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Design and development of biomimetic surfaces and three-dimensional environments to study cell behaviorMarí Buyé, Núria 11 May 2012 (has links)
La biomimètica o biomimetisme són termes que simbolitzen el concepte “aprendre de la naturalesa”, és a dir, aprendre dels seus sistemes, processos i models, a fi d’utilitzar la natura com a font d’inspiració per solucionar problemes de l’home. El biomimetisme és actualment un concepte recurrent en l’àrea d’enginyeria de teixits i d’ell en sorgeixen idees per obtenir plataformes més elegants i sofisticades que puguin imitar millor les interacciones entre les cèl•lules i el seu ambient. Aquesta tesi pretén desenvolupar models, en dues i en tres dimensions, mitjançant la recreació d’un o més factors característics de l’ambient natural de la cèl•lula i que juguen un paper important en el comportament cel•lular.
Se sap que tant les propietats químiques com les mecàniques de la matriu extracel•lular influeixen sobre les funcions cel•lulars. És per això que es va dissenyar un nou film polimèric que pogués combinar un hidrogel, amb propietats mecàniques variables, amb un monòmer reactiu capaç d’immobilitzar biomolècules. Degut a la complexitat del polímer dissenyat, va ser necessari recórrer a una tècnica de polimerització superficial molt versàtil com és la deposició química iniciada en fase vapor (més coneguda pel seu acrònim en anglès iCVD). Els polímers varen ser àmpliament caracteritzats i es va corroborar que podien ser modificats amb petites biomolècules com ara pèptids senyalitzadors. Les superfícies resultants són bioactives i permeten l’adhesió de cèl•lules endotelials.
Unes altres superfícies biomimètiques, rellevants en l’àmbit de l’enginyeria de teixits d’os, es varen obtenir a partir d’una hidroxiapatita sintetitzada pel mètode de sol-gel submergint-la en diferents medis fisiològics. La dissolució i posterior reprecipitació dels ions proporcionen una capa d’apatita amb una composició similar a la que es troba in vivo. Els experiments evidencien la importància de partir d’un material relativament soluble. És per això que la hidroxiapatita pura no és capaç d’induir la precipitació d’aquesta apatita biomimètica in vitro. Diversos investigadors han relacionat la capacitat de formar apatita amb la bioactivitat del material, entenent bioactivitat com l’habilitat d’aquests materials de promoure la unió amb l’os.
Per a l’enginyeria de teixits, però, és necessari un ambient tridimensional per tal de generar un teixit artificial. S’ha desenvolupat un nou model basat en l’ús d’un gel molt tou per tal d’obtenir un teixit dur com el de l’os. Malgrat que aquests dos conceptes poden semblar contradictoris, les cèl•lules adquireixen l’habilitat d’allargar-se ràpidament i crear una densa xarxa cel•lular dins d’aquest ambient poc restrictiu des d’un punt de vista mecànic. La consegüent contracció del sistema acaba formant un constructe més petit i resistent. Aquest és un sistema biomimètic ja que promou una gran interacció cel•lular i també la condensació de les cèl•lules, esdeveniments que tenen lloc també durant el desenvolupament de l’os i el cartílag. El model es va caracteritzar extensament amb cèl•lules ostoprogenitores MC3T3-E1 que es diferenciaren amb inducció química. A més a més, es va demostrar que l’ambient tridimensional podia promoure l’expressió espontània de marcadors osteogènics. Degut a les interessants propietats del sistema, el mateix model es va utilitzar per induir la diferenciació condrogènica de fibroblastos dermals humans. Aquests tipus cel•lular no ha estat gaire explorat en l’àmbit de l’enginyeria de teixits, malgrat que ofereix un gran potencial en teràpia regenerativa. Aquest treball proporciona proves de la capacitat condrogènica d’aquestes cèl•lules en el sistema tridimensional prèviament desenvolupat. / La biomimètica o biomimetismo son términos que simbolizan el concepto “aprender de la naturaleza”, es decir, aprender de sus sistemas, procesos y modelos, y utilizarlos como fuente de inspiración para solucionar problemas del hombre. El biomimetismo es actualmente un concepto recurrente en el área de ingeniería de tejidos y de este surgen ideas para obtener plataformas más elegantes y sofisticadas que puedan mimetizar mejor las interacciones entre las células y su ambiente. La presente tesis se centra en desarrollar modelos, tanto en dos como en tres dimensiones, mediante la recreación de uno o más factores que caracterizan el ambiente natural de la célula y que tienen su rol importante en el comportamiento celular.
Se conoce que tanto las propiedades químicas como mecánicas de la matriz extracelular influyen en las funciones celulares. Debido a esto, se diseñó un nuevo film polimérico que pudiera combinar un hidrogel, con propiedades mecánicas variables, con un monómero reactivo, capaz de inmovilizar biomoléculas. Debido a la complejidad del polímero diseñado, fue necesario recurrir a una técnica de polimerización superficial muy versátil como es la deposición química iniciada en fase vapor (más conocida por su acrónimo en inglés iCVD). Los polímeros fueron ampliamente caracterizados y se corroboró que podían ser modificados con pequeñas biomoléculas como péptidos señalizadores. Las superficies resultantes son bioactivas y permiten la adhesión de células endoteliales.
Se obtuvieron otro tipo de superficies biomiméticas relevantes en el ámbito de la ingeniería de tejidos de hueso, a partir de una hidroxiapatita sintetizada por el método sol-gel sumergiéndolas en diferentes medios fisiológicos. La disolución y posterior reprecipitación de los iones proporcionan una capa de apatita con una composición similar a la que se encuentra in vivo. Los experimentos evidencian la importancia de partir de un material relativamente soluble. Precisamente debido a esto la hidroxiapatita pura no es capaz de inducir la precipitación de esta apatita biomimética in vitro. Varios investigadores han relacionado la capacidad de formar apatita con la bioactividad del material, entendiendo bioactividad como la habilidad de estos materiales de promover la unión con el hueso.
De todos modos, en ingeniería de tejidos, es necesario un ambiente tridimensional para generar un tejido artificial. Se ha desarrollado un nuevo modelo basado en el uso de un gel blando para obtener tejido duro como el del hueso. Aunque estos conceptos pueden parecer contradictorios, las células adquieren la habilidad de estirarse rápidamente y de formar una densa red celular dentro de este gel tan poco restrictivo desde un punto de vista mecánico. La consiguiente contracción del sistema acaba formando un constructo mucho más pequeño y resistente. Este es un sistema biomimético ya que promueve una gran interacción celular y también la condensación de las células, eventos que también ocurren durante el desarrollo de hueso y cartílago. El modelo se caracterizó extensamente con células osteoprogenitoras MC3T3-E1 que se diferenciaron bajo inducción química. Además, se demostró que el microambiente tridimensional podía promover la expresión espontánea de marcadores osteogénicos. Debido a las interesantes propiedades del sistema, el mismo modelo se usó para inducir la diferenciación condrogénica de fibroblastos dermales humanos. Este tipo celular no ha sido demasiado explorado en ingeniería de tejidos, a pesar de que puede tener un gran potencial en terapia regenerativa. Este trabajo proporciona pruebas de la capacidad condrogénica de estas células en el sistema tridimensional previamente desarrollado. / Biomimetics or biomimicry are terms that imply “learning from nature”, from its systems, processes and models, in order to use nature as inspiration to solve human problems. In tissue engineering, biomimetics is nowadays a recurrent term and a source of ideas to obtain more elegant and sophisticated platforms that could better mimic the interactions between cells and their environment. This thesis is focused on developing models both in two- and three-dimensions by recreation of one or more factors of the cell natural environment that are known to play an important role in cell behavior.
Since both the chemical and mechanical properties of the extracellular matrix are known to effectively influence cell function, an innovative polymeric thin film was designed combining a hydrogel with tunable mechanical properties and a reactive molecule, capable to immobilize biomolecules. Due to the complexity of the polymers, a versatile technique such as initiated chemical vapor deposition (iCVD) was required for the synthesis. Extensive characterization revealed that nanostructured hydrogels were obtained and that small biomolecules, such as signaling peptides, could be attached on the surface. The final surfaces are bioactive and support endothelial cell attachment.
Relevant biomimetic surfaces for bone tissue engineering could also be obtained from a sol-gel synthesized hydroxyapatite after immersion in different physiological media. The dissolution and posterior reprecipitation of the ions rendered a final apatite layer with a composition similar to that found in vivo. The experiments evidenced the importance of starting from a rather soluble material and, thus, pure hydroxyapatite was not able to promote apatite precipitation in vitro. This capacity has been related to the material bioactivity by many researchers in terms of its ability to bond to bone in tissue engineering applications.
However, for tissue engineering a three-dimensional environment is required to build tissue-like constructs. A new model was developed based on the use of a very soft gel to obtain hard tissue. Although the concepts might seem to work in opposite directions, cells gain the ability to rapidly elongate and form a dense cellular network within this unrestrictive environment. Subsequent contraction of the whole system rendered a smaller and stronger final tissue-like construct. This system was considered biomimetic as it promotes high cell-cell interaction and cellular condensation, which are events that occur in bone and cartilage development. This system was extensively characterized with osteoprogenitor MC3T3-E1 cells that could undergo full osteogenic differentiation under chemical induction. More interestingly, the three-dimensional microenvironment was also able to promote by itself spontaneous expression of bone-related markers. Due to the interesting properties of this system, the same model was used to induce chondrogenic differentiation of human dermal fibroblasts. This cell type has been poorly explored for tissue engineering applications, but it might have great potential in future therapeutic platforms. This work provides proof of concept of chondrogenic potential of these cells in this three-dimensional system.
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Selbstorganisation magnetischer Nanopartikel auf facettierten Saphir-Substraten / self-organisation of magnetic nanoparticles on faceted sapphire substratesHerweg, Carsten 18 March 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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Monteringsstation för verktygstavlor : Konstruktion och framtagning av monteringsinstruktion / Assembling station for tool boards : Construction and production of assembly instructionsAudo, Sandra, Eriksson, Pontus January 2018 (has links)
This thesis project has been carried out with Husmuttern AB as the requestor for the job. Husmuttern AB is a company in the start-up phase which works with developing module houses which are recyclable, disassemblable and standardized. The goal for the thesis project is to design an assembly station for mobile tool boards in a Husmuttern factory. There should also be instructions for the assembly station. The tool boards are used as storage for tools, safety equipment and more. The station must be usable for people without professional experience and regardless of language knowledge and background. The research questions are: * How should the instructions be designed so that a person regardless of language background can understand them? * What are the most important factors regarding ergonomics and protection against misassembly? The method used is based on the product development process described in Produktutveckling by Ulrich, K and Eppinger, S (2012), but adapted to the current project. To obtain a complete tool board one needs to place all hooks and other storage on the board and thereafter mount the boards to legs to make it mobile. To make sure that all hooks, nuts, etc. are placed correctly, installation templates are used to show where everything needs to be placed. A fixture is used for the legs, where one stands the legs, installs the boards in the correct order and uses screws to secure them. The instructions are in the shape of a Powerpoint presentation which is displayed on TV monitors in the factory. The instructions contain pictures and video showing every step of the assembly. There are also symbols, like for example arrows, pointing out important details which need to be observed. The instructions contain no current text, the only writing is numbers, which the workers are expected to understand. The project group has carried out tests with the workers in the factory. The tests have shown that the concept works. The installation templates combined with the instructions makes it easy for the workers to understand where everything needs to be placed. The fixture for the legs has not been tested with the workers in its final form, but the concept has been tested and is working satisfactorily. / Detta examensarbete har gjorts med Husmuttern AB som uppdragsgivare. Husmuttern AB är ett företag i uppstartsfasen som utvecklar modulhus som ska vara återvinningsbara, demonterbara och standardiserade. Examensarbetet går ut på att konstruera en monteringsstation för mobila verktygstavlor till en Husmuttern-fabrik. Det ska även finnas instruktioner till stationen. Tavlorna används som förvaring för verktyg, säkerhetsattiraljer m.m. Stationen ska kunna användas av människor utan yrkeserfarenhet och oavsett språkkunskaper och bakgrund. Forskningsfrågorna är: * Hur ska instruktionerna utformas så att personer oavsett språklig bakgrund kan förstå dem? * Vilka faktorer är de mest avgörande när det gäller ergonomi och skydd mot felmontering? Metoden som använts baseras på produktutvecklingsprocessen som beskrivs i Produktutveckling av Ulrich, K och Eppinger, S (2012), men är anpassad till det aktuella projektet. För att få en färdig verktygstavla behöver man montera alla krokar och annan förvaring på tavlorna och därefter montera tavlorna på ben så att den blir mobil. För att alla krokar, muttrar m.m. ska hamna på rätt plats på tavlorna har man använt hålmallar som visar var varje del ska sitta. Till benen används en fixtur som man ställer benen i, lägger i tavlorna i rätt ordning och skruvar fast dem. Instruktionerna är i form av en powerpoint-presentation som spelas upp på tv-apparater i fabriken. Instruktionerna innehåller bilder och video som visar varje moment i monteringen. De innehåller också symboler som t.ex. pilar som ska uppmärksamma viktiga detaljer. Instruktionerna innehåller ingen löpande text, den enda skrift som finns är siffror, vilka arbetarna förväntas förstå. Projektgruppen har gjort tester med arbetare i fabriken. Testerna har visat att konceptet fungerar. Hålmallarna i kombination med instruktionerna gör att arbetarna enkelt förstår var alla delar ska monteras. Fixturen för benen har inte testats på arbetarna i sin slutgiltiga form men konceptet har testats och det fungerar tillfredsställande.
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Hala pro trhy a výstavy / Trade and Exibition hallErban, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
The Master´s thesis is focused on the design and structural analysis of the hall serving for businnes and exhibitons purposes that is strained by the permanent load, climatic and operational load. The construction is located in the area Opava. The hall is designed as intersection of two domes. The diametr of smaller one is 38,0 m and diametr of bigger one is 50,0 m. Maximum high of the construction reach 15,150 m. The main carrier elements of the structure are beams made from glued laminated timber, class GL24h.
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Sensorgeführte Bewegungen stationärer RoboterWinkler, Alexander 17 June 2015 (has links)
Den Kern der vorliegenden Arbeit bilden sog. sensorgeführte Roboterbewegungen, d. h. die Nutzung von Informationen externer Sensoren zur Regelung des Roboters. Da gängige Industrierobotersysteme üblicherweise positionsgeregelt sind und seitens der Robotersteuerung lediglich der Zugriff zu den Sollwerten der Lageregelkreise erlaubt wird, kann auch der Regelkreis der sensorgeführten Roboterbewegung nur über den Lageregelkreis geschlossen werden. Aus diesem Grunde werden hier nur positionsbasierte Regelungsansätze verfolgt.
Die Kraft-/ Momentregelung gilt als eine der wichtigsten Varianten sensorgeführter Roboterbewegungen. Dementsprechend widmet sich auch ein großer Teil dieser Arbeit dem Thema, mit dem Ziel durch innovative und übersichtliche Regelalgorithmen die Akzeptanz der Kraft-/ Momentregelung in industriellen Produktionsprozessen zu erhöhen. Beginnend mit der eindimensionalen Kraftregelung führt der Weg dabei über Konzepte zur Konturenverfolgung und kraft-/ momentgeregelten Montageaufgaben hin zur Kooperation von Robotern.
In einem weiteren Teil wird ein Konzept zur Kollisionsvermeidung zwischen Robotern und Hindernissen präsentiert. Es basiert auf dem Ansatz der virtuellen Potential- bzw. Kraftfelder. Dabei ruft das künstliche Feld eine Bewegung des Roboters hervor, die vom Hindernis weg führt. Um das Feld zu erzeugen, wird die Methode der künstlichen Punktladungen entwickelt. Diese werden auf der Oberfläche eines Hindernisses platziert und generieren dann das virtuelle Kraftfeld. Die Platzierung kann z. B. mithilfe der CAD-Daten des Hindernisses erfolgen. Bei bewegten Objekten müssen alle Ladungspositionen ständig aktualisiert werden.
Für Lehr- und Präsentationszwecke ist das sog. inverse Pendel eine oft genutzte Regelstrecke. Sein Aufrichten und Stabilisieren ist auch mit Hilfe eines Industrieroboters möglich. Dazu beschäftigt sich ein Kapitel dieser Arbeit mit Fragen zur Modellbildung der Kombination inverses Pendel und Industrieroboter und mit Regelungskonzepten für das Aufschwingen und Balancieren. Letztendlichen wird in diesem Zusammenhang noch ein Visual-Servoing System präsentiert, dass den Neigungswinkel des Pendels mit einer Kamera bestimmt.
Alle hier vorgestellten Konzepte und Algorithmen werden Anhand von praktischen Experimenten verifiziert. / This work deals with so-called sensor guided robot motions, which means using the data of external sensors to control the robot. The control loop of the sensor guided robot motion can be only closed around the position control loop, because industrial robot systems usually work position controlled and only access to the desired positions is enabled. For this reason here only position based control approaches are regarded.
Force/torque control is a very important type of sensor guided robot motions. According to this, a good portion of this work deals with the subject of force/torque control. Thus, the acceptance of force/torque control in industrial production processes should be increased, by using innovative and clear control algorithms. For this purpose force control in one degree of freedom, contour-following, force/torque controlled assembling tasks and the cooperation between robots are discussed here in different chapters.
Thereafter, a concept to collision avoidance between robots and obstacles is presented. It uses the approach of virtual potential/force fields. In this case the artificial field induces a robot motion away from the obstacle. The method of artificial charges is developed to generate this field. For this purpose virtual charges are placed on the surface of the obstacles. Placing of the charges can be performed using e.g. CAD data of the obstacles. Having moving obstacles charge positions must be updated continuously.
The inverted pendulum is commonly used teaching students in control theory. The swinging up and the stabilization of the pendulum also can be performed by an industrial robot. One chapter of this work deals with modelling of the robot mounted inverted pendulum and control algorithms for its swinging up and its stabilization. Finally, in combination with the inverted pendulum a visual-servoing system is presented, which measures the pendulum inclination angle by camera.
All concepts introduced in this work are verified by practical experiments.
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Elaboration de composés oléophiles super amphiphiles biosourcés polymorphes rétenteurs et vecteurs d'eau dans les procédés de cure et bitumes / Preparation of polymorphic oleophilic super amphiphiles biobased retainers and vectors of water in the processing of cures and bitumenNyame Mendendy Boussambe, Gildas 30 April 2015 (has links)
Les milieux réactionnels issus de l’étude de la réactivité de deux types de polyols, le glycérol et le diglycérol par réaction d’estérification directe avec l’acide undécylénique, catalysée par l’acide dodécylbenzène sulfonique (ADBS). Les résultats montrent que les ystèmes polyol/acide undécylénique donnent une émulsion eau dans huile (E/H). L’ajout de l’ADBS et de l’eau formée in-situ aux systèmes polyol/acide undécylénique ont permis de réduire la taille des gouttelettes de 50 μm à moins de 1 μm et d’obtenir un système organisé (micro-réacteur). L’augmentation de la température contribue à favoriser le transfert de matière dans les systèmes émulsionnés et / ou gélifiés et d’obtenir un système monophasique, homogène et structurés. L’étude de la réaction de ces systèmes avec une approche site à site (site OH / site COOH) a montré que lorsque le nombre de sites acides carboxyliques est inférieur à celui des sites hydroxyles, la synthèse est totalement sélective en esters partiels des deux polyols (glycérol et diglycérol). Les rendements sont supérieurs respectivement à 60% en esters partiels de glycérol et à 70% en esters partiels de diglycérol. La modélisation de la cinétique de synthèses et la régression des données cinétiques ont montré que la réaction est réversible d’ordre 2 et athermique. Les énergies d’activation calculées sont de 17 kcal/mol et 16 kcal/mol respectivement pour le monoundécénoate de glycérol (MUG) et le diundécénoate de glycérol (DUG). De plus, la méthodologie de recherche expérimentale a montrée que les variables (concentration en catalyseur ADBS et température) permettent d’obtenir le MUG avec un rendement de plus de 60% et une sélectivité en MUG de 80%. Ensuite, l’étude de la réactivité de la double liaison terminale du MUG en présence de deux agents oxydants pour engendrer des molécules bolaamphiphiles simples a été réalisée par H2O2 / acide formique et acide métachloroperbenzoïque (m-CPBA). Les résultats ont montré le 10,11-dihydroxy-monoundécénoate de glycérol (MUGDiol) est obtenu par oxydation au H2O2 / acide formique et le 10,11-époxy-monoundécénoate de glycérol (MUGE) par réaction d’époxydation avec la m-CPBA. L’ouverture de la fonction époxyde par des molécules aminées permet l’observation de nouvelles molécules bolaamphiphiles : le 10-hydroxy-N-11-((2-hydroxyéthyl)amino)monoundécénoate de glycérol(bola éthanolamineglycérol) et le N,N-11-(diaminobutan)-10-hydroxymonoundecanoate de glycérol (bola diaminobutaneglycérol). L’étude des propriétés physico-chimiques de ces molécules amphiphiles et bolaamphiphiles a permis de monter que toutes ces molécules sont de solvo-surfactants actifs aux interfaces et elles réduisent la tension interfaciale de l’eau jusqu’à la limite de la solubilité dans l’eau. L’adsorption des molécules ne vérifie pas le modèle de Gibbs. Le MUG et le MUDG s’auto-assemblent dans l’eau et donnent des nano-objets (vésicules et agrégats plats) et s’adsorbent sur des surfaces polaires et solides (silice et ciment). Ces deux molécules retiennent 30% et 56% molécules d’eau et le nombre de molécules d’eau fortement liée aux têtes polaires est de 21 et 49 respectivement pour le MUG et le MUDG. Pour es molécules bolaamphiphiles pures (MUGE et bola éthanolamineglycérol), elles retiennent plus de 56% de molécules d’eau et se lient à plus 53 molécules d’eau. L’ensemble de ces propriétés physico-chimiques a permis de répondre aux problématiques industrielles et de formuler un produit de cure, un agent de démoulage et un produit anti-adhérent. / This study is of the reactivity of two types of polyols (glycerol and diglycerol) by direct esterification reaction with undecylenic acid from castor oil. This reaction was catalyzed by dodecylbenzene sulfonic acid (DBSA). The first step was to study of polyol / undecylenic acid reaction systems by physico-chemical approach. The result have shown that these systems give water-in-oil (W / O) emulsion. Adding DBSA and water formed in-situ in polyol/undecylenic acid systems have reduced droplet size from 50 microns to less than 1 μm and form an organized system (micro-reactor). Increasing temperature can simplify transfers in emulsified systems and / or melted gel and to get a monophasic and homogeneous system. The only systems and aided by water formed in-situ assists the organization and structuring of gels. The reaction study of these systems was analyzed by gas chromatography. This showed that when the number of carboxylic acid function sites is less than the hydroxyl function site, synthesis is totally selective to partial esters of the two polyols (glycerol and diglycerol). The yields are higher than 60% in partial glycerol esters and 70% in partial diglycerol esters. The kinetic modeling of this synthesis and regression of kinetic data by the software GEPASI showed that the reaction follows the reversible 2 order and it is athermic. The calculated activation energy is 17 kcal/mol for the synthesis of glycerol monoundecenoate (GMU) and 16 kcal/mol for glycerol diundecenoate (GDU), these values are close to the theoretical values and they show that the reaction is happening at room temperature. Moreover, the response of the surface methodology shows that the variables chosen for the present study are temperature and catalyst concentration have a positive effect on the yield of the GMU. This approach was used to determine the optimum conditions for producing the GMU. Second study performed was of the reactivity of the terminal double bond of the GMU in presence of two oxidizing agents H 2 O 2 / formic acid and metachloroperbenzoic acid (m-CPBA), for synthesized bolaamphiphiles molecules was performed. The H 2 O 2 /formic acid was used to oxidize the double bond of GMU in diol function of glycerol 10,11-dihydroxymonoundecenoate (GMUDiol). The m-CPBA epoxidizes the double bond of GMU to give glycerol 10,11-epoxymonoundécénoate (GMUE). The opening of the epoxide function by aminoalcohol molecules are used to generate the new molecules bolaamphiphiles molecules: the bola ethanolamineglycerol and the bola diaminobutaneglycerol. The third step was the stady of the physico-chemical properties of pure amphiphilic and bolaamphiphiles molecules. The result was shown that all molecules are solvo-surfactants molecules and they are active in the interfaces (liquid/air and liquid/solid). The curves of surface tension of water do not respect the Gibbs rule. GMU and DGMU self- assemble in water and give nano-objects (vesicles and aggregates) in diluted solutions. In hydrogel, the molecules self-assemble in lamellar phase. In this lamellar phase, the amount of water retained is 56% and the number of water molecules strongly linked to the polar heads is 49 moles of water/diglycerol monoundecenoate molecule (DGMU). All these physico-chemical properties have permit to respond to industrial problems such as water retention for the curing product, self-assembly for demoulding concrete and for surface anti-adhesion and adsorption and finally foaming required for the aged bitumen regeneration. For pure bolaamphiphiles molecules (GEMU and ethanolamineglycerol bola) reduce the interfacial tension of water to the limit of the solubility of this bola molecules in water but do not provide a critical aggregation concentration (CAC). They retain more water molecules respectively between 56% and 63% water and the number of water molecules strongly bound with two polar heads groups pure bolaamphiphiles molecules is between 42 and 53.
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Vliv účinků poddolování na volbu typu nosné konstrukce mostu v km 332,420 trati Dětmarovice - Č. Těšín / Influence Selecting the Type of the Bridge Structure at km 332,420 of Railway Dětmarovice-Český Těšín by the Effects of UnderminingChaloupka, Martin January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the master’s thesis was t odevelop alternative solutions supporting steel structure of the railway bridge on the undermined area. The range of single fields were chosen based on the location of existing substructures. Reducing the width of bridge openings were not allowed. Based on the geodetic survey plans were drawn up clear of the current state. On the basis of specifications for developing a detailed process was chosen variant Gerber’s beam reinforced with an arch in mean field. For this variant was performed structural analysis of the main parts of the main structure of the bridge, which was calculated with the effects of undermining. For variant Gerber’s beam were made clear drawings and drawing details of the selected steel bridge construction (new state). Further, detailed analysis of selected structural detail was made. Specifically, connecting rod to the main beam, which was designed optimal shape and thickness of the joints plate with a suitable radius of the firing to avoid plastification of the material in this area. Variant of the continuous beam without joints was prepared to. It has been observed, what is the effect of undermining on the stress in the construction of the bridge - was confronted with the effects on Gerber’s beam. To reduce stress in the construction of the bridge and compliance of ultimate state of applicability of the main beam has been designed bearing adjustment and after considering several options its implementation too. The economic comparison between the two variants was conducted. The assembling procedure was designed for both types of bridge structures. In the technical report we can read about due to the intention of building a new bridge and further we can find there other important technical information. In conclusion of the master’s thesis there has been recommended for the construction specific variant – from the perspective of an investor, and from the static aspect-view of the designer.
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