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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caractérisation de nouveaux mécanismes transcriptionnels impliqués dans la biologie osseuse

Pellicelli, Martin 12 1900 (has links)
Le développement et l'homéostasie des os requièrent l'orchestration spatio-temporelle d'un grand nombre de signaux moléculaires. Ces signaux entraînent l'activation ou l'inhibition de différents facteurs de transcription, lesquels sont en mesure de contrôler la prolifération et la différenciation des ostéoblastes et des chondrocytes. L'intégrité de ces différents mécanismes se doit d'être maintenu tout au long de la vie. Ainsi, une anomalie dans l'un de ces mécanismes conduit à l'apparition de pathologies osseuses et métaboliques telles qu’une hypophosphatémie, l'ostéoporose ou l'ostéoarthrite (OA). Afin d'en apprendre davantage sur la biologie osseuse, le projet décrit dans cette thèse a pour objectif de caractériser de nouveaux mécanismes de régulation transcriptionnelle pour deux gènes importants dans le développement des os et le maintien de leur intégrité. Il s’agit du Paired-like Homeodomain Transcription Factor 1 (PITX1) et du Phosphate-regulating gene with homology to endopeptidase on the X chromosome (PHEX). Le premier mécanisme présenté dans cette thèse concerne la régulation transcriptionnelle du gène PITX1, un facteur de transcription à homéodomaine nécessaire, notamment, au développement des os des membres inférieurs et au maintien de l'intégrité du cartilage articulaire chez l'adulte. Ainsi, dans les chondrocytes articulaires, on note que l'expression de PITX1 est assurée par le recrutement du facteur de transcription E2F1 à deux éléments de réponse présents dans la région proximale du promoteur de PITX1. Aussi, dans les chondrocytes articulaires de patients souffrant d'OA, dans lesquels l'expression de PITX1 est fortement diminuée, un mécanisme de répression transcriptionnelle, lequel implique la protéine multifonctionnelle Prohibitin (PHB1), semble être activé. En effet, dans ces chondroytes, on note une forte accumulation nucléaire de PHB1 comparativement aux chondrocytes articulaires de sujets sains. Le second mécanisme présenté dans cette thèse concerne la répression transcriptionnelle de PHEX, la peptidase mutée dans le syndrome d'hypophosphatémie lié au chromosome X (X-Linked Hypophosphatemia, XLH), lequel se caractérise par une hypophosphatémie et une ostéomalacie. Le traitement d'ostéoblastes à la Parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP) permet d’observer la répression de PHEX. Afin de caractériser le mécanisme responsable de cette répression, des expériences de gènes rapporteurs ont révélé la présence de deux éléments de réponse pour le répresseur transcriptionnel E4BP4 dans le promoteur de PHEX. La suppression de l'expression d'E4BP4 par l'utilisation d'ARN d'interférence a permis de valider que ce facteur de transcription est responsable de la répression de PHEX suite au traitement d'ostéoblastes à la PTHrP. En somme ces nouveaux mécanismes de régulation transcriptionnelle permettent de mieux comprendre la régulation de l'expression de PITX1 et de PHEX. Aussi, cette nouvelle implication de PHB1 dans la pathogenèse de l'OA offre de nouvelles possibilités de traitement et pourrait servir pour le diagnostic précoce de cette pathologie. Enfin, la caractérisation d'E4BP4 en tant que médiateur pour la répression de PHEX par la PTHrP suggère que ce répresseur transcriptionnel pourrait être impliqué dans le contrôle de la minéralisation des os et des niveaux de phosphate sanguin. / Bone development and homeostasis need a large amount of molecular signals to be finely regulated in time and space. These signals lead to the activation or to the inhibition of different transcription factors, which are implicated in the control of osteoblast and chondrocyte proliferation and differentiation. The integrity of these mechanisms is required in order to have a healthy life. Indeed, if one of these mechanisms is dysfunctional, different diseases could develop such as hypophosphatemia, osteoporosis and osteoarthritis (OA). In order to contribute to the comprehension of bone biology, the present thesis describes new mechanisms for the transcriptional regulation of two genes implicated in bone development and regulation: PITX1 (Paired-like Homeodomain Transcription Factor 1) and PHEX (Phosphate-regulating gene with homology to endopeptidase on the X chromosome). The first mechanism described in this thesis relates to the transcriptional regulation of PITX1, a gene that encodes for a member of the homeobox family of transcription factors. PITX1 is required in bone development of inferior members and in the maintenance of the articular cartilage integrity in adults. Thereby, we showed that in articular chondrocytes, the expression of PITX1 is activated after the transcription factor E2F1 was recruited at two response elements in the proximal region of its promoter. Moreover, in articular chondrocytes from OA patients, we observed that the expression of PITX1 is strongly decreased. We proposed that the mechanism responsible for this repression requires the multitask protein Prohibitin (PHB1), which is strongly accumulated in OA chondrocyte nuclei, but not in chondrocyte nuclei from healthy individuals. The second mechanism described in this thesis reports a transcriptional mechanism by which PHEX, the gene that encodes for the peptidase mutated in the syndrome X-Linked Hypophosphatemia (XLH)and characterized by hypophosphatemia and osteomalecia, is repressed. We showed that the treatment of osteoblasts with the Parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP) induced a decrease in PHEX expression. In order to characterize the mechanism responsible for this repression, we performed gene reporter experiments and identified two response elements for the transcription factor E4BP4 in the PHEX promoter. The downregulation of E4BP4 by siRNA led to the validation that this repressor decreased the expression of PHEX in osteoblasts after their treatment with PTHrP. In conclusion, the new transcriptional mechanisms presented in this thesis allow a better understanding of PITX1 and PHEX expression. Moreover, the potential role of PHB1 in the establishment of OA presents many interesting possibilities regarding the treatment and diagnosis of this disease. Finally, the characterization of E4BP4 as a mediator of PHEX repression by the PTHrP suggests that E4BP4 could be implicated in the control of bone mineralization and phosphate levels in the blood.

Développement du cartilage articulaire équin du fœtus à l’adulte : imagerie par résonance magnétique et microscopie en lumière polarisée

Cluzel, Caroline 12 1900 (has links)
La structure du cartilage articulaire adulte est caractérisée par la présence de couches créées par l’orientation des fibres de collagène (Benninghoff, 1925). Avant de présenter la structure adulte classique en arcades “de Benninghoff”, le cartilage subit une série de changements au cours de sa maturation (Julkunen et al., 2010; Lecocq et al., 2008). Toutefois, un faible nombre d’études s’est intéressé à la structure du collagène du cartilage articulaire in utero. Notre objectif était d’étudier la maturation de la surface articulaire de l’épiphyse fémorale distale chez le cheval, en employant à la fois l’imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) et la microscopie en lumière polarisée après coloration au rouge picrosirius, au niveau de sites utilisés dans les études de réparation tissulaire et de sites prédisposés à l’ostéochondrose (OC). Le but était de décrire le développement normal du réseau de collagène et la relation entre les images IRM et la structure histologique. Des sections provenant de cinq sites de l’épiphyse fémorale distale de 14 fœtus et 10 poulains et adultes ont été colorées au rouge picrosirius, après que le grasset ait été imagé par IRM, dans l’optique de visualiser l’agencement des fibres de collagène de type II. Les deux modalités utilisées, IRM et microscopie en lumière polarisée, ont démontré la mise en place progressive d’une structure en couches du réseau de collagène, avant la naissance et la mise en charge de l’articulation. / Adult articular cartilage has a zonal or layered structure, created by the predominant collagen fibre orientation (Benninghoff, 1925). Before reaching the classical “Benninghoff structure”, major changes take place with maturation from juvenile to adult cartilage (Julkunen et al., 2010; Lecocq et al., 2008). However, there have been few studies addressing the in utero collagen structure of articular cartilage. Our objective was to study the maturation of the distal femoral epiphysis articular surface, employing both magnetic resonance imaging and polarized light microscopy with picrosirius red staining, at sites employed for cartilage repair studies or susceptible to osteochondrosis to describe normal development of the spatial architecture of the collagen network at these sites and the relationship between magnetic resonance images and histology. Samples were harvested from five sites from the distal femoral epiphysis of 14 fetuses and 10 foals and adults, after the stifle was imaged with magnetic resonance imaging. Sections were stained with picrosirius red to determine the structural arrangement of the type II collagen fibres. Both magnetic resonance imaging and polarized light microscopy revealed an early progressive structural laminar/zonal organization of the collagen network, prior to birth and postnatal load-bearing.

Desenvolvimento de um biomaterial composto de poliuretano e microfibra de biovidro 45S5 em gradiente funcional para reparo de cartilagem articular: estudos in vitro e in vivo / Development of a biomaterial composed of polyurethane and bioglass microfiber in gradient functional to repair articular cartilage: in vitro and in vivo studies

Laurenti, Karen Cristina 06 September 2011 (has links)
A cartilagem articular é um tema amplamente discutido na literatura por meio de vários estudos e pesquisas. Com o presente estudo, busca-se uma proposta inovadora e original no uso de um biomaterial composto e o desenvolvimento de uma cartilagem artificial que aja como coxim elástico, apresentando características de gel fibro-reforçado com finalidade biomimética mecânica que imite o comportamento da cartilagem articular. Foi conceituado um implante que tivesse uma superfície tribológica para contato com a cartilagem do platô tibial e gradualmente se convertesse em região osteo-integrável para fixação mecânica no osso subcondral. Foi desenvolvido um biomaterial composto por poliuretano e microfibra de biovidro 45S5 em gradiente funcional que foi obtido e validado através de ensaios in vitro, microscopia eletrônica de varredura e análise histológica. Nos testes in vitro seja na condição de citotoxicidade direta ou indireta, notou-se que a quantidade de células foi estatisticamente semelhante ao controle negativo, e estatisticamente diferente do controle positivo indicando que o biomaterial composto de poliuretano e microfibra de biovidro 45S5 apresentou não toxicidade direta ou indireta da amostra e ainda promoveram o crescimento e o espalhamento celular, resultados que o habilitaram para a continuidade nos estudos com experimentos in vivo com coelhos. O material foi manufaturado para aplicação em defeitos osteocondrais de coelhos medindo 3mm de diâmetro e 4mm de profundidade que foi realizado na região central da tróclea femoral. Após períodos experimentais de 15, 30 e 90 dias as análises de microscopia eletrônica de varredura mostrou na região distal da superfície tribológica uma neo-formação de uma estrutura semelhante as trabéculas ósseas que foi considerada biomimética confirmadas por análises histológicas, e na região proximal à superfície tribológica a presença de tecido fibrocartilaginoso com condrócitos e ricamente vascularizado, validando com sucesso o conceito proposto para o implante. / Articular cartilage has been widely discussed in the literature by means of several studies and researches. The present thesis reports on an innovative and original proposal to use a biomaterial compound and the development of an artificial cartilage that acts as a cushion rubber with characteristics of fiber-reinforced gel with biomimetic mechanical purpose mimicking the behavior of articular cartilage. An implant with a tribological surface for contact with the cartilage of the tibial plateau was designed. It should gradually turn into an osteo-integrable region for mechanical fixation in the subchondral bone. A biomaterial composed of polyurethane and bioglass microfiber in functional gradient was then developed and validated by scanning electron microscopy and histological analysis through in vitro tests. Under either direct or indirect cytotoxicity conditions, the tests showed that the amount of cells is statistically similar to negative control and statistically different from the positive control, indicating that the biomaterial composed of polyurethane and bioglass microfiber showed no direct or indirect toxicity and promoted cell growth and spreading. Such results allowed continuing the studies with in vivo experiments with rabbits. The material was manufactured for use in 3mm diameter and 4mm depth osteochondral defects in the central region of the femoral trochlea of rabbits. After experimental periods of 15, 30 and 90 days, the scanning electron microscopy analysis showed a neo-formation of a structure similar to trabecular bones on the tribological surface in the distal region. This neo-formation was considered biomimetic, confirmed by both histological analysis and the presence of richly vascularized fibrocartilaginous tissues with chondrocytes in the region proximal to the tribological surface.

The Use of Biopolymers for Tissue Engineering

Nelda Vazquez-Portalatin (7424441) 17 October 2019 (has links)
<p>Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative joint disease characterized by cartilage damage and loss in the joints that affects approximately 27 million adults in the US. Tissue that is damaged by OA is a major health concern since cartilage tissue has a limited ability to self-repair due to the lack of vasculature in cartilage and low cell content. Tissue engineering efforts aim towards the development of cartilage repair strategies that mimic articular cartilage and are able to halt the progression of the disease as well as restore cartilage to its normal function.</p><p>This study harnesses the biological activity of collagen type II, present in articular cartilage, and the superior mechanical properties of collagen type I by characterizing gels made of collagen type I and II blends (1:0, 3:1, 1:1, 1:3, and 0:1). The collagen blend hydrogels were able to incorporate both types of collagen and retain chondroitin sulfate (CS) and hyaluronic acid (HA). Cryoscanning electron microscopy images showed that the 3:1 ratio of collagen type I to type II gels had a lower void space percentage (36.4%) than the 1:1 gels (46.5%) and the complex modulus was larger for the 3:1 gels (G*=5.0 Pa) compared to the 1:1 gels (G*=1.2 Pa). The 3:1 blend consistently formed gels with superior mechanical properties compared to the other blends and has the potential to be implemented as a scaffold for articular cartilage engineering.</p> <p>Following the work done to characterize the collagen scaffolds, we studied whether an aggrecan mimic, CS-GAHb, composed of CS and HA binding peptides, GAH, and not its separate components, is able to prevent glycosaminoglycan (GAG) and collagen release when incorporated into chondrocyte-embedded collagen gels. Bovine chondrocytes were cultured and embedded in collagen type I scaffolds with CS, GAH, CS and GAH, or CS-GAHb molecules. Gels composed of 3:1 collagen type I and II with CS or CS-GAHb were also studied. The results obtained showed CS-GAHb is able to decrease GAG and collagen release and increase GAG retention in the gels. CS-GAHb also stimulated cytokine production during the initial days of scaffold culture. However, the addition of CS-GAHb into the chondrocyte-embedded collagen scaffolds did not affect ECM protein expression in the gels. The incorporation of collagen type II into the collagen type I scaffolds did not significantly affect GAG and cytokine production and ECM protein synthesis, but did increase collagen release. The results suggest the complex interaction between CS-GAHb, the chondrocytes, and the gel matrix make these scaffolds promising constructs for articular cartilage repair.</p> <p>Finally, we used Dunkin Hartley guinea pigs, a commonly used animal model of osteoarthritis, to determine if high frequency ultrasound can ensure intra-articular injections of the aggrecan mimic are accurately positioned in the knee joint. A high-resolution small animal ultrasound system with a 40 MHz transducer was used for image-guided injections. We assessed our ability to visualize important anatomical landmarks, the needle, and anatomical changes due to the injection. From the ultrasound images, we were able to visualize clearly the movement of anatomical landmarks in 75% of the injections. The majority of these showed separation of the fat pad (67.1%), suggesting the injections were correctly delivered in the joint space. The results demonstrate this image-guided technique can be used to visualize the location of an intra-articular injection in the joints of guinea pigs and we are able to effectively inject the aggrecan mimic into knee joints.</p><p>All of the work presented here suggests that the addition of the aggrecan mimic to collagen I and collagen I and II scaffolds has shown that this type of construct could be useful for treating cartilage damage in the future.</p>

Lebensqualität und Gelenkfunktion nach Knorpel-Knochen-Transplantation / Langzeitergebnisse der autologen Knorpel-Knochen-Transplantation am Kniegelenk / Quality of Life and Joint Function after Autologous Osteochondral Transplantation / Osteochondral autografting in articular cartilage defects of the knee

Freche, Sven 23 June 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Caractérisation de nouveaux mécanismes transcriptionnels impliqués dans la biologie osseuse

Pellicelli, Martin 12 1900 (has links)
Le développement et l'homéostasie des os requièrent l'orchestration spatio-temporelle d'un grand nombre de signaux moléculaires. Ces signaux entraînent l'activation ou l'inhibition de différents facteurs de transcription, lesquels sont en mesure de contrôler la prolifération et la différenciation des ostéoblastes et des chondrocytes. L'intégrité de ces différents mécanismes se doit d'être maintenu tout au long de la vie. Ainsi, une anomalie dans l'un de ces mécanismes conduit à l'apparition de pathologies osseuses et métaboliques telles qu’une hypophosphatémie, l'ostéoporose ou l'ostéoarthrite (OA). Afin d'en apprendre davantage sur la biologie osseuse, le projet décrit dans cette thèse a pour objectif de caractériser de nouveaux mécanismes de régulation transcriptionnelle pour deux gènes importants dans le développement des os et le maintien de leur intégrité. Il s’agit du Paired-like Homeodomain Transcription Factor 1 (PITX1) et du Phosphate-regulating gene with homology to endopeptidase on the X chromosome (PHEX). Le premier mécanisme présenté dans cette thèse concerne la régulation transcriptionnelle du gène PITX1, un facteur de transcription à homéodomaine nécessaire, notamment, au développement des os des membres inférieurs et au maintien de l'intégrité du cartilage articulaire chez l'adulte. Ainsi, dans les chondrocytes articulaires, on note que l'expression de PITX1 est assurée par le recrutement du facteur de transcription E2F1 à deux éléments de réponse présents dans la région proximale du promoteur de PITX1. Aussi, dans les chondrocytes articulaires de patients souffrant d'OA, dans lesquels l'expression de PITX1 est fortement diminuée, un mécanisme de répression transcriptionnelle, lequel implique la protéine multifonctionnelle Prohibitin (PHB1), semble être activé. En effet, dans ces chondroytes, on note une forte accumulation nucléaire de PHB1 comparativement aux chondrocytes articulaires de sujets sains. Le second mécanisme présenté dans cette thèse concerne la répression transcriptionnelle de PHEX, la peptidase mutée dans le syndrome d'hypophosphatémie lié au chromosome X (X-Linked Hypophosphatemia, XLH), lequel se caractérise par une hypophosphatémie et une ostéomalacie. Le traitement d'ostéoblastes à la Parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP) permet d’observer la répression de PHEX. Afin de caractériser le mécanisme responsable de cette répression, des expériences de gènes rapporteurs ont révélé la présence de deux éléments de réponse pour le répresseur transcriptionnel E4BP4 dans le promoteur de PHEX. La suppression de l'expression d'E4BP4 par l'utilisation d'ARN d'interférence a permis de valider que ce facteur de transcription est responsable de la répression de PHEX suite au traitement d'ostéoblastes à la PTHrP. En somme ces nouveaux mécanismes de régulation transcriptionnelle permettent de mieux comprendre la régulation de l'expression de PITX1 et de PHEX. Aussi, cette nouvelle implication de PHB1 dans la pathogenèse de l'OA offre de nouvelles possibilités de traitement et pourrait servir pour le diagnostic précoce de cette pathologie. Enfin, la caractérisation d'E4BP4 en tant que médiateur pour la répression de PHEX par la PTHrP suggère que ce répresseur transcriptionnel pourrait être impliqué dans le contrôle de la minéralisation des os et des niveaux de phosphate sanguin. / Bone development and homeostasis need a large amount of molecular signals to be finely regulated in time and space. These signals lead to the activation or to the inhibition of different transcription factors, which are implicated in the control of osteoblast and chondrocyte proliferation and differentiation. The integrity of these mechanisms is required in order to have a healthy life. Indeed, if one of these mechanisms is dysfunctional, different diseases could develop such as hypophosphatemia, osteoporosis and osteoarthritis (OA). In order to contribute to the comprehension of bone biology, the present thesis describes new mechanisms for the transcriptional regulation of two genes implicated in bone development and regulation: PITX1 (Paired-like Homeodomain Transcription Factor 1) and PHEX (Phosphate-regulating gene with homology to endopeptidase on the X chromosome). The first mechanism described in this thesis relates to the transcriptional regulation of PITX1, a gene that encodes for a member of the homeobox family of transcription factors. PITX1 is required in bone development of inferior members and in the maintenance of the articular cartilage integrity in adults. Thereby, we showed that in articular chondrocytes, the expression of PITX1 is activated after the transcription factor E2F1 was recruited at two response elements in the proximal region of its promoter. Moreover, in articular chondrocytes from OA patients, we observed that the expression of PITX1 is strongly decreased. We proposed that the mechanism responsible for this repression requires the multitask protein Prohibitin (PHB1), which is strongly accumulated in OA chondrocyte nuclei, but not in chondrocyte nuclei from healthy individuals. The second mechanism described in this thesis reports a transcriptional mechanism by which PHEX, the gene that encodes for the peptidase mutated in the syndrome X-Linked Hypophosphatemia (XLH)and characterized by hypophosphatemia and osteomalecia, is repressed. We showed that the treatment of osteoblasts with the Parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP) induced a decrease in PHEX expression. In order to characterize the mechanism responsible for this repression, we performed gene reporter experiments and identified two response elements for the transcription factor E4BP4 in the PHEX promoter. The downregulation of E4BP4 by siRNA led to the validation that this repressor decreased the expression of PHEX in osteoblasts after their treatment with PTHrP. In conclusion, the new transcriptional mechanisms presented in this thesis allow a better understanding of PITX1 and PHEX expression. Moreover, the potential role of PHB1 in the establishment of OA presents many interesting possibilities regarding the treatment and diagnosis of this disease. Finally, the characterization of E4BP4 as a mediator of PHEX repression by the PTHrP suggests that E4BP4 could be implicated in the control of bone mineralization and phosphate levels in the blood.

Développement du cartilage articulaire équin du fœtus à l’adulte : imagerie par résonance magnétique et microscopie en lumière polarisée

Cluzel, Caroline 12 1900 (has links)
La structure du cartilage articulaire adulte est caractérisée par la présence de couches créées par l’orientation des fibres de collagène (Benninghoff, 1925). Avant de présenter la structure adulte classique en arcades “de Benninghoff”, le cartilage subit une série de changements au cours de sa maturation (Julkunen et al., 2010; Lecocq et al., 2008). Toutefois, un faible nombre d’études s’est intéressé à la structure du collagène du cartilage articulaire in utero. Notre objectif était d’étudier la maturation de la surface articulaire de l’épiphyse fémorale distale chez le cheval, en employant à la fois l’imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) et la microscopie en lumière polarisée après coloration au rouge picrosirius, au niveau de sites utilisés dans les études de réparation tissulaire et de sites prédisposés à l’ostéochondrose (OC). Le but était de décrire le développement normal du réseau de collagène et la relation entre les images IRM et la structure histologique. Des sections provenant de cinq sites de l’épiphyse fémorale distale de 14 fœtus et 10 poulains et adultes ont été colorées au rouge picrosirius, après que le grasset ait été imagé par IRM, dans l’optique de visualiser l’agencement des fibres de collagène de type II. Les deux modalités utilisées, IRM et microscopie en lumière polarisée, ont démontré la mise en place progressive d’une structure en couches du réseau de collagène, avant la naissance et la mise en charge de l’articulation. / Adult articular cartilage has a zonal or layered structure, created by the predominant collagen fibre orientation (Benninghoff, 1925). Before reaching the classical “Benninghoff structure”, major changes take place with maturation from juvenile to adult cartilage (Julkunen et al., 2010; Lecocq et al., 2008). However, there have been few studies addressing the in utero collagen structure of articular cartilage. Our objective was to study the maturation of the distal femoral epiphysis articular surface, employing both magnetic resonance imaging and polarized light microscopy with picrosirius red staining, at sites employed for cartilage repair studies or susceptible to osteochondrosis to describe normal development of the spatial architecture of the collagen network at these sites and the relationship between magnetic resonance images and histology. Samples were harvested from five sites from the distal femoral epiphysis of 14 fetuses and 10 foals and adults, after the stifle was imaged with magnetic resonance imaging. Sections were stained with picrosirius red to determine the structural arrangement of the type II collagen fibres. Both magnetic resonance imaging and polarized light microscopy revealed an early progressive structural laminar/zonal organization of the collagen network, prior to birth and postnatal load-bearing.

Matériaux polymères avec hydrophilie contrôlée. Applications en ingénierie tissulaire du cartilage articulaire / Polymeric materials with controlled hydrophilic character. Applications in articular cartilage tissue engineering

Bostan, Luciana Elena 11 February 2011 (has links)
Les maladies ostéoarticulaires représentent environ 10% de l’ensemble des pathologies identifiées en France chaque année. Ces maladies inflammatoires et dégénératives des articulations sont pour la plupart consécutives au vieillissement ou à un traumatisme et évoluent vers l’usure des cartilages, d’où un handicap sévère. Comme aucun traitement ne permet la réparation totale du tissu cartilagineux, la recherche médicale développe des techniques d’ingénierie tissulaire. Ces techniques utilisent des substrats polymériques et des cellules souches qui sont « contraints » de se développer pour former du tissu cartilagineux. Cependant, ces techniques ne peuvent pas encore être utilisées à l’échelle d’une articulation complète car il n’est pas possible de reproduire ex vivo à grande échelle la structure et les propriétés mécaniques et physicochimiques du cartilage articulaire. Dans ce contexte, les travaux de cette thèse ont permis de développer des matériaux polymères capables d’être implantés à l’échelle macroscopique dans les articulations pathologiques afin de combler l’usure des cartilages. Pour se faire, de nouveaux biomatériaux - hydrogels p(HEMA) - ont été obtenus en contrôlant le caractère hydrophile des hydrogels p(HEMA) au cours de leur synthèse chimique en présence de différents co-monomères (acide acrylique, acrylamide, acrylate d'éthylène et acrylate de butyle). Partant de là, les propriétés physicochimiques, mécaniques et tribologiques de ces nouveaux hydrogels ont été optimisées afin d’obtenir des propriétés similaires à celles du cartilage articulaire sain. Ensuite, la libération contrôlée de médicaments par ces hydrogels a été étudiée afin de minimiser les risques inflammatoires lors de leur utilisation en ingénierie tissulaire du cartilage articulaire. / Osteoarticular diseases re present approximately 10% of all diseases identified in France each year. These inflammatory and degenerative joint disease are mostly consecutive with age or injuries and the wear progress of cartilage, resulting in severe disability. Because no treatment will total repair the cartilage tissue, medical research is developing techniques based on tissue engineering. These techniques use polymer substrates and stem cells that are "forced" to develop into cartilage tissue. However, these techniques cannot be used across a run articulation because Il is not possible-to replicate ex vivo a large-scale structure and the physicochemical and mechanical properties of articular cartilage. In this context, the purpose of this thesis is to develop polymer materials that can be implanted at the macroscopic level in the joints disease that will fill the wear of the cartilage. To do so, new biomaterials - hydrogels p (HEMA)- were obtained by controlling the hydrophilic nature of hydrogels p (HEMA) during their chemical synthesis in the presence of various co-monomers (acrylic acid, acrylamide, acrylate ethylene and butyl acrylate). From there, physicochemical, mechanical and tribological properties of these novel hydrogels have been optimized to obtain similar properties to those of healthy articular cartilage. Then, the controlled release of drugs from these hydrogels was studied to minimize inflammatory when used in tissue engineering of articular cartilage.

Desenvolvimento de um biomaterial composto de poliuretano e microfibra de biovidro 45S5 em gradiente funcional para reparo de cartilagem articular: estudos in vitro e in vivo / Development of a biomaterial composed of polyurethane and bioglass microfiber in gradient functional to repair articular cartilage: in vitro and in vivo studies

Karen Cristina Laurenti 06 September 2011 (has links)
A cartilagem articular é um tema amplamente discutido na literatura por meio de vários estudos e pesquisas. Com o presente estudo, busca-se uma proposta inovadora e original no uso de um biomaterial composto e o desenvolvimento de uma cartilagem artificial que aja como coxim elástico, apresentando características de gel fibro-reforçado com finalidade biomimética mecânica que imite o comportamento da cartilagem articular. Foi conceituado um implante que tivesse uma superfície tribológica para contato com a cartilagem do platô tibial e gradualmente se convertesse em região osteo-integrável para fixação mecânica no osso subcondral. Foi desenvolvido um biomaterial composto por poliuretano e microfibra de biovidro 45S5 em gradiente funcional que foi obtido e validado através de ensaios in vitro, microscopia eletrônica de varredura e análise histológica. Nos testes in vitro seja na condição de citotoxicidade direta ou indireta, notou-se que a quantidade de células foi estatisticamente semelhante ao controle negativo, e estatisticamente diferente do controle positivo indicando que o biomaterial composto de poliuretano e microfibra de biovidro 45S5 apresentou não toxicidade direta ou indireta da amostra e ainda promoveram o crescimento e o espalhamento celular, resultados que o habilitaram para a continuidade nos estudos com experimentos in vivo com coelhos. O material foi manufaturado para aplicação em defeitos osteocondrais de coelhos medindo 3mm de diâmetro e 4mm de profundidade que foi realizado na região central da tróclea femoral. Após períodos experimentais de 15, 30 e 90 dias as análises de microscopia eletrônica de varredura mostrou na região distal da superfície tribológica uma neo-formação de uma estrutura semelhante as trabéculas ósseas que foi considerada biomimética confirmadas por análises histológicas, e na região proximal à superfície tribológica a presença de tecido fibrocartilaginoso com condrócitos e ricamente vascularizado, validando com sucesso o conceito proposto para o implante. / Articular cartilage has been widely discussed in the literature by means of several studies and researches. The present thesis reports on an innovative and original proposal to use a biomaterial compound and the development of an artificial cartilage that acts as a cushion rubber with characteristics of fiber-reinforced gel with biomimetic mechanical purpose mimicking the behavior of articular cartilage. An implant with a tribological surface for contact with the cartilage of the tibial plateau was designed. It should gradually turn into an osteo-integrable region for mechanical fixation in the subchondral bone. A biomaterial composed of polyurethane and bioglass microfiber in functional gradient was then developed and validated by scanning electron microscopy and histological analysis through in vitro tests. Under either direct or indirect cytotoxicity conditions, the tests showed that the amount of cells is statistically similar to negative control and statistically different from the positive control, indicating that the biomaterial composed of polyurethane and bioglass microfiber showed no direct or indirect toxicity and promoted cell growth and spreading. Such results allowed continuing the studies with in vivo experiments with rabbits. The material was manufactured for use in 3mm diameter and 4mm depth osteochondral defects in the central region of the femoral trochlea of rabbits. After experimental periods of 15, 30 and 90 days, the scanning electron microscopy analysis showed a neo-formation of a structure similar to trabecular bones on the tribological surface in the distal region. This neo-formation was considered biomimetic, confirmed by both histological analysis and the presence of richly vascularized fibrocartilaginous tissues with chondrocytes in the region proximal to the tribological surface.

Quantitative magnetic resonance imaging methods for evaluation of articular cartilage in knee osteoarthritis:free-precession and rotating-frame relaxation studies at 3 Tesla

Casula, V. (Victor) 11 October 2016 (has links)
Abstract Osteoarthritis (OA) is a common chronic condition that reduces the quality of life of millions of individuals worldwilde. In OA, the progressive degradation of articular cartilage (AC) and bone can cause joint pain and disability. Currently there is no effective treatment available for OA besides gross joint replacement surgery. This is largely due to the lack of accurate biomarkers to test potential drugs and treatments that could stop or reverse the disease progression. The primary tools in use for OA diagnostics are inadequate in the early stage of the disease and merely allow its late manifestations to be visualized. Quantitative MRI (qMRI) has demonstrated the ability to distinguish degenerated from intact AC prior to radiographic changes. Moreover, so-colled rotating frame relaxation time parameters are sensitive to the slow molecular motion domain, relevant for clinical applications. T1&#961; and T2&#961; relaxation time measurements using adiabatic spin-lock pulses (AdT1&#961; and AdT2&#961;) have shown superior sensitivity to cartilage degeneration in vitro over conventional qMRI parameters. This thesis aimed to compare the differences that exist between established qMRI methods for AC against arthroscopic evaluation as well as optimize and validate AdT1&#961; and AdT2&#961; mapping of cartilage in vivo. The findings showed that T1 and T2 relaxation time and delayed gadolinium enhanced MRI of cartilage (dGEMRIC) were able to discriminate among different arthroscopic grades of cartilage lesions. However, arthroscopic findings and qMRI parameters were not correlated, supporting the viewpoint that qMRI may be able to elicit more comprehensive information on the quality of remaining cartilage tissue as compared to diagnostic arthroscopy, which detects cartilage loss. AdT1&#961; and AdT2&#961; mapping of cartilage in vivo were successfully implemented and validated on a clinical MRI system. AdT1&#961; and AdT2&#961; were able to overcome limitations of the existing methods (continuous wave spin-lock approach), which are challenging to implement on clinical settings for their susceptibility to field inhomogeneity and relatively high power deposition in tissue. The association of AdT1&#961; and AdT2&#961; with cartilage and bone marrow lesions and osteophytes was demonstrated. The findings indicate the utility of AdT1&#961; and AdT2&#961; mapping as potential biomarkers for evaluation of early cartilage degeneration in OA research and clinical applications. / Tiivistelmä Nivelrikko on tavallinen krooninen sairaus, joka huonontaa miljoonien ihmisten elämänlaatua ympäri maailman. Nivelrikossa nivelruston ja luun asteittain etenevä rappeuma voi aiheuttaa nivelkipua ja liikuntakyvyttömyyttä. Tällä hetkellä nivelrikkoon ei ole muuta tehokasta hoitokeinoa kuin tekonivelleikkaus. Tämä johtuu suuremmaksi osaksi tarkkojen biomarkkereiden puutteesta, joiden avulla voitaisiin kokeilla mahdollisia nivelrikon pysäyttäviä tai tautia parantavia lääkkeitä tai hoitokeinoja. Nykyisin nivelrikon diagnostiikassa käytetyimmät menetelmät ovat riittämättömiä sairauden alkuvaiheessa, ja ne tunnistavat vain sairauden loppuvaiheet. Kvantitatiivisilla magneettikuvausmenetelmillä pystytään erottamaan rappeutunut ja ehjä nivelrusto toisistaan ennen röntgenkuvissa havaittavia muutoksia. Nk. pyörivän koordinaatiston relaksaatioaikaparametrit ovat herkkiä havaitsemaan hidasta molekyyliliikettä, jolla on merkitystä kliinisissä sovelluksissa. Kokeellisissa olosuhteissa T1&#961;- ja T2&#961;-relaksaatioaikojen mittaaminen käyttäen adiabaattisia spin-lukkopulsseja (AdT1&#961; ja AdT2&#961;) on osoittautunut erityisen tarkaksi nivelruston rappeutumisen toteamiseksi verrattuna perinteisiin kvantitatiivisiin magneettikuvausmenetelmiin. Tämän väitöskirjan tavoitteena oli vertailla vakiintuneita nivelrikon kvantitatiivisia magneettikuvausmenetelmiä sekä optimoida ja validoida AdT1&#961;- ja AdT2&#961;-menetelmien käyttöä ihmisen ruston tutkimisessa. Tulokset osoittivat, että T1- ja T2-relaksaatioajat sekä varjoainetehosteinen nivelruston magneettikuvaus pystyivät erottelemaan niveltähystyksessä määritettyjä nivelrikon eri asteita. Kuitenkaan niveltähystyslöydökset ja kvantitatiiviset magneettikuvausparametrit eivät korreloineet viitaten kvantitatiivisen magneettikuvauksen kykyyn osoittaa tarkemmin jäljellä olevan ruston laatua verrattuna niveltähystykseen, jossa arvioidaan ruston puutosta. Nivelruston AdT1&#961;- ja AdT2&#961;-relaksaatioaikamittaukset onnistuttiin suorittamaan ja validoimaan vapaaehtoisilla koehenkilöillä kliinisellä magneettikuvauslaitteella. AdT1&#961; ja AdT2&#961; eivät kärsineet samoista puutteista kuin tavanomaiset jatkuva-aaltoiset spin-lukkomenetelmät, joka ovat herkkiä kenttäepähomogeenisuuksille ja aiheuttavat suuremman radiotaajuusaltistuksen. Tutkimuksessa osoitettiin AdT1&#961;- ja AdT2&#961;-mittausten ja luuödeemin sekä osteofyyttien välinen yhteys. Tulokset osoittivat, että AdT1&#961;- ja AdT2&#961;-mittaukset ovat potentiaalisia biomarkkereita varhaisen nivelruston rappeuman havaitsemiseksi tutkimus- ja kliinisessä käytössä.

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