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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Joyau du patrimoine mondial et tourisme : l'exemple de St-George, Bermudes

Gagnon, Maxime 09 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire présente l’étude de cas de la ville de St George, ancienne capitale du protectorat britannique des Bermudes. Sa situation géographique particulière et la présence d’un ensemble architectural colonial britannique et d’ouvrages militaires lui ont récemment valu le titre de Site du patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO, ce qui constitue une reconnaissance de la valeur exceptionnelle universelle de cet ensemble urbain. Cette inscription survient au moment où les autorités locales souhaitaient diversifier l’économie de l’archipel en misant davantage sur le tourisme culturel et patrimonial. L’hypothèse centrale de ce mémoire est que la ville St George se révèle, au sens où l’entendent G.J. Ashworth et J.E. Tunbridge dans leur ouvrage The tourist-historic city, un « joyau du patrimoine », ce dernier étant défini comme une petite collectivité territoriale recelant des ressources historiques exceptionnelles qui en définissent de manière notable la morphologie urbaine et l’identité paysagère et orientent les politiques municipales. La recherche, suite à la présentation d’un cadre théorique sur le patrimoine mondial et le tourisme patrimonial, a par ailleurs permis de montrer que le concept de « cité historico-touristique » développé par les mêmes auteurs s’applique aux Bermudes à la condition qu’un transfert d’échelle soit opéré. En effet, nous ne sommes pas en présence d’un espace touristique constitué de deux secteurs d’une même ville qui contribuent, chacun à sa façon, à la définition de l’attractivité touristique, mais plutôt de deux petites villes voisines – St-George et Hamilton, la capitale – qui constituent le substrat d’une cité historico-touristique éclatée. / This dissertation presents the case study of the town of St. George, historic capital of Bermuda. Its unique geography, the presence of British colonial architecture and of many military forts allowed its inclusion on the UNESCO world heritage List. This nomination in itself constitutes a recognition of the exceptional universal value of this urban entity. This inscription happens at the exact moment where the local authorities wish to diversify the archipelago’s economy by exploiting cultural and heritage tourism. The hypothesis of this dissertation is that the town of St. George is, according to the proposition of G.J Ashworth and J.E Tunbridge in their book The tourist-historic city, a «heritage gem », that is, a small community containing a great number of exceptional historic resources shaping the urban morphology, the landscape identity and local policies. The research, following the introduction of the relevant theoretical framework on world heritage and heritage tourism, demonstrated that the concept of the “tourist-historic city” developed by the same authors can be easily applied to the case of Bermuda if a scale reduction is made. Indeed, we are not presented with a touristic space created by two different sectors of the same city, but by two small neighbouring cities – St. George and Hamilton, the capital – which are the basis of a fragmented tourist-historic city.

Caracterização da matéria orgânica de solo irrigado com efluente de estação de tratamento de esgoto / Characterization of organic matter from treated sewage effluent irrigated soils

Noirtin, Eric Louis Roger 16 November 2010 (has links)
Diante dos recentes estudos sobre as mudanças climáticas, a preocupação sobre a repartição e a disponibilidades dos recursos hídricos é cada vez maior, estimulando pesquisas sobre métodos de reuso de água. Dentre estes métodos, o uso de efluente de estação de tratamento de esgoto (EETE) para irrigação de culturas agrícolas apresenta várias vantagens, como por exemplo, suprir a necessidade hídrica das plantas e fornecer nutrientes essenciais ao seu desenvolvimento, evitar o despejo dos efluentes nos corpos dágua e ainda poderia ser considerado como um tratamento complementar dos esgotos tratados. Entretanto, os impactos nos solos tropicais que o uso de efluentes para irrigação agrícola podem causar precisam ser melhores conhecidos. Desta forma, pesquisas vêm sendo realizadas desde 2002 no campo experimental de reuso de água em Lins (SP) cujos objetivos visam a sustentabilidade do uso de efluente de tratamento de esgoto para irrigação de culturas agrícolas. Entre as culturas ali estudadas selecionou-se para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho de doutorado, a área cultivada com capim-Bermuda Tifton 85 e o foco da pesquisa foi avaliar os efeitos da irrigação com efluente sobre a matéria orgânica do solo (MOS). O delineamento experimental foi de blocos completos casualisados com três tratamentos e quatro repetições e o período do experimento em campo foi de junho de 2007 a junho de 2009. Os tratamentos avaliados foram SI: sem irrigação e sem fertilização, tratamento de referência, E66 - irrigação com EETE e adubação de 343 kg ha-1 ano-1 de nitrato de amônio, 416 kg \'ha POT.-1\' \'ano POT.-1\' de K2O e 140 kg \'ha POT.-1\' ano-1 \'P IND.2\'\'O IND.5\' e W100: irrigação com água potável e adição de 520 kg ha-1 ano-1 de nitrogênio via nitrato de amônio, 416 kg \'ha POT.-1\' \'ano POT.-1\' de K2O e 140 kg \'ha POT.-1\' \'ano POT.-1\' \'P IND.2\'\'O IND.5\'. A mineralogia do solo determinada por difração de raios-X, análise térmica diferencial e por espectroscopia de refletância difusa, apresentou-se simples, caracterizada, principalmente, pela presença dominante de quartzo e por caulinita, gibbsita, goethita e hematita. A água do solo foi coletada por meio de lisimetros de sucção e observou-se uma forte correlação (0,93) entre os valores de \'NO IND.2\' POT.-\' e de \'NO IND.3 POT.-\' e coeficientes de correlação mais baixos, mas ainda consideráveis entre a profundidade e o \'K POT.+\', \'Na POT.+\' e \'NO IND.3\'\'POT.-\', \'Cl POT.-\' e \'F POT.-\', \'Cl POT.-\' e \'SO IND.4\'\'POT.2-\'. Apesar dos altos teores de carbono orgânico dissolvido e de amônio no efluente, a correlação entre estes compostos foi negativa (0,40), reforçando estudos anteriores que mostraram que o alto teor de \'NH IND.4\'\'POT.+\' estimula uma alta atividade microbiana, resultando numa rápida oxidação do amônio em nitrato e subsequente absorção desta espécie pelas plantas. No solo, os teores de carbono foram baixos (inferiores a 1%) para os solos irrigados (E66 e W100) e para o solo de referência (SI), com esses valores decrescendo com a profundidade. O estoque de carbono foi menor nos solos irrigados que no solo sem irrigação. As amostras de solo dos tratamentos SI e E66 foram submetidas à separação densimétrica, obtendo-se as frações: densidade <1,6 livre, composta por restos de planta poucos decompostas; densidade superior a 2, representada pela fase mineral; e as frações de densidade <1,6 occ, 1,6<d<1,8; 1,8<d<2,0, compostas de fragmentos de planta cobertos pela fase mineral. Observou-se que em ambos os solos mais de 60% de carbono encontrava-se associado à fase mineral, sendo principalmente formado por matéria orgânica muito humificada e matéria orgânica associada aos microrganismos. Os resultados obtidos das análises da razão isotópica do C (\'delta\'\'POT.13\'C) nos solos totais não evidenciaram influência do efluente, porém mostraram que a irrigação promoveu uma desestruturação dos agregados. Esta observação foi confirmada pela comparação dos índices de humificação das frações de densidades superior a 2 calculados a partir dos teores de carbono e das intensidades de fluorescência induzidas por laser. Os espectros de fluorescência da matéria orgânica extraída por uma solução NaOH 1 mol \'L POT.-1\' e tratados com o método matemático PARAFAC, permitiram identificar três componentes: a primeira associada as proteínas, a segunda aos ácidos húmicos e a terceira aos ácidos fúlvicos. Apesar da interpretação dos resultados ter sido dificultada pela provável não homogeneidade da extração da matéria orgânica, eles indicaram uma transferência da matéria orgânica mais lábil das camadas superficiais para as camada mais profunda do perfil de solo. A análise conjunta dos resultados obtidos permitiu concluir que: (i) a diminuição do estoque de carbono dos solos irrigados e o aumento do grau de humificação da matéria orgânica do solo associada à fração mineral são, principalmente, conseqüência da desestabilização dos agregados devido aos altos teores de sódio do efluente e água potável. O controle do processo de sodificação é fundamental para manter as características da matéria orgânica do solo, bem como para manter sua condutividade hidráulica; (ii) não foram observadas diferenças entre o comportamento da matéria orgânica do solo irrigado com efluente de estação de tratamento de esgoto e a do solo irrigado com água potável. Evidenciando que as alterações na MOS são provenientes, sobretudo, do processo de irrigação com águas sódicas e não especificamente com efluente de estação de tratamento de esgoto; (iii) as técnicas de fluorescência utilizadas para a carcacterização da matéria orgânica aparentemente se mostraram sensíveis para monitorar as variações da MOS, no entanto, ainda é necessário se conhecer melhor a relação entre os sinais observados nos espectros e as propriedades agronômicas. / In face of recent studies on climate changes, the concern about sharing availability of water resources is increasing, stimulating research about methods of water reuse. Among these methods, the use of treated sewage effluent (TSE) for irrigation of agricultural crops presents several advantages, such as supplying water for plants, providing essential nutrients for its development, avoiding effluent spillage in the water stream and it might be also considered a supplementary treatment to treated sewage effluent. In the mean time, the impact the effluents might cause on tropical soils, requires further study. In this way, some research on the reuse of water-experimental-field is being carried out in Lins(SP) since 2002. The main objective of this research is to reuse the effluent water to irrigate crops in a sustainable way. Among the studied crops, the planted area with Tifton 85 Bermudagrass was selected in order to develop this Study. The experimental layout was of randomized complete blocks and composed of three treatments, four repetitions and the period of the experiment in the field was carried out from June 2007 to June 2009. The treatments applied were SI: without irrigation and without fertilization, the reference treatment, E66 - irrigated with TSE and fertilized with 343 kg ha-1 year-1 ammonium nitrate, 416 kg \'ha POT.-1\' \'year POT.-1\' of K2O and 140 kg \'ha POT.-1\' \' year POT.-1\' of \'P IND.2\'\'O IND.5\' , and W100 - irrigated with drinking water and fertilized with 520 kg \'ha POT.-1\' \'year POT.-1\' ammonium nitrate, 416 kg \'ha POT.-1\' \'year POT.-1\' of K2O and 140 kg \'ha POT.-1\' \'year POT.-1\' of \'P IND.2\'\'O IND.5\'. The soil mineralogy that was determined by X-ray diffraction, Thermogravimetric analysis and Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, was simple, mainly characterized by Kaolinite, gibbsite, goethite and hematite. The soil water was collected by suction lysimeter and showed a strong correlation (0,93) between \'NO IND.2\'\'POT.-\' and \'NO IND.3\'\'POT.-\' values and lower correlation, but still noticeable, between depth and \'K POT.+\', \'Na POT.+\' e \'NO IND.3\'\'POT.-\', \'Cl POT.-\' e \'F POT.-\', \'Cl POT.-\' e \'SO IND.4 POT.2-\'. Regardless the high concentration of dissolved organic carbon and ammonium of the effluent, the correlation between those component was negative (0,40) strengthening previous studies which showed that high concentration of NH4+ promote a high microbiological activity, resulting in quick oxidation of the ammonium in nitrate and subsequent absorption of this specie by plants. In the soil, concentrations of carbon were low (lower than 1%) for the irrigated soils (E66 and W100) and for the reference (SI) soil, and those values decreased according to the depth. The soils samples of SI and E66 were separated in density fractions. The fractions obtained were: dentisy <1,6 free, composed of plant fragments poorly decomposed; density >2 is composed by the mineral phase; The fraction of densities <1,6 occ, 1,6<d<1,8; 1,8<d<2,0 was composed by plant fragments incrusted by minerals . In both soils more than 60% of the carbon was associated with the mineral phase, mainly composed by highly humified organic matter and microbial product. The results obtained from \'delta\'\'ANTPOT.13\'C isotopic ratio analysis of total soils failed to prove the influence of the effluent, but showed irrigation promoted aggregate destabilisation. This observation was confirmed by the comparison of the humification indices of density >2 fractions, which were calculated from the carbon concentrations and Lazer induced fluorescence intensities. The fluorescence spectres of organic matter extracted by NaOH 1 mol \'L POT.-1\' and treated parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) algorithm, permits the identification of 3 components: the first associated to protein, the second to humic acid and the third to fulvic acid. Regardless the difficult interpretation of the results due to the probable non-homogeneity of the extraction, they indicate a transfer of solute organic matter from superficial to deeper layers of the soil. The analysis of the results obtained allows us to conclude: (i) the decrease of the soil carbon on irrigated soils and the increase of the humification of the mineral associated organic matter are caused mainly by the destabilization of aggregates due to high concentration of Na+ in the effluent and drinking water. The control of the sodification process is fundamental to maintain soil organic matter characteristic, as well as the soil hydraulic conductivity. Differences in the behavior of the soil organic matter from effluent irrigated soil and drinking water irrigated soil were not observed. This shows that the changes are due to irrigation with sodic water and not specifically to waste water treatment plant effluent irrigation. The control of the sodification process is fundamental to maintain the soil organic matter characteristic, as well as the soil hydraulic conductivity. (ii) Differences in the behaviour of the soil organic matter between effluent irrigated soil and drinking water irrigated soil were not observed. This shows that the changes are due to the irrigation with sodic water and not specifically to the irrigation with waste water treatment plant effluent. (iii) the fluorescence utilized to characterized the organic matter apparently showed sensitiveness to monitor MOS variations. However, further study is essential in order to understand the relationship among the observed scope and agronomic properties.

An environmental assessment of Bermuda's caves

Gibbons, Darcy Ann 17 February 2005 (has links)
The current environmental status of the majority of Bermuda’s one hundred sixty-six known caves was investigated. This survey replicated a historical cave study performed in 1983, wherein each was analyzed for positive and negative features. Statistical analysis of the data showed a significant difference between the historical and current survey ratings, with an overall decrease in environmental status. A water quality study was performed on twenty different caves with sea level pools in various locations around the island. Nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, and phosphate levels were measured from varying depths in these caves. Fifteen of these caves were also tested for the presence of fecal bacterial contamination. High nitrate levels were discovered in some of the caves, particularly in surface samples. Additionally, bacterial contamination was detected in some caves. No obvious relationship between cave size or location and contamination existed for any of the pollutants sampled. Three separate caves from this group were dived and analyzed using a Hydrolab Sonde 3 Multiprobe Logger to acquire in situ water column data including depth, temperature, pH, salinity, and dissolved oxygen. Each cave studied had its own unique trends in hydrology at varying depths in the water column. A later water sampling study with a randomized experimental design was created and caves were divided into four classes based on size and location. Surface and subsurface samples were gathered from twelve randomly selected caves, three from each class. Each sample was analyzed for nitrate, nitrite, and ammonia concentrations. The results were analyzed using multiple analysis of variance statistics. A significant difference between the nitrate concentrations in the surface and subsurface water samples was discovered. None of the other comparisons were statistically significant. To represent the data visually, a Bermuda Cave and Karst Information System (BeCKIS) was created using the environmental survey data and water quality information. Some of the maps generated highlighted regions where negative environmental impacts on caves were concentrated geographically, thus demonstrating how this geographic information system could be used as a conservation tool.

An environmental assessment of Bermuda's caves

Gibbons, Darcy Ann 17 February 2005 (has links)
The current environmental status of the majority of Bermuda’s one hundred sixty-six known caves was investigated. This survey replicated a historical cave study performed in 1983, wherein each was analyzed for positive and negative features. Statistical analysis of the data showed a significant difference between the historical and current survey ratings, with an overall decrease in environmental status. A water quality study was performed on twenty different caves with sea level pools in various locations around the island. Nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, and phosphate levels were measured from varying depths in these caves. Fifteen of these caves were also tested for the presence of fecal bacterial contamination. High nitrate levels were discovered in some of the caves, particularly in surface samples. Additionally, bacterial contamination was detected in some caves. No obvious relationship between cave size or location and contamination existed for any of the pollutants sampled. Three separate caves from this group were dived and analyzed using a Hydrolab Sonde 3 Multiprobe Logger to acquire in situ water column data including depth, temperature, pH, salinity, and dissolved oxygen. Each cave studied had its own unique trends in hydrology at varying depths in the water column. A later water sampling study with a randomized experimental design was created and caves were divided into four classes based on size and location. Surface and subsurface samples were gathered from twelve randomly selected caves, three from each class. Each sample was analyzed for nitrate, nitrite, and ammonia concentrations. The results were analyzed using multiple analysis of variance statistics. A significant difference between the nitrate concentrations in the surface and subsurface water samples was discovered. None of the other comparisons were statistically significant. To represent the data visually, a Bermuda Cave and Karst Information System (BeCKIS) was created using the environmental survey data and water quality information. Some of the maps generated highlighted regions where negative environmental impacts on caves were concentrated geographically, thus demonstrating how this geographic information system could be used as a conservation tool.

Joyau du patrimoine mondial et tourisme : l'exemple de St-George, Bermudes

Gagnon, Maxime 09 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire présente l’étude de cas de la ville de St George, ancienne capitale du protectorat britannique des Bermudes. Sa situation géographique particulière et la présence d’un ensemble architectural colonial britannique et d’ouvrages militaires lui ont récemment valu le titre de Site du patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO, ce qui constitue une reconnaissance de la valeur exceptionnelle universelle de cet ensemble urbain. Cette inscription survient au moment où les autorités locales souhaitaient diversifier l’économie de l’archipel en misant davantage sur le tourisme culturel et patrimonial. L’hypothèse centrale de ce mémoire est que la ville St George se révèle, au sens où l’entendent G.J. Ashworth et J.E. Tunbridge dans leur ouvrage The tourist-historic city, un « joyau du patrimoine », ce dernier étant défini comme une petite collectivité territoriale recelant des ressources historiques exceptionnelles qui en définissent de manière notable la morphologie urbaine et l’identité paysagère et orientent les politiques municipales. La recherche, suite à la présentation d’un cadre théorique sur le patrimoine mondial et le tourisme patrimonial, a par ailleurs permis de montrer que le concept de « cité historico-touristique » développé par les mêmes auteurs s’applique aux Bermudes à la condition qu’un transfert d’échelle soit opéré. En effet, nous ne sommes pas en présence d’un espace touristique constitué de deux secteurs d’une même ville qui contribuent, chacun à sa façon, à la définition de l’attractivité touristique, mais plutôt de deux petites villes voisines – St-George et Hamilton, la capitale – qui constituent le substrat d’une cité historico-touristique éclatée. / This dissertation presents the case study of the town of St. George, historic capital of Bermuda. Its unique geography, the presence of British colonial architecture and of many military forts allowed its inclusion on the UNESCO world heritage List. This nomination in itself constitutes a recognition of the exceptional universal value of this urban entity. This inscription happens at the exact moment where the local authorities wish to diversify the archipelago’s economy by exploiting cultural and heritage tourism. The hypothesis of this dissertation is that the town of St. George is, according to the proposition of G.J Ashworth and J.E Tunbridge in their book The tourist-historic city, a «heritage gem », that is, a small community containing a great number of exceptional historic resources shaping the urban morphology, the landscape identity and local policies. The research, following the introduction of the relevant theoretical framework on world heritage and heritage tourism, demonstrated that the concept of the “tourist-historic city” developed by the same authors can be easily applied to the case of Bermuda if a scale reduction is made. Indeed, we are not presented with a touristic space created by two different sectors of the same city, but by two small neighbouring cities – St. George and Hamilton, the capital – which are the basis of a fragmented tourist-historic city.

Caracterização da matéria orgânica de solo irrigado com efluente de estação de tratamento de esgoto / Characterization of organic matter from treated sewage effluent irrigated soils

Eric Louis Roger Noirtin 16 November 2010 (has links)
Diante dos recentes estudos sobre as mudanças climáticas, a preocupação sobre a repartição e a disponibilidades dos recursos hídricos é cada vez maior, estimulando pesquisas sobre métodos de reuso de água. Dentre estes métodos, o uso de efluente de estação de tratamento de esgoto (EETE) para irrigação de culturas agrícolas apresenta várias vantagens, como por exemplo, suprir a necessidade hídrica das plantas e fornecer nutrientes essenciais ao seu desenvolvimento, evitar o despejo dos efluentes nos corpos dágua e ainda poderia ser considerado como um tratamento complementar dos esgotos tratados. Entretanto, os impactos nos solos tropicais que o uso de efluentes para irrigação agrícola podem causar precisam ser melhores conhecidos. Desta forma, pesquisas vêm sendo realizadas desde 2002 no campo experimental de reuso de água em Lins (SP) cujos objetivos visam a sustentabilidade do uso de efluente de tratamento de esgoto para irrigação de culturas agrícolas. Entre as culturas ali estudadas selecionou-se para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho de doutorado, a área cultivada com capim-Bermuda Tifton 85 e o foco da pesquisa foi avaliar os efeitos da irrigação com efluente sobre a matéria orgânica do solo (MOS). O delineamento experimental foi de blocos completos casualisados com três tratamentos e quatro repetições e o período do experimento em campo foi de junho de 2007 a junho de 2009. Os tratamentos avaliados foram SI: sem irrigação e sem fertilização, tratamento de referência, E66 - irrigação com EETE e adubação de 343 kg ha-1 ano-1 de nitrato de amônio, 416 kg \'ha POT.-1\' \'ano POT.-1\' de K2O e 140 kg \'ha POT.-1\' ano-1 \'P IND.2\'\'O IND.5\' e W100: irrigação com água potável e adição de 520 kg ha-1 ano-1 de nitrogênio via nitrato de amônio, 416 kg \'ha POT.-1\' \'ano POT.-1\' de K2O e 140 kg \'ha POT.-1\' \'ano POT.-1\' \'P IND.2\'\'O IND.5\'. A mineralogia do solo determinada por difração de raios-X, análise térmica diferencial e por espectroscopia de refletância difusa, apresentou-se simples, caracterizada, principalmente, pela presença dominante de quartzo e por caulinita, gibbsita, goethita e hematita. A água do solo foi coletada por meio de lisimetros de sucção e observou-se uma forte correlação (0,93) entre os valores de \'NO IND.2\' POT.-\' e de \'NO IND.3 POT.-\' e coeficientes de correlação mais baixos, mas ainda consideráveis entre a profundidade e o \'K POT.+\', \'Na POT.+\' e \'NO IND.3\'\'POT.-\', \'Cl POT.-\' e \'F POT.-\', \'Cl POT.-\' e \'SO IND.4\'\'POT.2-\'. Apesar dos altos teores de carbono orgânico dissolvido e de amônio no efluente, a correlação entre estes compostos foi negativa (0,40), reforçando estudos anteriores que mostraram que o alto teor de \'NH IND.4\'\'POT.+\' estimula uma alta atividade microbiana, resultando numa rápida oxidação do amônio em nitrato e subsequente absorção desta espécie pelas plantas. No solo, os teores de carbono foram baixos (inferiores a 1%) para os solos irrigados (E66 e W100) e para o solo de referência (SI), com esses valores decrescendo com a profundidade. O estoque de carbono foi menor nos solos irrigados que no solo sem irrigação. As amostras de solo dos tratamentos SI e E66 foram submetidas à separação densimétrica, obtendo-se as frações: densidade <1,6 livre, composta por restos de planta poucos decompostas; densidade superior a 2, representada pela fase mineral; e as frações de densidade <1,6 occ, 1,6<d<1,8; 1,8<d<2,0, compostas de fragmentos de planta cobertos pela fase mineral. Observou-se que em ambos os solos mais de 60% de carbono encontrava-se associado à fase mineral, sendo principalmente formado por matéria orgânica muito humificada e matéria orgânica associada aos microrganismos. Os resultados obtidos das análises da razão isotópica do C (\'delta\'\'POT.13\'C) nos solos totais não evidenciaram influência do efluente, porém mostraram que a irrigação promoveu uma desestruturação dos agregados. Esta observação foi confirmada pela comparação dos índices de humificação das frações de densidades superior a 2 calculados a partir dos teores de carbono e das intensidades de fluorescência induzidas por laser. Os espectros de fluorescência da matéria orgânica extraída por uma solução NaOH 1 mol \'L POT.-1\' e tratados com o método matemático PARAFAC, permitiram identificar três componentes: a primeira associada as proteínas, a segunda aos ácidos húmicos e a terceira aos ácidos fúlvicos. Apesar da interpretação dos resultados ter sido dificultada pela provável não homogeneidade da extração da matéria orgânica, eles indicaram uma transferência da matéria orgânica mais lábil das camadas superficiais para as camada mais profunda do perfil de solo. A análise conjunta dos resultados obtidos permitiu concluir que: (i) a diminuição do estoque de carbono dos solos irrigados e o aumento do grau de humificação da matéria orgânica do solo associada à fração mineral são, principalmente, conseqüência da desestabilização dos agregados devido aos altos teores de sódio do efluente e água potável. O controle do processo de sodificação é fundamental para manter as características da matéria orgânica do solo, bem como para manter sua condutividade hidráulica; (ii) não foram observadas diferenças entre o comportamento da matéria orgânica do solo irrigado com efluente de estação de tratamento de esgoto e a do solo irrigado com água potável. Evidenciando que as alterações na MOS são provenientes, sobretudo, do processo de irrigação com águas sódicas e não especificamente com efluente de estação de tratamento de esgoto; (iii) as técnicas de fluorescência utilizadas para a carcacterização da matéria orgânica aparentemente se mostraram sensíveis para monitorar as variações da MOS, no entanto, ainda é necessário se conhecer melhor a relação entre os sinais observados nos espectros e as propriedades agronômicas. / In face of recent studies on climate changes, the concern about sharing availability of water resources is increasing, stimulating research about methods of water reuse. Among these methods, the use of treated sewage effluent (TSE) for irrigation of agricultural crops presents several advantages, such as supplying water for plants, providing essential nutrients for its development, avoiding effluent spillage in the water stream and it might be also considered a supplementary treatment to treated sewage effluent. In the mean time, the impact the effluents might cause on tropical soils, requires further study. In this way, some research on the reuse of water-experimental-field is being carried out in Lins(SP) since 2002. The main objective of this research is to reuse the effluent water to irrigate crops in a sustainable way. Among the studied crops, the planted area with Tifton 85 Bermudagrass was selected in order to develop this Study. The experimental layout was of randomized complete blocks and composed of three treatments, four repetitions and the period of the experiment in the field was carried out from June 2007 to June 2009. The treatments applied were SI: without irrigation and without fertilization, the reference treatment, E66 - irrigated with TSE and fertilized with 343 kg ha-1 year-1 ammonium nitrate, 416 kg \'ha POT.-1\' \'year POT.-1\' of K2O and 140 kg \'ha POT.-1\' \' year POT.-1\' of \'P IND.2\'\'O IND.5\' , and W100 - irrigated with drinking water and fertilized with 520 kg \'ha POT.-1\' \'year POT.-1\' ammonium nitrate, 416 kg \'ha POT.-1\' \'year POT.-1\' of K2O and 140 kg \'ha POT.-1\' \'year POT.-1\' of \'P IND.2\'\'O IND.5\'. The soil mineralogy that was determined by X-ray diffraction, Thermogravimetric analysis and Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, was simple, mainly characterized by Kaolinite, gibbsite, goethite and hematite. The soil water was collected by suction lysimeter and showed a strong correlation (0,93) between \'NO IND.2\'\'POT.-\' and \'NO IND.3\'\'POT.-\' values and lower correlation, but still noticeable, between depth and \'K POT.+\', \'Na POT.+\' e \'NO IND.3\'\'POT.-\', \'Cl POT.-\' e \'F POT.-\', \'Cl POT.-\' e \'SO IND.4 POT.2-\'. Regardless the high concentration of dissolved organic carbon and ammonium of the effluent, the correlation between those component was negative (0,40) strengthening previous studies which showed that high concentration of NH4+ promote a high microbiological activity, resulting in quick oxidation of the ammonium in nitrate and subsequent absorption of this specie by plants. In the soil, concentrations of carbon were low (lower than 1%) for the irrigated soils (E66 and W100) and for the reference (SI) soil, and those values decreased according to the depth. The soils samples of SI and E66 were separated in density fractions. The fractions obtained were: dentisy <1,6 free, composed of plant fragments poorly decomposed; density >2 is composed by the mineral phase; The fraction of densities <1,6 occ, 1,6<d<1,8; 1,8<d<2,0 was composed by plant fragments incrusted by minerals . In both soils more than 60% of the carbon was associated with the mineral phase, mainly composed by highly humified organic matter and microbial product. The results obtained from \'delta\'\'ANTPOT.13\'C isotopic ratio analysis of total soils failed to prove the influence of the effluent, but showed irrigation promoted aggregate destabilisation. This observation was confirmed by the comparison of the humification indices of density >2 fractions, which were calculated from the carbon concentrations and Lazer induced fluorescence intensities. The fluorescence spectres of organic matter extracted by NaOH 1 mol \'L POT.-1\' and treated parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) algorithm, permits the identification of 3 components: the first associated to protein, the second to humic acid and the third to fulvic acid. Regardless the difficult interpretation of the results due to the probable non-homogeneity of the extraction, they indicate a transfer of solute organic matter from superficial to deeper layers of the soil. The analysis of the results obtained allows us to conclude: (i) the decrease of the soil carbon on irrigated soils and the increase of the humification of the mineral associated organic matter are caused mainly by the destabilization of aggregates due to high concentration of Na+ in the effluent and drinking water. The control of the sodification process is fundamental to maintain soil organic matter characteristic, as well as the soil hydraulic conductivity. Differences in the behavior of the soil organic matter from effluent irrigated soil and drinking water irrigated soil were not observed. This shows that the changes are due to irrigation with sodic water and not specifically to waste water treatment plant effluent irrigation. The control of the sodification process is fundamental to maintain the soil organic matter characteristic, as well as the soil hydraulic conductivity. (ii) Differences in the behaviour of the soil organic matter between effluent irrigated soil and drinking water irrigated soil were not observed. This shows that the changes are due to the irrigation with sodic water and not specifically to the irrigation with waste water treatment plant effluent. (iii) the fluorescence utilized to characterized the organic matter apparently showed sensitiveness to monitor MOS variations. However, further study is essential in order to understand the relationship among the observed scope and agronomic properties.

Oviposition cues as a tool for developing a new malaria control strategy

Eneh, Lynda January 2016 (has links)
Anopheles gambiae sensu lato mosquitoes are among the dominant malaria vectors in sub-Saharan Africa. However, not much is known about the oviposition behaviour of these species necessary for the development of malaria vector control strategies. With the aim of investigating cues associated with selected oviposition sites, artificial oviposition sites- ponds (soil mixed with water) were set-up in an open field at Mbita, Western Kenya in 2012 and 2013. Ponds were allowed to be colonized by wild An. gambiae s.l.. The numbers of Anopheles early instar larvae were counted and used as a proxy for oviposition preference. Water samples were then analysed for physicochemical, bacterial and chemical profiles. The bacterial profiles were analysed using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and the chemical profiles with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The detection of possible oviposition cues from oviposition substrates requires sensitive analytical methods. Volatiles detection was improved seven times. The detection of bacteria deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) bands with DGGE was also improved to a minimum DNA concentration of 50 ng/µl. Results showed that ponds were colonized differently. Fresh ponds were preferred over slightly older ponds. Bacterial analysis revealed a low number of bacteria colony forming units (CFU) in preferred ponds. Some volatiles, including: 6,10-dimethyl-5,9-undecadien-2-one (geranylacetone) and 4-ethylbenzaldehyde, were associated with the oviposition preferred pond. In addition, low pH and high turbidity were associated with the ponds selected for oviposition. Finally, fungi isolated from the rhizomes of nut grass yielded a promising array of volatiles of which one is known to attract oviposition site seeking malaria mosquitoes. This finding opens the door for a cost effective and environmental friendly method of using fungi in an “attract and kill” strategy targeting malaria vectors. / Myggor i Anopheles gambiae sensu lato komplexet tillhör de myggor som är bäst på att sprida malaria parasiter i afrika söder om Sahara. Kunskapen om de här myggornas äggläggningsbeteende är begränsad. Den här kunskapen behövs för att kunna utveckla nya och förbättra tillgängliga malaria vektor kontroll metoder. Nya metoder som kan komplettera de som används idag (insecticides treated nets (ITNs) och indoor residual spraying (IRS)) behövs eftersom de metoderna har problem med resistensutveckling. Två studier utfördes på icipe fältstation i Mbita västra Kenya under 2012 och 2013 med målet att identifiera faktorer som påverkar myggornas äggläggningsbeteende. Baljor fyllda med en blandning av jord och vatten (äggläggningssubstrat) användes för att tillverka artificiella äggläggningsplatser som liknar de vattenpölar som de här myggarterna gärna lägger ägg i. Baljorna koloniserades av vilda myggor och antalet mygglarver som detekterades i baljorna jämfördes och användes som en proxy för äggläggningspreferens. Fysikaliska och kemiska parametrar mättes på jordvattenblandningarna i baljorna och prover togs för att analysera bakteriepopulationer med hjälp av denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) och flyktiga ämnen med hjälp av gas-kromatografi kopplat till mass-spektrometri (GC-MS). För att kunna detektera de låga halter av flyktiga ämnen och bakterier som fanns i de här proverna krävdes det känsliga metoder. Antalet flyktiga ämnen som kunde detekteras ökades sju gånger genom att tillsätta NaCl till vattenproverna innan doften insamlades och termisk desorption användes istället för lösningsmedels desorption. För att förbättra detektionsgränsen för bakterier amplifierades bakterie-DNA i två PCR reaktioner som sedan mixades och koncentrerades. Resultaten från fältstudierna med baljorna visade att de koloniserades olika av Anopheles myggorna. Baljor med nyblandat substrat innehöll dubbelt så många mygglarver som baljor med jord-vattensubstrat som åldrats under en längre tid. Lägre mängd bakterier, lägre pH och högre grumlighet var gemensamt för de baljor som myggorna föredrog. De flyktiga ämnen som detekterades i de olika baljor varierade mellan olika försök och inget ämne fanns med i alla upprepningar av ett försök. Trots det detekterades några ämnen oftare i de baljor som myggorna föredrog att lägga ägg jämfört med de med en mindre mängd mygglarver. De inkluderar geranylacetone och 4-ethylbenzaldehyde. Svampar isolerades från rotstockar av gräs som fanns i den jord som användes för att göra äggläggningssubstraten i fältstudierna. De flyktiga ämnen som avgavs från svampkulturerna analyserades. Bland annat så identifierades ett ämne som fungerar som en äggläggningsattrahent för An. gambiae s.l. myggor.Resultaten från den här avhandlingen kommer att kunna användas för att utveckla miljövänliga ”attract and kill” metoder för att kontrollera malaria myggor. / <p>QC 20160211</p>

Developments in bilateral air service agreements

Ehrenbeck, Mirelle 01 1900 (has links)
This dissertation deals with international transport law and looks at the development of bilateral air service agreements governing international scheduled flights from their inception after the Chicago Conference of 1944 until the present day. The Chicago Conference left a legacy of separation in airline services. Scheduled and nonscheduled flights came into existence and bilateral agreements are needed to regulate international scheduled services. The relationship between the state and its designated airline forms the pivot of the bilateral relationship. However, the aviation relationship between state and airline and between states inter se face challenges as globalisation and development take place in the air transport industry. New methods of cooperation now exist which need to be adapted to suit the needs of individual countries and airlines. South Africa has accepted the challenges of development and undertaken modern methods of cooperation such as code-sharing. / Law / LL.M.

Global comparison of hedge fund regulations

Stoll-Davey, Camille January 2008 (has links)
The regulation of hedge funds has been at the centre of a global policy debate for much of the past decade. Several factors feature in this debate including the magnitude of current global investments in hedge funds and the potential of hedge funds to both generate wealth and destabilise financial markets. The first part of the thesis describes the nature of hedge funds and locates the work in relation to four elements in existing theory including regulatory competition theory, the concept of differential mobility as identified by Musgrave, Kane’s concept of the regulatory dialectic between regulators and regulatees, and the concept of unique sets of trust and confidence factors that individual jurisdictions convey to the market. It also identifies a series of questions that de-limit the scope of the present work. These include whether there is evidence that regulatory competition occurs in the context of the provision of domicile for hedge funds, what are the factors which account for the current global distribution of hedge fund domicile, what latitude for regulatory competition is available to jurisdictions competing to provide the domicile for hedge funds, how is such latitude shaped by factors intrinsic and extrinsic to the competing jurisdictions, and why do the more powerful onshore jurisdictions competing to provide the domicile for hedge funds not shut down their smaller and weaker competitors? The second part of the thesis examines the regulatory environment for hedge funds in three so-called offshore jurisdictions, specifically the Cayman Islands, Bermuda and the British Virgin Islands, as well as two onshore jurisdictions, specifically the United Kingdom and the United States. The final section presents a series of conclusions and their implications for both regulatory competition theory and policy.

Developments in bilateral air service agreements

Ehrenbeck, Mirelle 01 1900 (has links)
This dissertation deals with international transport law and looks at the development of bilateral air service agreements governing international scheduled flights from their inception after the Chicago Conference of 1944 until the present day. The Chicago Conference left a legacy of separation in airline services. Scheduled and nonscheduled flights came into existence and bilateral agreements are needed to regulate international scheduled services. The relationship between the state and its designated airline forms the pivot of the bilateral relationship. However, the aviation relationship between state and airline and between states inter se face challenges as globalisation and development take place in the air transport industry. New methods of cooperation now exist which need to be adapted to suit the needs of individual countries and airlines. South Africa has accepted the challenges of development and undertaken modern methods of cooperation such as code-sharing. / Law / LL.M.

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