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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Replication of High Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Prevalence Rates, Child Characteristics, and Maternal Risk Factors in a Second Sample of Rural Communities in South Africa

May, Philip, De Vries, Marlene, Marais, Anna-Susan, Kalberg, Wendy, Buckley, David, Adnams, Colleen, Hasken, Julie, Tabachnick, Barbara, Robinson, Luther, Manning, Melanie, Bezuidenhout, Heidre, Adam, Margaret, Jones, Kenneth, Seedat, Soraya, Parry, Charles, Hoyme, H. 12 May 2017 (has links)
Background: Prevalence and characteristics of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) and total fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) were studied in a second sample of three South African rural communities to assess change. Methods: Active case ascertainment focused on children with height, weight and/or head circumference <= 25th centile and randomly-selected children. Final diagnoses were based on dysmorphology, neurobehavioral scores, and maternal risk interviews. Results: Cardinal facial features, head circumference, and total dysmorphology scores differentiated specific FASD diagnostic categories in a somewhat linear fashion but all FASD traits were significantly worse than those of randomly-selected controls. Neurodevelopmental delays were significantly worse for children with FASD than controls. Binge alcohol use was clearly documented as the proximal maternal risk factor for FASD, and significant distal risk factors were: low body mass, education, and income; high gravidity, parity, and age at birth of the index child. FAS rates continue to extremely high in these communities at 89-129 per 1000 children. Total FASD affect 196-276 per 1000 or 20-28% of the children in these communities. Conclusions: Very high rates of FASD persist in these general populations where regular, heavy drinking, often in a binge fashion, co-occurs with low socioeconomic conditions.

Pathways From ADHD Symptoms to Obesity in a College Population

Marcom, Leslee Johnson 08 1900 (has links)
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is more recently being recognized as a lifetime disorder that continues to affect individuals into their adult lives. Recent research studies have found connections between ADHD and overweight/obesity. The current study was designed to further explore these relationships and better understand the connections between these two constructs among 340 college students. It was hypothesized that the ADHD symptoms (i.e., inattention and impulsivity) would positively predict depressive symptoms, which in turn would predict emotional/binge eating and lead to overweight/obesity. Additionally, it was hypothesized that impulsivity would predict substance use, which would predict emotional/binge eating and also predict overweight/obesity. The model was tested and exhibited excellent fit. ADHD positively predicted depressive symptoms, which in turn positively predicted emotional/binge eating and led to overweight/obesity. Further, ADHD symptoms also positively predicted substance use, which in turn predicted emotional/binge eating and led to overweight/obesity. All paths were statistically significant and findings suggest there are at least two paths that connect ADHD symptoms and overweight/obesity in adults. The current results are of importance to practicing clinicians because they provide increased clarity and depth regarding the connections and relationship between symptoms of ADHD and overweight/obesity.

Early Change Trajectories in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Binge-Eating Disorder

Hilbert, Anja, Herpertz, Stephan, Cosby, Ross D., Zipfel, Stephan, Friedrich, Hans-Christoph, Mayr, Andreas, Tuschen-Caffier, Brunna, Zwaan, Martinade 11 August 2021 (has links)
Rapid response is considered the most well-established outcome predictor across treatments of binge-eating disorder (BED), including cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). This study sought to identify latent trajectories of early change in CBT and compare them to common rapid response classifications. In a multicenter randomized trial, 86 adults with BED (DSM-IV) or subsyndromal BED provided weekly self-reports of binge eating over the first 4 weeks of CBT, which were analyzed to predict binge eating, depression, and body mass index at posttreatment, 6-, and 18-month follow-up. Using latent growth mixture modeling, three patterns of early change—including moderate and low decreasing—as well as low stable binge eating were identified, which significantly predicted binge-eating remission at 6-month follow-up. Other classifications of rapid response based on Receiver Operating Characteristics curve analyses or on the literature (≥ 10% reduction in binge eating at week 1, ≥ 70% reduction in binge eating at week 4) only predicted posttreatment remission or overall depression, respectively. Latent change trajectories, but not other rapid response classifications, predicted binge-eating frequency over time. A fine-grained analysis of change over the first 4 weeks of CBT for BED revealed different trajectories of early change in binge eating that led to an improved prediction of binge-eating outcome, compared to that of common rapid response classifications. Thorough monitoring of early change trajectories during treatment may have clinical utility.

Las trayectorias de la violencia y la conducta criminal

Sanchez-SanSegundo, Miriam 13 July 2017 (has links)
La presente tesis doctoral se enmarca en la línea de investigación "Las Trayectorias de la Violencia y la Conducta Criminal”. Este trabajo consta de 9 capítulos articulados en los siguientes apartados: a) introducción, b) estudios empíricos publicados, c) estudios empíricos en revisión, d) discusión general, limitaciones y perspectivas de futuro, y d) conclusiones. Los estudios empíricos que conforman este trabajo se han centrado en dos colectivos de interés: adolescentes que se inician en el consumo de alcohol y delincuencia adulta en pacientes con Esquizofrenia y otros Trastornos Psicosis. Hasta la fecha, la mayor parte de los estudios realizados que analizan el desarrollo de la violencia y la conducta criminal en la población adolescente y adulta procede de investigaciones realizadas en Norteamerica, Canadá y algunas regiones de Europa. En España sin embargo, existen muy pocos trabajos publicados que analicen los factores determinantes de la delincuencia juvenil y las trayectorias del comportamiento criminal que presentan los individuos que cometen los crímenes más graves y violentos internados en centros psiquiátricos de máxima seguridad. La presente tesis doctoral realiza un recorrido por los factores que motivan el inicio de la delincuencia con especial énfasis en el rol que ejerce el consumo temprano de alcohol y la presencia de trastornos mentales graves vinculados con los delitos violentos cometidos por la población psiquiátrica encarcelada. Para ello, se han determinado 6 objetivos fundamentales de investigación, cada uno de los cuáles deriva en un estudio empírico. Los principales resultados de cada uno de los estudios aparecen recogidos en los capítulos 3-8. En la última sección (capítulo 9), se discuten los hallazgos más significativos obtenidos en cada uno de las investigaciones, las limitaciones y las perspectivas de futuro basadas en los aportes de la Neurocriminología que abren nuevas vías investigación. En el primer estudio examinamos la relación entre el consumo de alcohol adolescente y variables relacionadas con la delincuencia, el desempeño académico, los vínculos sociales y otras conductas problemáticas juveniles. En este estudio 567 estudiantes adolescentes de 14 a 19 años de edad cumplimentaron la Encuesta Estatal sobre Uso de Drogas. Controlando el efecto de la edad y el tipo de institución educativa (pública vs privada), nuestros resultados mostraron que los predictores más significativos del consumo de alcohol adolescente estuvieron relacionados con el número de expulsiones recibidas en los centros educativos, la vinculación con amigos infractores consumidores de alcohol, la participación en peleas, el número de salidas nocturnas y la hora de regreso a casa. Estos factores explicaron el 32.3% de la varianza del consumo alcohol adolescente. En el segundo estudio analizamos, la asociación entre el consumo de alcohol adolescente y la calidad de la relación familiar, el establecimiento de normas, la información sobre el uso de drogas y los comportamientos y actitudes parentales hacia el consumo, en una muestra de 565 estudiantes escolarizados de 14 a 19 años de edad. Los resultados de este estudio mostraron una relación significativa entre el consumo de alcohol y vivir en un entorno familiar caracterizado por la baja supervisión parental, caracterizado por tener un progrenitor consumidor de alcohol y una madre con actitudes permisivas hacia el consumo. En el tercer estudio evaluamos la asociacióne entre un nuevo fenómeno emergente de la conducta alimentaria denominado “Drunkorexia” caracterizado por la restricción del consumo de alimentos con alto contenido calórico para compensar el exceso de calorías proporcionado por la ingesta abusiva de alcohol y alcanzar más rápidamente los efectos de intoxicación etílica con el patrón de Binge Drinking. En este estudio 120 estudiantes universitarios de Nutrición Humana y Dietética cumplimentaron un cuestionario online sobre hábitos alimentarios y consumo de alcohol. La prevalencia de Drunkorexia obtenida en nuestro estudio fue del 10%. La Drunkorexia estuvo fuertemente relacionada con el consumo de alcohol en forma de binge drinking. Los participantes que redujeron intencionalmente el consumo de calorías tuvieron 2.5 (95% CI 1.46-4.27) veces más probabilidades de ser Binge drinkers. Los tres últimos artículos se centran en la población de delincuentes con Esquizofrenia y otras Psicosis, encarcelados en centros psiquiátricos de maxima seguridad por la comisión de crímenes violentos. Investigaciones previas han demostrado que la presencia de trastornos de conducta en la infancia (CD) antes de los 15 años de edad se relacionan con el comportamiento agresivo y la conducta criminal en individuos con Esquizofrenia y otros Trastornos Psicóticos (Hodgins, Cree, Alderton, y Mak, 2008). En nuestro cuarto estudio, analizamos la tipología de delincuentes con enfermedad mental internados en un centro psiquiátrico de maxima seguridad, clasificando a estos pacientes de acuerdo a la presencia antecedents de CD en la infancia y las escalas de predicción de la conducta violenta HCR-20 y la psicopatía PCL:SV. La presencia de CD antes de los 15 años de edad estuvo fuertemente relacionada con un patrón de conducta criminal así como con elevadas puntuaciones en los instrumentos HCR-20 y PCL:SV. Un mayor número de pacientes con Esquizofrenia y CD mostraron un diagnóstico adicional de trastorno de la personalidad. Consistente con estudios previos, nuestros resultados confirmaron que la mayoría de estos pacientes habían experimentado un mayor número de abusos físicos en la infancia, tasas más prevalentes de hiperactividad infantil y habían sido condenados a lo largo de la vida por un mayor número de delitos violentos y no violentos. En el estudio 5, presentamos los resultados del primer estudio longitudinal realizado en España sobre la validez predictiva de los instrumentos HCR-20 y PCL:SV en delincuentes internados en centros psiquiátricos de máxima seguridad. En este estudio 107 pacientes con Esquizofrenia y otras Psicosis fueron monitorizados durante 24 meses en la institución con el objetivo de analizar la capacidad predictiva de estos instrumentos. A lo largo del periodo de seguimiento, un 29.2% de la muestra manifiestó actos de agresión y violencia. Ambos instrumentos fueron capacidades de discriminar a los delincuentes de alto riesgo con niveles de precision moderados con valores de AUCs=.72–.83 para el HCR-20 y (AUCs=.70–.80]) para la PCL:SV. Estos resultados confirmaron la utilidad clínica de estas medidas en delincuentes con trastornos mentales en España. Por último, el estudio 6 examinó la validez predictiva de la versión española del Suicide Risk Assessment Measure (S-RAMM) para la evaluación del riesgo de comportamiento suicida en delincuentes violentos con Esquizofrenia y otras Psicosis. Los pacientes fueron monitorizados dentro de la institución a lo largo de 18 meses de seguimiento para registrar los incidentes de suicidio y violencia utilizando los instrumentos S-RAMM y HCR-20. A lo largo el período de seguimiento, un 25% de los delincuentes cometió algún incidente de carácter suicida incluyendo actos de autolesión, ideación e intentos suicidas y un 34% se comportó violentamente. El S-RAMM y el HCR-20 estuvieron fuertemente correlacionados y fueron capaces de predecir estas conductas con un moderado-largo tamaño de efecto (AUCs = .81-.85; AUCs= .78-.80 rrespectivamente). Los pacientes que puntuaron por encima de la media en el S-RAMM (>20 puntos) y el HCR-20 (>21 puntos) tuvieron un riesgo 5 veces superior de conducta suicida (OR = 5.15, 95% CI = 2.75-9.80) y 7 veces más probabilidades de manifestar actos de violencia (OR= 7.04, 95% CI= 2.1-23.3). Estos resultados confirman el valor predictivo de ambas medidas en delincuentes internados en centros psiquiátricos de máxima seguridad. En el capítulo 9, discutimos los principales resultados obtenidos en cada estudio empíricos y destacamos las limitaciones y perspectivas de futuro que abren nuevas vías de investigación. Por último, se presentan las conclusiones derivadas del presente trabajo (capítulo 10).

Strategie platformy Netflix a návyky konzumace obsahu uživatelů / Strategy of the Netflix platform and habits of content consumption of users in the Czech Republic

Rajnohová, Dominika January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the topic of video on demand platforms and is more closely focused on one of the main worldwide available platform managed by Netflix. The thesis describes the history of the service and the basic principles and theories on the basis of which this service works. Attention is devoted to the functioning of this platform in the Czech Republic and the development of the user interface and expansion of the catalogue in order to gain more attention from the Czech audience. The research part of the thesis provides insights into the way how the platform is used by Czech users, specifically among 20-27 years old students. The qualitative survey examined the period and ways of how Netflix became known among the users, how users gained access to video content before subscribing Netflix and how the platform influenced their series and movie consumption habits. The research also focused on the perception of the offered content, on the form and price of the subscription and on the user-friendliness and functionality of the platform. The other aim of the research was to find out how much time users spend watching movies and series and in which situations they are looking for this activity. Part of the research also looked at changes in the use of the streaming service during the...

Family structure and adolescents’ binge drinking : the role of parental monitoring

Ameyaw, Clement Bright January 2020 (has links)
Despite the general decline in alcohol use among adolescents, binge drinking in this age group remains a serious public health problem. The overarching aim of this study was to examine the association between family structure and adolescents' binge drinking and to what extent this association is accounted for by differences in parental monitoring. The study utilised data from the Stockholm School Survey 2014, involving 12,540 students in 9th and 11th grade in the Stockholm Municipality, Sweden. The analytical sample was restricted to 10,279 students. Descriptive statistics, cross tabulations with chi-square tests, and binary logistic regression were applied in the analyses. Controlling for sociodemographic characteristics including gender, grade, and parental education, family structure was significantly associated with adolescents' binge drinking, where binge drinking was higher among students in the non-nuclear family structure compared with those in the nuclear family structure. However, the association between family structure and adolescents' binge drinking was not accounted for by differences in parental monitoring. In conclusion, the non-nuclear family structure is a risk factor, but also high parental monitoring is a protective factor in relation to adolescents' binge drinking. Accordingly, the findings of the study may be used as a basis for preventive work.

Le rôle de la pleine conscience dans l'accompagnement de patients obèses : quand, pourquoi et comment intervenir ? / The role of mindfulness in psychological care of obese patients : when, why, and how to plan interventions?

Ruffault, Alexis 17 October 2017 (has links)
Le vécu d'événements traumatiques est associé à l'obésité adulte, et cette association s'expliquerait par l'apparition de troubles alimentaire. D’autre part, il semblerait que l’exposition à une expérience traumatique soit associée à des déficits dans la régulation des émotions, eux-mêmes associés à une prévalence plus élevée de troubles alimentaires. Aussi, les capacités de pleine conscience (i.e., prendre conscience de ses pensées, émotions et sensations dans le présent et sans jugement) ont montré un intérêt croissant dans la littérature afin de proposer aux patients obèses de mieux réguler leurs émotions et ainsi leurs comportements alimentaires. Une première partie s’intéressera au rôle de l’exposition à un événement traumatique dans la régulation des conduites alimentaires de patients obèses. Cette partie est composée de deux études : l’une ayant pour objectif de vérifier les associations entre l’exposition à un événement traumatique et la perte de poids postopératoire ainsi que l’évolution des conduites alimentaires en pré- et postopératoire ; et l’autre ayant pour but d’explorer le rôle des stratégies de régulation des émotions et des capacités de pleine conscience dans la relation entre les effets psychopathologiques de l’exposition à un événement traumatique et les conduites alimentaires. Une seconde partie s’intéressera aux effets des entraînements à la pleine conscience sur les conduites alimentaires et l’activité physique de patients obèses. Cette partie est composée de trois études : une étude de cas clinique, une revue systématique et méta-analyse et un essai contrôlé randomisé (étude MindOb). Les résultats de la première partie montrent que les patients opérés d'une chirurgie bariatrique ont plus de risques de perdre moins de poids en postopératoire et d'avoir des troubles alimentaires en pré- et postopératoire lorsqu'ils ont été exposés à un événement traumatique. De plus, auprès de patients non-opérés, l'impact psychologique d'un événement traumatique, ainsi que des stratégies non-adaptatives de régulation des émotions, sont associés à de la détresse psychologique, de l'impulsivité alimentaire et des accès hyperphagiques. Les résultats de la seconde partie montrent que les interventions basées sur la pleine conscience réduisent l'impulsivité alimentaire et les accès hyperphagiques de patients obèses non-opérés. Aussi, les résultats suggèrent que les interventions basées sur la pleine conscience augmentent le niveau d'activité physique des patients obèses. Cette thèse apporte ainsi des éléments de réponse quant à l'intérêt de proposer des techniques psychothérapeutiques favorisant la régulation des émotions des patients obèses. Il semblerait qu'intervenir en préopératoire soit favorable afin d'éviter la persistance et l'apparition de troubles alimentaires. Aussi, les interventions psychothérapeutiques seraient plus efficaces si elles ciblaient les patients ayant vécu des événements traumatiques et/ou souffrant d'accès hyperphagiques. D'autre part, les interventions basées sur la pleine conscience semblent efficaces, mais la méthode d'intervention optimale est encore à identifier. Il reste à vérifier si l'intervention doit être à distance ou en présentiel, quotidienne et sur le long terme ou sur une courte période, complémentaire à un suivi médical et contextualisée aux troubles alimentaires ou plus généraliste. / Exposure to adverse life events has been associated with adult obesity, and could translate into the appearance of eating disorders. Moreover, exposure to adverse life events has been associated with emotional dysregulation, which would be in turn linked to higher prevalence of eating disorders. Furthermore, mindfulness skills (i.e., non-judgmental awareness of thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensations in the present-moment) have been the object of increased attention in the scientific literature as a means to increase emotion regulation and treat eating disorders in obese patients. The first part of this thesis studies the associations of exposure to adverse life events with eating patterns in obese patients. Two studies have been conducted in this part: the first aiming at assessing the association of exposure to adverse life events with postoperative weight-loss, as well as pre- and postoperative eating patterns; and the second aiming at exploring the role of emotion regulation strategies and mindfulness skills in the association of exposure to adverse life events and eating patterns. The second part studies the effects of mindfulness training on eating patterns and physical activity in obese patients. Three studies have been conducted in this part: a clinical case study, a systematic review and meta-analysis, and a randomized controlled trial (MindOb study). The results of the first part showed that bariatric surgery patients exposed to adverse life events are at risk of losing less weight after surgery, as well as having more dysfunctional eating patterns pre- and postoperative. Moreover, with non-operated obese patients, the results showed that the psychological impact of adverse life events and non-adaptive emotion regulation have been associated with psychological distress, impulsive eating, and binge eating. The results of the second part showed that mindfulness training decreased impulsive and binge eating in non-operated patients. Moreover, results showed that mindfulness training could also increase physical activity in these patients. This thesis highlights the need for providing obese patients with psychotherapeutic techniques increasing emotion regulation. The results suggest that pre-surgery interventions could avoid maintenance or the appearance of dysfunctional eating patterns. Moreover, psychotherapeutic interventions would be more effective in the case of patients either exposed to adverse life events or being diagnosed with binge eating disorder. However, while mindfulness training seemed effective, the optimal intervention design has yet to be identified. In fact, the questions of whether such training should be self-help or guided, daily and long-term or short-term, complementary to medical care and adapted to eating disorders or broader, must still be tested.

Predictors of Binge Drinking in High School Youths in Montgomery County, Maryland

Fube, Lum M 01 January 2018 (has links)
Underage drinking is a major problem in the United States, leading to increased morbidity and mortality. About 43,000 deaths a year result from binge drinking in youths at a cost of $24 billion in 2010 to the U.S. economy. The purpose of this quantitative dissertation was to examine the predictors of binge drinking in high school youths in a highly racial diverse community of Montgomery County, Maryland. The social ecological model was the theoretical framework used for this study due to the presence of both personal and contextual factors that influence behavior. Using binary logistic regression to analyze data from the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System 2014, the association between being bullied, suicidality, substance use, protective factors, and binge drinking was tested. Results from single models indicated that there was an association with all independent variables predicting binge drinking. Based on effect size, Asians had the highest risk (For RQ1, OR =3.57; RQ2, OR= 3.08; RQ4, OR=1.72) of binge drinking for all independent variables except marijuana use in which Blacks had the highest risk; OR = 2.02. In the combined model, the results were that adolescents 14 or 15 years old making up 49.3% of the population had the highest risk of binge drinking; OR = 3.184. The results of this study could be used to promote positive social change by highlighting more efficient intervention programs to prevent adolescents from binge drinking and could also enable county and state Public Health officials to design programs to properly allocate resources based on evidence and need, especially in racially diverse communities.

Genetics of Nutrient Consumption and an Evolutionary Perspective of Eating Disorders

Mayhew, Alexandra Jean 11 1900 (has links)
Obesity prevalence continues to increase worldwide, yet few safe and effective treatment options are available suggesting there needs to be a greater emphasis on preventing rather than treating obesity. This research investigated the association of obesity predisposing SNPs and a gene score with nutrient consumption patterns including total energy intake and macronutrient distribution in a European ancestry population as well as discussing an evolutionary perspective on eating disorders using current epidemiological evidence to identify genes which may be involved. The association of two of the 14 obesity predisposing SNPs and the gene score with BMI was confirmed in the EpiDREAM population. Novel associations between two SNPs located in or near BDNF (rs6265 and rs1401635) were found with total fat, MUFA, and PUFA intake. Rs1401635 was also associated with total energy and trans fat intake. Novel associations of rs6235 (PCSK1) and the gene score were found with total energy intake. The novel associations found indicate that food related behaviours are one of the mechanisms of action through which obesity predisposing SNPs cause obesity and therefore warrant further investigation. The lack of association among all genes and the modest association of the gene score show that mechanisms other than food consumption are important. The investigation of the evolutionary history of eating disorders revealed that the adapted to flee famine hypothesis is a plausible theory explaining anorexia nervosa while the thrifty genotype hypothesis provides a possible explanation for bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder. These evolutionary theories can be applied to identify new candidate genes as well as phenotypic traits to investigate to better understand the genetic architecture of eating disorders. Understanding genes associated with disordered eating patterns may highlight future areas for obesity prevention. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc) / A large percentage of the risk of developing obesity or an eating disorder (anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder) is determined by genetics. For obesity, many genes have been identified as influencing risk, but the mechanisms through which the genes work are largely unknown. For eating disorders, gene identification efforts have been mostly unsuccessful and no mechanisms of action have been determined. In the first component of this thesis we found an association between previously identified obesity risk genes and food intake, specifically the total number of calories consumed per day and the percentage of calories from total fat and fat subtypes. These results support that food related behaviours are possible mechanisms of action which need to be further investigated. In the second half of the thesis we viewed eating disorder behaviours from an evolutionary perspective. We concluded that there are theories that possibly explain eating disorder behaviours including being able to live off of small quantities of food as well as binging. These evolutionary theories can be applied to identify new genes to study in the context of eating disorders as well as different definitions of eating disorders.

Associations Between Cannabis Use and Impulsive Risk-Taking in Undergraduate Students Who Binge Drink

Remley, Katherine D. 12 May 2023 (has links)
No description available.

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