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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Centauros latinoamericanos: El bandido como símbolo cultural en el espacio fronterizo de América Latina

Henriquez, Paulo, Henriquez, Paulo January 2012 (has links)
This is a multidisciplinary and comparative study of the recurrent representations of bandits in Latin American literature from the second half of the 19th Century to the early 20th Century. After the wars of independence in the Americas, the founding of postcolonial nation-states or Creole Republics (Repúblicas Criollas) marginalized entire rural populations, composed of indigenous people but also of multiracial, mixed populations such as the gauchos, llaneros, and other people who were branded as “bandits” as they were not part of the idealized westernized nation. This complex conflict can also be read as a last struggle between two competing colonizing models in the Americas: the receding Hispanic Catholic rural/feudal model and the liberal “free-trade” capitalist model emerging from the Industrial Revolution and the Enlightenment, represented by the United States in the hemisphere. Both socio-cultural models generated new mappings and diverse political narratives throughout the Americas: Hispanic and Hispanicized bandits created postcolonial cultural symbols of resistance to modernity capable of crossing borders. Joaquín Murrieta and Billy the Kid are extraordinary examples of the complex processes by which mythified and vilified bandits become multicultural transnational symbols. These phenomena are thoroughly studied here through the textual and contextual analysis of Facundo: Civilization and Barbarism (1845); El Zarco (1869); Martín Fierro (1872); Doña Bárbara (1929); The Life and Adventures of Joaquín Murieta, the Celebrated California Bandit (1854); Vida y aventuras del más célebre bandido sonorense Joaquín Murrieta: sus grandes proezas en California (1904); Fulgor y muerte de Joaquín Murieta (1967); The Authentic Life of Billy, the Kid (1882) and El bandido adolescente (1965). The peripheral individuals inhabiting these cultural and political borderlines raise important issues of nation, race, state and social identities and allow us to interrogate better the complex processes of Latin American and US national formation. This incursion into the cultural histories of these heterogeneous social conflicts in the Americas during a period of national expansion and construction also seeks to put in conversation diverse intellectual perspectives from the Global North and South.

Pirates et contrebandiers le long de la frontière sino-vietnamienne : une frontière mise à l'épreuve ? (1895-1940) / Bandits and smugglers along the China-Vietnam borderlands : a frontier at its limits?

Grémont, Johann 24 February 2017 (has links)
A travers l’étude de l’activité des postes frontaliers situés le long de la frontière chinoise, cette thèse de doctorat a pour objectif de retracer la manière dont l’administration française a tenté de maintenir l’ordre sur les confins septentrionaux du Vietnam de 1895 à 1940 conjointement avec leurs homologues chinois afin de maîtriser les illégalismes frontaliers commis sur le territoire tonkinois par des groupes venus de Chine, tout en élargissant le regard sur des pratiques migratoires à destination du Céleste empire condamnées et considérées comme du trafic d’êtres humains par les autorités françaises. En combinant à la fois approche statistique et analyse qualitative, cette recherche lève un pan de la vie quotidienne de la frontière à travers la criminalité transfrontalière. La faiblesse du maillage territorial, l’inexpérience relative des commandants de postes, l’insalubrité du climat et la complexité de la topographie de la région frontalière constituent autant de difficultés pour l’autorité coloniale afin de contrôler la frontière, malgré l’entretien d’un service de renseignements considéré par ailleurs comme peu fiable, et en dépit de l’action des partisans, véritable colonne dorsale du maintien de l’ordre frontalier. Cette porosité patente de la frontière se traduit par de nombreuses incursions : du simple vol de bétail aux raids commis contre des villages frontaliers en passant par les embuscades commises sur des chemins ou encore l’introduction frauduleuse de produits sur le territoire tonkinois, l’éventail des crimes transfrontaliers est vaste et soumet la frontière à une pression variable en fonction des évènements se déroulant du côté chinois. Si la répression menée par les troupes régulières est souvent couronnée de succès en cas d’incursions massives et s’apparente plus à des opérations militaires que des actions policières de maintien de l’ordre, en revanche la criminalité du quotidien échappe en grande partie à la vigilance des forces de l’ordre, témoignant par là même des difficultés pour l’autorité centrale d’affirmer son autorité sur une frontière dont la stabilité reste encore largement en devenir. / Through the study of the activity of border crossings, this research aims to analyze how the French colonial administration maintained order along the China-Vietnamese borderlands from 1895 to 1940 with their Chinese counterparts by checking various cross-border crimes committed on Tonkin by mobs from China: theft of cattle, raids against border villages, ambushes on roads, smuggling. But difficulties are important despite the action of the “partisans” who are the backbone to maintain order on the borderlands: weakness of the border crossings network, unhealthy climate, complexity of the topography. While the repression carried out by the regular troops is often successful in the event of mass incursions and is more akin to military operations than to policing law enforcement, cross border criminality of everyday life is checked with difficulties and underlines that stability on the borderlands are in the making.

Be an Outlaw, Be a Hero: Cinematic Figures of Transgression and Urban Banditry in Brazil, France, and the Maghreb

Gharavi, Maryam Monalisa Monalisa January 2013 (has links)
The project is a transnational study of how filmic representations of urban criminals and marginal figures transformed as Brazil, France, and the Maghreb shifted from military governments to liberal democracies. Beyond ideological productions that simply produce positive or negative portrayals, I examine how films made under military regimes invite audiences to identify with anti-heroes while films made under liberal democracies invite admiration of institutional figures, turning standards of good and evil on their head. The anti-authoritarian potential of violence in earlier periods is construed as a failed redemption in later ones. The theoretical background of the project rests on the oppositional and constitutive relationship between the outlaw and the state, the relationship between urban space and criminal personification, and the historical specificity of the transgressive figure's embodiment of socially un/desirable traits. I establish a geographic and conceptual continuity through a comparative postulation of urban citizenship--who belongs to the city and who does not, who is marked in their transgression and who is not, who is laudable bandit and who is condemned. In delving into a face-to-face relationship between the outlaw and the state following an aesthetic and historical tracing of a highly iconic figure at the margins of the law, the project brings statecraft into focus through the use of visual and representational forms.

'O Cabeleira' entre a tradição e o cientificismo: a construção do herói sertanejo e o projeto educacional de Franklin Távora / 'O Cabeleira' between tradition and science: the construction of the inland hero and the educational project of Franklin Távora

Siqueira, Ana Marcia Alves 30 November 2007 (has links)
O trabalho tem por objetivo examinar a obra O Cabeleira, de Franklin Távora, como romancechave para se compreender uma parte do longo processo de formação de uma identidade nacional por meio da literatura, desenvolvido durante a segunda metade do século XIX. Também busca salientar a perpetuação e atualização de substratos da herança medieval portuguesa em nossa tradição literária, enfatizando o trabalho de transformação e climatização desses substratos graças à apropriação crítica realizada pelo autor. A imaginação criativa de Távora, embebida no repositório nacional, faz aflorar, em O Cabeleira, substratos medievais na construção do heróibandido, bem como na estruturação da trágica história romântica vivida pelo protagonista, na qual o amor é visto como um sentimento atávico, acima do Bem e do Mal, capaz de transformar até o mais cruel dos bandidos. Entretanto, o romance contempla outras intenções; além do objetivo de divulgar as \"autênticas tradições nacionais\", o autor buscava respaldar sua produção literária no cientificismo e defender a importância da educação para a construção de uma nação grandiosa. Certo de que as ciências naturais deveriam se unir à literatura para constituir a nação brasileira, Franklin Távora orquestra, no romance inaugural da Literatura do Norte, uma dupla intenção: de resgate das tradições nacionais através da história do bandido Cabeleira e de defesa da tese de que a educação é o único meio de salvar o sertanejo - e o povo brasileiro - da barbárie, assim como de elevar o Brasil ao patamar civilizatório dos países europeus. A utilização destes ideais e convicções como material literário possibilitou a diversidade de aspectos presentes no romance que parte de uma história registrada tanto pela crônica histórica quanto pelas trovas populares sobre o terrível Cabeleira, alcunha de José Gomes, um dos primeiros cangaceiros de Pernambuco. / The goal of this paper is to examine the romance O Cabeleira by Franklin Távora as a key novel for the comprehension of part of the long process of formation of a national identity through literature, accomplished raised along the second half of century XIX. It also aims to highlight the perpetuation and up date of the substrata of the Portuguese medieval inheritance in our literary tradition, emphasizing the work of transformation and climatization of these substrata due to the critical appropriation made by the author. Távora\'s creative imagination absorbed in the national repository, makes arise in O Cabeleira, medieval substrata in the construction of the outlaw hero, as well as in the structuralization of the tragic romantic history lived by the protagonist, in which love is faced as an atavic feeling, above of the good and of the evil, able to transform even the cruelest of the outlaws. However, the novel contemplates other intentions: besides divulging the \"authentic national traditions\", the author tried to endorse the literary production in science and to defend the whole of education in the construction of a huge nation. Certain that natural science should have to be joined to literature in order to build a Brazilian nation, Franklin Távola orchestrate, in the inaugural romance of the \"Literature of the North\", a double intention: the rescue of the national traditions through the history of the Cabeleira outlaw and the defense of the thesis stating that the education is the only means to save the sertanejo (inlander) - and the Brazilian people - from the barbarity and to raise Brazil to the civilizational plataform of European countries. The use of these ideals and certainties as literary material enabled the great variety of aspects present in the romance that emerge from a history registered both by historical chronicle and by the popular ballads about the terrible Cabeleira, nickname José Gomes, one of the first cangaceiros (bandits) from Pernambuco.

Mundos de Silvino Jacques: terra, banditismo rural, poder e sociedade na fronteira oeste do Brasil (1929-1939) / Worlds of Silvino Jacques: land, rural banditry, power and society in the West Border of Brazil (1929-1939)

Ribeiro, Arnor da Silva 12 August 2011 (has links)
A trajetória de Silvino Jacques e o contexto histórico do qual fez parte são a razão deste estudo. Da Fronteira Oeste no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, onde começou a agir como proscrito, à sua atuação na Fronteira Oeste na parte Sul de Mato Grosso, Jacques, eliminado em 1939, incorporou mundos controversos nos quais se inserem sua conduta legalista no combate ao Movimento Constitucionalista de 1932, seus contatos com os revolucionários do movimento comunista de 1935 e suas práticas fora dos parâmetros legais do Estado Nacional. A abordagem considera aspectos fundiários, coronelismo, campesinato e suas vertentes política, social e econômica à época em que o governo federal visava centralizar a violência no combate a bandidos, bandoleiros e revolucionários. O período estudado, 1929-1939, corresponde a um Brasil que caminhava entre os mundos pré-capitalista e capitalista, com adequações e alterações, num ambiente que até então se caracterizava pela fragilidade das instituições e pelo mandonismo dos chefes paroquiais. Sobre a análise da estrutura fundiária do Sul do antigo Mato Grosso na década de 1930, Edward Palmer Thompson foi uma valiosa referência neste estudo. A teoria do bandido social criada por Eric J. Hobsbawm é aqui explicada de acordo com posicionamentos de pesquisadores que fizeram inserção crítica a partir daquela formulação hobsbawmiana. Enfocamos as rebeldias pré-organização política que se configuraram como os primeiros movimentos de contestação do poder estabelecido a serviço de interesses hegemônicos. Fizemos análise diferencial do comportamento considerado banditista na Fronteira Oeste em relação a outras partes do país, o cangaço no Sertão nordestino, por exemplo. Ressaltamos os propósitos do cangaço no Nordeste brasileiro em comparação com o banditismo na Fronteira Oeste. / The trajectory of Silvino Jacques and his historical context of which he made part are reason for this study. Outcast of the West Border, in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, where he started acting like an outlaw man for his role in West Border in the southern part of Mato Grosso, Jacques, eliminated in 1939, incorporated controversial worlds, in which inserts his conduct in the legalistic combat Constitutionalist Movement and practices outside the legal parameters of the Nation State. The approach considers aspects of land, political chiefs, peasantry and the political, social and economic practices, to the time when the federal government sought to centralize the violence in fighting bandits, brigands and revolutionaries. The study period is 1929-1939, corresponding to a Brazil which walked between the precapitalist and capitalist worlds, with adjustments and changes in an environment that until then was characterized by weak institutions and parish heads. On the analysis of the agrarian structure of the old South Mato Grosso in the 1930s, Edward Palmer Thompson was a valuable reference in this study. The theory of the social bandit, created by Eric J. Hobsbawm, was explained according to researchers who have made placements critical insertion from that hobsbawmiana formulation. We focus on the rebellions pre-political organization that constitute the first movements of contestation of the established power in the service of hegemonic interests. We analyzed the differential behavior in the practices attributed to the bandits in the West Border in relation to other parts of the country, banditry in the Northeast, for example. We emphasize the purposes of banditry in the Northeast of Brazil compared to banditry in the West Frontier.

Mundos de Silvino Jacques: terra, banditismo rural, poder e sociedade na fronteira oeste do Brasil (1929-1939) / Worlds of Silvino Jacques: land, rural banditry, power and society in the West Border of Brazil (1929-1939)

Arnor da Silva Ribeiro 12 August 2011 (has links)
A trajetória de Silvino Jacques e o contexto histórico do qual fez parte são a razão deste estudo. Da Fronteira Oeste no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, onde começou a agir como proscrito, à sua atuação na Fronteira Oeste na parte Sul de Mato Grosso, Jacques, eliminado em 1939, incorporou mundos controversos nos quais se inserem sua conduta legalista no combate ao Movimento Constitucionalista de 1932, seus contatos com os revolucionários do movimento comunista de 1935 e suas práticas fora dos parâmetros legais do Estado Nacional. A abordagem considera aspectos fundiários, coronelismo, campesinato e suas vertentes política, social e econômica à época em que o governo federal visava centralizar a violência no combate a bandidos, bandoleiros e revolucionários. O período estudado, 1929-1939, corresponde a um Brasil que caminhava entre os mundos pré-capitalista e capitalista, com adequações e alterações, num ambiente que até então se caracterizava pela fragilidade das instituições e pelo mandonismo dos chefes paroquiais. Sobre a análise da estrutura fundiária do Sul do antigo Mato Grosso na década de 1930, Edward Palmer Thompson foi uma valiosa referência neste estudo. A teoria do bandido social criada por Eric J. Hobsbawm é aqui explicada de acordo com posicionamentos de pesquisadores que fizeram inserção crítica a partir daquela formulação hobsbawmiana. Enfocamos as rebeldias pré-organização política que se configuraram como os primeiros movimentos de contestação do poder estabelecido a serviço de interesses hegemônicos. Fizemos análise diferencial do comportamento considerado banditista na Fronteira Oeste em relação a outras partes do país, o cangaço no Sertão nordestino, por exemplo. Ressaltamos os propósitos do cangaço no Nordeste brasileiro em comparação com o banditismo na Fronteira Oeste. / The trajectory of Silvino Jacques and his historical context of which he made part are reason for this study. Outcast of the West Border, in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, where he started acting like an outlaw man for his role in West Border in the southern part of Mato Grosso, Jacques, eliminated in 1939, incorporated controversial worlds, in which inserts his conduct in the legalistic combat Constitutionalist Movement and practices outside the legal parameters of the Nation State. The approach considers aspects of land, political chiefs, peasantry and the political, social and economic practices, to the time when the federal government sought to centralize the violence in fighting bandits, brigands and revolutionaries. The study period is 1929-1939, corresponding to a Brazil which walked between the precapitalist and capitalist worlds, with adjustments and changes in an environment that until then was characterized by weak institutions and parish heads. On the analysis of the agrarian structure of the old South Mato Grosso in the 1930s, Edward Palmer Thompson was a valuable reference in this study. The theory of the social bandit, created by Eric J. Hobsbawm, was explained according to researchers who have made placements critical insertion from that hobsbawmiana formulation. We focus on the rebellions pre-political organization that constitute the first movements of contestation of the established power in the service of hegemonic interests. We analyzed the differential behavior in the practices attributed to the bandits in the West Border in relation to other parts of the country, banditry in the Northeast, for example. We emphasize the purposes of banditry in the Northeast of Brazil compared to banditry in the West Frontier.

O império da fome e do amor : Estácio de Lima e os determinismos em medicina legal / The empire of hungry and love : Estácio de Lima and forensic determinisms

Vasconcelos Filho, Marcos Antônio Rodrigues 23 July 2012 (has links)
This research studies part of the forensic work of a Brazilian author, born in Alagoas, called Estácio [Luiz Valente] de Lima (1897-1984), which like other doctors and jurists their predecessors or contemporaries held a positivist thinking in their delicate points of view (due to its own complexity) of explicative attempts of human and social behaviors in relation to banditry and homosexuality between the years of 1926 (when he empowers in the chair of the Forensic Medicine of Medical School of Bahia) and 1945 (with the end of the intervening and the Estado Novo and with the release of the ex-bandits arrested in Salvador), based on an experimental human bodies anthropometric and physiological study and becoming one of the representatives of biological determinism within the scientific mentality of his time. / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Esta pesquisa estuda parte da obra médico-legal de um autor brasileiro, natural de Alagoas, chamado Estácio [Luiz Valente] de Lima (1897-1984), o qual assim como outros médicos e juristas seus predecessores ou contemporâneos sustentou um ideário positivista em seus pontos de vista delicados (devidos a sua própria complexidade) de tentativas explicativas do comportamento humano e social em relação à vida do cangaço e à homossexualidade entre os anos de 1926 (quando se empossa na cadeira de Medicina Legal da Faculdade de Medicina da Bahia) e 1945 (com o fim das interventorias e do Estado Novo e com soltura dos excangaceiros presos em Salvador), tendo como base experimental o estudo antropométrico e fisiológico de corpos humanos e tornando-se um dos representantes do biodeterminismo dentro da mentalidade científica de sua época.

A presença feminina no cangaço: práticas e representações (1930-1940)

Freitas, Ana Paula Saraiva de [UNESP] January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:26:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2005Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T18:54:52Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 freitas_aps_me_assis.pdf: 2436393 bytes, checksum: 2a661ba7b4611c6b42d12d52d7e115ed (MD5) / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / Esta dissertação tem por objetivo discutir as práticas e representações femininas no interior do cangaço, no período de 1930/1940, década que inaugura a incorporação de mulheres nos bandos. Considerando-se as formas de inserção (voluntária e involuntária), procuramos compreender e discutir os papéis atribuídos as cangaceiras e sua condição específica de ser mulher num espaço permeado pela violência. Neste sentido, será relevante considerar o desempenho com armas de fogo e a atuação de cada uma delas nos embates violentos em que estiveram envolvidas. E ainda, a preocupação com o embelezamento do corpo, o apreço por jóias e apetrechos diversos, identificados sobretudo, na composição de suas vestimentas que, traduzem um determinado perfil de mulher. Tomando por base este tipo de problemática, uma das preocupações desta pesquisa é analisar as vivências interpessoais no interior dos grupos a partir da bibliografia especializada, de obras de memorialistas que trabalharam o tema, e de outras fontes como: depoimentos orais, entrevistas, documentários, fotografias, imprensa e literatura de cordel. / This dissertation has the aim to discuss the women's practices and representations in the cangaço from 1930 to 1940, time that started their incorporation in the bands. Considering the ways of joining them (volunteer or not), we searched the comprehension and discussion of the roles given to the cangaceiras and their specific condition of being a woman in a space characterized by the violence. In this sense, it will be relevant to consider the performance with guns and the deeds of each of them in the violent fights in which they were involved. Also, the worry about the beauty of the body, the liking for jewels and several accessories identified, specially, in the combination of their clothing, which translates a determined profile of woman. Basing ourselves on this kind of problem, one of the concerns of this research is to analyze the interpersonal experiences inside the groups from specialized bibliography of memoir authors that worked on the topic and other sources, such as: oral testimonies, interviews, documentaries, photos, press and cordel literature.

'O Cabeleira' entre a tradição e o cientificismo: a construção do herói sertanejo e o projeto educacional de Franklin Távora / 'O Cabeleira' between tradition and science: the construction of the inland hero and the educational project of Franklin Távora

Ana Marcia Alves Siqueira 30 November 2007 (has links)
O trabalho tem por objetivo examinar a obra O Cabeleira, de Franklin Távora, como romancechave para se compreender uma parte do longo processo de formação de uma identidade nacional por meio da literatura, desenvolvido durante a segunda metade do século XIX. Também busca salientar a perpetuação e atualização de substratos da herança medieval portuguesa em nossa tradição literária, enfatizando o trabalho de transformação e climatização desses substratos graças à apropriação crítica realizada pelo autor. A imaginação criativa de Távora, embebida no repositório nacional, faz aflorar, em O Cabeleira, substratos medievais na construção do heróibandido, bem como na estruturação da trágica história romântica vivida pelo protagonista, na qual o amor é visto como um sentimento atávico, acima do Bem e do Mal, capaz de transformar até o mais cruel dos bandidos. Entretanto, o romance contempla outras intenções; além do objetivo de divulgar as \"autênticas tradições nacionais\", o autor buscava respaldar sua produção literária no cientificismo e defender a importância da educação para a construção de uma nação grandiosa. Certo de que as ciências naturais deveriam se unir à literatura para constituir a nação brasileira, Franklin Távora orquestra, no romance inaugural da Literatura do Norte, uma dupla intenção: de resgate das tradições nacionais através da história do bandido Cabeleira e de defesa da tese de que a educação é o único meio de salvar o sertanejo - e o povo brasileiro - da barbárie, assim como de elevar o Brasil ao patamar civilizatório dos países europeus. A utilização destes ideais e convicções como material literário possibilitou a diversidade de aspectos presentes no romance que parte de uma história registrada tanto pela crônica histórica quanto pelas trovas populares sobre o terrível Cabeleira, alcunha de José Gomes, um dos primeiros cangaceiros de Pernambuco. / The goal of this paper is to examine the romance O Cabeleira by Franklin Távora as a key novel for the comprehension of part of the long process of formation of a national identity through literature, accomplished raised along the second half of century XIX. It also aims to highlight the perpetuation and up date of the substrata of the Portuguese medieval inheritance in our literary tradition, emphasizing the work of transformation and climatization of these substrata due to the critical appropriation made by the author. Távora\'s creative imagination absorbed in the national repository, makes arise in O Cabeleira, medieval substrata in the construction of the outlaw hero, as well as in the structuralization of the tragic romantic history lived by the protagonist, in which love is faced as an atavic feeling, above of the good and of the evil, able to transform even the cruelest of the outlaws. However, the novel contemplates other intentions: besides divulging the \"authentic national traditions\", the author tried to endorse the literary production in science and to defend the whole of education in the construction of a huge nation. Certain that natural science should have to be joined to literature in order to build a Brazilian nation, Franklin Távola orchestrate, in the inaugural romance of the \"Literature of the North\", a double intention: the rescue of the national traditions through the history of the Cabeleira outlaw and the defense of the thesis stating that the education is the only means to save the sertanejo (inlander) - and the Brazilian people - from the barbarity and to raise Brazil to the civilizational plataform of European countries. The use of these ideals and certainties as literary material enabled the great variety of aspects present in the romance that emerge from a history registered both by historical chronicle and by the popular ballads about the terrible Cabeleira, nickname José Gomes, one of the first cangaceiros (bandits) from Pernambuco.

A presença feminina no cangaço : práticas e representações (1930-1940) /

Freitas, Ana Paula Saraiva de. January 2005 (has links)
Orientador: Zélia Lopes da Silva / Banca: Tania Regina de Luca / Banca: Janete Leiko Tanno / Resumo: Esta dissertação tem por objetivo discutir as práticas e representações femininas no interior do cangaço, no período de 1930/1940, década que inaugura a incorporação de mulheres nos bandos. Considerando-se as formas de inserção (voluntária e involuntária), procuramos compreender e discutir os papéis atribuídos as cangaceiras e sua condição específica de "ser mulher" num espaço permeado pela violência. Neste sentido, será relevante considerar o desempenho com armas de fogo e a atuação de cada uma delas nos embates violentos em que estiveram envolvidas. E ainda, a preocupação com o embelezamento do corpo, o apreço por jóias e apetrechos diversos, identificados sobretudo, na composição de suas vestimentas que, traduzem um determinado perfil de mulher. Tomando por base este tipo de problemática, uma das preocupações desta pesquisa é analisar as vivências interpessoais no interior dos grupos a partir da bibliografia especializada, de obras de memorialistas que trabalharam o tema, e de outras fontes como: depoimentos orais, entrevistas, documentários, fotografias, imprensa e literatura de cordel. / Abstract: This dissertation has the aim to discuss the women's practices and representations in the cangaço from 1930 to 1940, time that started their incorporation in the bands. Considering the ways of joining them (volunteer or not), we searched the comprehension and discussion of the roles given to the cangaceiras and their specific condition of "being a woman" in a space characterized by the violence. In this sense, it will be relevant to consider the performance with guns and the deeds of each of them in the violent fights in which they were involved. Also, the worry about the beauty of the body, the liking for jewels and several accessories identified, specially, in the combination of their clothing, which translates a determined profile of woman. Basing ourselves on this kind of problem, one of the concerns of this research is to analyze the interpersonal experiences inside the groups from specialized bibliography of memoir authors that worked on the topic and other sources, such as: oral testimonies, interviews, documentaries, photos, press and cordel literature. / Mestre

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