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Výroba držáku magnetu / Production of the magnet holderKraval, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
This project developed within the engineering studies of M-STG submits a proposal of a production technology of production of the magnet holder made of DC03. Based on a literary study of the problem of cutting, drawing, bending and calculations manufacturing of the component in a production die was suggested. The production die uses a normalised component and is tightened on PE 100 crank press with nominal drawbar pull 1000 kN. The conclusion of the thesis deals with the economic benefit of the suggested manufacturing technology.
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Výroba nástěnného držáku televizoru / Manufacturing of the TV Wall BracketKráčmar, Lukáš January 2016 (has links)
This master’s thesis conducted within the master's degree focuses on the design of production for component, which is a wall-mount the TV. The blank is sheet steel DC03 and the annual production is 300,000 pieces. After exploring possible options of manufacturing was chosen compound tool. In the theoretical part were explored technology used cutting and bending. Further, the manufacturing process and tool design were made. The suitability of the solution was verified by economic evaluation.
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Výroba držáku televizoru sdruženým nástrojem / TV Wall Bracket Manufacturing by Compound ToolPecinová, Hana Elisabetha January 2017 (has links)
The thesis concerns the layout of manufacture technology of the bracket for TV wall mount. Based on a trade-off study of several technologies, a solution using a compound tool was selected as the most appropriate for given application. Non-alloy quality steel 11 321.1 was selected as a material for the bracket, with a synthetic paint applied as a surface finish. Analysis of manufacturing parameters was conducted, based on which the two-stroke crank press LKDR 200 was selected. Capability of that machine is sufficient in terms of press force and working space. Forming tools are made of high alloy tool steel 19 436.4, heat treated by quenching and annealing. An evaluation of economic aspects is included in the thesis.
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Improving Student Knowledge Through Experiential Learning - A Hands-On Statics Lab at Virginia TechAlcorn, Christopher G. 29 July 2003 (has links)
Improving Student Knowledge through Experiential Learning â A Hands-On Statics Lab at Virginia Tech
Christopher G. Alcorn
It has been well documented that humans learn better through a combination of hearing, seeing, and hands-on experience than through hearing and seeing alone. Despite these findings, the majority of college instruction is through lecture. This research seeks to improve the quality of structural education for students in Building Construction, Architecture, and Engineering by allowing them to test theoretical structural concepts in a hands-on, lab environment that parallels their statics lecture class. The paper provides a background on the experiential learning approach, presents examples of others engaged in similar research, discusses the details of developing the experience-based lab class, describes the labs and their structure, and summarizes the outcome of this model class. Lessons learned, including which type of student might benefit most from the experiential learning format and shortcomings of applying the experiential learning model are discussed along with recommendations for future work. An appendix at the end of the paper displays the workbook developed to teach the class as well as pictures of the labs in action and costs of lab equipment. This project is a part of a multi-college initiative at Virginia Tech to develop a three-lab sequence to parallel Statics, Mechanics of Deformable Bodies, and Mechanical Behavior. / Master of Science
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Optimisation aéroélectrique des pales d’hélicoptères / Aeroelastic optimization of helicopter bladesCornette, Donatien 24 October 2014 (has links)
Les charges dynamiques transmises par le rotor au fuselage, par les vibrations qu’elles génèrent,dégradent la durée de vie des composants et le confort des passagers. Une méthode prometteusemais encore non exploitée par les hélicoptéristes consiste à introduire des couplagesflexion-torsion au sein des pales de façon à modifier les efforts aérodynamiques instationnairesqui les sollicitent.Cette thèse étudie l’apport des couplages aéroélastiques sur les charges dynamiques. Pour cela, unmodèle aéroélastique de rotor isolé est développé. Le modèle élastique est basé sur l’association dela formulation par repère flottant à la méthode des modes prescrits. La base de déformation considéréeest issue de modèles éléments-finis hautes précisions. Le comportement aérodynamique durotor est décrit à partir d’un modèle de vitesse induite multi-harmonique ainsi qu’un modèle deportance basé sur la théorie de l’élément de pale.Le modèle aéroélastique est validé par comparaison avec un logiciel de calcul aéromécanique(HOST) ainsi que par comparaison avec des résultats expérimentaux issus d’essais en vol. Dansun second temps, une étude de l’influence des paramètres de définition du rotor sur les chargesdynamiques est réalisée.Pour finir, des couplages flexion-torsion sont introduits sur la pale à partir de l’anisotropie despales composites ou encore de masses non structurelles déportées par rapport au centre de torsiondes sections. Une étude analytique de ces couplages est réalisée, puis le modèle aéroélastiquecomplet est utilisé pour évaluer leur apport sur les charges dynamiques transmises par le rotor.Des réductions significatives sont observées, démontrant ainsi le potentiel de cette technique etouvrant la voie à des études expérimentales. / Vibrations generated by dynamic loads transmitted from rotor to fuselage degrade components’life and passenger comfort. A promising method not yet exploited in helicopters is introducingflexural-torsional couplings on the blade to correct unsteady aerodynamic forces.To assess this method, an isolated rotor aeroelastic model is elaborated. The elastic model combinesthe floating frame approach with the prescribed mode method. The modal basis stems fromhigh precision finite element models. The rotor’s aerodynamic behaviour is described using amulti-harmonic induced velocity model and the blade element method. The aeroelastic modelis validated first through comparison with software aeromechanics calculation (HOST) and experimentalresults from flight tests and second through a study of the influence of aerodynamicparameters on rotor dynamic loads.Finally, bending-torsion couplings are made on the blade by introducing anisotropy of the compositeblades or non-structural mass offset relative to the sections centre of torsion. An analyticalstudy of these couplings is performed, followed by a full aeroelastic modelling to evaluate theircontribution to dynamic loads transmitted by the rotor. Significant reductions are observed, demonstratingthe potential of this technique and paving the way for experimental studies.
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Difficulties in FE-modelling of an I-beam subjected to torsion, shear and bending.Alexandrou, Miriam January 2015 (has links)
In this thesis six different models of IPE240 have been created in order to study their behavior undershear, bending and torsion. These models simulate IPE240 but differ in the boundary conditions, inthe loading and the length of the beam and in some connections which connect certain elements. Inthis study the modeling and simulation of the steel member is executed in ABAQUS Finite ElementAnalysis software with the creation of input files. When developing a model for the finite elementanalysis a typical analysis process is followed. All the parameters that are required to perform theanalysis are defined initially to geometry which is half the beam due to symmetry, and the materialproperties of each model are defined too. Then a mesh is generated for each model, the loads of eachmodel are applied which are expressed as initial displacement. Subsequently, the boundary conditionsfor each model are defined and finally the model is submitted to the solver when the kind of analysishas been defined. Namely, the analysis which is performed in this thesis is static stress analysis.When the ABAQUS has run the models, the contour plots for the von Mises stresses for each modelare studied. In these contour plots, a large concentration of stresses and problems which arise in eachone of the models are notified. As it has been observed in all models, the beam yields at the flangesof the mid-span and collapses at the mid-span. Therefore, the failure at the mid-span is more criticalthan the failure at the support. Moreover, the beams are weak in bending due to the fact that theytwist almost 60-90 degrees under a large initial displacement at the control node. Additionally, much localized failure and buckling occurred at the mid-span, and local concentrated stresses also occurredat the bottom flange at the support due to the boundary conditions details.Thereafter, a verification of the results of the ABAQUS through the simple analytical handcalculations is performed. It is concluded that the error appearing in most selected points is small.However, in some points in the web of the mid-span the error is greater. Additionally, whilecomparing the load-displacement curves of the two different plastic behaviors, it is observed that themodel with an elastic-plastic with a yielding plateau slope behavior has smaller maximum loadresistance than the model with a true stress-strain curve with strain hardening behavior.Finally, some errors and warning messages have occurred during the creation of the input files of themodels and a way of solving them is suggested.
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The Creation of a Christian Identity in a Christianized Empire: Eulalia, Agnes, and Gender-Bending in Prudentius' Peristephanon Liber III and XIVBaldwin, Ryan Masato 01 June 2019 (has links)
While Constantine worked diligently to unite the Roman Empire under the banner of Christianity in the early fourth century after the Edict of Milan and Council of Nicaea, it was the Edict of Thessalonica in 380 under Theodosius I that made Christianity the Roman state religion. During this time of conversion and great change within the empire, as well as earlier in the fourth century, new adherents to the religion were unsure about what it meant to be a Christian as well as how one should act in order to present themselves as a true believer. Many were still very familiar with their ancestral and polytheistic traditions, but were unsure of the character of this new, singular God. They had questions concerning their identity within this new framework. Was everything different now that they had accepted Christianity? Were their actions supposed to be entirely different than what their ancestors had taught them? To address the issue of Christian identity during this period, Prudentius, a Spanish Christian, composed many works in the late fourth and early fifth centuries, including his Peristephanon Liber, a compilation of fourteen Christian martyr texts. In these texts, Prudentius used gendered language to show the superiority of the Christian martyrs. The Christians were depicted as having self-control, active, and having a willingness to die while the pagan persecutors and judges were seen as being filled with wrath, unjust, and unable to properly govern. By using gendered language that was familiar to the new converts of the Roman Empire with respect to sexuality and masculinity, Prudentius sought to help create a masculine Christian identity that was both recognizable and superior to the masculinity of the previous regime. In order to prove this, an analysis on gender in the ancient world and its scholarship will be summarized. I will then describe the two martyr texts that portray women as the protagonist: Eulalia and Agnes. By analyzing the gendered language of these texts, I hope to show how Prudentius used gender, something that the Romans already understood, to invert traditional gender roles and present the Christians as the more masculine and the pagans as more feminine. By bending gender, Prudentius sought to teach these new Christians that being a Christian made a person not only masculine, but also a superior masculine figure than if they still believed in paganism. By focusing on the language of these texts and using secondary sources, I show that Prudentius, like previous Christian authors, used gendered language and female protagonists in order to show these new Christians what it meant to be a true believer, thus attempting to create a superior Christian identity in a newly Christianized society.
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Integrated Computational Design and Fabrication for Hybrid Textile Tensegrity StructuresGonzales Allende, Gabriela 10 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Performance of Transverse Post-Tensioned Joints Subjected to Negative Bending and Shear Stresses on Full Scale, Full Depth, Precast Concrete Bridge Deck SystemRoberts, Kayde Steven 01 May 2011 (has links)
Accelerated bridge construction has quickly become the preferred method for the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) as well as many other DOT’s across the United States. This type of construction requires the use of full depth precast panels for the construction of the bridge deck. The segmented deck panels produce transverse joints between panels and have come to be known as the weakest portion of the deck. Cracking often occurs at these joints and is reflected through the deck overlay where water accesses and begins corrosion of the reinforcement and superstructure below. For this reason post-tensioning of the deck panels is becoming a regular practice to ensure that the deck behaves more monolithically, limiting cracking. The current post-tensioning used by UDOT inhibits future replacement of single deck panels and requires that all panels be replaced once one panel is deemed defective. The new curved bolt connection provides the necessary compressive stresses across the transverse joints but makes future replacement of a single deck panel possible without replacing the entire bridge deck. To better understand the behavior of the new curved bolt connection under loadings, laboratory testing was undertaken on both the curved bolt and the current post-tensioning used by UDOT. The testing specimens included full-scale, full-depth, precast panels that were connected using both system. The testing induced typical stresses on the panels and connections, subjecting them to negative bending and shear. The overall performance of the curved bolt proved satisfactory. The moment capacity of both connections surpassed all theoretical calculations. The yield and plastic moments were 17% and 16% lower, respectively, than the UDOT post-tension system while at those moments deflection was relatively the same. Due to the anchorage location of the curved bolts, the reinforcement around the transverse joint received up to 5 times the strain of that of the post-tension connections. Although both systems performed well when subjected to shear forces and as compared to the theoretical capacities, the post-tension connection greatly surpassed the curved bolt in shear capacity.
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Finite Element Modeling of Transverse Post-Tensioned Joints in Accelerated Bridge ConstructionMadireddy, Sandeep Reddy 01 May 2012 (has links)
The Accelerated bridge construction (ABC) techniques are gaining popularity among the departments of transportation (DOTs) due to their reductions of on-site construction time and traffic delays. One ABC technique that utilizes precast deck panels has demonstrated some advantages over normal cast-in-place construction, but has also demonstrated some serviceability issues such as cracks and water leakage to the transverse joints. Some of these problems are addressed by applying longitudinal prestressing. This thesis evaluates the service and ultimate capacities in both flexure and shear, of the finite element models of the post-tensioned system currently used by Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) and a proposed curved-bolt system to confirm the experimental results. The panels were built and tested under negative moment in order to investigate a known problem, namely, tension in the deck concrete. Shear tests were performed on specimens with geometry designed to investigate the effects of high shear across the joint. The curved-bolt connection not only provides the necessary compressive stress across the transverse joint but also makes future replacement of a single deck panel possible without replacing the entire deck. Load-deflection, shear-deflection curves were obtained using the experimental tests and were used to compare with the values obtained from finite element analysis. In flexure, the ultimate load predicted by the finite element model was lower than the experimental ultimate load by 1% for the post-tensioned connection and 3% for the curved-bolt connection. The shear models predicted the ultimate shear reached, within 5% of the experimental values. The cracking pattern also matched closely. The yield and cracking moment of the curved-bolt connection predicted by the finite element model were lower by 13% and 2%, respectively, compared to the post-tensioned connection in flexure.
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