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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Vilken effekt har olika typer av immunsuppressiv behandling vid de autoimmuna hudsjukdomarna alopecia areata och vitiligo? : En litteraturstudie

Johnsson, Eleonor January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Människans försvar mot omvärlden och patogena mikrober består av ett väl utvecklat immunsystem innehållande det medfödda immunsystemet, innate, som inte förändras nämnbart över tid samt det adaptiva immunsystemet som skapar minnesceller efter immunrespons på peptidantigen. Det medfödda immunsystemets receptorer binder främmande strukturer och agerar snabbt genom att skapa inflammatorisk respons. Människans adaptiva immunsystem har celler som tar upp, bryter ned och via major histocompatibility complex (MHC) presenterar peptidantigen för T-celler. T-celler behöver flera stimuleringsvägar för att starta immunrespons. Immunsystemets celler kontrolleras så immunologisk tolerans upprätthålls. Autoimmunitet orsakas troligen av genetisk känslighet där den genetiska dispostitionen inte kan upprätthålla immunologisk tolerans vid trauma. Alopecia areata och vitiligo är de enda kända autoimmuna hudsjukdomarna som inte är antikroppsmedierade. Sjukdomarna drabbar 1 – 2 % av befolkningen. Hårfolliklar attackeras av autoreaktiva T-celler vid alopecia areata vilket ger håravfall. Vitiligo ger depigmenterade hudområden orsakat av autoreaktiva T-celler som förstört melanocyter. Sjukdomarna behandlas med immunsuppressiva läkemedel lokalt på huden eller systemiskt. Syfte: Examensarbetet syftade till att erhålla en djupare kunskap rörande likheter och skillnader i mekanism mellan de autoimmuna hudsjukdomarna alopecia areata och vitiligo samt undersöka och besvara frågeställningen vilken effekt olika typer av immunsuppressiv behandling har vid dessa sjukdomar.  Metod: Examensarbetet är en litteraturstudie som baseras på sex stycken vetenskapliga artiklar framsökta ur databasen PubMed genom flera sökningar. Sökningarna avgränsades genom användande av bl.a. sökorden alopecia areata, vitiligo, treatment, tacrolimus och janus kinase. Resultat: Studie 1 och 2 utvärderar systemisk puls-behandling med glukokortikoider. Patienterna i studie 1 hade alopecia areata med omfattande håravfall och behandlingsrespons sågs hos många patienter. Vitiligo-patienterna i studie 2 uppvisade minskad sjukdomsaktivitet vilket ses i färre nya lesioner samt repigmenterade lesioner, dock ses ingen repigmentering hos en del patienter. Studie 3 och 4 utvärderar lokal behandling med takrolimus-salva. Patienter med vitiligo i studie 3 fick viss repigmentering av lesionerna och patienterna med alopecia areata i studie 4 fick delvis håråterväxt. Effekten av oralt administrerade januskinas-hämmare utvärderas i studie 5 och 6. Studie 5 visar att många patienter med alopecia areata fått mycket håråterväxt vid behandlingens slut och studie 6 påvisar behandlingsrespons hos hälften av vitiligo-patienterna där repigmentering främst ses på hudområden exponerade för solljus. Slutsats: Litteraturstudien visar att olika typer av immunsuppressiv behandling kan lindra sjukdoms-utbrott samt förkorta sjukdomstid vid de autoimmuna hudsjukdomarna alopecia areata och vitiligo. Immunologiskt sett har sjukdomarna liknande sjukdomsmekanismer genom inflammatorisk respons som ger aktivering av autoreaktiva T-celler. Behandlingsresistensförekommer och därför behövs fortsatt forskning kring sjukdomsmekanismer och nya läkemedel. / Humans are depending on a functional immune system that provides defense against microbes and other things in our environment that can harm us. The skin is the largest and the heaviest of our organs. It’s important to have a barrier between the inner functions of the body and the world outside. The innate immune system specificities are recognition of microbes and damage. The adaptive immune system includes B and T cells which develops from stem cells in the bone marrow. The mature B and T cells are tested for self-tolerance before they are released. Having a functional immune system needs immunologic cells with immunologic tolerance. Immunologic tolerance demand B and T cells to know the difference between self antigens and pathogens.  Autoimmunity is probably caused by genetic susceptibility under influence of trauma such as local tissue injury and infection. The trauma cause imbalance in the immune system and gives an autoimmune response with activated T cells reacting on self antigens. Autoimmune diseases can be systemic or organ specific and different mechanisms cause the damage of tissue. Diseases caused by autoimmunity tend to be chronic, self-perpetuating and progressive. Alopecia areata and vitiligo are autoimmune skin diseases which gives hair loss and depigmentation. Hair loss in alopecia areata is caused by autoimmune T cells attacking hair follicles and depigmentation in vitiligo is caused by destruction of melanocytes by autoimmune T cells. The diseases can’t be cured but immunosuppressive therapy can reduce disease activity and give faster recovery.  The aim of this literature study was to get a deeper knowledge about the autoimmune skin diseases alopecia areata and vitiligo, and evaluate the efficiency of different immunosuppressive therapies used against alopecia areata and vitiligo. Found six scientific articles from the database PubMed through several searches. The searches were delimited by use of the keywords alopecia areata, vitiligo, treatment, tacrolimus and janus kinase.  Studies 1 and 2 evaluate systemic pulse management with glucocorticoids. The patients in study 1 had alopecia areata with extensive hair loss and treatment reactions were seen in many patients. Vitiligo patients in study 2 show reduced disease activity as seen in fewer lesions as well as repigmented lesions, however, no repigmentation seen in some patients. Studies 3 and 4 evaluate local treatment with tacrolimus ointment. Patients with vitiligo in study 3 received some repigmentation of the lesions and the patients with alopecia areata in study 4 received partial hair regrowth. The effect of orally administered janus kinase inhibitors is evaluated in studies 5 and 6. Study 5 shows that many patients with alopecia have received a lot of hair regrowth at the end of treatment and study 6 shows treatment response in half of vitiligo patients where repigmentation is mainly seen in sunlight exposed areas.  The literature study shows that different types of immunosuppressive treatment can relieve disease outbreaks and shorten disease in autoimmune skin diseases alopecia areata and vitiligo. Immunologically the diseases have similar disease mechanisms through inflammatory responses that provide activation of autoreactive T cells. Conclusion of this smallscale literature study is the need for further research on mechanisms of the diseases and research on therapies because therapy resistance is seen in both diseases although many patients responded to the immunosuppressive therapies.

The impact on current and former learners of ABET programme run at Duvha Power Station

Shelile, Motlatsi Petrus 14 November 2006 (has links)
Student Number : 9710307F - MEd research report - School of Education - Faculty of Humanities / This study evaluated the impact on learners of Adult Basic Education and Training (ABET) programmes at Duvha Power Station. The methods of collecting data comprised face-toface interviews, on-site participant observation, classroom observation and document analysis. The underlying assumption was that ABET programmes did not have a positive impact on either the company and individual candidates, and that they were only provided to comply with the legislation and not to develop and empower people. What emerged from findings was that ABET programmes had a major impact on the company and on the individual candidates, in their homes and communities. The findings, however, also revealed weaknesses and challenges in ABET level 1 that need to be addressed i.e ABET level 1 respondents showed no further interest in participating in the programme citing advanced age, learning being for youth, difficult sums etc, as some of the reasons.

Implementation of new policies, the white paper and the ABET programme in adult education. What effects have the new policies, the white paper and ABET had on education, training, development practitioners and adult learners?

Maabane, Tswelopele A 20 May 2014 (has links)
This study investigated implications of new education policies, the white paper on education and training and implementation of adult basic education and training (ABET) and the consequences thereof for education, training and development practitioners (ETDPs) and adult learners. The study also investigated how ETDPs implement new ABET policies and how these new policies affect adult learners. Adult education policies (in the democratic South Africa) were introduced to reduce inequalities in education. Despite these interventions, since 1994 the failure rate of adult education learners has continued to deteriorate. (This is partly confirmed by honours students (see Personal Communications) involved in teaching adult learners from 1993 to 1998.) The new adult education policies are intended to improve literacy and the quality of education for adults in South Africa. However, this does not seem to be happening. Three groups within adult education participated in this study. The groups consisted of twenty (20) adult learners, seven (7) ETDPs and seven (7) district education managers. All thirty-four (34) respondents were based in Soweto and the surrounding areas, which lie within Gauteng Province (see map contained in Appendix A). The information was gathered from respondents by telephonic interviews and by completing questic-nnaires. The literature review examined adult education policies; the Whit,- Pape" on Education and Training; successes and failures of ABET policies; and implementation and financial implications for adult education. “Quality education” based on a review of literature (world-wide and locally) was explored The information from the respondents supports the view that new ABET polices have had little impact in offering quality education. The results from the. interview and questionnaires show that the process of policy implementation is ineffective and inefficient, and is without clear direction. Workshops orgauised by the Department of Education reach only a few, and are not very effec j F i n a n c i a l constraints have rendered the process of policy implementation almost, impossible. The majority of learners and educators in this study were not iu'iy aware of the workshops. Based on world-wide and local literature, elements which might improve quality education were suggested. The study used both a qualitative and a quantitative approach. The concluding section of the research report suggested areas for future research relating to the process of policy implementation in adult education in South Africa.

An evaluation of Kha Ri Gude Mass Literacy Campaign at centers in Tshwane

Chinyamakobvu, Frank 18 January 2012 (has links)
This paper reports on the findings of the research in which an evaluation of the Kha Ri Gude Mass Literacy Campaign was conducted at five different learning centers in Tshwane. The campaign was initiated as a result of the observation that“… South Africa’s system of Adult Basic Education and Training (ABET) is not reducing the number of illiterates in spite of the constitutional right of all South Africans to basic education in their own language” (Ministerial Committee on Literacy, 2007: 5). Furthermore, studies have shown that illiteracy especially among black South Africans is not going down. This is thus preventing affected people from contributing effectively and meaningfully to the social economic and political life of the new democratic SouthAfrica. The evaluation was to inter alia assess how the problem of illiteracy was being addressed in light of the campaign’s focus of using mother tongue as a way of enhancing the learning process. Data collection instruments included questionnaires that were completed by coordinators, supervisors, and volunteer educators involved in the campaign. Class observations were carried out on the learning process in order to establish the degree to which mother tongue instruction made it easier for the learners to among others participate effectively and meaningfully during the learning process and assess how different volunteer educators’ different teaching methodologies impacted on the performance of the learners. Preliminary results indicate that mother tongue teaching greatly enhances learner participation and understanding. It is therefore recommended that efforts to conscientize people about the benefits of using mother tongue when teaching be done so that all people can be able to reap its benefits.

Rozvázání základních pracovněprávních vztahů na základě jednostranného právního jednání / Termination of basic employment relationships by unilateral legal acts

Wister, David January 2018 (has links)
The main goal of this thesis is to provide coherent, comprehensible and transparent view on the issues of termination of basic employment relationships by unilateral legal act, it is based on relevant legal rules (including relevant case law on to this issue). Although this institute was the principal topic of this work, I considered it necessary to pay attention to other questions which are connected with termination of basic employment relationships. In my thesis I tried to focus on individual forms of termination of employment relationship, but I also included the issue of employment relationship itself, labor law in general, and I tried to show that this law, as well as entire legislation of the Czech Republic is in harmony with sources of various international organizations and legislation of the European Union.

Transformação de frações em números: uma experiência no Ensino Fundamental / The transformation of fractions into numbers: an experience in Basic Education

Ananias, Izabela Cesario Correa 27 February 2019 (has links)
Este estudo se insere na problemática do ensino e aprendizagem de frações no Ensino Fundamental e, mais particularmente, no que se refere à apreensão das frações como números pelos alunos. Essa concepção da fração como número é descrita na literatura da área de Educação Matemática como problemática para os alunos, pois, em geral, concebem a representação a/b (com a e b naturais e b não nulo) apenas como um duplo processo de contagem no modelo parte-todo. Decidiu-se, portanto, investigar o impacto de algumas abordagens que ampliassem a referida concepção de fração como parte de inteiro. Para tanto, tomou-se como base algumas pesquisas que destacam diferentes ideias e situações para conceituar frações, bem como a Teoria dos Registros de Representação Semiótica de Raymond Duval, devido à importância de se abordar as frações em seus vários significados, por meio de diferentes representações. Realizou-se um estudo experimental de caráter qualitativo, inspirado na metodologia de Design Experiment, envolvendo 24 alunos do 6º ano do Ensino Fundamental de uma escola em Goiânia. A elaboração das atividades fundamentou-se nos constructos teóricos do levantamento bibliográfico, bem como em um questionário inicial que permitiu identificar as principais dificuldades do grupo de alunos. As hipóteses consideradas no design foram: ênfase em atividades de conversão de representações entre os registros numérico ou figural e o gráfico (reta numérica), em ambos os sentidos; e foco na ideia da fração como representação do resultado de uma divisão de dois números naturais. Foram realizadas quatro atividades, com diversas tarefas em cada uma delas, ao longo de nove encontros no âmbito das aulas regulares de Matemática. As propostas transitaram entre trabalhos em grupo e individuais, envolvendo recursos tradicionais e materiais concretos, sendo que a coleta de dados deu-se essencialmente a partir das observações da pesquisadora e dos registros orais e escritos das produções dos alunos. Na atividade principal, foi introduzido um recurso para realizar a divisão de segmentos em partes congruentes, visando dar condição para os alunos representarem frações não decimais em retas numéricas, sem realizar a conversão para a representação decimal e/ou efetuar aproximações imprecisas. As análises mostraram que houve, em geral, um amadurecimento dos estudantes em relação às ideias apresentadas, aproximando-os da concepção de fração como número uma vez que explicitaram compreensão de aspectos de equivalência e ordem ao posicionar frações em retas numéricas e perceberam que tais frações correspondiam a resultados de divisões entre dois números naturais, isto é, a quocientes vistos como quantidades. / This study concerns the issue of teaching and learning fractions in Basic Education and, more particularly, regards the students apprehension of fractions as numbers. The notion of fractions as numbers is described in Mathematics Education literature as problematic for students, since, generally, they understand the representation a/b (where a and b are natural numbers and b is different than zero) only as a double counting process in the part-whole model. Therefore, we decided to investigate the impact of some approaches that broadened the notion of fraction as part of a whole. In order to achieve that, we used as a basis research that highlights different ideas and situations to conceptualize fractions, as well as Raymond Duvals Theory of Registers of Semiotic Representation, due to the importance of approaching fractions in their diverse meanings, through different representations. We carried out an experimental study of qualitative character, inspired by the Design Experiment methodology, with 24 students in the 6th grade from a school in Goiânia. The activities were written based on the theoretical constructs analyzed in the bibliographic search, as well as based on an initial questionnaire that allowed us to identify the main difficulties that the student group had. The hypotheses considered in the design were: emphasis on activities concerning representation conversion between numerical or figural registers and graphical (number line) in both directions; and focus on the idea of fraction as the representation of a division of two natural numbers. Four activities were carried out, with several tasks in each one, along nine meetings in the context of regular Math classes. The activities varied between group and individual tasks, involving traditional resources and concrete materials, with the data collection taking place essentially through the researchers observations and oral and written records of the students productions. In the main activity, we introduced a resource to facilitate the division of segments into congruent parts, aiming to help the students depict non-decimal fractions in number lines without converting them into the decimal register and/or using inaccurate approximations. The analysis shows that, generally, there was an improvement in the students concerning the ideas presented in the activities, bringing them closer to the concept of fractions as numbers, as they demonstrated understanding aspects of equivalence and order by placing fractions in number lines and realized that these fractions corresponded to the results of divisions of two natural numbers, that is, quotients perceived as quantities.


LEDA MARINA SANTOS DA SILVA 01 October 2004 (has links)
[pt] Os conceitos de alfabetização e letramento são discutidos neste trabalho a partir da análise de práticas pedagógicas desenvolvidas por três professoras atuantes do primeiro ciclo do Ensino Fundamental, de uma escola pública de Niterói. O debate esteve respaldado principalmente nas obras de Magda Soares, que nos últimos vinte anos vêm tecendo um diálogo entre os dois conceitos, assim como na discussão realizada por Paulo Freire em que a alfabetização é pensada sob o ponto vista político e ideológico. Concomitante ao investimento nas questões teóricas foram realizadas observações sistemáticas nas salas de aula e entrevistas com as professoras pesquisadas. Estas revelaram contradições existentes no ensino da leitura e da escrita. O caminho encontrado para compreender tais contradições foi o diálogo com a antropologia, uma vez que esta disciplina busca compreender os fenômenos a partir da lógica dos sujeitos pesquisados. A escola como instituição de ensino da leitura e da escrita explicita um investimento maior no ensino da técnica de ler e escrever do que no desenvolvimento de práticas leitoras e escritoras. A literatura, entretanto, é um dos caminhos possíveis para o desenvolvimento de forma concomitante dos conceitos de alfabetização e letramento. O encaminhamento de propostas para o desenvolvimento de práticas sociais que envolvam a língua escrita revela a necessidade de reflexão sobre a concepção ideológica engendrada no processo de letramento. / [en] In this dissertation, I shall address the concepts of learning to read and write (alfabetização) and literacy on the basis of an analysis of the teaching practices developed by three public school teachers of 1st to 3rd grade children, in Niterói. The issues discussed in the text are based on Magda Soares attempt, over the last twenty years, to build a dialogue between the two concepts, as well as Paulo Freire s view that learning to read and write is a political and ideological issue. The procedures adopted in the research included theoretical based studies and systematic analysis of the subjects classroom practice, as well as interviews with them. The results indicate that the teaching of reading and writing presents contradictions. Anthropology was used in order to understand these contradictions, since this area of knowledge derives its understanding of phenomena from the analysis of the subjects rationale. As the institution responsible for the teaching of reading and writing, schools invest more effort in the teaching of techniques of reading and writing than the development of reading and writing practices. Nevertheless, literature seems to be an alternative for the development of form as well as of concepts regarding literacy and the learning of reading and writing. Proposals for the development of social practices involving written language reveal a need for reflection on the ideological nature of the process of literacy.

Planos e projetos para o transporte de São Paulo: o Metropolitano, as decisões econômicas, as priorizações e as fontes de financiamento / Plans and projects for São Paulo\'s transportation: The Metropolitan Company, economic decisions, prioritization and financing source

Pierini, Cláudio Robert 30 September 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo principal elucidar os prováveis motivos que resultaram na não conclusão da Rede Básica para o Metrô de São Paulo no ano de 1990. Para isso a pesquisa contou com a análise documental na forma de Anais e Resoluções do Senado Federal entre os anos de 1967 e 1990, sendo importante a utilização desses instrumentos pela função legisladora que desempenhavam no governo centralizador em grande parte do período estudado. Dessa forma, foi possível entender, com auxílio de outras bibliografias que formaram as fontes secundárias da pesquisa, a importância de outros modais de transporte, principalmente sobre pneus e, mais fortemente o transporte individual, que na figura do automóvel, trouxe à tona um dos componentes do projeto desenvolvimentista pretendido pelo Estado na superação do subdesenvolvimento que acometia o Brasil - e outros países da América Latina - e que vinha sendo discutida com grande força desde o Estado Novo. A Rede Básica teve como solução e problema a forma encontrada para seu financiamento: os empréstimos externos. / The present work has the main objective of clarifying the potential reasons that resulted in the non-conclusion of the Basic Network for São Paulo\'s Subway in 1990. In this regard, the research involved the documentary analysis in the form of Annals and Resolutions of Federal Senate between the years of 1967 and 1990, considering the relevance of the use of those instruments by the legislating function they played in the centralizing government in much of the period studied. Thus, it was possible to understand, with help of other bibliographic material that performed secondary research sources, the importance of other modes of transport, mainly on tires and more strongly the individual transport, which the figure of automobile raised one of the components of the developmentalist project wanted by the State during the overcoming of underdevelopment that affect Brazil - and other Latin American countries - and which was being discussed with great emphasis since the New State. The Basic Network had as solution and problem the way found for its financing: foreign loans.

Avaliação crítica do aumento da capacidade operativa dos serviços de saúde ao nível primário, Londrina, 1986-1992 / Critical evaluation of the increase in the operational capacity of health services at the primary level, Londrina, 1986-1992

Belinati, Waldmir 09 December 1994 (has links)
Foi realizado um estudo quase experimental, com processo periódico de medida, entre 1986 e 1992, baseado em variáveis e indicadores referentes à produção de serviços de saúde ambulatoriais e hospitalares, no nível de saúde da população e no financiamento dos serviços. A população de intervenção foi a cidade de Londrina, através de seu sistema de serviços de saúde baseado na assistência primária. As populações de comparação foram as do Estado do Paraná e a do Brasil, que não foram objeto de ações semelhantes em igual período. O estudo teve o objetivo principal de avaliar as relações entre o aumento da capacidade operativa dos serviços de saúde ao nível ambulatorial e a demanda de serviços de saúde ao nível hospitalar. Constatou-se no estudo a redução das freqüências de internação hospitalar da população residente em Londrina, na vigência de uma política de saúde local que priorizou a extensão de cobertura dos serviços de saúde ao nível primário, e obteve como conseqüência o aumento das freqüências absolutas de consultas médicas e de atendimentos básicos; o aumento das razões de consultas médicas por habitante; o aumento das razões de consultas médicas por internação, e a melhora dos indicadores de saúde. / A quasi-experimental study design was carried out from 1986 to 1992, involving repeated measurements on population health variables and indicators related with: outpatient and hospital health services delivery; population health level and health services financing throughout the observational period. The unit under intervention was Londrina City, compared to the state of Parana and the Country - Brazil, which did not undergo analogous health services modifications. The main objective of the study was to evaluate the relationship amongst operational health service increased capacity at the primary level, and the demands for hospital admissions. The study concluded that the general hospital admission frequencies and rates were lowred during the time when the changing local health policy became effective, maintaining a time downward trend with the primary health services extension of coverage. Other health services indexes that showed improving profiles during the same period were: general population health indicators; medical consultations; basic non-medical attendances, and ratio of medicai visits per inhabitants-vear.

Psicólogos(as) na educação em Boa Vista/Roraima: práticas e desafios / Psychologists in Education in Boa Vista/Roraima: practices and challenges

Silva, Márcia Justino da 14 November 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho toma como objeto de estudo a atuação de psicólogos no campo da Educação Básica. Trata-se de pesquisa de cunho qualitativo, orientada pelo referencial teórico-metodológico da Psicologia Educacional e Escolar de perspectiva crítica. Teve como objetivo investigar as práticas de atuação e desafios enfrentados pelos psicólogos que trabalhavam na Educação em Boa Vista/RR, com intuito de conhecer a inserção destes no sistema educacional. O processo de levantamento dos dados foi realizado entre os meses de março e abril de 2018, por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas, audiogravadas e transcritas. Quanto aos resultados, encontramos 22 psicólogos trabalhando em instituições educacionais e escolares de ensino superior, secretarias governamentais de educação, escolas públicas e privadas, dos quais 16 foram entrevistados; a grande maioria atuava na Educação Básica; metade dos entrevistados ingressou por concurso público e a outra metade era contratada e comissionada; poucos foram contratados como psicólogos escolares. Para a realização da análise, selecionamos os dez psicólogos com mais tempo no cargo, cujas respostas categorizamos em dois Eixos de análise: Eixo 1: Das práticas de atuação dos(as) psicólogos(as) nas instituições educacionais e Eixo 2: Os desafios da atuação dos(as) psicólogos(as) no extremo norte do país. Quanto às práticas de atuação identificamos que 60% atuavam na modalidade clínica e 40% na modalidade clínica e institucional. Como desafios enfrentados na atuação dos psicólogos verificamos sobrecarga de trabalho, dificuldade em romper com o modelo clínico no cotidiano escolar, falta de infraestrutura para desenvolver suas ações, falta de tempo para a formação continuada e dificuldade de compreender a atuação do psicólogo escolar enquanto ação institucional. Diante do exposto, compreendemos ser necessária uma mudança de paradigma na atuação dos psicólogos que trabalham na Educação na região e a Psicologia Educacional e Escolar crítica apresenta fundamentos teórico-práticos consistentes que contribuem para uma atuação que leve em conta os determinantes sociais, políticos, culturais e pedagógicos que constituem o processo de escolarização / This present study takes as object of analysis psychologists performance in the field of Elementary Education. It comes to a qualitative nature research, guided by the Educational and School Psychology of critical perspective. It aimed to examine practices and challenges faced by the psychologists who have worked in the Education field in Boa Vista / RR, in order to investigate their insertion in the educational system. The data collection process was carried out between March and April 2018, through semi-structured, audiotaped and transcribed interviews. Regarding the results, we found 22 psychologists working in educational and higher education institutions, government agencies of education, public and private schools, of which 16 were interviewed; the vast majority worked in Elementary Education; half of the interviewees were joined by public exam and the other half were hired and commissioned; few of them were hired as school psychologists. In order to carry out the analysis, we selected ten psychologists who have remained longer in function, whose answers we categorize into two Axes of analysis: Axis 1: Psychologists\' Practices in educational institutions and Axis 2: Psychologists Challenges in the extreme north of the country. Regarding to their performing practices, we identified that 60% were in clinical modality and 40% in clinical and institutional modalities. As for their challenges, we ascertained overload work, difficulty of breaking with clinical model in school routine, lack of infrastructure to develop their actions, lack of time for continuing education and difficulty of understanding the school psychologist performance as an institutional action. Based on the above considerations, we understand that a paradigm shift is needed in the performance of psychologists who are working in Education in the region, and the Educational and School Psychology of critical perspective put forward solid theoretical-practical foundations that contribute to an action that takes into account social, political, cultural determinants and pedagogical processes that constitute the schooling process

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