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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Knowledge, Truth, and Schooling for Social Change: Studying Environmental Education in Science Classrooms

Tan, Michael 07 January 2013 (has links)
While recent research trends in science education have focussed the collective attention at utilizing the science curriculum as a means towards positive social change, such efforts have largely been predicated on understandings of the nature of knowledge and truth as socially constructed entities. Through this lens of social constructivism, knowledge is said to bear the signature of individuals and institutions in power, and therefore extant knowledge is considered to be the vehicle for further oppression of disadvantaged groups. There are at least two ways in which this argument is deeply flawed—social constructivism accords to itself epistemic positions it denies others, and an intellectually honest application of its principles leads to a position where there is no way to distinguish between better or worse positions on issues. In contrast, the principle of social realism takes a ‘middle path’, acknowledging the social reality of knowledge construction but disavowing the relativism of social constructivism. Through this epistemological foundation, implications arise for curriculum theory—how is it that we may discriminate forms of knowledge for in/ex-clusion into the school curriculum? In this study, I consider the curriculum changes in the Ontario elementary science anxd technology curriculum. I ask two key questions: (i) What are the effects of the curriculum revisions on the knowledge content of the science curriculum? and: (ii) What are the characteristics of science pedagogy in fulfilment of these curriculum changes? I develop instruments to analyze curriculum documentation, and classroom pedagogy. The major findings of this project include: (i) the curriculum revisions have added environmental knowledge expectations with varying degrees of disconnection from the scientific content knowledge; (ii) knowledge expectations removed to accommodate environmental expectations constituted important scientific principles; (iii) environmental pedagogy in science classrooms reflected the disconnection between science and environmental knowledge, most obviously in the upper grades where the degree of boundary maintenance between knowledge forms was strongest; (iv) this disconnection between environmental and scientific knowledge forms inhibited the cumulative modality of knowledge (re)production. A discussion of results and the general principles of the importance of knowledge concludes the project.

Anàlisi del discurs regulatiu a l'ensenyament

Escofet Roig, Anna 09 November 1995 (has links)
Aquesta tesi és un estudi sobre el discurs regulatiu en els centres d'ensenyament primari i secundari de Catalunya. L'òptica des de la qual partim i que emmarca teòricament aquesta investigació és la teoria creada per Basil Bernstein els anys seixanta, i desenvolupada fins a l'actualitat. Aquesta teoria s'inscriu en el camp de la sociologia de l'educació i fa una anàlisi del sistema educatiu com eix fonamental de transmissió cultural, cosa que permet explicar les complexes relacions entre escola i societat. Aquest és, si més no el nostre interès.Per aconseguir el nostre propòsit ens basem en les teoritzacions de Bernstein i en estudis pràctics de col.laboradors i deixebles d'aquest sociòleg. Al llarg de l'explicació dels fonaments teòrics es veuran referències concretes a aquests autors.L'interès que té aquest projecte es pot explicar a més d'un nivell. Primer de tot, la investigació que es planteja pretén ampliar els coneixements dins de la teoria bemsteniana de la construcció social del discurs pedagògic, fent èmfasi en una part no gaire treballada pels continuadors i deixebles del sociòleg, el discurs regulatiu. Això permetrà aprofundir en la teoria esmentada, poc coneguda encara al nostre país, ni a nivell teòric ni a nivell de possibles aplicacions a l'escola, malgrat que ja fa un cert temps que va ser creada.Un segon punt d'interès resideix en el mateix estudi. La divisió que es fa del discurs pedagògic i de les seves pràctiques -instruccional i regulativa-, l'estudi concret del discurs i les pràctiques regulatives, permet ampliar la visió que tenim de l'escola i ens pot fer reflexionar sobre un punt, que no per obvi, de vegades deixem de costat. L'estudi que es pot fer de la producción de la subjectivitat de l'alumne i de les relacions verticals i horitzontals que es donen a qualsevol lloc (físic i temporal) de l'escola hauria de permetre repensar la pràctica pedagògica des d'aquesta perspectiva.Per aconseguir el nostre propòsÍt, la tesi plantejarà una investigació sociològica per estudiar la tipologia del discurs i de les pràctiques regulatives a les escoles d'ensenyament primari í secundari de Catalunya.En primer lloc, hi ha la Part.Primera que pretén centrar a nivell teòric la nostra òptica de treball. Aquesta part està dedicada en la seva totalitat a la descripció de la teoria bernsteiniana, i més concretament, als desenvolupaments teòrics centrats en la descripció del sistema educatiu com a eix de transmissió cultural.La Part Segona parteix dels pressupostos teòrics exposats per iniciar una investigadó sociològica centrada en l'anàlisi de la tipologia dels discursos i pràctiques educatives dels centres d'ensenyament primari i secundari públic de Catalunya. Aquesta investigació té dues parts diferenciades. Una primera està basada en el pas d'un qüestionari als equips directius d'aproximadament 650 centres públics de primària i secundària catalans. Aquest qüestionari pretén caracteritzar el tipus de discurs educatiu de cada un dels centres estudiats, amb l'objectiu d'arribar a construir una taxonomia que categoritzi les diferents tipologies que podem trobar. A més, el mateix qüestionari s'ha passat a un grup de centres d'ensenyament privat i a un grup de centres d'ensenyament públic andalusos, que actuen com a grups de control.La segona part de la investigació té com a objectíu l'estudi de la tipologia de les pràctiques educatives dels mateixos centres, amb el doble objectiu de veure les coincidències entre el discurs teòric de cada centre i la realitat de la pràctica a l'aula, en primer lloc; i en segon, per poder estudiar en profunditat la relació de la pràctica educativa i les característiques socials d'educands i educador. En aquesta part també s'inclouen els resultats dels grups de control dels centres d'ensenyament privat i dels centres d'ensenyament públic andalusos.Per acabar, la tesi inclou un apartat denominat Conclusions, Reflexions i Suggeriments, que vol ser la cloenda de les reflexions que amb aquesta tesi no fan més que iniciar-se i que esperem poder continuar desenvolupant. / This thesis is a study of regulative discourse in educational centres. The theoretical basis of this investigation is the theory created by Basil Bernstein. This theory, in the field of sociology of education, sets out to analyze the educational system as the fundamental axis of cultural transmission.The thesis proposes a sociological investigation to study the form of regulative discourse and regulative practices in Primary and Secondary Schools in Catalonia.The investigation has two distinct parts. The first is based on a questionnaire given out to the heads of approximately 650 public educational centres, in an attempt to classify the different typologies of educative discourses found. The second part of the investigation aims to study the typology of educative practices in the same centres with two main objectives: Firstly, to find out if similarities exists between the theoretical discourse in each centre and the real practices in the classroom; Secondly, to study in depth the relationship between the educational practice and the social characteristics of the pupils and teachers.Summarizing the results obtained, we have to say that the closed values, in general, in the regulative and instructional educational practices correspond to the closed values of the institutional educational discourse in these centres. Furthermore, the results obtained have allowed us to affirm that there is an influence at the level of teaching in the type of educational practice carried out in the classroom. We have also been able to observe that the instructional educational practice and the regulative educational practice are closely related in such a way that when one presents open values the other does the same and vice versa.Lastly, we have been unable to find out whether the social characteristics of pupils influence the type of educational practice in the classroom. We have also been unable to clearly establish, although certain tendencies can be observed, whether the social characteristics of the teaching staff influence the educational practice in the classroom.We consider these results to be of considerable interest and open to further investigation.

The influence of the second sophistic on the style of the sermons of St. Basil the Great by James Marshall Campbell.

Campbell, James Marshall, January 1922 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Catholic University of America. / Vita. "Select bibliography": p. [v]-vii.

Christliche Kosmologie und kaiserzeitliche Philosophie : Die Auslegung des Schöpfungsberichtes bei Origenes, Basilius und Gregor von Nyssa vor dem Hintergrund kaiserzeitlicher Timaeus-Interpretationen.

Köckert, Charlotte. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Hamburg, Universiẗat, 2007, titled: Christliche Kosmologie und antike Naturphilosophie. / Includes bibliographical references (p. [547]-586) and indexes.

Writing at the edge of the person lyric subjectivity in Cambridge poetry, 1966-1993 /

Butler, Thomas, January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Notre Dame, 2005. / Thesis directed by Romana Huk for the Department of English. "June 2005." Focuses on the poets J.H. Prynne, Peter Riley and Denise Riley, as well as the influence of Basil Bunting. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 222-237).

Regulation of guard-cell function by the regulatory apoplastic photosynthate pool

Kang, Yun. Outlaw, William H. January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Florida State University, 2005. / Advisor: William H. Outlaw Jr., Florida State University, College of Arts and Sciences, Dept. of Biological Science. Title and description from dissertation home page (viewed Jan. 26, 2006). Document formatted into pages; contains x, 60 pages. Includes bibliographical references.

The life and times of St. Basil the Great as revealed in his works

Fox, Margaret Mary, January 1939 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Catholic University of America, 1939. / Includes index. "Selected bibliography": p. ix-xv.

Πρόσληψη, επένδυση και πρακτικές των τσιγγάνων στην εκπαίδευση : Η περίπτωση των τσιγγάνων στα Σαγαίικα Αχαΐας

Κοκκίνη, Σοφία 01 February 2013 (has links)
Στην παρούσα μελέτη διερευνώνται η πρόσληψη, η επένδυση και οι πρακτικές των τσιγγάνων στην εκπαίδευση, στη δημοτική ενότητα των Σαγαιΐκων, του δήμου Δυτικής Αχαΐας. Πιο συγκεκριμένα εξετάζονται οι αντιλήψεις των τσιγγάνων για το σχολείο και τη σχολική φοίτηση και η επένδυσή τους στην εκπαίδευση μέσα από τις πρακτικές τους. Για την κατανόησή τους, τα εντάσσουμε και δίνουμε ιδιαίτερο βάρος στο ευρύτερο κοινωνικό περιβάλλον και τα πολιτισμικά στοιχεία της ομάδας των τσιγγάνων. Πέρα από τη συναφή βιβλιογραφία, η έρευνα στηρίζεται σε ομαδικές, εις βάθος συνεντεύξεις με τσιγγάνους, στον τρόπο ζωής τους και σε επιτόπια παρατήρηση. Σε ότι αφορά την ερμηνεία στηριχτήκαμε στο θεωρητικό πλαίσιο του Basil Bernstein. Από την έρευνα προέκυψε ότι οι τσιγγάνοι έχουν εργαλειακή αντίληψη για το σχολείο. Έχουν επίσης μεγάλα ποσοστά σχολικής διαρροής και αυτό το αποδίδουμε κυρίως σε εξωγενείς και δευτερευόντως σε ενδογενείς παράγοντες. / In this study we investigate the recruitment, investment and practices of Gypsy education, of the municipal unity Sagaiika of West Achaea. More specifically it is examined the perceptions of gypsies for school and schooling and their investment in education through their practices. For these to be understood, we incorporate and focus on the broader social environment and gypsies’ culture. The research builds on group interviews with Gypsies, the way of their living and at field observation. Regarding to the interpretation, we based on the theoretical framework of Basil Bernstein. The investigation revealed that the gypsies have instrumental view of the school. They also have high rates of school dropouts and this was attributed to external factors mainly and to internal secondarily.

Mentha X Piperita, Ocimum basilicum e Salvia deserta, (Lamiaceae): abordagens fisiológicas e fitoquímicas / Mentha X Piperita, Ocimum basilicum e Salvia deserta (Lamiaceae): phytochemical and physiological approaches

Búfalo, Jennifer [UNESP] 23 February 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-12T18:48:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2015-02-23. Added 1 bitstream(s) on 2016-08-12T18:50:53Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 000864887.pdf: 1752440 bytes, checksum: d26e22c07732b2886583b6810b8e0df6 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / Medicinal and aromatic plants such as peppermint (Mentha x piperita), sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum) and salvia (Salvia deserta) have great importance in the global context due to the demand of the food, chemical, and pharmaceutical industries. Peppermint is used by folk medicine and is grown mainly for essential oil extraction. The study investigated whether osmotic stress induced by two polyethyleneglycol (PEG) levels, in a short time, in peppermint changes the physiological pattern, anatomy, leaf ultrastructure and essential oil content and composition. The results indicated that osmotic stress responses were dose dependent, as plants subjected to PEG 50 g L-1 maintained structural features and metabolic functions similar to those of control plants. Plants exposed to PEG 100 g L-1 showed anatomical changes and ultrastructural damage as degradation and organelles lysis, which are in agreement with the low leaf water potential, gas exchange reduction, increase of total sugars, and activity of antioxidant enzymes. These plants showed lower content and quality of essential oil. Sweet basil, an important medicinal plant used mainly in culinary arts, was grown in a greenhouse using both organic and conventional fertilization systems with two nitrogen rates each (150 and 250 kg N/ha). The results showed that the highest fresh weight was obtained from the plants grown with conventional fertilizer at a rate of 250 kg N/ha. The treatments did not affect the essential oil content, yield, and composition and linalool was the major compound found in the study. The results showed that regardless of fertilizer, organic or conventional, there was no change in the composition of the oil. The bioprospecting conducted with S. deserta roots identified the presence of four diterpenes with biological activities. Taxodione showed leishmanicidal, antifungal, and antimicrobial activity, and the ferruginol displayed the greatest activity (24-h IC50 1.29 mg/L) ... / CAPES: 140495/2011-8 / CNPq: 4873-13-0

Mentha X Piperita, Ocimum basilicum e Salvia deserta, (Lamiaceae) : abordagens fisiológicas e fitoquímicas /

Búfalo, Jennifer. January 2015 (has links)
Orientador: Carmen Sílvia Fernandes Boaro / Banca: Filipe Pereira Giardini Bonfim / Banca: Ilio Montanari Junior / Banca: Marcia Ortiz Mayo Marques / Banca: Elizabeth Orika Ono / Resumo: As plantas medicinais e aromáticas como hortelã-pimenta (Mentha x piperita), manjericão doce (Ocimum basilicum) e salvia (Salvia deserta) possuem grande importância no contexto mundial devido à demanda das indústrias de alimentos, químicas e farmacêuticas. Hortelã-pimenta, além de ser utilizada pela medicina popular, é cultivada principalmente pela extração de óleo essencial. O estudo realizado objetivou avaliar se o estresse osmótico, aplicado em duas concentrações de polietilenoglicol (PEG) em curto período de tempo, influencia na anatomia e ultraestrutura foliar e interfere no padrão fisiológico da M. x piperita, modificando o perfil do óleo essencial. Os resultados indicaram que as respostas ao estresse osmótico, foram dose dependente, pois as plantas submetidas ao PEG 50 g L-1 mantiveram os aspectos estruturais e funções metabólicas semelhantes às plantas do tratamento controle. Plantas submetidas ao PEG 100 g L-1, apresentaram alterações anatômicas, danos ultraestruturais, como degradação e lise de organelas, as quais estão de acordo com a redução do potencial água das folhas e das trocas gasosas, aumento no conteúdo de açúcares totais e ativação no sistema de defesa antioxidante. Essas plantas apresentaram diminuição do conteúdo e qualidade do óleo essencial. O manjericão doce, planta medicinal importante utilizada principalmente na culinária, foi cultivado em casa de vegetação em sistema de fertilização orgânica e convencional, em duas doses de nitrogênio (150 e 250 kg ha-1 N). Os resultados revelaram que plantas cultivadas com fertilizante convencional na dose de 250 kg ha-1 N apresentaram maior massa fresca. Os tratamentos aplicados não afetaram o conteúdo, produção e composição do óleo essencial, sendo o linalol, o composto majoritário encontrado no estudo. Os resultados demostraram que independente do fertilizante, orgânico ou convencional, não houve modificação da... / Abstract: Medicinal and aromatic plants such as peppermint (Mentha x piperita), sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum) and salvia (Salvia deserta) have great importance in the global context due to the demand of the food, chemical, and pharmaceutical industries. Peppermint is used by folk medicine and is grown mainly for essential oil extraction. The study investigated whether osmotic stress induced by two polyethyleneglycol (PEG) levels, in a short time, in peppermint changes the physiological pattern, anatomy, leaf ultrastructure and essential oil content and composition. The results indicated that osmotic stress responses were dose dependent, as plants subjected to PEG 50 g L-1 maintained structural features and metabolic functions similar to those of control plants. Plants exposed to PEG 100 g L-1 showed anatomical changes and ultrastructural damage as degradation and organelles lysis, which are in agreement with the low leaf water potential, gas exchange reduction, increase of total sugars, and activity of antioxidant enzymes. These plants showed lower content and quality of essential oil. Sweet basil, an important medicinal plant used mainly in culinary arts, was grown in a greenhouse using both organic and conventional fertilization systems with two nitrogen rates each (150 and 250 kg N/ha). The results showed that the highest fresh weight was obtained from the plants grown with conventional fertilizer at a rate of 250 kg N/ha. The treatments did not affect the essential oil content, yield, and composition and linalool was the major compound found in the study. The results showed that regardless of fertilizer, organic or conventional, there was no change in the composition of the oil. The bioprospecting conducted with S. deserta roots identified the presence of four diterpenes with biological activities. Taxodione showed leishmanicidal, antifungal, and antimicrobial activity, and the ferruginol displayed the greatest activity (24-h IC50 1.29 mg/L) ... / Doutor

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