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Trinidad's history is both multi-ethnic and multi-cultural. Contemporary Trinidad society reflects this history; and many ethnicities and cultures can be found within Trinidadian culture. However, advertising media, I have found, usually does not reflect the total ethnic composition of Trinidad. Instead, a 'Brown', racially ambiguous, face is used as a brand ambassador. Viewing this phenomenon through the lens of women in media imagery, this work sought to investigate this phenomenon further.
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The Race Issue - Researching Diversity and Representation of Race in Contemporary Fashion EditorialsLehwald, Lise Charlotte January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this research is to examine the diversity and representation of models of color in ELLE US’ 2017 fashion editorials. As the purpose is twofold, so is the methodological approach, which looks at the material through both a quantitative content analysis and a qualitative visual analysis. Theoretically, the analyses are grounded in postcolonialism, representation and the concept of new racism. To discuss medias’ influence on audiences, the theory also presents related research on this subject. Illustrating a statistical lack of diversity, as well as tendencies of stereotypical representations, the research indicates a postcolonial discourse in ELLE’s content – results that are problematic both in relation to racial equality and to the socially constructed beauty-ideals that ELLE takes part in creating.
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Filter och retuschering - ett sätt att leva upp till skönhetsidealet? En kvalitativ studie om unga kvinnors upplevelser av bildmanipulationsverktyg på sociala medierCosic, Kristina, Markgren, Hanna January 2021 (has links)
For a long period, the fashion- and advertising industry have contributed to unattainable beauty ideals among young women and retouching is not a new phenomenon. However, the rise of social media has led to easy access to free retouching applications and beautifying camera filters. The beauty ideals are maintained in today's society through camera filters' allusion to female beauty ideals. Young women can easily transform their appearance to fit within societal norms. Due to this, the study aims to investigate young women’s experiences of image manipulation tools. The study also aims to analyze whether image manipulation is important for young women's self-image and whether self-presentation on social media is adapted to the expectations of the individuals in the environment. The results of this qualitative study are based on six semi-structured interviews with women between the ages of 18 - 25, who continuously use image manipulation tools on social media. Furthermore, the study's theoretical framework is based on Goffman's dramaturgical perspective, Hirdman's gender system and West and Zimmerman's concepts of 'doing gender'. The results of this study clearly illustrate an ambivalence in young women's reasoning concerning camera filters and retouching. On the one hand, a positive attitude to the possibility of changing one's appearance is emphasized. On the other hand, negative consequences and their damage are clarified. Consequently, a prominent conclusion is that image manipulation tools have an impact on young women's self-image, which results in a normalized approach to beauty procedures. The results also show that individuals in the environment are important for female self-presentation on social media. Preparation of self-portraits and feedback in terms of likes and comments is an important part of self-presentation. / Reklam- och modebranschen har sedan länge bidragit till utseendefixering bland unga kvinnor och retuschering är därmed inget nytt fenomen. Framväxten av sociala medier har dock skapat en lättillgänglighet av retuscherande gratis-applikationer och förskönande kamerafilter. Detta har medfört att utseendenormer upprätthålls genom kamerafilters anspelan på kvinnligt skönhetsideal. Unga kvinnor kan genom endast en knapptryckning förvandla utseendet för att passa in i samhällsnormerna. Syftet med studien är därmed att få en djupare förståelse för unga kvinnors upplevelser av bildmanipulationsverktyg. Studien syftar även till att undersöka om bildmanipulation har betydelse för unga kvinnors självbild och om självpresentationen på sociala medier anpassas efter omgivningens förväntningar. Resultatet av den kvalitativa studien baseras på sex semistrukturerade intervjuer med kvinnor i åldrarna 18 till 25 år, som kontinuerligt använder bildmanipulationsverktyg på sociala medier. Vidare utgår studiens teoretiska ramverk från Goffmans dramaturgiska perspektiv, Hirdmans genussystem samt West och Zimmermans begrepp “doing gender”. Studiens resultat betonar en ambivalens i unga kvinnors resonemang om kamerafilter och retuschering. Å ena sidan poängteras en positiv inställning till möjligheten att förändra det egna utseendet. Å andra sidan tydliggörs negativa konsekvenser och dess skada. Ytterligare en framträdande slutsats är att bildmanipulationsverktyg har betydelse för unga kvinnors självbild, vilket i sin tur innebär ett normaliserat förhållningssätt till skönhetsingrepp. Resultatet belyser ytterligare att individer i omgivningen har en avgörande betydelse för unga kvinnors självpresentation på sociala medier. Förberedelser av självporträtt och feedback i form av likes och kommentarer utgör en viktig del av självpresentationen.
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#nofilter : En studie om vardagsretuschering på InstagramSobrino Rada, Gilma Sobrino, Warbrandt, Andrea January 2015 (has links)
The main theme of this essay was; How does Instagram affect their users when it comes to everyday retouching and today’s ideal of beauty, and are there any differences between age and gender? To answer this question, the everyday retouching of the Instagram users selfies (self-portrait) was investigated and charted, to see how it affecting today’s ideal of beauty. We used a quantitative method and conducted an empirical study that was rooted in the Encoding/Decoding-model of Stuart Hall, Gidden’s theory of structuration, Cooley’s ”looking-glass self”, Lippman’s triangle, together with previous research and a web survey that was targeted to a random selection of Instagram users. The study contained a total of 194 self-recruiting respondents. We deemed it necessary to conduct this study, as it addressed an important topic that might be linked to the current fixation on appearance and today's ideal of beauty. The results showed that Instagram has a particular impact on its users when it comes to everyday retouching. The majority of respondents used Instagram’s built-in tools for their editing/retouching process. Our results also showed that half of the women edited/retouched their selfies. About half of the men who responded to the web survey edited/retouched their selfies. The clearest result of the study was that younger individuals had a tendency to edit/retouch their selfies more frequently. / Temat för uppsatsen var; Hur påverkar Instagram sina användare när det gäller vardagsretuschering och dagens skönhetsideal, samt finns det några skillnader mellan ålder och kön? Syftet var att undersöka och kartlägga Instagram användarnas vardagsretuschering och hur det påverkar dagens skönhetsideal, med fokus på användarnas selfies. Vi använde oss av en kvantitativ metod och utförde en empirisk studie som utgick från Encoding/Decoding- modellen av Stuart Hall, Giddens strukturering teori, Cooleys ”spegeljaget”, Lippmans triangel, tillsammans med tidigare forskning och en webbenkätundersökning som riktade sig till ett slumpmässigt urval av Instagrams användare. Studien hade sammanlagt 194 självrekryterande respondenter. Vi tyckte att det var viktigt att genomföra denna studie, då den innehöll ett relevant ämne som möjligtvis kan ha koppling till rådande utseendefixering och dagens skönhetsideal. Undersökningens resultat visade att Instagram har en viss påverkan på sina användare när det gäller vardagsretuschering. En majoritet av respondenterna använde Instagrams inbyggda verktyg i sin redigerings/retuscherings process. Vårt resultat visade även att hälften av kvinnorna redigerade/retuscherade sina selfies. Av de män som svarade redigerade/retuscherade cirka hälften sina selfies. Det tydligaste resultatet av studien var att de yngre har en tendens att redigera/retuschera sina selfies oftare.
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"Así me gustas gordita": Representaciones de la gordura en la música popular y la literatura del Caribe hispanoBraden, Emily 17 December 2007 (has links)
This thesis examines contemporary musical and literary representations of female fatness in the Hispanic Caribbean. Chapter I explores the stereotype of a greater acceptance and valorization of fatness within the African Diaspora using contemporary feminist scholarship on cultural aesthetics and the body. Fatness is discussed as being both sexually transgressive and traditionally feminine. Chapter II juxtaposes male representations of “la gorda” in the lyrics of popular music of from Cuba, the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico with the feminist politics of underground hip hop. Chapter III analyzes Guillermo Cabrera Infante’s hyperbolic representation of La Estrella, his fictionalization of Cuban bolero singer Fredy Rodriguez, in Ella cantaba boleros y “Metafinal” (1996). The aquatic subtexts and grotesque characterization of La Estrella’s body construct her as an icon of musical authenticity and exceptionality as well as a symbol of strength and resistance.
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"Así me gustas gordita": Representaciones de la gordura en la música popular y la literatura del Caribe hispanoBraden, Emily 17 December 2007 (has links)
This thesis examines contemporary musical and literary representations of female fatness in the Hispanic Caribbean. Chapter I explores the stereotype of a greater acceptance and valorization of fatness within the African Diaspora using contemporary feminist scholarship on cultural aesthetics and the body. Fatness is discussed as being both sexually transgressive and traditionally feminine. Chapter II juxtaposes male representations of “la gorda” in the lyrics of popular music of from Cuba, the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico with the feminist politics of underground hip hop. Chapter III analyzes Guillermo Cabrera Infante’s hyperbolic representation of La Estrella, his fictionalization of Cuban bolero singer Fredy Rodriguez, in Ella cantaba boleros y “Metafinal” (1996). The aquatic subtexts and grotesque characterization of La Estrella’s body construct her as an icon of musical authenticity and exceptionality as well as a symbol of strength and resistance.
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