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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le recrutement des auxiliaires de l’armée romaine sous le Haut-Empire dans l’Occident romain / The auxilia recruitment in the Roman army under the Early Roman Empire in the Western provinces of the Empire

Gallet, Sébastien 13 February 2012 (has links)
Les unités auxiliaires sont une société militaire singulière. Notre travail concerne les deux principaux types d’unités auxiliaires - ailes et cohortes - sous le Haut-Empire, c’est-à-dire du début du règne de l’empereur Auguste en 27 avant notre ère jusqu’au début du règne de l’empereur Dioclétien en 284 de notre ère. Sont prises en considération les recrues des unités auxiliaires se trouvant dans les provinces occidentales de l’Empire. Il s’agit avant tout d’une étude statistique du recrutement individuel appuyé sur un corpus épigraphique qui recense l’ensemble des combattants ayant laissé une trace documentaire. Elle cherche à préciser la composition juridique et ethnique des troupes et son évolution en fonction du temps, des unités et du rang. Elle doit aussi permettre de caractériser l’évolution des modalités du recrutement des auxiliaires. Il s’agit surtout de percevoir dans quelle mesure ces troupes se romanisent, voire sont un élément fort de la diffusion de mœurs romaines auprès des populations indigènes et barbares de l’Empire. Ces unités apparaissent comme un lieu d’intense brassage juridique, ethnique et culturel. Elles ne sont pas les responsables, comme cela a été souvent écrit, d’un processus de barbarisation des armées romaines mais ont au contraire diffusé des droits juridiques et une culture commune. / The auxiliary units are a specific military society. Our work deals with the two main types of auxiliary units – alae and cohorts - under the Early Roman Empire, from the beginning of the reign of Emperor Augustus in BC 27 till the beginning of the reign of Emperor Diocletian in AD 284. The recruits of the auxiliary units situated in the western provinces of the Empire are considered. It is above all about a statistical study of the individual recruitment based on an epigraphic catalogue recording all the soldiers and cavalrymen who have left writing evidence. It aims at specifying the legal and ethnic composition of the troops and its evolution depending on time units, and ranks. It has also to make possible the characterization of the evolution of auxiliaries recruitment modes. Our objective is to understand in which extent these troops become Romans and are an important factor of the Roman customs spreading among the native and barbarian populations of the Empire. These units seem to be a place of great legal, ethnic and cultural intermixing. As it was often stated, they are not responsible for a process of barbarization of Roman armies but they have spread legal rights as well as common culture.

Adressage et expression fonctionnelle des canaux sodiques cardiaques Nav1.5 : rôle majeur de la sous-unité régulatrice β1 / Trafficking and functional expression of cardiac voltage-gated sodium channels Nav1.5 : key role of the regulatory β1-subunit

Mercier-François, Aurélie 13 September 2013 (has links)
Le syndrome de Brugada (BrS) est une cardiopathie héréditaire à transmission autosomique dominante, se manifestant par une anomalie de l'ECG et un risque accru de mort subite. Les mutations retrouvées dans la sous-unité α du canal sodique cardiaque Nav1.5 chez certains patients entraînent un défaut d'adressage membranaire de ces canaux. Ceux-ci restent alors séquestrés dans des compartiments intracellulaires. L'étude de ces mutants se réduisant souvent à l'utilisation de traitements correcteurs, les mécanismes de rétention impliqués restent encore méconnus. L'objectif de ce travail est d'étudier des mutants Nav1.5 présentant un défaut d'adressage en tenant compte non seulement de l'hétérozygotie des patients BrS mais également de la présence de la sous unité régulatrice β1 prédominante dans le cœur. Des études fonctionnelles et biochimiques mettent en évidence un effet dominant négatif exercé par les mutants R1432G, L325R et S910L sur la densité de courant INa sauvage (WT). Cet effet nécessite la présence de la sous-unité β1 et passe par l'altération de l'adressage membranaire des formes WT. Ceci est la conséquence d'une interaction physique entre des sous-unités α mutantes et WT. D'autre part, les mutants étudiés présentent un profil de maturation lié aux N-glycosylations qui différent de celui des canaux WT. Nos données suggèrent que ces canaux peuvent emprunter (i) la voie classique d'adressage dans leur forme mature (ii) la voie dite non conventionnelle lorsqu'ils sont partiellement glycosylés. En conclusion, ces travaux mettent en évidence le rôle de la sous-unité β1 ainsi que l'implication des N-glycosylations dans la modulation de l'adressage des canaux Nav1.5 / Brugada syndrome (BrS) is an inherited autosomal dominant cardiac channelopathy characterized by abnormal ECG pattern and an increased risk of sudden cardiac death. Several mutations on the cardiac sodium channel Nav1.5 which are responsible for BrS lead to misfolded proteins that do not traffic properly to the plasma membrane and are instead retained in intracellular compartments. Although pharmacological rescue is commonly used to characterize misfolded mutants, underlying cellular retention mechanisms remain unclear. The aim of this work is to investigate trafficking defective Nav1.5 mutants considering BrS patient heterozygosity and the presence of the regulatory β1-subunit which is largely expressed in cardiac tissue. By combining electrophysiology and biochemical approaches, we show that three distinct mutants, R1432G, L325R and S910L, exert a strong dominant negative effect upon wild-type (WT) sodium current density. Our data indicate that this effect requires the presence of the β1-subunit and is mediated by disruption of membrane trafficking of WT channels. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments demonstrate a physical interaction between mutant and WT α-subunits occurring only when the β1-subunit was present. Furthermore, we investigate the maturation pattern of Na channels. Our data show distinct N-glycosylated states between WT and mutant channels, suggesting that Nav1.5 α-subunits traffic (i) via unconventional secretion pathway as a partially glycosylated product, (ii) through the classical secretory pathway for mature fully-glycosylated form. This work highlights that β1-subunit and N-linked glycosylation process play key roles in modulating Nav1.5 trafficki

Ancillarity-Sufficiency Interweaving Strategy (ASIS) for Boosting MCMC Estimation of Stochastic Volatility Models

Kastner, Gregor, Frühwirth-Schnatter, Sylvia 01 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Bayesian inference for stochastic volatility models using MCMC methods highly depends on actual parameter values in terms of sampling efficiency. While draws from the posterior utilizing the standard centered parameterization break down when the volatility of volatility parameter in the latent state equation is small, non-centered versions of the model show deficiencies for highly persistent latent variable series. The novel approach of ancillarity-sufficiency interweaving has recently been shown to aid in overcoming these issues for a broad class of multilevel models. In this paper, we demonstrate how such an interweaving strategy can be applied to stochastic volatility models in order to greatly improve sampling efficiency for all parameters and throughout the entire parameter range. Moreover, this method of "combining best of different worlds" allows for inference for parameter constellations that have previously been infeasible to estimate without the need to select a particular parameterization beforehand. / Series: Research Report Series / Department of Statistics and Mathematics

Den nya mannen tar form : - En kvalitativ studie om manliga undersköterskors upplevelse av att arbeta inom äldrevården / The new man takes shape : A quality study about male auxiliary nurses experience in their work within elderly-care

Mujagic, Sanel January 2018 (has links)
This study aims to explore how male auxiliary nurses relate with gender-coded norms and why they relate to these norms in their work at elderly-care, while also exploring what kind of masculine identities appear when they relate to the expected gender norm. The empirical material was gathered by using a qualitative approach through semi-structured interviews with seven male auxiliary nurses from three different municipalities in Sweden. By using Connells (2008) masculinity-theory, where gender is seen as a process where the male body is regarded as an object and an acting organ which produces gender differences, this theory will help the essay understand the problems surrounding how the male auxiliaries’ nurses relate and negotiate with gender-coded norms in their work at elderly-care. This dynamic aspect of masculinity and the relation with the gender-structure will be used to examine how male auxiliary nurses relate and negotiating with different form of masculinities. The results of this study have showcased the evidently traditional gender norm that exists within this line of work, as the informants could relate to the pressure in maintaining their masculine identity. In some cases, the traditional gender norms have given the informants advantages and disadvantages which will be thoroughly explained later in the essay. The data ultimately showcased the dynamic and complex structure of masculinity, as male auxiliary nurses are expected to behave within the traditional forms of masculinity while also creating a new form of masculinity as they assume their “feminine” profession.

Pomocný podvozek pro nosič výměnných nástaveb s návěsovým čepem / Auxiliary chassis for swap bodies with king pin

Felcman, Miroslav January 2015 (has links)
Main purpose of the thesis is to carry out a design and a check up of an auxiliary chassis for swap bodies with king pin. The thesis contains pictures of auxiliary chassis made by different producers, followed by my own design. The design contains my own concept of the chassis with purchased parts included. The design of a frame of the auxiliary chassis has been taken in for stress analysis during a number of test loads. Last part of the thesis contains results of stress analysis. Drawings of selected parts are also included. The thesis has been made in cooperation with ZDT Nové Veseli s.r.o.

Calibration Adjustment for Nonresponse in Sample Surveys

Rota, Bernardo João January 2016 (has links)
In this thesis, we discuss calibration estimation in the presence of nonresponse with a focus on the linear calibration estimator and the propensity calibration estimator, along with the use of different levels of auxiliary information, that is, sample and population levels. This is a fourpapers- based thesis, two of which discuss estimation in two steps. The two-step-type estimator here suggested is an improved compromise of both the linear calibration and the propensity calibration estimators mentioned above. Assuming that the functional form of the response model is known, it is estimated in the first step using calibration approach. In the second step the linear calibration estimator is constructed replacing the design weights by products of these with the inverse of the estimated response probabilities in the first step. The first step of estimation uses sample level of auxiliary information and we demonstrate that this results in more efficient estimated response probabilities than using population-level as earlier suggested. The variance expression for the two-step estimator is derived and an estimator of this is suggested. Two other papers address the use of auxiliary variables in estimation. One of which introduces the use of principal components theory in the calibration for nonresponse adjustment and suggests a selection of components using a theory of canonical correlation. Principal components are used as a mean to accounting the problem of estimation in presence of large sets of candidate auxiliary variables. In addition to the use of auxiliary variables, the last paper also discusses the use of explicit models representing the true response behavior. Usually simple models such as logistic, probit, linear or log-linear are used for this purpose. However, given a possible complexity on the structure of the true response probability, it may raise a question whether these simple models are effective. We use an example of telephone-based survey data collection process and demonstrate that the logistic model is generally not appropriate.

Optimization of variable-thickness composite structures. Application to a CROR blade. / Optimisation de structures composites d’épaisseur variable. Application à la pale de CROR.

Lasseigne, Alexis 26 April 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse aborde la problématique de la conception optimale de structures composites stratifiées d’épaisseur variable. Les variables d’empilement définissent un problème d’optimisation combinatoire et des espaces de décisions de grande taille et potentiellement multimodaux. Les algorithmes d’optimisation stochastiques permettent de traiter ce type de problème et de tirer profit des performances et de l’anisotropie des plis composites pour l’allègement des structures composites stratifiées. Le but de cette étude est double : (i) développer un algorithme d’optimisation dédié aux composites stratifiés d’épaisseur variable et (ii) estimer le potentiel des composites stratifiés pour la maîtrise des performances aérodynamiques d’une pale de CROR composite.Dans la première partie de cette thèse, un algorithme évolutionnaire est spécialisé pour l’optimisation de tables de drapage et la gestion d’un ensemble de règles de conception représentatif des pratiques de l’industrie. Pour se faire, un encodage spécifique des solutions est proposé et des opérateurs de variations spécialisés sont développés.Dans la deuxième partie, l’algorithme est enrichi d’une technique de guidage basée sur l’exploitation d’un espace auxiliaire afin d'accroître son efficacité et d’intégrer davantage de connaissances des composites dans la résolution du problème.Finalement, la méthode est appliquée pour la conception d’une pale de CROR composite à l’échelle de la maquette de soufflerie. Au préalable, des processus itératifs de mise à froid et mise à chaud de la pale sont mis en place afin d’estimer la forme de la pale au repos et l’état de contraintes dans la pale en fonctionnement. / This thesis deals with the optimal design of variable-thickness laminated composite structures. The stacking variables define a combinatorial optimization problem and large decision spaces which are potentially multimodal. Stochastic optimization algorithms allow solving this type of problem and allow taking advantage from the performance and the anisotropic nature of unidirectional composite plies to lighten laminated composite structures.The purpose of this study is twofold: (i) developing an optimization algorithm dedicated to variable-thickness laminated composites and (ii) assessing the potential of laminated composites in influencing the aerodynamic performances of a composite CROR blade.Firstly, an evolutionary algorithm is specialized in order to optimize layup tables and handle a set of design guidelines which is representative of industrial practices. In this purpose, a specific encoding of the solutions is suggested and specialized variation operators are developed.Secondly, the algorithm is enriched with a guiding technique based on the exploitation of an auxiliary space in order to improve its efficiency and to include further composites-related knowledge for the resolution of the problem.Finally, the method is applied for the design of a reduced-scale composite CROR blade intended for wind-tunnel testing. Beforehand, iterative processes are implemented to estimate the shape of the non-operating blade and the stress state within the operating blade.

Unearthing the 'clinical encounter' : Gartnavel Mental Hospital, 1921-1932 : exploring the intersection of scientific and social discourses which negotiated the boundaries of psychiatric diagnoses

Morrison, Hazel Margaret Catherine January 2014 (has links)
Charting the trans-Atlantic movement of ‘dynamic’ psychiatry from The Henry Phipps Psychiatric Clinic, Baltimore, to Gartnavel Mental Hospital, Glasgow, this thesis throws light upon the resultant ‘dynamic’ case note records, produced in Gartnavel during the 1920s. By undertaking an in-depth, qualitative analysis of Gartnavel’s case note records and corresponding archival materials, I explore the polemical question, posed, amongst others, by Foucault, of how psychiatry achieves its distinct status as a science of the individual. Foucault, most notably in Discipline and Power, ascribes to the psychiatric profession the power to fashion individual patient histories into cases, cases which simultaneously emphasise the individuality of a patient, while condensing, i.e. ‘fixing’ their identities that they may be constituted ‘an object for a branch of knowledge and a hold for a branch of power’. This thesis, while recognising the validity of this argument, explores how the clinical practices and philosophical outlook of dynamic psychiatry in the early twentieth century enabled both patient and psychiatrist to negotiate the construction of the psychiatric case note record, and consequently of patients’ individual identities. D. K. Henderson, physician superintendent of Gartnavel between 1921 and 1932, was one of the first, if not the first psychiatrist fully to incorporate dynamic principles into the working practices of a British mental hospital. Initiating methods of case note taking and staff meeting consultation (now integral components of modern day psychiatric practice) he transported the teachings of his mentor, the Swiss émigré psychiatrist Adolf Meyer, to the everyday clinical practices of Gartnavel. The dissemination of dynamic psychiatry through Henderson’s published works and medical teachings is recognised as having integrally shaped the practices of Scottish psychiatry in the twentieth century. However, the significance of the unpublished case note records, produced under his superintendence of Gartnavel during the 1920s, as sources of historical enquiry has gone largely unrecognised. A near-unique archive of ‘dynamic’ case note records is used in this thesis to reveal, what Roy Porter termed, a ‘history from below’ of clinical practices and examinatory processes. For as Henderson employed stenographers and clinical clerks to record verbatim and semi verbatim the dialogues that passed between patients and psychiatrists within staff meetings and mental examinations, I, as Porter himself aspired to, take as the focus of my research a history of the ‘two-way encounters between doctors and patients’. By employing an interdisciplinary research method, one that incorporates Foucauldian, literary, critical medical humanities, as well as more traditional forms of medical history scholarship, I establish a history of dynamic psychiatry set within clinical encounters. Engaging with current debate, evolving primarily within the interdisciplinary sphere of the medical humanities, I argue these records reveal a history of medical humanism, one in which both patients and psychiatrists actively shaped the history of twentieth century Scottish psychiatry.


ROSA MARIA CARVALHAL SILVA MARANHAO 08 September 2004 (has links)
[pt] Esta tese analisa os efeitos da Reforma Psiquiátrica nas práticas cotidianas de trabalho dos técnicos e auxiliares de enfermagem, partindo da consideração do Trabalho como espaço possível de produção de sentidos e da Reforma, que postula uma construção permanente de saber, no exercício da prática, ao mesmo tempo em que a direciona, introduzindo, nesta práxis, uma dialética. Este estudo quer contribuir à criação de grupos de escuta sobre o trabalho desta categoria, objetivando reconhecimento e resgate de sua fala, possibilitando trocas, defrontamentos com o malestar do trabalho, engendrando possibilidades de subjetivação. Referindo-se à formação da enfermagem e aos impasses decorrentes da realidade desta profissão, esta tese visualiza a necessidade de mudanças neste campo teórico- técnico, importando aí a constatação de que os técnicos e auxiliares não possuem espaço para o seu saber, construído na prática (e só assim pode ser), e que esta categoria se constitui como invisível, na maioria das discussões, sobre a Reforma, quando é fundamental ao seu acontecer. / [en] This thesis analyzes the effects of a psychiatric reform on everyday practices of the technicians and nursing auxiliaries work, coming from consideration of work as a possible space of feelings production and the reform, which means a permanent construction of knowing, by practicing, at the same time it leads, inserting ,in this praxis, a dialectics. This study helps to create listening groups about the work of this category, achieving recognition and rescue of its speaking, making exchanges, facing a feeling of discomfort at work, creating possibilities of subjectivation. Referring to the nursing formation and the impasses of the profession, this thesis visualizes the necessity of changes in this theoretical-technical field, proving that the technicians and the auxiliaries do not have any space for their knowing, built in practice (and it can only be this way),and that this category is considered invisible, in most of discussions, about the reform, being fundamental when it happens.

Contribuição da Educação e da Psicologia: a Importância do vínculo afetivo entre auxiliares de desenvolvimento infantil e crianças da creche de 0 a 4 anos / Contribution of Education and Psychology: the importance of auxiliary bonding between affective and child development day care for children of 0-4 years

Capelasso, Rosângela Regina Marcicano 03 June 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-18T17:54:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao.pdf: 304700 bytes, checksum: 4a6272e15bcfda82bd953329b083bcbc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-06-03 / Whereas the bonding relations are important for child development, resulting in the organization of the child´s personality and in structuring their relationships with others around them, the goal of this research is focused on the importance of bonding between the Auxiliary Child Development ACDs and children´ s nursery and the implications of this link to child development. We tried to also consider the qualification, the planning of teaching activities and teaching practice. The literature search was focused on authors with questions regarding some historical aspects of childhood; Historical aspects of the nursery, and some aspects of the theories about the physical, cognitive and psychosocial. The research was conducted under the qualitative perspective, specifically the type of case study. The methodological procedures involved: 1. Collecting data through interviews with a semi-structured, with eight assistants Child Development working in a nursery to the Public in the city of Presidente Prudente (SP), seeking information about the relationship of these affective eat children from 0 to 4 years. Were also used documents and observation, to enrich the discussion of results. 2. Analysis and discussion of data, worked through the interpretation of the meaning of the responses provided by subjects based on content analysis, which were separated by Main and categories, and related to the objectives proposed by the research. The results indicate that ACDs have teaching qualification to work in the nursery with children, seeking additional courses to qualify. It can be seen that the bonding between ACD within the nursery and children is a reality that has been proven through situations experienced and reported by them. One can also observe the kindergarten as a dynamic environment with respect to the evolution of changes, not only as a site for the care of children, but as an environment that promotes learning them. As for the professional development of the ADI, let me make a suggestion to seek more skilled, making Specializations in the area relevant to their work with children. Another suggestion would be to participate in the same events that they can collaborate with professional work developed, contributing to society, because if the ADI seek knowledge of other professionals will be better able to deal with day to day in the nursery. In this sense the experience summed and divided contribute to the learning of children, caregivers and society in general. The appreciation of the exchange of ideas, reflecting on the position of information among others are some attitudes that ADI should possess. Understand the facts that pervade this universe, people sensitive and yet so strong, I gave hope of better days, a relationship of harmony with life. / Considerando que as relações vinculares são importantes para o desenvolvimento infantil, implicando na organização da personalidade da criança e na estruturação de suas relações com as demais pessoas ao seu redor; o objetivo da presente pesquisa focalizou a importância do vínculo afetivo entre as Auxiliares de Desenvolvimento Infantil ADI e crianças de creche e as implicações deste vínculo para o desenvolvimento infantil. Buscou-se também analisar a qualificação profissional; o planejamento da ação docente e a prática pedagógica. A pesquisa bibliográfica esteve centrada em autores com questões referentes a Alguns aspectos históricos da infância; Aspectos históricos da creche; alguns aspectos das teorias acerca do desenvolvimento físico, cognitivo e psicossocial. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida sob a ótica qualitativa, especificamente do tipo estudo de caso. Os procedimentos metodológicos envolveram: 1. Coleta de dados, através de entrevistas com roteiro semi-estruturado, com 8 Auxiliares do Desenvolvimento Infantil que atuam em uma Creche da Rede Pública da cidade de Presidente Prudente (SP), procurando obter informações sobre a relação afetiva destas coma as crianças de 0 a 4 anos. Também foram utilizados documentos e a observação, para o enriquecimento da discussão dos resultados. 2. Análise e discussão dos dados obtidos, trabalhados através da interpretação do significado das respostas apresentadas pelos sujeitos, com base na análise de conteúdo; as quais foram separadas por Eixos e Categorias, e relacionadas com os objetivos propostos pela pesquisa. Os resultados sinalizam que as ADI possuem qualificação pedagógica para atuação na creche com as crianças, buscando cursos para qualificação complementar. Porém, isto não invalida a necessidade de se buscar por mais cursos de aperfeiçoamento e especializações como também a participações em eventos da área. Constatou-se que a formação do vínculo dentro da creche entre ADI e crianças é uma realidade que foi comprovada por meio de situações vivenciadas e relatadas pelas mesmas. Pode-se também observar a creche como um ambiente dinâmico que tange a evolução das mudanças ocorridas, não só como um local destinado ao cuidado das crianças, mas enquanto ambiente que promove a aprendizagem destas.

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