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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Synthèse de contrôleurs avancés pour les systèmes quasi-LPV appliqués au contrôle de moteurs automobiles / Advanced controller design for quasi-LPV systems applied to automotive engine control

Laurain, Thomas 04 December 2017 (has links)
Ma thèse en automatique s’inscrit dans la thématique de recherche «Transport» du LAMIH. L’objectif est d’améliorer le fonctionnement des moteurs thermiques (essence), notamment en réduisant la consommation et la pollution. Face à cet enjeu écologique et économique, et compte tenu des nouvelles normes et des stratégies court-termistes de l’industrie (scandale Volkswagen...), de nouveaux contrôleurs doivent être conçus pour piloter l’arrivée d’air et d’essence au sein du moteur. En considérant l’aspect hautement non-linéaire du système, la représentation Takagi-Sugeno et le background théorique du LAMIH sont utilisés. Un premier contrôleur est synthétisé pour régler le problème de la vitesse de ralenti du moteur. Cependant, la complexité du système impose l’utilisation d’un contrôleur très coûteux d’un point de vue computationnel. Un contrôleur alternatif est donc synthétisé afin d’être implémenté dans l’ordinateur embarqué du moteur. Un second contrôleur est obtenu pour maintenir la richesse en proportions stoechiométriques afin de réduire la pollution. Ce système étant sujet à un retard de transport variable, un changement de domaine est réalisé afin de rendre ce retard constant, et de concevoir un contrôleur simple et efficace. Des essais réels sur le banc d’essai moteur du LAMIH sont réalisés afin de valider la méthodologie présentée. / My PhD in Automatic Control is part of the research theme “Transport” of the LAMIH. The objective is to improve the functioning of the gasoline engines, mainly by reducing the fuel consumption and the pollution. With this ecologic and economic challenge, and taking into account the new norms and the short-term strategies of the industry (scandal of Volkswagen...), new controllers have to be designed to control the air valve and the fuel injection inside the engine. Considering the highly nonlinear aspect of the system, the Takagi-Sugeno representation and the theoretical background of the LAMIH have been used. A first controller is designed to solve the problem of idle engine speed. However, the complexity of the system forces the use of a controller that is very costly from a computational point of view. An alternative controller is then designed in order to be implemented inside the embedded computer of the engine. A second controller is obtained to maintain the air-fuel ratio in stoichiometric proportions in order to reduce the pollution. This system being subject to a variable transport delay, a change of domain is realized to make this delay constant, and to design a simple and efficient controller. Real-time experiments have been realized on the engine test bench of the LAMIH in order to validate the presented methodology.

Revitalizace sidliště Padělky ve Ždánicích / Revitalization of the Padělky housing estate in Ždánice

Culek, Lukáš January 2022 (has links)
The main point of this diploma thesis is revitalization of housing estate called Padělky in Ždánice. The housing estate is located in the northwestern part of the village. There are nine roads in zone 30. Two of them were already repaired in the first stage. The housing estate is without a transport solution and without the possibility of legal parking. Now the roads are devastated, there are potholes, holes and cracks. Six roads were reconstructed, two were extended. This brought the possibility of detours and improved transport. The new design legalizes the parking space. There are new built parking spaces, too. Conditions for the inhabitants of the housing estate are improving. There are new trees, bushes, rosary, furniture and waste bins. The public lighting will be replaced.


Lipka, Josua January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka ifall det finns något samband mellan emotionell koppling till de sociala medieplattformarna Facebook, Instagram och TikTok och upplevdidrottsmotivation hos svenska styrkelyftare och bänkpressare. Samt ifall det finns några skillnader mellan könskategorier och tävlingsnivåer. Totalt deltog 93 personer (15-59 år) i studien varav 59 tävlande i kategori kvinna och 34 i kategori man. 32 deltagare tävlade på distriktsnivå, 38 på nationell nivå och 23 på internationell nivå. Data samlades in med hjälp av en webbenkät som i huvudsak baserades på de två befintliga frågeformulären Sport motivation scale-II (SMS-II) och The Multidimensional Facebook Intensity Scale (MFIS). Pearsons korrelationsanalys visade endast ett signifikant samband för TikTok ( p < .01) där en positiv korrelation fanns. Även bivariata regressionsanalyser visade endast ett signifikant resultat för TikTok (p < .01 & p < .001) som visade att en starkare koppling till plattformen kunde förutsäga en högre nivå av upplevd idrottsmotivation. Kovariansanalyser (ANCOVA) visade inga skillnader i emotionell koppling till plattformarna eller i upplevd idrottsmotivation mellan könskategorierna och tävlingsnivåerna. I denna studie upptäcktes positiva samband mellan emotionell koppling till sociala medier och upplevd idrottsmotivation och tidigare forskning har visat på både positiva och negativa effekter av sociala medier på idrottares motivation.Detta är något som kan vara relevant för idrottare, tränare och andra aktörer i idrottares närhet att vara medvetna om. / The aim of the study is to examine if there is a relation between the emotional connectednessto the social media platforms Facebook, Instagram and Tikok and the degree of perceived sports motivation in Swedish powerlifters and bench-press competitors. And if there are differences between gender categories and competition levels. In total the study had 93 participants (age 15-59) 59 competed in the women’s category and 34 in the men’s category. 32 participants competed at the regional level, 38 at the national level and 23 at the international level. Data was collected via an online questionnaire which was mainly based on the Sport motivation scale-II (SMS-II) and The Multidimensional Facebook Intensity Scale (MFIS). Pearson’s correlation test did only show a significant relation for TikTok ( p < .01) which showed a positive correlation. The same was the case for the bivariate regression analysis where also only a significant result for TikTok was found (p < .01 & p < .001) which showed that a strong emotional connectedness to TikTok could predict a high level of perceived sportsmotivation. Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) showed no differences in emotional connectedness to the social media platforms or in perceived sports motivation between the gender categories and competition levels. This study showed a positive relation between emotional connectedness to social media and perceived sports motivation and previous research has shown both positive and negative effects of social media on sports motivation. This can be of relevance for the athletes themselves but also for coaches and other actors close to the athletes to be aware of.

Static and Dynamic Characterization of power semiconductors

Mejean, Alexandre January 2019 (has links)
Characterizing  power  switches  is  an  indispensable  step  when  designing  a  converter.  This  thesisinvestigates ways to achieve static and dynamic characterization of semiconductors for high power applications such as power grid or train traction. The static characterization has been tested with a Keysight B1506A device analyzer. The problems encountered have been analyzed and corrected.Then the design of a high current switching test bench for dynamic characterization is explained. The full-bridge  configuration  allows  controlled  and  spontaneous  commutations  so  the  bench  can measure hard and soft switching. The voltage can be up to 10 kV and the current up to 3 kA during the commutation. The choice of the probes is justified. The issues of bandwidth, input impedance and common mode current are taken into account. Data are processed in order to interpolate theswitching loss in hard and soft switching. / Karaktärisering  av  halvledarbrytare  är  ett  viktigt  steg  när  man  utformar  en  omvandlare.  Dennaavhandling undersöker olika sätt att uppnå statisk och dynamisk karakterisering av halvledare för högeffekttillämpningar såsom elnät eller ellok. Statisk karaktäriseringen har utförts med en Keysight B1506A-enhetsanalysator. De problem som uppstått har analyserats och korrigerats.Utformningen    av    en    testbänk    för    dynamisk    karakterisering    förklaras.    Den    kompletta bryggkonfigurationen möjliggör kontrollerad och spontan kommutation med spänningar upp till 10 kV och  strömmar  upp till 3 kA så att  bänken kan mäta hård  och mjuk  växling.  Valet  av sonderna förklaras.   Frågorna   om   bandbredd,   ingångsimpedans   och   common-mode   ström   tas   med   iberäkningen. Data bearbetas för att interpolera kopplings förlusten i hård och mjuk växling.

Experimental and analytical study of the mechanical friction losses in the piston-cylinder liner tribological pair in internal combustion engines (ICE)

Bastidas Moncayo, Kared Sophia 02 September 2021 (has links)
[ES] Con el aumento de la demanda de soluciones más amigables con el medio ambiente en la industria de la automoción, el motor de combustión interna alternativo (MCIA) enfrenta actualmente grandes desafíos para minimizar su consumo de recursos no renovables y especialmente, para reducir sus emisiones contaminantes. Debido a que el aporte de los MCIAs es fundamental para cubrir las necesidades de movilidad y de generación de energía alrededor de todo el mundo, y el hecho de que diferentes alternativas, como los motores eléctricos e hibrido, están y continuaran enfrentado múltiples obstáculos para su implementación masiva en el futuro cercano, la investigación continua en MCIA es fundamental para cumplir con los propósitos de reducción de emisiones. En este aspecto, una aproximación para el aumento de la eficiencia del motor y la reducción del consumo de combustible es mediante la implementación de alternativas dirigidas a reducir las pérdidas mecánicas por fricción. Estas alternativas tribológicas incluyen aquellas que requieren modificaciones en los componentes del motor, como materiales y acabados superficiales, y el uso de formulaciones de aceite lubricante de menor viscosidad o aditivos que mejoren las condiciones de lubricación del motor. Con la contante evolución y mejoras en el MCIA y las condiciones de trabajo cada vez más severas, también surgen nuevas alternativas tribológicas para enfrentar los nuevos desafíos del motor, y por tanto se requiere de investigaciones adicionales en este tema. Durante el desarrollo de esta Tesis, uno de los objetivos consistió en contribuir a la investigación del uso de aceites de baja viscosidad para el ahorro de combustible como un efecto conjunto con las condiciones de conducción del vehículo. Para llevar a cabo este objetivo, se desarrollaron ensayos experimentales bajo condiciones estacionarias en un banco de motor con formulaciones de aceite de diferente viscosidad HTHS, algunas de ellos con aditivo modificador de fricción para expandir el rango de reducción de fricción a condiciones de lubricación más severas. Los mapas de consumo de combustible resultantes de estos ensayos fueron utilizados en un modelo de simulación del vehículo para estimar su consumo de combustible como función del aceite y las condiciones de trabajo de tres ciclos de conducción. Con el objetivo de expandir los conocimientos en los fundamentos de lubricación de los MCIAs y tener la capacidad de evaluar otras alternativas para reducir las pérdidas por fricción, se consideró necesario enfocar la investigación en el conjunto pistón-camisa, que es el par tribológico con mayor aporte a las perdidas por fricción. Para conseguir este objetivo, durante esta Tesis se desarrolló una maqueta específica para el ensamble pistón-camisa, y un modelo teórico para simular la lubricación del segmento de compresión. Para la primera parte, la maqueta se desarrolló basada en el método de camisa flotante, en el cual la camisa fue aislada del resto del motor y la fuerza de fricción generada en la interfaz pistón-camisa pudo ser medida mediante sensores de fuerza. En esta instalación se desarrollaron diferentes ensayos los cuales permitieron llevar a cabo un análisis exhaustivo de los fundamentos de lubricación de este par tribológico como función de diferentes parámetros que tiene impacto en las condiciones de lubricación. Este estudio se complementó con el desarrollo de un modelo de lubricación para el segmento de compresión basado en el método de diferencias finitas. Finalmente, se llevó a cabo una comparativa de resultados experimentales y teóricos para el segmento de compresión, lo cual permitió validar los ensayos experimentales en la maqueta de camisa flotante, así como el modelo de simulación desde el punto de vista de datos de entrada, condiciones de contorno y supuestos. / [CA] Amb l'augment de la demanda de solucions més amigables amb el medi ambient en la indústria de l'automoció, el motor de combustió interna alternatiu (MCIA) s'enfronta actualment a grans desafiaments per minimitzar el seu consum de recursos no renovables i especialment, per reduir les seves emissions contaminants . Tenint en compte que l'aportació dels MCIA és fonamental per a cobrir les necessitats de mobilitat i generació d'energia arreu de tot el món, i el fet que diferents alternatives, com els motors elèctrics i híbrids, estan i continuaran enfrontat múltiples obstacles per a la seva implementació massiva al proper futur, la investigació contínua en MCIA és fonamental per complir amb els propòsits de reducció d'emissions. En aquest aspecte, una aproximació per a l'augment de l'eficiència del motor i la reducció de consum de combustible és mitjançant la implementació d'alternatives dirigides a reduir les pèrdues mecàniques per fricció. Aquestes alternatives tribològiques inclouen aquelles que requereixen modificacions de components del motor, com materials i acabats superficials, i l'ús de formulacions d'oli lubricant de menor viscositat o additius que milloren les condicions de lubricació del motor. Amb la constant evolució i millores en el MCIA i les condicions de treball cada vegada més severes, també sorgeixen noves alternatives tribològiques per enfrontar els nous desafiaments del motor, i per tant es requereix d'investigacions addicionals en aquest tema. Durant el desenvolupament d'aquesta Tesi, un dels objectius va consistir a contribuir a la investigació de l'ús d'olis de baixa viscositat per a l'estalvi de combustible com un efecte conjunt amb les condicions de conducció de vehicle. Per dur a terme aquest objectiu, es van desenvolupar assajos experimentals sota condicions estacionàries en un banc de motor amb formulacions d'oli de diferent viscositat HTHS, algunes d'elles amb additiu modificador de fricció per expandir el rang de reducció de fricció a condicions de lubricació més severes . Els mapes de consum de combustible resultants d'aquests assajos van ser utilitzats en un model de simulació del vehicle per estimar el seu consum de combustible com a funció de l'oli i les condicions de treball de tres cicles de conducció. Amb l'objectiu d'expandir els coneixements en els fonaments de lubricació dels MCIAs i tenir la capacitat d'avaluar altres alternatives per reduir les pèrdues per fricció, es va considerar necessari enfocar la recerca al conjunt pistó-camisa, que és el parell tribològic amb major aportació a les perdudes per fricció. Per aconseguir aquest objectiu, durant aquesta Tesi es va desenvolupar una maqueta específica per al acoblament pistó-camisa, i un model teòric per simular la lubricació del segment de compressió. Per a la primera part, la maqueta es va desenvolupar basada en el mètode de camisa flotant, en el qual la camisa va ser aïllada de la resta del motor i la força de fricció generada en la interfície pistó-camisa va poder ser mesurada mitjançant sensors de força. En aquesta instal·lació es van desenvolupar diferents assajos els quals van permetre dur a terme una anàlisi exhaustiva dels fonaments de lubricació d'aquest parell tribològic com a funció de diferents paràmetres que tenen impacte en les condicions de lubricació. Aquest estudi es va complementar amb el desenvolupament d'un model de lubricació per al segment de compressió basat en el mètode de diferències finites. Finalment, es va dur a terme una comparativa de resultats experimentals i teòrics per al segment de compressió, la qual cosa va permetre validar els assajos experimentals a la maqueta de camisa flotant, així com el model de simulació des del punt de vista de dades d'entrada, condicions de contorn i hipòtesis. / [EN] With the increasing demand for greener solutions in the automotive industry, the ICE is currently facing great challenges to minimize the consumption of nonrenewable resources and specially to reduce its harmful emissions. Given that the contribution of the ICE is fundamental to cover the actual mobility and power generation needs worldwide, and the fact that different power-train alternatives, such as electric and hybrid vehicles, are and will continue facing multiple obstacles for their large-scale implementation in the near future, the continuous research on the ICE is fundamental in order to meet the emissions reduction targets. In this regard, one approach to increase the engine efficiency and reduce the fuel consumption, is through the implementation of alternatives aimed to reduce the friction mechanical losses. These tribological alternatives include those that require modifications to the engine components, such as materials and surface finishes, and the use of lubricant oil formulation of lower viscosity or additives that improve the lubrication performance of the engine. With the ongoing evolution and improvement of the ICE and the increasingly severe working conditions, new tribological solutions also emerge to face the new challenges in the ICE, and therefore further research is required on this subject. During the development of this Thesis, one of the objectives was to contribute to the research on low viscosity engine oils for fuel economy as a joint effect with the driving conditions of the vehicle. To accomplish this, experimental tests were performed under stationary conditions in an engine bench test for oil formulations of different HTHS viscosity, some of them with friction modifier additive to expand the friction reduction effect to more severe lubrication conditions. The resultant fuel consumption maps were then employed in a vehicle model to estimate the fuel consumption of the vehicle as function of the oil formulation and the working conditions of the three driving cycles. With the aim of expanding the knowledge on the lubrication fundamentals of the engine and to have the capability to assess other alternatives to further reduce the friction mechanical losses, it was deemed necessary to focus the research on the piston-cylinder liner assembly, the tribo-pair of major friction share. In order to achieve this objective, a test rig was developed in this Thesis specific for the piston-liner assembly, and a theoretical model to estimate the lubrication of the piston compression ring. For the first part, the test rig was designed based on the floating liner method, where the cylinder liner was isolated from the rest of the engine and the friction force generated in the piston-liner conjunction could be measured by means of force sensors. Different tests were developed in this test rig which allowed a comprehensive analysis of the piston lubrication fundamentals as function of different parameters having an impact on the lubrication performance of this assembly. This study was complemented with the development of a piston compression ring lubrication model based on the finite differences method. A comparison of experimental and theoretical results was performed for the piston compression ring that helped to validate both the experimental tests in the floating liner and the simulation model from the point of view of input data, boundary conditions and assumptions. / Bastidas Moncayo, KS. (2021). Experimental and analytical study of the mechanical friction losses in the piston-cylinder liner tribological pair in internal combustion engines (ICE) [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/172188

Tunel Blanka: Inženýrskogeologické problémy a rizika ražby / The Blanka tunnel, geological hazadrs and problems during boring

Sedláček, Václav January 2016 (has links)
The Blanka tunnel has two boring sections: Brusnice tunnel and Královská obora tunnel. Both tunnels were boring in difficult geologycal conditions, but the geology conditions of these tunnels are not same. Also they had not the same hazards during boring. There was used a spectrum of different technical works with hazard reduction purpose and safety process of boring. There were three serious accidents, wnich everyone made a creater on the surface, but they have not the same causes. This text has a task to describe a geological survey before and during the boring of both tunnels. How other reasons affected the process of boring? How the tunnels were bored? What events preceded the everyone of three major failure? This text does not deal with economical things of boring and effects of specific personal influence on the process of boring. Key words Tunnel, excavation, Blanka, Brusnice, Letná, Stromovka park, Vltava river, underground water, geology, ordovik, New Austrian Tunnelling method, pilot tunnel, calotte, bench, bottom, arche, bolt, lining, grouting, collapse of ceiling, failure, tube, shale, quarzite, soil, loess, ballast, clay

Numerical Investigation of Rock Support Arches

Rentzelos, Theofanis January 2019 (has links)
The Garpenberg mine, owned by the Boliden Mining group, has established a trial area at Dammsjön orebody in order to examine the possibility of increasing the productivity of the mine. The mine uses the rill mining method with a current rill height of 15 m. In order to increase the productivity, the mine is examining the possibility of increasing the height of the rill. The trial area is located at 882 m depth surrounded by dolomite on the hangingwall and quartzitic rock on the footwall side. Rock support arches have been installed, in addition to the regular support pattern, to test their effectiveness on stabilizing the ground around the drifts. The arches have been installed in every 6 m and every 3 m in different parts of the test area. Rock samples from the trial area were brought to the university laboratory for testing. The data gathered from the laboratory tests along with the data from the monitoring of the trial area were used to develop a calibrated numerical model. A three-dimensional (3-D) model was therefore created, by using the FLAC3D numerical code. After the calibration of the model a parametric study was conducted for different rill heights and different arch spacing to investigate the performance of the arches. Specifically, the case of no arch installation along with the cases of an installed arch every 6 m and 3 m were tested, for the rill heights of 15 m, 20 m, 25 m and 30 m. The study concluded that the arches assisted in reducing the ground convergence in the production drift. The results also showed that the total height of the rill bench yields regardless of its height. After the yielding, the rockmass can no longer support itself and caves under its own weight. The larger the rill height, the larger the volume of loose rock that has to be supported and thus, higher the convergence. Furthermore, it was also observed that, significant amount of convergence in the production drift occurred during the drifting of the top drive and less during the stoping of the rill bench. This indicates that, the timely installation of the arches is an important criterion for their performance.

Městský okruh Blanka, tunel Královská obora - ražená část, stavebně technologická příprava stavby / City circle road Blanka, tunnel Královská obora - mined section, preparation and building construction technology

Kobielusz, Petr January 2013 (has links)
My thesis is focused on process preparation and building construction technology of primary lining road tunnel, implemented in city part of Troja in the capital city Prague. Specifically it is a part of tunnel complex Blanka. The name of this part is Kralovská obora. If the all tunnel parts are built this tunnel complex Blanka can be complemented to already opened tunnels Zlíchovský, Mrázovka and Strahovský which are the part of city traffic circle. This technology preparation includes schedules and financial plans of the building, technological prescription for the primary tunnel lining, safety plan, control and trial/test plans, environmental plan, project of construction site, design of the main working machines, items budget of the north tunnel tube, coordination situation plan with wider relationships transport routes and technical report of building technological project.

Automated microassembly using an active microgripper with sensorized end-effectors and hybrid force / position control / Micro-assemblage à l'aide d'une pince instrumentée en force et d'une commande hybride force / position.

Komati, Bilal 12 December 2014 (has links)
La thèse propose l’utilisation d’une pince active instrumentée en force pour automatiser l’assemblage des MOEMS 3D hybrides. Chacun des doigts de la pince instrumentée est composé d’un actionneur piézo-électrique et d’un capteur de force piézorésistif intégré. Le capteur de force intégré présente des performances innovantes par rapport aux capteurs existants dans l’ état de l’art. Cette pince offre la possibilité de mesurer les forces de serrage appliquées par la pince pour saisir un micro composant et d’estimer les forces de contact entre le micro composant et le substrat de micro-assemblage.Un modèle dynamique et non linéaire est développé pour la pince instrumentée. Une commande hybride force/position est utilisée pour automatiser le micro-assemblage. Dans cette commande, certains axes sont commandés en position et les autres sont commandés en force. Pour les axes commandés en force, une nouvelle commande fondée sur une commande en impédance avec suivi de référence est proposée selon un principe de commande non linéaire par mode glissant avec estimation des paramétres en lignes. En utilisant le schéma de commande hybride force/position proposé, une automatisation de toutes les tâches de micro-assemblage est réalisée avec succès, notamment sur un composant flexible à guider dans un rail. / This work proposes the use of an active microgripper with sensorized end-effectors for the automationof the microassembly of 3D hybrid MOEMS. Each of the two fingers of the microgripper is composedof a piezoelectric actuator with an integrated piezoresistive force sensor. The integrated force sensorpresents innovative performances compared to the existing force sensors in literature. The forcesensors provide the ability to measure the gripping forces applied by the microgripper to grasp a microcomponentand estimated the contact forces between the microcomponent and the substrate ofmicroassembly. A dynamic nonlinear model of the microgripper is developed. A hybrid force/positioncontrol is used for the automation of the microassembly. In the hybrid force/position control formulation,some axes are controlled in position and others are controlled in force. For the force controlledaxes, a new nonlinear force control scheme based on force tracking sliding mode impedance controlis proposed with parameter estimation. Using the proposed hybrid force/position control scheme, fullautomation of the microassembly is performed, notably for the guiding of a flexible component in arail.

Linear FEM Analysis of a Commercial Elastomer for Machine Foundations

Jakel, Roland 20 June 2024 (has links)
The presentation describes partial results from an industrial project in which a transmission test bench from ZF Prüfsysteme was decoupled from the foundation in terms of vibration using commercial PU foam material ('Sylomer' SR220 from Getzner). The presentation shows how this material was extensively tested by the manufacturer and characterized in numerous data sheets in order to enable the engineer to perform a simple, operating point-dependent dynamic design using clear diagrams and the classic equation for a single-mass oscillator. However, if a more complex analysis is to be carried out using the finite element method, e.g. to determine all 6 rigid body shapes and natural frequencies of the dynamically decoupled test rig and not just the purely vertical natural shape/frequency, the apparent elasticity and shear moduli specified in the manufacturer's data sheets must be converted into true values for the corresponding operating points, which can then be used in a linear FE calculation. For this purpose, FEM models of the elastomer test specimens are generated for different shape factors. The conversion of the apparent to the true characteristic values is then carried out using the optimizer available in the PTC software “Creo Simulate” in a so-called 'feasibility study' and the results are discussed. It can be seen that the true moduli of elasticity and transverse strain coefficients are only slightly or no longer dependent on the form factor. Depending on the density of the PU foam, the transverse strain coefficient is also significantly lower than 0.5. The true shear modulus is practically identical to the measured shear modulus, as a pure biaxial stress and strain state occurs in the shear specimens, in which strain restraints due to transverse strain plays no role - quite unlike in the specimens loaded in the normal (compression) direction, in which triaxial compression stress states occur due to transverse strain restraints. Finally, the true material properties determined in this way are used for an exemplary modal analysis of the entire, idealized test rig on the strip foundation using the finite element method. The error is evaluated if the apparent modulus of elasticity and a Poisson ratio of zero is used instead, so that a simple evaluation and error estimation of analysis results is possible in practical applications. / Der Vortrag beschreibt Teilergebnisse aus einem industriellen Projekt, in dem ein Getriebeprüfstand der ZF Prüfsysteme schwingungstechnisch über kommerzielles PU- Schaummaterial („Sylomer“ SR220 der Firma Getzner) vom Fundament abgekoppelt wurde. Der Vortrag stellt dar, wie dieser Werkstoff vom Hersteller umfangreich getestet und in zahlreichen Datenblättern charakterisiert wurde, um dem Ingenieur schließlich eine einfache, betriebspunktabhängige dynamische Auslegung mittels übersichtlicher Diagramme und der klassischen Gleichung für einen Einmassenschwinger zu ermöglichen. Soll jedoch eine aufwendigere Analyse mittels der Methode der Finiten Elemente durchgeführt werden, z.B. um alle 6 Starrkörperformen und Eigenfrequenzen des dynamisch abgekoppelten Prüfstandes zu bestimmen und nicht nur die rein vertikale Eigenform/Eigenfrequenz, müssen die in den Herstellerdatenblättern angegeben formzahlabhängigen scheinbaren Elastizitäts- und Schubmoduli in wahre Werte für die entsprechenden Betriebspunkte umgerechnet werden, die dann in einer linearen FE-Rechnung verwendet werden können. Dafür werden FEM-Modelle der Elastomer-Probekörper für verschiedene Formfaktoren erzeugt. Die Umrechnung der scheinbaren in die wahren Kennwerte wird anschließend mittels des in der PTC-Software „Creo Simulate“ vorhandenen Optimierers in einer sogenannten „Machbarkeitsstudie“ durchgeführt und die Ergebnisse diskutiert. Es zeigt sich, dass die wahren E-Moduli und Querdehnzahlen nur noch gering bzw. nicht mehr vom Formfaktor abhängen. Je nach Dichte des PU-Schaums stellt sich auch eine Querdehnzahl von deutlich kleiner als 0,5 ein. Der wahre Schubmodul ist praktisch identisch wie der gemessene Schubmodul, da in den Schubproben ein reiner zweiachsiger Spannungs- und Dehnungszustand auftritt, in dem Dehnungsbehinderung durch Querdehnung keine Rolle spielt – ganz anders als in den in Normalenrichtung (Druck-) belasteten Proben, in denen durch die Querdehnungs- behinderung dreiachsige Spannungszustände auftreten. Schließlich werden die so bestimmten wahren Werkstoffkennwerte für eine exemplarische Modalanalyse des gesamten, idealisierten Prüfstandes auf den Streifenfundamenten mittels der Methode der Finiten Elemente verwendet. Der Fehler wird bewertet, wenn man stattdessen den scheinbaren E-Modul und eine Querdehnzahl von Null verwendet, so dass in der Anwendungspraxis eine einfache Bewertung und Fehlerabschätzung von Analyseergebnissen möglich ist.

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