aroma y buena parte del sabor de los frutos. Esta tesis está centrada en el estudio de los volátiles del fruto del tomate, que es uno de los cultivos hortícolas más importantes y un sistema modelo para el estudio del desarrollo y maduración del fruto. Se compararon de forma sistemática los métodos analíticos más comúnmente utilizados para el análisis de volátiles en fruto de tomate, y se observó que el perfil de volátiles detectado está fuertemente condicionado por el método analítico utilizado, tanto por el proceso de preparación de la muestra como por la técnica de adquisición de los volátiles. Finalmente se concluyó que la técnica más adecuada para la comparación de grandes grupos de muestras desde una aproximación multi-ómica consiste en congelar con nitrógeno líquido el material vegetal una vez alcanzado el momento idóneo de recolección, y su análisis posterior mediante microextracción en fase sólida (SPME) acoplada a cromatografía de gases y espectrometría de masas. Se puso a punto esta técnica y se utilizó para la determinación de los compuestos volátiles en varias líneas NILs portadoras de QTLs de caracteres relacionados con el sabor y el aroma en distintos fondos genéticos. Los resultados permitieron asociar varios de los caracteres organolépticos identificados con alteraciones en los niveles de algunos volátiles. Igualmente se observó que el fondo genético tiene un efecto importante sobre la producción de estos metabolitos. Los análisis de correlación entre los niveles de volátiles y metabolitos primarios permitieron concluir que la producción de compuestos volátiles, en general, no está determinada por los niveles de sus precursores, sino que su regulación debe encontrarse más bien en procesos posteriores, tales como la disponibilidad de los precursores o de metabolitos intermedios, variabilidad en procesos específicos relacionados con la conversión de los precursores en volátiles, o algún otro mecanismo regulador aún desconocido. También se estudiaron los volátiles en una población de RILs derivada de un cruce entre Solanum pimpinellifolium entrada TO-937, la especie más próxima al tomate cultivado, la cual produce frutos rojos, y S. lycopersicum cv. "Moneymaker", una variedad de tomate para el mercado en fresco. Esto permitió identificar 102 QTLs para 39 volátiles diferentes, 76 de las cuales no se habían descrito previamente, las cuales se mapearon a lo largo de los 12 cromosomas del tomate utilizando el mapa de marcadores moleculares de SNPs SOLCAP. Posteriormente se evaluaron la mayoría de las QTLs identificadas mediante la determinación de los volátiles en líneas ILs generadas a partir de los mismos materiales. Se observó que casi la mitad de estas QTLs mantuvieron su efecto al ser introgresadas en el fondo genético "Moneymaker", al tiempo que 12 nuevas QTLs se identificaron en esta población de ILs. Algunas de las QTLs identificadas, en base al conocimiento existente sobre el efecto de los compuestos volátiles en nuestra percepción del sabor y el aroma, y en base a su capacidad para mantener su efecto tras su introgresión en el tomate cultivado, resultan ser candidatos prometedores para su utilización en la mejora genética del sabor del tomate. Finalmente, el análisis de la localización en el genoma de las QTLs analizadas en las distintas poblaciones objeto de estudio en esta tesis, junto con las descritas en la bibliografía disponible, puso de relieve el bajo grado de co-localización existente entre las distintas QTLs, lo cual implica que en las especies silvestres relacionadas con el tomate existe un amplio rango de variabilidad genética susceptible de ser utilizado para la mejora de su sabor y su aroma. / [CA] Els fruits produixen i emitixen compostos químics volàtils. Estos són molècules en general de baixa polarita i cadena curta que tenen diverses funcions, i són les responsables de la nostra percepció de l'aroma i de bona part del sabor dels fruits. Esta tesi està centrada a l'estudi dels volàtils del fruit de la tomata, que és un dels cultius hortícoles més importants i un sistema model per a l'estudi del desenvolupament i la maduració del fruit. Es van comparar de forma sistemática els mètodes analítics més habituals per a l'anàlisi de volàtils en fruits de tomata, i es va observar que el perfil de volàtils detectat està fortament condicionat per el mètode analític utilitzat, tant per el procés de preparació de la mostra com per la técnica d'adquisició dels volàtils. Es va concluir que la t`cnica més adequada per a la comparació de grans grups de mostres desde una aproximació multi-òmica consistix en congelar en nitrògen líquid el material vegetal en el momento idoni de recolecció, i analitzar-lo posteriorment per microextracció en fase sòlida (SPME) acoplada a cromatografía de gasos i espectrometría de masses. Es va posar a punt esta técnica i es va utilitzar per a la determinació dels composteos volàtils en varies línies NILs portadores de QTLs de caràcters relacionats en el sabor i l'aroma en fons genètics diversos. Els resultats van permetre associar alguns dels caràcters organolèptics identificats en alteracions en els nivells d'alguns compostos volàtils. També es va observar que el fons genètic té un efecte important sobre la producción d'estos metabolits. Els anàlisi de correlació entre els nivells de volàtils i els metabolits primaris ens van permetre concluir que la producción de compostos volàtils, en general, no està determinada per els nivells dels seus precursors. La seua regulació és deguda a procesos posteriors, com la disponibilitat dels precursors o de metabolits intermediaris, la variabilitat en processos específics relacionats en la conversió dels precursors en volàtils, o en algún altre mecanisme regulador encara desconegut. També es van estudiar els volàtils en una población de RILs rerivada d'un creuament entre Solanum pimpinellifolium entrada TO-937, la espècie silvestre més próxima a la tomatera cultivada i que produix fruits rojos, i S. lycopersicum cv. Moneymaker, una varietat de tomata per al mercat en fresc. Açò va permetre l'identificació de 102 QTLs de 39 volàtils diferents, 76 de les quals no s'havien descrit prèviament, i que es van mapejar al llarg dels 12 cromosomes de la tomatera mitjançant el mapa de marcadors moleculars de SNPs SOLCAP. Posteriorment es van evaluar la majoria de les QTLs identificades mitjançant la determinació dels volàtils en línies ILs generades a partir dels mateixos materials. Es va observar que quasi la meitat de estes QTLs van mantindre el seu efecte al ser introgressades en el fons genètic "Moneymaker". Adicionalment, 12 noves QTLs es van identificar en esta población d'ILs. Algunes de les QTLs identificades, en base al coneiximent existent respecte a l'efecte dels volàtils en la nostra percepció del sabor i l'aroma, i tenin en cónter la seua capacitat de mantindre el seu efecte al ser introgressats en la tomata cultivada, són candidats prometedors per a ser utilitzats en la millora genética del sabor de les tomates. Finalment, l'anàlisi de la localització en el genoma de les QTLs analitzades en les distintes poblacions objecte d'aquesta tesi, junt a les descrites en la bibliografía disponible, va evidenciar que existix una baixa freqüència de co-localització entre les distintes QTLs. Açò implica que existix molta variabilitat genética en les espècies silvestres relacionades en la tomatera, que pot ser utilitzada per a la millora del sabor i l'aroma dels seus fruits. / Rambla Nebot, JL. (2016). GENES AND GENOMIC REGIONS RELATED TO THE PRODUCTION OF VOLATILE COMPOUNDS IN THE TOMATO FRUIT [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/61768 / Premios Extraordinarios de tesis doctorales / Compendio

Use of plant-derived essential oil compounds and naturally-occurring apple flavor compounds to control foodborne pathogens in apple juice

Abdulmalik, Takiyah 25 April 2012 (has links)
Recent demands for minimally-processed foods, has led to the exploration of plant-derived essential oil (EO) compounds as an alternative means of preservation. While some of these compounds are effective against foodborne pathogens, their strong aroma and "spicy" flavor are not compatible with the flavor of juice. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of three EO compounds (thymol, eugenol, and trans-cinnamaldehyde) alone and in combination with three naturally-occurring apple aroma compounds (hexanal, trans-2-hexenal and 1-hexanol) in order to identify combinations that lower the concentrations needed to destroy foodborne pathogens in apple juice. The standard agar dilution method (SAD) and the Spiral Gradient Endpoint method (SGE) were compared for their abilities to determine minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of the EO compounds. Both methods produced similar patterns of inhibition; however, the MICs produced by the SGE system were significantly higher than those produced by the SAD method of analysis (P<0.05). Since the results produced by the SAD method were more comparable with those published in literature, this method was selected for further testing. In general, the EO compounds were significantly more effective against the test pathogens (Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella Typhimurium and Staphylococcus aurues) than were the apple aroma compounds (P<0.05). Cinnamaldehye exhibited the highest degree of activity, followed by thymol and eugenol. Eugenol was the only compound that acted synergistically with the apple aroma compounds. The most effective compounds (cinnamaldehyde, eugenol and trans-2-hexenal) were then used to inactivate L. monocytogens and S. Typhimurium in preservative-free apple juice. In most cases, treatment with 0.05% of each compound resulted in a 5 log CFU/ml reduction in bacterial numbers following one day of storage at 4°C or 25°C. Likewise, treatment with antimicrobial combinations (containing 0.025% of trans-2-hexenal in combination with 0.025% trans-cinnamaldehyde or eugenol) also resulted in a 5 log CFU/ml reduction in bacterial numbers, following one day of storage at 4°C or 25°C. Since these combinations contained half the effective concentration of the essential oil compounds, they may be used to preserve the microbial quality of apple juice, while reducing the likelihood of off flavors in the final juice product. / Ph. D.

Effect of Foliar Nitrogen and Sulfur Applications on Aroma Profile of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Petit Manseng using Modified Quantitative Descriptive Analysis, SPME GC-MS and Electronic Nose Technology

Kelly, Molly Kathleen 12 June 2013 (has links)
Petit Manseng grapes harvested in 2011 and 2012 were fertilized with soil nitrogen at 0, and 30 kgN/ha, foliar nitrogen at 15kg/ha and foliar nitrogen plus sulfur at 15kg/ha and 5kg respectively. Point quadrat analysis demonstrated foliar nitrogen alone and nitrogen plus sulfur treatments increased percent gaps and lower leaf layer numbers. Berry juice samples differed in ammonia, arginine and yeast assimilable nitrogen concentration. Total glycosides were 25 percent higher in the foliar nitrogen treatment versus the control treatment. Electronic nose measurements on field clusters and laboratory berry analyses was different among treatments in volatile content. Harvest samples underwent acid or enzyme hydrolysis of precursor fractions. Solid phase microextraction (SPME) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) analysis identified 27 free aroma and flavor compounds and 52 bound compounds. Lactones and carboxylic acids were the major components of the free fractions while bound fractions had increased concentrations of alcohols, esters and terpenes compared to the free fraction. With nitrogen fertilization, acid and enzyme hydrolysis had reduced concentrations of some higher alcohols and carboxylic acids. Acid hydrolysis released more terpenes with nitrogen treatments versus enzymatic hydrolysis. Ester content was increased in both acid and enzyme hydrolysis fractions in vines receiving nitrogen treatments. For descriptive analysis, eight trained panelists described aroma, flavor, texture/mouthfeel and aftertaste attributes. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) demonstrated that wines were a significant source of variation with 23 of the 24 attributes used. Wine principal component analysis (PCA) of aroma attributes explained 23.5% of the variation from PC1, while flavor-by-mouth and texture/mouthfeel attributes explained 26.3% of the variation due to PC1. The aim of this study was to develop descriptive terms for Petit Manseng and determine the influence of fruit nitrogen levels on the aroma and flavor profile of this cultivar. / Ph. D.

Efficacy of Odor Scavengers in Reducing Odor Compounds in Water, Milk, and Soymilk

Norton, Jenny Lynn 14 October 2003 (has links)
Odor detection thresholds of hexanal, 2-heptenal, 2-pentanone, and 2,4-nonadienal were determined in spring water, high temperature short time (HTST) 2% fat milk, and extended shelf life soymilk. The efficacy of odor scavenger's beta-cyclodextrin, D-sorbitol, and nylon 6 in removing these odors was also determined. The odor thresholds of the different odor and media combinations were as follows: hexanal in spring water, milk, and soymilk were 585, 339, and 536 ppb respectively; 2-heptenal in spring water, milk, and soymilk were 2,092, 2,322, and 3,184 ppb respectively; 2-pentanone in spring water, milk and soymilk were 24,925, 29,255 and 33,271 ppb respectively; and 2,4-nonadienal in spring water, milk, and soymilk were 164, 326, and 243 ppb respectively. These amounts reference the initial spiked concentration that was added directly to the media. Both hexanal and 2,4-nonadienal had lower thresholds than 2-heptenal and 2-pentanone in all of the media. The odor detection thresholds of 2-heptenal, 2-pentanone, and 2,4-nonadienal did show a significant difference between soymilk and water, but not for milk. The efficacy of the odor scavengers were determined by use of solid phase micro-extraction gas chromatography (SPME-GC) and sensory evaluation. Hexanal, 2-heptenal, 2-pentanone, and 2,4-nonadienal were spiked at 1,000, 3,000, 30,000, and 300 ppb respectively in all three media. Beta-cyclodextrin, D-sorbitol, and nylon 6 were added at a level of 0.1% w/v and 1.0% w/v. In all of the media, beta-cyclodextrin was found to significantly reduce hexanal, 2-pentanone, 2-heptenal, and 2,4-nonadienal at both 0.1% w/v and 1.0% w/v. Nylon 6 was not found beneficial. / Master of Science

Detecció de compostos volàtils, clorofenols, cloroanisoles i 2,4,6-tribromoanisole, relacionats amb el "gust del suro"

Insa Aguilar, Sara 22 May 2006 (has links)
D'entre els defectes organolèptics associats al vi, en destaca l'anomenat "gust de suro" habitualment vinculat a la presència de cloroanisoles, els quals són productes de l'activitat microbiana formats a partir dels corresponents clorofenols. La present tesi doctoral recull, en primer lloc, metodologies analítiques adreçades principalment a la determinació dels compostos clorofenòlics (2,4,6-triclorofenol, 2,3,4,6-tetraclorofenol i pentaclorofenol) en el control de qualitat dels taps suro, emprant dissolucions hidroalcohòliques com a medi de maceració o d'extracció i utilitzant les tècniques d'extracció en fase sòlida (SPE) i microextracció en fase sòlida (SPME) acoblades a la cromatografia de gasos (GC).En segon lloc, per tal de dur a terme l'anàlisi de cloroanisoles juntament amb els seus precursors en matrius de suro s'ha avaluat un mètode basat en l'extracció amb dissolvent orgànic, el qual ha estat aplicat per a l'estudi de diferents sistemes d'eliminació d'aquests anàlits en la matriu citada. En darrer lloc, s'han proposat metodologies per l'anàlisi de mostres de vi, en les quals d'una banda s'han determinat els compostos clorofenòlics utilitzant la SPME i de l'altra el 2,4,6-tricloroanisole i el 2,4,6-tribromoanisole mitjançant l'acoblament de la SPE i la injecció de grans volums (LVI) en el sistema cromatogràfic. / The organoleptic defect known as cork taint is associated with a musty or mouldy aroma in wine. Chloroanisoles, which are produced through a process of detoxification by fungal methylation of chlorophenolic compounds, are considered to be the main contributory substances. In the present work, analytical methods for the determination of chlorophenols (2,4,6-trichlorophenol, 2,3,4,6-tetrachloropheol and pentachlorophenol) in cork matrices using the solid-phase extraction (SPE) and the solid-phase microextraction (SPME) as preconcentration techniques were evaluated. Therefore, hydroalcoholic solutions have been proposed as extractant solvent in order to test the quality of cork stoppers.Furthermore, a methodology based on extraction with an organic solvent for the simultaneous determination of chloroanisoles and chlorophenols in cork matrices was proposed. This methodology was applied with the aim of checking the efficiency of several washing treatments to remove the target analytes in naturally contaminated cork samples.Finally, different procedures have been developed for the analysis of wine samples. On one hand, chlorophenols were quantified by employing a SPME method. On the other hand, a reliable SPE method coupled to large volume injection was proposed for the determination of both 2,4,6-trichloroanisole and 2,4,6-tribromoanisole.

Interactions entre muqueuse orale, salive et molécules de la flaveur / Interactions between oral mucosa, saliva and flavour compounds

Ployon, Sarah 05 December 2016 (has links)
Le rôle de la salive dans la perception sensorielle est de plus en plus reconnu, notamment par le biais des interactions physico-chimiques pouvant s’établir entre protéines salivaires et constituants alimentaires. Ce travail s’intéresse à la pellicule salivaire, la couche de protéines salivaires ancrées aux cellules épithéliales, et vise à caractériser les interactions pouvant s’établir d’une part entre ces protéines et épithélium oral, et d‘autre part entre ces protéines et les molécules de la flaveur. Pour cela, un modèle in vitro de muqueuse orale a été développé. Une lignée cellulaire stable (TR146/MUC1) a été obtenue par transfection de la lignée cellulaire TR146 de manière à exprimer la mucine membranaire MUC1. Afin de former une pellicule salivaire, les cellules confluentes ont été incubées avec de la salive humaine. La rétention des mucines salivaires MUC5B par les cellules TR146/MUC1 est augmentée par rapport aux TR146, apportant ainsi un argument en faveur de l’implication de MUC1 dans l’ancrage des MUC5B aux cellules épithéliales. Le modèle développé a été appliqué à l’étude des interactions entre la muqueuse orale et les molécules d’arôme et les tanins. L’analyse des coefficients de partage par GC-FID a mis en évidence 1- l’importance de l’hydratation de la muqueuse sur la libération des composés les plus hydrophiles, 2- la capacité des cellules à métaboliser certaines molécules d’arôme, 3- l’absence d’effet de la pellicule sur la libération des molécules d’arôme à l’équilibre. En revanche, l’analyse par PTR-MS a révélé un effet de la muqueuse et de la pellicule sur la cinétique de libération des molécules d’arôme. Les interactions entre les protéines de la pellicule salivaire et les tanins modifient les caractéristiques structurales de la pellicule, en particulier le tapissage des cellules par les MUC5B. Les possibles implications sensorielles, respectivement dans les phénomènes de persistance aromatique et d’astringence, sont discutées. / The role of saliva in food sensory perception is increasingly recognized, especially through physicochemical interactions occurring between salivary proteins and food components. This work focuses on the mucosal pellicle, a layer of salivary proteins anchored onto epithelial cells, and aims at characterizing interactions that may occur between the proteins of the mucosal pellicle and flavour compounds. For that purpose, an in vitro model of oral mucosa was developed. A stable cell line (TR146/MUC1) was obtaining by transfecting the TR146 cell line in order to express the membrane bound mucin MUC1. In order to form a salivary pellicle, confluent cells were incubated with human saliva. A higher retention of salivary MUC5B by TR146/MUC1 cells was observed compared to TR146 cells, emphasising the involvement of MUC1 in MUC5B anchoring to epithelial cells. The model was applied to the investigation of interactions between the oral mucosa and aroma molecules and tannins. Measurements of partition coefficients by GC-FID revealed 1- the role of hydration of the mucosa on the release of the most hydrophilic compounds, 2- the ability of cells to metabolize some aroma compounds, 3- the absence of effect of the mucosal pellicle itself on aroma release at the thermodynamic equilibrium. Oppositely, analyses by PTR-MS evidenced an effect of the mucosa and of the pellicle on aroma release kinetic. Interactions between proteins of the mucosal pellicle and tannins modified structural characteristics of the pellicle, especially the coating of cells by salivary MUC5B. Sensory relevance for the phenomena of aroma persistence and astringency, respectively, are discussed.

The impact of wine yeast strains on the aromatic profiles of Sauvignon blanc wines derived from characterized viticultural treatments

Von Mollendorff, Anke 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Grape must is a complex medium, and during wine production numerous biochemical pathways and metabolic reactions are taking place simultaneously to produce a specific taste and aroma. Microorganisms, specifically yeast, play a key role in the formation of metabolites formed during alcoholic fermentation. Sauvignon blanc, a well studied grape cultivar, is known to have a versatile range of aroma profiles ranging from “green” to “tropical”. It has been broadly stated that a “green” Sauvignon blanc can be created in the vineyard and a “tropical” Sauvignon blanc can be created by selecting a specific yeast strain, and that the balance between “green” and “tropical” characters is essential for the final aroma profile. Except for grape-derived varietal aromatic compounds such as methoxypyrazines (green), volatile thiols (tropical) and monoterpenes (floral), yeast derived volatile compounds including esters, higher alcohols, fatty acids and carbonyl compounds will also contribute to the final wine aroma. The main aim of this study was to assess how viticultural treatment-derived differences in grape must, can impact on aroma production when this grape must is fermented with different commercial wine yeast strains. The viticulture treatment focused on light intensity modulated through canopy treatment. Volatile aroma differences were compared for canopy and yeast treatments, specifically focusing on the fermentation derived bouquet (esters, higher alcohols, volatile fatty acids, carbonyl compounds and monoterpenes). Results showed significant differences between initial must compositions, including titratable acidity, malic acid and yeast assimilable nitrogen. The volatile aroma compounds were also significantly impacted although no noticeable effect on the overall fermentation kinetics was observed. Depending on the yeast strain differences in volatile compounds varied. A clear vintage effect is noticeable between volatile compounds affected by the treatments. Data generated in 2012 shows clear differences between ethyl- and acetate esters and could clearly be grouped according to yeast strain through multivariate analysis. Sensory evaluation results could clearly be distinguished according to canopy treatment and to a lesser degree according to yeast strain used. This indicates that although yeast has a more prominent impact on the fermentative bouquet that develops during alcoholic fermentation the overriding aroma is primarily derived from grape-derived metabolites which can be manipulated by canopy treatments. None the less the difference in fermentation bouquet does add to the complexity of the wine especially in the case of fermentation derived “tropical” aromas including guava and passion fruit. In some cases where shaded grapes had higher ester concentrations, the resultant wine also had higher aroma quality. This study has contributed to a better understanding of the complex relationships between canopy manipulation and yeast selection on aroma formation. The analysis of volatile aroma alone however is not enough to understand the final perception of wine taste and further indepth studies of the viticultural and oenological factors is needed. In particular, this project has focused on a single vineyard over only two vintages. The general validity of the conclusions derived from this study therefore will require additional data sets. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Druiwemos is ‘n komplekse medium en tydens wynbereiding is daar verskeie biochemiese weë en metaboliese reaksies wat gelyktydig plaasvind om ‘n spesifieke smaak en aroma te produseer. Mikro-organismes, veral gis, speel ‘n sleutelrol in die vorming van metaboliete tydens alkoholiese gisting. Sauvignon blanc, ‘n goed bestudeerde druifkultivar, besit ‘n veelsydige reeks aromaprofiele wat wissel van “groen” tot “tropies”. Oor die algemeen word dit voorgehou dat ‘n “groen” Sauvignon blanc in die wingerd geskep word, terwyl ‘n “tropiese” Sauvignon blanc geskep kan word deur ‘n spesifieke gisras te selekteer, en die balans tussen “groen” en “tropiese” karakters is noodsaaklik vir die finale aromaprofiel. Behalwe vir druifafgeleide kultivarafhanklike aromatiese verbindings soos metoksipirasiene (groen), vlugtige tiole (tropies) en monoterpene (blomagtig), sal gisafgeleide vlugtige komponente, waaronder esters, hoër alkohole, vetsure en karbonielverbindings, ook tot die finale wynaroma bydra. Die hoofdoelwit van hierdie studie was om te bepaal hoe verskille in druiwemos wat afkomstig is van wynkundige behandeling ‘n impak op aromaproduksie kan hê wanneer hierdie druiwemos met verskillende kommersiële wyngisrasse gegis word. Die wynkundige behandeling het gefokus op ligintensiteit wat deur lowerbehandeling gereguleer is. Vlugtige aromaverskille is op grond van lower- en gisbehandelings vergelyk, met ‘n spesifieke fokus op die gistingsafgeleide boeket (esters, hoër alkohole, vlugtige vetsure, karbonielverbindings en monoterpene). Die resultate het beduidende verskille getoon tussen aanvanklike mossamestellings, waaronder titreerbare suurheid, appelsuur en gis-assimileerbare stikstof. Daar was ook ‘n noemenswaardige impak op die vlugtige aromaverbindings, hoewel geen merkbare effek op die algehele gistingskinetika waargeneem kon word nie. Die verskille in vlugtige verbindings het gewissel op grond van die gisras. ‘n Duidelike oesjaareffek was merkbaar tussen vlugtige verbindings wat deur die behandelings geaffekteer is. Data wat in 2012 gegenereer is, toon duidelike verskille tussen etiel- en asetaatesters en kon duidelik m.b.v. meervariantanalise volgens gisras gegroepeer word. Die resultate van die sensoriese evaluering kon duidelik volgens lowerbehandeling onderskei word, en tot ‘n mindere mate volgens die gisras wat gebruik is. Dít dui daarop dat hoewel gis ‘n meer prominente impak het op die gistingsboeket wat tydens alkoholiese gisting ontwikkel, is die oorheersende aroma hoofsaaklik afgelei van druifafgeleide metaboliete wat deur lowerbehandelings gemanipuleer kan word. Nietemin dra die verskil in gistingsboeket by tot die kompleksiteit van die wyn, veral in die geval van gistingsafgeleide “tropiese” aromas, insluitend koejawel en grenadella. In sommige gevalle waar beskadude druiwe hoër esterkonsentrasies gehad het, het die gevolglike wyn ook ‘n hoër aromakwaliteit gehad. Hierdie studie dra by tot ‘n beter begrip van die effek van die komplekse verhoudings tussen lowermanipulasie en gisseleksie op aromavorming. ‘n Analise van vlugtige aroma alleen is egter nie voldoende om die finale persepsie van wynsmaak te begryp nie en bykomende diepgaande studies van die wingerdkundige en wynkundige faktore word benodig. Hierdie projek het in die besonder gefokus op ‘n enkele wingerd oor slegs twee oesjare. Die algemene geldigheid van die afleidings wat van hierdie studie gemaak word, sal dus bykomende datastelle vereis. / The National Research Foundation and Postgraduate Merit Bursary for financial support

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