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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Förändringsbenägenehet för fysisk aktivitet hos patienter som förskrevs Fysisk aktivitet på Recept, FaR® : En kartläggning av patienter som hänvisades till friskvårdslots i Uppsala läns landsting

Zolgarnian Degerlund, Sara, Felixson, Beatrice January 2010 (has links)
Syfte: Att kartlägga patientgruppen som förskrevs Fysisk aktivitet på Recept, FaR® och hänvisades till friskvårdslots i Uppsala läns landsting under perioden 090701-091231 samt att undersöka eventuell skillnad i fördelningen av kön beträffande förändringsbenägenhet för fysisk aktivitet vid första kontakt med friskvårdslots. Vidare var syftet att se om de patienter som avslutade kontakten med friskvårdslots visade ökad förändringsbenägenhet för fysisk aktivitet. Metod: Patientdata tillhörande patientgruppen (n = 193) sammanställdes och kartlades efter insamling av friskvårdslotsar i Uppsala läns landsting. Patienternas förändringsbenägenhet för fysisk aktivitet bedömdes av friskvårdslotsen, enligt Stages of change-modellen, i samband med telefonkontakt. Förändringsbenägenheten för fysisk aktivitet vid första och avslutande telefonkontakt undersöktes hos de patienter (n = 39) som inom tidsramen för detta uppsatsarbete hann avsluta sin kontakt med friskvårdslotsen. Resultat: Majoriteten av patienterna i gruppen (n = 193) var kvinnor (75,6 %). De flesta var hemmahörande i Uppsala kommun (75,6 %) och primärvården var den enhet som i störst utsträckning hänvisade patienter (63,7 %) till friskvårdslots via FaR®. Träning på gym var den träningsform som flest patienter (30,6 %) föredrog. Av patienterna vars förändringsbenägenhet för fysisk aktivitet bedömdes (n = 167) befann sig störst andel i förberedelsestadiet (46,7 %) följt av begrundandestadiet (39,5 %) vid första kontakt med friskvårdslots. Det förelåg ingen statistiskt signifikant skillnad beträffande könsfördelningen i de olika stadierna vid första kontakten. De patienter (n = 39) som avslutades av friskvårdslotsen visade ökad förändringsbenägenhet för fysisk aktivitet (P = 0,004). Konklusion: Patienter som hänvisades till friskvårdslots via FaR® var till största delen kvinnor och flest patienter förskrevs från primärvården. Förskrivning av FaR® med hänvisning till friskvårdlots ökade förändringsbenägenheten för fysisk aktivitet.

Kunskap som vaccin : - En kvalitativ studie av Svenska Röda Korsets lokala kommunikationsstrategier och relationen till det globala

Larsson, Lisa January 2006 (has links)
Abstract Purpose/Aim: This essay deals with The Swedish Red Cross Society and their work concerning strategical information and communication about HIV and AIDS in the Swedish context. In a broader sense the relation between the global and the local will be investigated and a discussion about what it means to work in an organization operating on a global arena will be held. Material/Method: This essay is based on relevant theories about culture and health communication which I have studied, selected and put together, with purpose to analyse The Swedish Red Cross Society and their informational work with HIV and AIDS- prevention. Furthermore I have interviewed four of the organizations co- workers to collect data about their experiences in working in the Red Cross organization with this specific mission. Moreover I and my colleague Hillevi Good attended at seminars and lectures to observe activities held by the organization and to get inside information about what people working with HIV and AIDS are discussing and considering as critical issues. The study holds a qualitative approach focusing on understanding this typical case rather then generalizing facts in a larger sense. Main results: The Swedish National Society of The Red Cross has a difficult mission in their work to inform the public about HIV and AIDS, although it is the perfect organization when it comes to communication due to their well-known profile and a huge geographical spread. Foremost this is due to the fact that the problem in Sweden concerns attitudes rather than medical supplies, access to information and other more practical issues. The Swedish citizen is individualistic and the HIV- problem does not exist in his/hers reality in the same way as in a high- endemic country, a fact that complicates information and communication. The organization is well aware of the situation and has a good informational approach with networking and education as examples among others, but this is not enough. Changing behaviour and attitudes takes a long time and a lot of resources that does not exist because of HIV and AIDS low priority in Sweden. Although we have an envied situation when it comes to the number of HIV- positive the situation is critical when it comes to knowledge and empathy among the population. Keywords: HIV and AIDS, The Swedish National Society of The Red Cross, Stiftelsen Noaks Ark- Röda Korset, Culture, Structure of Society, Health communication, Behavioural Change, Knowledge and Information

Hälsan ökar med socioekonomisk status : en undersökning om relationen mellan östgötarnas livsstil och deras socioekonomiska status / Health increases with socioeconomic status : a study about the relationship between ostgotarnas lifestyle and their socioeconomic status

Malm, Malin, Mikiver, Lisa January 2013 (has links)
En sund livsstil är en förutsättning för att uppnå en god folkhälsa bland alla befolkningar oavsett land. Befolkningens olika levnadsvanor som t.ex. rökning-, alkohol- och fysisk aktivitet skiljer sig åt mellan olika grupper beroende på inkomst, utbildning och sysselsättning. Därmed skiljer sig hälsan mellan olika socioekonomiska grupper i samhället. Tidigare studier har visat att en ohälsosam livsstil tenderar att finnas hos de mest utsatta socioekonomiska grupperna. Syftet med studien var att ta reda på relationen mellan östgötarnas livsstil och deras socioekonomiska status. Metoden för datainsamlingen var att använda redan insamlat material från enkätundersökningen ”Östgötens hälsa 2006”. ”Östgötens hälsa 2006” utfördes av Folkhälsovetenskapligt Centrum på Landstinget i Östergötland. Frågorna besvarades av 7 238 personer som valdes ut genom ett stratifierat slumpmässigt urval från en totalbefolkning på 315 185 personer, i åldrarna 18-84 år. Svarsfrekvensen mättes till 54,3 procent. Resultatet visade att de med högre socioekonomisk status upplevde sin hälsa bättre än de med lägre socioekonomisk status samt att individer med en bättre ekonomi och högre utbildningsnivå drack alkohol oftare än de med sämre ekonomi och lägre utbildningsnivå. Respondenterna med bättre ekonomi hade bättre trivsel med t.ex. sin sysselsättning och sin sociala gemenskap. Resultatet visade även att de med bättre ekonomi ofta kände sig glada, lyckliga samt mindre oroliga och nedstämda än de med sämre ekonomi. I Konklusionen beskrivs vikten av att bedriva ett folkhälsoarbete både ur ett salutogent och patogent perspektiv. Folkhälsoarbetet bör fokusera främst på att motivera, skapa verktyg och möjligheter för individerna att kunna göra en beteendeförändring. Det hälsofrämjande arbetet bör också fokusera resurser på att främja sundare levnadsvanor redan i tidig ålder och då är skolan en bra arena. / A healthy lifestyle is a prerequisite to a good public health among populations. Lifestyle habits such as smoking, alcohol use and physical activity are different among groups in populations depending on income, education and occupation. Thus, there are disparities in health between different socioeconomic groups in communities. Previous studies have shown that groups with lower socioeconomic status tend to live unhealthy lifestyles. The purpose of this study was to examine the relation between ostgotarnas lifestyle and socioeconomic status. The method of data collection was through already existing data from the survey “Ostgotens halsa 2006”. “Ostgotens halsa 2006” was designed by the National Public Health Centre in Ostergotland County Council. A total of 7 238 individuals answered the questionnaire. The participants was selected through a stratified random sample from the total population of 315 185 people, aged 18-84 years. A total of 54, 3 percent responded. The results mainly showed that those with higher socioeconomic status were healthier than those with lower socioeconomic status, and that those with higher economy and higher education was drinking more often than those with lower economy and lower education. Respondents with higher economy experienced a higher degree of well-being in different contexts such as employment and social fellowship. The results also showed that those with higher economy more often were happy, less depressed and anxious than those with lower economy. The conclusion was to engage in health promotion from both a pathogenic and salutogenic perspective in order to achieve a healthy population. Resources should primarily focus on motivating and creating opportunities for individuals to make a behavioral change and also to promote healthy lifestyles in early ages.

Dream experiences as a method of influencing behavioural change

Melchione, Cheri 12 1900 (has links)
A dream can impact a person so profoundly that it may permanently alter his or her life, beliefs, or behaviour. Most of the time, these gifts of insight happen to only a rare few and usually occur without intention. These life-altering dreams are spontaneous and unpredictable. While most studies focus on the content or meaning of dreams after they occur, this study explores the possibility of using dreams to influence behavioural changes in the waking world. This study examined three of the dream elements associated with profound dreams that could potentially be used to develop a systematic method of using dreams to create behavioural changes. The three elements are (a) Emotion: the ability to generate high-emotion states within a dream; (b) Narrative: the formation of narratives within a dream; and (c) Reality: the ability of the dreamer to perceive and accept the dream as reality. This study was conducted using a qualitative research design with a narrative analysis approach in order to explore and understand the subjective experiences of two participants. Data were collected through the participants‘ interviews and dream journals to help determine themes emerging from each of the participants‘ individual experiences. The themes were then analysed for any information regarding the three elements of dreaming as well as the dreams‘ personal significance to the dreamer. Further analysis explored whether lucid or non-lucid dreaming was able to intentionally produce an experientially-based shift in a specific target behaviour. The results of this research study suggest that there is potential for using dreams to induce behavioural change. The research provided a preliminary inquiry into this new field of dream therapy. This exploration of key elements to a potential dream method may prove essential to defining a basic framework and the tools that may be required to implement a new dream method. Future studies are necessary to uncover the correct combination of elements that will produce profound dream experiences at will. / Psychology / Ph. D. (Psychology)

Complementary Currencies and Environmental Sustainability

Joachain, Hélène 04 September 2017 (has links)
The overarching question of this dissertation is in what ways complementary currencies (CC) systems can contribute to environmental sustainability from an institutional and ecological economics perspective. More particularly, the research focuses on household energy consumption, as it is an important target for policy makers in the EU. The first three chapters focus on the emerging trend of using CC systems as top-down instruments for environmental sustainability. Our findings relate to developing a taxonomy of these systems, designing new top-down CC systems adapted to the context of energy savings in the household sector, exploring the influence of these new systems on the quality of motivation in the light of Self-Determination Theory and investigating the acceptability and effectiveness of these systems. In the fourth and last chapter of this dissertation, we approach our research question from a bottom-up angle and, using an inductive methodology, we explore how community currencies could act as an organising instrument capable of helping cohousing communities achieve their energy-efficiency potential. Finally, we conclude by highlighting our contributions regarding the structure and important features of these systems, how they can be used in an ecological economics paradigm, and how they can set rules for collective action in an institutional perspective. / Doctorat en Sciences économiques et de gestion / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Designing a preventive health application : How to motivate and empower users / Designprocess av en beteendeförändrande hälsoapplikation : hur man designar för att stärka och motivera användare

Movin, Anna January 2015 (has links)
As the research field about persuasive technologies is growing there is a need to consider how we design motivating tools that empower users. This paper aims to raise this discussion by analysing the Motivational Technologies framework. With a Research through Design approach, a case about designing a preventive health application for individuals with rheumatoid arthritis is used as an example to drive the discussion. Through interviews, workshops and prototyping, three design concepts were developed: All in One, Healthie and Three Coaches. Findings from the design process support that for building self-determination, the three key aspects customization, navigability and interactivity from the framework could be important. However, the findings also highlight that other aspects, such as transparency, handling of relapses and encouragement are important to consider and that a critical view of social interaction is needed. Thus, the analysis provides new perspectives to the on-going discourse and shows that the framework needs nuancing. / I takt med att det blir allt vanligare med teknik för att främja beteendeförändringar är det viktigt att diskutera hur sådan teknik kan designas på ett sätt som stärker och motiverar användare. Syftet med denna artikel är att genom en analys av ramverket Motivational Technologies lyfta denna diskussion. Som utgångspunkt för diskussionen används en designutmaning som innefattar design av en livstilsförändrande applikation för att förebygga ledgångsreumatism. Genom intervjuer, idéseminarier och skapandet av prototyper togs tre designkoncept fram: All in One, Healthie och Three Coaches. Resultatet av designutmaningen stödjer att ramverkets huvudaspekter customization, navigability och interactivity är viktiga. Däremot visar resultatet även att andra aspekter, så som transparens, hantering av återfall och uppmuntran är viktiga att ta hänsyn till och att ett kritiskt perspektiv på social interaktion behövs. Därmed bidrar analysen med nya infallsvinklar till den pågående diskursen och visar att det studerade ramverket bör nyanseras.

Participatory Ecological Storytelling - How to Convey Empathy for the Planet for Behavior Change

Talgorn, Elise 30 June 2022 (has links)
There is still too little urgency and emotional engagement around environmental issues. In organizations and companies, short-term economic imperatives and existing structures and processes hamper consideration and implementation of sustainable solutions. Making sustainability a priority requires – beyond practical enablement and innovation development – an emotional and mindset shift as well as more systemic awareness. The difficulty is that the risks and challenges around environmental issues are often abstract and unrelatable. In our research we investigate storytelling as a tool to create pro-environmental awareness and investigate its impact in terms of behaviour change.

Förbättrat deltagande i träningsbaserad hjärtrehabilitering med hjälp av beteendeförändringstekniker : En kvalitativ studie baserad på beteendeförändringsmodellen COM-B / Improved participation in exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation using behaviour change techniques : A qualitative study based on the COM-B behaviour change model

Azdajic, Tomislav January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Under de senaste 30 åren har dödligheten i hjärt-kärlsjukdomarna minskat och fler och fler personer lever med sjukdomen. Träningsbaserad hjärtrehabilitering (THR) är en effektiv sekundär-preventiv åtgärd som förblir en underutnyttjad behandlingsform på grund av bristfälligt deltagande. Syfte: Syftet med förbättringsarbetet var att förbättra deltagande i THR. Syftet med studien av förbätt-ringsarbetet var att genom den teoretiska modellen COM-B undersöka hur patienter uppfattar vad som underlättar eller hindrar deras deltagande i THR. Metod: Med hjälp av Nolans förbättringsmodell testades två förändringar inom ramen för THR, näm-ligen ”Min träningsplan” och ”Träning ute”. Studie av förbättringsarbetet var en kvalitativ studie som baserades på COM-B modellen. Data från sju semistrukturerade intervjuer transkriberades och analy-serades med hjälp av deduktiv innehållsanalys. Resultat: Resultat av förbättringsarbetet visade förbättrat deltagande i THR. I genomsnitt påbörjade 62 % av patienterna THR och de deltog i genomsnitt två tillfällen mer än före förbättringsarbetet. Stu-dien av förbättringsarbetet visade på att dynamiskt tankesätt, aktiv livsstil, stöttning, ansvarstagande, målbilder, positiva känslor kring träning och upplägg verkade vara förknippade med det som underlät-tade deltagande i THR. Det som hindrade deltagande i THR var samsjuklighet och trötthet, svårighet att få ihop sitt livspussel samt oro och rädsla kring fysisk aktivitet. Slutsats: Oberoende vilka förändringsidéer som hade testats framstod det att patienternas egna för-mågor och motivation utvecklades genom större fokus på beteendeförändring som framtagande av ”Min träningsplan” och ”Träning ute” gav upphov till. Det sociala sammanhanget, trygghet kring fysisk akti-vitet, framtidshopp, välbefinnande och längtan till livet innan sjukdomen var faktorer som gjorde att deltagande i THR ersatte andra konkurrerande beteenden. / Background: During the last 30 years, mortality from cardiovascular diseases has decreased and more and more people are living with the disease. Exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation (ExCR) is an effective secondary prevention measure that remains an underutilized form of treatment due to poor participation. Purpose: The purpose of the improvement work was to increase participation in ExCR and the study of the improvement work aimed to use the COM-B theoretical model to investigate how patients apprehended hindering and promoting factors regarding participation in ExCR. Method: Using Nolan's improvement model, two changes to the framework for ExCR were tested, namely "My training plan" and "Training outside". The study of the improvement work was a qualitative study based on COM-B model. Data from seven semi-structured interviews were transcribed and ana-lysed using deductive content analysis. Results: Results showed improved participation in ExCR, 62% of patients started ExCR and they attended an average of two more sessions than before the improvement work. Study showed a growth mind-set, active lifestyle, support, taking responsibility, goal images, positive feelings about training and setup were promoting factors for participation in ExCR. Barriers were co-morbidity, fatigue, difficulty putting together the life's puzzle and worry and fear about physical activity. Conclusion: Regardless of which change ideas had been tested, it was clear that the patients' own abil-ities and motivation were developed through a greater focus on behavioural change, which the development of "My training plan" and "Exercise outside" gave rise to. The social context, feeling safe, hope for the future, well-being and longing for life before the illness were associated with capability to manage competing behaviours in order to participate in ExCR.

Investigating the factors affecting the net benefits and change in user behaviour in technology push scenarios in Smart cities

Alkhaldi, Afnan N.M.N.A. January 2021 (has links)
Purpose – The aim of this study is to investigate the factors affecting the net benefits and change in user behaviour in a technology push scenario in Smart Cities. Design/methodology/approach –The research was conducted using a quantitative approach. Hence, quantitative data was obtained by devising and distributing a questionnaire adapted from the literature to serve the purpose of this research. Data was analysed by using SmartPLS software, since this tool allowed for the creation of a Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). Contributions –The research is expected to help foster an understanding of the factors affecting citizens’ satisfaction with technology-supporting smart cities. The focus of this research was on the scenario where technology was introduced by the government to support the development of smart cities, and where citizens ‘do not have a choice’ and are ‘pushed’ to use them. The research contributes a model for assessing the role of satisfaction in enhancing the net benefits of smart city technologies on the lives of citizens, as well as the change in individuals’ behaviour towards smart city technologies when they are ‘pushed’ for use. The findings provided insights to enable policy makers to implement smart cities in developing countries while ensuring the satisfaction of the users. Originality/value – The originality of this research is centred around determining how satisfied citizens are with smart cities and the net benefit of smart cities within a developing country (Kuwait) context. The research is also unique in that it examines the role of citizens’ satisfaction in changing their behaviour towards ‘push’ technology within smart cities. Theoretical Contributions – This study examined the factors that led to acceptance of smart cities in Kuwait. Hence, this study used the theories related to user acceptance of technology and added to its trust in provider. Previous studies have examined trust as a broad concept. Moreover, this study incorporated the push theory and also examined the change in user behavior, which was not examined in earlier studies.

Integrated marketing communication at the South African National Blood Service: an evaluation of its social marketing campaigns

Chauke, Gibson 02 1900 (has links)
Integrated marketing communication (IMC) is a concept which has been explored in commercial contexts by numerous studies. Numerous scholars in the literature highlight the benefits of adopting an IMC approach which creates message consistency, amongst others. However, there is still limited literature on the adoption and use of IMC in the context of non-profit organisations involved in social marketing campaigns to support their behavioural change messages. Insight into the adoption and use of an IMC approach could be useful to non-profit organisations involved in social marketing as it could increase the success of behavioural change messages. This study aims to explore the use of IMC by one non-profit organisation within a social marketing context. By doing so the study proposes and refines IMC criteria for social marketing to support behavioural change messages and thus contributes to the existing body of knowledge on using IMC in social marketing. The study uses a single case study approach which includes using three data collection methods to collect data from the South Africa National Blood Service (SANBS) to evaluate its social marketing campaigns according to proposed IMC criteria for social marketing. Based on the findings revised IMC criteria which are more tailor-made for social marketing to support behavioural change messages are proposed. It became evident that non-profit organisations need to be sensitive to the complexities of communicating messages aimed at behavioural change. A proper understanding and application of more tailor-made IMC criteria for social marketing can thus benefit non-profit organisations to effectively communicate behavioural change messages through their social marketing campaigns / Communication Science / MA (Communication Science)

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