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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bankovní krize ve světě / World banking crises

Mirazčievová, Michaela January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to offer a contemporary overlook on the widely discussed and problematic topic of bankong crises. This analysis gives a list of banking crises which have ocurred since the 90s. up to now, their causes and definitions, and explains some important macro- and microeconomic reasons for their occurrence.It also shows how current economic theory describes the causes and nature of financial instability, with emphasis on its real effects and high economic, as well as social costs. Based on these findings, this paper offers possible resolutions of problems of the financial system and methods of its stabilization with the aim to prevent future crises. A separate chapter is dedicated to the crises in Argentina 2001, the nordic countries in the late 80s/early 90s, and the Czech republic during its transition period.

Inter-sector credit exposure: Contingent claims analysis in the Czech Republic / Inter-sector credit exposure: Contingent claims analysis in the Czech Republic

Brechler, Josef January 2013 (has links)
Linkages between economic agents in form of financial assets might contribute to transmission of shocks between different parts of the economy. Aim of this thesis is to enrich the ongoing discussion about the spread of contagion through the economy. We provide an analysis of financial interlinkages in the Czech economy and using the contingent claims analysis (CCA) model we attempt to quantify risks in the system that that are implied by the existence of these linkages. We use different techniques within the framework of the model to obtain various indicators that can be used to assess stability of the system. Using simulations we find that size of losses due to riskiness of debt depends strongly on the origin of a shock and it is higher for shocks originating in the household sector than for shocks originating in the sector of the non-financial corporations. We also find that size of a decrease in capital of the banking sector needed to cause a distress in the system as relatively high and stable in time. JEL Classification E01, E44, G01, G12, G20 Keywords Balance sheet contagion, financial accounts, network models, contingent claims analysis, systemic risk Author's e-mail josef.brechler@gmail.com Supervisor's e-mail michal.hlavacek@cnb.cz

Makro-finanční výzvy v rozvíjejíchích se zemích / Macro-Financial challenges in Emerging Markets

Jašová, Martina January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation thesis consists of three essays on macroeconomics and finance. In these essays, I focus on events which adversely affect emerging markets and present challenges to economic policy and central bank thinking. My aim is to contribute to the existing empirical literature by providing new evidence on the role of private credit, effects of macroprudential policies and understanding of the exchange-rate pass-through. The first essay evaluates policy measures taken to curb bank credit growth in the private sector in the pre-crisis period 2003-2007. The analysis is based on an original survey conducted on central banks in Central and Eastern Europe. The findings reveal substantial policy intervention and indicate that certain measures - particularly asset classification and provisioning rules; and loan eligibility criteria - might have been effective in taming bank credit growth. The second essay contributes to the existing literature on early warning indicators as well as to the discussion on the appropriateness of credit-to-GDP gap as a leading variable for any country for activation of the countercyclical capital buffer instrument in Basel III. We exploit long-run credit series for 36 emerging markets and evaluate their quality to signal a crisis by using receiver operating characteristics...

Développement financier et crises bancaires : une analyse de l’effet exercé par la taille et l’activité des intermédiaires financiers sur l’origine et les conséquences des crises bancaires / Financial development and banking crises : an analysis of the effect of financial intermediaries’ size and activity on the causes and consequences of banking crises

Mathonnat, Clément 27 September 2017 (has links)
Depuis le début des années 1980, on observe une augmentation importante du nombre de crises bancaires, combinée en parallèle à un essor important des systèmes financiers. La crise des subprimes de 2007-2008, par sa durée et son intensité récessive sans précédent depuis la Grande Dépression des années 1930, a relancé le débat sur le rôle joué par le développement financier dans l’accroissement de l’instabilité financière et l’amplification des chocs économiques. Or, bien qu’un grand nombre d’études soulignent que le fonctionnement du secteur bancaire constitue un facteur essentiel pour comprendre les dynamiques associées à la survenue ainsi qu’aux conséquences des crises bancaires, aucune analyse économétrique n’a jusqu’à présent évalué précisément l’effet qu’exerce le développement financier, considéré sous l’angle de la taille et de l’activité des intermédiaires financiers, sur l’origine et l’amplification des conséquences des crises bancaires. Il s’agit précisément de l’objectif de cette thèse. Pour cela, nous proposons dans le chapitre I de replacer notre étude dans une perspective de long terme au travers d’une histoire des crises financières du XVIIe siècle jusqu’à nos jours. Puis, sur la base d’un échantillon couvrant les principales crises bancaires qui se sont produites dans les pays développés et en développement durant les quarante dernières années, cette thèse analyse l’effet qu’exerce le développement financier sur les crises bancaires selon quatre dimensions. Nous nous intéressons au rôle que joue le développement financier sur la probabilité d’occurrence (chapitre II), l’amplification de la durée et du coût pour l’économie réelle (chapitre III), ainsi que l’impact redistributif (chapitre IV) des crises bancaires. Les résultats de ces trois chapitres vont dans le même sens et mettent en évidence que des systèmes financiers plus développés sont associés à des crises bancaires caractérisées par une probabilité d’occurrence, une durée, une contraction de la production et une hausse des inégalités de revenus significativement plus importantes. Notre travail apporte donc un éclairage précis et univoque quant au rôle joué par le développement financier tant au niveau des causes que des conséquences des crises bancaires. Dans un environnement international encore marqué par l’impact récessif de la crise des subprimes, la conclusion générale de la thèse soutient l’idée selon laquelle la promotion de la stabilité financière, ainsi que de la capacité de résilience des économies aux chocs passent par la mise en œuvre de la part des gouvernements de mesures visant à limiter de façon plus contraignante la taille et l’activité du secteur bancaire. / Since the beginning of the eighties, there is a significant increase in the number of banking crises at a worldwide level, in parallel with a surge in financial system development. The subprimes crisis, because of its recessive length and intensity without equivalent since the Great Depression of the thirties, has re-launched the debate on the role played by financial development in the amplification of both financial instability and economic shocks. Despite a large number of studies stressing that banking sector is a key factor to understand the outbreak and consequences of banking crises, no econometric analysis as so far assessed precisely the effect of financial development, viewed from the standpoint of both size and activity of financial intermediaries, on the occurrence and consequences of banking crises. It is precisely the goal of this thesis. In chapter I, we put our analysis into a long term perspective by proposing a history of financial crises from the 17th century until now. Then, based on a sample covering the main banking crises that happened in developing and developed countries over the last forty years, the thesis analyzes the effects of financial development on banking crises through four dimensions. We investigate the role played by financial development in the occurrence (chapter II), the duration and the cost for the real economy (chapter III) and also the redistributive impact (chapter IV) of banking crises. The results of these three chapters converge and highlight that more developed financial systems are associated with banking crises that are more numerous, last longer, are more costly for the real economy and lead to a larger surge in economic inequalities. Our work thus brings an insightful analysis of the effect of financial development on the causes and consequences of banking crises. In an international environment still facing the recessive impact of the subprimes crisis, the general conclusion of the thesis supports the view that in order to promote financial stability and a greater ability for economies to deal with negative shocks, governments should implement public policies aiming at strictly limiting the size and activity of the banking sector.

銀行危機預警系統之建構 / Constructing a banking crises early warning system

李國銘 Unknown Date (has links)
2007年8月美國爆發次貸危機(Subprime Crisis),如此新型態的金融危機是否可由金融危機預警系統預測?是本文所欲探討的目標。本文採用訊號方法、固定效果下的Panel Logit Model和CART(Classification and Regression Tree)三種計量方法建構危機預警模型。最後利用美國2006年至2008年資料,驗證本文所建構之預警模型是否能夠有效預測次貸危機的發生。 / “Could banking early warning systems help to predict Sub-prime crisis?” That is the main issue that we want to discuss. We combine three kinds of early warning systems models – Signal Approach, fixed effect panel logit model, and CART approach – to create a new banking early warning system(EWS). We will use the US 2006-2008 data to examine whether this new EWS could predict the Sub-prime crisis correctly.

Essays in banking and default

Ari, Anil January 2018 (has links)
This thesis consists of three chapters. In the first chapter, titled "Aggregate Risk and Bank Risk-Taking", I propose a general equilibrium model in which strategic interactions between banks and depositors may lead to endogenous bank fragility and a drop in investment and output. With some opacity in bank balance sheets, depositors form expectations about bank risk-taking and demand a return on bank deposits according to their risk. This creates strategic complementarities and possibly multiple equilibria: in response to an increase in funding costs, banks may optimally choose to pursue risky portfolios that undermine their solvency prospects. In a bad equilibrium, bank lending is crowded out by risky asset purchases and weak economic fundamentals lead to a banking crisis. Policy interventions face a trade-o¤ between alleviating banks' funding conditions and strengthening their risk-taking incentives. Due to this trade-off, liquidity provision to banks may eliminate the good equilibrium when it is not targeted. Targeted interventions have the capacity to eliminate the bad equilibrium. The second chapter, titled "Gambling Traps", analyzes macroeconomic dynamics under this framework in a dynamic general equilibrium model. I show that self-fulfilling expectations about high bank risk-taking may lead to 'gambling traps' associated with slow recovery from crises. In a gambling trap, high bank funding costs hinder the accumulation of bank net worth, leading to a prolonged period of financial fragility and a persistent decline in economic activity. I bring this model to bear on the European sovereign debt crisis, in the course of which under-capitalized banks in default-risky countries experienced an increase in funding costs and raised their holdings of domestic government debt. The model is quantified using Portuguese data and accounts for macroeconomic dynamics in Portugal in 2010-2016. Finally, I show that subsidized loans to banks, similar to the European Central Bank's longer-term refinancing operations (LTRO) may perpetuate gambling traps. The third chapter, titled ''Shadow Banking and Market Discipline on Traditional Banks'', is joint work with Matthieu Darracq-Paries, Christo¤er Kok, and Dawid · Zochowski. In this chapter, we present a general equilibrium banking model in which shadow banking arises endogenously and undermines market discipline on traditional banks. We show that depositors' ability to re-optimize in response to crises imposes market discipline on traditional banks: these banks optimally commit to a safe portfolio strategy to prevent early withdrawals. With costly commitment, shadow banking emerges as an alternative banking strategy that combines high risk-taking with early liquidation in times of crisis. We bring the model to bear on the 2007-09 financial crisis in the United States, during which shadow banks experienced a sudden dry-up of funding and liquidated their assets. We derive an equilibrium in which the shadow banking sector expands to a size where its liquidation causes a fire-sale and exposes traditional banks to liquidity risk. Higher deposit rates in compensation for liquidity risk also weaken threats of early withdrawal and traditional banks pursue risky portfolios that may leave them in default. Financial stability is achieved with a tax on shadow bank profits or collateralized liquidity support to traditional banks.

Crises bancaires et défauts souverains : quels déterminants, quels liens ? / Banking crises and sovereign defaults : Which determinants, which links?

Jedidi, Ons 01 December 2015 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est la mise en place d’un Système d’Alerte Précoce comme instrument de prévision de la survenance des crises bancaires et des crises de la dette souveraine dans 48 pays de 1977 à 2010. Il s’agit à la fois d’identifier les facteurs capables de prédire ces événements et ceux annonçant leurs interactions éventuelles. La présente étude propose une approche à la fois originale et robuste qui tient compte de l’incertitude des modèles et des paramètres par la méthode de combinaison bayésienne des modèles de régression ou Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA). Nos résultats montrent que les avoirs étrangers nets en pourcentage du total des actifs, la dette à court terme en pourcentage des réserves totales et enfin la dette publique en pourcentage du PIB ont un pouvoir prédictif élevé pour expliquer les crises de la dette souveraine pour plusieurs pays. De plus, la croissance de l’activité et du crédit bancaire, le degré de libéralisation financière et le poids de la dette extérieure sont des signaux décisifs des crises bancaires. Notre approche offre le meilleur compromis entre les épisodes manqués et les fausses alertes. Enfin, nous étudions le lien entre les crises bancaires et les crises de la dette souveraine pour 62 pays de 1970 à 2011, en développant une approche basée sur un modèle Vecteur Auto-Régressif (VAR). Nos estimations montrent une relation significative et bidirectionnelle entre les deux types d’évènements. / The main purpose of this thesis is the development of an Early Warning System to predict banking and sovereign debt crises in 48 countries from 1977 to 2010. We are interested in identifying both factors that predict these events and those announcing their possible interactions. In particular, our empirical works provide an original and robust approach accounting for model and parameter uncertainty by means of the Bayesian Model Averaging method. Our results show that: Net foreign assets to total assets, short term debt to total reserves, and public debt to GDP have a high predictive power to signal sovereign debt crises in many countries. Furthermore, the growth rates of economic activity and credit, financial liberalization, and the external indebtedness are decisive signals of banking crises. Our approach offers the best compromise between missed episodes and false alarms. Finally, we study the link between banking and sovereign debt crises for 62 countries from 1970 to 2011 by developing an approach based on a Vector Autoregressive model (VAR). Our estimates show a significant two-way relationship between the two types of events.

Conditions d'ouverture du secteur financier, déréglementation et risque pour le secteur bancaire : cas des pays en développement / Conditions of openness of financial sector, deregulation and banking sector risk : the case of Developing countries

Boukef Jlassi, Nabila 20 March 2015 (has links)
Ces dernières décennies, le monde a vécu des épisodes de forte instabilité financière globale, allantde pair avec un mouvement important de capitaux internationaux. Ce paradoxe remet en question lebien-fondé d’une politique de libéralisation financière internationale et soulève de nombreusescontroverses dont l’issue est à ce jour ambigu. L'objectif de cette thèse est d’apporter une contributionà ce débat actuel. Notre démarche s'articule autour de trois grandes parties. D'abord, nous analysonsl'impact de la globalisation financière sur la croissance économique dans les pays en développement(PED). Ensuite, dans la deuxième partie, nous étudions le rôle que pourrait jouer la libre circulationdes capitaux internationaux comme un déterminant du déclenchement des crises bancaires dans lesPED. Ceci nous amène dans la troisième partie à analyser les réformes réglementaires proposéespour pallier à ce risque de crises bancaires et tirer profit de la globalisation financière (GF).Les principaux résultats de la thèse peuvent être résumés comme suit : (1) La GF agit positivementsur la croissance économique et la stabilité du secteur bancaire, ces effets étant conditionnés par lanature des flux de capitaux échangés. (2) Les pays en développement peuvent bénéficier de lalibéralisation des mouvements de capitaux s’ils ont atteint un certain seuil de développementinstitutionnel. (3) Le contrôle des capitaux permet aux pays en développement d’assurer un niveau destabilité financière soutenu. Les implications de politiques économiques sont : (a) Les PED ont intérêtà améliorer leurs cadres institutionnels pour tirer profit de la globalisation financière. (b) Les pays endéveloppement doivent renforcer leur cadre règlementaire et mettre en place une politique de contrôledes capitaux qui ciblerait ceux à l’origine de l’instabilité économique et financière. (c) Un tel contrôlene doit pas se faire seulement sur les engagements envers l’étranger mais aussi sur les avoirs. / Over the last few decades, the world has experienced episodes of global financial instability combinedwith significant shifts of international capital movements. This paradox questions the merits of theinternational financial liberalization and raises many controversies whose outcome is inconclusive todate. The aim of this thesis is to contribute to this current debate. The approach is structured aroundthree main parts. First, the impact of the financial globalization (FG) on the economic growth isanalyzed for developing countries. Then, in the second part, we examine the potential role of freemovement of international capital as a major factor responsible for the onset of banking crisis indeveloping countries. This analysis leads us to the third part in which we analyze the regulatoryreforms, proposed to mitigate the risk of banking crisis and to benefit from financial globalization.The main outcomes are summarized as follows: (1)The financial globalization acts positively oneconomic growth and the stability of the banking sector. Furthermore, these effects are conditioned bythe nature of capital flows. (2) The developing countries can benefit from the liberalization ofinternational capital flows, if they have reached a certain threshold level of institutional development.(3) The capital controls allow the developing countries to ensure a sustainable level of financialstability. The economic policy implications are: (a) The developing countries may find it beneficial todevelop their institutional framework to benefit from financial liberalization. (b) the developing countriesmust strengthen their regulatory framework and set up a capital control policy that will target theorigins of economic and financial instability. (c) Such a control should not only be exercised on foreignliabilities but also on domestic assets.

加入信用風險之銀行股價多因子模型:日本銀行業之實證分析 / Stock Price Multi-factor Model with Credit Risk--Empirical Evidence from Japanese Banks

林玫君, Lin, Mei-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
商業銀行是以借貸為主的金融機構,銀行獲利的主要來源,是從存款大眾手中取得短期資金,再將資金貸放給政府或企業進行長期投資。銀行「借短貸長」的業務,常使得其資產與負債產生存續期間不一致的問題,當利率非預期變動時,會改變資產與負債的真實價值,進而影響到銀行的淨值及股票報酬率。此外,匯率變動的風險也是銀行常常面臨的問題,尤其是當銀行涉足國際業務時,匯率的變動常常會使銀行所持有的外幣部位價值改變,進而影響到銀行的真實價值。另外一個會影響到銀行資產與負債價值的因素,就是信用風險的問題,總體經濟環境的信用品質變動,常常會影響銀行放款的還款機率,進而改變銀行放款的實質價值。 本文採用過去學者們所研究過的銀行股價三因子模型,即市場因子、債券因子、匯率因子,並加入代表總體信用風險的第四個因子,以及代表抵押品價值變動的第五個因子,成為銀行股價五因子模型。以日本銀行業的股價報酬為研究對象,實證結果顯示:新加入的總體信用風險因子,對於銀行股價報酬率的確產生顯著的負向影響,也就是當借貸市場信用品質愈差(信用風險越高)時,整體銀行股價的報酬率下降。且在四種類型的銀行中,地方銀行所估計出的信用風險顯著的比例最高,代表資產規模較小、放款業務較集中的地方銀行,其信用風險確實較其他類型的銀行為高。另外,在日本泡沫經濟破滅以後的銀行危機時期,以股價多因子模型來衡量的銀行信用風險也有上升的現象。

Les crises économiques et financières et les facteurs favorisant leur occurrence / Empirical varieties and leading contexts of economic and financial crises

Cabrol, Sébastien 31 May 2013 (has links)
Cette étude vise à mettre en lumière les différences et similarités existant entre les principales crises économiques et financières ayant frappé un échantillon de 21 pays avancés depuis 1981. Nous analyserons plus particulièrement la crise des subprimes que nous rapprocherons avec des épisodes antérieurs. Nous étudierons à la fois les années du déclenchement des turbulences (analyse typologique) ainsi que celles les précédant (prévision). Cette analyse sera fondée sur l’utilisation de la méthode CART (Classification And Regression Trees). Cette technique non linéaire et non paramétrique permet de prendre en compte les effets de seuil et les interactions entre variables explicatives de façon à révéler plusieurs contextes distincts explicatifs d’un même événement. Dans le cadre d‘un modèle de prévision, l’analyse des années précédant les crises nous indique que les variables à surveiller sont : la variation et la volatilité du cours de l’once d’or, le déficit du compte courant en pourcentage du PIB et la variation de l’openness ratio et enfin la variation et la volatilité du taux de change. Dans le cadre de l’analyse typologique, l’étude des différentes variétés de crise (année du déclenchement de la crise) nous permettra d’identifier deux principaux types de turbulence d’un point de vue empirique. En premier lieu, nous retiendrons les crises globales caractérisées par un fort ralentissement ou une baisse de l’activité aux Etats-Unis et une faible croissance du PIB dans les pays touchés. D’autre part, nous mettrons en évidence des crises idiosyncratiques propres à un pays donné et caractérisées par une inflation et une volatilité du taux de change élevées. / The aim of this thesis is to analyze, from an empirical point of view, both the different varieties of economic and financial crises (typological analysis) and the context’s characteristics, which could be associated with a likely occurrence of such events. Consequently, we analyze both: years seeing a crisis occurring and years preceding such events (leading contexts analysis, forecasting). This study contributes to the empirical literature by focusing exclusively on the crises in advanced economies over the last 30 years, by considering several theoretical types of crises and by taking into account a large number of both economic and financial explanatory variables. As part of this research, we also analyze stylized facts related to the 2007/2008 subprimes turmoil and our ability to foresee crises from an epistemological perspective. Our empirical results are based on the use of binary classification trees through CART (Classification And Regression Trees) methodology. This nonparametric and nonlinear statistical technique allows us to manage large data set and is suitable to identify threshold effects and complex interactions among variables. Furthermore, this methodology leads to characterize crises (or context preceding a crisis) by several distinct sets of independent variables. Thus, we identify as leading indicators of economic and financial crises: variation and volatility of both gold prices and nominal exchange rates, as well as current account balance (as % of GDP) and change in openness ratio. Regarding the typological analysis, we figure out two main different empirical varieties of crises. First, we highlight « global type » crises characterized by a slowdown in US economic activity (stressing the role and influence of the USA in global economic conditions) and low GDP growth in the countries affected by the turmoil. Second, we find that country-specific high level of both inflation and exchange rates volatility could be considered as evidence of « idiosyncratic type » crises.

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