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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda flyktingar : En kvalitativ litteraturöversikt / Nurses’ experiences of caring for refugees : A qualitative literature review

Espinoza, Ester, Hillbom, Johanna January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Antalet flyktingar i världen har ökat dramatisk under det senaste decenniet. Detta ställer krav på sjuksköterskor som tar emot flyktingar i olika vårdkontexter. Mötet med en patient med flyktingbakgrund färgas av patientens tidigare erfarenheter som inte sällan är traumatiska. För att stödja sjuksköterskors arbete att tillgodose personcentrerad vård till dessa patienter kan implementering av kulturell kompetens och transkulturell omvårdnad komma till nytta. Syfte: Att beskriva sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda flyktingar. Metod: Studien är en litteraturöversikt med kvalitativ ansats där 10 vetenskapliga artiklar utgör underlaget för resultatet. Resultat: Fyra huvudteman presenteras: Unik omvårdnadssituation, Ett utmanande arbete, Känslan av att inte räcka till och Behov av kunskap och information. Sjuksköterskor upplever att vårda flyktingar som ett krävande arbete med flera utmaningar såsom språk och kulturskillnader. I resultat framkommer även att sjuksköterskor upplever att de saknar kompetens och kunskap vilket genererar känslor som stress och frustration. Konklusion: Sjuksköterskor är i behov av mer stöd och resurser för att kunna tillgodose en personcentrerad vård för flyktingar. / Background: The number of refugees in the world has increased dramatically through the last decade. This puts pressure on nurses attending to refugees in different health care settings. Encounters with refugee patients are influenced by the patient’s past experiences that are often traumatic. Implementing cultural competence and transcultural nursing in nursing practice, can be benificial for nurses working with refugees. Aim: To describe nurses’experiences of caring for refugees. Method: This study is a literature review with a qualitative approach based on 10 scientific articles. Findings: Four main themes are presented: Unique nursing situation, The challenges of caring forrefugees, Feeling inadequate and A need for knowledge and information. Nurses experience the work with refugees as demanding with challenges such as language-and cultural differences. The results also show that nurses feel that they lack competence and knowledge which generate feelings of stress and frustration. Conclusion: Nurses are in need of more support and resources in order to cater a person-centered care for refugees.

The vulnerable assylum : investigating an architecture of difference in a migrant society

Hough, David Ian January 2016 (has links)
During 2015 South Africa, a single country with far fewer resources than the EU, had to provide refuge for approximately 72,000 asylum seekers. This global infl ux of people has been classifi ed as a crisis, placing extreme pressure on the economical, social and urban systems of many cities. Threatened by xenophobia and a bureaucratic legal process, many of these international visitors are treated to a reluctant welcome upon entering South Africa. In a context such as Marabastad, characterised by urban sprawl, singleuse territories and reduced density, exceedingly migratory populations are forced to contend for informal opportunities and sources of survival, often to the detriment of the existing urban fabric. In spite of this, mobile individuals have found a way to situate themselves and organise their surroundings without fi gurative representation within an urban context scattered with 'ruins' of past utopian ideologies. Through a recombination of the contradictory facets of architecture, namely fetish and fossil, utopia and ruin, the Vulnerable Asylum investigates the ability of heritage architecture to accommodate new migrant citizens. The resultant architecture off ers possibilities in providing an architectural platform for the economies, communities and potentials brought into South Africa by international visitors, incorporating rather than excluding them. / Mini Dissertation (MArch (Prof))--University of Pretoria, 2016. / Architecture / MArch (Prof) / Unrestricted

Pupils in the context of multiple and multidirectional migration during their obligatory schooling years

Bukus, Beatrix 16 April 2020 (has links)
This qualitative study is about the experiences of school-age children with multiple and multidirectional migration, and about how they challenge the established conceptualisation of social and educational integration and contribute to a better understanding of globalisation and transnationalism. Reasons and ways my study participants got involved in this form of migration were elaborated on, and their experiences and the effects on their lives and educational attainments were examined. This exploration connects to the scarce research literature on the diverse forms of migration among children and delivers evidence for the importance of looking into the individual biographical experiences of school-age children in order to rethink and adapt concrete measures supporting local educational and social integration.:1. Introduction 2. Theoretical Framework 3. Secondary literature review 4. Research questions and research methods 5. Cases and Context 6. Findings of the data analysis 7. Discussion and outlook Secondary literature List of Figures and Charts Table of content for the Appendix / Die Dissertation befasst sich mit Biografien von Kindern und Jugendlichen mit einer mehrfachen und mehrdirektionalen Migrationserfahrung während ihres Schulpflichtalters und diskutiert, wie diese Erfahrungen die etablierte Konzeptualisierung der sozialen und schulischen Integration herausfordern und zu einem besseren Verständnis von Globalisierung und Transnationalismus beitragen. Es wurde untersucht, aus welchen Gründen und auf welche Art und Weise meine StudienteilnehmerInnen in dieser Migrationsform involviert waren, sowie welche Auswirkungen ihre mehrfache und mehrdirektionale Migrationserfahrung auf ihr Leben und ihre Bildungskarriere hatten.:1. Introduction 2. Theoretical Framework 3. Secondary literature review 4. Research questions and research methods 5. Cases and Context 6. Findings of the data analysis 7. Discussion and outlook Secondary literature List of Figures and Charts Table of content for the Appendix

Good Fences Make Good Neighbors: The Rio Grande Arrival/Departure Shelter

Gaite, Gabrielle Angelica 15 June 2023 (has links)
"Where the power of the wall is to deny, the power of the door is to permit, and allow entry. 1" Borders are represented on maps as thick, predetermined lines that delineate, separate, and segregate one area from another. A whole is divided into two or more parts. Borders become boundaries and, in reality, are abstract and intangible, often responsible for creating both geographic and political havoc. In between a border are thresholds that signal a transition between layers, spaces, times, and countries. This project engages within this Liminal space, an in-between of the threshold. Prompted by humanitarian and political crises, thousands of people are fleeing their homes in search of safety and protection from danger, including persecution for protected reasons such as race, religion, nationality, or political opinion. Many, like unaccompanied minors, travel dangerous paths to seek asylum at one of these borders, which promise safety and security from the violent conditions in their countries. In the USA and elsewhere, seeking asylum is a human right. Simultaneously, thousands of people whose claims for asylum are unsuccessful are detained, deported, or repatriated. In 1873, Sebastian Lerdo de Tejada, the 27th President of Mexico (1872 to 1876) declared, "Let there be a desert between strength and weakness." The United States of America and the United Mexican States share a historically-contested 1,954-mile border. Any wall separating two countries belongs to both countries. This thesis considers borders as more than places that close or delimit one place from another, but also as opportunities to expand into living and organic spaces. Borders both delimit and negotiate between two sides of neither a single state nor a single place but as thresholds which hundreds of thousands of separate lives navigate every single day along the border regions. This thesis explores how architecture focused on empowering at-risk asylum seekers can shape the border space. In particular, the chosen design proposes a Halfway House on the threshold space between the twin-sister borderplex of Laredo, Texas, United States of America, and Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, Mexico. / Master of Architecture / Borders are represented on maps as thick, predetermined lines that delineate, separate and segregate one area from another. A whole divided into two or more parts. Borders become boundaries and in reality, are abstract and intangible, often responsible for creating both geographic and political havoc. In between these borders, is where we find liminal space. Prompted by humanitarian and political crises, thousands of people are fleeing their homes in search of safety and protection from danger, including persecution of race, religion, nationality, or political opinion. Many people, including unaccompanied minors, travel dangerous paths to seek asylum at one of these borders, which promise safety and security from the violent conditions in their countries. In the USA and elsewhere, seeking asylum is a human right. Simultaneously, thousands of people whose claims for asylum are unsuccessful are detained, deported, or repatriated. This thesis considers borders as more than places that close or delimit one place from another, but also as opportunities to expand into living and organic spaces. Borders both delimit and negotiate between two sides of neither a single state, nor a single place but as thresholds which hundreds of thousands of separate lives navigate every single day along the border regions. This thesis explores how architecture focused on empowering at-risk asylum seekers can shape the border space. In particular, the chosen design proposes a halfway house between Laredo, Texas, and Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas.

Sweden Inside-Out: Suffering, Everyday Peace and Violence in Deliberation

Furlan, Christopher January 2011 (has links)
This thesis critically examines the role of suffering in violence, by applying a postmodern perspective to empirical examples gathered during fieldwork in Malmö in 2011.by Combing Bourdieu’s perspectives on practice with Turner’s concepts of space and liminality, Malmö takes on a new light. Through the criminalization of rejected asylum seekers, Malmö — otherwise a location of everyday peace — becomes an inside-out space defined by suffering where the clandestine asylum seekers are physically located within Swedish society, yet legally, culturally and socially located outside. Within this space bought into existence through the creation of clandestine asylum seekers new social relationships are formed — new ways of ‘being in the world’. In this thesis the clandestine asylum seekers are facilitating the altruistic and philanthropic practices of volunteers, whilst simultaneously becoming a utility for personal gain through exploitation. By examining these newly created social relations this thesis explores the experiences of suffering from an emic perspective, which provides an alternative and holistic approach to understanding the relationalities of experiences of suffering, personhood and the social field. These relationalites of suffering are exhibited through postulates of identity, performances, ways of doing and being, subjectivities and difference, as tools for viewing the social encounters taking place in a specific field.

Flyktingar och asylsökandes erfarenheter av att söka vård / Refugees and asylum seekers experiences from seeking care

Björnström, Ida, Mellin, Natalie January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Flyktingar och asylsökande är personer som lämnat sina hemländer i syfte att bosätta sig permanent i ett annat land. Det finns många anledningar till att människor tvingas fly. Flyktingar och asylsökandes möte med hälso- och sjukvården är problematiskt på grund av tidigare erfarenheter och kulturskillnader. Med studien är förhoppningen att bättre förstå de utmaningar som denna grupp upplever och som sjuksköterska ge adekvat sjukvård.  Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att undersöka och beskriva flyktingars och asylsökandes erfarenheter av att söka vård. Metod: Litteraturstudien är genomförd med kvalitativ forskningsansats och följer Polit och Becks niostegsmodell. Materielat utgår från åtta originalartiklar från databaserna PubMed och CINAHL och har analyserats med hjälp av Graneheim och Lundmans innehållsanalysmodell.  Resultat: Resultatet beskrivs med två kategorier; Hinder med att vara flykting och Erfarenheter av att motta god vård.  Slutsats: Globalt anser flyktingarna och asylsökande att de får ett negativt bemötande, några upplever positivt bemötande och lokalt anser sjuksköterskorna att de ger ett adekvat bemötande men upplever patientgruppen som svårbemött. Förslag på integrering av konceptet TIC. Vidare forskning inom ämnet krävs för att förstå fler flyktingars och asylsökandes erfarenheter, positivt är om sjuksköterskors erfarenheter undersöks på samma enhet.  Nyckelord: Asylsökande, erfarenheter, flykting, traumatiska händelser, upplevelser / Background: Refugees and asylum seekers are people that have left their homeland to settle in a new country permanently. There are numerous reasons why people are forced to flee. Refugees and asylum seekers encounter with the healthcare system are problematic due to past experiences and cultural differences. Through this literary review, the expectation is to better understand the challenges refugees and asylum seekers experience and provide adequate nurse health care. Aim: The aim of this literary study was to examine and describe refugees and asylum seekers' experiences from seeking health care. Method: A qualitative research approach was used and the nine-step model from Polit and Beck was the fundamental model. The material was eight original articles found in the databases PubMed and CINAHL and have been analyzed using Graneheim and Lundmans qualitative content analysis. Results: The results are described using two categories; Obstacles with being a refugee and Experiences of receiving adequate care. Conclusion:  Globally, refugees and asylum seekers regard they receive a negative interaction, some of them experience the interaction as positive and locally nurses believe they preform adequate care, and this group of patients is complicated. Suggestions for interacting with the concept TIC. Further research is needed to understand more refugees' and asylum seekers' experiences, positive would be if nurses' experiences is investigated in the same unit.

Addressing inequitable maternity service provision in England for asylum seeking and refugee women who present with symptoms of perinatal depression. A post-colonial feminist inquiry into the experiences of asylum seeking and refugee women and the midwives who care for them

Firth, Amanda January 2022 (has links)
Background: Perinatal depression disproportionately affects asylum seeking and refugee (AS&R) women, but they are less likely to receive support than other women. There is no published research which considers the assessment and support for symptoms of perinatal depression provided by midwives for AS&R women navigating England’s maternity services. Aim: To investigate how midwifery practice can be developed to support asylum seeking and refugee women with symptoms of perinatal depression. Methods: A post-colonial feminist inquiry consisting of a scoping survey (study one) and a qualitative research study (study two) using remote interviews with AS&R women and midwives. Qualitative data was analysed using reflexive thematic analysis. Findings: Study one demonstrated that midwives who care for AS&R women work within diverse roles and service structures across England. Study two identified that midwives lack the resources and support structures required to effectively recognise and support symptoms of perinatal depression in AS&R women. These factors were sometimes invisible to AS&R women, but still negatively affected their ability to effectively discuss perinatal depression with a midwife and access help for any symptoms. The lack of appropriate resources was harmful to both AS&R women and midwives. Conclusion: AS&R women and midwives who care for them navigate an inequitable maternity system in England. Midwives do not have the appropriate resources to provide a level of care which is equitable to women in the general maternity population. This leaves AS&R women’s perinatal mental health needs unrecognised and unmet, acting as a barrier to receiving effective support. / Mary Seacole research development scholarship

Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att vårda flyktingar, asylsökande och papperslösa : En litteraturöversikt / Nurses’ experiences of caring for refugees, asylum seekers and undocumented migrants : A literature review

Hermansson, Elin, Riikonen, Johanna January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Generellt betraktas flyktingar, asylsökande och papperslösa ingå i en sårbar population. Med hänsyn till det ökande antalet asylsökande i Sverige det senaste decenniet, kommer de flesta som arbetar inom hälso- och sjukvård troligen att möta patienter som har en flyktingbakgrund. Många yrkesgrupper i vården saknar däremot kunskaper om migrationens påverkan och vilka rättigheter patienten har. Sjuksköterskor måste ha förmågan att tillgodose patientens såväl fysiska, psykiska, sociala, andliga som kulturella behov, och göra detta på ett kulturellt känsligt sätt. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att vårda flyktingar, asylsökande och papperslösa. Metod: En litteraturöversikt enligt Fribergs metod genomfördes. Arbetet baseras på tolv vetenskapliga artiklar av både kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod från databaserna CINAHL och PubMed. Efter analys av materialet utkristalliserades teman och subteman. Resultat: Resultatet redogörs i form av två huvudteman med tillhörande subteman. Det första huvudtemat Erfarenheter av hinder i vårdmötet behandlar de olika hindrande faktorer för sjuksköterskan i mötet med patienter som är flyktingar, asylsökande och papperslösa. Det andra huvudtemat Sjuksköterskors känslomässiga reaktioner behandlar de subjektiva känslorna som väckts hos sjuksköterskorna i arbetet med denna patientgrupp. Diskussion: Resultatet tyder på att sjuksköterskorna erfor svårigheter i kommunikationen, samt svårigheter i att vårda på grund av olika syn på hälsa. Stereotypbilder och föreställningar om patienter kunde även förekomma, vilket påverkade vårdandet negativt. Dessa betydande fynd diskuteras i relation till Leiningers teori om transkulturell omvårdnad. / Background: In general, refugees, asylum seekers and undocumented migrants are considered to be a vulnerable population. With regards to the increasing number of asylum applicants during the last decade in Sweden, health care staff is likely to encounter individuals with a refugee background. Although, many working in health care have limited knowledge about the effects of migration and legal rights. Nurses are required to have the ability to meet patients’ physical, psychological, social, spiritual as well as cultural needs, and to deliver the care in a culturally sensible way. Aim: The aim of this bachelor’s thesis was to illustrate nurses’ experiences of caring for refugees, asylum seekers and undocumented migrants. Method: A literature review according to Friberg’s method was conducted. Twelve scientific articles of both qualitative and quantitative design are the foundation of this paper. Data was collected from the databases CINAHL and PubMed. Themes and subthemes were then formed after analyses of the material. Results: The results are presented in two main themes along with their subthemes. The first main theme Experiences of obstacles in caring describes various difficulties the nurses encountered while caring for patients who are refugees, asylum seekers and undocumented migrants. The second main theme The nurses’ emotional reactions describes subjective feelings the nurses expressed while working with patients who have this background. Discussion: The results show that nurses experienced difficulties in the communication and difficulties giving care related to different cultural views on health. Stereotyping and bias of patients could also occur among nurses, which affected the care negatively. These consequential findings are discussed in relation to Leininger’s theory of transcultural nursing.

The Decline of the International Refugee Regime: Asylum Seekers and the Pursuit of Refugee Status in Canada and Australia

Heshmat, Gary 06 January 2015 (has links)
Many oppressed people wish to seek permanent refuge within the borders of affluent Western liberal democratic states such as Canada and Australia. Since the conclusion of the Second World War, the International refugee regime has established a global legal migration framework for contracting states such as Canada and Australia to grant admission to asylum seekers into each respective political community while retaining effective border control measures to maintain public safety. This thesis argues that the international refugee regime has suffered a gradual decline during the last two decades, especially during the post-9/11 era, primarily due to the dominance of the notions of national sovereignty and security in Canada and Australia. The author recognizes the importance of realpolitik and pays tribute to the concept of national sovereignty. However, he contends that the predominance and prevalence of the securitization phenomenon in recent years in both Canada and Australia, has given rise to a culture of suspicion which primarily perceives and publicly portrays asylum seekers as entities with ulterior motives. Such views have subsequently culminated in the normalization of national refugee determination policies which inherently favor the implementation of human containment measures such as arbitrary and indefinite detention and Temporary Protection Visas (TPVs); restrictive measures which inherently violate some of the core legal principles of the international refugee regime. The author recommends a return by both Ottawa and Canberra to a more balanced refugee determination system which is aligned with the 1951 Refugee Convention and 1967 Protocol and further explores several alternative solutions that may be employed by Canada and Australia to effectively manage asylum seeker populations in each country. / Graduate / gheshmat@uvic.ca

Transkulturell omvårdnad : En litteraturöversikt om immigranters upplevelser av bemötandet i vården / Transcultural nursing : A literature review on immigrants’ experiences of meeting health care professionals

Rehn, Malin, Ränkesjö, Linnéa January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

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