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Zvýšení plnicí účinnosti zážehového dvoudobého motoru / Increase of Charging Efficiency of Two Stroke EngineMainuš, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
The diploma thesis introduces a design of a construction alteration whose aim is to increase the injection efficiency of the given two-stroke engine. The first chapter deals with a construction solution of the replacement of cylinder charge. The following chapters focus on the procedure of creating a 3D model of a cylinder unit through reverse engineering. Furthermore, the thesis contains a CFD simulation of the fluid flow including the evaluation of the results and experimental measurement on an aerodynamic track.
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Effects of Fat-Free and 2% Chocolate Milk on Strength and Body Composition Following Resistance TrainingForsyth, Ashley T 07 April 2010 (has links)
Nutrition and recovery go hand in hand. After a resistance training workout, it is extremely important for athletes to rebuild and refuel their bodies with the proper nourishment to obtain maximal results. In doing so, they consume different recovery aids or ergogenic aids for gains in muscle mass, an aid in hydration, and a speedy recovery. Ergogenic aids can include many things (i.e., improved equipment, training program), but one of the most popular types of ergogenic aids is nutritional supplements such as protein, carbohydrates, creatine, and vitamins. A nutritional supplement that has recently grown in popularity is chocolate milk. Currently, no studies exist comparing the effects of fat-free chocolate milk and 2% chocolate milk on muscular strength and body composition in collegiate softball players. The purpose of this study will be to determine the effects of fat-free and 2% chocolate milk ingestion on body composition and muscular strength following eight weeks of resistance training. In a randomized (matched according to strength and bodyweight), double blind experimental design, 18 female, collegiate softball players (18.5 +_ .7 yrs; 65.7 +_ 1.8 inches; 156.2 +_ 21.6 lbs) ingested either fat-free chocolate milk or 2% chocolate milk immediately after resistance exercise workouts for an 8-week period. Dependent variables included body fat percentage, lean muscle mass, bench press 1RM, and leg press 1RM. Data was analyzed via a paired samples t-test (to detect difference across both groups over the 8-week training period) and an independent samples t-test (to detect differences between the groups) using SPSS for Windows 15.0. No statistically significant differences were found in bench press strength, leg press strength, body fat %, and lean body mass between the fat-free group and the 2% chocolate milk group. The major finding of this study is that there is no difference between fat-free chocolate milk and 2% chocolate milk in regards to body fat percentage, lean body mass, bench press maximal strength, and leg press maximal strength following an eight week exercise program where the chocolate milk was ingested immediately after each workout. However, there was a significant difference in both groups combined after the eight week training program. Therefore, from a practical sense, consumption of either fat-free chocolate milk or 2% chocolate milk in conjunction with a periodized resistance training program does improve exercise performance in regards to maximal strength as well as improvements in body fat percentage and lean body mass.
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Identification de caractéristiques réduites pour l'évaluation des performances des systèmes solaires combinés / Identification of restricted characteristics for the evaluation of solar combisystems performanceLeconte, Antoine 14 October 2011 (has links)
Les Systèmes Solaires Combinés (SSC), qui répondent aux besoins d'Eau Chaude Sanitaire (ECS) et de chauffage d'un bâtiment, peuvent réaliser des économies d'énergie conséquentes. Cependant, leurs performances dépendent énormément de leur conception, de leur installation et surtout de l'environnement énergétique auquel ils sont confrontés (c'est-à-dire les besoins thermiques du bâtiment et les ressources solaire). A ce jour, il est impossible de prédire l'économie d'énergie qu'un SSC permettrait de réaliser. Il n'existe aucun test normatif permettant la caractérisation des performances des SSC, ce qui pénalise le développement de son marché. La méthode SCSPT (Short Cycle System Performance Test) a pour objectif d'évaluer les performances annuelles des SSC à partir d'un test de 12 jours sur banc d'essai thermique semi-virtuel. Sa particularité est de considérer chaque système comme un unique ensemble ce qui permet, contrairement aux méthodes de type « composant », de prendre en compte les vraies interactions entre les éléments des SSC lors de leur test. Elle montre de très bons résultats mais ceux-ci sont limités à la prédiction des performances du système pour le seul environnement énergétique adopté lors du test. Ces travaux de recherche proposent une amélioration de la procédure SCSPT en lui ajoutant une étape d'identification d'un modèle générique de SSC à partir de données expérimentales. De cette manière, le modèle identifié pourrait simuler le comportement du SSC testé sur différentes séquences annuelles pour n'importe quel environnement énergétique et ainsi caractériser ses performances (à l'aide de la méthode FSC par exemple). L'architecture proposée pour ce modèle est du type « Boite Grise ». Elle mêle une partie « Boite Blanche » composée d'équations physiques caractéristiques de certains éléments du SSC et une partie « Boite Noire » constituée principalement d'un réseau de neurones artificiels. Une procédure complète est conçue pour entrainer et sélectionner un modèle correspondant aux SSC à partir des données de leur test sur banc d'essai semi-virtuel. Cette approche a été validée numériquement grâce à des simulations de trois modèles détaillés de SSC sous TRNSYS. En comparant leurs résultats annuels avec ceux des modèles « Boites Grises » entrainés à partir d'une séquence 12 jours, ces derniers sont capables de prédire la consommation en énergie d'appoint de manière très précise pour 27 environnements énergétiques différents. L'application concrète de cette nouvelle procédure a été réalisée expérimentalement sur deux SSC réels. Elle a confirmé que l'approche était pertinente et cohérente. Elle a également permis d'identifier quelques améliorations pour que la méthode soit totalement opérationnelle. Ce travaux offrent une base pour avancer dans l'élaboration d'une méthode complète et fiable de caractérisation des SSC qui pourraient conduire à une nouvelle procédure de normalisation (et d'envisager un étiquetage énergétique des SSC. / Solar Combi Systems (SCS) can be very efficient at reducing heat energy bill of a house but their performances depend on the environment they are working in (type of climate and thermal quality of the building). Currently it is impossible to predict how much energy a SCS would save before its installation. There is no standard test to characterize SCS performances and this curbs its market development. The Short Cycle System Performance Test (SCSPT), that is being developed at the French National Institute of Solar Energy (INES, Chambery, France), aims to evaluate SCS annual performance from a test on a semi-virtual test bench. Its special feature is to test the whole system as only one part, unlike “component testing” which can't consider real interaction between combisystems components. The SCSPT method shows good results but performance prediction is limited to only one environment (i.e. one set of system sizing, type of climate and building thermal quality, corresponding with the test). This work proposes an improvement of the SCSPT procedure by identifying a global SCS model from the test data. In this way, the identified model would be able to simulate the tested SCS behaviour in any environment and thus to characterize its performances. The proposed model to identify is a “grey box” model, mixing a “white box” model composed of known physical equations and a “black box” model, which is an Artificial Neural Network (ANN). A complete process is developed to train and select a relevant global SCS model from such a test on semi-virtual test bench. This approach has been validated through numerical simulations of three detailed SCS models. Compared to their annual results, “grey box” SCS models trained from a twelve days sequence are able to predict energy consumption with a good precision for 27 different environments. Concrete experimentations of this procedure have been applied to two real systems. They have confirmed that the approach is pertinent and revealed some points to improve in order to get it totally operational. This work offers major basis to get ahead with a complete method to characterize SCS that could lead to develop a standardization method from performance evaluation (and eventually complete the European norm EN 15316 for instance) and to plan a combisystems performance labelling.
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Living with Warrants: Life under the Sword of DamoclesDuda-Banwar, Janelle 23 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Determining the effectfs of introducing Pseudomonas putida 3P to Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens) Gainesville dietWaters, Rebecca 13 May 2022 (has links) (PDF)
With a growing global population, food security and waste management strategies are needed (FAO, 2002b); insects have been promoted for these goals. Black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) are endorsed for their ability in decomposition and use as feed (Bava et al., 2019; Swett Walker, 2018). Studies show the life cycle of BSFL is impacted by bacterial supplementation (Franks et al., 2021; Kooienga et al., 2020). We seek to determine the effects of supplementing BSFL diet with Pseudomonas putida 3P. We conducted two forms of a 10-day bench-top study observing larval mass, frass conversion, C:N content, and ammonia production with supplementation of Pseudomonas putida 3P in single and double-doses. Supplementation with P. putida results in roughly 1.5X larger larval wet and dry mass, variable concentrations of ammonia, and approximately 1.15X smaller C:N ratios in frass. This suggests interruption of larval rearing may affect volatile ammonia concentrations and inhibit P. putida behavior.
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Transition to a Sustainable Circular Furniture Economy : Integrated environmental and economic impact assessment of circular changesFührer, Sophie January 2021 (has links)
The circular economy is presented as a solution to reconcile environmental protection with economic endeavours. However, only 9% of the global manufacturing currently deploys circularity. Within the furniture industry, with its intensive use of resources, the adoption remains limited. However, the application of furniture remanufacturing practices in Europe is currently estimated to be a €300M turnover while presumably avoiding around 3.3 to 5.7 Mt CO2 eq. The literature on the transition to circular furniture has not yet identified the success factors and practical insights to facilitate the adoption of circularity. Therefore, this research sets out to evaluate the economic and environmental benefit that could be achieved by transitioning from a business-as-usual furniture product to a circular one. The analysis is conducted in cooperation with two European companies – a circular kitchen start-up and a traditional public seating retailer. A cradle-to-grave life cycle costing and life cycle assessment investigates the two case studies regarding their change trajectories for their costs and environmental impacts. With its novel design and changed material composition, the circular kitchen reduced the global warming potential of a standard kitchen by about 40%, which comes at a cost premium of 5%. Likewise, the circular transformation in the second case indicated similar environmental impact changes and economic benefit compared to the conventional product. The total life cycle costs decreased by 10%, while the results reveal a coincidental lowered global warming potential by one fourth. The integrated assessment also reveals the pre-production and production phase for both case studies as the most impactful even after the application of circular strategies. The outcomes coupled with the qualitative assessment further demonstrated decisive internal and external factors accompanying the successful transition of the furniture companies. Still, a vast amount of similar case studies is necessary to validate the change trajectories to facilitate the industry-wide adoption of circular strategies, as discussed in the present study. / Den cirkulära ekonomin presenteras som en lösning för att förena miljöskydd med ekonomiska mål. Dock använder endast 9% av den globala tillverkningen cirkuläritet i dagsläget. Inom möbelindustrin, med sin intensiva resursanvändning, är cirkuläritet fortfarande begränsat. Samtidigt uppskattas återtillverkning av möbler i Europa omsätta 300 miljoner euro och undvika omkring 3,3 till 5,7 miljoner ton koldioxidekvivalenter. Litteraturen om övergången till cirkulära möbler har ännu inte identifierat några framgångsfaktorer eller praktiska insikter för att underlätta övergången till cirkuläritet. Denna studie ämnar därför att utvärdera de ekonomiska och miljömässiga fördelar som skulle kunna uppnås genom att övergå från en möbelprodukt som är business-as-usual till en cirkulär produkt. Analysen görs i samarbete med två europeiska företag – en cirkulär köks-startup och en traditionell återförsäljare av möbler för offentliga rum och ytor. Genom livscykelkostnads- och livscykelanalys undersöktes de två fallstudierna. Med sin nya design och förändrade materialkomposition minskade det cirkulära köket den globala uppvärmningspotentialen i ett standardkök med cirka 40%, vilket skedde till en kostnadspremie på 5%. På samma sätt visade den cirkulära omvandlingen i det andra fallet liknande miljökonsekvensförändringar och ekonomiska fördelar jämfört med den konventionella produkten. De totala livscykelkostnaderna minskade med 10%, medan även potentiell klimatpåverkan minskade med en fjärdedel. Den integrerade bedömningen visar också att förproduktions- och produktionsfasen för båda fallstudierna är de faserna med mest signifikant påverkan, även efter tillämpningen av cirkulära strategier. Resultatet demonstrerar tydliga interna och externa faktorer som medföljer en framgångsrik övergång för möbelbolag. En stor mängd liknande fallstudier är dock nödvändiga för att validera de kvantitativa fynden och facilitera bredare applicering av cirkulära strategier inom sektorn.
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The Energy Efficiency Model of a DC Motor for the Control of HEVs / Energieffektivitetsmodellen för en likströmsmotor för styrning av HEVCAI, JIACHENG January 2020 (has links)
This thesis studies a DC motor for a racing hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) prototype.The development of optimization-based energy management strategies (EMS) necessitates an accurate quasi-static model of the driving motor, which includes a 2D efficiency map with the torque outputand rotating speed as the inputs. However, a DC motor's efficiency varies a lot at differentoperating points and the efficiency map from the technical manual does not match the various applications in reality.In view of this, this thesis investigates a field testing based quasi-static modeling method to construct the DC motor efficiency map with only portable and brief testing resources. Firstly, a testbench is designed, manufactured, integrated, and configured with necessary accessories. The testbench consists of the motor under test, a braking motor to provide load torque, a servo-amplifier for torque control and sensing, a host computer for data acquisition, and power supplies. Then, a self-contained testing plan is designed by which as many as possible different testing points can be covered based on the braking motor's power limit. After that, the experiments are successively performed on the test bench, and the input electric power along with the output mechanical power at steady state are recorded. Multiple data process methods are explored to analyze the collected testing data. Root mean square (RMS) is used to reduce the measuring variance. Invalid outliers are identified and filtered out based on the residuals. The qualified samples are employed to build up the 2D efficiency map by fourth-degree polynomial regression. Then, three methods, linear, quadratic, and cubic fittings are attempted separately to estimate the relationships between the input power and output torque at different speeds. The results show that the quadratic model is the best option which results in smaller root mean square error (RMSE) and fair computation complexity. To conclude, the quasi-static dynamic model of a DC motor, which includes a 2D efficiency map and the speed-based polynomial expression of input power, can be properly established by a new method relying on less and simpler devices in contrast to those traditional methods. This method bypasses a bulk of tedious modulations on precise motor speed control which is heavily dependent on a high-precision sensor. The formulated 2D efficiency map will effectively support the future development of model-based EMS. The polynomial expression provides a more efficient approach to estimate instantaneous energy efficiency for an embedded system application. / Denna avhandling studerar en likströmsmotor för en prototyp av ett elektriskt hybridfordon (HEV) för racing. Utvecklingen av optimeringsbaserade energihanteringsstrategier (EMS) kräver en precis kvasistatisk dynamisk modell av den drivande motorn, som inkluderar en en 2D-karta (effektivetetskarta) som beskriver hur verkningsgraden beror på moment och rotationshastighet. Verkningsgraden hos likströmsmotorn varierar dock mycket beroende på arbetspunkt och verkningsgradskartan från databladen stämmer inte alltid med de olika applikationerna i verkligheten. Givet detta undersöker denna avhandling en fältprovsbaserad kvasistatisk modelleringsmetod för att uppskatta likströmsmotorns effektivitetskarta med endast flyttbara och begränsade testresurser. Till att börja med är en testbänk designad, tillverkad, integrerad och konfigurerad med alla nödvändiga komponenter. Testbänken består av den motor som testas, en bromsmotor för att ge belastningsmoment, en servoförstärkare för vridmomentstyrning och mätning, samt en dator för datainsamling och strömförsörjning. Sedan utformas en fristående testplan som gör att så många olika testpunkter som möjligt kan täckas, baserat på bromsmotorn effektgräns. Därefter utförs experimenten successivt på testbänken där ingående elektrisk effekt och utgående mekanisk effekt mäts i jämviktsläget. Flera olika metoder undersöks för att analysera den insamlade testdatan. Kvadratiskt medelvärde används för att minska variansen i testdatan. Ogiltiga outliers identifieras och filtreras ut baserat på hur mycket de avviker från medelvärdet. De godkända testpunkterna används för att bygga upp 2D-effektivitetskartan genom en fjärde gradens polynom regression. Därefter används tre olika metoder, linjära, kvadratiska och kubiska för att skapa kurvanpassningar genom polynomregression för att beskriva sambandet mellan ingångseffekt och utgångseffekt vid olika hastigheter. Resultaten visar att den kvadratiska metoden är det bästa alternativet eftersom det ger en mindre medelkvadratavvikelse och en hanterbar beräkningskomplexitet. Avslutningsvis kan den kvasistatiska dynamiska modellen för en likströmsmotor, som inkluderar en 2D-effektivitetskarta med det hastighetsbaserade polynomuttrycket för ingångseffekt, skapas av en ny metod som förliter sig på mindre och enklare materiel än traditionella metoder. Denna metod kringår en stor del av den omständiga modulering som precis varvtalsstyrning kräver vilken även är väldigt beroende på högprecisionssensorer. Den formulerade 2D-effektivitetskartan kommer ge betydande stöd till framtida utveckling av modelbaserade energihanteringsstrategier 2 (EMS). Polynomuttrycket ger ett mer effektivt tillvägagångssätt för att uppskatta omedelbar energieffektivitet för en inbäddad systemapplikation.
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Model and Control System Development for a Plug-In Parallel Hybrid Electric VehicleMarquez Brunal, Eduardo De Jesus 20 June 2016 (has links)
The Hybrid Electric Vehicle Team (HEVT) of Virginia Tech is participating in the EcoCAR 3 Advanced Vehicle Technology Competition series organized by Argonne National Labs (ANL), and sponsored by General Motors (GM) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). EcoCAR 3 is a 4-year collegiate competition that challenges student with redesigning a 2016 Chevrolet Camaro into a hybrid. The five main goals of EcoCAR 3 are to reduce petroleum energy use (PEU) and green house gas (GHG) emissions while maintaining safety, consumer acceptability, and performance, with an increased focus on cost and innovation. HEVT selected a P3 Plug-in Parallel hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) to meet design goals and competition requirements. This study presents different stages of the vehicle development process (VDP) followed to integrate the HEVT Camaro. This work documents the control system development process up to Year 2 of EcoCAR 3.
The modeling process to select a powertrain is the first stage in this research. Several viable powertrains and the respective vehicle technical specifications (VTS) are evaluated. The P3 parallel configuration with a V8 engine is chosen because it generated the set of VTS that best meet design goals and EcoCAR 3 requirements. The V8 engine also preserves the heritage of the Camaro, which is attractive to the established target market. In addition, E85 is chosen as the fuel for the powertrain because of the increased impact it has on GHG emissions compared to E10 and gasoline. The use of advanced methods and techniques like model based design (MBD), and rapid control prototyping (RCP) allow for faster development of engineering products in industry. Using advanced engineering techniques has a tremendous educational value, and these techniques can assist the development of a functional and safe hybrid control system. HEVT has developed models of the selected hybrid powertrain to test the control code developed in software. The strategy developed is a Fuzzy controller for torque management in charge depleting (CD) and charge sustaining (CS) modes. The developed strategy proves to be functional without having a negative impact of the energy consumption characteristics of the hybrid powertrain. Bench testing activities with the V8 engine, a low voltage (LV) motor, and high voltage (HV) battery facilitated learning about communication, safety, and functionality requirements for the three components. Finally, the process for parallel development of models and control code is presented as a way to implement more effective team dynamics. / Master of Science
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Development of direct measurement techniques for the in-situ internal alignment of accelerating structuresGalindo Muñoz, Natalia 16 April 2018 (has links)
Las exigentes tolerancias de alineación en los componentes de los futuros colisionadores lineales de partículas requieren el desarrollo de nuevas técnicas de alineación más precisas que las existentes. Este es el caso del Colisionador Lineal Compacto (Compact Linear Collider, CLIC), cuyos objetivos altamente restrictivos de alineamiento alcanzan los 10 um. Para poder lograr el máximo rendimiento del acelerador, es necesario que el posicionamiento de las estructuras que aceleran las partículas y de los campos que las guían cumplan las tolerancias de alineación para dirigir el haz a lo largo de la trayectoria diseñada. Dicho procedimiento consiste en relacionar la posición de los ejes de referencia de cada componente con respecto a objetos externos, o fiduciales, lo cual resulta muy tedioso y económicamente costoso. Los errores sistemáticos y aleatorios se van acumulando en cada paso del proceso y, en consecuencia, la precisión final de alineamiento es todo un desafío. En este contexto, nace el proyecto PACMAN (Particle Accelerator Components Metrology and Alignment to the Nanometre scale), subvencionado por la Unión Europea en el programa FP7 de financiación para la investigación e innovación. El objetivo principal de PACMAN es investigar, desarrollar e implementar una solución integrada alternativa que incorpore todos los pasos de alineación en una misma ubicación, con el objetivo de mejorar la precisión de alineación de los componentes de los aceleradores, en concreto: las estructuras aceleradoras, los cuadrupolos y los monitores de posición de haz. La viabilidad de las soluciones desarrolladas y la precisión de alineamiento alcanzada deben de demostrarse en un banco de pruebas utilizando componentes de CLIC. La estrategia de PACMAN para alcanzar el objetivo técnico se divide en tres pasos. El primero consiste en la fiducialización de los componentes y sus soportes. El segundo paso es el ensamblaje de los componentes en dos tipos de soporte, uno compuesto por un monitor de posición de haz y un cuadrupolo, y otro con cuatro estructuras aceleradoras, tomando como referencia su centro electromagnético. Finalmente, ambos soportes se transportan al túnel para su alineación final utilizando técnicas de hilos tensados. En esta tesis doctoral, se describe el desarrollo de una nueva técnica no destructiva para localizar los ejes electromagnéticos de estructuras aceleradoras y su validación experimental. Para ello, se ha utilizado una estructura aceleradora de CLIC conocida como TD24. Debido a la complejidad mecánica de la TD24, su difícil acceso y su diámetro medio de iris de 5.5 mm, se desarrolla una nueva técnica denominada en esta tesis como 'el método perturbativo' y se realiza una propuesta experimental de validación. El estudio de viabilidad de este método, cumpliendo con los requisitos impuestos de precisión en la medida de 10 um, ha sido realizado con una campaña extensa de simulaciones de campos electromagnéticos en tres dimensiones utilizando la herramienta de software conocida como HFSS. Los resultados de simulación han permitido el desarrollo de un algoritmo muy completo de medidas y han proporcionado las especificaciones técnicas para el diseño conceptual de un banco de pruebas para la medida de los ejes electromagnéticos de la TD24. El preciso ensamblaje del banco de pruebas y sus correspondientes calibraciones, la incorporación de nuevos tratamientos de las medidas en el algoritmo final y la caracterización de fuentes de error en la medida, favorecieron la localización del centro electromagnético en la TD24 con una precisión menor a 1 um con un error estimado menor que 8.5 um, cumplimiendo con los objetivos de precisión establecidos. / In the next generation of linear particle accelerators, challenging alignment tolerances are required in the positioning of the components focusing, accelerating and detecting the beam over the accelerator length in order to achieve the maximum machine performance. In the case of the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC), accelerating structures, beam position monitors and quadrupole magnets need to be aligned in their support with respect to their reference axes with an accuracy of 10 um. To reach such objective, the PACMAN (Particle Accelerator Components Metrology and Alignment to the Nanometer Scale) project strives for the improvement of the current alignment accuracy by developing new methods and tools, whose feasibility should be validated using the major CLIC components. This Ph.D. thesis concerns the investigation, development and implementation of a new non-destructive intracavity technique, referenced here as 'the perturbative method', to determine the electromagnetic axes of accelerating structures by means of a stretched wire, acting as a reference of alignment. Of particular importance is the experimental validation of the method through the 5.5 mm iris-mean aperture CLIC prototype known as TD24, with complex mechanical features and difficult accessibility, in a dedicated test bench. In the first chapter of this thesis, the alignment techniques in particle accelerators and the novel proposals to be implemented in the future linear colliders are introduced, and a detailed description of the PACMAN project is provided. The feasibility study of the method, carried out with extensive electromagnetic fields simulations, is described in chapter 2, giving as a result, the knowledge of the theoretical accuracy expected in the measurement of the electromagnetic axes and facilitating the development of a measurement algorithm. The conceptual design, manufacturing and calibration of the automated experimental set-up, integrating the solution developed to measure the electromagnetic axes of the TD24, are covered in chapter 3. The future lines of research and developments of the perturbative method are also explored. In chapter 4, the most significant results obtained from an extensive experimental work are presented, analysed and compared with simulations. The proof-of-principle is completed, the measurement algorithm is optimised and the electromagnetic centre is measured in the TD24 with a precision less than 1 um and an estimated error less than 8.5 um. Finally, in chapter 5, the developments undertaken along this research work are summarised, the innovative achievements accomplished within the PACMAN project are listed and its impact is analysed. / En la generació pròxima d'acceleradors de partícules lineals, desafiant toleràncies d'alineament és requerit en el posicionament dels components que enfoquen, accelerant i detectant la biga sobre la longitud d'accelerador per tal d'aconseguir l'actuació de màquina màxima. En el cas del Colisionador Compacte Lineal (CLIC), accelerant estructures, monitors de posició de fes i imants necessiten ser alineats en el seu suport amb respectar a les seves destrals de referència amb una precisió de 10 um. Per assolir tal objectiu, el PACMAN (Metrologia de Components de l'Accelerador de partícules i Alineament al Nanometer Escala) projecte s'esforça per la millora de l'actual precisió d'alineament per mètodes nous en desenvolupament i eines, la viabilitat dels quals hauria de ser validada utilitzant els components de CLIC importants. Aquesta tesi concerneix la investigació, desenvolupament i implementació d'un nou no-destructiu tècnica interna, va referenciar ací mentre 'el mètode de pertorbació' per determinar les destrals electromagnètiques d'accelerar estructures mitjançant un cable estès, actuant com a referència d'alineament. De la importància particular és la validació experimental del mètode a través del 5.5 mm iris-roí obertura prototipus de CLIC sabut com TD24, amb característiques mecàniques complexes i accessibilitat difícil, en un banc de prova dedicat. En el primer capítol d'aquesta tesi, les tècniques d'alineament en acceleradors de partícules i les propostes novelles per ser implementades en el futur colisionador lineal és introduït, i una descripció detallada del projecte PACMAN és proporcionat. L'estudi de viabilitat el mètode de pertorbació, va dur a terme amb simulacres de camps electromagnètics extensos, és descrit dins capitol 2, donant com a resultat, el coneixement de la precisió teòrica esperada en la mida de les destrals electromagnètiques i facilitant el desenvolupament d'un algoritme de mida. El disseny conceptual, fabricació i calibratge del conjunt experimental automatitzat-amunt, integrant la solució desenvolupada per mesurar les destrals electromagnètiques del TD24, és cobert dins capitol 3. Les línies futures de recerca i desenvolupaments del mètode és també va explorar. Dins capitol 4, la majoria de resultats significatius van obtenir d'una faena experimental extensa és presentada, analitzat i comparat amb simulacres. La prova-de-el principi és completat, l'algoritme de mida és optimitzat i el centre electromagnètic és mesurat en el TD24 amb una precisió menys d'1 um i un error calculat menys de 8.5 um. Finalment, dins capitol 5, els desenvolupaments empresos al llarg d'aquesta faena de recerca és resumit, les consecucions innovadores van acomplir dins del projecte PACMAN és llistat i el seu impacte és analitzat. / Galindo Muñoz, N. (2018). Development of direct measurement techniques for the in-situ internal alignment of accelerating structures [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/100488
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Sarah T. Hughes: Her Influence in Texas PoliticsJustiss, Charnita Spring 12 1900 (has links)
Conservative males traditionally dominated Texas politics. In 1930, however, Sarah T. Hughes, a liberal woman from Maryland, began a spectacular career in state politics despite obstacles because of her gender and progressive ideas. First elected to the Texas Legislature in 1930, she remained active in politics for the next fifty years. Hard work, intelligence, and ability allowed her to form solid friendships with Texas's most powerful politicians. She became the first woman in Texas to hold a district judgeship, the first woman from Texas appointed to the federal bench, and the only woman to swear in a U.S. president. Hughes profoundly influenced state politics, challenging the long-standing conservative male domination. She helped to create a more diverse political field that today encompasses different ideologies and both genders.
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