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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exploring New Therapeutic Strategies for Osteoarthritis: From Genetic Manipulation of Skeletal Tissues to Chemically-modified Synthetic Hydrogels

Huang, Henry 31 March 2017 (has links)
Osteoarthritis (OA), a degenerative disease of articular joints, is the leading cause of chronic disability in the US and affects more than a third of adults over 65 years old. Due to the obesity epidemic and an aging population, the prevalence of OA is expected to rise in both young and old adults. There are no disease modifying OA drugs. Therefore, providing any treatment options that delay the onset or progression of OA is highly desirable. The scope of this dissertation examines two different strategies to promote translational therapies for OA. The first approach investigated whether Smad ubiquitin regulatory factor 2 (Smurf2), an E3 ubiquitin ligase, could be a potential therapeutic target for OA. The second approach examined the incorporation of small chemical residues to enhance the physical and bioactivity of a bioinert scaffold for cartilage tissue repair. Overexpression of Smurf2 in chondrocytes was shown to accelerate spontaneous OA development in mice. We hypothesized that reduced Smurf2 expression could slow the progression of OA and enhance the performance of cells for cartilage repair. By performing surgical destabilization of the medial meniscus (DMM) on Smurf2-deficient mice, loss of Smurf2 was shown to mitigate OA changes in young mice but this protection diminished in older mice. Assessment of Smurf2-deficient chondrocytes in vitro revealed an upregulation of chondrogenic genes compared to wild-type; however, these differences were not seen at the protein level, deterring its potential use for cell-based therapies. During the course of this study, new insights about how age and sex affects different joint compartments in response to DMM surgery were also uncovered. These results broadened existing understanding of DMM-induced OA in mice but also questioned the validity of such a model to identify disease modifying targets that are translatable to OA in humans with advanced age. Due to a lack of innate repair mechanisms in cartilage, damage to cartilage increases the risk of developing OA early. Tissue engineering provides a unique strategy for repairing damaged cartilage by delivering cells in a well-controlled environment that can promote the formation of neotissue. We hypothesized that synthetic chemical residues could enhance the mechanical properties of a bioinert scaffold and promote matrix production of encapsulated chondrocytes. Covalent incorporation of small anionic or zwitterionic chemical residues in a polyethylene glycol-based hydrogel improved its stiffness and resistance to fluid flow, however, the resulting physical environment can also exert a dominant negative effect on matrix production of encapsulated chondrocytes. These results suggest that modulating the biosynthesis of chondrocytes with biochemical signals requires a concurrent reduction in any conflicting mechanotransduction signaling, emphasizing the importance of a degradable system to promote new cartilage formation. In summary, this dissertation establishes Smurf2 as a modulator of OA progression but implies that other factors such as age or protein(s) with redundant Smurf2 functions may play a role in limiting its effect as a therapeutic target. This work also reveals fundamental biology about how chondrocytes behave in response to physical and chemical cues in their microenvironment, which will aid in the design of better scaffolds for cartilage tissue engineering.

T2 Mapping Compared to Standard MRI Assessment : An Assessment of the Knee Cartilage on Distal Femur / T2 mapping i jämförelse med MR-standardbedömning : En bedömning av ledbrosket på distala femur

Andersson, Jennie January 2019 (has links)
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has become the most important modality for assessment of pathological changes in the knee cartilage. The assessment of the cartilage is usually made by a set of anatomical MRI images with different sequences. Newer techniques, that map various in MRI parameters, have been developed and allows changes in an earlier stage of the disease. One of these techniques is T2 mapping. The goal of this thesis was to compare this newer technique, T2 mapping, with the standard MRI assessment for assessment of articular cartilage on distal femur in the knee. The purpose was to assess the cartilage with these two different methods and analyze its outcomes. Eight subjects were included in this study and scanned with a 3.0 T or 1.5 T MRI machine. A specific MRI knee protocol was used for the standard MRI assessment, and a multi-echo sequence was used for the T2 mapping. The T2 map was created and analyzed in the program IntelliSpace Portal. Both the standard MRI assessment and the T2 map showed changes in the knee cartilage. The result showed either indication for damage cartilage or healthy cartilage. The standard assessment showed cartilage lesion in three subjects and no lesion in five subjects. The same outcomes were with the T2 mapping. However, not all results were equal. The T2 mapping also showed higher values in the trochlea area where no indications for changes were found in the standard assessment. This study showed similar results for both the standard assessment and the T2 map. Both methods could identify damage and is, therefore, useful for assessment of the knee cartilage. The outcomes of the different methods differ, and the assessment is therefore made in different ways. The T2 mapping can be analyzed both visual and quantitative. The outcomes were both a color map of the knee but also results in graphs and values. The standard assessment is only assessed from grayscale images. The best outcomes from the T2 mapping was when it only was changes within the cartilage and not when the cartilage lesion was adjacent to an underlying bone lesion. Based on what was examined in this work, the best result was when T2 mapping was used together with the anatomical images used in the standard assessment. The conclusion is that the standard assessment is necessary when it comes to make a damage assessment and perform damage marking as for Episurf. The T2 mapping is, however, an interesting method and will be more useful with more applications in the future. It is therefore exciting to keep an eye on the technology and its development. / Magnetisk resonanstomografi (MR) har blivit den viktigaste modaliteten vid bedömning av patologiska förändingar i knäbrosket. Bedömningen av brosket görs vanligtvis med hjälp av anatomiska MR bilder som är skannade med olika sekvenser för att få olika viktningar på bilderna. En nyare teknik, T2 mappning, som kartlägger olika MR prameterar, har utvecklats för att med hjälp av andra parametrar analysera knäbrosket. Den här tekniken har resulterat i att förändringar i brosket kan upptäckas vid ett tidigare stadie i sjukdomsförloppet. Målet med det här examensarbetet var att jämföra de olika teknikerna, T2 mappning och MR-standardbedömningen, för att bedöma ledbrosket på distala lårbenet i knäet. Syftet var att bedöma brosket utifrån dessa olika metoder samt att analysera och jämföra dess resultat. Åtta subjekt ingick i studien och skannades med en 3,0 T eller 1,5 T MR-maskin. Ett specifikt MR-knäprotokoll användes för att skanna sekvenserna som ingick i standard bedömningen och en multi-ekosekvens användes för T2 mappningen. T2-mappningen skapades och analyserades sedan i programmet IntelliSpace Portal. Både standard MR-bedömningen och T2-mappningen visade tydliga förändringar i brosket. Resultatet visade antingen indikationer på skadat eller friskt brosk. Standardbedömningen visade broskskador hos tre subjekt och inga broskskador hos fem subjekt. Samma resultat visades med T2-mappningen. Däremot skilde sig vissa resultat mellan T2 mappningen och standardbedömningen. Då denna studie visade liknande resultat för både standardbedömningen och T2-mappningen, är båda metoderna användbara för bedömning av knäbrosket. De olika metoderna har olika utfall vilket gör att bedömningen sker på olika sätt. I T2 mapping får man ut både en färgkarta över knät men också grafter och värden som kan användas. I standardbedömningen görs bedömningen bara utifrån olika gråskalebilder. T2 mappningen var mest användbar när det var tydliga förändingar i bara brosket och inte när skadan mest var i benet. Det bästa resultatet var däremot när T2 mappning användes tillsammans med standardbedömningen. Slutsatsen är att standardbedömningen är nödvändig när det kommer till att bedömma skador och göra en skademarkering så som för Episurf. T2 mapping är däremot en väldigt intressant teknik men är idag inte en vanlig teknik inom diagnostiken och saknar just nu något tydligt användningsområde. Däremot, finns det stor potential och kommer troligtvis bli vanligare och få fler användingsområden i framtiden.

Finite Element Simulations of Biphasic Articular Cartilages With Localized Metal Implants

Manda, Krishnagoud January 2010 (has links)
Articular cartilage is a specialized connective soft tissue that resides onthe ends of long-bones, transfers the load smoothly between the bones in diarthrodialjoints by providing almost frictionless, wear resistant sliding surfacesduring joint articulation. Focal chondral or osteochondral defects in articularcartilage are common and show limited capacity for biological repair. Furthermore,changes in the bio-mechanical forces at the defect site may makethe tissue more susceptible to continued degeneration. Alternatively, the contouredfocal resurfacing metal implant can be used to treat such full thicknesscartilage defects. Physiological and biomechanical studies on animal modelswith metal implant have shown good clinical outcomes. However, the mechanicalbehavior of cartilage surrounding the implant is not clearly known withrespect to the joint function after treating such defects with metal implantsand also to improve the implant design. We developed a simple 3-dimensionalfinite element model by approximating one of the condyles of the sheep kneejoint. Parametric study was conducted in the simulations to verify differentprofiles for the implant, positioning of the implant with respect to cartilagesurface, defect size and to show the mechanical sealing effect due to the wedgeshape of the implant. We found the maximal deformations, contact pressuresand stresses which constitute the mechanical behavior of cartilages. We alsoconfirmed that using a metal implant to fill the full thickness chondral defectsis more beneficial than to leave the defect untreated from mechanical point ofview. The implant should be positioned slightly sunk into the cartilage basedon the defect size, in order to avoid damage to the opposing surface. The largerthe defect size, the closer the implant should be to the flush. We also simulatedthe time dependent behavior of the cartilages. In all the simulations, a staticaxial loading was considered. The wedge shape of the implant provided themechanical sealing of the cartilage surrounding the implant. The determineddeformations in the cartilages immediately surrounding the implant are instrumentalin predicting the sticking-up of the implant into the joint cavity whichmay damage opposing soft tissues. / <p>QC 20101125</p>

Strategies to Modulate the Joint Response to Pathological Mediators

Lee, Andy Jaehan January 2023 (has links)
Post-traumatic osteoarthritis (PTOA) of the knee is a complication resulting from direct injury to the joint, such as anterior cruciate ligament and meniscus tears, and accounts for approximately 12% of all OA cases. The economic and clinical impact of PTOA is also greater than idiopathic OA, as patients are younger and often more active, requiring treatments for symptomatic OA over a greater fraction of their lifetime. A common strategy to manage pain and inflammation associated with PTOA is the intraarticular administration of corticosteroids. However, these injections are limited due to the requirement of high-doses imposed by synovial joint clearance rates and their resulting systemic side effects. In addition, currently used broad-spectrum corticosteroids are palliative and not curative, stemming from incomplete knowledge of specific mechanisms that drive cartilage degeneration and other joint pathologies. Thus, most patients with PTOA eventually undergo surgical procedures such as osteochondral graft transplantation for focal defects and in more severe cases, total knee arthroplasty. As such, the studies presented in this dissertation (i) offer specific insights into mechanisms by which traumatic injury can drive joint degeneration and (ii) present novel strategies to modulate joint responses to pathological factors by leveraging sustained drug-delivery platforms. In Part I, mechanistic assessments of human cartilage and synovium responses to insults are conducted to identify novel pathways that may lead to impaired joint homeostasis. First, a direct consequence of traumatic injury, hemarthrosis, is explored as a potential contributor to the development of PTOA specifically through contributions by red blood cells. We demonstrate for the first time the differential roles of erythrocytes in their intact and lysed states through measures of oxidative stress and changes to metabolomic profiles in the context of ferroptosis. Furthermore, we demonstrate the therapeutic potential of Ferrostatin-1, a lipophilic radical scavenger in inhibiting pathological changes to cartilage and its crosstalk with the neighboring synovium in an in vitro model of hemophilic arthropathy. Second, a strategy to prevent an indirect consequence of traumatic injury, arthrofibrosis, is presented in an in vitro model of joint contraction. Fibrosis and the presence of hyperplastic synovium are implicated in the progression of OA through pathological shifts in tissue composition as well as secreted factors that promote cartilage degeneration and the maintenance of a pro-inflammatory joint environment. A type I transforming growth factor beta-1 receptor inhibitor, SB-431542, is encapsulated in polymeric microspheres for the prophylactic treatment of arthrofibrosis through sustained low-dose drug delivery to circumvent the challenges associated with resident joint clearance rates. Utilizing human-based in vitro models of cartilage and synovium pathology, we present novel mechanisms and therapeutic strategies to prevent pathological changes following traumatic joint injury that may contribute to the development of PTOA. In Part II, the sustained delivery platform introduced in Part I is extended to the treatment of PTOA. Osteochondral graft transplantation is currently the clinical gold standard for large focal cartilage lesions. However, allograft procedures are limited due to the lack of available donor tissues and autografts are associated with complications due to donor-site morbidity. In both cases, grafts are subject to failure, potentially in part due to the continual presence of pro-inflammatory factors following surgical procedure. In this section, we present cellular agarose hydrogels embedded with dexamethasone-releasing microspheres that are integrated with a titanium base as a functional tissue-engineered alternative to native osteochondral allografts. These allogenic tissue-engineered grafts were assessed in an in vivo preclinical canine model in their ability to maintain clinical function and to modulate the inflammatory response over the course of 12 months. We successfully demonstrated the feasibility of using engineered grafts by comparing clinical measures of range of motion, function, lameness, and pain, as well as modified cartilage graft scores, against native osteochondral allograft controls. In addition, improvements in the histopathological scoring of neighboring synovial and meniscal tissues indicate the therapeutic capacity of dexamethasone released from within the joint to modulate the inflammatory response up to one-year post-implantation. Taken together, the studies presented in this dissertation identify novel mechanisms behind pathological changes to the cartilage and synovium that may contribute to the development of PTOA following injury. Potential therapeutic targets, inhibitory compounds, and delivery strategies are also assessed using human-based in vitro models of disease and further validated in an in vivo canine model through a clinically relevant timeframe. Ultimately, we demonstrate for the first time, the use of dual-function tissue-engineered grafts in a weight-bearing region of the knee joint to circumvent limitations associated with the clinical gold standard for the treatment of large focal cartilage defects.

Possibilities of Articular Cartilage Quantification Based on High-Frequency Ultrasound Scans and Ultrasound Palpation

Schöne, Martin 28 August 2020 (has links)
In der Diagnostik und Reparatur von hyalinem Gelenkknorpel sind neue Methoden zur Quantifizierung von Struktur und mechanischer Belastbarkeit gefragt, um die Behandlung von Knorpelschäden an Millionen von Patienten weltweit zu verbessern. Mittels hochfrequentem, fokussierten Ultraschall werden Oberflächenparameter für Reflektivität und Rauheit an Gelenkknorpel bestimmt. Es wird gezeigt wie die Oberflächenneigung kontrolliert werden kann. Die Ergebnisse vermitteln ein besseres Verständnis über die Zusammensetzung der Ultraschallsignale aus reflektierten und gestreuten Komponenten. 3D Ultraschallscans von Knorpelregeneraten erlauben die Defektstellen volumetrisch zu Quantifizieren. Die Proben wurden zusätzlich nach etablierten Bewertungssystemen benotet, welche auf makroskopischer Beurteilungen, MRT-Scans und Histologie basieren. Die ultraschallbasierten Volumendaten zeigten dabei gute Korrelationen mit den Punktwertungen. Die im Labor verwendeten Messaufbauten zur biomechanischen Charakterisierung von Gelenkknorpel können am Patienten nicht angewandt werden. Daher können Ärzte die Festigkeit von Knorpel bisher nur mittels manueller Palpation abschätzen. Diese Arbeit entwickelt eine Methode der Ultraschall-Palpation (USP), die es erlaubt, die während der manuellen Palpation erzeugte Kraft und Deformation, basierend auf Ultraschallechos, aufzunehmen. Es wurde einen Prototyp entwickelt womit gezeigt werden konnte, dass USP eine ausreichende Genauigkeit und Reproduzierbarkeit aufweist. Wiederholte Messungen können zusätzlich zeitabhängige biomechanische Parameter von Knorpel ableiten. Zusammenfassend zeigt diese Arbeit verbesserte und neue Möglichkeiten zur strukturellen und biomechanischen Charakterisierung von hyalinem Gelenkknorpel bzw. den Ergebnissen von Knorpelreparatur basierend auf Ultraschalldaten. Diese Methoden haben das Potenzial die Diagnostik von Gelenkknorpel und die Quantifizierung von Knorpelreparatur zu verbessern. / In the diagnostics and repair of hyaline articular cartilage, new methods to quantify structure and mechanical capacity are required to improve the treatment of cartilage defects for millions of patients worldwide. This thesis uses high frequency focused ultrasound to derive surface parameters for reflectivity and roughness from articular cartilage. It is shown how to control the inclination dependency to gain more reliable results. Furthermore, the results provided a better understanding of the composition of ultrasonic signals from reflected and scattered components. 3D ultrasound scans of cartilage repair tissue were performed to quantify defect sites after cartilage repair volumetrically. The samples were also graded according to established scoring systems based on macroscopic evaluation, MRI scans and histology. The ultrasound-based volumetric parameters showed good correlation with these scores. Complex biomechanical measurement setups used in laboratories cannot be applied to the patient. Therefore, currently physicians have to estimate the stiffness of cartilage by means of manual palpation. In the last part of this thesis, a method denoted as ultrasound palpation is developed, which allows for measuring the applied force and strain during manual palpation in real time, solely based on the evaluation of the time of flight of ultrasound pulses. A prototype was developed and its measurement accuracy and reproducibility were characterized. It could be shown that ultrasound palpation has sufficient accuracy and reproducibility. Additionally, by repeated measurements it was possible to derive time-dependent biomechanical parameters of cartilage. In summary, this work shows improved and new possibilities for structural and biomechanical characterization of hyaline articular cartilage and the outcomes of cartilage repair based on ultrasound data. The methods have the potential to improve the diagnostics of articular cartilage and quantification of its repair.

The mechanics of cam-type femoroacetabular impingement

Ng, Annie Yuhn-Chee January 2013 (has links)
Cam-type Femoro-Acetabular Impingement (FAI) is a common cause of hip osteoarthritis (OA). In this condition a bony abnormality at the head-neck junction of the femoral head, called the “cam”, abuts against the acetabulum causing labral damage and articular cartilage delamination, which in turn may lead to progressive degeneration and OA. The understanding of the damage mechanism is currently at a conceptual level. The aim of the thesis is to develop a more detailed understanding of the underlying mechanism so as to improve methods of detection and treatment of cam-type FAI and thus to help prevent hip OA. A geometric-kinematic model combining hip joint motion and hip joint geometry was cre- ated to determine what motions, activities or cam shapes give rise to cam-type impingement, which was quantified by the proximity of the acetabular and femoral bony surfaces. Five normal subjects and five symptomatic cam-type FAI patients were modelled. The FAI patients experienced early impingement during the impingement test but did not have impingement during common functional activities. The early impingement was possibly due to the larger coverage and protrusion of their cams and the smaller overall proximity in their hip joints. A 2D finite element (FE) model was created to simulate cam-type FAI. As idealised 2D rectangular and circular geometries did not reproduce the damage seen clinically, subject- specific geometry, loads, and motions were introduced. Under some circumstances, as the cam entered the hip joint, large shear strains developed near the cartilage-bone interface of the acetabulum which would result in cartilage delamination. In vitro experiments were undertaken to validate the FE model and verify the damage mech- anism by which cam-type FAI leads to cartilage delamination. Porcine cartilage-bone samples were loaded under conditions similar to those generated by a cam (shear and compression). A validation FE model was created that used the same material and contact representations and analysis framework as the impingement FE model but mimicked the experimental setup. The cartilage shear strains assessed with a video-based method were similar to predicted FE results. In vitro damage experiments demonstrated that delamination can be caused by repetitive shear and compressive loading that lead to large shear strains near the cartilage-bone interface. The impingement FE model was used to further explore the effect of cam anatomy. In hips with low clearance, cams with large protrusions (75% hip joint clearance) would not enter into the hip joint, but caused high shear strains in the labrum, which would result in labral tears. A narrower cam caused damage to the labral tip, whereas a wider cam caused damage to the labral-bone junction. In contrast, cams with small protrusion (25% hip joint clearance) were able to enter the joint and caused damage at the articular cartilage-bone interface, which would result in cartilage delamination. The wider the cam, the further into the hip joint the damage was initiated. The FE model was used to explore the effect of different labral anatomy and of reshaping surgery. A labrum connected to the articular cartilage resulted in shear strains of up to five times greater in the articular cartilage and labrum compared to an unconnected labrum and was more likely to cause articular cartilage delamination. For a cam that damages the articular cartilage, surgical removal of the cam reduced shear strains. For a cam that abuts the labrum, surgical removal of the cam eliminated labral abutment and increased the range of motion of the hip, but resulted in greater shear strains in the articular cartilage. It is not known whether these shear strains are normal or could possibly be damaging. Also, reshaping the head to be spherical resulted in slightly reduced shear strains in the articular cartilage compared to the current surgical practice of cutting deeper into the femoral head when removing the cam. This study has, for the first time, using a validated FE model demonstrated the mechanism by which a cam can cause articular cartilage delamination and labral tearing. Further analysis using the geometric and FE model should help identify cam deformities that would be likely to cause OA and the best way to treat them surgically so as to prevent OA.

Évaluation de la stabilité primaire d'une greffe ostéochondrale autologue stabilisée au moyen d'un ciment ostéoconducteur résorbable

Kiss, Marc-Olivier 12 1900 (has links)
L’objectif de cette étude est de vérifier si un ciment ostéoconducteur résorbable utilisé comme technique de fixation de greffons ostéochondraux permet d'obtenir une stabilité initiale supérieure à celle obtenue avec la technique de mosaicplastie originalement décrite. Il s’agit d’une étude biomécanique effectuée sur des paires de fémurs cadavériques bovins. Pour chaque paire de fémurs, des greffons ostéochondraux autologues ont été insérés et stabilisés au moyen d’un ciment biorésorbable (Kryptonite, DRG inc.) sur un fémur alors qu’au fémur controlatéral, les greffons ont été implantés par impaction selon la technique usuelle de mosaicplastie. Des greffons uniques ainsi que des greffons en configuration groupée ont été implantés et soumis à une évaluation biomécanique. Les charges axiales nécessaires pour enfoncer les greffons de 1, 2 et 3 mm ont été comparées en fonction de la technique de stabilisation utilisée, ciment ou impaction, pour chaque configuration de greffons. Les résultats démontrent que les greffons ostéochondraux cimentés uniques et groupés ont une stabilité initiale supérieure à celle de greffons non cimentés sur des spécimens cadavériques bovins. L’obtention d’une plus grande stabilité initiale par cimentation des greffons ostéochondraux pourrait permettre une mise en charge précoce post-mosaicplastie et mener à une réhabilitation plus rapide. / The objective of this project is to compare the primary stability of osteochondral autografts stabilized with a resorbable osteoconductive bone cement to that of bottomed press fit grafts inserted according to the original mosaicplasty technique. Biomechanical testing was conducted on pairs of cadaveric bovine femurs. For each femoral pair, osteochondral grafts were inserted and stabilized with an osteoconductive bone cement (Kryptonite, DRG inc.) on one bone whereas on the controlateral femur, grafts were inserted in a press fit fashion. Grafts were inserted in 2 different configurations, single grafts as well as groups of 3 adjacent grafts, and submitted to biomechanical testing. Axial loads needed to sink the grafts to 1, 2 and 3 millimeters below cartilage level were recorded and compared according to the fixation technique, cement or press-fit impaction, for each graft configuration. According to those results, cemented osteochondral autografts appear more stable than press fit grafts for both single and 3-in-a-row configurations. Using such a cementation technique could potentially prevent the initial loss of stability that has been shown to occur with osteochondral grafts in the post-operative period, allowing patients to perform early weight bearing and rehabilitation.

The Role of ULK1 in the Pathophysiology of Osteoarthritis

Abou Rjeili, Mira 08 1900 (has links)
L'arthrose est la maladie musculo-squelettique la plus commune dans le monde. Elle est l'une des principales causes de douleur et d’incapacité chez les adultes, et elle représente un fardeau considérable sur le système de soins de santé. L'arthrose est une maladie de l’articulation entière, impliquant non seulement le cartilage articulaire, mais aussi la synoviale, les ligaments et l’os sous-chondral. L’arthrose est caractérisée par la dégénérescence progressive du cartilage articulaire, la formation d’ostéophytes, le remodelage de l'os sous-chondral, la détérioration des tendons et des ligaments et l'inflammation de la membrane synoviale. Les traitements actuels aident seulement à soulager les symptômes précoces de la maladie, c’est pour cette raison que l'arthrose est caractérisée par une progression presque inévitable vers la phase terminale de la maladie. La pathogénie exacte de l'arthrose est encore inconnue, mais on sait que l'événement clé est la dégradation du cartilage articulaire. Le cartilage articulaire est composé uniquement des chondrocytes; les cellules responsables de la synthèse de la matrice extracellulaire et du maintien de l'homéostasie du cartilage articulaire. Les chondrocytes maintiennent la matrice du cartilage en remplaçant les macromolécules dégradées et en répondant aux lésions du cartilage et aux dégénérescences focales en augmentant l'activité de synthèse locale. Les chondrocytes ont un taux faible de renouvellement, c’est pour cette raison qu’ils utilisent des mécanismes endogènes tels que l'autophagie (un processus de survie cellulaire et d’adaptation) pour enlever les organelles et les macromolécules endommagés et pour maintenir l'homéostasie du cartilage articulaire. i L'autophagie est une voie de dégradation lysosomale qui est essentielle pour la survie, la différenciation, le développement et l’homéostasie. Elle régule la maturation et favorise la survie des chondrocytes matures sous le stress et des conditions hypoxiques. Des études effectuées par nous et d'autres ont montré qu’un dérèglement de l’autophagie est associé à une diminution de la chondroprotection, à l'augmentation de la mort cellulaire et à la dégénérescence du cartilage articulaire. Carames et al ont montré que l'autophagie est constitutivement exprimée dans le cartilage articulaire humain normal. Toutefois, l'expression des inducteurs principaux de l'autophagie est réduite dans le vieux cartilage. Nos études précédentes ont également identifié des principaux gènes de l’autophagie qui sont exprimés à des niveaux plus faibles dans le cartilage humain atteint de l'arthrose. Les mêmes résultats ont été montrés dans le cartilage articulaire provenant des modèles de l’arthrose expérimentaux chez la souris et le chien. Plus précisément, nous avons remarqué que l'expression d’Unc-51 like kinase-1 (ULK1) est faible dans cartilage humain atteint de l'arthrose et des modèles expérimentaux de l’arthrose. ULK1 est la sérine / thréonine protéine kinase et elle est l’inducteur principal de l’autophagie. La perte de l’expression de ULK1 se traduit par un niveau d’autophagie faible. Etant donné qu’une signalisation adéquate de l'autophagie est nécessaire pour maintenir la chondroprotection ainsi que l'homéostasie du cartilage articulaire, nous avons proposé l’hypothèse suivante : une expression adéquate de ULK1 est requise pour l’induction de l’autophagie dans le cartilage articulaire et une perte de cette expression se traduira par une diminution de la chondroprotection, et une augmentation de la mort des chondrocytes ce qui conduit à la dégénérescence du cartilage articulaire. Le rôle exact de ULK1 dans la pathogénie de l'arthrose est inconnue, j’ai alors créé pour la première fois, des souris KO ULK1spécifiquement dans le cartilage en utilisant la technologie Cre-Lox et j’ai ensuite soumis ces souris à la déstabilisation du ménisque médial (DMM), un modèle de l'arthrose de la souris pour élucider le rôle spécifique in vivo de ULK1 dans pathogenèse de l'arthrose. Mes résultats montrent que ULK1 est essentielle pour le maintien de l'homéostasie du cartilage articulaire. Plus précisément, je montre que la perte de ULK1 dans le cartilage articulaire a causé un phénotype de l’arthrose accéléré, associé à la dégénérescence accélérée du cartilage, l’augmentation de la mort cellulaire des chondrocytes, et l’augmentation de l'expression des facteurs cataboliques. En utilisant des chondrocytes provenant des patients atteints de l’arthrose et qui ont été transfectées avec le plasmide d'expression ULK1, je montre qu’ULK1 est capable de réduire l’expression de la protéine mTOR (principal régulateur négatif de l’autophagie) et de diminuer l’expression des facteurs cataboliques comme MMP-13 et ADAMTS-5 et COX-2. Mes résultats jusqu'à présent indiquent que ULK1 est une cible thérapeutique potentielle pour maintenir l'homéostasie du cartilage articulaire. / Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common musculoskeletal disease worldwide. It is one of the leading causes of pain and disability among adults, and represents a considerable burden on the healthcare system. OA is a disease of the entire joint, involving not only the articular cartilage but also the synovium, ligaments and subchondral bone. It is characterized by the progressive degeneration of the articular cartilage, osteophyte formation, remodelling of the subchondral bone, deterioration of tendons and ligaments and various degrees of inflammation of the synovium. While current therapies and management strategies can help alleviate symptoms early in the disease process, OA is characterized by almost inevitable progression towards end-stage disease. The exact pathogenesis of OA is largely unknown but the key event in OA is the degradation of the articular cartilage. The articular cartilage is only composed of chondrocytes; cells responsible for the synthesis of the extracellular matrix (ECM) and maintenance of articular cartilage homeostasis. Chondrocytes maintain the articular cartilage matrix by replacing degraded macromolecules and respond to focal cartilage injury or degeneration by increasing local synthesis activity. Since chondrocytes exhibit low levels of turnover, they rely on endogenous mechanisms such as autophagy (a cell survival and adaptation process) to remove damaged organelles and macromolecules in order to maintain articular cartilage homeostasis. Autophagy is a lysosomal degradation pathway that is essential for survival, differentiation, development and homeostasis. It regulates maturation and promotes survival of terminally differentiated chondrocytes under stress and hypoxic conditions. Studies by us and others have shown that compromised autophagy is associated with decreased chondroprotection, increased cell death and articular cartilage degeneration. Carames et al showed that autophagy is constitutively expressed in normal human articular cartilage. However, expression of key autophagy inducers is reduced in ageing cartilage. Our previous studies have also identified a panel of key autophagy genes that are expressed in low levels in human OA cartilage as well as in the articular cartilage from mouse and dog models of experimental OA. Specifically, we identified that expression of unc-51 like kinase-1 (ULK1) is suppressed in human OA cartilage and experimental OA models. ULK1 is a serine/threonine protein kinase and is the most upstream autophagy inducer. Loss of ULK1 results in disruption of autophagy induction. Since adequate autophagy signaling is required for maintaining chondroprotection as well as articular cartilage homeostasis, we hypothesized that ULK1 is required for autophagy induction in the articular cartilage and loss of it will result in decreased chondroprotection and enhanced chondrocyte death leading to the degeneration of articular cartilage. Since the exact role of ULK1 in pathogenesis of OA is unknown, I created for the first time, an inducible cartilage- specific ULK1 knockout (KO) mice using Cre-Lox technology and subjected these mice to the destabilization of the medial meniscus (DMM) mouse OA model to specifically elucidate the specific in vivo role of ULK1 in OA pathogenesis. My results show that ULK1 is essential for maintaining articular cartilage homeostasis. Specifically I show that loss of ULK1 in the articular cartilage results in an accelerated OA phenotype; which is associated with accelerated cartilage degeneration, enhanced chondrocyte cell death, increased expression of catabolic MMP-13. Using human OA chondrocytes transfected with ULK1 expression plasmid I show that ULK1 is able to reduce the expression of mTOR (major negative regulator of autophagy) and decrease the expression of OA catabolic factors including MMP-13, ADAMTS-5 and COX-2. My results so far suggest that ULK-1 is a potential therapeutic target to maintain articular cartilage homeostasis.

Reparo de defeito osteocondral no joelho de coelhos utilizando centrifugado de medula óssea autóloga / Repair of osteochodral defect in the knee of rabbits using autologous bone marrow centrifuged

Reiff, Rodrigo Bezerra de Menezes 08 September 2010 (has links)
A cartilagem articular, por sua natureza avascular, apresenta uma capacidade limitada de regeneração. Uma abordagem terapêutica para o tratamento de defeitos da cartilagem consiste na utilização de células ou tecidos aplicados ao local da lesão. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da aplicação de centrifugado de medula óssea autóloga em lesões osteocondrais no joelho de coelhos, em comparação com um grupo controle de lesões osteocondrais sem preenchimento, analisando o comportamento histológico destes grupos em função do tempo. Foram utilizados doze coelhos da raça Nova Zelândia, albinos, machos, adultos, submetidos a uma lesão osteocondral, de 4 mm de diâmetro e 3 mm de profundidade, em ambos os joelhos, na região da tróclea femoral. Nos joelhos direitos, que constituíram o Grupo Estudo, o defeito osteocondral foi preenchido por um coágulo de células mesenquimais, obtidas por centrifugação de um aspirado da medula óssea e selado com cola de fibrina. Nos joelhos esquerdos, que constituíram o Grupo Controle, o defeito osteocondral não recebeu qualquer preenchimento. Os animais foram divididos em três grupos de quatro coelhos, estudados após oito, 16 e 24 semanas. Os resultados foram descritos com base em uma escala de pontuação histológica que avaliou a morfologia celular, a reconstrução do osso subcondral, o aspecto da matriz, o preenchimento do defeito, a regularidade da superfície e a conexão das margens. A análise estatística foi realizada pelo Teste t-student para dados pareados na comparação entre Grupo Estudo e Grupo Controle. Para as comparações através do fator temporal, utilizou-se o Teste ANOVA one way. Com 5% de confiança, rejeitou-se a hipótese de igualdade entre os Grupos Estudo e Controle. Notou-se uma distância decrescente entre os escores dos Grupos Estudo e Controle com o aumento do tempo, bem como uma tendência crescente do valor da escala para o Grupo Controle. Concluiu-se que a aplicação de centrifugado de medula óssea em defeitos osteocondrais no joelho de coelhos mostrou melhor resultado na avaliação histológica, em comparação ao Grupo Controle. Analisando a evolução dos grupos através do tempo, houve uma aproximação de seus escores histológicos, sobretudo pelo aumento observado no Grupo Controle / The articular cartilage, due to its avascular nature, presents a limited regeneration capacity. A therapeutical approach to the treatment of cartilage defects consists of the utilization of cells or tissues applied to the lesion site. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of applying autologous bone marrow centrifuged in osteochondral lesions in the knees of rabbits, compared to a control group of osteochondral lesions without any filling, analyzing the behavior of these groups in terms of time. Twelve adult albino male New Zealand rabbits were used being submitted to an osteochondral lesion of 4 mm in diameter and 3 mm deep in both knees, at the femoral trochlea area. On the right knees, which comprised the Study Group, the osteochondral defect was filled by a clot of mesenchymal cells, obtained by centrifugation of an aspirate from bone marrow and sealed with fibrin glue. On the left knees, which comprised the Control Group, the osteochondral defect did not get any filling. The animals were divided into 3 groups of 4 rabbits, and studied after eight, 16 and 24 weeks. The results were described based on a histological grading scale which took into account the cell morphology, the subchondral bone reconstruction, the matrix staining, the filling of the defect, the surface regularity and the bonding of the edges. The statistical analysis was made by the t-student Test for paired data in the comparison between the Study Group and the Control Group. For the comparisons made by the time factor, it was used the ANOVA Test one way. With 5% level of confidence, the hypothesis of equality between the Study and Control Groups was rejected. It was observed a decreasing distance between scores of the Study and Control Groups as time increased, as well as an increasing tendency of the scale value for the Control Group. It was concluded that the application of autologous bone marrow centrifuged in osteochondral defects in the knees of rabbits showed better result in histological evaluation, in comparison to the Control Group. By analyzing the evolution of the groups through time, there was an approach of their histological scores, especially by the increase observed in the Control Group

Reparo de defeito osteocondral no joelho de coelhos utilizando centrifugado de medula óssea autóloga / Repair of osteochodral defect in the knee of rabbits using autologous bone marrow centrifuged

Rodrigo Bezerra de Menezes Reiff 08 September 2010 (has links)
A cartilagem articular, por sua natureza avascular, apresenta uma capacidade limitada de regeneração. Uma abordagem terapêutica para o tratamento de defeitos da cartilagem consiste na utilização de células ou tecidos aplicados ao local da lesão. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da aplicação de centrifugado de medula óssea autóloga em lesões osteocondrais no joelho de coelhos, em comparação com um grupo controle de lesões osteocondrais sem preenchimento, analisando o comportamento histológico destes grupos em função do tempo. Foram utilizados doze coelhos da raça Nova Zelândia, albinos, machos, adultos, submetidos a uma lesão osteocondral, de 4 mm de diâmetro e 3 mm de profundidade, em ambos os joelhos, na região da tróclea femoral. Nos joelhos direitos, que constituíram o Grupo Estudo, o defeito osteocondral foi preenchido por um coágulo de células mesenquimais, obtidas por centrifugação de um aspirado da medula óssea e selado com cola de fibrina. Nos joelhos esquerdos, que constituíram o Grupo Controle, o defeito osteocondral não recebeu qualquer preenchimento. Os animais foram divididos em três grupos de quatro coelhos, estudados após oito, 16 e 24 semanas. Os resultados foram descritos com base em uma escala de pontuação histológica que avaliou a morfologia celular, a reconstrução do osso subcondral, o aspecto da matriz, o preenchimento do defeito, a regularidade da superfície e a conexão das margens. A análise estatística foi realizada pelo Teste t-student para dados pareados na comparação entre Grupo Estudo e Grupo Controle. Para as comparações através do fator temporal, utilizou-se o Teste ANOVA one way. Com 5% de confiança, rejeitou-se a hipótese de igualdade entre os Grupos Estudo e Controle. Notou-se uma distância decrescente entre os escores dos Grupos Estudo e Controle com o aumento do tempo, bem como uma tendência crescente do valor da escala para o Grupo Controle. Concluiu-se que a aplicação de centrifugado de medula óssea em defeitos osteocondrais no joelho de coelhos mostrou melhor resultado na avaliação histológica, em comparação ao Grupo Controle. Analisando a evolução dos grupos através do tempo, houve uma aproximação de seus escores histológicos, sobretudo pelo aumento observado no Grupo Controle / The articular cartilage, due to its avascular nature, presents a limited regeneration capacity. A therapeutical approach to the treatment of cartilage defects consists of the utilization of cells or tissues applied to the lesion site. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of applying autologous bone marrow centrifuged in osteochondral lesions in the knees of rabbits, compared to a control group of osteochondral lesions without any filling, analyzing the behavior of these groups in terms of time. Twelve adult albino male New Zealand rabbits were used being submitted to an osteochondral lesion of 4 mm in diameter and 3 mm deep in both knees, at the femoral trochlea area. On the right knees, which comprised the Study Group, the osteochondral defect was filled by a clot of mesenchymal cells, obtained by centrifugation of an aspirate from bone marrow and sealed with fibrin glue. On the left knees, which comprised the Control Group, the osteochondral defect did not get any filling. The animals were divided into 3 groups of 4 rabbits, and studied after eight, 16 and 24 weeks. The results were described based on a histological grading scale which took into account the cell morphology, the subchondral bone reconstruction, the matrix staining, the filling of the defect, the surface regularity and the bonding of the edges. The statistical analysis was made by the t-student Test for paired data in the comparison between the Study Group and the Control Group. For the comparisons made by the time factor, it was used the ANOVA Test one way. With 5% level of confidence, the hypothesis of equality between the Study and Control Groups was rejected. It was observed a decreasing distance between scores of the Study and Control Groups as time increased, as well as an increasing tendency of the scale value for the Control Group. It was concluded that the application of autologous bone marrow centrifuged in osteochondral defects in the knees of rabbits showed better result in histological evaluation, in comparison to the Control Group. By analyzing the evolution of the groups through time, there was an approach of their histological scores, especially by the increase observed in the Control Group

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