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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bergen-Belson reconsidered /

Avis, Pamela S. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.) -- Central Connecticut State University, 2007. / Thesis advisor: Mieczyslaw B. Biskupski. "... in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in European History." Includes bibliographical references (leaves 106-120). Also available via the World Wide Web.

Geloof kan bergen verzetten : Reformatie en katholieke herleving te Bergen op Zoom, 1577-1795 /

Mooij, Charles de, January 1998 (has links)
Proefschrift--Nijmegen--Katholieke Universiteit, 1998. / Bibliogr. p. 674-691. Index. Résumé en anglais.

Observations on the outbreak of louse-borne typhus fever at Belsen Concentration Camp, April 1945

Peterkin, Douglas Brock January 1947 (has links)
The difficulties of finding original material in general practice on which to write a Thesis made the author review his Service experience and choose the aforementioned subject. Whilst serving with the 11th Light Field Ambulance the author had the dubious privilege of working in the huts of Belsen Camp from the day of liberation onwards until the last hut was burned down by the British after complete evacuation of the camp. Few people who worked there can at any time have seen a greater wealth of clinical material. The death rate whilst evacuation was proceeding between April 20th, 1945 and May 17th, 1945, numbered some thirteen thousand in Camp 1 alone. In perusing the small amount of literature existing on the subject it is surprising that no real intensive clinical investigations seem to have been carried out at the Camp. The reasons for this are not far to seek. The magnitude of the problem which existed and smallness of resources of the liberating forces in men and material made the problem largely an administrative one of extreme urgency. Everyone in the area was employed in providing the daily wants of an average community to the internees. Food, water and clothing had to be provided. Some semblance of hygiene and order had to be brought to the Camp and an attempt made to evacuate the seriously ill estimated at some twenty eight thousand in Camp I and three thousand in Camp II. Along with another officer the author was responsible for the collection and evacuation of the sick from Camp I to Casualty Clearing Stations and General Hospitals in the neighbourhood. The appalling conditions of filth and squalor in the camp and a death rate of five hundred a day at the outset made speed in evacuation the prime consideration. Under these circumstances and because of language difficulties it was impossible to carry out a detailed examination of all patients, nor was it possible to keep clinical records. Many cases were examined in detail however end several visits were paid by the author to general hospitals where conditions were considerably more suitable for examination. Naturally no special investigations could be carried out by the author and cases were examined solely by clinical means.

Du renoncement pulsionnel à l'idéal du moi : le père et la cohésion sociale chez Freud

Richard, René January 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à explorer l’apport de la psychanalyse freudienne à la pensée politique. En abordant la réalité sociale et politique selon cette perspective psychologique, on peut concevoir qu’il y a des facteurs inconscients ainsi que conscients à la base du lien social. Il s’agit notamment du renoncement pulsionnel qui perpétue un conflit psychique inconscient et rend possible la cohésion sociale d’une part, et de l’identification ou renforcement du moi conscient afin de surmonter et dédommager ce conflit psychique tout en renforçant cette cohésion d’autre part. Après avoir mis en rapport les perspectives de P. Roazen, H. Marcuse et B. Bergen sur le lien social à partir des notions freudiennes, cette thèse défend une conception du moi comme finalité du lien social, et ce, sans pour autant aller à l’encontre de l’attitude introspective initiée par Freud.

Implementering och tillämpning av Bergenmodellen : Vårdpersonalens erfarenheter inom psykiatrisk vård / Implementation And Application Of The Bergen Model : Health care personnel´s experiences in psychiatric care

Shahad, Dunia January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Att överföra forskningsresultat till det kliniska arbetet beskrivs som komplext. Trots omfattande forskning kring implementeringsriktlinjer brister kunskapen om vilka de mest effektiva strategierna är. Syfte: Att undersöka vårdpersonalens erfarenheter kring implementering och tillämpning av Bergenmodellen inom psykiatriska vårdenheter inom Stockholms läns landsting. Metod:Kvalitativ forskningsintervju valdes som metod. Insamlad data analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Resultaten visar att vårdpersonalen ansåg att Bergenmodellen har gett dem ett förebyggande verktyg i det dagliga arbetet med patienter, där det förekommer hot och våld situationer. De kategorier som uppkom var Otydlig arbetsledning, Ett förebyggande arbete, Vårdande perspektiv, Kommunikation och Repetitioner. Majoriteten av informanterna uttryckte en bristfällig arbetsledning under en pågående hot och våldssituation. Det fanns ingen struktur i arbetsledning under en aktuell hot och våldssituation och en önskan om tydlig arbetsledning önskades från majoriteten av deltagarna i form av att sjuksköterskan skulle inneha den ledande funktionen. Slutsats: Denna studie visar att Bergenmodellen har bidragit till det förebyggande arbetet inom hot och våld i psykiatrisk vård. Bergenmodellen ger förbättrade förutsättningar i omvårdnaden och arbetet med patienter i psykiatrisk vård. Det finns en tydlig önskan om att sjuksköterskan i psykiatrisk vård skall ta sig an den ledande rollen under akuta hot och våldssituationer. Klinisk betydelse: Många olika faktorer påverkar om forskningsresultat lyckas införas i praktiken eller inte. Den stora utmaningen är att hitta lösningar för att implementera rådande forskning i praktiken på ett enkelt sätt. Resultaten i denna studie kan också visa på ett behov av utvärdering av Bergenmodellen, vad gäller att klargöra ansvarsområden. / Background:Transferring results from research to clinical praxis seems to be very complex. In spite of extensive research about implementation guidelines there are insufficient facts about what strategies are the most effective. Specialist nurses within psychiatric care can with his/her specific competence improve the general care of psychiatric patients. Purpose: The aim with study was to examine health care personnel´s experiences of and work with the Bergen model within psychiatric health care wards in Stockholm Läns Landsting. Method:Qualitative interviews were chosen as method. Data was analyzed with content analysis. Results: The results showed that the health care personnel found the Bergen model to be an essential tool that could be used daily, in working with the patients. It is shown to be useful in situations where threats and violence occur. The categories that emerged from the content analysis were: Unclear staff management, A preventive undertaking, A caregiving perspective, and Communication and Repetition. The majority of the interviewees expressed inadequate staff management during threatening and violent situations and there was no structure during these situations. It was requested from the majority of the participants that the nurse was the one to take charge and to fill the leading role. Conclusions: in conclusion, the results from this study shows that the Bergen Model has contributed to help with the prevention of violence and threats. It has given the health care personnel a better decision-making capacity in threat full situations with patients in psychiatric wards. This study shows that a leader is needed in threatening and violent situations, and that the nurse was preferred to be the one to take on the leading role. Clinical significance: There are a lot of different factors that can affect the way the results from research can be used in clinical praxis. The biggest challenge is to find solutions to implement existing research into clinical praxis in a simple way. The results from this study can also show a need for an evaluation of the Bergen Model, pertaining to clarifying each and everyone´s responsibilities.

Ungeordnete Unzucht : Prostitution im Hanseraum (12.-16. Jahrhundert) : Lübeck, Bergen, Helsingør /

Hemmie, Dagmar M. H. January 2007 (has links)
Dissertation--Kiel--Christian-Albrechts-Universität, 2004. / Bibliogr. p. 405-466.

Aggressivitet på akutmottagningar – en del av arbetet / Aggressiveness in emergency departments - part of the work

Åkerlund, Oliver January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Hot och våld inom vård och omsorg skapar fysiska, psykiska och ekonomiska problem för de inblandade, arbetsplatsen och samhället. Akutsjukvården är ett av de mer drabbade vårdområdena. Syfte: Litteraturöversiktens syfte är att beskriva sjuksköterskors upplevelse av hot och våld på akutmottagningar. Metod: Litteraturöversikten är baserad på kvalitativ design. Tio artiklar inkluderades och analyserades induktivt. Resultat: Resultatet grundades på tio artiklar som visade att sjukvården på akutmottagningar normaliserar hot och våld för att det ses som en del av arbetet enligt sjuksköterskorna. Hot och våld påverkar sjuksköterskors arbete, de sänkte standarden av sin vård för att undvika konflikter. Stress, ångest och depression var symptom som drabbade deltagarna. Sjuksköterskorna upplevde sig osäkra på arbetet och sårbara eftersom organisationen inte visade sitt stöd. Slutsatser: Hot och våld sker frekvent på akutmottagningar, det skapar problem som påverkar sjuksköterskornas arbete och privatliv. Kulturen i sjukvården som normaliserar hot och våld kan vara ett hinder för att minska problemet. Nyckelord: Bergenmodellen, hot, sjuksköterska, upplevelse, våld / Background: Threat and violences within health and social care creates physical, mental and economic problems for those involved, the workplace and society. Emergency care is one of the more affected healthcare areas. Aim: The aim of this literature review is to describe nurses' experiences of threats and violence at emergency departments. Method: The literature review is based on qualitative design. Ten articles were included and analyzed inductively. Result: The result is based on ten studies showing that the health care in emergency departments are normalizing threat and violence because it’s seen as part of the job by the nurses. Threat and violence affected the work of the nurses, who lowered the standards of their work to avoid conflict. Stress, anxiety and depression were symptoms that afflicted the participants. Nurses felt unsafe at work and vulnerable because the organization did not show its support. Conclusions: The culture within health care that normalizes threats and violence could be an obstacle to reducing the problem. Keywords: Experience, nurse, the Bergen model, threat, violence,

Structures for the co-created city

Bergström, Anders January 2015 (has links)
This project seeks new forms of housing production that answer to the disappearance of the welfare state and provides structures for self-organization. It stretches the limits of the housing policies and explores new flexible design solutions. It addresses social and economical adaptability where both the city and the dwellers have responsibility for the process and development of new housing. The adaptable city is a city where dwellers co-create their housing environment.

I samklang : En longitudinell fallstudie om att skapa förutsättningar för tvärvetenskaplig forskning inom musikterapi vid universitetet i Bergen

Fahlén, Daniel January 2015 (has links)
Interdisciplinarity is a common goal within specialized interdisciplinary organizations as well as within the academic world as a whole. Interdisciplinary research is connected with values such as a more market oriented approach, new ways of using theories and methods and a more cost efficient use of expensive research equipment. But few studies actually measure the development of organized interdisciplinary research over time. The purpose of this paper is to examine the potential effects of organizational changes in research institu- tions whose purpose is to promote interdisciplinary research collaborations.. Using a longitudinal case study this essay measures the attempts of a Norwegian music therapy research organisation to actively induce interdisciplinary research over a period of eight years. An important part of the study is also to try common quantitative operationalizations of different types of interdisciplinarity with in a small case study. Bibliometric methods are used to visualize relations between researchers. Important results include findings of increased interdisciplinary activity within the new organisation thus proving the possibility to create interdisciplinary conditions thru active organisational changes. The essay also show that operationalizations used in quantitative studies may need to be adapted to specific conditions in order to effectively measure interdisciplinary relations between researchers. As with all case studies the results of this essay needs to be tested and verified in further studies.

Entwicklung von standardisierten Prozessbausteinen für seilunterstützte Rettungs- und Bergeprozesse

Herold, Katrin 12 October 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Die derzeitigen Probleme bei der Planung, Durchführung und Überwachung des seilunterstützten Rettens und Bergens entstehen durch die hohen Anforderungen an die Rettungsteams und die erforderlichen kurzen Ablaufzeiten. Einerseits sind die • Güte der Qualifikation der Rettungsteams und der Ausbilder, • Angemessenheit der Ausrüstung der Rettungsteams, • tatsächliche Arbeitssicherheit der Prozesse für alle beteiligten Personen, • tatsächliche Prozesssicherheit unterteilt nach technischer und menschlicher Zuverlässigkeit derzeit nicht ausreichend bewertbar, und andererseits sind die technologischen Abläufe mit ihren Gefährdungs- und Gestaltungspotentialen nur einem kleinen Kreis von Fachleuten bekannt. Dieses Erfahrungswissen gilt es, für alle Anwender zu erschließen. Betrachtet man nun die große Methodenvielfalt der seilunterstützten Rettungs- und Bergeverfahren, die auftretenden Fehler bei Übungen und die Unsicherheit der Planer und überwachenden Personen dieser Verfahren bezüglich der Gefährdungen der Rettungsteams und der zu rettenden bzw. zu bergenden Personen, so zeigen sich Probleme in der Prozessgestaltung. In dieser Arbeit wird, aufbauend auf die Standardisierung der Fertigungsverfahren, ein Baukasten-System mit standardisierten Prozessbausteinen und einem Ablaufalgorithmus zur Anwendung entwickelt, mit der die Aufbau- und Ablauforganisation der Rettungsprozesse beschrieben werden kann. Für die derzeit typischen Rettungs- und Bergeprozesse wurden Standardprozesse entwickelt und in ihren Gültigkeitsbereichen definiert. Der Baustein-Katalog, bestehend aus 127 Prozessbausteinen, ist an der Professur Arbeitswissenschaft der TU Chemnitz erhältlich.

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