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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


ADRIANO DOMENY DOS SANTOS 04 May 2016 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho apresenta um estudo do comportamento dinâmico de uma bancada de testes representativa do sistema real de perfuração, composta por um motor CC acoplado a um sistema físico torcional, sujeita a fontes de atrito que induzem um regime de stick-slip no sistema em duas regiões distintas. O estudo incluiu a identificação de parâmetros da bancada de testes por meio de uma série de ensaios experimentais; e a caracterização do atrito, por meio do levantamento experimental da curva do coeficiente de atrito, em função da velocidade angular dos rotores principais. O intuito inicial foi a obtenção de um modelo numérico que fosse o mais simples possível e que representasse bem a bancada de testes. Uma vez obtido o modelo numérico, prosseguiu-se com uma série de simulações que permitissem uma caracterização indireta do regime de atrito ao qual estivessem submetidos os rotores principais, partindo-se apenas de medições de parâmetros no motor. Esse estudo é de grande relevância para a compreensão qualitativa da dinâmica do sistema real de perfuração, uma vez que ainda hoje não há técnicas totalmente confiáveis para caracterização do comportamento da coluna no fundo do poço a partir de dados da superfície somente. / [en] This paper presents a study of the dynamic behavior of a representative test bench of a real rotary drilling system, comprising a DC motor coupled to a very exible torsional system subjected to sources of friction which can induce self-excitation into two distinct regions of the system. The study includes the identification of parameter settings from the test bench by means of a series of experimental tests and characterization of friction, by obtaining the experimental curve of the friction coefficient as a function of the angular speed of the main rotor. The initial aim was to obtain a numerical model as simple as possible, capable of representing the test bench. Once obtained the numerical model, a series of numerical simulations were done, which allow an indirect characterization of the friction condition to which main rotors were subjected, starting only with the parameters measured at the drive. This study is of great importance for a qualitative understanding of the dynamics of the real drilling system, since today there is no fully reliable techniques to characterize the behavior of the column in the deep from surface data only.

Kinetics of the electrocoagulation of oil and grease

Rincon, Guillermo 20 May 2011 (has links)
Research on the electrocoagulation (EC) of hexane extractable materials (HEM) has been conducted at the University of New Orleans using a proprietary bench-scale EC reactor. The original reactor configuration forced the fluid to follow a vertical upward-downward path. An alternate electrode arrangement was introduced so that the path of flow became horizontal. Both configurations were evaluated by comparing the residence time distribution (RTD) data generated in each case. These data produced indication of internal recirculation and stagnant water when the fluid followed a vertical path. These anomalies were attenuated when the fluid flowed horizontally and at a velocity higher than 0.032 m s-1 . A series of EC experiments were performed using a synthetic emulsion with a HEM concentration of approximately 700 mg l-1. It was confirmed that EC of HEM follows first-order kinetics, and kinetic constants of 0.0441 s-1 and 0.0443 s-1 were obtained from applying both the dispersion and tanks-in-series (TIS) models, respectively. In both cases R2 was 0.97. Also, the TIS model indicated that each cell of the EC behaves as an independent continuous-stirred-tank reactor.

Modeling and optimization of power losses in poly-V belt transmissions : Application to the Front Engine Accessory Drive of trucks / Modélisation et optimisation des pertes de puissance dans les transmissions par courroie poly-v : Application aux façades accessoires des moteurs de camions

Silva, Carlos Alexandre Ferreira Da 06 November 2018 (has links)
Ces travaux s’inscrivent dans le cadre du projet EDIT(Efficient Distribution Truck, FUI19), piloté par le groupe Volvo Trucks, dont l’objectif de réduction de consommation pour 2020 est fixé à 13% par rapport à un véhicule actuel EURO-6. Le projet EDIT porte sur cinq axes techniques d’amélioration dont un consiste en l’obtention d’un système optimisé de transmission par courroie poly-V au regard des pertes de puissance. Actuellement les faces avant de moteur sont perfectionnées sur le plan mécanique ; cela signifie que la durée de vie de ses composants est optimisée, et que les nuisances vibratoires sont réduites. Par contre, des améliorations peuvent être apportées sur le plan énergétique. Cette thèse, qui a pour objectif d’investiguer les possibilités de réduction et d’optimisation des pertes de puissance sur les façades accessoires, se décline en trois parties : une caractérisation par l’analyse mécanique dynamique des matériaux viscoélastiques des courroies poly-V et des composantes de façade ; une modélisation, une optimisation et une implémentation logicielle des modèles de pertes de puissance ; validées par une dernière partie expérimentale sur banc d’essais. Les pertes de puissances dans une face avant moteur sont de plusieurs types : des pertes internes à la courroie poly-V (hystérésis du caoutchouc), des pertes externes à la courroie (glissement poulie/courroie) et des pertes internes aux composants (frottement dans les roulements). Ces pertes peuvent désormais être quantifiées et optimisées grâce aux modèles développés durant cette thèse. Ces modèles ont été validés et implémentés dans un outil de simulation (PLFead, Power Loss Front engine accessory drive), qui a été développé pour optimiser les pertes de puissance en tenant compte des paramètres de design et de fonctionnement des faces avant moteur. / This work is a part of the Efficient Distribution Truck (EDIT, FUI 19) project, led by Volvo Trucks, whose objective is to reduce distribution vehicles’ fuel consumption for 2020 by 13% when compared with the current production vehicle EURO-6. The EDIT project targets five areas of research and technical solutions, one of which consists of obtaining an optimized poly-V belt transmission concerning the power losses. In terms of lifetime of the mechanical components, reduction of noise and vibrations, the Front Engine Accessory Drives (FEADs) are currently one of the most technologically sophisticated systems. However, further improvements can be made to make the vehicles more energy efficient. This thesis, which aims at investigating possibilities for reducing and optimizing the power losses in the FEADs, is composed of three main parts: the characterization of the viscoelastic materials of the poly-V belts via Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) and the FEAD components; the modeling, the optimization and the implementation of the power loss models in a simulation tool; and their experimental validation through a test bench. The power losses occurring in a FEAD are of several types: poly-V internal losses (hysteresis of the belt-rubber), poly-V external losses (belt/pulley slip) and losses from the accessory drives (friction inside the bearings). These power losses can be quantified and optimized thanks to the models developed throughout this thesis. These models have been validated and implemented in a simulation tool (PLFead, Power Loss Front engine accessory drive), which has been developed to optimize the power losses taking into consideration the design parameters and operating conditions of the FEAD.


CARLOS MARX DA SILVA DE CARVALHO 03 June 2014 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho trata do projeto, modelagem e simulação de uma bancada de testes, com a finalidade de mensurar o desempenho de componentes de refrigeração, para ciclos por compressão de vapor. A configuração da bancada foi concebida para oferecer flexibilidade na escolha dos componentes e estabilidade durante a realização dos experimentos. Um modelo matemático foi desenvolvido e implementado a partir da aplicação dos princípios de conservação da massa e energia para cada um dos volumes de controle dos componentes da bancada. A modelagem considera também as equações de troca de calor, propriedades termodinâmicas e modelos físicos dos componentes, para prever condições de operação da bancada operando em regime permanente. Para a modelagem computacional utilizou-se o software EES-Engineering Equation Solver. O modelo resultante também foi utilizado no pré-dimensionamento dos subsistemas da bancada e na simulação de parâmetros característicos, a fim de delimitar a faixa de capacidades, bem como as variáveis de entrada e saída, necessárias ao controle do sistema. O dimensionamento e a seleção dos equipamentos e componentes foram efetuados com base no refrigerante R134a, como fluido de trabalho. No entanto, o modelo é compatível com a utilização de outros refrigerantes, tais como o R22, R407C, R410A, e outras misturas. O trabalho inclui um modelo para simular o comportamento em regime transiente do tanque inercial térmico com o intuito de estudar a estabilidade e o controle do sistema em regime permanente. A simulação demonstrou que a configuração da bancada garantirá estabilidade e reprodutibilidade dos experimentos nas eventuais variações das condições externas, diferindo, portanto, de grande parte dos sistemas de refrigeração convencionais. / [en] The present work deals with the design, modeling and simulation of a test bench used in evaluating the performance of components of vapor compression refrigeration systems. The mathematical model was developed and implemented based on the application of the conservation of mass and energy principles to each of the control volumes, heat transfer equations, thermodynamic properties for refrigerant and water and existing physical models for the system components were also applied. The software EES-Engineering Equation Solver was used as the computational platform. The resulting simulation program was initially used to size the test bench subsystems and to simulate characteristic parameters in order to determine the range of capacities and input and output variables. Refrigerant R-134a was the working substance considered when sizing and choosing system components, but the model can also be used with R22 refrigerants as well as R410A, R407C and others refrigerant mixtures. The work also includes a transient analysis of the thermal inertial tank with focus on the study of the operational control for the system being operated at steady state. The simulation showed that the layout of the test bench will warrant stability and reproducibility of experiments for eventual changes in the external condition, thus differing from typical conventional vapor compression refrigeration systems.

Avaliação experimental do desempenho de um motor de ignição por compressão operando com misturas Diesel-Etanol Anidro ou com sistema eletrônico independente de injeção de Etanol Hidratado /

Scarpin, Lucas Mendes. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Ricardo Alan Verdú Ramos / Resumo: Resumo / Abstract: Abstract / Doutor

Degradação de bifenila policlorada e caracterização da comunidade microbiana de reator anaeróbio com biofilme / Studies on the biodegradation and degradation of polychlorinated biphenyl in anaerobious conditions

Corrêa, Regiane Cristina 14 October 2011 (has links)
Métodos de Microbiologia de anaeróbios estritos e de Biologia Molecular foram empregados para se conhecer a diversidade de microrganismos relacionados à degradação de ascarel em reatores anaeróbios metanogênicos. A avaliação de potencial metanogênico foi realizada para a escolha da melhor condição nutricional, bem como, para a seleção de material suporte e solvente adequado a solubilização do ascarel. Nos ensaios em batelada, a produção de metano foi maior nos reatores contendo etanol (média de 0,22 - 0,46 molCH4/gSTV, 46h). Remoção de 85,6% (86,7 mg/L de PCB em Aroclor 1016 e 1260) foi obtida na condição com espuma de poliuretano, etanol (46g/L) e formiato (680 mg/L). Diferentes solventes e surfactantes, tais como, DMSO, dioxano, ácido acético, ácido fórmico, n-hexano, acetona, etano, metanol, Tween 80, SDS (10%) e Triton X-100 foram avaliados para a solubilização de ascarel. Dentre esses, metanol, Triton X-100 e ácido fórmico foram eleitos para a realização de ensaio em reatores em batelada contendo espuma de poliuretano, com o propósito de avaliar o potencial metanogênico na degradação de PCB. Os valores de produção de metano foram muito semelhantes (0,21 0,38 molCH4/mLgSTV, 45h) nas diferentes condições, no entanto, a remoção de PCB foi maior nos reatores com metanol 790 mg/L (86,6%), ácido Fórmico 600 mg/L (84,5%) e Triton X-100 1% (72,1%). Portanto, a melhor condição foi contemplada para a operação do reator anaeróbio horizontal de leito fixo (RAHLF) no tratamento do ascarel, ou seja, células imobilizadas em espuma de poliuretano, etanol e formiato (como fonte de carbono), Triton X-100 (0,1%) e metanol (como solvente). No RAHLF, a remoção média de matéria orgânica (DQO) foi de 91% para concentração afluente média de 1270 mg/L. A presença de morfologias semelhantes à Methanosarcina e bacilos fluorescentes foi confirmada em exames microscópicos. Na análise filogenética, por meio de PCR/DGGE e seqüenciamento das bandas recortadas, os grupos encontrados foram relacionados aos Filos Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Spirochaetes, Chlorobi e Chloroflexi, sendo que neste último estão incluídos representantes relacionados a degradação de PCBs. Dentre as arquéias metanogênicas verificou-se similaridade de 99% e 97% com Methanosaeta sp. e Methanolinea sp., relacionadas com a metanogenese acetoclástica e hidrogenotrófica, respectivamente / Molecular biology and microbiology methods were used to study the microbial communities related to degradation of ascarel at methanogenic conditions in an anaerobic reactor. The methanogenic potential was evaluated to choose the better nutritional condition as well as to select the better support material and the most suitable solvent to favor the solubilization of ascarel. The methane production was higher (0.22 0.46 molCH4/mLgSTV, 46h) in batch reactors containing ethanol (46 g/L) and formate (680 mg/L), the PCB elimination attaining 85.6% (86.7 mg/L de PCB as Aroclor 1016 and 1260) when Polyuretane foam was used as support material. Different solvents, namely DMSO, dioxane, n-hexane, acetic acid, formic acid, acetone, ethane, methanol, and surfactants, such as 10% SDS,, Triton X-100, were evaluated aiming o determine the better condition to solubilize ascarel. According to the results of such experiments, methanol, formic acid and Triton X-100 were selected for carrying out the batch experiments in reactors containing polyurethane foam to evaluate the methane production during the PCBs degradation. Regardless of the operation conditions the methane production rates were similar (0.21 0.38 molCH4/gSTV, 45h), however the elimination of PCB was higher in the reactors containing methanol (790 mg/L), formic acid (600 mg/L) and Triton X-100 (1%). Therefore, the better condition for treating ascarel-containing residues in a bench-scale horizontal-flow immobilized biomass (HAIB) was attained with cells immobilized in polyurethane foam when ethanol and formate were used as carbon sources, and in presence of Triton X-100 and methanol, the average elimination of organic material attaining 91% for affluent concentration of 1270 mg/L. The presence of Methanosarcina and fluorescent rods was confirmed by microscopy analysis. According to the filogenetics analysis, which was carried out by PCR/DGGE and band-sequencing, the Bacteria domain are related to the Filos Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Spirochaetes, Chlorobi and Chloroflexi, this latter being directly related to the degradation of PCB. Among the methanogenic Archea, a similiraty of 99% and 97% was observed to Methanosaeta sp. and Methanolinea sp. related to acetoclastic and hydrogenthrophic methanogenesis, respectively

Contribution à la commande et l'observation des actionneurs électropneumatiques : de l'intérêt de la transformée A-T / Contribution to the control and the observation of the electropneumatic actuators : introducing the A-T transformation

Abry, Frédéric 02 December 2013 (has links)
La commande des actionneurs électropneumatiques a été un sujet largement traité au cours des dernières décennies. Le caractère fortement non-linéaire de son comportement en a fait un cas d'étude particulièrement pertinent dans le cadre d'une démarche d'application de la théorie de la commande des systèmes non-linéaires. L'utilisation de ces techniques a été comparée aux approches linéaires traditionnelles et généralement jugée largement supérieure notamment en termes de précision ou de temps de réponse. Dans ce manuscrit nous abordons très spécifiquement l'aspect multivariable du système et introduisons la transformée A-T, similaire à la transformée de Park appliquée classiquement aux systèmes électriques, afin de donner une forme strict feedback à son modèle d'état, de clarifier les phénomènes physiques mis en jeu lors de sa commande et de distinguer les deux degrés de liberté du système. Cette transformée permet en outre une comparaison directe avec les moteurs électriques décrits dans le repère de Park. Ce parallèle rend notamment possible la solution du problème délicat de l'observation de la position à vitesse nulle en transférant des méthodologies déjà validées sur des systèmes électriques. L'exploitation des deux degrés de liberté est illustrée par la synthèse de lois de commande combinant le suivi d'une trajectoire de position du piston au respect d'un second critère variable (réglage de la pressurisation moyenne, optimisation de la consommation instantanée). L'utilisation d'un actionneur électropneumatique asservi comme actionneur à compliance variable est étudiée. Une loi de commande basée sur la transformée A-T est proposée pour contrôler simultanément la position et la raideur pneumatique de l'actionneur. Une méthodologie de réglage des gains de commande est proposée pour définir l'impédance en boucle fermée du système. L'influence de la raideur pneumatique sur la raideur en boucle fermée est étudiée. L'utilisation d'une source d'énergie alternative (de l'hélium sous pression) est également pour la première fois mise en œuvre. L'influence du changement de gaz sur le dimensionnement de l'actionneur électropneumatique est étudiée et une méthodologie permettant d'utiliser les lois de commande prévues pour de l'air est proposée. L'ensemble des propositions faites dans ce manuscrit est testée et validée sur un banc d'essais à la structure inédite. Ce dernier allie deux actionneurs, l'un électropneumatique (l'actionneur étudié) et l'autre, un moteur plat électrique (l'actionneur de charge). L'utilisation de celui-ci permet la génération d'efforts perturbateurs dans une large bande passante ainsi que la modification en temps réel des paramètres mécaniques dynamiques de la charge. / Control of electropneumatic actuator is a subject which has been thoroughly dealt with in the past decades. The strongly non-linear behavior of those systems made them a particularly relevant case study for applications of the non linear control theory. The use of those techniques has been compared to the traditional linear approaches and is generally considered as more efficient in terms of precision and response time. In this work, we specifically deal with the multivariable character of this actuator and we introduce the A-T transformation, similar to the Park Transformation used for electrical systems study, in order to give a strict feedback form to its state model, clarify the physical phenomena occurring during its control and distinguish the system's two degrees of freedom. This transformation allows a comparison with electrical motors described in the Park's frame. This parallel allows to solution the complex problem of zero speed observation of the piston's position by transferring the methodologies which have been previously used on electrical systems. The utilization of the two degrees of freedom is illustrated by the synthesis of control law which combines the piston position trajectory tracking with the respect of a given criterion (which can be the pressurization level or the instantaneous gas consummation optimization). The use of an electropneumatic actuator as a variable stiffness actuator (VSA) is studied. A control law base on the A-T transform is proposed in order to simultaneously control the position and the pneumatic stiffness of the actuator. A control gains tuning strategy is proposed to allow the system closed loop impedance tuning. The influence of the pneumatic stiffness over the closed loop stiffness is studied. An alternative energy source (pressurized helium) is also used for the first time. The influence of the change of gas over the actuator sizing is studied and a methodology allowing using control laws designed for air applications is proposed. Every proposition are tested and validated using an innovative test bench with a unique structure. The latter combines two actuators. One is an electropneumatic actuator (the one studied) and the other one is a linear motor (used as the load actuator). The use of the latter allows disturbance generation in a wide bandwidth and the real-time tuning of the load dynamic characteristics. Finally, the tools developed in this PHD are used in order to validate the implementation of an electropneumatic solution to the thrust vector control problem of a nano scale space launcher. Data provided by the CNES (the French National Space Agency) are used to de ne specific requirements and the flight conditions are reproduced on the test bench to assess the solution quality.

Degradação de bifenila policlorada e caracterização da comunidade microbiana de reator anaeróbio com biofilme / Studies on the biodegradation and degradation of polychlorinated biphenyl in anaerobious conditions

Regiane Cristina Corrêa 14 October 2011 (has links)
Métodos de Microbiologia de anaeróbios estritos e de Biologia Molecular foram empregados para se conhecer a diversidade de microrganismos relacionados à degradação de ascarel em reatores anaeróbios metanogênicos. A avaliação de potencial metanogênico foi realizada para a escolha da melhor condição nutricional, bem como, para a seleção de material suporte e solvente adequado a solubilização do ascarel. Nos ensaios em batelada, a produção de metano foi maior nos reatores contendo etanol (média de 0,22 - 0,46 molCH4/gSTV, 46h). Remoção de 85,6% (86,7 mg/L de PCB em Aroclor 1016 e 1260) foi obtida na condição com espuma de poliuretano, etanol (46g/L) e formiato (680 mg/L). Diferentes solventes e surfactantes, tais como, DMSO, dioxano, ácido acético, ácido fórmico, n-hexano, acetona, etano, metanol, Tween 80, SDS (10%) e Triton X-100 foram avaliados para a solubilização de ascarel. Dentre esses, metanol, Triton X-100 e ácido fórmico foram eleitos para a realização de ensaio em reatores em batelada contendo espuma de poliuretano, com o propósito de avaliar o potencial metanogênico na degradação de PCB. Os valores de produção de metano foram muito semelhantes (0,21 0,38 molCH4/mLgSTV, 45h) nas diferentes condições, no entanto, a remoção de PCB foi maior nos reatores com metanol 790 mg/L (86,6%), ácido Fórmico 600 mg/L (84,5%) e Triton X-100 1% (72,1%). Portanto, a melhor condição foi contemplada para a operação do reator anaeróbio horizontal de leito fixo (RAHLF) no tratamento do ascarel, ou seja, células imobilizadas em espuma de poliuretano, etanol e formiato (como fonte de carbono), Triton X-100 (0,1%) e metanol (como solvente). No RAHLF, a remoção média de matéria orgânica (DQO) foi de 91% para concentração afluente média de 1270 mg/L. A presença de morfologias semelhantes à Methanosarcina e bacilos fluorescentes foi confirmada em exames microscópicos. Na análise filogenética, por meio de PCR/DGGE e seqüenciamento das bandas recortadas, os grupos encontrados foram relacionados aos Filos Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Spirochaetes, Chlorobi e Chloroflexi, sendo que neste último estão incluídos representantes relacionados a degradação de PCBs. Dentre as arquéias metanogênicas verificou-se similaridade de 99% e 97% com Methanosaeta sp. e Methanolinea sp., relacionadas com a metanogenese acetoclástica e hidrogenotrófica, respectivamente / Molecular biology and microbiology methods were used to study the microbial communities related to degradation of ascarel at methanogenic conditions in an anaerobic reactor. The methanogenic potential was evaluated to choose the better nutritional condition as well as to select the better support material and the most suitable solvent to favor the solubilization of ascarel. The methane production was higher (0.22 0.46 molCH4/mLgSTV, 46h) in batch reactors containing ethanol (46 g/L) and formate (680 mg/L), the PCB elimination attaining 85.6% (86.7 mg/L de PCB as Aroclor 1016 and 1260) when Polyuretane foam was used as support material. Different solvents, namely DMSO, dioxane, n-hexane, acetic acid, formic acid, acetone, ethane, methanol, and surfactants, such as 10% SDS,, Triton X-100, were evaluated aiming o determine the better condition to solubilize ascarel. According to the results of such experiments, methanol, formic acid and Triton X-100 were selected for carrying out the batch experiments in reactors containing polyurethane foam to evaluate the methane production during the PCBs degradation. Regardless of the operation conditions the methane production rates were similar (0.21 0.38 molCH4/gSTV, 45h), however the elimination of PCB was higher in the reactors containing methanol (790 mg/L), formic acid (600 mg/L) and Triton X-100 (1%). Therefore, the better condition for treating ascarel-containing residues in a bench-scale horizontal-flow immobilized biomass (HAIB) was attained with cells immobilized in polyurethane foam when ethanol and formate were used as carbon sources, and in presence of Triton X-100 and methanol, the average elimination of organic material attaining 91% for affluent concentration of 1270 mg/L. The presence of Methanosarcina and fluorescent rods was confirmed by microscopy analysis. According to the filogenetics analysis, which was carried out by PCR/DGGE and band-sequencing, the Bacteria domain are related to the Filos Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Spirochaetes, Chlorobi and Chloroflexi, this latter being directly related to the degradation of PCB. Among the methanogenic Archea, a similiraty of 99% and 97% was observed to Methanosaeta sp. and Methanolinea sp. related to acetoclastic and hydrogenthrophic methanogenesis, respectively

Remoção de Giardia spp. e Cryptosporidium spp. em águas de abastecimento com turbidez elevada utilizando cloreto de polialumínio: estudo em escala de bancada e desafios analíticos / Giardia spp. Cysts and Cryptosporidium spp. Oocysts removal in high turbid drinking water using polyaluminum chloride: a bench scale study and analytical challenges

Maciel, Paulo Marcos Faria 22 August 2014 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho da remoção de cistos deGiardia spp. e oocistos de Cryptosporidium parvum, em águas de abastecimento com turbidez elevada, em experimentos em escala de bancada (coagulação, floculação, decantação e filtração). Para tanto, empregou-se o coagulante cloreto de polialumínio – PAC. O método de filtração em membranas foi adotado para a concentração de protozoários, seguido ou não da etapa de purificação por separação imunomagnética – IMS. Os métodos foram avaliados em experimentos de controle de qualidade analítica e o método sem IMS apresentou as seguintes porcentagens de recuperação, 80% ±16,32% para cistos de Giardia spp. e 5% ±10,00% para oocistos de C. parvum. O método com IMS apresentou 31,5%±7,55% de recuperação para cistos de Giardia spp. e 5,75%±3,20% de recuperação para oocistos de C. parvum. Os experimentos demonstraram que não houve melhora na remoção de ambos os protozoários na condição de maior dosagem de coagulante (65 mg.L-1 de PAC e pH 7,29). A condição de menor dosagem de coagulante (25 mg.L-1 de PAC e pH 6,76) apresentou um desempenho melhor, ao contrário de uma expectativa de que a maior dosagem de coagulante pudesse favorecer a remoção destes microrganismos. A condição de menor dosagem apresentou, na água filtrada, 50 e 75% de ausência de identificação de cistos de Giardia e oocistos de C. parvum, respectivamente. A condição de maior dosagem apresentou (oo)cistos na água filtrada de todas amostras analisadas. Estes resultados indicam a importância do controle da coagulação na remoção de protozoários. / The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of Giardia spp. cysts and Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts removal in a bench scale experiment. The coagulant polyaluminium chloride – PACl was used in this research. The protozoa concentration tests were performed by applying the Membrane Filtration method, with and without Immunomagnetic Separation assay-IMS. The methods were evaluated using control experiments and the method without IMS had the following percentage recovery, 80% ± 16.32% and 5% ±10.00% for Giardia cysts and C. parvum oocysts, respectively. The method with IMS presented 31.5% ± 7.55% and 5.75% ± 3.20% of percentage recovery for Giardia cysts and C. parvum oocysts, respectively. Bench scale experimental results have clearly shown that there was no improvement in protozoa removal using the superior dosage of coagulant. The inferior dosage condition (25 mg.L-1 of PACl and pH 6,76) performed better, which was contrary to what was expected in which a superior dosage of coagulant could favour when removing microorganisms. The inferior dosage condition presented 50% and 75% of absence of Giardia cysts and C. parvum oocysts in the final water, respectively. The second coagulation condition (65 mg.L-1 of PACl and pH 7,29) presented protozoa (oo)cysts in the final water of all the samples examined. These results indicate the importance of coagulation control in protozoa removal.

Intégration de microcanaux pour l'évacuation forcée de la chaleur au sein de puces 2D et 3D / Microchannel integration for forced heat removal on 2D and 3D chips

Collin, Louis-Michel 08 July 2016 (has links)
En microélectronique, plusieurs tendances telles que l'empilement 3D et l'amincissement de puces amènent des défis thermiques grandissants. Ces défis sont exacerbés lorsqu'appliqués aux appareils mobiles où l'espace et la puissance disponibles pour le refroidissement sont limités. Le but de cette thèse est de développer des outils de conception et méthodes d'implémentation de microcanaux pour le refroidissement microfluidique de puces 2D et 3D avec points chauds destinés aux appareils mobiles.Une méthode de conception pour optimiser la configuration des microcanaux refroidissant une puce est développée utilisant un plan d'expériences numériques. La configuration optimisée propose le refroidissement à une température maximale de 89 °C d'un point chaud de 2 W par un écoulement où la perte de charge est plus petit que 1 kPa. Des prototypes avec différents empilements et distributions de microcanaux sont fabriqués par gravure profonde et apposés par pick-and-place. Un banc de caractérisation et une puce thermique test sont fabriqués pour caractériser expérimentalement les prototypes de refroidissement avec différentes configurations. Un prototype avec microcanaux limités aux alentours des points chauds et reportés sur la face arrière de la puce test atteint une résistance thermique de 2.8 °C/W. Cela est réalisé avec un débit de 9.4 ml/min et des pertes de charges de 19.2 kPa, soit une puissance hydraulique de 3 mW. Ce refroidissement extrait 7.3 W générés sur un seul serpentin à un flux thermique de 1 185 W/cm² pour un coefficient de performance de 2 430. Les résultats de l'optimisation suggèrent que la dissipation thermique soit exploitée en ajoutant des microcanaux en parallèle, plutôt qu'en allongeant les microcanaux. On observe expérimentalement comme numériquement que la résistance liée à la hausse de température du fluide domine la résistance totale. Enfin, il apparaît que les différents empilements ont un effet plus important sur la résistance thermique que les distributions de microcanaux dans les plages observées. / In microelectronics, trends such as 3D stacking and die thinning bring major thermal challenges. Those challenges are exacerbated when applied to mobile devices where the available space and power for cooling are limited. This thesis aims at developing design tools and implementation techniques for microchannels cooling on 2D and 3D chips with hot spots for mobile devices. A design technique to optimize the microchannel configuration for chip cooling is developed using numerical experimentation plans. The optimized configuration suggests a cooling configuration reaching a maximum temperature of 89 °C on a 2 W hot spot, using a flow at a pressure drop plus petit que 1 kPa. Prototypes with different stacking and microchannel distributions are fabricated using deep reactive ion etching process and stacked using pick-and-place technique. A characterization bench and a thermal test chip are fabricated for experimental characterization of the cooling prototypes from various configurations. A prototype with microchannel zones limited to the hot spot vicinity and installed on the backside of the test chip reached a thermal resistance of 2.8 °C/W. This performance is achieved using a flow rate of 9.4 ml/min with a pressure drop of 19.2 kPa, representing a hydraulic power of 3 mW. Such cooling removes 7.3 W generated on a single heat source, representing a heat flux of 1 185 W/cm² for a coefficient of performance of 2 430. The optimization results suggest that the heat spreading is better exploited using parallel microchannels, rather than lengthen microchannels. It is both observed experimentally and numerically that the thermal resistance related to the fluid temperature rise is the major contribution to the total thermal resistance. Finally, it appears that the different stacking effects on thermal resistance are more important than the microchannels distributions in the observed ranges.

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