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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Micro-Typological Study of Shina : A Hindu Kush Language Cluster

Knobloch, Nina January 2019 (has links)
In this thesis, 9 Indo-Aryan languages which have previously been classified as Shina languages were analyzed. A cognate analysis of basic vocabulary was conducted, in order to explore the relatedness of the languages. Furthermore, a selection of phonological, morphological, syntactic, and lexical features was analyzed, in order to explore areal patterns among the languages. The data mainly consisted of first-hand data, which has been collected for the project ”Language contact and relatedness in the Hindu Kush region”, but even previous descriptions of the languages were used. The results primarily confirmed hypotheses about the relatedness of the Shina languages, and showed interesting areal patterns.The data also suggested that the Shina languages share many typical features with other Hindu Kush Indo-Aryan languages, such as SOV word order, the use of postpositions, sex based grammatical gender, and moderately complex to complex syllable structures. Other features, such as aspiration, retroflexion, and case alignment in noun phrases showed more variation and could certainly be relevant for future studies on these languages. / I den här uppsatsen har 9 indoariska språk som tidigare har klassificerats som shinaspråk analyserats. För att undersöka hur språken är besläktade med varandra har en kognatanalys av det grundläggande ordförrådet genomförts. Dessutom har ett urval fonologiska, morfologiska, syntaktiska, och lexikaladrag analyserats, i syfte att undersöka areala mönster hos språken. Datan för undersökningen bestod huvudsakligen av förstahandsdata, som har samlats in för projektet “Språkkontakt och släktskap i Hindukushregionen”, men även tidigare beskrivningar av språken har används. Resultaten bekräftade mestadels hypoteser om hur shinaspråken är besläktade med varandra, och visade intressanta areala mönster. Det visade sig att shinaspråken delar många drag med andra indoariska språk i Hindukushregionen, såsom SOV ordföljd, användning av postpositioner, grammatisk genus baserat på biologisk kön, och medelkomplexa till komplexa stavelsestrukturer. Andra drag, exempelvis aspiration, retroflexion,och kasuskongruens i nominalfraser, visade större variation och skulle kunna vara relevanta för framtida studier av dessa språk. / Language Contact and Relatedness in the Hindu Kush Region, Swedish Research Council (VR 421-2014-631)

Las traducciones medievales y su influencia

Haik, Simón. January 1980 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 1980. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 1052-1070).

The Use of the Copula in Non-Copula Constructions in the Languages of South Asia

Sjöberg, Anna January 2018 (has links)
In this thesis, I explore the use of copulas in non-copula constructions in the languages of South Asia to establish possible genetic and areal tendencies in the distribution. Using materials – language descriptions and data – from Grierson’s Linguistic Survey of India, I examine the phenomenon in 206 languages from four families (Munda, Dravidian, Indo-Aryan and Sino-Tibetan). It is found that the languages of South Asia appear to be more likely than the world-wide average to use the copula in non-copula constructions and that at least Munda, Dravidian and Indo-Aryan use it in the same way with regards to tense, namely in the past and present but not the future. Finally, I argue that there is some evidence supporting that the use of the copula in non-copula constructions is an areal feature, though more work is needed to make any definitive conclusions.

Tense and aspect systems in Dardic languages : A comparative study

Rönnqvist, Hanna January 2013 (has links)
The languages belonging to the group commonly known as the “Dardic languages” are on some levels insufficiently researched and have barely been subject to any comparative research on their finer grammatical structures, such as their tense and aspect systems. This comparative study analyses three Dardic languages spoken in the central Dardic speaking area (Khowar, Gawri, Palula) in view of their tense and aspect system, to find out how similar the languages are in this respect. The comparison is based on Dahl‟s 1985 Tense and Aspect questionnaire, partly to have an equal, comparable data set, and partly to be able to tie the results to the greater field of language typology. The study shows that the languages studied have a common primary focus on IPFV:PFV distinction, where past tense often is a secondary implicature following perfective aspect. There are notable differences in how and if the languages mark future tense and habitual aspect. The subject merits further studies on an extended sample and with more languages from the Dardic group.

Lexico-Semantic Areality in the Greater Hindu Kush : An Areal-Typological Study on Numerals and Kinship Terms

Venetz, Jacqueline January 2019 (has links)
The Greater Hindu Kush designates a mountainous area extending from Afghanistan over Pakistan, Tajikistan and India to the westernmost parts of China. It is home to over 50 lan- guages from six different phyla; Indo-Aryan, Iranian, Nuristani, Turkic, Tibeto-Burman and the language isolate Burushaski. Due to its unique geographical setting, it is characterised by language contact and isolation, which lays the perfect ground for research on linguistic diversity, language convergence and genealogical relations. The present study relies on data from the entire region and attempts to identify structural similarities based on lexical items from core vocabulary, numerals and kinship terms. The study reexamines the genealogical affiliation through lexical similarity and investigates areal patterns of vergence, i.e. the branching out or mergence of these patterns. Results reconfirm the established classification of the languages and indicate a certain level of structural simi- larity across language families for some features such as numeral bases, numeral composition and the terms for ‘parents’ and ‘parents-in-law’, yet it also shows great diversity for other features such as ‘grandchildren’ and one’s siblings’ partner. / Language contact and relatedness in the Hindukush region (421-2014-631)

A micro-typological study of Pashai varieties in Afghanistan

Quasnik, Vanessa January 2019 (has links)
The Hindu Kush region stretches from Afghanistan over Pakistan to North India and is home to what is commonly known as the Dardic languages. The Dardic langagues are a group of Indo-Aryan languages that have in isolation and under contact developed or retained features that can not be found in Indo-Aryan languages outside the region. In the ongoing project ”Language contact and relatedness in the Hindu Kush region” data on over 50 languages has been collected including nine varieties of northwest Indo-Aryan Pashai spoken in west Afghanistan. A cognate analysis and an analysis of phonological, morphological, syntactical and lexical features were conducted. The cognate analysis shows that the Pashai varieties build two clusters, a western group consisting of the three western Pashai varieties and an eastern group consisting of six eastern varieties. The structural analysis shows a more diverse picture with three potential clusters, a group of the two most western varieties, a northeastern group and a central group consisting of one western variety and two southeastern varieties. Some features found to be shared by languages in the region are also found in all Pashai varieties like a subject-object-verb order and postpositions. / Hindukushregionen sträcker sig från Afghanistan över Pakistan till norra Indien och hyser de vanligtvis så kallade dardiska språken. De dardiska språken tillhör de indo-ariska språken vilka i isolation och genom kontakt utvecklade eller bevarade drag som inte längre finns i indo-ariska språk utanför regionen. I det pågående projekt “Språkkontakt och språksläktskap i Hindukushregionen” samlades data från mer än 50 språk inklusive nio varietéer av det nordvästra indo-ariska språket Pashai som talas i västra Afghanistan. En kognatanalys och en analys av fonologiska, morfologiska, syntaktiska och lexikala drag genomfördes. Kognatanalysen visar att Pashai varieteterna formar kluster, en västragrupp av de tre västra varieteterna och en östra grupp av de sex östra varieteterna. Struktruanalysen visar en mer skiftande bild av tre potentiella kluster, en grupp av de två mest västra varieteterna, en nordöstra grupp och en centergrupp bestående av en västra varietet och två sydöstra varieteter. Några drag som anses vara delad av språken i regionen kan också konstateras i alla Pashaivarieteter som ensubjekt-objekt-verb följd och postpositioner.

Distance and visibility in Gawri demonstratives / Avstånd och synlighet i demonstrativor i gawri

Lange, Noa January 2017 (has links)
This is a study of demonstratives in Gawri [ISO 639-3: gwc] (Hindukush Indo-Aryan, HKIA), based on field data collected in Islamabad, Pakistan during the winter of 2016–2017. Previous studies of HKIA languages report systems of third-person pronouns with a three-way demonstrative contrast – two terms distinguishing between proximal and distal referents, and one used with accessible referents out of sight. Gawri, by contrast, exhibits a five-term system of demonstrative determiners, which is separate from its personal pronouns. This study investigates the deictic meaning, pragmatic use, and syntactic function of each demonstrative in Gawri as well as a comparative sample of four Indo-Aryan languages. The purpose is to assess differences in reference to accessible and inaccessible entities, and whether Gawri’s invisible term is viable in an exophoric (situational) context. A modified version of Wilkins’ (1999) demonstrative questionnaire was used to elicit data from seven speakers. Results indicate that Gawri’s invisible demonstrative is functionally exophoric on at least two discrete distances from the deictic center, while it is restricted to accessible referents in other HKIA languages. A reanalysis of Gawri’s demonstrative system is proposed, which reduces its number of terms to two within each of the parameters of distance and visibility. / Detta är en undersökning av demonstrativor i gawri [ISO 639-3: gwc] (Hindukush-indoariskt, HKIA) baserad på fältdata samlade i Islamabad, Pakistan under vintern 2016–2017. Tidigare studier i HKIA rapporterar tredjepersonpronomen med en tredelad demonstrativkontrast, varav två termer särskiljer proximala från distala referenter och en används med tillgängliga referenter utom synhåll. Gawri har i motsats ett femdelat system av demonstrativdeterminerare som är separata från dess personliga pronomen. Denna studie undersöker samtliga demonstrativors deiktiska betydelse, pragmatiska användning och syntaktiska funktion i gawri samt i ett jämförelsesampel med fyra indoariska språk. Syftet är att upptäcka eventuella skillnader i referens till tillgängliga och otillgängliga entiteter, samt huruvida den osynliga demonstrativan är tillämpbar i en exoforisk (situationell) kontext. En modifierad version av Wilkins (1999) demonstrative questionnaire användes för att elicitera data från sju talare. Resultatet visar att gawris osynliga demonstrativa är funktionellt exoforisk vid åtminstone två diskreta avstånd från den deiktiska mittpunkten, medan den är begränsad till tillgängliga referenter i andra HKIA-språk. En omanalys av gawris demonstrativsystem föreslås, vilken reducerar dess termer till två inom var och en av parametrarna avstånd och synlighet. / Language contact and relatedness in the Hindukush Region, Swedish Research Council, Project number: 421-2014-631

Demonstrative contrasts in Hindukush Indo-Aryan / Demonstrativkontraster i Hindukush-indoariska

Lange, Noa January 2016 (has links)
Hindukush Indo-Aryan (HKIA) is a disputed subgroup of Indo-Aryan languages spoken within a linguistically diverse area stretching from northeastern Afghanistan, across northern Pakistan to northwestern India, principally covering the mountainous region of Hindukush–Karakoram–Western Himalaya. A noteworthy feature of some of these languages is a three-way demonstrative system, or three deictic terms used by speakers to direct one another’s attention to referents at different distances in their environment. It has been suggested that the distinguishing feature of one such demonstrative in HKIA is its referents’ remote distance from the interlocutors, or their absence from the environment altogether. The purpose of this study is two-fold: first, it is to more closely examine the demonstrative systems of a sample of HKIA languages on the basis of fieldwork data; secondly, it is to compare the data to previous accounts of the systems, as well as to the demonstrative systems of other languages spoken in the region. The results provide evidence that two demonstratives in HKIA are distance-contrastive, and one is invisibility-contrastive vis-à-vis the other two. Such a three-term system is moreover shown to be present in languages of the area that span across three other genealogical families, which suggests that the feature may be areally influenced. / Hindukush-indoariska (HKIA) är en omtvistad grupp av indoariska språk som talas i ett språkrikt område från nordöstra Afghanistan, genom norra Pakistan till nordvästra Indien, vilket främst täcker Hindukush-, Karakoram- och västra Himalaya-bergen. Ett anmärkningsvärt drag i ett antal sådana språk är demonstrativsystem med tre nivåer, eller tre deiktiska termer som talare använder för att rikta varandras uppmärksamhet åt referenter vid olika avstånd i deras omgivning. Det har föreslagits att det utmärkande draget för en av HKIA-språkens sådana demonstrativor är det stora avståndet mellan dess referenter och talarna, eller rentav referenternas frånvaro från omgivningen. Syftet med denna studie är dubbelt: i första hand att närmre undersöka demonstrativsystemen hos ett urval av HKIA-språken på basis av fältdata; i andra hand att jämföra dessa data med tidigare beskrivningar av systemen, samt med demonstrativsystem i andra språk som talas i regionen. Resultatet ger bevis för att två demonstrativor i HKIA är avståndskontrastiva, och att en kontrasterar osynlighet från de andra två. Det påvisas dessutom att ett likadant tredelat system finns i språk som talas i området från tre andra genealogiska familjer, vilket tyder på att draget kan vara arealt signifikant. / Language contact and relatedness in the Hindukush Region, Swedish Research Council, Project number: 421-2014-631

Fusion, exponence, and flexivity in Hindukush languages : An areal-typological study

Rönnqvist, Hanna January 2015 (has links)
Surrounding the Hindukush mountain chain is a stretch of land where as many as 50 distinct languages varieties of several language meet, in the present study referred to as “The Greater Hindukush” (GHK). In this area a large number of languages of at least six genera are spoken in a multi-linguistic setting. As the region is in part characterised by both contact between languages as well as isolation, it constitutes an interesting field of study of similarities and diversity, contact phenomena and possible genealogical connections. The present study takes in the region as a whole and attempts to characterise the morphology of the many languages spoken in it, by studying three parameters: phonological fusion, exponence, and flexivity in view of grammatical markers for Tense-Mood-Aspect, person marking, case marking, and plural marking on verbs and nouns. The study was performed with the perspective of areal typology, employed grammatical descriptions, and was in part inspired by three studies presented in the World Atlas of Language Structures (WALS). It was found that the region is one of high linguistic diversity, even if there are common traits, especially between languages of closer contact, such as the Iranian and the Indo-Aryan languages along the Pakistani-Afghan border where purely concatenative formatives are more common. Polyexponential formatives seem more common in the western parts of the GHK as compared to the eastern. High flexivity is a trait common to the more central languages in the area. As the results show larger variation than the WALS studies, the question was raised of whether large-scale typological studies can be performed on a sample as limited as single grammatical markers. The importance of the region as a melting-pot between several linguistic families was also put forward. / Språkkontakt och språksläktskap i Hindukushregionen, Vetenskapsrådet, Projektnummer: 421-2014-631

Antisemitismus v Protektorátu Čechy a Morava / Antisemitism in Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia

Fabianová, Petra January 2011 (has links)
The master thesis called "Antisemitism in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia" is describing, based on historical events, progress of solution of the Jewish question in the occupied Czech lands during the Second world war. In the first chapter the author describes the main events of the Jewish minority life in the protectorate. Jews had lost all their personal rights and discrimination in this regard was almost unbearable. German Nazism developed and at the same time realized "final solution" of the Jewish question. This term signified euphemistic name for the physical extermination of the Jewish nation. The second chapter devotes to the analysis of the press. The most important part of the whole thesis introduces three collaborationist periodicals from protectorate, which were chosen by author. They are called: Zteč (Assault), Árijský boj (Arya fight) and Národní politika (National politics). Construction of the Terezin concentration camp and subsequent life in it describes the last and the third chapter. This ghetto meant an important part of the whole Jewish question and its solution. Although the transports to eastern areas took place here, some Jews arranged better life through cultural activities and illegal educational activities. One of the specifics of Terezín was also the role that the camp played in the Nazi propaganda.

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