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A Study of Animating to MusicEdmonds, Brianna Phylice 01 May 2019 (has links)
I have always had an interest in musicals. I enjoy the way storytelling can happen through a single musical segment. I have always been interested in how music can set the tone in an instant. Because, of this I decided my thesis would be more of a conceptual one. My vision for my thesis project was to create a sequence that is animated to music and will tell a story through a sequence that is set to music.
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Tvorba 3D modelu kostela v Unkovicích / Creation of 3D model of church in UnkovicePospíšilová, Iveta January 2017 (has links)
My diploma thesis is focused on 3D model creation of a church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Unkovice. The resulting digital model is supposed to be used for the church building presentation. 3D model is created on the basis of tacheometrically measured points in Autodesk Inventor. Accuracy testing according to ČSN 01 3410 proved confirmed criteria of 3rd accuracy rating.
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Program pro export vektorových obrázků z Autodesk Eagle / Vector image export program for Autodesk EagleSičkaruk, Roman January 2019 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with design and creation of ULP program for export of vector images in EMF (Enhanced Windows Metafile) format. The main aim of this thesis is to add support of all features of Autodesk Eagle version 9. Thesis is important due to bugs and imperfections of other ULP programs for exporting of vector images to other formats also because of they aim for older versions of Autodesk Eagle. With regard to small quantity of EMF literature, thesis is beneficial as it describes behaviour of base structures and describes creation of EMF metafile. It also provides example of iteration over individual parts of schemes and printed circuit boards. Main goal of this thesis was completed. User is allowed to export currently visible layers, set order of their printing, with remain of true colors and orientation. Program was tested in Autodesk Eagle systems version 9.1.3 and 9.3.2.
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Mit BIM zum Facility Management: eine Studie zur Modellübergabe von Autodesk Revit nach SpartacusPfeifer, Michael 18 January 2022 (has links)
Das Ziel dieser Masterarbeit ist es, in einer Fallstudie die Datenübergabe eines BIM-Gebäudemodells in den Betrieb zu simulieren. Dabei soll das Modell aus der Software „Autodesk Revit“ stammen, die Übergabe erfolgt zur CAFM-Software „Spartacus“. Die Simulation wird sich mit modellspezifischen, softwarerelevanten und vertragsbezogenen Voraussetzungen für die Modellübergabe befassen. Dabei sollen auch softwareneutrale Gesichtspunkt Beachtung finden. Anhand der Ergebnisse der Fallstudie werden allgemeine Voraussetzungen und Handlungsempfehlungen erarbeitet sowie mögliche Fehlerquellen aufgedeckt. Das Ergebnis soll ein Leitfaden sein, der bei der Implementierung des digitalen Gebäudebetriebs unterstützt.:Einleitung
1 Ziele
2 Begriffsdefinitionen
3 Das Facility Management
3.1 Funktionsbereiche des FM
3.2 Voraussetzung für den Einsatz von FM-Software
4 Building Information Modeling
5 Bedeutung des Building Information Modeling für das Facility Management
6 Software
6.1 FM-unterstützende Software am Markt
6.2 Unterschied CAFM (Computer-Aided Facility Management)/IWMS (Integrated Workplace Management Systems)/FMIS (Facility Management Information Systems)
6.3 Anforderungen an die Software
6.4 Ergänzende Software
7 Fallstudie
7.1 Zu verwendende Software
7.2 Ursprünglich zu verwendendes Gebäude
7.3 Verwendetes Gebäudemodell
7.4 Untersuchte Bauteile und Bereiche des Gebäudes
7.5 Vorstellung der verwendeten Software “Spartacus”
7.6 Übergabe des Modells in die FM-Software
7.7 Verbindung der Revit-Familien mit den Spartacus-Anlagenklassen
7.8 Übergabe eines IFC-Modells
8 Fehlermeldungen
8.1 Fehlermeldung bezüglich der Geschosse
8.2 Fehlermeldung bezüglich der Räume
8.3 Fehler beim IFC-Import in Spartacus
8.4 Untersuchung des Im- und Exports zwischen *.rvt und *.ifc
9 Vertragsrelevante Schlussfolgerungen
9.1 Übersicht über die BIM-relevanten Vertragsbestandteile
9.2 Implementierung der Erkenntnisse in bestehende BIM-Strukturen der Deutschen Bahn
10 Fazit
10.1 Anforderungen an BIM im Facility Management allgemein
10.2 Anforderungen an zukünftig zu übergebende Modelle
10.3 BIM-relevante Leistungsphasen der HOAI für das FM-Modell
10.4 Beispiele für Ausschreibungstexte
10.5 Anforderungen an den Bediener der CAFM-Software
10.6 Anforderungen an den Planer
10.7 Anforderungen an die Software
10.8 Erforderlicher Detaillierungsgrad für das FM-Programm
10.9 Kompatibilität von “Spartacus” mit “Autodesk Revit”
10.10 Anwendung der speziellen Parameter
11 Der Weg für die Implementierung der Spartacus-Software
12 Ausblick
13 Anhänge
14 Literaturverzeichnis
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Neue Bilder, neue MöglichkeitenPabst, Rebekka 20 April 2016 (has links) (PDF)
In der heutigen Filmindustrie bietet das 3D-Design ein anerkanntes Mittel, um virtuelle Welten oder Charaktere zu erschaffen. Doch das 3D-Design dringt mittlerweile auch in andere Bereiche vor, so etwa der Medizin und der Architektur. Dabei bietet die virtuelle Rekonstruktion auch vielfältige Möglichkeiten für die Archäologie/Ägyptologie. Beispielsweise können von kleineren Objekten oder Papyri virtuelle 3D-Modelle erstellt werden. Der große Vorteil dabei ist, dass die Originale nicht beschädigt werden und mehrere Wissenschaftler zur gleichen Zeit an ein und demselben Objekt forschen können. Selbst für die Bauforschung dürfte das 3D-Design immer bedeutender werden. Gebäude, die sich heute nur in ihren Grundrissen erhalten haben, können mithilfe des 3D-Designs nahezu vollständig rekonstruiert werden. Nicht zu unterschätzen ist dabei auch die Wirkung, die virtuelle Rekonstruktionen von ägyptischen Tempeln, Gräbern, Gebäuden auf die Gesellschaft erzielen. Durch die 3DRekonstruktionen kann nicht nur Wissenschaftlern, sondern auch Interessierten ein anschaulicher Eindruck von der Lebenswelt des Alten Ägypten vermittelt werden. Bislang steht das 3D-Design allerdings in dem Ruf, besonders schwer erlernbar und sehr kostenintensiv zu sein. Doch gibt es neben einigen aufwendigen 3D-Design-Programmen auch nahezu kostenfreie Alternativen, die man sowohl privat wie beruflich nutzen kann. Diese Programme sind dabei sehr anwenderfreundlich gestaltet und relativ leicht zu erlernen. Ziel des Vortrages ist es, diese Programme und ihre Möglichkeiten für die Ägyptologie vorzustellen.
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En utredande jämförelse av programvaror vid BIM-samordning / BIM: an Investigative Comparison of Software for BIM CoordinationVictor, Nyström January 2018 (has links)
BIM är en fras som har tagits upp allt frekventare inom byggbranschen senaste åren. Uttrycket har olika innebörd beroende på vem som tillfrågas och dennes kunskap inom området. BIM-verktyg är något som med åren också har ökat på marknaden. Verktygen har olika användningsområden beroende på vilken aktör som ska utnyttja det. I BIM-projekt används såkallade samordningsverktyg för att bland annat kontrollera olika discipliners modeller där valet av programvara är avgörande beroende på funktionalitet och nyttjare. I detta arbete studerades två programvaror som kan användas vid BIM-samordning. Genom en fallstudie har det undersökts vilket utav programvarorna Autodesk Navisworks Manage 2015 och Solibri Model Checker 9.5 som passar bäst för Grontmij AB i Eskilstuna efter deras behov och förutsättningar. Efter en grundlig studie av båda programvarorna påvisar rapporten att den rekommenderade programvaran specifikt för Grontmij AB i Eskilstuna är Solibri Model Checker 9.5 i enlighet med företagets behov och förutsättningar. / BIM is a phrase that has been raised increasingly frequent in the construction industry in recent years. The term has different meanings depending on who is asked. BIM tools is something that over the years also has increased on the market. The tools have different use depending on the user. Bim projects use so-called coordination tools for including control of various disciplines models where the choice of software is different, depending on functionality and users. This thesis addresses two software programs that can be used in BIM coordination. Through a case study, the author investigated which of the softwares Autodesk Navisworks Manage 2015 and Solibri Model Checker 9.5 is best for Grontmij AB in Eskilstuna to their needs and circumstances.
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Kvalitets- och kollisionskontroller i BIM-projekt : En analytisk jämförelse mellan programvarorna Autodesk Navisworks Manage, Solibri Model Checker och Tekla BIMsight / Quality and collision checks in BIM-projects : An analytical comparison between the softwares Autodesk Navisworks Manage, Solibri Model Checker and Tekla BIMsightHolm, Daniel, Wallgren, Josefine January 2013 (has links)
I ett BIM-projekt skapas ett flertal intelligenta 3D-modeller innehållande geometrier och information. Respektive fackområde skapar modeller innehållande sina byggdelar och installationskomponenter. Genom att samordna modellerna från alla områden skapas en BIM-modell över hela projektet. En förutsättning för att projekteringen ska effektiviseras är att modellerna håller god kvalitet. Då allt fler byggnader projekteras i 3D-miljö finns det idag goda möjligheter att underlätta arbetet med kvalitetssäkring. Det finns ett flertal programvaror där det är möjligt att sammanfoga och granska modeller. Förutom att upptäcka kollisioner och kvalitetsfel, innehåller programmen flera andra funktioner som kan effektivisera projekt. En egenskap är möjligheten att virtuellt gå omkring i en byggnad innan den uppförs. Det finns även möjlighet att mäta avstånd, rita och göra noteringar i modellen och dess vyer, vilket är till hjälp när den ska granskas av de olika disciplinerna. Bakgrunden till det här examensarbetet är att konsultföretaget Byggteknik AB vill veta vilken programvara för samordning som uppfyller deras behov bäst. Genom implementering av programvaran vill de kunna ta på sig samordningsansvaret i framtida BIM-projekt. Frågeställningen är: Vilken programvara lämpar sig bäst för konsultföretaget Byggteknik AB? Den besvarades genom att en fallstudie genomfördes. I fallstudien jämfördes tre olika programvaror för kvalitets- och kollisionskontroller; Autodesk Navisworks Manage, Solibri Model Checker och Tekla BIMsight. Svaret på frågeställningen, som presenteras i rapporten, är att Autodesk Navisworks Manage är den programvara som i dagsläget lämpar sig bäst för Byggteknik AB. / In a BIM-project several intelligent 3D-models is being created. The 3D-models contain both geometries and information. Each discipline creates models containing their building and installation components. By coordinating the models from all the disciplines, a BIM-model of the entire project is being created. A prerequisite for the design to be effective is that the models have a good quality. Today there are good opportunities to facilitate the work of quality assurance, since more and more buildings are designed in 3D. There are several softwares for merging and checking models. In addition to detecting collisions and quality defects, the software can do several tasks to make projects more effective. One feature is the ability to virtually walk around in the building before it is constructed. It is also possible to measure distances, draw and make notes in the model and its views, which is helpful when it will be reviewed by the various disciplines. The background to this thesis is that the consultancy Byggteknik AB would like to know what software for coordination that meets their needs best. By implementing the software, they want to be able to assume responsibility for coordination in future BIM-projects. The question for this thesis is: What software is best suited for the consultancy Byggteknik AB? To answer the question a case study was conducted. In the case study three different softwares for quality and collision checks was being compared. The softwares being compared were Autodesk Navisworks Manage, Solibri Model Checker and Tekla BIMsight. The answer to the question, presented in this report, is that Autodesk Navisworks Manage in the current situation is best suited for Byggteknik AB.
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Effektivisering av förvaltningsskedet med hjälp av flerdimensionella BIM-modeller : En studie om BIM 360 Ops / Increased efficiency of the property management stage by using multidimensional BIM-models : A study on BIM 360 OpsIssa, Mona, Nabaz Taha, Rawand January 2019 (has links)
Den tekniska utvecklingen går fort fram. Tillämpandet av BIM (Byggnadsinformationsmodellering) blir allt vanligare inom byggsektorn. Dock halkar förvaltningen efter i utvecklingen, i jämförelse med byggprocessens tidiga skeden, projektering- och produktionsskedet. BIM i förvaltningen är väldigt omtalad men ännu har det inte implementerats i stor utsträckning. Detta arbete handlar om att undersöka huruvida digitaliserat förvaltningen är idag samt om mjukvaran BIM 360 Ops kan vara ett effektivare alternativ. BIM 360 Ops är en mjukvara skapad av Autodesk som riktar sig in på förvaltning. Genom intervjuer med Diagona AB, Fabege, HSB, Uppsala Kommuns fastighetsaktiebolag (UKFAB), Akademiska Hus, Locum, Stockholmshem samt FastPartner, får man en inblick i hur dessa företag går tillväga i dagsläget, vilka kunskaper det finns kring BIM hos förvaltare samt vad som saknas i förvaltningen. Här analyseras programvaror som respondenterna använder sig av, för att få en större uppfattning kring arbetsgången i förvaltningen. Ett detaljerat tillvägagångssätt av mjukvaran BIM 360 Ops demonstreras för att visa hur programvaran fungerar och för att upptäcka eventuella svårigheter, fördelar samt nackdelar med programmet. Resultatet visar att ingen av de intervjuade utnyttjar BIM i förvaltningen. Företagen strävar efter att digitalisera förvaltningen, men ännu inte åstadkommit det fullständigt. Intresset för BIM i förvaltningen finns, dock har många förvaltare brist på kunskap om byggnadsinformationsmodellering. Denna studie uppmärksammar digitalisering av förvaltningsskedet och genomgår undersökning kring programvaran BIM 360 Ops som frambringar BIM i förvaltningen. / The technological development is progressing rapidly. The application of BIM (Building Information Modeling) is becoming increasingly common in the construction sector. However, the property management slips behind in the development, in comparison with the early stages of the construction process, the design and production phase. BIM in the property management stage is frequently spoken about but BIM has not yet been implemented to a greater extent. This study aims to examine how digitalized property management is at present times and if the software BIM 360 Ops can be a more efficient alternative. BIM 360 Ops is a software created by Autodesk that targets the property management stage. Through interviews with Diagona AB, Fabege, HSB, Uppsala Kommuns fastighetsaktiebolag (UKFAB), Akademiska Hus, Locum, Stockholmshem and FastPartner, an insight on how these companies are proceeding at present times, which knowledge managers have about BIM and what is lacking in the management stage is brought forward. The software which the respondents use is analyzed in order to gain a greater understanding of different workflow used in the management stage. A detailed approach of the BIM 360 Ops software is demonstrated to show how the software works and to detect any difficulties, advantages and disadvantages of the software. The result shows that none of the interviewees use BIM in the management stage. The companies strive to digitalize the management stage, but has not yet fully accomplished it. There is interest in BIM in the management stage, however, many managers lack knowledge of Building Information Modeling. This study draws attention to the digitalization of the property management stage and presents a thorough study on the BIM 360 Ops software which brings forth BIM in the management stage.
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Разработка глоссария к программному обеспечению для дизайнеров Autodesk 3dsMAX : магистерская диссертация / Development of aGlossary for Autodesk 3dsMAXСтенковский, Н. А., Stenkovskiy, N. A. January 2024 (has links)
This research is aimed at translating the interface of the Autodesk 3ds MAX program and compiling a training glossary for this program to unify the program terms for use by beginners and experienced users. The relevance of the study lies in the fact that nowadays more and more people are switching to the format of working online, working from home, or working in complete immersion in a virtual environment. Most new product modeling, simulations, interior and exterior designs are done using computer simulations. At the same time, software from foreign developers has no alternatives. Also, it does not have localization into Russian. Autodesk 3ds MAX software is the most popular of them. If there are numerous dictionaries and glossaries in electronic form regarding the English vocabulary of this program, then the question of the correctness of their translation, unification of terms and completeness of the material clearly cannot be satisfactory. The theoretical part of the study examines the subject of localization, its history, purpose and importance. The main problems of glossary design are also examined and the factors that determine its content and structure are identified. The practical part of the study consists of a structured translation of the Autodesk 3ds MAX program interface with explanations of the functions of commands and tools for compiling a glossary for this program. As a result of the study, the main approaches to software localization were analyzed, the criteria for compiling dictionaries were considered, the structure and process of compiling a glossary was assigned, and a complete educational glossary of the Autodesk 3ds MAX program was obtained, which translates and explains what this or that program function is responsible for. The correctness of the translation and the correctness of the explanations were checked by professional designers. The glossary has been tested by novice and experienced users of Autodesk 3ds MAX. / Данное иследование направлено на перевод интерфейса программы Autodesk 3ds MAX и на составление обучающего глоссария к этой программе для унификации терминов программы, пользования начинающими и опытными пользователями. Актуальность исследования состоит в том, что настоящее время все больше людей переходят на формат работы онлайн, работы из дома или работы в полном погружении в виртуальную среду. Большая часть моделирования новых продуктов, симуляций, дизайнов интерьеров и экстерьеров проводится при помощи компьютерного моделирования. При этом программное обеспечение зарубежных разработчиков не имеет альтернатив. Также, как не имеет и локализации на русский язык. Программное обеспечение Autodesk 3ds MAX является наиболее популярным из них. Если в отношении англоязычной лексики данной программы существуют многочисленные словари, глоссарии в электронном виде, то вопрос правильности их перевода, унификации терминов и полноты материала явно не может быть удовлетворительным. Теоретическая часть исследования разбирает предмет локализации, ее историю, назначение и важность. Также разбираются основные проблемы проектирования глоссария и выявляются факторы, определяющие его содержание и структуру. Практическая часть исследования состоит из структурированного перевода интерфейса программы Autodesk 3ds MAX с объяснениями функций команд и инструментов для составления глоссария к этой программе. В результате исследования были проанализированы основные подходы к локализации программного обеспечения, были рассмотрены критерии составления словарей, была назначена структура и процесс составления глоссария, был получен полный учебный глоссарий программы Autodesk 3ds MAX, который переводит и объясняет, за что отвечает та или иная функция программы. Правильность перевода, корректность объяснений были проверены профессиональными дизайнерами. Глоссарий был протестирован начинающими и опытными пользователями Autodesk 3ds MAX.
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The Autodesk Revit software has been increasingly used in architecture due to the advantages brought about by the incorporation of BIM technology, which combines all the information representing a real building into a single virtual model. However, its capabilities have not yet been fully explored, such as in building simulations, for which Revit lacks detailed thermal analytical features. Thus, this study aims to examine the reliability of the interoperability between Autodesk Revit 2016 and EnergyPlus 8.4.0 by using Revit models for thermal simulations in EnergyPlus, one of the most commonly used tools for this purpose. The methodology consists of case studies targeting building models based on Case 600, from ASHRAE Standard 140, and Casa Eficiente Project, located in the city of Florianópolis, Brazil. The digital models of both buildings were produced in Revit with different modelling processes (conceptual mass or building elements with rooms or spaces) and software settings. All of these BIM models were exported in IFC, gbXML and IDF file formats and later converted through the use of additional tools in order to be opened in EnergyPlus. Such files were compared with the reference model of each building produced directly in EnergyPlus, using SketchUp containing the plug-in Legacy OpenStudio, in order to check for any distortions occurring in the process of data transfer when performing model exports and conversions. This comparison was based on parameters defined for geometry, simulation settings (materials thermal properties, building use and occupation etc.) and simulation results containing outputs of monthly internal temperatures for the thermal zones of each model. The results showed variations and similarities among the different types of modelling, export processes, and file formats used, revealing that distortions in data transfer become larger the more complex the building model is. This study points out conceptual mass models from gbXML files regardless of the export mode out of Revit as a viable alternative to be used in conjunction with EnergyPlus, as they preserve the geometrical accuracy of the building, even as some Revit default settings may be transferred over, thus failing to reflect some of the aspects of the real built environment. However, it was found that Revit models in general are not recommended for these types of exports due to the resulting rework needed for correcting files. It was concluded that the interoperability between Autodesk Revit and EnergyPlus is not perfect, as their combined use allows for data transfers that make possible the thermal simulation of buildings, however, in this exchange there are distortions in the exported geometries and lack of the necessary data for correct simulation in all exported models. / O programa computacional Autodesk Revit tem seu uso crescente na prática de projetos de arquitetura devido às vantagens pela incorporação da tecnologia BIM, a qual reúne todas as informações que representam uma edificação real em um único modelo virtual. Contudo suas capacidades ainda não são totalmente exploradas, inclusive no âmbito de simulação computacional de edificações no qual o programa carece de ferramentas para análises térmicas detalhadas do ambiente construído. Portanto, este estudo objetivou analisar o grau de confiabilidade da interoperabilidade entre os programas Autodesk Revit 2016 e EnergyPlus 8.4.0, para verificar o uso de modelos digitais de edificações criados no Revit em simulações térmicas realizadas na ferramenta EnergyPlus, uma das mais difundidas para este fim. A metodologia consistiu em estudos de caso com modelos de edificações baseados no Case 600, da norma ASHRAE Standard 140, e no Projeto Casa Eficiente, localizado em Florianópolis. Os modelos digitais de ambas as edificações foram produzidos no Revit com diferentes processos de modelagem (massas conceituais ou elementos de construção com ambientes ou espaços inseridos) e configurações do programa. Todos estes modelos BIM foram exportados nos formatos de arquivo IFC, gbXML e IDF e posteriormente convertidos para a extensão suportada pelo EnergyPlus, com o auxílio de ferramentas adicionais, para serem abertos no programa. Tais arquivos foram comparados com o modelo de referência de cada edificação produzido diretamente no EnergyPlus, por meio do programa SketchUp com o plug-in Legacy OpenStudio, para verificar as distorções na transferência das informações quando foi realizada a exportação e conversão dos modelos. Esta comparação foi feita com base em parâmetros definidos para as geometrias, configurações de simulação (propriedades térmicas dos materiais, padrões de uso e ocupação, entre outros) e resultados das simulações com valores de saída para as temperaturas internas mensais das zonas térmicas de cada modelo. Os resultados demonstraram variações e similaridades entre os tipos de modelagem, de processo de exportação e de formato de arquivo utilizado, cujas distorções na transferência dos dados são maiores quanto mais complexo for o modelo da edificação. A pesquisa apontou que os modelos de massas conceituais provenientes de arquivos gbXML, independentemente do modo de exportação a partir do Revit, configuraram-se como alternativa mais viável para utilização no EnergyPlus, por se manterem mais próximos à geometria da edificação, ainda que sejam transferidas configurações padrão do Revit que podem não retratar a realidade do ambiente construído. Porém, foi verificado que, de maneira geral, os modelos digitais do Autodesk Revit não são recomendados para esse tipo de exportação devido ao retrabalho diante da necessidade de correções nos arquivos. Concluiu-se que não é perfeita a interoperabilidade entre os programas computacionais Autodesk Revit e EnergyPlus, pois existe a possibilidade de transferência de informações para simulações térmicas de edificações, entretanto nesta troca há distorções nas geometrias e falta de dados necessários para a correta execução da simulação em todos os modelos exportados.
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