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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Suicidality among Latina adolescents : the relative effects of psychosocial risk factors and psychological symptoms

Alvarez, Kiara 19 September 2014 (has links)
In national surveys of adolescents, Latina females have been found to have higher rates of suicidal ideation and attempts when compared to Latino males and to non-Latino White and Black males and females (Centers for Disease Control [CDC], 2014). The reasons for these gender and racial disparities in suicidal behavior have not been definitively established. Prior research indicates that suicidal behavior among adolescents is influenced by both individual-level psychological symptoms and by psychosocial risk factors (Bridge, Goldstein, & Brent, 2006; King & Merchant, 2008; Prinstein, Boergers, Spirito, Little, & Grapentine, 2000). Among Latina adolescents in particular, the interplay between cultural processes and family relationships has been identified as a key influence on suicidal behavior (Zayas, 2011). The purpose of this study was to build upon Zayas’s (2011) model of suicidality among adolescent Latinas by evaluating the relative effects of individual, family, and peer factors on suicidal ideation, plans, and attempts. A latent variable structural equation model (SEM) was developed and tested using a sample that included 946 Latinas aged 13 to 18 who were interviewed for a national psychiatric epidemiological survey, the National Comorbidity Survey – Adolescent Supplement (NCS-A; Kessler, 2013). The SEM model measured the direct and indirect effects of the latent variables of generation status, peer support, negative peer influence, family relationships, and depression on suicidality. Results of the study indicated that higher levels of depression, poorer family relationships, and higher levels of negative peer influence resulted in higher levels of suicidality. The influence of family relationships and negative peer influence on suicidality were partially mediated by depression; however, negative peer influence also had a substantial direct effect on suicidality. Results of this study support a clinical focus on multisystemic interventions for Latina adolescents that address functioning at individual, family, and peer levels, as well as further investigation into the pathways by which negative peer influence impacts suicidality in this population. / text

Atitudes dos profissionais de enfermagem que atuam em emergências diante do comportamento suicida e fatores associados / Attitudes of nursing professionals who work in emergencies toward suicidal behavior and associated factors

Magrini, Daniel Fernando 16 December 2016 (has links)
O suicídio é um problema passível de prevenção, com relevante impacto mundial. Os profissionais de enfermagem que atuam em emergências tem papel central no manejo inicial de tentativas de suicídio e a qualidade do cuidado prestado por esses profissionais pode ser influenciada por suas atitudes frente ao comportamento suicida. O conhecimento sobre as atitudes relacionadas ao suicídio e fatores associados é escasso e precisa ser investigado em diferentes países, culturas e épocas. Este investigou, entre profissionais de enfermagem que atuam em emergências, as atitudes relacionadas ao suicídio e fatores associados. Estudo transversal quantitativo desenvolvido com uma população de 146 profissionais de enfermagem de dois serviços de emergência (pré-hospitalar e hospitalar) do interior de São Paulo, Brasil. Os dados foram coletados em 2015 pela autoaplicação de questionário sociodemográfico e do Questionário de Atitudes Frente ao Comportamento Suicida (QACS). Esse questionário não possui pontos de corte e sua análise pode ser feita por meio dos itens isolados e dos fatores \"Sentimentos em relação ao paciente\", \"Percepção de capacidade profissional\" e \"Direito ao suicídio\". Os dados foram analisados com os softwares Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), versão 19.0 e R GUI 3.0.1. Foram aplicados os testes de normalidade Kolmogorov-Smirnova e Shapiro-Wilk, o teste de correlação de Spearman e o teste de Mann-Whitney. Os participantes apresentaram baixa exposição educacional sobre o suicídio e foram obtidas as pontuações mínima e máxima em cada um dos itens do questionário. Atitudes mais negativas foram associadas a ter trabalhado em serviço de saúde mental (p=0,00). Maior percepção de capacidade profissional esteve associada a formação específica em saúde mental (p=0,00) ou suicídio (p=0,00) e trabalhar em serviço hospitalar (p=0,01). Atitudes menos moralistas e condenatórias foram associadas a experiência de trabalhar serviços de saúde mental (p=0,01) e ser enfermeiro (p=0,00). Houve correlação positiva fraca entre a percepção da capacidade profissional e atitudes menos negativas. Este estudo é pioneiro na investigação de fatores associados a atitudes frente ao suicídio entre profissionais de enfermagem que atuam em emergências no contexto hospitalar e pré-hospitalar brasileiro. É importante investir em estratégias que promovam a saúde mental dos profissionais, melhores atitudes e preparo para a qualificação da assistência / The suicide is a problem liable of prevention. Nursing professionals who work in emergencies have a central role in the first management of suicide attempts, and the quality of care provided by these professionals may be influenced by their attitudes front of suicidal behavior. The knowledge about the attitudes related to the suicide and its associated factors is scarce and needs to be investigated in differents countries, cultures and times. This study investigated, among the nursing professionals who work in the emergencies, the attitudes related to suicide and associated factors. Quantitative cross-sectional study, developed with a population of 146 nursing professionals from two emergency services (prehospital and hospital services) in the interior of the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The data was collected in 2015 by the self application of a social-demografic questionnaire and Suicide Behavior Attitude Questionnaire (SBAQ). This questionnaire does not have cutoffs and its analysis can be done through the isolated items and factors \"Feelings towards the patient\", \"Professional capacity of perception\" and \"Right to Suicide\". The data was analyzed with Statistical Package for Social Sciences software (SPSS) version 19.0 and R GUI 3.0.1. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk normality tests, The Spearman correlation test and Mann-Whitney test were applied. The participants presented low educacional exposure about the suicide and were obtained the maximum and minimum punctuations in each one of the items of the questionnaire. More negative attitudes were associated with have worked in mental health service (p=0,00). More perception of professional capacity was associated with specific formation in mental health (p=0,00) or suicide (p=0,00) and work in hospital service (p=0,01). Attitudes less moralists and condemnatory were associated to experience of working in mental health services (p=0,01) and being nurse (p=0,00). There was a weak positive correlation between the perception of professional capacity and attitudes less negatives. This study is a pioner in the investigation of associated factors front to suicide attitudes among nursing professionals who work in Brazilian prehospital and hospital emergencies. It is important to invest in stratagies that promote professional\'s mental health, better attitudes and preparation for the qualification of care

Paauglių save žalojančio elgesio vidiniai veiksniai / Intrapersonal factors of adolescents self-harming behaviour

Volodko, Liubov 26 June 2014 (has links)
Tyrėjai vis dažniau skiria dvi save žalojančių paauglių grupes: mėginančius nusižudyti ir nesuicidiškai save žalojančius, kurie nesiekia mirties. Tačiau iki šiol buvo atlikta mažai populiacinių tyrimų, mėginančių šias dvi grupes tiesiogiai palyginti, todėl informacija apie šių grupių psichologinių ypatumų ir save žalojančio elgesio vidinių veiksnių skirtumus yra gana prieštaringa. Tyrime buvo naudojamas „Gyvenimo būdo ir prisitaikymo klausimynas“ (orig. Lifestyle and Coping Skills Questionnaire), kurį Lietuvoje adaptavo ir paauglių save žalojančio elgesio tyrimui pritaikė A. Laskytė ir N. Žemaitienė. Dalis jų surinktų duomenų analizuojama šiame darbe. Tikslas: ištirti bendros populiacijos paauglių suicidinio ir nesuicidinio save žalojančio elgesio vidinius veiksnius: motyvus, savižudiškus ketinimus, žalojančio elgesio ypatumus ir su šiais faktoriais galimai susijusius asmens psichologinius ypatumus. Taip pat atskleisti būdingus šių veiksnių skirtumus merginoms ir vaikinams. Tiriamieji: 15-17 metų amžiaus Lietuvos moksleiviai, kurie pildydami „Gyvenimo būdo ir prisitaikymo klausimyną“, atsakė, kad bent kartą gyvenime sąmoningai save žalojo. Klausimyno pildymo metu paaiškindami save žalojančio elgesio priežastis, prie teiginio „Aš norėjau numirti“ paaugliai galėjo atsakyti „Taip“ arba „Ne“. Pagal šį atsakymą jie buvo suskirstyti į dvi grupes: suicidiškai save žalojančių – norėjusiųjų numirti (n=163), ir nesuicidiškai save žalojančių – nenorėjusiųjų numirti (n=118). Rezultatai:... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Researches often differentiate two groups of self-harming adolescents: those who attempters a suicide, and those who are harming themselves in a non-suicidal way, and they don‘t seek the death. However just a few community-based research, which would directly compare these groups, were done so far, and therefore information about the differences of the psychological peculiarity and self-harming behavior‘s internal factors between the groups is ambivalent. Lifestyle and Coping Skills Questionnaire (Hawton, 2006), adapted and adjusted for the research of adolescents self-harming behavior by A. Laskytė and N. Žemaitienė in 2006, was used in this work. A part of their collected data is also used in this work. The aim: to examine the intrapersonal factors of suicidal and non-suicidal self-harm in a community sample population: the motives, suicidal intentions, the peculiarities of harming self-harm and person‘s psychological traits that could be possibly related to those factors. It also aimed to reveal the typical differences of these factors between the genders. The sample: 15-17 year old Lithuanian pupils who, while answering into Lifestyle and Coping Skills Questionnaire, responded that they were harming themselves at least once in a life time. In the questionnaire while explaining the reasons of self-harming behavior, into the proposition “I wanted to die” they could write “Yes” or “No”- in this way they were separated into two groups: suicidal self-harmers – who wanted to... [to full text]

Išgyvenusių po mėginimo žudytis ir gydytų psichiatrijos stacionare pacientų mėginimo žudytis ypatumai, pobūdis, jų sąsajos su psichikos sutrikimais ir socialinėmis-demografinėmis charakteristikomis / Particularities and nature of failed suicide attempts and their links to mental disorders and socio-demographic characteristics of suicide attempt survivors treated at psychiatric hospitals

Kunigėlienė, Aida 11 July 2014 (has links)
Mėginimai žudytis – vienas iš reikšmingiausių savižudybės rizikos veiksnių. Tyrimo metu buvo įvertinti išgyvenusių po mėginimo žudytis ir gydytų psichiatrijos stacionare pacientų mėginimo žudytis ypatumai, pobūdis, jų sąsajos su psichikos sutrikimais ir socialinėmis-demografinėmis charakteristikomis. Mėginimas žudytis apibrėžtas kaip sąmoningas, savo noru pasirinktas veiksmas, kurį, nebūdamas tikras dėl mirtinos baigties, atliko asmuo, siekdamas susižaloti arba pasitraukti iš gyvenimo, ir kuris nesibaigė mirtimi.Tyrimas atliktas Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universiteto ligoninės (LSMUL) Kauno klinikų (KK) Psichiatrijos klinikoje ir Respublikinės Kauno ligoninės (RKL) padalinio Psichiatrijos ligoninėje (PL). Tyrime dalyvavo išgyvenę po mėginimo žudytis pacientai, kurie dėl tokio poelgio buvo hospitalizuoti į LSMUL Kauno klinikų Psichiatrijos kliniką arba į RKL padalinį PL. Apklausti 240 suaugusių pacientų. Moterys dažniau mėgino žudytis apsinuodydamos medikamentais negu vyrai. Mėginusių žudytis vyrų sveikatos būklė po mėginimo žudytis buvo sunkesnė negu moterų. Mėginimo žudytis metu alkoholį dažniau vartojo vyrai ir dirbantys asmenys, palyginti su moterimis ir bedarbiais. Gyvenantys poroje dažniau mėgino žudytis pavartoję alkoholio, palyginti su gyvenančiais vienumoje. Vyresnio amžiaus, taip pat ir aukštesnio išsilavinimo pacientai buvo linkę mėginti žudytis nuošalyje nuo kitų žmonių, palyginti su jaunesnio amžiaus ar žemesnio išsilavinimo pacientais. Žemesį išsilavinimą... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Failed suicide attempts comprise one of the most significant suicide risk factors.The goal of the studywas toanalyze the particularities and nature of failed suicide attempts and their links to mental disorders and socio-demographic characteristics of suicide attempt survivors treated at psychiatric hospitals. The respondents were comprised of patients who survived their suicide attempts and were thus hospitalized at the Psychiatric Clinic of Kaunas Clinics (KC) of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Hospital (LUHSH) or the Psychiatric Hospital of theNational Kaunas Hospital(NKH). A failed suicide attempt is defined as a conscious action chosen of one’s free will which was performed by a person who was unsure of the fatality of such action in an attempt to do self-harm or take his/her own life and which did not result in the said person’s death. 240 adult patients complying with the sampling criteria. The health status of the males who attempted to commit suicide after a failed suicide attempt was twice as poor as that of the females. Compared to the females and unemployed people, the males and employed respondents were under the influence of alcohol at the time of attempted suicide more often. Also, the respondents living with a partner attempted to commit suicide under the influence of alcohol more frequently than the single ones.Compared to the younger respondents and patients with lower level of education, the older and better educated ones were more inclined to... [to full text]

Atitudes dos profissionais de enfermagem que atuam em emergências diante do comportamento suicida e fatores associados / Attitudes of nursing professionals who work in emergencies toward suicidal behavior and associated factors

Daniel Fernando Magrini 16 December 2016 (has links)
O suicídio é um problema passível de prevenção, com relevante impacto mundial. Os profissionais de enfermagem que atuam em emergências tem papel central no manejo inicial de tentativas de suicídio e a qualidade do cuidado prestado por esses profissionais pode ser influenciada por suas atitudes frente ao comportamento suicida. O conhecimento sobre as atitudes relacionadas ao suicídio e fatores associados é escasso e precisa ser investigado em diferentes países, culturas e épocas. Este investigou, entre profissionais de enfermagem que atuam em emergências, as atitudes relacionadas ao suicídio e fatores associados. Estudo transversal quantitativo desenvolvido com uma população de 146 profissionais de enfermagem de dois serviços de emergência (pré-hospitalar e hospitalar) do interior de São Paulo, Brasil. Os dados foram coletados em 2015 pela autoaplicação de questionário sociodemográfico e do Questionário de Atitudes Frente ao Comportamento Suicida (QACS). Esse questionário não possui pontos de corte e sua análise pode ser feita por meio dos itens isolados e dos fatores \"Sentimentos em relação ao paciente\", \"Percepção de capacidade profissional\" e \"Direito ao suicídio\". Os dados foram analisados com os softwares Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), versão 19.0 e R GUI 3.0.1. Foram aplicados os testes de normalidade Kolmogorov-Smirnova e Shapiro-Wilk, o teste de correlação de Spearman e o teste de Mann-Whitney. Os participantes apresentaram baixa exposição educacional sobre o suicídio e foram obtidas as pontuações mínima e máxima em cada um dos itens do questionário. Atitudes mais negativas foram associadas a ter trabalhado em serviço de saúde mental (p=0,00). Maior percepção de capacidade profissional esteve associada a formação específica em saúde mental (p=0,00) ou suicídio (p=0,00) e trabalhar em serviço hospitalar (p=0,01). Atitudes menos moralistas e condenatórias foram associadas a experiência de trabalhar serviços de saúde mental (p=0,01) e ser enfermeiro (p=0,00). Houve correlação positiva fraca entre a percepção da capacidade profissional e atitudes menos negativas. Este estudo é pioneiro na investigação de fatores associados a atitudes frente ao suicídio entre profissionais de enfermagem que atuam em emergências no contexto hospitalar e pré-hospitalar brasileiro. É importante investir em estratégias que promovam a saúde mental dos profissionais, melhores atitudes e preparo para a qualificação da assistência / The suicide is a problem liable of prevention. Nursing professionals who work in emergencies have a central role in the first management of suicide attempts, and the quality of care provided by these professionals may be influenced by their attitudes front of suicidal behavior. The knowledge about the attitudes related to the suicide and its associated factors is scarce and needs to be investigated in differents countries, cultures and times. This study investigated, among the nursing professionals who work in the emergencies, the attitudes related to suicide and associated factors. Quantitative cross-sectional study, developed with a population of 146 nursing professionals from two emergency services (prehospital and hospital services) in the interior of the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The data was collected in 2015 by the self application of a social-demografic questionnaire and Suicide Behavior Attitude Questionnaire (SBAQ). This questionnaire does not have cutoffs and its analysis can be done through the isolated items and factors \"Feelings towards the patient\", \"Professional capacity of perception\" and \"Right to Suicide\". The data was analyzed with Statistical Package for Social Sciences software (SPSS) version 19.0 and R GUI 3.0.1. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk normality tests, The Spearman correlation test and Mann-Whitney test were applied. The participants presented low educacional exposure about the suicide and were obtained the maximum and minimum punctuations in each one of the items of the questionnaire. More negative attitudes were associated with have worked in mental health service (p=0,00). More perception of professional capacity was associated with specific formation in mental health (p=0,00) or suicide (p=0,00) and work in hospital service (p=0,01). Attitudes less moralists and condemnatory were associated to experience of working in mental health services (p=0,01) and being nurse (p=0,00). There was a weak positive correlation between the perception of professional capacity and attitudes less negatives. This study is a pioner in the investigation of associated factors front to suicide attitudes among nursing professionals who work in Brazilian prehospital and hospital emergencies. It is important to invest in stratagies that promote professional\'s mental health, better attitudes and preparation for the qualification of care

Optimistic Explanatory Style as a Moderator of the Association Between Negative Life Events and Suicide Ideation

Hirsch, Jameson K., Wolford, Karen, LaLonde, Steven M., Brunk, Lisa, Parker-Morris, Amanda 01 January 2009 (has links)
Background: Individuals experiencing negative and potentially traumatic life events are at increased risk for suicidal thoughts and behaviors; however, suicidal outcomes are not inevitable. Individuals who attribute negative life events to external, transient, and specific factors, rather than internal, stable, and global self-characteristics, may experience fewer deleterious outcomes, including suicidal behavior. Aims: This study examines the moderating effect of explanatory style on the relationship between negative life experiences and suicide ideation in a college student sample. Methods: A total of 138 participants (73% female) were recruited from a rural. Eastern college and completed a self-report psychosocial assessment. Results: Optimistic explanatory style mitigates the influence of negative and potentially traumatic life events on thoughts of suicide, above and beyond the effects of hopelessness and depression. Conclusions: Beliefs about the origin, pervasiveness, and potential recurrence of a negative life event may affect psychological outcomes. Optimistic explanatory style was associated with reduced suicide ideation, whereas pessimistic explanatory style was associated with increased thoughts of suicide. Optimistic reframing of negative life events for clients may have treatment implications for the prevention of suicidal activity.

The Effects of Suicide-Specific Beliefs on Chronic and Acute Suicide Risk

Athey, Alison Joanne 27 August 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Suicide Attempts and Their Contributing Factors Among African American Veterans

Blaise, Gervline 01 January 2019 (has links)
Suicide is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. The rate of suicide attempts among veterans in the United States has increased tremendously since 2001, which has left the Department of Veterans Affairs deeply concerned. The purpose of this study was to examine if there is an association between suicide attempts among African American/Black veterans and mental health support, income level, marital status, education level, and unemployment status. This quantitative study used the socio-ecological model to explain the association of the contributing factors to suicide attempts. Descriptive statistics, chi-square, and logistic regression were used to analyze the 2014 National Survey on Drug Use and Health from the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality. The publicly available dataset contains 55,271 cases with 6,698 Blacks/African American in the study. The findings of the study show 20% of African American veterans who seek support received it and 80% did not in suicide attempts among African American/ Blacks veterans and mental health support, income level, marital status, education level and unemployment status. The study showed there is a need for greater support for African American veterans through either policy or access to more mental health care. The social change implication is that need to be greater advocacy for support for African Americans who experience suicidal thought seeking support. Providing the support, they need can possibly help save lives.

Legitimacy During Coup Attempts: : A comparative study about the US media framing of coup attempts in Venezuela (2002) and Turkey (2016)

Atik, Attila, Jabbour, Jean January 2019 (has links)
This study aims to describe and compare the differences and similarities for US mainstream media’s representation of two different coup attempts by using Robert Entman’s Framing theory in terms of legitimacy. The chosen cases are the coup attempt in Turkey (2016) which is an US ally, having a right-wing government and the coup attempt in Venezuela (2002) which has a strained relationship with the US and having left-wing government. The research applies qualitative approach to conduct a small-n case study for comparing and analyzing how the media framed the legitimacy of acts and actors during these two coup attempts. This is an attempt to describe the problematization of theory becoming practice for the US mainstream media regarding the presentation of what is legitimate and what is not. The definition of legitimacy is very clear, but the US mainstream media have issues to reflect this definition to the reality.

Personers upplevelse efter suicidförsök : En kvalitativ litteraturstudie baserad på självbiografier / People´s experiences after suicide attempts : A qualitative literature study based on autobiographies

Fick, Charlott, Palm, Jessica January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Var sjätte timme tar någon sitt liv. Cirka 1500 människor avlider om året i Sverige till följd av suicid, vilket gör att suicid ses som ett folkhälsoproblem. Till följd av perioder av diverse utlösande faktorer exempelvis inre konflikter, depression och/eller ångestbesvär kan suicidtankar växa fram och suicidala handlingar bli ett faktum. Personer med suicidala tankar ser bara två val, fortsätta lida eller avsluta sitt liv. Sjuksköterskans roll, bemötande och attityd i mötet med personer med suicidala tankar är viktigt. I mötet ska sjuksköterskan kunna skapa trygghet, ge tröst och lyssna genom att visa närvaro och förståelse för patienten. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva personers upplevelser efter suicidförsök. Metod: Kvalitativ litteraturstudie baserat på fem stycken självbiografier som analyserats med Lundman och Hällgren-Graneheims manifesta innehållsanalys. Datainsamlingen utgick från studiens syfte och inklusions- och exklusionskriterier. Resultat: Resultatet utmynnade i åtta underkategorier och tre kategorier: Förändrad tillgång till livet, Vikten av att ha någon vid sin sida och Vårdpersonalens roll efter suicidförsök.  Resultatet visade upplevelsen av ett lidande som ingen ser där känslor upplevts i det dolda. Vidare fanns det svårigheter att hantera tankar, minnen och känslor som gett påminnelse av suicidförsök samt att samhällets normer påverkar, vilket medfört ett liv där känslor stängts in och en fasad målats upp för omgivningen. Stöd från anhöriga, närstående och övriga individer i omgivningen men även vårdpersonal har en betydande roll för personer med psykisk ohälsa och de som genomgått ett suicidförsök. Det framkommer att upplevelsen av att bli utlämnad i vårdpersonalens händer och få en diagnos som en etikett över sitt beteende upplevdes befriande, med en diagnos blev tillvaron lättare att hantera, förstå och försonas med. Slutsats: Avsaknaden av stöd bidrar till isolering och dolt lidande. Samhället likväl som vården är betydelsefulla faktorer hos de som har psykisk ohälsa för upplevelsen av trygghet samt att bli sedd och hörd. Dock medför samhällets normer och stigmatisering att det är svårt att öppet prata om sina tankar och känslor. Att börja prata om psykisk ohälsa och suicid behövs för att bryta normer och stigmatisering. Ämnet är ett utvecklingsbart ämnesområde där kunskapsbristen är stor.

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