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Translational assessment of cognitive impairments in depression modelsMartis, Lena-Sophie January 2018 (has links)
Major depressive disorder (MDD) affects 300 million people worldwide and is a major contributor to the global burden of disease. The aetiology of depression, emerging through a gene x environment interaction, is still incompletely understood which prevents tailoring of treatment approaches. In addition to MDD core symptoms, such as anhedonia (a diminished anticipation or experience of pleasure), depressed patients suffer from a plethora of manifestations including cognitive impairments, which occur primarily in the domains of executive function, attention and memory. Patients remitted from affective symptoms of MDD often continue to display cognitive impairments. These cognitive deficits are the longest present residual symptom, predict treatment response and increase risk of relapse. Consequently, cognitive impairments need to be targeted more effectively by antidepressants for complete remission from MDD. Clinically relevant animal models are essential for developing, tailoring and testing such novel, pro-cognitive antidepressants. This PhD project aimed to establish a preclinical screening platform for the testing of pro-cognitive antidepressants, to improve understanding of MDD risk factors and consequent symptom development, and finally, to focus on clinical relevance of the applied techniques. The chronic mild stress (CMS) rodent model of depression was used, known for displaying the core symptom anhedonia, but also for a high construct, face and predictive validity. The environmental MDD risk factor 'stress' induces an anhedonic-like phenotype in a subgroup of exposed rats, whereas another subgroup of rats is resilient, as determined by the sucrose consumption test. The cognitive performance of different rat strains, including CMS anhedonic-like and resilient rats, was assessed employing the touchscreen operant platform, which was developed based on the Cambridge neuropsychological test automated battery (CANTAB) for assessing cognition in humans. Furthermore, a group of anhedonic-like rats was treated with the antidepressant vortioxetine, which acts as both a pro-cognitive and antidepressant treatment. Our results showed that stress exposure induced anhedonia in albino and pigmented rat strains, although stress did not affect cognitive performance of pigmented rats in a simple pairwise discrimination touchscreen task. Applying a more complex pairedassociates learning touchscreen task revealed impaired cognitive performance in the CMS anhedonic-like but not in the resilient phenotype. Furthermore, vortioxetine treatment reversed anhedonia in the CMS model and altered executive functions in treated rats. The expression of genes involved in the stress response, affective disorders and neuronal plasticity was altered in the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus owned to treatment and hedonic state. Thus, we have demonstrated that the CMS model exhibits both stress-induced cognitive alterations and depression-associated cognitive impairments in touchscreen tasks. Furthermore, touchscreen testing was sufficiently sensitive to detect alterations in cognitive performance due to pharmacological intervention. Overall, we established a potential platform for pro-cognitive antidepressant drug screening. Furthermore, brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), involved in learning and memory, was examined in the context of depression. BDNF is reduced in MDD patients as well as in preclinical models in response to stress. Although this suggests that BDNF contributes to the aetiology of depression, studies including mice heterozygous for BDNF (BDNF+/-) have generated conflicting results. BDNF+/- rats may provide a more suitable model as (1) rats have a greater behavioural repertoire than mice, (2) classical behaviour tests are designed for rats, and (3) rats, like humans, produce peripheral BDNF. We found anhedonia and mild signs of anxiety in BDNF+/- rats, accompanied by prefrontal and hippocampal changes in expression of genes relevant in psychiatric disorders and underpinning learning. Thus, behavioural and molecular findings in BDNF+/- rats complement existing literature and suggest that rats are a more suitable model in BDNF research than mice. Overall, the project uncovered environmental and genetic manifestations of risk factors in translational models and established a novel tool for translational pro-cognitive antidepressant drug screening.
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An Analysis of the Interaction of Methylphenidate and Nicotine in Adolescent Rats: Effects on BDNFFreeman, Elizabeth D 01 August 2015 (has links)
This investigation was an analysis of the interaction of adolescent exposure to methylphenidate (MPH; trade name: Ritalin) on nicotine sensitization and conditioned place preference (CPP) in a rodent model and underlying mechanisms of this effect. Animals were treated IP with 1 mg/kg MPH or saline using a ―school day‖ regimen of five days on, two days off, from postnatal day (P) 28-50. During the final two weeks of MPH treatment, animals were either behaviorally sensitized to nicotine (0.5 mg/kg free base) or saline for 10 days, or conditioned to nicotine or saline using the CPP behavioral paradigm. In addition, three days after behavioral sensitization was complete, animals were analyzed for stress behavior using the forced swim stress behavioral test. In addition, 24 hours after post-test conditioning animals were analyzed for the effect of a clinically relevant dose of pre-exposed MPH (1mg/kg) and nicotine treatment on the expression of BDNF in the nucleus accumbens and dorsal hippocampus. Behavioral results revealed that adolescent pre-exposure to MPH blunted nicotine behavioral sensitization in both male and female rats during the first week of testing. However, MPH enhanced nicotine CPP in both adolescent male and female rats. Interesting, animals administered MPH demonstrated a significantly decreased latency to immobility in the forced swim stress behavioral test. In addition, pre-exposure to a 1 mg/kg dose of MPH appears to have sensitized the BDNF response to nicotine in females as compared to all other groups.
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Influence de la microglie et du BDNF sur l'induction de la neuroplasticité après un accident vasculaire cérébral ischémiqueMadinier, Alexandre 30 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
L'émergence de la notion selon laquelle la réponse inflammatoire exercerait des effets bénéfiques dans la pathologie ischémique cérébrale, en particulier au cours de la phase de récupération fonctionnelle nous a conduit à étudier l'implication des cellules microgliales dans le déclenchement des mécanismes de neuroplasticité post-ischémique. Notre étude a été réalisée chez le Rat soumis à une ischémie focale permanente induite par photothrombose. L'activation microgliale a été modulée par un traitement au 3-aminobenzamide (3-AB), un inhibiteur spécifique de la poly(ADP-ribose)polymérase-1, jouant un rôle prépondérant dans l'activation de ces cellules. Nos données montrent que le 3-AB entraîne une diminution importante de l'activation microgliale aux temps courts associée à plus long terme à une réduction de l'expression de la synaptophysine et de GAP-43, respectivement marqueurs des processus de synaptogenèse et croissance axonale. L'ensemble de ces données indique donc que les cellules microgliales constituent effectivement des acteurs cellulaires essentiels de la neuroplasticité post-ischémique. Le Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) se révélant un candidat potentiellement capable de promouvoir de tels changements, nous avons pu mettre en évidence que ces cellules représentaient de façon précoce une source importante de BDNF. Ces résultats ont été confirmés par la nette diminution des taux de BDNF mesurés dans les zones corticales lésionnelles et péri-lésionnelles des animaux traités par le 3-AB. Dans un deuxième temps, le métabolisme complexe de cette neurotrophine à travers l'existence de deux formes, pro- et mature, aux effets biologiques opposés, nous a conduit à réaliser une étude spatio-temporelle des expressions post-ischémiques du BDNF total (ELISA), pro- et mature (Western blotting). Aux temps courts (4-24 h), les expressions du BDNF total, pro- et mature sont augmentées dans les territoires corticaux lésés, péri-lésionnels et homotopiques tandis qu'aux temps longs (8-30 j), le BDNF total reste accru dans les régions distantes de la zone infarcie (hippocampes et cortex contralatéral). Concernant les expressions des formes pro- et mature, nos résultats indiquent une augmentation entre 8 et 30 j uniquement dans les territoires hippocampiques. D'un point de vue cellulaire, le BDNF est exprimé du côté ipsilatéral dans les neurones et les cellules non neuronales tandis que du côté contralatéral, l'expression est limitée aux neurones. Nos résultats tout en faisant apparaître des divergences importantes dans les variations d'expressions du BDNF total (ELISA) et des différentes formes (Western blotting) indiquent que la mesure du BDNF total doit être couplée à une étude permettant de discriminer les deux formes. De plus, tout en confirmant l'implication de cette neurotrophine dans les mécanismes adaptatifs induits en réponse à une ischémie cérébrale, ces données suggèrent que les territoires distants de la zone lésée jouent un rôle majeur dans ces processus.
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Processing of the amyloid precursor protein and its paralogues amyloid precursor-like proteins 1 and 2Adlerz, Linda January 2007 (has links)
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder which is histopathologically characterised by amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. Amyloid plaques consist of the amyloid β-peptide (Aβ) that can form aggregates in the brain. Aβ is generated from the amyloid precursor protein (APP) through proteolytic cleavage. APP belongs to a conserved protein family that also includes the two paralogues, APP-like proteins 1 and 2 (APLP1 and APLP2). Despite the immense amount of research on APP, motivated by its implication in AD, the function of this protein family has not yet been determined. In this thesis, we have studied the expression and proteolytic processing of the APP protein family. Our results are consistent with previous findings that suggest a role for APP during neuronal development. Treatment of cells with retinoic acid (RA) resulted in increased synthesis. In addition, we observed that RA treatment shifted the processing of APP from the amyloidogenic to the non-amyloidogenic pathway. The proteins in the APP family have been hard to distinguish both with respect to function and proteolytic processing. However, for development of new drugs with APP processing enzymes as targets this is of great importance. Our studies suggest similarities, but also differences in the mechanism regulating the processing of the different paralogues. We found that brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) had different impact on the members of the APP family. Most interestingly, we also found that the mechanism behind the increased processing in response to IGF-1 was not identical between the homologous proteins. In summary, our results indicate that in terms of regulation APLP1 and APLP2 differ more from each other than from APP. Our studies open up the possibility of finding means to selectively block Aβ production without interfering with the processing and function of the paralogous proteins.
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Prédisposition génétique à la chronicité des symptômes post-commotionnels à la suite d'un traumatisme crânio-cérébral légerKhoury, Samar 02 1900 (has links)
La prévalence des troubles du sommeil et de douleur chronique est élevée chez le patient ayant subi un traumatisme crânien cérébral léger (TCCL). L’interaction entre ces plaintes est suggérée chez les patients avec un TCCL mais son étiologie reste encore peu connue. Les résultats de recherche présentés dans le premier article de cette thèse suggèrent que les patients avec un TCCL qui souffrent de douleur ont une modification des ondes cérébrales durant leur sommeil, ce qui pourrait expliquer en partie comment les deux symptômes interagissent. De plus, la douleur, surtout si associée à des troubles de l’humeur, semble jouer un rôle majeur dans la persistance des symptômes post-commotionnels.
Le deuxième article de cette thèse décrit une exacerbation des symptômes post-commotionnels chez le patient ayant eu un TCCL et souffrant de douleur. La persistance ou l’apparition de la douleur chronique à long terme serait prédite par le polymorphisme val66met du gène brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF).
Une étude subséquente, présentée dans le troisième article, nous a permis d’approfondir les bases génétiques et cellulaires du rôle du BDNF dans la persistance des symptômes post-commotionnels. Des polymorphismes fréquents dans le gène BDNF ont révélé des variantes liées au mauvais pronostic suite à un TCCL. De plus, l’analyse de cellules extraites de patients ayant subi un TCCL démontrent que l’expression de la protéine BDNF peut être modifiée chez le patient de génotype met66 et ayant subi un TCCL, lui conférant ainsi un rôle neuroprotecteur potentiel.
En résumé, nous avons tenté de démontrer dans cette thèse que la douleur suite à un TCCL joue un rôle important dans les perturbations du sommeil et dans la persistance des symptômes post-commotionnels. Une prédisposition génétique pourrait contribuer à expliquer le mauvais pronostic et la chronicité des symptômes post-commotionnels suite à un TCCL. / Mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI) is a major public health concern as patients are left, amongst other symptoms, with sleep complaints and chronic pain. An interaction between these symptoms is suggested. For instance, a night of poor sleep is usually followed by hypersensitivity to pain and chronic pain always leads to sleep complaints. This interaction is suggested following an MTBI, however, data sustaining that hypothesis are still lacking. Data from the first article suggest that pain and other post-concussion symptoms are correlated with sleep-wake disturbances post-MTBI. MTBI patients with pain have more rapid electroencephalographic (EEG) waves during sleep than those without pain. This may suggest that there is an intrinsic physiological relationship between the two complaints.
Moreover, pain seems to play an important role in the persistence of post-concussive symptoms. The second article of this thesis describes and details the exacerbation of post-concussive symptoms in the presence of pain following MTBI. The val66met polymorphism in the Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene is an important predisposing factor for chronic pain.
Lastly, a subsequent study, presented in the third article details the genetic and cellular basis of the role of BDNF in the persistence of post-concussive symptoms. Common polymorphisms in the BDNF genes were genotyped and revealed variants related to post-concussive symptoms following MTBI. Moreover, protein expression studies in lymphoblast cells of MTBI patients showed a modified expression of BDNF with the met genotype that might be neuroprotective.
In summary, this thesis first shows that pain contributes to sleep-wake disturbances following MTBI and that the chronicity of post-concussive symptoms, including chronic pain, may be dependent on polymorphisms in the BDNF gene.
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Chronic Deep Brain Stimulation and Pharmacotherapy for the Treatment of Depression: Effects on Neuroplasticity in RatsIsabella, Silvia 30 May 2011 (has links)
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is currently being investigated as a therapy for treatment-resistant depression, with promising results. However, it is not clear whether or not DBS works via the same mechanisms as those induced by antidepressant medications. Processes currently implicated in antidepressant effects include neuroplastic changes and promotion of neurogenesis. We investigated the effects of chronic treatment with three different classes of antidepressants and DBS on markers of neuroplasticity (brain-derived neurotrophic factor, (BDNF), and phosphorylated cyclic-AMP regulatory element binding protein, (pCREB)) and neurogenesis (Ki-67, bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) and doublecortin) in the rat hippocampus. No clear treatment effects were seen on BDNF, pCREB and Ki-67 levels. However all treatments caused increased levels of BrdU (range: 46%-96%) and doublecortin (8%-61%), although these effects were statistically significant only for DBS and amitriptyline, respectively. This overall pattern of results may suggest that diverse antidepressant treatments could possibly share common mechanisms involving cell survival and neuronal differentiation. Potentiated effects of DBS on cell survival may underlie its efficacy in treatment-resistant depression.
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Chronic Deep Brain Stimulation and Pharmacotherapy for the Treatment of Depression: Effects on Neuroplasticity in RatsIsabella, Silvia 30 May 2011 (has links)
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is currently being investigated as a therapy for treatment-resistant depression, with promising results. However, it is not clear whether or not DBS works via the same mechanisms as those induced by antidepressant medications. Processes currently implicated in antidepressant effects include neuroplastic changes and promotion of neurogenesis. We investigated the effects of chronic treatment with three different classes of antidepressants and DBS on markers of neuroplasticity (brain-derived neurotrophic factor, (BDNF), and phosphorylated cyclic-AMP regulatory element binding protein, (pCREB)) and neurogenesis (Ki-67, bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) and doublecortin) in the rat hippocampus. No clear treatment effects were seen on BDNF, pCREB and Ki-67 levels. However all treatments caused increased levels of BrdU (range: 46%-96%) and doublecortin (8%-61%), although these effects were statistically significant only for DBS and amitriptyline, respectively. This overall pattern of results may suggest that diverse antidepressant treatments could possibly share common mechanisms involving cell survival and neuronal differentiation. Potentiated effects of DBS on cell survival may underlie its efficacy in treatment-resistant depression.
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Transection spinale et injection intrathécale de BDNF : deux modèles pertinents de douleur neuropathique chez le rat ?M'Dahoma, Saïd 22 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Les douleurs neuropathiques, celles qui sont provoquées par des lésions du système nerveux central ou périphérique, sont les plus difficiles à traiter du fait de leur résistance aux traitements antalgiques classiques. Les traitements utilisés aujourd'hui font appel à des classes thérapeutiques non spécifiquement ciblées sur la douleur, en particulier des antidépresseurs et des anticonvulsivants. Leur efficacité limitée ne repose en fait que sur des observations empiriques. Une meilleure connaissance des processus physiopathologiques sous-tendant les douleurs neuropathiques constitue un préalable à toute innovation thérapeutique, et c'est à cette fin que je me suis appliqué à développer deux modèles de douleurs neuropathiques chez le rat pour en étudier les caractéristiques comportementales, fonctionnelles, cellulaires et biochimiques. Le premier modèle visait à l'induction d'une douleur neuropathique centrale provoquée par la section complète de la moelle épinière au niveau thoracique (T8-T9) ; le second a consisté à injecter, directement au niveau spinal, par voie intrathécale (i.t.), le facteur neurotrophique BDNF (Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor ; dont l'implication dans les voies de signalisation nociceptive est bien établie dans la littérature). Dans les deux cas, les conséquences pro-algiques de ces interventions ont été comparées à celles induites par la ligature unilatérale du nerf sciatique, qui constitue encore aujourd'hui un modèle classique, mais très imparfait, d'une douleur neuropathique périphérique. Dès le 2ème jour après la section spinale, et jusqu'au moins deux mois plus tard, les rats lésés présentent une forte allodynie mécanique (test des filaments de von Frey) dans le territoire cutané juste en avant de la lésion. Cet effet traduit bien une neuropathie centrale car il n'existe pas chez les rats " sham " qui ont subi l'intégralité de l'intervention chirurgicale à l'exception de la section spinale. L'allodynie mécanique est associée à une induction significative de l'expression (RTqPCR) de marqueurs de souffrance neuronale (ATF-3) et d'activation microgliale (OX-42, récepteurs P2X4, P2X7 et TLR4) et astrocytaire (GFAP), ainsi que du BDNF et de cytokines pro-inflammatoires (IL-1ß, IL-6, TNF-α), mais de façon plus transitoire, ceci dans les ganglions de racines dorsales et/ou la moelle épinière dorsale (comme à la suite de la ligature du nerf sciatique, mais avec des cinétiques différentes). Pour sa part, l'injection intrathécale i.t. d'une dose infra-nanomolaire unique de BDNF (0.3 - 3.0 ng) induit aussi une forte allodynie et une hyperalgésie mécaniques, au niveau des pattes postérieures, qui se développent en 3-5 jours, et perdurent pendant deux semaines. Cependant, au contraire de la section spinale (et de la ligature du nerf sciatique), l'injection i.t. de BDNF ne provoque pas d'activation microgliale ni d'induction de cytokines. Elle entraine en revanche une auto-induction du BDNF, qui semble clé pour l'hyperalgésie puisque celle-ci peut être, en grande partie, supprimée par l'administration d'un inhibiteur du récepteur TrkB du BDNF, la cyclotraxine B (20 mg/kg i.p.), comme d'ailleurs l'hyperalgésie induite par la ligature du nerf sciatique. Au plan pharmacologique, un antalgique opiacé comme le tapentadol s'est révélé efficace dans les deux modèles. De même, les anticonvulsivants, comme la prégabaline et la gabapentine, ont réduit la douleur neuropathique chez les rats injectés par le BDNF i.t. et chez les rats CCI-SN. En conclusion, il semble que l'injection intrathécale de BDNF, qui évite la réalisation de lésions par intervention chirurgicale, puisse constituer un nouveau modèle pertinent de douleur neuropathique chez le rat. De plus, nos résultats laissent à penser que le blocage de la voie de signalisation BDNF-TrkB pourrait ouvrir de nouvelles pistes pour la réduction des douleurs neuropathiques périphériques. (...)
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Associação dos níveis de BDNF com volume do hipocampo no comprometimento cognitivo leve e na doença de AlzheimerBorba, Ericksen Mielle January 2016 (has links)
Introdução: Perda de memória é um dos sintomas mais comuns em pacientes nos estágios iniciais da doença de Alzheimer; esses déficits são um reflexo do envolvimento da formação do hipocampo. O BDNF tem sido relacionado com a plasticidade do hipocampo. Neste sentido, as combinações de biomarcadores, como, por exemplo, a volumetria do hipocampo, pode apresentar um maior valor preditivo para diferenciar doença de Alzheimer do envelhecimento normal em pacientes com comprometimento cognitivo leve. Objetivo: A presente tese de doutorado teve como objetivo avaliar os níveis séricos do BDNF e o volume do hipocampo em pacientes com demência devido à doença de Alzheimer, Comprometimento Cognitivo Leve (CCL) e idosos saudáveis. Métodos: Para realização do estudo foram selecionados 10 idosos saudáveis, 10 CCL e 13 pacientes com demência devido à doença de Alzheimer pelos critérios NIA-AA. Todos participantes foram submetidos a uma avaliação cognitiva. Para as análises do BDNF, foi utilizado método de ELISA e para as análises de volumetria do hipocampo as imagens foram obtidas por meio de equipamento de ressonância de 1.5T e os volumes obtidos por meio do programa NeuroQuant®. Resultados: Idosos saudáveis apresentaram níveis séricos mais elevados de BDNF do que os CCL e pacientes com demência. O grupo de pacientes com demência apresentou menor volume total do hipocampo do que os idosos saudáveis e os CCL. Não houve correlação significativa do BDNF sérico com volume do hipocampo. Conclusão: Considerando nossos resultados em conjunto (baixos níveis de BDNF nos grupos CCL e demência devido à DA e menor volume do hipocampo na demência devido à AD), podemos supor que a diminuição dos níveis de BDNF ocorre antes da lesão neuronal expressa pela redução do hipocampo. / Introduction: Memory impairment is the most common symptom in patients in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease; this deficit is a reflection of the involvement of the hippocampal formation. BDNF has been linked to the hippocampal plasticity. Combinations of biomarkers, such as the hippocampal volumetry may have higher predictive value for differentiating Alzheimer's disease from normal aging in patients with mild cognitive impairment. Objective: The objective of present thesis was to evaluate serum levels of BDNF and hippocampal volume in patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and dementia due to Alzheimer's disease, and healthy elderly participants. Method: Ten healthy elderly subjects, 10 MCI and 13 patients with dementia due to Alzheimer's Disease (NIA-AA criteria) were selected for the study. All participants were assessed cognitively. The ELISA method was used for BDNF analysis, and the analysis of hippocampal volumetric images were acquired with 1.5T magnetic resonance equipment and volumes obtained with NeuroQuant® program. Results: Healthy elderly had higher BDNF serum levels than MCI and dementia due to AD patients. The group of dementia patients had lower total hippocampal volume than MCI and healthy elderly participants. No significant correlation between serum BDNF and hippocampal volume was observed. Conclusion: Taking our results together (lower BDNF levels in MCI and dementia due to AD and smaller hippocampal volume in dementia due to AD) we can hypothesize that the decrease of BDNF may start before the establishment of neuronal injury expressed by the hippocampal reduction.
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Histona desacetilase 2 cortical está associada ao desempenho em paradigma de memória aversiva no processo de envelhecimentoRaupp, Wagner de Aguiar January 2016 (has links)
O envelhecimento da população mundial aumentou o interesse na busca pelos mecanismos fisiológicos e bioquímicos envolvidos no processo do envelhecimento saudável e por estratégias preventivas e terapêuticas de doenças relacionadas à idade. O envelhecimento cerebral alterou a atividade global de histona desacetilases (HDAC), enzima envolvida nos níveis de acetilação de histonas, marca epigenética relacionada com a expressão gênica. Nosso grupo de pesquisa demonstrou que o protocolo de exercício físico diário em esteira reduziu a atividade global da HDAC no córtex frontal imediatamente e 1 hora após a última sessão de treino. Assim, é de interesse elucidar as isoformas de HDAC envolvidas no processo de envelhecimento e no efeito do exercício físico. O exercício físico voluntário aumenta os níveis do Fator Neurotrófico Derivado do Encéfalo (BDNF) por mecanismos epigenéticos, no entanto, o impacto do exercício forçado parece ser contraditório. Nossos objetivos foram avaliar os efeitos do envelhecimento e do exercício de corrida sobre os níveis de HDAC2 e de BDNF em córtex pré-frontal de ratos Wistar. Para isso, utilizamos ratos Wistar machos com 3 e 20 meses de idade. Os animais do grupo exercitado foram submetidos ao protocolo diário de exercício físico moderado em esteira por 14 dias. No 13° dia, os animais foram submetidos à tarefa da esquiva inibitória (treino) e, no 14° dia, 30 minutos após a última sessão de exercício físico, foi realizado o teste do paradigma da esquiva inibitória. Após 30 minutos do teste na esquiva inibitória (uma hora após a última sessão de exercício), os córtices foram obtidos para os ensaios bioquímicos. Os níveis da HDAC2 foram maiores em córtices de animais envelhecidos. Ainda, foi observada uma correlação negativa entre o conteúdo da HDAC2 e o desempenho no teste de memória aversiva (esquiva inibitória). O exercício físico em esteira não alterou os níveis de HDAC2 em nenhuma das idades testadas. O envelhecimento e o exercício físico em esteira não alteraram os níveis de BDNF. Nossos dados sugerem que os altos níveis de HDAC2 estão envolvidos com o pior desempenho de animais envelhecidos na memória aversiva e que esta isoenzima não está relacionada aos efeitos epigenéticos do exercício físico em córtex pré-frontal. / Increasing attention has been paid to study the physiological and biochemical mechanisms of healthy aging process as well to seek therapeutic and protective strategies for age-related neurodegenerative diseases, since the aging population is growing. Epigenetic marks related to gene expression has been involved in aging brain process; increases in global histone desacetylase (HDAC) activity, enzyme involved with histone acetylation levels, has been found in aged brain areas. Our research group demonstrated that daily treadmill exercise protocol reduced global HDAC activity in frontal cortex immediately and 1hr after the last training session. The role of HDAC isoforms in aging process and exercise effects still needs to be elucidated. Taken that a specific HDAC isoform, HDAC2, has been involved with formation of hippocampus-dependent memory, the involvement of HDAC2 in aging process and exercise effects must be considered. Besides, it was described that voluntary exercise increases the levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) through epigenetic mechanisms; while the forced exercise effects on BDNF levels seem be contradictory. Our aim was to evaluate the aging and exercise effects on HDAC2 and BDNF levels in prefrontal cortices of Wistar rats. Young adult and age male Wistar rats were submitted to a daily moderate treadmill exercise protocol (20 min/day during 14 days). The rats were assigned to sedentary and exercise groups. Single-trial step-down inhibitory avoidance (IA) conditioning was employed as an aversive memory paradigm. In the training trial (IA), rats were placed on a platform and immediately after stepping down on the grid received a footshock prior to removal from the apparatus. The test trial took place 24 hours after the training trial. Prefrontal cortices were obtained thirty minutes after inhibitory avoidance test, what was 1 hour after the last training session of exercise. HDAC2 levels were increased in cortices of aged rats. Moreover, a negative correlation was observed between HDAC2 content and aversive memory performance evaluated by inhibitory avoidance. Treadmill exercise did not alter the HDAC2 levels in any evaluated age. Aging process and treadmill exercise were unable to alter BDNF levels. Our results suggest that the age-related memory impairment may be associated with the increased HDAC2 levels.
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