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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Praha Smrtelná. Funerální kultura raného novověku na příkladu Prahy. / Mortal Prague. Funeral culture of the early-modern period using Prague as an example.

Jarošová, Eva January 2015 (has links)
Keywords: ars moriendi, castrum doloris, early modern period, epitaphs, funeral essentials, funeral procession, funeral sermons, Prague, sepulcher essentials, tomb stones The thesis introduces a specific part of the cultural history of the early modern period - the funeral culture. Considering the extensiveness of thematter, the scope has been limited to the area of Prague, to the cultural sphere of secular nobility and to the time period between the years 1500 and 1700. Naturally, the timeframe is not and cannot be absolute given the nature of this subject matter, which is culture. In the introductory chapter, the paper seeks to clarify eschatology and religious conditions in the early modern period, depicting death and its grip in the 16th and 17th centuries. Each chapter is devoted to a specific phenomenon of the funeral culture, in the same order in which the succession should logically follow shortly before and after the death of an important person. As such, the thesis specifically discusses the doctrine of "good death" - so called ars moriendi, exhibitions of the body, the funeral procession, construction of the Castrum Doloris, funeral sermons, and provision of funeral monuments. At the conclusion, the thesis ventures into the geographically and religiously distant Duchy of Finland, which...

Člověk, smrt a onen svět v čase baroka / The Man, Death and Other World in the Time of Baroque

DUDA, Zdeněk January 2009 (has links)
The thesis deals the question of the last things of man, so the theme of the death, dying and imagines about the world and the other world, especially in the first and the second third of the 18th century in the South Bohemian town of Písek. The themes of the last things of man are studied on the example of two possible contemporary discourses, namely the semipopular and popular discours. The contemporary popular discours was constructed by the analysis of testaments of town people of Písek from the thirties of the 18th century, as the resources of the semipopular discours books ars moriendi and hymn-books were used. The world and the other world diffused especially in the time of the funeral; the almighty God was usually coming into the world through the death and the ritual of the funeral and manifested his fairness and grace. In the view of the popular discours the reality of baroque world was still confirmed and accepted by the funeral ceremonies again.

Úprava konstrukce zařízení pro měření rozptylu laserového světla z drsných povrchů / Modification of construction of the device for measuring laser light scattering from rough surfaces

Jaworková, Magdalena January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with a design modification of detection part of the laboratory instrument for measuring the topography of rough surfaces – laser goniometric scatterometer (SM II). Design modification is based on replacement of so far used detector instead for the detector of higher quality with better measurement parameters. The first part of the diploma thesis contains theoretical basics, which are necessary to understand the relationship between scalar diffraction theory and scattering measurements of monochromatic light. The emphasis is on the importance of choosing appropriate detection coordinates, which are affecting the aberrations of detected diffracted light. The practical part is dedicated to improving the sensitivity of the detection part of the scatterometer SM II that is used in The laboratory of coherence optics at IFE FME BUT. This part justifies the choice of the detector which predetermines both the use of optical elements and the overall design of the detection part as the goniometer.

A Study of Body-and-Soul Poetry in Old and Middle English

Tuck, Mary Patricia 08 1900 (has links)
In this paper I will examine the sources for the tradition of the address of the soul to the body or the dialogue between, the two. I will consider the Old and Middle English poetic expressions of the body-and-soul legend in terms of the criticism of the ten poems which specifically belong to that tradition and the elements which constitute that genre. I will also deal with those poems written at the same time which exhibit one or more of those elements, with the body-and-soul tradition in English morality plays, with the Ars Moriendi, and with the Dance of Death. I will demonstrate that a shift occurs in the consideration of death from a concern for the soul to a preoccupation with the grotesque and gruesome aspects of death. The address and dialogue forms fall into disuse as a vehicle for theological argument concerning the responsibility for sin, and the view of death reflected by the popular pictorial representations of the Dance of Death becomes prominent.

How to Prepare for Death

Lind Färnstrand, Izabel January 2019 (has links)
Abstract of Master essay - 10 HP Izabel Lind Färnstrand Mentor: Emma Kihl Examinator: Sigrid Sandström How to Prepare for Death In this essay I dwell into the failures of our moral senses in relation to the concept of death. How does modern death culture affect our way of life and our ability to take responsibility for the life and death of others? These questions are formed by these current times and affect both my art practice and my everyday life. When facing death within my family it occur- red to me that my and my family’s relationship to death is failing us. I have become frustra- ted with the fear and silence that seems too natural to my surrounding. Not being able to talk about a part of life that is inevitable seems irrational. It became clear when the lack of under- standing and acceptance of death caused relatives an immense suffering. The struggle seemed unnessesary and urged me to try to understand more, based on their deaths. Seeing how very different the experience of dying can be made me wonder what makes a ”good” death possible for some and others not. From there my interest in the topic death culture and fear emerged, and this essay touches on this in a variety of aspects. I use my personal experiences in combina- tion with thoughts of others to talk of layers of these issues through my artistic practice. This personal method is my way of trying to structure a thinking – in a way that I can use and make sense of it – with a varied level of success. I feel it is important to note that I don’t claim to have any answes. This essay is more an attempt to pose questions around human behaviour. Even though many of these ques- tions have been asked over and over again, throughout different times, I believe it is impor- tant to ask them again and again. As long as the Human is part and violently effecting this suffering world. Many of the thoughts in this essay are based on fragments of ideas by Judith Butler, espe- cielly from her book Frames of War: When is Life Grievable? (2009). I also reference Caitlin Doughty’s From Here to Eternity: Traveling the World to Find the Good Death (2017) and and Sogyal Rinpoche The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying (1992). The themes gathered that I try to make use of in this essay and in my artistic practice are purpose, fear, death, health, happiness, narcissim and resposibility. / Abstract of Artistic work How to Prepare for Death @ Galleri Mejan, Exercisplan 3, october 2019 Media: Spatial installation with a performance (1 h) Materials: Clay, plaster, metal & red plastic film How to Prepare for Death is a spatial installation in one of the gallery rooms of Galleri Mejan. The work includes the whole space of the area, such as the floor and the walls. You step into an altered reality, where the floor is covered with clay that is cracking increasingly over time and windows that are tinted red so that the air you breath seems red. When you enter your eyes need to adjust and after a while it is rather the outside that seems colored, neon green -  the complementary color of red. From the clay there are metal rods sticking out vertically, with plaster sculptures at the end. These sculptures are broken, and resemble body parts with a medical aesthetics. Similar sculptures come out from the walls, like fragile fragments of something that used to be. When you walk around the sculptures the clay crackle under your feet, and crumble into smaller pieces and dust. It is constructed as an ambivalent experience of nothingness, emptiness, ”afterness” and a sanctuary of thoughts. My questions about life and death drive me to investigate how to create spaces for these subjects to feel present, so that we can face our fears.

Analyses on tech-enhanced and anonymous Peer Discussion as well as anonymous Control Facilities for tech-enhanced Learning / Analysen zur technologieunterstützten und anonymem Peer Discussion sowie anonymen Einflusswerkzeuge für technologieunterstütztes Lernen

Hara, Tenshi 12 September 2016 (has links) (PDF)
An increasing number of university freshmen has been observable in absolute number as well as percentage of population over the last decade. However, at the same time the drop-out rate has increased significantly. While a drop in attendance could be observed at the same time, statistics show that young professionals consider only roughly thirty percent of their qualification to originate in their university education. Taking this into consideration with the before mentioned, one conclusion could be that students fail to see the importance of fundamental classes and choose to seek knowledge elsewhere, for example in free online courses. However, the so acquired knowledge is a non-attributable qualification. One solution to this problem must be to make on-site activities more attractive. A promising approach for raised attractiveness would be to support students in self-regulated learning processes, making them experience importance and value of own decisions based on realistic self-assessment and self-evaluation. At the same time, strict ex-cathedra teaching should be replaced by interactive forms of education, ideally activating on a meta-cognitive level. Particularly, as many students bring mobile communication devices into classes, this promising approach could be extended by utilising these mobile devices as second screens. That way, enhanced learning experiences can be provided. The basic idea is simple, namely to contribute to psychological concepts with the means of computer science. An example for this idea are audience response systems. There has been numerous research into these and related approaches for university readings, but other forms of education have not been sufficiently considered, for example tutorials. This technological aspect can be combined with recent didactics research and concepts like peer instruction or visible learning. Therefore, this dissertation presents an experimental approach at providing existing IT solutions for on-site tutorials, specifically tools for audience responses, evaluations, learning demand assessments, peer discussion, and virtual interactive whiteboards. These tools are provided under observation of anonymity and cognisant incidental utilisation. They provide insight into students\' motivation to attend classes, their motivation to utilise tools, and into their tool utilisation itself. Experimental findings are combined into an extensible system concept consisting of three major tool classes: anonymous peer discussion means, anonymous control facilities, and learning demand assessment. With the exception of the latter, promising findings in context of tutorials are presented, for example the reduction of audience response systems to an emergency brake, the versatility of (peer) discussion systems, or a demand for retroactive deanonymisation of contributions. The overall positive impact of tool utilisation on motivation to attend and perceived value of tutorials is discussed and supplemented by a positive impact on the final exams\' outcomes. / Über die vergangene Dekade ist eine zunehmende Zahl Studienanfänger beobachtbar, sowohl in der absoluten Anzahl, als auch im Bevölkerungsanteil. Demgegenüber steht aber eine überproportional hohe Steigerung der Abbruchquote. Während gleichzeitig die Anwesenheit in universitären Lehrveranstaltungen sinkt, zeigen Statistiken, dass nur etwa ein Drittel der Berufseinsteiger die Grundlagen ihrer Qualifikation im Studium sieht. Daraus könnte man ableiten, dass Studierende den Wert und die Bedeutung universitärer Ausbildung unterschätzen und stattdessen Wissen in anderen Quellen suchen, beispielsweise unentgeltlichen Online-Angeboten. Das auf diese Art angeeignete Wissen stellt aber eine formell nicht nachweise Qualifikation dar. Ein Weg aus diesem Dilemma muss die Steigerung der Attraktivität der universitären Lehrveranstaltungen sein. Ein vielversprechender Ansatz ist die Unterstützung der Studierenden im selbst-regulierten Lernen, wodurch sie die Wichtigkeit und den Wert eigener Entscheidung(sfindungsprozesse) auf Basis realistischer Selbsteinschätzung und Selbstevaluation erlernen. Gleichzeitig sollte Frontalunterricht durch interaktive Lehrformen ersetzt werden, idealerweise durch Aktivierung auf meta-kognitiver Ebene. Dies ist vielversprechend insbesondere, weil viele Studierende ihre eigenen mobilen Endgeräte in Lehrveranstaltungen bringen. Diese Geräte können als Second Screen für die neuen Lehrkonzepte verwendet werden. Auf diese Art kann dann eine verbesserte Lernerfahrung vermittelt werden. Die Grundidee ist simpel, nämlich in der Psychologie bewährte Didaktik-Konzepte durch die Mittel der Informatik zu unterstützen. Ein Beispiel dafür sind Audience Response Systeme, die hinlänglich im Rahmen von Vorlesungen untersucht worden sind. Andere Lehrformen wurden dabei jedoch unzureichend berücksichtigt, beispielsweise Tutorien. Ähnliche Überlegungen gelten natürlich auch für bewährte didaktische Konzepte wie Peer Instruction oder Betrachtungen in Form von Visible Learning. Deshalb präsentiert diese Dissertation einen experimentellen Ansatz, informationstechnische Lösungen für vor-Ort-Übungen anzubieten, nämlich Werkzeuge für Audience Response Systeme, Evaluationen, Lernbedarfsermittlung, Peer Discussion, sowie virtuelle interaktive Whiteboards. Die genannten Werkzeuge wurden unter Beachtung von Anonymitäts- und Beiläufigkeitsaspekten bereitgestellt. Sie erlauben einen Einblick in die Motivation der Studierenden Tutorien zu besuchen und die Werkzeuge zu nutzen, sowie ihr Nutzungsverhalten selbst. Die experimentellen Ergebnisse werden in ein erweiterbares Systemkonzept kombiniert, das drei Werkzeugklassen unterstützt: anonyme Peer Discussion, anonyme Kontrollwerkzeuge und Lernbedarfsermittlung. Für die ersten beiden Klassen liegen vielversprechende Ergebnisse vor, beispielsweise die notwendige Reduktion des Audience Response Systems auf eine Art Notbremse, die Vielseitigkeit von (Peer-)Discussion-Systemen, oder aber auch der Bedarf für eine retroaktive Deanonymisierung von initial anonymen Beiträgen. Der allgemein positive Einfluss der Werkzeugnutzung auf die Motivation an Tutorien teilzunehmen sowie den wahrgenommenen Wert der Tutorien werden abschließend diskutiert und durch verbesserte Abschlussklausurergebnisse untermauert.

Analyses on tech-enhanced and anonymous Peer Discussion as well as anonymous Control Facilities for tech-enhanced Learning

Hara, Tenshi 14 June 2016 (has links)
An increasing number of university freshmen has been observable in absolute number as well as percentage of population over the last decade. However, at the same time the drop-out rate has increased significantly. While a drop in attendance could be observed at the same time, statistics show that young professionals consider only roughly thirty percent of their qualification to originate in their university education. Taking this into consideration with the before mentioned, one conclusion could be that students fail to see the importance of fundamental classes and choose to seek knowledge elsewhere, for example in free online courses. However, the so acquired knowledge is a non-attributable qualification. One solution to this problem must be to make on-site activities more attractive. A promising approach for raised attractiveness would be to support students in self-regulated learning processes, making them experience importance and value of own decisions based on realistic self-assessment and self-evaluation. At the same time, strict ex-cathedra teaching should be replaced by interactive forms of education, ideally activating on a meta-cognitive level. Particularly, as many students bring mobile communication devices into classes, this promising approach could be extended by utilising these mobile devices as second screens. That way, enhanced learning experiences can be provided. The basic idea is simple, namely to contribute to psychological concepts with the means of computer science. An example for this idea are audience response systems. There has been numerous research into these and related approaches for university readings, but other forms of education have not been sufficiently considered, for example tutorials. This technological aspect can be combined with recent didactics research and concepts like peer instruction or visible learning. Therefore, this dissertation presents an experimental approach at providing existing IT solutions for on-site tutorials, specifically tools for audience responses, evaluations, learning demand assessments, peer discussion, and virtual interactive whiteboards. These tools are provided under observation of anonymity and cognisant incidental utilisation. They provide insight into students\' motivation to attend classes, their motivation to utilise tools, and into their tool utilisation itself. Experimental findings are combined into an extensible system concept consisting of three major tool classes: anonymous peer discussion means, anonymous control facilities, and learning demand assessment. With the exception of the latter, promising findings in context of tutorials are presented, for example the reduction of audience response systems to an emergency brake, the versatility of (peer) discussion systems, or a demand for retroactive deanonymisation of contributions. The overall positive impact of tool utilisation on motivation to attend and perceived value of tutorials is discussed and supplemented by a positive impact on the final exams\' outcomes.:List of Definitions, Theorems and Proofs List of Figures List of Tables Introduction and Motivation Part I: Propaedeutics 1 Working Theses 1.1 Definitions 1.2 Context of Working Theses and Definitions 2 Existing Concepts 2.1 Psychology 2.1.1 Self-Regulation and self-regulated Learning 2.1.2 Peer Instruction, Peer Discussion 2.1.3 Learning Process Supervision: Learning Demand Assessment 2.1.4 Cognitive Activation 2.1.5 Note on Gamification 2.1.6 Note on Blended Learning 2.2 Computer Science 2.2.1 Learning Platforms 2.2.2 Audience Response Systems (ARS) 2.2.3 Virtual Interactive Whiteboard Systems (V-IWB) 2.2.4 Cognisant Incidential Utilisation (CIU) 2.3 Appraisal 3 Related Work 3.1 Visible Learning 3.2 auditorium 3.3 Auditorium Mobile Classroom Service 3.4 ARSnova and other Audience Response Systems 3.5 Google Classroom 3.6 StackOverflow 3.7 AwwApp Part II: Proceedings 4 Global Picture and Prototype 4.1 Global Picture 4.2 System Architecture 4.2.1 Anonymous Discussion Means 4.2.2 Anonymous Control Facilities 4.3 Implementation 4.3.1 The Prototype 5 Investigated Tools 5.1 Note on Methodology 5.2 Anonymity 5.2.1 Methodology 5.2.2 Visible Learning Effects 5.2.3 Assertion 5.2.4 Experiments 5.2.5 Results 5.2.6 Conclusions 5.3 Learning Demand Assessment 5.3.1 Methodology 5.3.2 Visible Learning Effects 5.3.3 Tool Description 5.3.4 Assertion 5.3.5 Experiments 5.3.6 Results 5.3.7 Conclusions 5.4 Peer Discussion System 5.4.1 Methodology 5.4.2 Visible Learning Effects 5.4.3 Tool Description 5.4.4 Assertion 5.4.5 Experiments 5.4.6 Results 5.4.7 Conclusions 5.5 Virtual Interactive Whiteboard 5.5.1 Methodology 5.5.2 Visible Learning Effects 5.5.3 Tool Description 5.5.4 Assertion 5.5.5 Experiments 5.5.6 Results 5.5.7 Conclusions 5.6 Audience Response System and Emergency Brake 5.6.1 Methodology 5.6.2 Visible Learning Effects 5.6.3 Tool Description 5.6.4 Assertion 5.6.5 Experiments 5.6.6 Results 5.6.7 Conclusions 5.7 Evaluation System 5.7.1 Methodology 5.7.2 Visible Learning Effects 5.7.3 Tool Description 5.7.4 Assertion 5.7.5 Experiments 5.7.6 Results and Conclusion 6 Exam Outcome 7 Utilisation and Motivation 7.1 Prototype Utilisation 7.2 Motivational Aspects Part III: Appraisal 8 Lessons learned 9 Discussion 9.1 Working Theses’ Validity 9.2 Research Community: Impact and Outlook 9.2.1 Significance to Learning Psychology 9.3 Possible Extension of existing Solutions 10 Conclusion 10.1 Summary of scientific Contributions 10.2 Future Work Part IV: Appendix A Experimental Arrangement B Questionnaires B.1 Platform Feedback Sheet B.1.1 Original PFS in 2014 B.1.2 Original PFS in 2015 B.2 Minute Paper B.3 Motivation and Utilisation Questionnaires B.3.1 Motivation 2013 and 2014 B.3.2 Motivation 2015 B.3.3 Utilisation 2014 B.3.4 Utilisation 2015, Rev. I B.3.5 Utilisation 2015, Rev. II C References C.1 Auxiliary Means D Publications D.1 Original Research Contributions D.2 Student Theses E Glossary F Index G Milestones Acknowledgements / Über die vergangene Dekade ist eine zunehmende Zahl Studienanfänger beobachtbar, sowohl in der absoluten Anzahl, als auch im Bevölkerungsanteil. Demgegenüber steht aber eine überproportional hohe Steigerung der Abbruchquote. Während gleichzeitig die Anwesenheit in universitären Lehrveranstaltungen sinkt, zeigen Statistiken, dass nur etwa ein Drittel der Berufseinsteiger die Grundlagen ihrer Qualifikation im Studium sieht. Daraus könnte man ableiten, dass Studierende den Wert und die Bedeutung universitärer Ausbildung unterschätzen und stattdessen Wissen in anderen Quellen suchen, beispielsweise unentgeltlichen Online-Angeboten. Das auf diese Art angeeignete Wissen stellt aber eine formell nicht nachweise Qualifikation dar. Ein Weg aus diesem Dilemma muss die Steigerung der Attraktivität der universitären Lehrveranstaltungen sein. Ein vielversprechender Ansatz ist die Unterstützung der Studierenden im selbst-regulierten Lernen, wodurch sie die Wichtigkeit und den Wert eigener Entscheidung(sfindungsprozesse) auf Basis realistischer Selbsteinschätzung und Selbstevaluation erlernen. Gleichzeitig sollte Frontalunterricht durch interaktive Lehrformen ersetzt werden, idealerweise durch Aktivierung auf meta-kognitiver Ebene. Dies ist vielversprechend insbesondere, weil viele Studierende ihre eigenen mobilen Endgeräte in Lehrveranstaltungen bringen. Diese Geräte können als Second Screen für die neuen Lehrkonzepte verwendet werden. Auf diese Art kann dann eine verbesserte Lernerfahrung vermittelt werden. Die Grundidee ist simpel, nämlich in der Psychologie bewährte Didaktik-Konzepte durch die Mittel der Informatik zu unterstützen. Ein Beispiel dafür sind Audience Response Systeme, die hinlänglich im Rahmen von Vorlesungen untersucht worden sind. Andere Lehrformen wurden dabei jedoch unzureichend berücksichtigt, beispielsweise Tutorien. Ähnliche Überlegungen gelten natürlich auch für bewährte didaktische Konzepte wie Peer Instruction oder Betrachtungen in Form von Visible Learning. Deshalb präsentiert diese Dissertation einen experimentellen Ansatz, informationstechnische Lösungen für vor-Ort-Übungen anzubieten, nämlich Werkzeuge für Audience Response Systeme, Evaluationen, Lernbedarfsermittlung, Peer Discussion, sowie virtuelle interaktive Whiteboards. Die genannten Werkzeuge wurden unter Beachtung von Anonymitäts- und Beiläufigkeitsaspekten bereitgestellt. Sie erlauben einen Einblick in die Motivation der Studierenden Tutorien zu besuchen und die Werkzeuge zu nutzen, sowie ihr Nutzungsverhalten selbst. Die experimentellen Ergebnisse werden in ein erweiterbares Systemkonzept kombiniert, das drei Werkzeugklassen unterstützt: anonyme Peer Discussion, anonyme Kontrollwerkzeuge und Lernbedarfsermittlung. Für die ersten beiden Klassen liegen vielversprechende Ergebnisse vor, beispielsweise die notwendige Reduktion des Audience Response Systems auf eine Art Notbremse, die Vielseitigkeit von (Peer-)Discussion-Systemen, oder aber auch der Bedarf für eine retroaktive Deanonymisierung von initial anonymen Beiträgen. Der allgemein positive Einfluss der Werkzeugnutzung auf die Motivation an Tutorien teilzunehmen sowie den wahrgenommenen Wert der Tutorien werden abschließend diskutiert und durch verbesserte Abschlussklausurergebnisse untermauert.:List of Definitions, Theorems and Proofs List of Figures List of Tables Introduction and Motivation Part I: Propaedeutics 1 Working Theses 1.1 Definitions 1.2 Context of Working Theses and Definitions 2 Existing Concepts 2.1 Psychology 2.1.1 Self-Regulation and self-regulated Learning 2.1.2 Peer Instruction, Peer Discussion 2.1.3 Learning Process Supervision: Learning Demand Assessment 2.1.4 Cognitive Activation 2.1.5 Note on Gamification 2.1.6 Note on Blended Learning 2.2 Computer Science 2.2.1 Learning Platforms 2.2.2 Audience Response Systems (ARS) 2.2.3 Virtual Interactive Whiteboard Systems (V-IWB) 2.2.4 Cognisant Incidential Utilisation (CIU) 2.3 Appraisal 3 Related Work 3.1 Visible Learning 3.2 auditorium 3.3 Auditorium Mobile Classroom Service 3.4 ARSnova and other Audience Response Systems 3.5 Google Classroom 3.6 StackOverflow 3.7 AwwApp Part II: Proceedings 4 Global Picture and Prototype 4.1 Global Picture 4.2 System Architecture 4.2.1 Anonymous Discussion Means 4.2.2 Anonymous Control Facilities 4.3 Implementation 4.3.1 The Prototype 5 Investigated Tools 5.1 Note on Methodology 5.2 Anonymity 5.2.1 Methodology 5.2.2 Visible Learning Effects 5.2.3 Assertion 5.2.4 Experiments 5.2.5 Results 5.2.6 Conclusions 5.3 Learning Demand Assessment 5.3.1 Methodology 5.3.2 Visible Learning Effects 5.3.3 Tool Description 5.3.4 Assertion 5.3.5 Experiments 5.3.6 Results 5.3.7 Conclusions 5.4 Peer Discussion System 5.4.1 Methodology 5.4.2 Visible Learning Effects 5.4.3 Tool Description 5.4.4 Assertion 5.4.5 Experiments 5.4.6 Results 5.4.7 Conclusions 5.5 Virtual Interactive Whiteboard 5.5.1 Methodology 5.5.2 Visible Learning Effects 5.5.3 Tool Description 5.5.4 Assertion 5.5.5 Experiments 5.5.6 Results 5.5.7 Conclusions 5.6 Audience Response System and Emergency Brake 5.6.1 Methodology 5.6.2 Visible Learning Effects 5.6.3 Tool Description 5.6.4 Assertion 5.6.5 Experiments 5.6.6 Results 5.6.7 Conclusions 5.7 Evaluation System 5.7.1 Methodology 5.7.2 Visible Learning Effects 5.7.3 Tool Description 5.7.4 Assertion 5.7.5 Experiments 5.7.6 Results and Conclusion 6 Exam Outcome 7 Utilisation and Motivation 7.1 Prototype Utilisation 7.2 Motivational Aspects Part III: Appraisal 8 Lessons learned 9 Discussion 9.1 Working Theses’ Validity 9.2 Research Community: Impact and Outlook 9.2.1 Significance to Learning Psychology 9.3 Possible Extension of existing Solutions 10 Conclusion 10.1 Summary of scientific Contributions 10.2 Future Work Part IV: Appendix A Experimental Arrangement B Questionnaires B.1 Platform Feedback Sheet B.1.1 Original PFS in 2014 B.1.2 Original PFS in 2015 B.2 Minute Paper B.3 Motivation and Utilisation Questionnaires B.3.1 Motivation 2013 and 2014 B.3.2 Motivation 2015 B.3.3 Utilisation 2014 B.3.4 Utilisation 2015, Rev. I B.3.5 Utilisation 2015, Rev. II C References C.1 Auxiliary Means D Publications D.1 Original Research Contributions D.2 Student Theses E Glossary F Index G Milestones Acknowledgements

La influencia en redes sociales durante los eventos deportivos: "Los casos de Twitter en los Mundiales de Ciclismo en Pista de Londres (Reino Unido) 2016, y Apeldoorn (Países Bajos) 2018"

Lamirán Palomares, José María 19 December 2022 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] Las redes sociales han provocado un gran cambio en la manera en la que los eventos deportivos son consumidos en la actualidad, ya que consiguen generar una conversación y ser aglutinadores de un seguimiento que en muchos casos era impensable a través de los medios tradicionales. Tanto para los grandes eventos y los deportes de masas, pero muy especialmente para los deportes minoritarios, también llamados de nicho, todas las acciones en medios digitales cobran gran importancia. En este contexto de medios sociales en el deporte, la red social Twitter genera grandes debates y se posiciona como líder de la conversación en torno a los diferentes temas de actualidad deportivos o para el seguimiento de temas deportivos más específicos. El dinamismo de Twitter se basa en la participación individual, propiciando que diferentes usuarios conduzcan la conversación social gracias a su capacidad de influir. Por ello identificar tanto las dimensiones y variables, como los usuarios con mayor capacidad de generar influencia en esta red social se considera de gran importancia. En nuestra tesis, utilizando de manera combinada dos metodologías como el SNA y el AHP se propone una medida de la influencia en Twitter basada en variables obtenidas de la propia plataforma de Twitter (número de tweets, número de retweets y número de seguidores) y otras calculadas a partir del Análisis de Redes Sociales (outdegree, indegree y PageRank). Para componer este índice se utilizó el Proceso de Jerarquía Analítica, y se analizaron dos ediciones de un evento deportivo de un deporte de nicho: el ciclismo en Pista. Analizando la conversación generada en torno al mundial de Londres 2016 bajo el hashtag oficial #TWC2016, y el mundial de Paises Bajos de 2018 con el hashtag de la ciudad organizadora #Apeldoorn2018 , se constató que la dimensión autoridad formada por las variables número de retweets y pagerank era la que mayor ponderación obtuvo, un 62%, frente a la popularidad con un 29% y la actividad con un 8,4%. Además se consiguió identificar a los usuarios más influyentes de cada uno de los eventos, concluyendo que las cuentas con mayor influencia en Twitter eran las relacionadas con los deportistas participantes y organización del evento. En los eventos se pudo comprobar la importancia de la participación de los organizadores en la conversación generada, ya que en el evento de Londres, donde el perfil organizador fue uno de los más influyentes fueron más de 55.000 los tweets registrados, frente a los 19.000 de Apeldoorn, donde el organizador ocupó posiciones muy inferiores en este ranking de la influencia. Nuestra investigación adquiere gran importancia en esta área de los deportes de nicho, ya que puede resultar de gran interés para el estudio de la dependencia y origen cultural y geográfico de los deportes de nicho, y cómo posibles organizaciones pueden identificar las cuentas más influyentes que pueden redundar positivamente en la generación de menciones y beneficios para posibles patrocinadores. De hecho en nuestra tesis se refleja la creación de diferentes clusters geográficos en torno a los deportistas de un mismo país, y la importancia de determinados perfiles para ampliar el tamaño de estos grupos. / [CA] Les xarxes socials han provocat un gran canvi en la manera com els esdeveniments esportius són consumits actualment, ja que aconsegueixen generar una conversa i ser aglutinadors d'un seguiment que en molts casos era impensable a través dels mitjans tradicionals. Tant per als grans esdeveniments i els esports de masses, però molt especialment per als esports minoritaris, també anomenats de nínxol, totes les accions en mitjans digitals cobren gran importància. En aquest context de mitjans socials a l'esport, la xarxa social Twitter genera grans debats i es posiciona com a líder de la conversa al voltant dels diferents temes d'actualitat esportius o per al seguiment de temes esportius més específics. El dinamisme de Twitter es basa en la participació individual, i propicia que diferents usuaris condueixin la conversa social gràcies a la seva capacitat d'influir. Per això identificar tant les dimensions i les variables com els usuaris amb més capacitat de generar influència en aquesta xarxa social es considera de gran importància. A la nostra tesi, utilitzant de manera combinada dues metodologies com el SNA i l'AHP es proposa una mesura de la influència a Twitter basada en variables obtingudes de la pròpia plataforma de Twitter (nombre de tweets, nombre de retweets i nombre de seguidors) i altres calculades a partir de l'Anàlisi de Xarxes Socials (outdegree, indegree i PageRank). Per compondre aquest índex es va fer servir el AHP i es van analitzar dues edicions d'un esdeveniment esportiu d'un esport de nínxol: el ciclisme de Pista. Analitzant la conversa generada al voltant del mundial de Londres 2016 sota el hashtag oficial #TWC2016, i el mundial de Països Baixos de 2018 amb el hashtag de la ciutat organitzadora #Apeldoorn2018 , es va constatar que la dimensió autoritat formada per les variables nombre de retweets i pagerank era la que més ponderació va obtener, amb un 62%, davant de la popularitat amb 29% i l'activitat amb el 8,4%. A més es va aconseguir identificar els usuaris més influents de cadascun dels esdeveniments, concloent que els comptes amb més influència a Twitter eren aquells relacionats amb els esportistes participants i l'organització de l'esdeveniment. En aquests esdeveniments es va poder comprovar la importància de la participació dels organitzadors en la conversa generada, només a l'esdeveniment de Londres, on el perfil de l'organitzador va ser un dels més influents, es van registrar més de 55.000 tuits, davant dels 19.000 de Apeldoorn , on l'organitzador va ocupar un lloc molt més baix en aquest rànquing de l' influència La nostra recerca adquireix gran importància en aquesta àrea dels esports de nínxol, ja que pot resultar de gran interès per a l'estudi de la dependència i l'origen cultural i geogràfic dels esports de nínxol, i com possibles organitzacions poden identificar els comptes més influents que poden redundar positivament en la generació de mencions i beneficis per a possibles patrocinadors. De fet, la nostra tesi reflecteix la creació de diferents clústers geogràfics al voltant d'esportistes d'un mateix país, i la importància d'alguns perfils per ampliar aquests grups. / [EN] Social networks have caused a great change in the way sporting events are currently consumed. They generate a conversation that in many cases was unthinkable through traditional media. Both for major events and mass sports, but especially for minority sports, also called niche sports, every action in digital media are very important. In this context of social media in sports, the social network Twitter generates great debates and positions itself as the leader of the conversation around the different current sports topics or for the monitoring of more specific sports topics. Twitter's dynamism is based on individual participation, allowing different users to lead the social conversation thanks to their ability to influence. Therefore, identifying both the dimensions and variables, as well as the users with the greatest ability to generate influence in this social network, is considered of great importance. In our thesis, using in a combined way two methodologies such as the SNA and the AHP, a measure of the influence on Twitter is proposed based on variables obtained from the Twitter platform (number of tweets, number of retweets and number of followers) and others calculated from the Social Network Analysis (outdegree, indegree and PageRank). To compose this index, the Analytical Hierarchy Process was used, and two editions of a sporting event of a niche sport were analyzed: Track cycling. Analyzing the conversation generated around the 2016 London World Championship under the official hashtag #TWC2016, and the 2018 Netherlands World Championship with the organizing city's hashtag #Apeldoorn2018 , it was found that the authority dimension formed by the variables number of retweets and pagerank was the one that obtained the highest weight, 62%, compared to popularity with 29% and activity with 8.4%. In addition, it was possible to identify the most influential users of each event, concluding that the accounts with the greatest influence on Twitter were those related to the participating athletes and the organization of the event. In these events, verifying the importance of the participation of the organizers in the generated conversation, was possible, just in the London event, where the organizer profile was one of the most influential, more than 55,000 tweets were registered, compared to 19,000 of Apeldoorn, where the organizer ranked much lower in this ranking of influence. Our research acquires great importance in this area of niche sports, since it can be of great interest for the study of the dependency and cultural and geographical origin of niche sports, and how potential organizations can identify the most influential accounts that can positively result in the generation of mentions and benefits for potential sponsors. In fact, our thesis reflects the creation of different geographical clusters around athletes from the same country, and the importance of some profiles to expand the size of these groups. / Lamirán Palomares, JM. (2022). La influencia en redes sociales durante los eventos deportivos: "Los casos de Twitter en los Mundiales de Ciclismo en Pista de Londres (Reino Unido) 2016, y Apeldoorn (Países Bajos) 2018" [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/190811 / Compendio

Une puella d’excellence : la femme dans l’élégie latine et sa transposition mythologique

Dumais-Desrosiers, Myriam 19 April 2018 (has links)
La femme occupe une place centrale dans la poésie amoureuse augustéenne ; les trois grands élégiaques — Tibulle, Properce et Ovide — ainsi que leur prédécesseur Catulle ressentent un amour si grand pour la puella qu’il devient le moteur de la création littéraire et, du coup, la jeune femme en incarne la muse. Ainsi, la beauté du corps de la puella, mais aussi celle de son esprit, compose la matière élégiaque et définit dans un même temps la femme idéale selon les poètes de l’amour. Du fait de son statut de poète de l’amour, Ovide reprend le canon élégiaque de la puella lorsqu’il compose son recueil didactique l’Art d’aimer. Ce mémoire étudie dans un premier temps la femme des élégies latines, ses caractéristiques physiques, intellectuelles et émotionnelles de même que sa capacité à s’engager dans le type d’union préconisé par les poètes amoureux. Ces éléments seront repris dans le cadre de l’analyse des personnages féminins des digressions narratives de l’Art d’aimer afin de montrer comment Ovide construit ses héroïnes mythologiques selon un exemplum positif ou négatif de la puella élégiaque.

Religious directives of health, sickness and death : Church teachings on how to be well, how to be ill, and how to die in early modern England

Elkins, Mark January 2018 (has links)
In broad terms, this thesis is a study of what Protestant theologians in early modern England taught regarding the interdependence between physical health and spirituality. More precisely, it examines the specific and complex doctrines taught regarding health-related issues in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and evaluates the consistency of these messages over time. A component of the controversial Protestant-science hypothesis introduced in the early twentieth century is that advancements in science were driven by the Protestant ethic of needing to control nature and every aspect therein. This thesis challenges this notion. Within the context of health, sickness and death, the doctrine of providence evident in Protestant soteriology emphasised complete submission to God's sovereign will. Rather, this overriding doctrine negated the need to assume any control. Moreover, this thesis affirms that the directives theologians delivered governing physical health remained consistent across this span, despite radical changes taking place in medicine during the same period. This consistency shows the stability and strength of this message. Each chapter offers a comprehensive analysis on what Protestant theologians taught regarding the health of the body as well as the soul. The inclusion of more than one hundred seventy sermons and religious treatises by as many as one hundred twenty different authors spanning more than two hundred years laid a fertile groundwork for this study. The result of this work provides an extensive survey of theological teachings from these religious writers over a large span of time.

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