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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Prediction of homing pigeon flight paths using Gaussian processes

Mann, Richard Philip January 2010 (has links)
Studies of avian navigation are making increasing use of miniature Global Positioning Satellite devices, to regularly record the position of birds in flight with high spatial and temporal resolution. I suggest a novel approach to analysing the data sets pro- duced in these experiments, focussing on studies of the domesticated homing pigeon (Columba Livia) in the local, familiar area. Using Gaussian processes and Bayesian inference as a mathematical foundation I develop and apply a statistical model to make quantitative predictions of homing pigeon flight paths. Using this model I show that pigeons, when released repeatedly from the same site, learn and follow a habitual route back to their home loft. The model reveals the rate of route learning and provides a quantitative estimate of the habitual route complete with associated spatio-temporal covariance. Furthermore I show that this habitual route is best described by a sequence of isolated waypoints rather than as a continuous path, and that these waypoints are preferentially found in certain terrain types, being especially rare within urban and forested environments. As a corollary I demonstrate an extension of the flight path model to simulate ex- periments where pigeons are released in pairs, and show that this can account for observed large scale patterns in such experiments based only on the individual birds’ previous behaviour in solo flights, making a successful quantitative prediction of the critical value associated with a non-linear behavioural transition.

Evaluation des effets analgésiques du meloxicam après des chirurgies orthopédiques chez le pigeon (Columba livia)

Desmarchelier, Marion 12 1900 (has links)
L’évaluation de la douleur chez les oiseaux est difficile, puisque la plupart se comportent comme des proies et ont tendance à masquer tout signe extérieur de douleur. Les doses et les drogues utilisées pour traiter la douleur des oiseaux sont la plupart du temps basées sur une extrapolation d’autres espèces, ainsi que sur l’expérience clinique. Peu d’études de pharmacocinétique, d’efficacité et de toxicité sont disponibles dans la littérature. La plupart des études rapportées utilisent des stimuli nociceptifs éloignés des douleurs cliniques, comme les stimuli électriques ou thermiques, qui sont difficilement extrapolables à des situations rencontrées en pratique. L’objectif de notre projet était d’évaluer les effets analgésiques de deux doses de meloxicam chez le pigeon à l’aide d‘un modèle de fracture du fémur. La douleur post-opératoire a été évaluée pendant les quatre premiers jours suivant la chirurgie par trois méthodes : le suivi du poids porté sur la patte opérée comparativement à l’autre patte, quatre différentes échelles descriptives de douleur et la réalisation d’éthogrammes à l’aide d’enregistrements vidéo. L’administration de 0,5 mg/kg PO q12h de meloxicam n’a pas permis de réduire significativement les indicateurs de douleur mesurés comparativement à un groupe témoin recevant de la saline. Les pigeons ayant reçu 2 mg/kg PO q12h de meloxicam ont montré une réduction significative des indicateurs de douleur mesurés par les différentes méthodes. Nos résultats suggèrent que l’administration de 2 mg/kg PO q12h aux pigeons suite à une chirurgie orthopédique procure une analgésie supérieure aux doses actuellement recommandées dans la littérature. / Pain assessment is especially difficult in avian species, since many birds behave as prey and do not show any external signs of distress. Choice of drugs and dosages used in clinical practice are most of the time based on extrapolation from other species and clinical experience. Few pharmacokinetic, efficacy or toxicity research studies are available in the literature. Most of these studies used noxious stimuli, such as electric or thermal stimuli, and results are therefore difficult to extrapolate to clinical pain. The objective of our project was to study the analgesic efficacy of two dosages of meloxicam in pigeons, using a femoral fracture pain model. Postoperative pain was assessed during the first four postoperative days by three different methods: weight bearing load on the fractured limb versus the controlateral limb, four different descriptive pain scales and ethogram realization based on video recordings. Administration of 0.5 mg/kg PO q12h of meloxicam did not show any reduction in the measured level of pain compared to the control group that received saline. However, pigeons that received 2 mg/kg PO q12h showed a significant decrease in their pain levels, with the three different pain assessment methods. Our results suggest that 2 mg/kg can provide a superior level of analgesia compared to the dosages recommended in the current literature, for pigeons that have undergone an orthopedic surgery.

Étude cas-témoins de l'épisode d'influenza aviaire hautement pathogène (H7N3) en Colombie-Britannique en 2004 utilisant des scores de biosécurité comme mesure de risque

Doucet, Annie January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Sexage et phylogénie, à partir des gènes CHD (-Z et -W) et COX-1, des oiseaux de proie du Québec et de perroquets d’attrait vétérinaire

Gilbert, Karol'Ann 02 1900 (has links)
Connaître le sexe d’un oiseau est important pour divers domaines notamment pour les vétérinaires, les écologistes ainsi que pour les éleveurs d’oiseaux qui veulent former des couples qui serviront à la reproduction. Plusieurs espèces d’oiseaux, juvéniles et adultes, n’ont pas de dimorphisme sexuel. L’utilisation de l’ADN est une façon rapide de déterminer le sexe à partir d’un échantillon de sang, de muscle, de plumes ou de fèces. Par contre, la méthode devrait être validée pour chaque espèce et idéalement, standardisée. Le premier objectif de cette étude est de développer une méthode de sexage par séquençage des oiseaux à partir des séquences du gène CHD, en utilisant les oiseaux de proie et les perroquets vus en clinique au Québec. Un deuxième objectif est de faire l’identification de l’espèce à sexer, à partir du gène mitochondrial COX-1 et aussi à partir des séquences CHD-Z et CHD-W, utilisés pour le sexage. Un troisième objectif est d’évaluer les séquences sorties (CHD-Z, CHD-W et COX-1) en vue d’une étude phylogénique. Une extraction d’ADN a été effectuée chez 27 espèces de perroquets, 34 espèces d’oiseaux de proie, une corneille (Corvus brachyrhynchos) et un poulet (Gallus gallus). Une amplification par PCR a été exécutée pour les exons partiels 23 et 24 du gène CHD. Le séquençage de cet amplicon permettait de savoir s’il s’agissait d’un mâle (séquence simple CHD-Z) ou d’une femelle (séquences CHD-Z et CHD-W qui se chevauchent). Afin d’avoir des séquences CHD-W distinctes, un sous-clonage a été fait chez les femelles de chaque espèce. De cette manière, les séquences partielles du gène CHD, Z et W, ont été trouvées pour les espèces échantillonnées. Une étude phylogénique a été effectuée avec les séquences de COX-1, CHD-Z et CHD-W grâce au site « Clustal-Omega ». La méthode de sexage des oiseaux par séquençage du gène CHD est standard et efficace. Le gène COX-1 permet une meilleure identification des espèces parentes et le gène CHD-Z est le plus utile pour étudier la phylogénie profonde. / Knowing the sex of a bird is important for many disciplines, notably for veterinary, ecological and evolutionary studies, not to mention for bird breeders who need to form pairs for reproduction. For many species of birds, juveniles and adults do not display a sexual dimorphism. The use of DNA, derived from a sample of blood, muscle, feathers or feces, is a rapid method to determine a bird’s sex. However, this method must be validated for each species, and ideally, standardised. The first objective of this work was to develop a method of sexing birds by sequencing portions of their CHD gene, for birds of prey and parrots seen in veterinary clinics in Quebec. A second objective was to identify the species being sexed, first of all using the mitochondrial gene COX-1, and second of all using the CHD-Z and CHD-W sequences used for sexing. The third objective of these studies was to evaluate the sequences obtained (CHD-Z, CHD-W and COX-1) for performing phylogenetic studies. DNA was extracted from 27 species of parrots, 34 species of birds of prey, from one species of crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos) and from the chicken (Gallus gallus). A PCR amplification was performed for partial exons 23 and 24 of the CHD gene. Sequencing this amplicon resulted in simple CHD-Z sequences for a male and overlapping CHD-Z and CHD-W sequences for a female, allowing sexing of the bird. In order to obtain distinct CHD-W sequences, a sub-cloning was performed for females of each species. In this fashion, partial sequences of the CHD gene, both -Z and –W, were generated for the species studied. A phylogenetic study was performed using COX-1, CHD-Z and CHD-W sequences and the site “Clustal-Omega”. The method of sexing birds by sequencing was found to be standard and efficient. The COX-1 gene permitted a better resolution of closely related species, while the CHD-Z gene was the most useful for estimating deep phylogenetic relationships.

Épidémiologie moléculaire des virus de l'influenza aviaire et de la maladie de Newcastle en Afrique de l'Ouest, en Afrique Centrale et au Luxembourg / Molecular epidemiology of avian influenza virus and Newcastle disease virus in West and Central Africa and in Luxembourg

Snoeck, Chantal 14 December 2012 (has links)
La viande de volaille et les oeufs constituent une source de protéines bon marché mais la production avicole est menacée par deux maladies virales, la grippe aviaire hautement pathogène et la maladie de Newcastle, ayant des implications économiques et de santé publique à travers le monde. L'introduction du virus de l'influenza aviaire (AIV) hautement pathogène H5N1 en Afrique en 2006 a souligné la nécessité d'une meilleure compréhension d'AIV en Afrique. Grâce à des études de surveillance, nous avons constaté que le virus H5N1 ne circulait plus après 2008 en Afrique subsaharienne. Toutefois, les analyses phylogénétiques réalisées sur le génome de virus faiblement pathogènes H5N2 trouvés chez des oiseaux sauvages au Nigeria ont révélé des caractéristiques de virus réassortants. La similitude d'un gène avec ceux trouvés dans d'autres virus d'Afrique australe renforce l'idée qu'AIV est capable de persister et circuler en Afrique. Nous avons également montré que de nouvelles souches virulentes du virus de la maladie de Newcastle (NDV) constituent la majorité des souches détectées. Leur distance génétique par rapport aux autres souches de NDV connues, leur diversité génétique et leur dispersion géographique suggèrent que ces souches ont probablement évolué localement, circulent depuis un certain temps dans la région et que le commerce et le mouvement d'animaux ont contribué à leur propagation. Nos résultats suggèrent également que la contribution des oiseaux sauvages à la dispersion des souches virulentes du NDV est probablement limitée. Au Luxembourg cependant, les oiseaux sauvages pourraient être un acteur important pour l'introduction du NDV / Poultry meat and eggs constitute one of the cheap sources of protein around the world but poultry production is threatened by two main viral diseases, highly pathogenic avian influenza and Newcastle disease, with economic and public health implications worldwide. The introduction of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 virus in Africa in 2006 highlighted the necessity of a better understanding of avian influenza virus (AIV) in Africa. Through surveillance studies, we found that H5N1 virus was not circulating anymore in sub-Saharan Africa after 2008. However, phylogenetic analyses performed on the genome of low pathogenic H5N2 viruses found in wild birds in Nigeria revealed that they were reassortants. The similarity of one gene to those found in other AIV viruses from Southern Africa strengthened the hypothesis that AIV may actually persist and circulate in Africa. We have shown that new virulent strains of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) constituted the majority of the strains detected. Their genetic distance compared to other NDV strains, their genetic diversity and their geographic dispersion in West and Central Africa suggested that these strains probably evolved locally, that they circulated for some time in the region and that trade and movement of animals likely contributed to their spread. Our findings also suggested that the contribution of wild birds to the dispersion of virulent strains of NDV was probably limited. In Luxembourg however, wild birds may be an important player for the introduction of NDV strains

Zrakové podněty v koevoluci hnízdního parazita a jeho hostitelů / Visual cues in the coevolution of brood parasite and its hosts

Šulc, Michal January 2016 (has links)
Avian brood parasitism is an ideal system for the study of coevolution. Brood parasites and their hosts have developed interesting adaptations during co-evolution allowing them to maximize their fitness. The evolution of these adaptations has a character of an "arms race" where the evolution of one trait in the host is tied with the evolution of another trait in the parasite. In my doctoral thesis, I deal with two of these adaptations: recognition of parasitic eggs by hosts and mimicry of eggs in parasites. Since both these adaptations are influenced by birds' visual system, in all my studies I used an objective method to measure the colour and the modelling of avian visual system that is quite different from the human visual system. For instance, humans in contrast to birds cannot perceive ultraviolet (UV) light. However, this part of spectrum influences behaviour of birds substantially (e.g. courtship or foraging). We found that the hosts of brood parasites can use UV light when recognizing parasitic eggs. However, it seems that this part of spectrum is not the main cue in egg recognition (manuscript 1). Ambient light has also an important impact on colour perception. We determined whether the light conditions in nests influence host responses to alien eggs. The Red Bishop (Euplectes orix) was an ideal...

Desenvolvimento de reações de semi-nested PCR para o diagnóstico do vírus da Bronquite Infecciosa das Aves e sequenciamento de amostras brasileiras / Development of hemi-nested PCR reactions for the diagnosis of Avian Infectious Bronchitis virus and brazilian samples sequencing

Villanueva, Ruy Diego Chacon 16 February 2018 (has links)
A Bronquite Infecciosa das Aves (BIG) é uma das doenças respiratórias aviárias de maior impacto na avicultura mundial. No Brasil, as estirpes BR-I (GI-11) e Massachusetts (GI-1) são as mais prevalentes nos planteis avícolas. O presente estudo teve como objetivos desenvolver reações de semi-nested PCR para o diagnóstico das estirpes BR-I e Mass, em amostras brasileiras obtidas durante o período de 2016 e 2017. Foram desenvolvidas duas reações de semi-nested PCR tendo como alvo a subunidade 1 do gene S, específicas para as estirpes BR-I e Mass. O limiar de detecção foi de 104 cópias de DNA/µL nas duas reações (3,76fg/µL na reação exclusiva de BR-I; e 5,58fg/µL e 5,57fg/µL na reação duplex de BR-I e Mass, respectivamente). Posteriormente, foram avaliados 572 pools de órgãos procedentes das 5 regiões do Brasil. Dentre estas amostras, 62,24% foram positivas para Coronavírus, sendo o alvo desta reação a região 3UTR. A reação de semi-nested PCR específica detectou a estirpe BR-I em 84,83% das amostras positivas para Coronavírus. A reação de semi-nested PCR duplex detectou 65,44% das amostras positivas para a estirpe BR-I; 7,35% positivas para a estirpe Mass e co-infecção da estirpe BR-I com Mass em 17,65% das amostras. Após a análise dos controles positivos (vacinas Mass e BR-I) no BLASTn, do resultado do sequenciamento dos produtos de PCR, da análise filogenética, da similaridade de nucleotídeos e a dedução em aminoácidos, foi confirmado o agrupamento esperado das sequências detectadas pelas reações PCR dirigidas para a estirpe BR-I ou Mass. Estes resultados confirmaram a presença predominante da estirpe BR-I, e em menor número, da estirpe Mass nos planteis avícolas do Brasil. As reações desenvolvidas no presente estudo serão valiosas no diagnóstico e na monitoria da doença. / Avian Infectious Bronchitis (IB) is one of the avian respiratory diseases with the greatest impact on poultry farming worldwide. In Brazil, strains BR-I (GI-11) and Massachusetts (GI-1) are the most prevalent in poultry flocks. The present study aimed to develop semi-nested PCR reactions for the diagnosis of IBV BR-I and Mass strains, in Brazilian samples obtained during the period of 2016 and 2017. Two semi-nested PCR reactions targeting the 1 subunit of the S gene were developed, specific for BR-I and Mass strains. The detection threshold was 104 copies of DNA/µL in both reactions (3,76fg/µL in the exclusive BR-I reaction; and 5,58fg/µL and 5,57fg/µL in the duplex reaction of BR-I and Mass, respectively). Subsequently, 572 organ pools from the 5 regions of Brazil were evaluated. Among these samples, 62,24% were positive for Coronavirus, being the target of this reaction the 3UTR region. The specific semi-nested PCR reaction detected the BR-I strain in 84,83% of the Coronavirus positive samples. The duplex semi-nested PCR reaction detected 65,44% of the samples positive for the BR-I strain, 7,35% positive for Mass strain, and co-infection of the BR-I and Mass strain in 17,65% of the samples. After the analysis of the positive controls (Mass and BR-I vaccines) in BLASTn, the result of the sequencing of the PCR products, phylogenetic analysis, nucleotide similarity and amino acid deduction, was confirmed the expected clustering of the sequences detected by the PCR reactions directed to BR-I and Mass strains. These results confirm the predominant presence of the BR-I strain, and to a lesser extent, the Mass strain in Brazilian poultry flocks. The reactions developed in the present study will be valuabe in the diagnosis and monitoring of the disease.

Circulação do vírus da influenza A em patos domésticos da região amazônica através da detecção de anticorpos utilizando o método da inibição de hemaglutinação (HI). / Circulation of influenza A viruses in domestic ducks in the Amazon region by detecting antibodies using the method the Hemagglutination Inhibition (HI).

Ferreira, Carolina de Souza 08 September 2010 (has links)
A avicultura brasileira é atualmente uma atividade de grande sucesso. A utilização de sistemas de planejamento associados a novas tecnologias, reflete-se no extraordinário crescimento da atividade. A produção brasileira de frango ultrapassou a marca anual de 11 milhões de toneladas, em 2009. O Brasil está entre os três maiores produtores de frango no ranking mundial, junto com Estados Unidos e China. Haja vista a importância que a avicultura representa para o país, pela geração de benefícios sociais e econômicos, o risco que a Influenza aviaria constitui para a avicultura brasileira é enorme. Um surto desta doença em um centro de produção avícola representaria um risco à economia e incidiria de forma negativa nos níveis de consumo de proteína de qualidade e economicamente acessível à população. A fim de estabelecermos um monitoramento do vírus da Influenza A em aves domésticas não vacinadas, residentes em regiões de elevada confluência migratória aviária no Brasil a região amazônica, para a realização deste trabalho se fez necessário a colheita de sangue para o teste sorológico indicado como padrão em todo o mundo para detectar anticorpos contra o vírus da influenza, tendo como objetivos maiores, contribuir para o fortalecimento dos serviços de defesa sanitária animal, aumentar a capacidade de investigação, e finalmente, atualizar e harmonizar normas e procedimentos para a prevenção e controle da Influenza A, referenciando-se nas recomendações da Organização Mundial de Sanidade Animal (Office International des Epizooties - OIE). Das 1051 aves amostradas em diferentes localidades da região norte do Brasil, 1010 soros foram testados para seis diferentes subtipos virais: H2;H3;H5;H6;H7 e H9, pela técnica sorológica da Inibição da Hemaglutinação (HI). Destas, MAIS DE 50% apresentaram positividade para um subtipo viral testado, no entanto todos os soros apresentaram negatividade no centro de referência mundial em sorologia de Influenza, St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital localizado em Memphis, EUA. O antagonismo dos resultados levantam a discussão da metodologia adotada como padrão em todo mundo, o que nos levou a otimizar a técnica, vislumbramos a diferença ao compararmos os resultados do ano de 2005 e do ano de 2006, o primeiro ano obtivemos 50% de positividade nas amostras, já no ano seguinte esta positividade cai para aproximadamente 0,2%. Com este resultado podemos inferir que a técnica foi adequadamente otimizada, corroborando as informações de que o Brasil é livre de Influenza aviaria em patos domésticos na região amazônica. / The Brazilian poultry industry is currently a very successful activity. The use of planning systems associated with new technologies, reflected in the extraordinary growth in activity. The Brazilian production of chicken surpassed the annual 11 million tonnes in 2009. Brazil is among the three largest poultry producers in the world ranking, along with the United States and China. Given the importance of poultry production for the country, the generation of social and economic benefits, the risk that avian influenza poses to the Brazilian poultry industry is huge. An outbreak of this disease in a poultry-production pose a risk to the economy and impinge negatively on levels of consumption of protein quality and affordable to the population. In order to establish a monitoring of influenza A viruses in poultry unvaccinated residents in regions of high avian migratory confluence in Brazil the Amazon region, for this work was required the collection of blood for serological testing indicated as standard worldwide to detect antibodies against influenza viruses, with the larger goals, contribute to the strengthening of animal health protection services, increase research capacity, and finally, update and harmonize standards and procedures for the prevention and control Influenza A, referencing the recommendations of the World Organization for Animal Health (Office International des Epizooties - OIE). From 1051 birds sampled in different localities of northern Brazil, 1010 sera were tested for six different viral subtypes: H2, H3, H5, H6, H7 and H9, the serological technique the hemagglutination inhibition (HI). Of these, over 50% were positive for one viral strain tested, but all sera were negative in the center of world reference serology Influenza, St. Jude Children\'s Research Hospital located in Memphis, USA. The antagonism of the results raise the discussion of the methodology adopted as standard throughout the world, which has led us to optimize the technique, we can see the difference when comparing the results of 2005 and 2006, the first year we had 50% positivity in the samples, in the following year this positive drops to about 0.2%. With this result we infer that the technique was properly optimized, corroborating the information that Brazil is free from avian influenza in domestic ducks in the Amazon region.

Vírus da bronquite infecciosa das galinhas (IBV): distribuição, diversidade molecular e genealogia a partir de amostras de múltiplos órgãos de diversos tipos de criação do plantel avícola brasileiro / Avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV): distribution, molecular diversity and genealogy of multiple organs strains of different types of birds from Brazilian poultry

Sandri, Thaisa Lucas 28 January 2010 (has links)
A bronquite infecciosa das galinhas (BIG) é uma doença altamente contagiosa causada por múltiplos genotipos/sorotipos do vírus da bronquite infecciosa das galinhas (IBV), um coronavirus do grupo 3. Embora classicamente associado ao trato respiratório, alguns tipos de IBV têm sido descritos com tropismo pelos rins e pelos tratos reprodutivos e entéricos, o IBV pode ser detectado em diversos tipos de tecidos, e também pode acometer aves de todas as idades. Este estudo tem como objetivo verificar a freqüência do IBV em amostras de diversos órgãos e conteúdo entérico de avós, matrizes, poedeiras comerciais e frangos de corte, genotipar as amostras detectadas e estudar a diversidade molecular entre as amostras brasileiras de IBV. Um total de 844 pools de diversos órgãos e conteúdos entéricos provenientes de 200 lotes de avós, matrizes, poedeiras comerciais e frangos de corte, das regiões Sul, Sudeste, Centro-oeste e Nordeste do Brasil, colhidas durante o período de 2007 a 2009 foram testadas para a presença de IBV com um RT-PCR dirigido à região não traduzida 3′(3′UTR). As aves amostradas apresentaram sinais clínicos compatíveis com a BIG. Todas as amostras de IBV detectadas foram tipificadas utilizando uma RT-PCR dirigida ao gene de espícula do vírus. Dezenove amostras tipificadas como variante foram submetidas ao seqüenciamento parcial da região codificadora da subunidade S1 e à análise genealógica. Considerando os pools de órgãos e de conteúdo entérico, 45,50% foram positivos para a presença de IBV, dos quais, 84,63% pertencem ao genotipo Variante e 9,89% ao sorotipo/genotipo Massachusetts. Considerando os lotes, 73,50% foram positivos para IBV, sendo 77,55% variantes e 6,12% Massachusetts. A análise genealógica revelou quatro linhagens virais, todas agrupadas em um exclusivo grupamento de genotipo brasileiro. Estes resultados demonstram que o IBV está disseminado em todas as regiões avícolas brasileiras, com um predomínio massivo de genotipos não Massachusetts e uma elevada diversidade molecular, que deve ser levada em consideração para desenvolver medidas preventivas contra o IBV. / Infectious bronchitis (IB) is a highly contagious disease of poultry caused by multiple geno/serotypes of avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), a group 3 coronavirus. Though classically associated to the respiratory tract, IBV strains also have been described which harbor tropism for the kidneys and the reproductive and enteric tracts, and might be detected in multiple tissues and can also affect birds of all ages. This survey aimed to assess the frequency of in multiple organs and enteric content samples from grandparents, breeders, layers and broilers, to genotype the IBV strains detected and to study the molecular diversity amongst Brazilian IBV strains. A total of 844 pools of multiple organs and enteric contents from 200 flocks of grandparents, breeders, layers and broilers from the Southern, Southeastern, Central-Western and Northeastern Brazilian regions collected between 2007 and 2009 was screened for the presence of IBV with an RT-PCR target to the 3 untranslated region (UTR). The sampled birds presented symptoms compatible with IB. All IBV strains detected were then typed using an RT-PCR target to the spike gene of the virus. Nineteen strains type as variants were submitted to partial sequencing of the S1 coding region and genealogic analysis. Regarding the organs and enteric content pools, 45.50% were positive for the presence of IBV, from which 84.63% were variant and 9.89% Massachusetts. Taking into account the flocks, 73.50% were positive for IBV, being 77.55% variants and 6.12% Massachusetts. Genealogic analysis revealed four viral lineages, all grouped in an exclusive Brazilian genotype cluster. This results shown that IBV is widespread in all Brazilian poultry regions, with a massive predominance of non-Massachusetts genotypes and a high molecular diversity, which must be taken into account in order to develop preventive measures against IB.

Etude de la transmission du virus influenza au sein de populations d'Anatidae / The transmission of avian influenza virus inside an anatidea population

Mamlouk, Aymen 20 December 2011 (has links)
Les virus influenza A ont suscité à partir de l’année 1997 un intérêtsanitaire et économique mondial considérable après l’émergence d’une formehautement pathogène d’un virus influenza aviaire H5N1. Cette épizootie a misen évidence le danger majeur que constitue la proximité entre espècessensibles sauvages et domestiques. En effet, pouvant présenter lescaractéristiques de réservoirs de ces virus, les canards étaient les plussoupçonnés de transmettre l’infection, grâce à une pratique migratoireimportante et d’un portage asymptomatique fréquent. Ce portage associe dans la plupart des cas des virus faiblement pathogènesde sous-types multiples. Ces virus peuvent se transmettre aux volaillesdomestiques et émerger en épizootie à virus hautement pathogène dans le casparticulier des sous-types H5 et H7. Ces épizooties peuvent avoir desconséquences économiques considérables, avec une mortalité avoisinant les100%, et sanitaire avec un possible passage à l’homme. Notre projet vise à caractériser l’infection et la transmission des virusinfluenza faiblement pathogènes, après inoculation expérimentale à unepopulation de canards de surface et plongeurs. Il répond également à lanécessité d’établir des méthodes de surveillance des virus influenzaaviaires à l’arrivé des oiseaux migrateurs dans des zones humides à richepatrimoine ornithologique, et situées à proximité de régions à fortpotentiel en matière de production avicole (La Dombes comme exemple). / Since 1997, influenza A viruses has given rise to great sanitary andeconomic interest after the emergence of a highly pathogenic subtype ofavian influenza virus H5N1. This epizooty underlined the threat that couldbe the closeness of wild and domestic birds. Ducks which were actuallyshowing reservoirs characteristics were suspected to pass on the virusthanks to their migratory habits and asymptomatic porterage.This porterage mostly involves low pathogenic viruses of numerous subtypes.Those viruses could be transmitted to domestic poultries and emerge, in thecase of H5 and H7 subtypes, in a viral highly pathogenic epizooty. Thoseepizooties may have major economic (average 100% mortality) and sanitary(possible transmission to humans) consequences.Our study aims to characterize the infection and the transmission of lowpathogenic avian influenza viruses, after experimental inoculation tosurface and diving ducks. It suggests setting up epidemiologic surveillancemethods of avian influenza viruses after the arrival of migratory birds inmost important wetlands, which are close to major poultry breeding regions(The Dombes for instance).

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