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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kvinnor som utsätts för våld i nära relationer : Deras erfarenheter av möten med vårdpersonal på akutmottagning / Women who are exposed to intimate partner violence : Their experiences of encounters with healthcare professionals in the emergency department

Sjögren Espinoza, Simone, Wallenius, Emma January 2021 (has links)
Background: Intimate partner violence (IPV) is the most common form of men's violence against women. It is a public health and societal problem that threatens women's lives and well-being. Victims of IPV often seek care at the emergency department (ED) first hand. Nurses need knowledge about this subject and have a responsibility to screen for IPV. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe how women exposed to IPV experience the meeting with healthcare staff when seeking care at the emergency department. Method: A literature study was conducted with ten articles that had a qualitative approach. The collected data was analysed with manifest content analysis. Results: Two categories and four subcategories were generated from the analyse. The first category was :the women’s emotional process within with subcategories: barriers for disclosing intimate partner violence and the care environments impact. The second category was: the health care staff's attitude affects the care with subcategories: the need for empathic behaviour to enable trust and to be ‘seen and heard’.  Conclusion: Women who are victims of IPV experience fear and a loss of their autonomy and control when seeking care at an ED. It was crucial that these women were treated with empathy to overcome the fear of disclosing the IPV and to be able to continue to seek care. / Bakgrund: Våld i nära relationer är den vanligaste formen av mäns våld mot kvinnor. Det är ett samhälls- och folkhälsoproblem som hotar kvinnors liv och hälsa. Våldsutsatta kvinnor söker ofta vård på akutmottagningen i första hand. Sjuksköterskan behöver kunskap inom ämnet och har ett ansvar att fråga om våld i nära relationer. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva hur kvinnor som har utsatts för våld i nära relationer erfar mötet med vårdpersonal på akutmottagning. Metod: En litteraturstudie genomfördes med tio vetenskapliga artiklar med kvalitativ ansats. Insamlade data analyserades med manifest innehållsanalys. Resultat: Två kategorier och fyra subkategorier framkom utifrån analysen. Den första kategorin var: kvinnornas emotionella inre process med subkategorierna: barriärer kring att berätta om våldet och vårdmiljöns påverkan. Andra kategorin var: vårdpersonalens attityd påverkar vårdmötet med subkategorierna: Förtroendeingivande bemötande och att inte bli ‘sedd och hörd’.  Slutsats: Kvinnor som utsatts för våld i nära relation upplevde rädsla och förlust av kontroll och autonomi när de sökt vård. Att bli bemött med empati var avgörande för att kvinnorna ska våga berätta om våldet de utsätts för och för att fortsätta söka vård.

Omhändertagande av våldsutsatta kvinnor och deras erfarenheter av bemötande från vårdpersonal : En litteraturstudie

Erwall, Astrid, Ferm, Johanna January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Runt 30 procent av alla kvinnor som någon gång varit i en relation har utsatts för våld. Våld är ett samhällsproblem som växer globalt sett och kan bidra till bristande hälsa och minskat välmående hos kvinnan. Syfte: Få en djupare förståelse kring hur omhändertagandet av våldsutsatta kvinnor ser ut inom vården samt kvinnors upplevelser av vårdpersonalens bemötande efter att ha berättat om våldet. Metod: En litteraturstudie med systematisk sökning och innehållsanalys av kvalitativa studier. Resultat: Två huvudkategorier identifierades: Omhändertagande och Kvinnors erfarenheter med två respektive tre underkategorier. Åtgärder består till största del av att remittera kvinnan vidare till andra instanser. Det finns en stor brist på utbildning och kunskap hos vårdpersonal i att bemöta och ge ett adekvat omhändertagande av våldsutsatta kvinnor. Kvinnors erfarenheter av bemötande varierar stort. En del uppger att de blivit bemötta med empati, blivit tagna på allvar och tilläts prata om våldet medan andra blivit skuldbelagda, dömda och förminskade. Barriärer som motsätter att kvinnorna berättar om våld kan vara brist på tillit, rädsla för att bli skuldbelagda och dömd, att våldsutövaren ständigt närvarar samt ekonomiska hinder. Slutsats: Det finns behov av ytterligare forskning kring omvårdnadspersonalens befintliga utbildning samt kvinnors behov vid bemötande. / Background: About 30 percent of all women who have ever been in a relationship have been subjected to violence. Violence is a societal problem that is growing globally and can contribute to poor health and reduced well-being in women. Aim: The aim of this literature review was to gain a deeper understanding of how women are treated in the health care services, and the experiences women have with health care personnel after the disclosure of violence. Method: A literature search was conducted alongside content analysis of qualitative research. Results: Two main themes were found: Care and Women’s experiences’, two respectively three subcategories. Action mainly consists of referring the women on to other agencies. There is a great lack of training and knowledge among healthcare professionals in responding to and providing adequate care for abused women. Women’s experiences of treatment vary highly. Some state that they’ve been treated with empathy, been taken seriously and allowed to talk about the violence, whilst others have been blamed, judged and reduced. Barriers that prevent women from disclosing about violence can be lack of trust, fear of being blamed and judged, the perpetrator may be constantly present or financial obstacles. Conclusion: There is a need for further research on the existing training of nursing staff and the needs of women in treatment.

Toward a reconceptualization of battered women : appealing to partial agency

Panet-Raymond, Louise January 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Sjuksköterskans möte med fysiskt misshandlade kvinnor - en systematisk litteraturöversikt

Rydén, Caroline, Wessman, Marie January 2010 (has links)
Mäns våld mot kvinnor är ett globalt problem och förekommer i alla samhällsklasser. Sjukvården har ett stort ansvar gällande identifiering och omvårdnad av dessa kvinnor, men många utsatta kvinnor går obemärkt förbi sjukvården. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att belysa mötet mellan sjuksköterskan och fysiskt misshandlade kvinnor. Metoden var en systematisk litteraturöversikt bearbetad utifrån en forskningsprocess enligt Goodmans sju steg. Resultatet grundade sig på 12 vetenskapliga artiklar, både av kvalitativ och kvantitativ art. Artiklarna togs fram ur databaserna PubMed, CINAHL och PsycINFO. Resultatet visade att det fanns ett flertal hinder för sjuksköterskan vid identifiering av misshandlade kvinnor, där de mest framträdande var bristfällig kunskap och tidsbrist. Vikten av att skapa trygghet och förtroende till kvinnan var centralt för att hon skulle våga anförtro sig. Resultatet har tolkats utifrån Kari Martinsens omvårdnadsteori som bygger på beroendet av andra människor i speciella situationer och inlevelse i patientens situation. Det är tydligt att mer utbildning inom ämnet behövs liksom nationella handlingsplaner. / Violence against women is a global problem and occurs in all social classes. The healthcare system has a great responsibility, relating to identification and nursing of these women. Many vulnerable women go unnoticed by the healthcare system though. The aim of this study was to highlight the meeting between the nurse and the physically abused women. The method was a systematic literature review using the science process according to Goodman’s seven steps. The results were based on 12 scientific articles, with both qualitative and quantitative research. The articles were collected from the databases PubMed, CINAHL and PsycINFO. The result showed several barriers in identifying physically abused women. The most significant factors were lack of knowledge and time constraints. The importance of creating a sense of security and confidence between the nurse and the woman was crucial to disclose the abuse. The result has been interpreted from Kari Martinsens nursing theory based on the dependency of other people in special situations and empathy in the patient's situation. It is obvious that more education in this area is necessary as well as national guidelines.

Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att ställa frågor om våld till kvinnliga patienter : En litteraturöversikt / Nurses' experiences of asking female patients about violence : A literature review​

Lidell, Alicia, Ahlsén, Maja January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Mäns våld mot kvinnor är ett globalt samhällsproblem och kan resultera i allvarliga konsekvenser för kvinnans hälsa. I enlighet med sjuksköterskors etiska kod bär sjuksköterskor ett ansvar över att säkerställa att patienten erbjuds god vård, vilket bland annat omfattas av att värna om patienters säkerhet och motverka att patienten blir utsatt för hot och fara. Socialstyrelsens föreskrifter fastslår hälso- och sjukvårdens ansvar över att fastställa rutiner kring arbetet med våldsutsatta patienter. Med bakgrund av detta är det av betydelse att sjuksköterskor ställer frågor om våld till kvinnliga patienter för att uppmärksamma och identifiera våldsutsatthet. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att ställa frågor om våld till kvinnliga patienter inom hälso- och sjukvården. Metod: En litteraturöversikt med tolv artiklar; fem kvalitativa artiklar, fyra kvantitativa artiklar samt tre artiklar med mixad metod. Artiklarna är hämtade från databaserna PubMed och Cinahl Complete.   Resultat: Utifrån dataanalysen identifierades fyra teman. Arbetsmiljö och arbetsrutiner, brist på kunskap, att bli känslomässigt påverkad och att identifiera tecken på våld.  Slutsats: Sjuksköterskor påverkas känslomässigt av att arbeta med våldsutsatta kvinnor. Till följd av brister i arbetsmiljön upplever även sjuksköterskor att de saknar tid och möjlighet till att ställa frågor om våld. Vidare finns meningsskiljaktigheter i när och hur frågor om våld ska ställas, vilket relateras till otydliga arbetsrutiner. Sjuksköterskor uppgav även att de hindras från att ställa frågor om våld på grund av bristande kunskap och utbildning. Konsekvensen blir att frågor om våld inte ställs och att våldet därmed inte upptäcks i önskvärd utsträckning. / Background: Men's violence against women is a global social problem and can result in serious consequences for women's health. In accordance with the nursing code of ethics, nurses have a responsibility to ensure that patients are offered good care, which includes safeguarding the safety of patients and preventing patients from being exposed to threats and danger. The regulations of the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare state the responsibility of health care to establish procedures and routines for working with patients who have experienced violence. Based on this, it is important for nurses to ask women patients about violence in order to raise awareness and identify victimization.  Aim: The aim was to describe nurses’ experiences of asking female patients about violence in health care. Method: A literature review with twelve articles; five qualitative articles, four quantitative articles and three articles with a mixed method. The articles are retrieved from the databases PubMed and Cinahl Complete. Results: Based on the data analysis, four themes have been identified. Work environment and work routines, lack of knowledge, being emotionally affected and identifying signs of violence. Conclusions: Nurses are emotionally affected by working with abused women. Due to shortcomings in the work environment, nurses also feel that they lack the time and opportunity to ask questions about violence. Furthermore, there are differences of opinion on when and how questions about violence should be asked, which is related to unclear work routines. Nurses also stated that they are prevented from asking questions about violence due to a lack of knowledge and training. The consequence is that questions about violence are not asked and that violence is not detected to the desired extent.

A Study on the Effect of Whey Protein Isolate as an Ingredient-Based Oil ReductionStrategy in Fried Food

Pettit, Katherine L. 11 June 2014 (has links)
No description available.

En kartläggning över kliniskt verksamma fysioterapeuters tillvägagångssätt i möten med våldsutsatta kvinnor på offentliga- och privata vårdcentraler / A survey on clinically active physiotherapists approach when meeting battered women in private- and public healthcare

Sandkvist, Wilma, Sortti, Ellen January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Våld i nära relation är ett globalt samhällsproblem där kvinnor är mest drabbade. Till följd av våldets konsekvenser för individen har personal inom hälso- och sjukvården en unik möjlighet att identifiera och hjälpa dessa kvinnor. Sjukvårdspersonal såsom fysioterapeuter har en hög sannolikhet att möta dessa kvinnor. Det råder brist på riktlinjer för fysioterapeuter för hur dessa patienter ska bemötas och vilka åtgärder som bör användas. Kännedom om fysioterapeuters erfarenheter av att möta våldsutsatta kvinnor är därför viktigt för att öka kunskapen om hur kvinnor bäst ska bemötas. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att kartlägga vilka åtgärder som används av fysioterapeuter på vårdcentraler i Sverige vid bemötande av våldsutsatta kvinnor. Vidare studerandes eventuella skillnader mellan fysioterapeuter på privata och offentliga vårdcentraler, samt mellan fysioterapeuter med examen innan och efter 2018.  Metod: En egenkonstruerad enkät skickades ut i åtta Facebookgrupper för fysioterapeuter som identifierats efter lämplighet. Efter fem veckor med låg svarsfrekvens skickades enkäten även ut till en lista med handledare via e-post. Enkäten låg ute i sex veckor varpå svaren kodades om till siffror och datan analyserades genom jämförelser av median och kvartilavstånd, samt Mann-Whitney U-test (two tailed).  Resultat: Enkäten fick 33 svar där 13 regioner representerades. Åtgärder med högst frekvens var att "erbjuda patienten ett nytt besök” samt att “erbjuda information om de stödtjänster som finns”. Ingen statistiskt signifikant skillnad sågs i jämförelse mellan privata och offentliga vårdcentraler. Ej heller vid jämförelse av dem med examen innan och efter 2018. / Background: Intimate partner violence is a global issue where women are most affected. Due to the consequences of the violence, healthcare professionals have a unique opportunity to identify and help the victims. Healthcare professionals, such as physiotherapists, are highly likely to encounter these women. There are no guidelines on how to treat these women aimed at physiotherapists. Knowledge on the experiences of physiotherapists when meeting these women is essential to raise knowledge on how to best treat them. Objective: The aim of the study was to identify which strategies and measures are used by physiotherapists in primary care in Sweden when meeting abused women. Additionally, the study aimed to investigate differences between private and public health centers, as well as participants who graduated before and after 2018.  Design: A self-constructed survey was published in 8 facebook groups for physiotherapists, chosen based on suitability. After 5 weeks with a low response rate, the survey was sent out to a list of supervisors through email. The survey was open for 6 weeks after which the answers were encoded and analyzed through comparing median and interquartile range, as well as the Mann-Whitney U test (two tailed). Results: The survey generated 33 responses, with 13 healthcare regions represented. The most frequently used measures were to “offer the patient a new appointment” and to “offer information about available support services”. No statistically significant differences were observed when comparing responses from private and public health centers, nor when comparing respondents who graduated before or after 2018.

Týrané dítě hospitalizované na jednotce intenzivní péče / Abused child hospitalized in intensive care unit

Burešová, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
Surname and name: Burešová Lucie Department: Nursing Title of thesis: Abused child hospitalized in intensive care unit Consultant: PhDr. Jaroslava Hanušová, Ph.D. Number of pages: numbered: 69, without numbers: 22 Number of appendices: 4 Number of literature items used: 24 Key words: battered child, abused child, Child abuse syndrome, vexation, sex abuse, critical states in childhood Summary: The work discusses the theme of abused children hospitalized in Intensive care units. Especially it is studying approach of the nurses of intensive care units to the children hospitalized for the reason of serious results of ill-treatment. The work is divided into the theoretical and practical part. In the theoretical part there is detailed characterization of the main topic - child abuse. The practical part is processed in form of research through the medium of lists of questions. Lists of questions were distributed to the nurses of intensive care units. It was research for the knowledge and view of nurses in questions of child abuse. This work would contribute to better providing of precise care for abused children in critical state hospitalized in intensive care units.

Violência contra menores de 15 anos no município de Londrina, Paraná: análise epidemiológica de suas notificações / Violence against children under age 15 in the county of Londrina, Paraná: epidemiologic analysis of its notifications

Martins, Christine Baccarat de Godoy 04 July 2008 (has links)
Introdução - No Brasil, o conhecimento sobre a dimensão da violência é ainda escasso, não sendo possível conhecer a freqüência exata dos casos de abuso contras criança e adolescentes. Mediante a importância epidemiológica da violência contra esse grupo e mediante, ainda, as conseqüências biopsicossociais desta violência, torna-se fundamental conhecê-la, no esforço de mapear sua morbidade ainda desconhecida no município de estudo. Objetivo - Estudar a ocorrência e as características da violência contra menores de 15 anos, residentes no município de Londrina, Estado do Paraná, atendidos nos anos de 2002 e 2006 pelos Conselhos Tutelares de Londrina e serviços de atendimento às crianças e adolescentes vitimizados. Métodos - Os dados foram obtidos junto aos registros dos Conselhos Tutelares, Programa Sentinela da Prefeitura Municipal de Londrina (atendimento das crianças e adolescentes vítimas de violência sexual), Projeto de Extensão "De Olho no Futuro" da Universidade Estadual de Londrina (atendimento multidisciplinar às crianças e adolescentes vítimas de violência) e Fórum de Londrina (Vara da Infância e da Juventude). A coleta de dados consistiu em duas etapas: 1) coleta de dados junto aos Conselhos Tutelares e serviços de atendimento - atendimentos de 2002 e 2006 com a finalidade de análise comparativa. 2) seguimento dos casos encaminhados ao Fórum em 2002 (decorridos cinco anos da denúncia). Foi utilizado um formulário previamente testado. Os casos de violência, bem como as lesões decorrentes, foram classificados segundo o Capítulo XX e XIX da Classificação Internacional de Doenças - CID, 10ª revisão. Foram analisadas variáveis quanto à denúncia, ao atendimento, à vítima, à família, ao agressor, à violência praticada, às conseqüências da violência, às reincidências e ao desfecho dos casos encaminhados ao Fórum. Para processamento e tabulação dos dados foi utilizado o programa computacional Epi Info - versão 6.0. Resultados - Foram estudados 1620 casos notificados de violência contra menores de 15 anos (607 em 2002 e 1013 em 2006), o que representa uma taxa de incidência de 0,5% e 0,8% nos respectivos anos. Os denunciantes mais freqüentes foram a mãe (21,1% em 2002 e 24,2% em 2006), os profissionais de saúde (19,9 em 2002 e 23,7% em 2006) e a escola (15,2% em 2002 10,3% em 2006). Os maiores coeficientes de incidência foram observados na idade de 2 anos para as meninas (coeficiente de 13,5 por 1000) e na idade de 6 anos para os meninos (12,7 por 1000) em 2002. No ano de 2006, os coeficientes mais elevados se deram aos 4 anos para as meninas (26,4) e aos 5 anos para os meninos (16,5). Observou-se que a violência foi mais freqüente nas famílias com 3 a 4 membros (46,4% em 2002 e 54,2% em 2006). O número de vítimas na casa foi de duas vítimas em 38,8% (em 2002) e 37,6% (em 2006) dos casos. Grande parte das famílias das vítimas foi constituída de pais separados (51,9% em 2002 e 65,1% em 2006). A idade do agressor (tanto em 2002 como em 2006) foi de 20 a 24 anos para o sexo feminino (46,9% em 2002 e 41,6% em 2006) e de 30 a 34 anos para os agressores masculinos (34,7% em 2002 e 32,9% em 2006). A grande maioria dos agressores possuía ensino fundamental incompleto (79,7% em 2002 e 82,8% em 2006) e situação ocupacional ativa (empregados) (50,6% em 2002 e 58,8% em 2006). A violência foi praticada pela mãe (33,6% em 2002 e 27,6% em 2006), pai (32,4% em 2002 e 27,1% em 2006), padrasto (10,4% em 2002 e 15,7% em 2006) e madrasta (5,3% em 2002 e 15,5% em 2006). Foi observado o alcoolismo como situação de risco do agressor masculino (53,4% dos casos de 2002 e 61,3% em 2006). Entre as mulheres agressoras, o alcoolismo aliado à crise conjugal e problemas de maternidade foram os riscos mais freqüentes (26,0% em 2002 e 34,9% em 2006). Grande parte dos atos violentos foram praticados mais de 4 vezes (77,1 % em 2002 e 85,1% em 2006) e por um período de 1 a 2 anos antes da denúncia (36,3% em 2002 e 20,7% em 2006). As violências ocorreram com maior freqüência na residência da vítima (82,0% em 2002 e 86,0% em 2006). Na grande maioria dos casos, a vítima sofreu mais de um tipo de violência (67,9% em 2002 e 72,5% em 2006), sendo a violência física (49,1% em 2002 e 47,3% em 2006), a negligência e abandono (24,7% em 2002 e 30,4% em 2006) e a sexual (19,8% em 2002 e 18,4% em 2006) as mais freqüentes. Houve presença de lesão corporal em 90,4% dos casos em 2002 e em 92,0% das vítimas em 2006. A presença de seqüelas ocorreu em 99,3% (em 2002) e 99,0% (em 2006) da população estudada, sendo a seqüela física a de maior predomínio (94,2% em 2002 e 97,0% em 2006), acompanhada pela seqüela psicológica em 89,5% (em 2002) e 95,6% (em 2006) dos casos com presença de seqüela. Houve reincidência em 10,6% dos casos. Entre os casos de 2002 encaminhados ao Fórum, 40,0% dos processos foram arquivados e 31,7% encontravam-se em andamento, dos quais 38,4% estavam em acompanhamento social, em 26,0% desses processos a criança vítima encontrava-se em abrigo-lar com acompanhamento social e 20,5% tinham a guarda provisória com os avós enquanto os pais estavam em tratamento. Conclusões - Pretendeu-se com o estudo, contribuir para tornar mais visíveis os atos violentos praticados contra a criança e o adolescente, fornecendo subsídios para ações preventivas e de atendimento. / Introduction: In Brazil, data on the dimension of violence are still sparse, precluding the detection of the exact frequency of child and adolescent abuse. In face of both the epidemiological importance of violence against a child or adolescent and the biopsychosocial consequences of this violence, it becomes essential to know it in order to map its morbidity, still unknown in the county under study. Aim - to study the occurrence and the characteristics of violence against children under age 15 who live in the county of Londrina, Paraná State, and were attended by the Tutelary Councils of Londrina and victimized child and adolescent care services in 2002 and 2006. Methodology: Data were obtained from the records of the Tutelary Councils, the county's program "Sentinela" (Watcher) - that attends child and adolescent victims of sex abuse -, the Londrina State University extension project "De Olho no Futuro" (Watch the Future) - that offers multidisciplinary attendance to child and adolescent victims of violence -, and Londrina's Juvenile Court. Data collection comprised two steps: 1) data collection from the Tutelary Councils and care services on the attendances in 2002 and 2006 for comparative analysis. 2) follow up of the cases delivered to Court in 2002 (five years past denunciation). A previously tested form was used. Both the cases of violence and the decurrent lesions were classified in accordance to Chapter XX and XIX of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), tenth revision. Variables as to denunciation, care attention, victim, family, aggressor, violence inflicted, consequences of violence, recidivism and final results of cases delivered to Court have been analyzed. Data processing and diagramming was accomplished with the software Epi Info, version 6.0. Results: 1620 notified cases of violence against youth under age 15 were studied (607 in 2002 an 1013 in 2006), which represent an incidence rate of 0.5% and 0.8% respectively. Denunciators were most frequently the mother (21.1% in 2002 and 24.2% in 2006), the school (15.2% in 2002 and 10.3% in 2006) and health professionals (19.9% in 2002 and 23.7% in 2006). Highest incidence coefficients were observed at the age of 2 for girls (coefficient of 13.5 per 1000 children) and at the age of 6 for boys (12.7 per 1000) in 2002. In 2006, highest coefficients for girls were observed at the age of 4 (26.4) and for boys at the age of 5 (16.5). Violence was more frequent in families of 3 to 4 members (46.4% in 2002 and 54.2% in 2006). The number of 2 victims in the house occurred in 38.8% of the cases in 2002 and in 37.6% of the cases in 2006. 51.9% (2002) and 65.1% (2006) of the victims were children of separated parents. The aggressor's age for both 2002 and 2006 was 20 to 24 years old for female (46.9% in 2002 and 41.6% in 2006) and 30 to 34 years old for male aggressors (34.7% in 2002 and 32.9% in 2006). Most of the aggressors had not finished basic education (79.7% in 2002 and 82.8% in 2006) and were employed (50.6% in 2002 and 58.8% in 2006). Violence was inflicted by the mother (33.6% in 2002 and 27.6% in 2006), by the father (32.4% in 2002 and 27.1% in 2006), stepfather (10.4% in 2002 and 15.7% in 2006) and stepmother (5.3% in 2002 and 15.5% in 2006). Alcoholism was observed to be a risk situation for the male aggressor (53.4% of the cases in 2002 and 61.3% in 2006). Among female aggressors, alcoholism together with a conjugal crisis and maternity problems were the most frequent risks (26.0% in 2002 and 34.9% in 2006). Most of the violent acts were inflicted more than four times (77.1% in 2002 and 85.1% in 2006) and during a period of 1 to 2 years prior to denunciation (36.3% in 2002 and 20.7% in 2006). Violence occurred most frequently at the home of the victim (82.0% in 2002 and 86.0% in 2006). In most of the cases, the victim suffered more than one type of violence; most frequent types were physical violence (49.1% in 2002 and 47.3% in 2006), negligence and abandonment (24.7% in 2002 and 30.4% in 2006) and sexual violence (19.8% in 2002 and 18.4% in 2006). Corporal lesions were present in 90.4% of the cases in 2002 and 92.0% in 2006. Presence of sequelae occurred in 99.3% (2002) and 99.0% (2006) of the studied population, being physical sequela of highest prevalence (94.2% in 2002 and 97.0% in 2006), of which 89.5% (2002) and 95.6% (2006) came together with psychological sequela. Recidivism occurred in 10.6% of the cases. Among the cases forwarded to Court, 40.0% of the lawsuits had been dismissed and 31.7% were on, 38.4% of which had social assistance, in 26.0% of such the child victim was in a foster home with social assistance and in 20.5% the child's custody was temporarily awarded to grandparents whilst the parents remained under treatment. Conclusions: the intention of this study is to help make violent acts against children and adolescents more visible by providing data based on which preventive actions and assistance can take place.

Violência por parceiro íntimo e morbidade materna grave / Intimate partner violence and severe maternal morbidity.

Puccia, Maria Ines Rosselli 30 October 2012 (has links)
Violência por parceiro íntimo (VPI) e morbidade materna grave constituem-se em importantes agravos à saúde sexual e reprodutiva feminina e representam formas de expressão das desigualdades de gênero. De acordo com os critérios clínicos, laboratoriais e de manejo relativos à morbidade materna grave, adotados pela Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) para a definição de condições potencialmente ameaçadoras da vida materna (CPAV), este estudo teve por objetivo analisar a associação entre VPI na gravidez atual e ocorrência de CPAV entre mulheres atendidas em maternidades públicas da Grande São Paulo. Gestantes e puérperas que constituíram a população de estudo (N=446) foram divididas em dois grupos distintos: 1) que desenvolveram CPAV durante o ciclo gravídico puerperal atual, definidas como casos (n= 109); e 2) que não apresentaram qualquer tipo de intercorrência clínica, laboratorial ou de manejo no mesmo ciclo, definidas como controles (n=337). Respeitando-se os preceitos da ética em pesquisa com seres humanos, os casos e os controles foram selecionados por meio de visitas diárias aos locais de estudo entre novembro de 2010 e junho de 2011; próximo da alta hospitalar, entrevistas estruturadas foram conduzidas para investigação retrospectiva de VPI durante a gravidez atual, por meio de questionário adaptado do Estudo Multipaíses da OMS sobre Saúde da Mulher e Violência Doméstica. A relação entre a variável resposta (CPAV), a variável de exposição (VPI) e demais variáveis independentes, foi avaliada por meio de proporções, testes qui-quadrado ou exato de Fisher e pelo modelo de regressão logística múltiplo. Identificou-se prevalência de \"near miss\" materno de 5,62/1.000NV, ou seja, 0,56% e, Razão de Resultados Maternos Severos de 6,37/1.000NV. Considerando-se a tipificação da violência, observou-se prevalência de 12,7% de violência psicológica; 7,6% de violência física e 1,6% de violência sexual durante a gestação atual entre casos e controles. A despeito da ausência de significância estatística entre a exposição à VPI na gestação atual, relatada por 13% da amostra, e a ocorrência do desfecho CPAV, verificou-se que tanto as gestantes expostas à VPI quanto as mulheres que desenvolveram CPAV, apresentam fatores associados às condições sociodemográficas e reprodutivas desfavoráveis. Concluiu-se sobre a importância do monitoramento de casos CPAV que, assim como o rastreamento rotineiro da VPI entre gestantes, deve ser incluído no processo de trabalho dos enfermeiros. Isto é importante para promover a qualificação da atenção à saúde materna. / Intimate partner violence (IPV) and severe maternal morbidity represents importants women´s sexual and reproductive health issues, as well as an expression means of gender inequalities. According to clinical, laboratory-based and management-based criteria concerning severe acute maternal morbidity adopted by World Health Organization (WHO) to define potentially life-threatening maternal condition, this study aims to analyze the association between IPV in current pregnancy and potentially life-threatening condition among women cared in Great São Paulo public hospitals. Pregnant and postpartum women who constituted the study population (N=446) were categorized into two distinct groups: 1) who developed potentially life- threatening condition during current pregnancy, childbirth or postpartum, called cases (n= 109); and 2) women who did not attended to any clinical, or laboratory- based and management-based criteria, called controls (n=337). According to the ethical standards of human research, cases and controls were selected through daily visits at study settings during November 2010 and June 2011; near discharge from hospital, the structured interviews were conducted to investigate the prospective relationship among IPV during current pregnancy through a questionnaire adapted from Who Multi-country Study on Women\'s Health and Domestic Violence Against Women. The relationship between response variable (potentially life-threatening maternal condition), the exposition variable (IPV) and the others independents variables was assessed by proportions, chi square test or Fisher\'s exact test and multiple regression logistic. The maternal near miss prevalence identified was 5,62/1.000 live births, or 0,56%. The Severe Maternal Outcome Ratio was 6,37/1.000 live births. Considering the violence´s types, the study have found 12,7% of psychological, 7,6% of physical and 1,6% of sexual injuries during current pregnancy among cases and controls. Despite the absence of statistical significance between VPI exposition in current pregnancy, which was related by 13% of the total sample, and the potentially life-threatening maternal outcome, it was verified that both pregnant women exposed to IPV as those who developed potentially life-threatening conditions, showed factors associated with sociodemographic and reproductive unfavorable conditions. In conclusion, it is recommended potentially life-threatening condition continued audit, as well as the IPV routine screening among pregnant women should be included in the nurse´s working process. It`s important to improve the quality of maternal care health system.

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