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Att överleva en psykologisk olycka : En metaetnografi om psykiatrisk omvårdnad för återhämtning efter ett suicidförsök / Surviving a psychological accident : A meta – ethnography of psychiatric nursing for recovery after a suicide attemptCarlson, Therese, Gylfe, Maria January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Suicidförsök är ett globalt folkhälsoproblem och suicid är en ofta förekommande dödsorsak i världen. Suicidförsök innebär en livshotande självdestruktiv handling med syfte att dö men där personen av någon anledning överlever. Tidigare suicidförsök är en av de främsta riskfaktorerna för suicid. En av de främsta arbetsuppgifterna för en specialistsjuksköterska inom psykiatrisk vård är att bemöta och stödja vuxna personer under återhämtningen efter ett suicidförsök. Återhämtning efter ett suicidförsök är centralt vid suicidprevention där arbetet går ut på att förebygga nytt suicidförsök. Syfte: Syftet med examensarbetet är att utifrån vuxna personers perspektiv beskriva faktorer inom psykiatrisk omvårdnad som påverkar återhämtningen efter ett suicidförsök. Metod: Examensarbetet har en kvalitativ design. En metaetnografi har genomförts utifrån Noblit och Hares (1988) sjustegsmodell. Sökningar efter vetenskapliga artiklar har gjorts i tre olika databaser, Cinahl, PsycInfo och PubMed. Tolv vetenskapliga artiklar utgör grunden föranalysen och resultatet i examensarbetet. Resultat: Analysen resulterade i fyra övergripande teman; En psykiatrisk omvårdnad som bygger på kunskap, tid och effektivt stöd, en psykiatrisk personcentrerad omvårdnad med engagerad vårdpersonal, en psykiatrisk omvårdnad som prioriterar kontinuitet och säkerhet, samt en psykiatrisk omvårdnad som karaktäriseras av tydlig kommunikation. Slutsats: För att lindra lidandet under återhämtningen efter ett suicidförsök behöver vuxna personer möta en specialistsjuksköterska inom psykiatrisk vård som har tid för samtal. / Background: Suicide attempt is a global public health problem and suicide common cause of death. Suicide attempts are life-threatening, self-destructive actions with the purpose of achieving death but where the individual survives. A previous suicide attempt is one of the main risk factors for suicide. One of the main tasks of a specialist nurse within psychiatric care is to meet and support adults during their recovery period following a suicide attempt. Recovery after a suicide attempt is central in suicide prevention which consists of preventing furthersuicide attempts. Aim: The aim is to describe, from the perspective of adults, factors in psychiatric care that affect recovery after a suicide attempt Method: This thesis utilizes qualitative research. Meta-ethnography is employed in accordance with Noblit and Hare’s (1988) seven-stage process. Search for scientific articles is carried out within three different databases, Cinahl, PsycInfo och PubMed. Twelve scientific articles form the basis for the analysis and the results in the thesis. Results: The analysis results in four main themes; A psychiatric care that is built upon knowledge, time and effective support, a psychiatric person-centered care with engaged care personnel, a psychiatric care which prioritizes continuity and safety as well as a psychiatric care characterized by clear communication. Conclusion: To alleviate the suffering during recovery after a suicide attempt adults need to meet a nurse who specialized in psychiatric care that has time for conversation.
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Psykologers berättelser om att arbeta med självmordsnära patienter : ”Förr eller senare så händer det”Påhlman, Katrin, Åkesson, Julia January 2015 (has links)
Det inträffar omkring 17 000 självmordsförsök i Sverige per år och hälften av dessa leder till psykiatrisk vård. Suicidriskbedömningar görs i psykiatrisk öppenvård av bland annat psykologer. Genom fem intervjuer undersökte vi ett i stort sett outforskat område: hur psykologer inom psykiatrisk öppenvård upplevde sitt arbete med suicidnära patienter. Vi använde tematisk analys för att analysera materialet vilket resulterade i två huvudteman: Att jobba på gränsen – med undertemana Mellan liv och död, Mellan arbete och fritid och Mellan att vara psykolog och människa – respektive Att balansera mellan acceptans och intervention – med undertemana Förr eller senare så händer det samt Resurser och coping. En återkommande dimension i temana var Emotionella reaktioner. Resultatet ger en bild av att psykologerna känner oro för patienterna och att denna oro kan användas som en del i suicidriskbedömningen. Vår tolkning är att psykologernas arbete kan spilla över på deras fritid och att detta i förlängningen kan tänkas ge konsekvenser så som medkänsleutmattning. Vi har tolkat psykologernas berättelser som att de använder copingstrategier för att återhämta sig från sin arbetsbelastning. I vårt resultat framträder en bild av att arbetet med suicidnära patienter kan vara vardag för psykologer inom psykiatrin. Vidare kan arbetet utgöra en känslomässig belastning för psykologer som är annorlunda jämfört med den belastning som uppstår i arbetet med icke-suicidnära patienter. / About 17,000 suicide attempts occur in Sweden each year, half of which lead to psychiatric care. Psychologists are one of the professional groups that conduct suicide risk assessments in psychiatric outpatient care. In this study we examine an relatively unexplored area: how psychologists in outpatient psychiatric care experience their work with suicidal patients. A thematic analysis of five interviews was conducted. The analysis resulted in two main themes: Working at the boundary – with sub themes Between life and death, Between work and leisure time and Between being a psychologist and a human – and Balancing between acceptance and intervention – with sub themes Sooner or later it will happen and Resources and coping. A recurring dimension in all themes was Emotional reactions. The findings provide a picture that the psychologists worry about the patients and that this worry can be used as a part of the suicide risk assessment. Our analysis shows that the psychologists’ work can spill over into their leisure time. This may eventually have effects, such as compassion fatigue. Our interpretation of the narratives suggests that the psychologists use coping-strategies to recover from their workload. The results also show that working with suicidal patients can be part of the daily work of psychologists in psychiatric care. Further more, our analysis shows that working with suicidal patients can include an emotional exhaustion on psychologists that is different from the exhaustion that might arise in the work with non-suicidal patients.
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Murdered women on the border: Gender, territory and power in Ciudad JuarezJanuary 2009 (has links)
This dissertation examines the sexual killing of women in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, at the tum of the 21st century. Focusing on the abduction and murder of a 15-year-old young woman named Esmeralda Herrera Monreal, whose body was recovered in 2001 in a mass grave that included seven other female victims, it questions how the social categories of gender, space and power shape both everyday violence and the murder of women in a highly industrialized yet structurally underdeveloped city. The dissertation examines varying notions of womanhood in Esmeralda's family in the context of domestic violence, migration from urban to rural contexts, and the experience of sexual murder. It also argues that gendered violence is the product of an emergent form of hyper masculinity in U.S.-Mexico border zones, informed by the history, style and logics of militarization and organized crime. The dissertation then explores the spatial geography of violence in Juarez, and how the victimization of both men and women is shaped by the constant struggle between social groups for sovereignty and control of territory. Finally, it traces the development of a new configuration of power in border zones that is produced between the interstices of the State, the secondary State of organized crime, and of capital, a form of power that relies on the continued production of violence and terror for its reproduction and maintenance. Throughout the dissertation, narrative and ethnography are employed strategically in order to help make sense of an episode of social crime that superficially appears to defy meaning.
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Intoxications médicamenteuses volontaires répétées : une conduite addictive plutôt que suicidaire. Phénotypage clinique et modélisation comportementale par une approche dimensionnelle / Repeated self-poisoning : an addictive rather than a suicidal behavior. Clinical phenotyping and behavioral modeling using a dimensional approachPennel, Lucie 03 November 2016 (has links)
Les intoxications médicamenteuses volontaires répétées (IMVr) constituent un problème de santé publique croissant, mais sous-évalué et traité comme une conduite suicidaire, alors qu’elles appartiendraient au registre des addictions. Notre travail abonde dans ce sens en montrant que les suicides alcoolisés se font principalement par IMV et correspondent au deliberate self-harm syndrom ; les suicidants récidivants se distinguent par un névrosisme et un attachement anxieux typiques des addictions ; les IMVr même suicidaires témoignent d’une relation addictive aux médicaments ; le facteur le plus prédictif d’IMV serait de l’avoir envisagée. Conceptualisé de façon translationnelle et argumenté par une approche pharmacologique, nous proposons un modèle dimensionnel des conduites suicidaires, intégré au continuum des addictions, confirmant l’hypothèse initiale et l’intérêt d’un raisonnement transnosographique diagnostique et thérapeutique dans le champ des pathologies mentales. / Repeated Self-poisoning (RSP) constitute an under evaluated but growing public health problem, treated as a suicidal rather than an addictive behavior. Our work brings arguments by showing that suicides involving alcohol are mainly by self-poisoning and correspond to deliberate self-harm syndrome; repeat suicide attempters are identified by a neuroticism and anxious attachment typically found in addicts; even suicidal RSP shows addictive behavior involving medicines; the best predictor of self-poisoning is having thought about it. Conceptualized through a translational approach and supported by pharmacological arguments, we propose a multidimensional model of suicidal behaviors, that could integrate the continuum of addictive behaviors. This confirms the initial hypothesis and the viability of a transnosographic concept for diagnosis and treatment of mental illnesses.
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Neither Here Nor There, But Altogether Elsewhere : A Brief Study of DistanceChang, Jonathan January 2019 (has links)
Knowing is often framed by language; this moving arrangement of parts helps us make sense of our surround, rendering possible ways of relating, acting, and responding. Situated yet unsettled, the play of language enables us to mediate distances, to make sense of our frames while seeking other ways of being with and for. Through dialogue, these works attempt to reroute and reorient so that we may learn to see each other — and to see ourselves.
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Educator perceptions of the implementation of integrated quality management systems (IQMS) in further education and training colleges in South Africa / Karnagie Pillay.Pillay, Karnagie January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate educator perceptions of the implementation of Integrated Quality Management Systems (IQMS) in Further Education and Training (FET) Colleges in South Africa. Quality in education is presently put more firmly on the agenda not withstanding the fact that a vast range of literature is available to support the process of improving the quality in education. The department of education has made many attempts to introduce an effective appraisal system in support of quality education only to find that the previous appraisal systems were rejected by the educator force for the mere fact that it was perceived as a form of inspection and supervision rather than for development purposes.
This study also focuses on a review of the integrated quality management system (IQMS), of its purpose, guidelines and its subsequent implementation in FET colleges in South Africa in 2004. The primary focus of the discussion is on the processes, the methods, the guiding principles and the pitfalls of the implementation of quality management systems in educational organizations To guide this discussion literature reviews on quality, quality education, quality management and quality management systems were undertaken.
The empirical study entailed gleaning information from a structured questionnaire which was distributed to a sample group of lecturers at Sedibeng College for FET in the Gauteng Province. The questions were structured in a manner to gain information about the understanding of the operational principles of quality management, the aims and guiding principles of IQMS, the importance of quality control and the external relationships of the college. The major finding emanating from this study was that there was a need for intensive training in IQMS, thus a management's strategy for ensuring that IQMS is effectively implemented was proposed. The overall recommendation arising from this study includes ensuring that management designs a quality manual to guide the process of quality assurance. / Thesis (M.Ed. (Education Management))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2010.
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Educator perceptions of the implementation of integrated quality management systems (IQMS) in further education and training colleges in South Africa / Karnagie Pillay.Pillay, Karnagie January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate educator perceptions of the implementation of Integrated Quality Management Systems (IQMS) in Further Education and Training (FET) Colleges in South Africa. Quality in education is presently put more firmly on the agenda not withstanding the fact that a vast range of literature is available to support the process of improving the quality in education. The department of education has made many attempts to introduce an effective appraisal system in support of quality education only to find that the previous appraisal systems were rejected by the educator force for the mere fact that it was perceived as a form of inspection and supervision rather than for development purposes.
This study also focuses on a review of the integrated quality management system (IQMS), of its purpose, guidelines and its subsequent implementation in FET colleges in South Africa in 2004. The primary focus of the discussion is on the processes, the methods, the guiding principles and the pitfalls of the implementation of quality management systems in educational organizations To guide this discussion literature reviews on quality, quality education, quality management and quality management systems were undertaken.
The empirical study entailed gleaning information from a structured questionnaire which was distributed to a sample group of lecturers at Sedibeng College for FET in the Gauteng Province. The questions were structured in a manner to gain information about the understanding of the operational principles of quality management, the aims and guiding principles of IQMS, the importance of quality control and the external relationships of the college. The major finding emanating from this study was that there was a need for intensive training in IQMS, thus a management's strategy for ensuring that IQMS is effectively implemented was proposed. The overall recommendation arising from this study includes ensuring that management designs a quality manual to guide the process of quality assurance. / Thesis (M.Ed. (Education Management))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2010.
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Psychopathologie des tentatives de suicide des jeunes adultes dans le sud Bénin / Psychodynamic understanding of reactive suicide attempts in the south of BeninBamisso, Olga 11 June 2015 (has links)
En Afrique de l’Ouest, les conduites suicidaires, estimées autrefois rares, sont de plus en plus fréquentes. Dans le Sud Bénin, les études effectuées au centre national hospitalier soulignent non seulement l’augmentation de la fréquence des tentatives de suicide et l’absence de prise en charge psychologique des suicidants, mais aussi la nécessité de prendre en compte des interprétations culturelles. La question du sens et de la prise en charge des actes suicidaires s’y pose donc avec une grande acuité.En conséquence, l’objectif de la présente recherche est d’approcher le sens psychique des tentatives de suicide des jeunes adultes dans le Sud Bénin et d’y évaluer le rôle et la place du psychologue clinicien d’orientation psychanalytique.Il s’agit d’une étude qualitative. La mise en tension des références psychanalytiques avec des éléments d’anthropologie sociale ou des caractéristiques du contexte constitue un des axes principaux de ce travail. La méthodologie adoptée est une recherche-action comprenant l’instauration d’un protocole d’accueil des suicidants et la réalisation de « rencontres anthropologiques » afin de mieux cerner les questions suicidaires dans le contexte béninois.Il ressort de l’analyse que les suicidants sont en proie à une crise identitaire où l’acte, réactionnel, prend la valeur d’une recherche de refondation psychique et répond à un double mouvement de désintrication et réintrication pulsionnelle. Tandis qu’une situation-écran engendre un vécu traumatique qui conduit à l’autodestructivité, l’acte suicidaire s’inscrit dans un processus de réintrication pulsionnelle et de remaniement identitaire. Ce processus, que j’ai nommé ici refondation, est rendu possible par l’accueil fait au suicidant à l’issue de sa tentative de suicide. De cette compréhension découlent un cadre conceptuel pour le clinicien et des dispositifs cliniques pertinents pour la prise en charge des suicidants dans le Sud Bénin. / In West Africa, suicidal behaviors, estimated once rare, are increasingly becoming frequent. Yet, in Southern Benin, previous studies at the National University Hospital have noted an increase in young adults’ suicide attempts and the lack of psychological assessment and support to the attempters, but also the need to take cultural interpretations into account. So, the question of the meaning and the care of suicidal acts arises with acuity.It is in this framework that our research is being carried out. The aim is to achieve a better psychodynamic understanding of young adults’ suicide attempts in Southern Benin, and to assess, in this particular context, the role of a psychoanalytically oriented psychologist. This is a qualitative study. The confrontation of psychoanalytic references with social anthropology elements or characteristics of the context is one of the main focuses of this work. The methodological procedure used for data collection includes a clinical intake protocol, which is adapted to the context and implemented to suicide attempters, and «anthropological encounters» as a way to open up local concepts of suicide in order to better identify suicidal issues. It appears from the clinical understanding that attempters are experiencing an identity crisis wherein the suicidal act represents a research of psychic overhaul. One can thus argue that some young adult suicide attempts in Southern Benin meet two movements of drive defusion and fusion. While screen-circumstances produce a traumatic experience which leads to self-destructiveness, the suicidal act is part of a drive fusion process and specific rearrangements in identity processes. This process, which I named here “psychic refondation” or “psychic rebirth”, is made possible by the clinical reception given to attempters after their suicide attempts. From this understanding arises a conceptual framework for clinical psychologists and relevant clinical settings to take care of suicide attempters in Southern Benin.
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Le suicide chez les personnes présentant un premier épisode psychotique : trajectoires d’évolution et facteurs associésSicotte, Roxanne 05 1900 (has links)
Introduction : Chaque année, 703 000 personnes décèdent par suicide à travers le monde et une proportion encore plus importante de personnes pensent au suicide ou font une tentative de suicide. L’étude des facteurs associés aux idées et aux comportements suicidaires vise à améliorer notre compréhension de cette problématique pour mieux cibler les personnes à risque, mieux les soutenir et, ultimement, diminuer les taux de décès par suicide. Les troubles psychotiques sont associés à une vulnérabilité accrue au suicide, particulièrement dans les premières années suivant l’émergence de la psychose, c’est-à-dire lors du premier épisode psychotique (PEP). L’objectif général de la thèse est de mieux comprendre l’évolution des idées suicidaires et des comportements suicidaires ainsi que les facteurs qui y sont associés chez les personnes présentant un PEP.
Méthode : Trois études ont été réalisées. La première est une recension systématique des écrits réalisée en accord avec les critères PRISMA. Les études longitudinales portant sur la prévalence et les facteurs associés aux idées et aux comportements suicidaires chez les personnes présentant un PEP ont été répertoriées à partir de cinq banques de données et des références bibliographiques des articles pertinents. Le tri des articles, l’extraction des données ainsi que l’évaluation de la qualité des articles ont été réalisés par deux codeurs indépendants. La deuxième étude a identifié les trajectoires des idées suicidaires sur une période de cinq ans et la distribution des tentatives de suicide à travers ces trajectoires chez les patients présentant un PEP, admis entre 2005 et 2013, dans deux services d’intervention précoce pour la psychose à Montréal, Québec. Les données sur les idées suicidaires, les tentatives de suicide, les décès par suicide, et les facteurs potentiellement associés ont été évalués annuellement pendant cinq ans par des entrevues de recherche, la révision des dossiers médicaux et les rapports du coroner. Des analyses de trajectoires latentes ont été réalisées. Enfin, le troisième article a comparé l’évolution des idées et des comportements suicidaires dans des services d’intervention précoce pour la psychose, structurés de façon similaire, dans deux contextes socioculturels différents, soit à Montréal, au Canada et à Chennai, en Inde. Les données sur les idées et les comportements suicidaires ainsi que sur les facteurs potentiellement associés ont été colligées à sept temps de mesure sur une période de deux ans par des entrevues de recherche, des questionnaires standardisés ainsi qu’une révision des dossiers médicaux. Pour chacun des sites, les facteurs associés à la présence et à la sévérité des idées et des comportements suicidaires ont été comparés à l’admission avec un modèle en deux parties de type « hurdle » (modèle linéaire généralisé pour une distribution binomiale et un second modèle de régression logistique pour variable ordinale). L’évolution des idées et des comportements suicidaires a été comparée entre les sites avec un modèle à effets mixtes pour réponse ordinale.
Résultats : La recension des écrits comprend 17 articles, réalisés dans des pays à haut revenu, et révèle que près du tiers des patients présentant un PEP rapporte avoir eu des idées suicidaires et fait une tentative de suicide avant leur admission dans les services d’intervention précoce pour la psychose. En général, une diminution des idées suicidaires et des comportements suicidaires a été observée pendant le suivi. Les symptômes dépressifs ainsi les antécédents d’idées et de comportements suicidaires ont été associés à un plus grand risque de comportements suicidaires. Les services d’intervention précoce pour la psychose ont plutôt été associés à un moindre risque de décès par suicide. La deuxième étude, incluant 382 patients, a démontré l’hétérogénéité de l’évolution des idées suicidaires chez les personnes présentant un PEP en identifiant trois trajectoires distinctes : Une première trajectoire caractérisée par un risque faible et décroissant de présenter des idées suicidaires (85.1%), une seconde marquée par un déclin précoce des idées suicidaires suivi d’une augmentation en fin de suivi à la clinique PEP (7.8%), ainsi qu’une troisième trajectoire caractérisée par une persistance des idées suicidaires au cours des cinq années de suivi (7.1%). Alors que les antécédents d’idées suicidaires et le trouble d’usage de cocaïne ont été associés à la seconde trajectoire, les antécédents d’idées suicidaires et de tentatives de suicide ainsi que le trouble d’usage d’alcool ont été associés à la troisième trajectoire. La troisième étude, incluant 333 patients (165 à Montréal, 168 à Chennai), a révélé une diminution des idées et des comportements suicidaires dans les deux sites au cours du suivi, avec toutefois un risque suicidaire plus élevé tout au long du suivi pour les patients suivis à Montréal. Certains facteurs ont été associés à un plus grand risque d’idées et de comportements suicidaires dans les deux contextes (comme la dépression et les antécédents de tentatives de suicide) alors que certains facteurs étaient plutôt spécifiques au contexte (comme le statut relationnel et le genre).
Conclusion : Les trois manuscrits soutiennent que la prévalence des idées suicidaires et des comportements suicidaires est élevée chez les personnes présentant un PEP, quel que soit le milieu ou le contexte socioculturel. Les résultats plaident en faveur de la détection précoce de la psychose afin d’évaluer le risque suicidaire et intervenir rapidement auprès des personnes vivant un PEP puisque les taux d’idées et de comportements suicidaires sont particulièrement élevés avant l’entrée dans les services et au début du suivi. Une évaluation continue du risque suicidaire est nécessaire jusqu’à la toute fin du suivi pour soutenir les différents sous-groupes de patients, dont ceux plus à risque de présenter des idées suicidaires croissantes ou persistantes. Les personnes présentant des symptômes dépressifs, des antécédents d’idées et de tentatives de suicide ainsi qu’un trouble de l’usage de substances devraient être ciblées pour bénéficier d’interventions visant à prévenir le suicide, et ce, dès le début du suivi. Enfin, la thèse a permis de mieux comprendre l’évolution des idées et des comportements suicidaires chez les personnes présentant un PEP et d’identifier différentes avenues de recherches futures. / Introduction: Every year, 703,000 persons die by suicide worldwide and an even greater proportion of people think of or attempt suicide. Studying factors associated with suicidal thoughts and behaviours aims to improve our understanding of this issue to better target and support those at risk and ultimately decrease rates of suicide deaths. Psychotic disorders are associated with an increased vulnerability to suicide, particularly in the first years following psychosis onset, i.e., during first-episode psychosis (FEP). The overall goal of the dissertation is to better understand the course of suicidal thoughts and behaviours and the factors associated therewith in persons with FEP.
Method: Three studies were conducted. The first was a systematic review in compliance with PRISMA guidelines. Longitudinal studies on the prevalence of and factors associated with suicidal thoughts and behaviours in FEP were identified from five databases and reference lists of relevant articles. Screening, data extraction, and quality assessment of selected studies were performed by two independent reviewers. The second study identified trajectories of suicidal ideation over a five-year period and the distribution of suicide attempts across these trajectories in patients with FEP admitted between 2005 and 2013 to two early intervention services for psychosis in Montreal, Quebec. Data on suicidal ideation, suicide attempts, suicide deaths, and potentially associated factors were assessed annually for five years through research interviews, medical records review, and coroners' reports. Latent trajectory analyses were performed. Finally, the third study compared the course of suicidal thoughts and behaviours in similarly structured early intervention services for psychosis in two different sociocultural contexts, Montreal, Canada and Chennai, India. Data on suicidal thoughts and behaviours and potentially associated factors were collected at seven time points over two years through research interviews, standardized questionnaires, and medical records review. For each site, factors associated with presence and severity of suicidal thoughts and behaviours were compared at admission with a two-part hurdle model (generalized linear model for a binomial distribution and a second ordered logistic regression model). Course of suicidal thoughts and behaviours was compared between sites with a mixed-effects ordered logistic regression.
Results: The systematic review included 17 articles from high-income countries and found that nearly one third of patients with FEP reported suicidal ideation and attempts prior to admission to early intervention services for psychosis. In general, a decrease in suicidal thoughts and behaviours was observed during follow-up. Depressive symptoms and a history of suicidal thoughts and behaviours were associated with a greater risk of suicidal behaviours. Early intervention services for psychosis were rather associated with a lower risk of death by suicide. The second study, including 382 patients, showed heterogeneity in the evolution of suicidal ideation in persons with FEP by identifying three distinct trajectories: a first trajectory characterized by a low and decreasing risk of presenting suicidal ideation (85.1%), a second trajectory marked by an early decline in suicidal ideation followed by an increase at the end of follow-up (7.8%), and a third trajectory characterized by persistence of suicidal ideation during the five-year follow-up (7.1%) While history of suicidal ideation and cocaine use disorder were associated with the second trajectory, history of suicidal ideation and suicide attempts, and alcohol use disorder were associated with the third trajectory. The third study, including 333 patients (165 in Montreal, 168 in Chennai), found a decrease in suicidal thoughts and behaviours over follow-up in both sites, although the risk was higher throughout follow-up for Montreal patients. Some factors were associated with a higher risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviours across contexts (e.g., depression and history of suicide attempts), while some factors were rather context-specific (e.g., relationship status and gender).
Conclusion: The three manuscripts support that the prevalence of suicidal thoughts and behaviours is high among persons with FEP, regardless of sociocultural context or setting. The results argue for early detection of psychosis to assess suicidal risk and intervene promptly with individuals with FEP, as rates of suicidal thoughts and behaviours are particularly high prior to service entry and at the beginning of follow-up. Ongoing assessment of suicidal risk is needed until the very end of follow-up to support different subgroups of patients, including those at higher risk of developing increasing or persistent suicidal ideation. Individuals with depressive symptoms, a history of suicide ideation and attempts, and a substance use disorder should be targeted for suicide-focused interventions early in follow-up. Finally, the dissertation provided a better understanding of the course of suicidal thoughts and behaviours in persons with FEP and allowed for the identification of different areas for future research.
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Jak se stát součástí establišmentu? Malé/nové strany v parlamentu ČR po roce 2002 / How to become the part of political establishment? New/small political parties in Parliament after the year 2002Ernestová, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
The thesis informs a reader about problems of establishing new/small political parties and their activities in Czech Parliament during the period of 2002 -- 2010. The surprising and unexpected results of Chamber of Desputies election that took place in May 2010 and brought considerable transformation of contemporary political establishment in Czech republic, represented the main impulse for writing this thesis. The aim of the thesis was to find out the size of political market openness for new/small political parties during the period of 2002-2010 and simultaneously evaluate what kind of position and substance these new/small political subjects in the political market have. A content of thesis is divided into two main parts. The first part is focused on theoretical theme and includes four chapters. There are mentioned mainly the issues of new/small political parties' definitions, the role of relevant parties in proportional representation systems and also some of the most important attempts of electoral reforms. The second part includes the final chapter that is focused on analysis of the factors that had influence on increase or decrease in chances of new/small parties to be successful in Chamber of Desputies elections from 2002 and thus become the part of political establishment. The fundamental questions were: How have the new/small political parties built up in that period of 2002-2010 and under what circumstances have they become the part of political establishment.
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