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Transforming stewardship, profaning mammon giving to God in a postmodern age /Branscombe, Michael P. January 1900 (has links)
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 137-144). / Thesis (D. Min.)--Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry, 2008.
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Renewing baptismal spirituality through daily devotions and reflection at Ascension Lutheran Church, Edmonton, CanadaKochendorfer, Lawrence Arthur. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (D.W.S.)--Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies, 2008. / Abstract. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 166-173).
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A ascensão do conhecimento humano no De libero arbitrio de Agostinho de Hipona / The ascension of human knowledge in the Augustin of Hippos De libero arbitrioRoberto Carlos Pignatari 18 September 2014 (has links)
A pesquisa intenta verificar como se dá o itinerário de ascensão do conhecimento da verdade e das ciências, conforme a descrição apresentada no De libero arbítrio, com apoio nos paralelos constantes dos diálogos De ordine e De quantitate animae, compostos por Agostinho no período Cassicíaco-Roma (386-396 d.C). Tomando como referência a ascensão intelectual apresentada no livro II do De libero arbitrio, e tendo por base as noções de condução/guia e julgamento/instituição aplicadas à razão, verificamos como o itinerário da alma no conhecimento probatório da realidade divina apresenta, para além da escalada em subida hierarquizante do sensível até Deus, o conhecimento como o movimento de perfazimento da realidade conhecida em eternidade, dado que a razão assenta e está fundamentada na verdade eterna e imutável, e todo ato cognitivo é por ela conduzido/orientado e adjudicado/instituído, o que, em última instância, equivale a afirmar que a eternidade se perfaz na realidade conhecida, precisamente no átimo temporal do instante em que se reconhece qualquer conhecimento como verdadeiro. Para tanto, trata-se de verificar como, em cada nível do conhecimento em ascensão, o passo seguinte está suposto - na verdade o contém e perfaz, fundamentando-o - no anterior, de maneira que a etapa posterior, necessária e permanentemente, ratifica e adjudica a etapa anterior. E, assim como o instante, ao instituir a totalidade temporal, é figuração da eternidade2, o conhecimento em ascensão perfaz e figura a absolutidade na veracidade, através da percepção imediata e perenemente simultânea ao seu perfazimento da totalidade da ordenação harmoniosa e universal dos seres (De ordine); da funcionalidade do ato imaginativo presente na simultaneidade verificada entre as percepções sensível/concreta e interior/espiritual (De quantitate animae); bem como nos sobreditos atos de condução e julgamento efetuados no perfazimento do conhecimento universal (De líbero arbitrio) / This dissertation intends see the occurrence of the itinerary of souls ascension in the knowledge of truth and science, according to the description given in De libero arbitrio, with suport in the parallels lectures presents in the dialogues De ordine and De quantitate animae, composed in the Augustines Cassissiacum - Rome period (386-396 AD). Referring to intelectual ascension exposted in Book II of De libero arbitrio, and based on the notions of driving/guide and judgment/institution, in the rational way, we verified like the itinerary of the soul in probatory knowledge of divine reality shows, in addition to climbing \"hierarchical elevation\" of a sensibility to God, the knowledge of how the movement of factoring of reality known in eternity, as the reason rests and is founded on the eternal and unchangeable truth, and every cognitive act is driven/oriented and award/established by reason, which, ultimately, is equivalent to saying that eternity is known totals in this reality, precisely in the temporal instant that one recognizes any knowledge as true. For this purpose, it is to see how, at each level of knowledge on the rise, the next step is supposed to - actually contains and makes up reasons it - the previous, so that the subsequent necessary step and permanently, ratifies and awards the previous step. And just like the instant, by introducing the temporal totality, is like a previous or figuration of eternity, also knowledge and totals rising figure the absoluteness truthfulness through the immediate perception - and its perennially simultaneous factoring - the totality of universal and harmonious ordering of beings (De ordine); the functionality of the imaginative act in this concomitance observed between sensitives perceptions and interiority (De quantitate animae); as well as the aforesaid acts of conduct and judgment made in making of universal knowledge (De libero abitrio)
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The Ascension of Jesus Christ: Its Role in Redemption from a Latter-day Saint Theological PerspectivePerez, William 01 December 2019 (has links)
Mosiah 18:2 lists the ascension of Jesus Christ as one of the atoning acts that brings about redemption. Although many faith traditions have developed a theology about the significance of the ascension, the topic has not been covered at length within The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This thesis explores the ascension of Jesus Christ and its implications for humanity from the perspective of Latter-day Saint beliefs.The ascension of Jesus Christ can be considered the culmination, even the capstone of His atonement. There are sufficient sources within Latter-day Saint canon and the teachings of general authorities to support a theology of redemption through ascension and to expound on the implications of this final salvific act for humanity. This thesis serves as a prolegomenon for further insightful study and discussion.
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Les images de l' Ascension du Christ dans la chrétienté latine entre le 9e et le 13e siècle / The images of the Ascension of Christ in Latin Christendom from the 9th to the 13th centuryGuenot, Magali 27 June 2016 (has links)
Consacrée aux représentations de l’Ascension du Christ en Occident entre le 9e et le 13e siècle, la thèse entreprise propose une analyse de l’épisode de la montée du Christ au ciel d’après son iconographie. Cette analyse comporte plusieurs séquences. S’agissant d’un sujet religieux, nous avons d’abord présenté les sources canoniques, puis les commentaires qui en ont été faits. Une mise au point sur la liturgie a également été nécessaire. En méthode, selon les principes de l’analyse sérielle visant à repérer les récurrences et les particularités d’un sujet iconographique, un corpus de 325 œuvres a été constitué. Le nombre conséquent d’œuvres recensées a permis d’utiliser différentes méthodes statistiques, comme l’analyse factorielle multiple (AFM) et l’analyse statistique implicative (ASI) : combinant méthodes quantitative et qualitative, ces outils ont permis de mettre en lien des interactions entre les différents motifs de l’image. Nous avons ainsi dégagé plusieurs types iconographiques dans la manière de représenter le Christ, mettant en avant la mobilité iconographique du sujet. Cette méthode nous a permis de dégager les traits d’interprétation de l’image. Nous avons procédé à l’analyse de l’image à travers l’étude des motifs iconographiques, le schéma de composition du sujet, ou encore l’interprétation d’un programme iconographique. La mise en parallèle avec des commentaires de l’Ascension a offert un nouvel éclairage sur l’interprétation des images : reflet d’une époque, d’une pensée commune, il a été possible d’apporter de nouvelles clés de lecture de certaines représentations ou associations d’images. À travers l’étude de l’iconographie de l’Ascension du Christ, c’est toute la complexité de l’image médiévale qui est apparue. D’abord étudiée pour elle-même dans l’analyse des motifs, elle a mis en lumière la diversité du sujet, d’un point de vue tant iconographique que théologique. Replacée ensuite dans son contexte de création, elle a révélé de nouvelles combinaisons iconographiques, aboutissant à de nouvelles possibilités de comprendre l’image. / This thesis is dedicated to western representations of the Ascension of Jesus Christ between the IX and XIII Centuries and offers an analysis of this episode according to its iconography. This analysis consists of several sequences. As it is a religious subject, we have first the canonical sources, followed by the comments made on them. Clarification on the liturgy was also necessary. For the method, and according to the principles of serial analysis aimed at identifying the recurrences and particularities of an iconographical subject, a corpus of 325 works of art was constituted. The substantial amount of inventoried works of art permitted utilising different methods of statistics, such as the Implicative Statistical Analysis (ISA) and the Multiple Factorial Analaysis (MFA). These tools, combining quantitative and qualitative methods, permitted the establishment of connections between the images’ different motives. Several iconographical types in the representation of Christ were identified, showing the iconographical mobility of this subject.This method also allowed us to reach the main iconographical lines of the image. We proceeded to the images’ analysis through studying the iconographical motives, the subject’s composition and the interpretation of the iconographical programme. The parallel display with the comments on the Ascension shed new light upon those images’ interpretation: reflection of a time, a common belief; it was possible to bring new keys of understanding of certain representations or associated images. Through the iconographical study of Christ’s Ascension, the whole complexity of medieval image was brought highlighted. Firstly studied for itself during the motives analysis, it showed the diversity of the subject from iconographical and theological points of view. Later replaced in its context of creation, it revealed new iconographical combinations, leading to new possibilities of interpreting the image.
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Mikrobielle Diversität an diffusen Quellen des Mittel-Atlantischen Rückens / Microbial diversity within the low-temperature influenced deep marine biosphere along the Mid-Atlantic-RidgeRathsack, Kristina 08 November 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Instabilités de trajectoires de sphères, ellipsoïdes et bulles / Path instabilities of spheres, spheroids and bubblesZhou, Wei 29 September 2016 (has links)
La thèse présente une étude numérique des instabilités de trajectoires de sphères, d'ellipsoïdes aplatis et de bulles en mouvement libre sous l'action de la gravité, de la poussée d'Archimède et des forces hydrodynamiques. Le chapitre sur les sphères reprend, complète et étend l'étude numérique de Jenny et al. (2004) en se concentrant sur la transition au chaos et sur les trajectoires chaotiques. Les résultats montrent la différence entre le scénario de transition au chaos de sphères de faible et de grand rapport de densité. Plusieurs grandeurs statistiques sont proposées afin de fournir une caractérisation quantitative des états chaotiques. Elle permettent de mettre en relation les états ordonnées et chaotiques et offrent une possibilité de comparaison objective de données aléatoires d'origine numérique ou expérimentale. L'étude, très extensive, du comportement d'ellipsoïdes aplatis établit le lien entre les disques et les sphères en faisant varier l'aplatissement des objets depuis infiniment plat jusqu'à presque sphérique. Les huit diagrammes d'état présentés permettent de comprendre l'effet de la forme des ellipsoïdes sur le scénario de transition. Le cas d'ellipsoïdes presque sphériques montre que de faibles imperfections de la forme peuvent avoir in impact significatif sur les trajectoires de sphères de très faible rapport de densité. Pour les bulles considérées dans la limite de rapport de densité et viscosité az/liquide nul, l'étude se concentre sur l'analyse de stabilité linéaire et aboutit à la courbe de stabilité marginale dans le plan des paramètres nombre de Bond – nombre de Galilée en tenant compte de la déformation des bulles au moment de la perte de leur axisymétrie. Plus deux décades de nombres de Bond, entre 0,1 et 20, sont couvertes. Les résultats montrent clairement l'effet de la déformation de la bulle sur le seuil de l'instabilité. / The thesis presents a numerical study of path instabilities for spheres, oblate spheroids and bubbles moving freely under the effect of the gravity, buoyancy and hydrodynamic forces. For spheres, the parametric study of Jenny et al. (2004) is revisited, improved end extended with a special focus on the chaotic states. The results reveal that the effect of density ratio responsible for different oblique oscillating states of low and high frequencies has a significant impact both on the onset of chaos and on the behavior of fully chaotic states. Several quantitative statistical quantities are proposed and shown to be relevant for establishing the relation between chaotic and ordered states and for an objective comparison of random data of numerical or experimental origin. The extensive study on freely moving spheroids establishes the link between disks and spheres by varying the aspect ratio of spheroids from infinitely flat to almost spherical. The state diagrams provided for eight different aspect ratios of spheroid show in detail how the transition scenario varies depending of the body shape. The investigation of almost spherical spheroids reveals the specificities of the dynamics of light imperfect spheres.For the deformable gas bubble in the limit of zero gas/liquid density and viscosity ratio, a marginal stability curve is given in the two-parameter plane of the Galileo and the Bond number indicating the critical Galileo numbers for the loss of stability of vertical trajectories. The numerical investigation covers more than two decades of Bond number going from 0.1 to 20. The results clearly show the crucial role of the surface deformation.
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Patchwork : le rationnel du système de promotion dans l'organisation des Hells AngelsLeduc, Maïa January 2005 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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O Coronel Sydnei: ascensão social e classe dominante na trajetória de um militar e empresário negro / Colonel Sydnei: social ascension and dominant class in the trajectory of a black army officerAlves, Benno Victor Warken 20 October 2014 (has links)
Analiso a trajetória do militar, professor e empresário negro Sydnei Lima Santos (1925-2001), o Coronel Sydnei. Nascido no Rio de Janeiro e de origem modesta, tornou- se oficial do Exército, mudou-se para Curitiba ainda no início da carreira e ali construiu uma grande instituição de ensino superior, a Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná. Investigo como essa história excepcional foi moldada por condicionantes de classe social e de raça ao longo de dois movimentos distintos no espaço social: o movimento de ascensão e a conquista de uma posição de classe dominante. Desde uma perspectiva mais subjetiva, examino ainda a atitude que o Coronel desenvolveu frente à questão racial em correspondência com a ideologia dominante na sua época: a democracia racial. / I analyze the trajectory of the military, professor and businessman Sydnei Lima Santos (1925-2001), also known as Coronel Sydnei. Born in a humble family in the city of Rio de Janeiro, he became an army officer, moved to the city of Curitiba still in the beginning of his career, and ended up building an important private higher education institution, Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná. I investigate how this exceptional history was shaped by class and race conditionings along two distinct displacements in the social space: a movement of social ascension and the achievement of a dominant class position. From a more subjective standpoint, I still examine the attitude developed by the Coronel towards the racial problem in correspondence to the dominant ideology of his time: the racial democracy.
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Padrões de riqueza e mobilidade social na economia cafeeira: Campinas, 1870-1940 / Wealth standards and social mobility in the coffee economy: Campinas, 1870-1940Abrahão, Fernando Antonio 27 February 2015 (has links)
As origens da pujança econômica e da diversidade social e cultural de São Paulo são temas estudados por historiadores e economistas. Nesta tese, propõe-se um estudo da riqueza de Campinas durante a economia cafeeira, de 1870 a 1940, recorte temporal este que inicia com o auge da cafeicultura, chegando até aos primeiros desenvolvimentos de uma economia industrial e urbana. A excepcional expansão das exportações de café e a imigração de europeus, de meados do século XIX em diante, estimularam a diversidade dos mercados de trabalho e de consumo locais e tornou possível aos indivíduos comuns ascenderem socialmente em uma hierarquia dominada pela elite cafeeira. A principal fonte documental utilizada foi uma série de inventários post mortem, dos quais sistematizamos as informações pessoais dos inventariados e as propriedades declaradas e orçadas nas suas partilhas. Analisou-se, primeiramente, as origens nacionais e as ocupações econômicas dos inventariados. Na sequência, considerou-se o conjunto das riquezas líquidas dos processos e a composição das propriedades de cada indivíduo. Os dados demonstram ter havido uma extrema desigualdade na distribuição da riqueza em Campinas. Todavia, também encontramos casos de mobilidade ascendente, especialmente entre os imigrantes italianos, que foram maioria no conjunto das colônias estrangeiras do período. / The origins of São Paulos economic vigour and social diversity are topics broadly studied by historians and economists. In this thesis, we investigate the wealth accumulation in Campinas during the coffee economy from 1870 to 1940 a period that begins with the zenith of the coffee production, stretching itself to the first glimpses of a more industrial economy. The leading source used is a sample of post-mortem inventories, from which we codified the inventoried personal data and their declared and budgeted properties listed in their apportionments. The national origins and the economic occupations of the inventoried were primarily analysed. Further, the amount of net wealth of the processes and the composition of the properties of each individual were considered. The data suggest there had been an extreme inequality in the distribution of such wealth. Nevertheless, we found several cases of ascending mobility, especially amongst the Italian immigrants, who represented the majority among the immigrant families in the period.
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