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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Long-term follow-up of very low birthweight children : A prospective study from the southeast region of Sweden

Gäddlin, Per-Olof January 2008 (has links)
Background: The survival rates for very low birthweight (VLBW; birthweight ≤1500 g) children are increasing, but they run a greater risk than controls of developing neurosensory disabilities and other functional problems during childhood. However, there is a great need for more knowledge regarding long-term outcome to adulthood in VLBW subjects. Aims: To evaluate long-term outcomes in a regional cohort of VLBW children born in 1987-88 regarding hospital readmissions, morbidity, neurological conditions, cognitive function, reading skills, school achievements, behaviour, growth, general health, and social functioning in relation to gender, neonatal risk factors, disability and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) findings. Study design: Prospective longitudinal case-controlled long-term regional follow-up. Material and Methods: A total of 86 (80.4%) children (47 boys out of 60 and 39 girls out of 47 live-borns) survived the neonatal period and were recruited to the follow-up study. A total of 86 term controls (45 boys and 41 girls) were included from the newborn period. Readmissions, hospital diagnoses, need of habilitation and child psychiatric care were checked in registers to 15 years of age. The VLBW children were enrolled in the follow-up study at 40 weeks gestational age and at 4, 9, and 15 years of age in assessing neurological conditions. At 15 years of age, the groups were assessed in cognition (WISC III), reading skills, school outcome, behaviour, vision and growth. Fifty-nine (69%) VLBW children were examined using cerebral MRI. Physical and mental health, weight and height, education, and socio-economic situation were assessed at 20 years of age in 77/85 VLBW and 69/84 control subjects by means of postal questionnaires. Results: VLBW boys had three times more readmissions compared with control boys (p=0.003). Gestational age below 30 weeks, birthweight less than 1000 g, and mechanical ventilation were neonatal risk factors for readmissions. Five (5.8%) children had moderate/severe cerebral palsy, 5 (5.8%) had attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and 1 was blind due to retinopathy of prematurity. VLBW children were inferior in neurological function in comparison with controls at 40 weeks of gestational age and 4 and 15 years of age. Fourteen of 56 (25%) VLBW children without overt disability had abnormal MRI findings. Mechanical and/or intraventricular haemorrhages (IVH) were significantly related to less favourable neurological outcome. VLBW children performed significantly lower than their controls on a few reading variables and on WISC III. Half of them had IQ lower than 85. Ten VLBW children with IQ < 70 had not been clinically identified earlier and a majority of these children attended mainstream school. Small head circumference correlated with low IQ. Mechanical ventilation and IVH correlated with lower IQ and poorer reading skills. At 20 years of age, the VLBW subjects did not differ significantly from the controls in self-perceived health, education, occupation and way of living. Conclusions: Most VLBW subjects were without major health problems up to 20 years of age and had attended mainstream schools. The presence of IVH and mechanical ventilation during the neonatal period negatively influenced health outcomes. VLBW children without overt neurological disability performed somewhat less well in neurological examinations in comparison with controls. VLBW children achieved poorer results in cognitive tests, but reading skills made a catch-up to 15 years of age. A majority of VLBW subjects managed transition to adulthood similar to that of controls. / Bakgrund: Överlevnaden för nyfödda barn med mycket låg födelsevikt (1500 g eller lägre; VLBW) har ökat avsevärt under de senaste årtionden och man finner nu att ca 90 % av barnen skrivs ut från neonatalavdelningar. Risken för cerebral pares (CP) har visat sig vara ökad jämfört med barn födda i fullgången tid. Studier visade att VLBW-barn som kommit upp i skolåldern hade högre frekvens av läs- och skrivsvårigheter, oftare behövde specialundervisning, samt hade högre grad av beteendeproblem jämfört med klasskamrater. Uppföljningsstudier var tidigare mestadels gjorda på populationer från större sjukhus, kontrollgrupp saknades eller inlemmades efter flera år, uppföljningstiden var kort och flera viktiga områden av barnets utveckling var ofullständigt undersökta. I Sverige saknades en studie med långtidsuppföljning av VLBW-barn födda under en tidsperiod då alltfler barn hade börjat erhålla andningshjälp med respirator. Socioekonomiska förhållanden i Sverige kan inte heller helt och hållet jämföras med flertalet andra länder. Syfte: Den här avhandlingens syfte var att studera hur det går för VLBW-barn upp till 15 års ålder avseende sjuklighet, motoriska funktioner, kognitiva funktioner, skolprestationer och beteende, samt vid 20 års ålder avseende hälsotillstånd, sysselsättning och boende. Undersökningsresultaten relaterades till nyföddhetsfaktorer och fynd vid magnet resonans-undersökning (MRI) av hjärnan vid 15 års ålder. Material och metoder: 86 överlevande VLBW-barn samt 86 barn födda i fullgången tid från 1/2 1987 till 30/4 1988 i sydöstra sjukvårdsregionen (Jönköpings, Kalmar och Östergötlands län) har ingått i studien. Uppgift om antalet sjukhusinläggningar och huvuddiagnos inhämtades från Slutenvårdsregistret, Epidemiologiskt centrum, Socialstyrelsen. Uppgifter om antalet barn med CP, ADHD, mental retardation och barnpsykiatriskt vårdbehov inhämtades från habiliteringscentraler och barnpsykiatriska kliniker i regionen. Information om skolbetyg från 9:e årskursen och skolgång inhämtades från kommunerna. Neurologiska och motoriska undersökningar utfördes på barn utan synligt handikapp enligt särskilda protokoll såväl neonatalt som vid 4, 9 och 15 års ålder. Vikt och längd, kognitiv test (WISC III), lästester och MRI undersökning (enbart VLBW-barn) gjordes vid 15 års ålder. Barn och föräldrar fick fylla i formulär om beteende. Vid 20 års ålder (december 2007) fick deltagarna tre frågeformulär: ett studiespecifikt med frågor om hälsa, vikt och längd, användning av tobak och alkohol, gymnasiestudier, nuvarande sysselsättning och boende; SF-36, som belyser fysisk kapacitet, allmän hälsa, vitalitet och psykiskt välbefinnande; samt KASAM (känsla av sammanhang), som belyser hur man upplever sitt eget sätt att fungera, uppdelat i begriplighet, hanterbarhet och meningsfullhet. Resultat: VLBW-barn (mest pojkar) vårdades oftare på sjukhus under första levnadsåren jämfört med kontroller. Infektioner och neurologiska sjukdomar dominerade för både VLBW-pojkar och -flickor. Fem (5.8 %) VLBW-barn hade måttlig/svår CP och fem hade ADHD. Hjärnblödning eller respiratorbehandling under nyföddhetsperioden var de faktorer som oftast var relaterade till sämre hälsotillstånd. Det var ingen skillnad i antal barn med behov av barnpsykiatrisk vård mellan grupperna. Det var ingen skillnad i summering av 9 slutbetyg mellan grupperna, men VLBW-pojkar hade lägre betyg i matematik och teknologi jämfört med sina kontroller. VLBW-barnen var lättare och kortare, men skillnaderna var störst mellan VLBW-flickor och deras kontroller. VLBW-barnen (fr.a. pojkarna) presterade lägre i neurologiska undersökningar, samt i kognitiva test. Tio av tolv av barnen som hade IQ under 70 var tidigare inte kända. Det fanns skillnader mellan grupperna i lästester, men signifikant enbart i ett test. Jämfört med lästester vid 9 års ålder hade VLBW-barnen gjort en upphämtning. Det framkom inga skillnader i beteende mellan grupperna, men VLBW-flickor uppgav färre beteendeproblem än sina kontroller. Vid 20 års ålder framkom inga skillnader i självuppskattad hälsa eller behov av vårdkontakter och läkemedel mellan grupperna. Tobaksanvändning var lika i grupperna, men fler i VLBW-gruppen var icke-användare av alkohol. Det var ingen signifikant skillnad i andel som gått ut gymnasiet, nuvarande sysselsättning eller boendeform mellan grupperna. Det var inga signifikanta skillnader i resultat på SF-36 och KASAM mellan grupperna. Konklusion: Hjärnblödning och respiratoranvändning under nyföddhetsperioden var de faktorer som hade störst inverkan på VLBW-barnens hälsotillstånd upp till 20 års ålder. CP och ADHD förekom hos relativt få, men lågt IQ var vanligt. VLBW-pojkar hade större sjukvårdsbehov, presterade lägre i neurologiska test och hade lägre skolbetyg än sina kontroller. VLBW-gruppen skilde sig inte från kontroll-gruppen avseende beteendeproblem. Självuppskattad hälsa vid 20 år skilde sig inte mellan grupperna. Särskilda uppföljningsprogram för VLBW-barn är nödvändigt där kognitiva tester ingår vilka bör utföras före skolstart.

DNA Methylation and its Association with Prenatal Exposures and Pregnancy Outcomes

Straughen, Jennifer 31 December 2010 (has links)
Altered DNA methylation may lead to suboptimal fetal programming, increasing the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes such as small for gestational age (SGA); however, few studies have examined the associations between DNA methylation, prenatal exposures, and fetal outcomes. Cross-sectional data from a larger, ongoing study were used to assess the impact of prenatal smoking on gene specific methylation of umbilical cord blood derived DNA and to investigate the association between gene-specific methylation and risk of SGA. The association between gene-specific DNA methylation and birthweight was also assessed. Maternal and infant covariates were abstracted from medical records, cigarette smoke exposure was determined by measuring cotinine in umbilical cord blood plasma, and the Illumina Infinium Methylation27 assay was used to assess CpG site specific methylation. Methylation was represented by a beta value ranging from 0 to 1. Gene-level methylation was calculated by averaging the methylation levels over the CpG sites interrogated in that gene. Logistic regression was used to generate adjusted odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for the association between SGA and methylation of CYP1A1, HIF1A, GSTT1, and GSTM1 and the association between cotinine level and hypermethylation of CYP1A1, HIF1A, GSTT1, and GSTM1. DNA was considered hypermethylated if the beta value was greater than or equal to the 75th percentile. Univariate and multivariable linear regression were used to examine the association between birthweight and methylation of the IGF1 and IGF2 gene. The analyses included 90 singleton births. A 0.10 unit increase in methylation of GSTT1 increased the risk of SGA almost 3-fold (OR=2.69, 95%CI=1.34, 5.43). A 5ng/ml increase in cotinine level increased the risk of hypermethylation of GSTT1 (OR=1.18, 95%CI=1.02, 1.37). Birthweight did not appear to be impacted by methylation of IGF2 (β=0.07, 95%CI=-2.91, 3.05), but a one standard deviation increase in methylation of IGF1 was associated with a 3.63% decrease in birthweight (95%CI= -6.49, -0.78). No differences in DNA methylation by prenatal vitamin intake were detected. These findings suggest that DNA methylation plays a critical role in fetal growth and may mediate the risk of SGA and low birthweight.

Efeitos da exposição ao fumo durante a gestação nas medidas antropométricas dos recém-nascidos / Effects of passive tobacco exposure during pregnancy on anthropometric measurements of newborns

Schuh, Claudia Maria January 2008 (has links)
Objetivos: Diversos trabalhos documentaram a associação entre o fumo ativo na gestação e a redução no peso,comprimento e perímetro cefálico dos recémnascidos. Porém, existem controvérsias quanto aos efeitos do fumo passivo. Esse estudo buscou colaborar na elucidação sobre os efeitos da exposição da gestante ao fumo nas medidas antropométricas do recém-nascido. Métodos: Estudo transversal, que incluiu 200 parturientes, identificando a intensidade da exposição das mesmas ao fumo através da mensuração da cotinina urinária e do auto-relato sobre seu hábito tabágico e de seus familiares,o que possibilitou categorizá-las em não fumantes, fumantes passivas e fumantes ativas e posterior comparação com as medidas antropométricas dos recémnascidos. Resultados: Encontramos uma diferença estatisticamente significativa no peso,quando comparamos as fumantes passivas às não fumantes, -152g (IC95%: -285 a -18;P=0,026) e a diferença encontrada nas fumantes ativas foi de - 159g (IC95%: -301 a -16; P=0,029), em relação às não fumantes. Na medida do comprimento, observou-se uma diferença significativa entre as fumantes passivas, -0,8cm (IC95%: -1,4 a -0,2;P=0,012) em relação às não fumantes, e entre as fumantes ativas a diferença foi de -1,0cm (IC95%: -1,6 a -0,3;P=0,003), quando comparado às não fumantes. Quanto à medida do perímetro cefálico, não foram observadas diferenças significativas quando os grupos, das fumantes passivas e fumantes ativas, foram comparados ao grupo das não fumantes. Conclusões: Os resultados sugerem que o fumo passivo durante a gestação pode apresentar efeitos semelhantes aos do fumo ativo nas medidas antropométricas dos recém-nascidos. / Objectives: Several studies have documented the association between active smoking during pregnancy to weight, height and head circumference reduction on newborns. However, there are controversies about the passive smoking. The present study sough the elucidation of the effects of tobacco exposition of pregnant women on anthropometric measurements of newborns. Methods: Cross-sectional study, including 200 in labor women, identifying the intensity of their exposition to tobacco through the measurement of urine cotinine and the self reported information about the smoking habit of their relatives and themselves, what allowed us to classify them as non-smokers, passive smokers and active smokers and later the comparison with the anthropometric measurements of newborns. Results: We found a statistically significant difference in weight when comparing passive smokers to non-smokers, -152g (CI 95%: -285 to –18; P=0.026) and the difference found on active smokers was - 159g (CI 95%: -301 to 16; P=0.029) when compared to non-smokers. On the height measurements, a significant difference was found within the group of passive smokers, -0,8 cm (CI 95%: -1,4 to -0.2; P=0.012) comparing to the non-smokers group, within the smokers group the difference was -1,0 cm (CI 95%: -1,6 to -0.3; P=0.003) when compared to nonsmokers. About the measurements of head circumference, no was found a significant difference when the passive smokers and active smokers group was compared to non-smokers group. Conclusions: The results suggest that the passive smoking during pregnancy may present similar effects as the active smoking on the anthropometric measurements of newborns.

Efeitos da exposição ao fumo durante a gestação nas medidas antropométricas dos recém-nascidos / Effects of passive tobacco exposure during pregnancy on anthropometric measurements of newborns

Schuh, Claudia Maria January 2008 (has links)
Objetivos: Diversos trabalhos documentaram a associação entre o fumo ativo na gestação e a redução no peso,comprimento e perímetro cefálico dos recémnascidos. Porém, existem controvérsias quanto aos efeitos do fumo passivo. Esse estudo buscou colaborar na elucidação sobre os efeitos da exposição da gestante ao fumo nas medidas antropométricas do recém-nascido. Métodos: Estudo transversal, que incluiu 200 parturientes, identificando a intensidade da exposição das mesmas ao fumo através da mensuração da cotinina urinária e do auto-relato sobre seu hábito tabágico e de seus familiares,o que possibilitou categorizá-las em não fumantes, fumantes passivas e fumantes ativas e posterior comparação com as medidas antropométricas dos recémnascidos. Resultados: Encontramos uma diferença estatisticamente significativa no peso,quando comparamos as fumantes passivas às não fumantes, -152g (IC95%: -285 a -18;P=0,026) e a diferença encontrada nas fumantes ativas foi de - 159g (IC95%: -301 a -16; P=0,029), em relação às não fumantes. Na medida do comprimento, observou-se uma diferença significativa entre as fumantes passivas, -0,8cm (IC95%: -1,4 a -0,2;P=0,012) em relação às não fumantes, e entre as fumantes ativas a diferença foi de -1,0cm (IC95%: -1,6 a -0,3;P=0,003), quando comparado às não fumantes. Quanto à medida do perímetro cefálico, não foram observadas diferenças significativas quando os grupos, das fumantes passivas e fumantes ativas, foram comparados ao grupo das não fumantes. Conclusões: Os resultados sugerem que o fumo passivo durante a gestação pode apresentar efeitos semelhantes aos do fumo ativo nas medidas antropométricas dos recém-nascidos. / Objectives: Several studies have documented the association between active smoking during pregnancy to weight, height and head circumference reduction on newborns. However, there are controversies about the passive smoking. The present study sough the elucidation of the effects of tobacco exposition of pregnant women on anthropometric measurements of newborns. Methods: Cross-sectional study, including 200 in labor women, identifying the intensity of their exposition to tobacco through the measurement of urine cotinine and the self reported information about the smoking habit of their relatives and themselves, what allowed us to classify them as non-smokers, passive smokers and active smokers and later the comparison with the anthropometric measurements of newborns. Results: We found a statistically significant difference in weight when comparing passive smokers to non-smokers, -152g (CI 95%: -285 to –18; P=0.026) and the difference found on active smokers was - 159g (CI 95%: -301 to 16; P=0.029) when compared to non-smokers. On the height measurements, a significant difference was found within the group of passive smokers, -0,8 cm (CI 95%: -1,4 to -0.2; P=0.012) comparing to the non-smokers group, within the smokers group the difference was -1,0 cm (CI 95%: -1,6 to -0.3; P=0.003) when compared to nonsmokers. About the measurements of head circumference, no was found a significant difference when the passive smokers and active smokers group was compared to non-smokers group. Conclusions: The results suggest that the passive smoking during pregnancy may present similar effects as the active smoking on the anthropometric measurements of newborns.

Peso ao nascer e sua associação com pressão arterial e estado nutricional na adolescência / Birthweight and its association with blood pressure and nutritional in adolescents aged 12 to 18 years

Ferreira, Vanessa Roriz 13 December 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Erika Demachki (erikademachki@gmail.com) on 2014-10-30T18:16:57Z No. of bitstreams: 3 Dissertação Vanessa Roriz.pdf: 2725044 bytes, checksum: 87519565843f82116fe3570fc65e601f (MD5) Artigo.pdf: 178262 bytes, checksum: 802bf9eaf241956b154ee1e5d1252e2a (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2014-10-31T09:38:26Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 3 Dissertação Vanessa Roriz.pdf: 2725044 bytes, checksum: 87519565843f82116fe3570fc65e601f (MD5) Artigo.pdf: 178262 bytes, checksum: 802bf9eaf241956b154ee1e5d1252e2a (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-31T09:38:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 3 Dissertação Vanessa Roriz.pdf: 2725044 bytes, checksum: 87519565843f82116fe3570fc65e601f (MD5) Artigo.pdf: 178262 bytes, checksum: 802bf9eaf241956b154ee1e5d1252e2a (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-12-13 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Goiás - FAPEG / Individuals with extreme birth weights, consequence of inadequate intrauterine development, are prone to developing diseases in adult life, phenomenon called “programming” or “fetal origin of diseases hypothesis”. The objective of this study was to investigate the association between birth weight, blood pressure and nutritional status of adolescents. It is a cross-sectional study performed in Goiânia/GO in 2010-2011. The study analyzed 829 adolescents, aged between 12 and 18, enrolled in public and private schools of the capital city. It was investigated birth weight, blood pressure, through four office measurements and through home blood pressure and nutritional status, through body mass index by age, height index for the age and waist circumference. Low (< 2.5 kg) and high birth weight (≥ 4 kg) prevalence in this population was 8.7% and 9.0%, respectively. Overweight presented high prevalence in both genders (22.9%), more sharply in boys (29.2%), compared to girls (18.1%) (p<0.01). Low weight reached less than 4% of adolescents, with similar expression between genders. Mild low height occurred in approximately 6% of adolescents, with considerable predominance in females (7.9%) in regard to males (3.9%) (p<0.018). Higher office blood pressure frequency in boys (11.0%) when compared to girls (6.6%) (p=0,029) was observed. Alterations in home blood pressure (3.8%) were significantly below those observed for office blood pressure (8.5%). Low height odds ratio was 2.4 times higher among adolescents with low birth weight (IC 95%= 1.1-5.1; p=0.027). In the simple linear regression analysis, for each 100 g increase in birth weight, height increased by 0.33 cm (IC 95%= 0.23-0.43; p<0.01). After multiple analysis, the increase was of 0.28 cm (IC 95%=0.18-0.37; p<0.01). Birth weight did not influence the blood pressure (office and home) of adolescents (p>0.05). Initially, birth weight elevation increased the body mass index and the waist circumference of adolescents, however, this relation was not sustained statistically significant after adjustment for confounding variables. It is concluded that birth weight is associated to height in adolescence, reinforcing the plausibility of fetal programming. In this perspective, maternal health promotion, focusing on adequate nutrition and prenatal, would increase the survival chance of the newborn and avoid growth problems in childhood and adolescence. / Indivíduos nos extremos de peso ao nascer, consequência de um inadequado desenvolvimento intrauterino, são predispostos a desenvolver doenças na vida adulta, fenômeno denominado “programação” ou “hipótese da origem fetal das doenças”. O objetivo desse estudo foi investigar a associação do peso ao nascer com a pressão arterial e o estado nutricional de adolescentes. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, realizado em Goiânia/GO em 2010-2011. Foram estudados 829 adolescentes, com idades entre 12 e 18 anos, matriculados em escolas públicas e privadas da capital. Investigou-se o peso ao nascer, a pressão arterial, por meio de quatro medidas casuais e da monitorização residencial da pressão arterial e o estado nutricional, por meio do índice de massa corporal por idade, índice altura para idade e circunferência da cintura. A prevalência de baixo peso ao nascer (< 2,5 kg) e elevado peso ao nascer (≥ 4 kg) nessa população foi de 8,7% e 9,0%, respectivamente. O excesso de peso teve prevalência elevada nos dois sexos (22,9%), de forma mais acentuada nos meninos (29,2%), comparados às meninas (18,1%) (p<0,01). O baixo peso atingiu menos de 4% dos adolescentes, com magnitude semelhante entre os sexos. A baixa estatura leve ocorreu em cerca de 6% dos jovens, com predominância considerável no sexo feminino (7,9%) com relação ao masculino (3,9%) (p<0,018). Foi observada maior frequência de pressão arterial casual elevada nos rapazes (11,0%) que nas moças (6,6%) (p=0,029). As alterações na monitorização residencial (3,8%) ficaram muito aquém das observadas na pressão arterial casual (8,5%). A razão de chances de baixa estatura foi 2,4 vezes maior entre adolescentes com baixo peso ao nascer (IC95%= 1,1-5,1; p=0,027). Na análise de regressão linear simples, para cada aumento de 100 g no peso ao nascer, a estatura aumentou em 0,33 cm (IC 95%= 0,23-0,43; p<0,01). Após análise múltipla, o aumento foi de 0,28 cm (IC 95%=0,18-0,37; p<0,01). O peso ao nascer não influenciou na pressão arterial (casual e residencial) dos adolescentes (p>0,05). Inicialmente, a elevação do peso ao nascer aumentou o índice de massa corporal e a circunferência da cintura dos adolescentes, mas essa relação não se manteve estatisticamente significativa após ajuste por variáveis de confusão. Conclui-se que o peso ao nascer está associado à estatura na adolescência, reforçando a plausibilidade da programação fetal. Nessa perspectiva, a promoção da saúde materna, com enfoque na nutrição e pré-natal adequados, aumentaria a chance de sobrevivência do recém-nascido e evitaria problemas de crescimento na infância e adolescência.

Indicadores emocionais de ansiedade, disforia e depressão e verbalizações maternas acerca do bebê, da amamentação e da maternidade em mães de bebês nascidos pré-termo de muito baixo peso, durante a hospitalização do bebê e após a alta, compraradas a mães de bebês nascimentos a termo / Emotional indicators of anxiety, dysphoria and depression, and maternal verbalizations about the baby, the breastfeeding and the maternity in mothers of preterm and very low birthweight neonates, during the baby?s hospitalization and after discharge, compared to mothers of fullterm neonates

Flavia Helena Pereira Padovani 14 October 2005 (has links)
O presente estudo teve por objetivo: a) avaliar os indicadores de ansiedade, disforia e depressão em um grupo de mães de bebês nascidos pré-termo de muito baixo peso (GPT) e comparar esses indicadores com os de um grupo de mães de bebês nascidos a termo (GAT); b) comparar indicadores de ansiedade, disforia e depressão de mães de bebês nascidos prétermo de muito baixo peso avaliados em dois momentos distintos, durante o período de hospitalização do bebê e após a sua alta hospitalar; c) comparar os conteúdos verbais acerca do bebê, da amamentação e da maternidade expressos pelo grupo de mães de bebês pré-termo de muito baixo peso e pelo grupo de mães de bebês a termo. O GPT foi formado por 50 mães de bebês nascidos pré-termo de muito baixo peso (?1.500 gramas), enquanto que o GAT foi composto por 25 mães de bebês nascidos a termo com peso de nascimento igual ou superior a 2.500g. Foram utilizados os seguintes instrumentos e materiais: Entrevista Clínica Estruturada para DSM III?R (SCID/NP), Inventário de Ansiedade Traço-Estado (IDATE), Inventário de Depressão de Beck (BDI), Roteiro de Entrevista, Escala de Eventos Vitais e Prontuários médicos dos bebês. Primeiramente, aplicou-se a SCID/NP para a identificação das mães com antecedentes psiquiátricos, as quais foram excluídas da amostra final. Em seguida, para o GPT foram realizadas duas sessões, durante o período de hospitalização do bebê (1a avaliação): na primeira, aplicou-se o Roteiro de Entrevista e a Escala de Eventos Vitais e na segunda, foram aplicados os instrumentos IDATE e BDI. Após a alta hospitalar do bebê, foi realizada mais uma sessão com o GPT para reaplicação do IDATE e do BDI (2a avaliação). Para o GAT, os instrumentos de avaliação foram aplicados em uma única sessão, nos primeiros dias de vida do bebê. Em relação à análise de dados, os instrumentos de avaliação de ansiedade e disforia/depressão foram corrigidos de acordo com as normas dos testes e foram realizadas as análises comparativas entre os grupos (GPT X GAT) e intra-grupo (GPT ? 1a avaliação X GPT ? 2a avaliação). As respostas maternas ao Roteiro de Entrevista foram submetidas à análise de conteúdo temático e quantificadas em termos de freqüência e porcentagem. Os resultados mostraram uma incidência de 32% das mães do GPT e 4% das mães do GAT com escores indicativos de sintomas clínicos de ansiedade do tipo estado. A análise comparativa entre os grupos mostrou diferença estatisticamente significativa entre essas incidências; no GPT houve significativamente mais mães com sintomas clínicos de ansiedade-estado do que no GAT (p=0,006). Após a alta hospitalar dos bebês, houve uma redução estatisticamente significativa do número de mães do GPT com sintomas clínicos de ansiedade-estado (1a avaliação=35%; 2a avaliação=12%; p=0,006). Quanto aos conteúdos verbais maternos expressos pelos GPT e GAT, verificou-se que, no tópico sobre questões relacionadas ao bebê, 12% das mães do GPT verbalizaram sobre reações e sentimentos maternos, focalizadas predominantemente em emoções negativas, enquanto que apenas 1% do GAT apresentou esse tipo de verbalização. No tópico sobre amamentação, o GPT expressou mais preocupações e dúvidas em relação à amamentação (46%) do que as mães do GAT (4%), relativas principalmente ao leite materno secar, acabar ou ser insuficiente para satisfazer ao bebê. No tópico sobre maternidade, por sua vez, os dois grupos apresentaram conteúdos verbais semelhantes, predominando a identificação de diversos fatores que influenciam na maternidade (GPT=41%; GAT=47%). Os achados sugerem a necessidade de se avaliar indicadores de ansiedade e disforia/depressão em mães de bebês pré-termo de muito baixo peso, internados em UTIN, a fim de subsidiar decisões sobre o suporte psicológico oferecido às mães para regulação emocional, durante o período de internação hospitalar do bebê. / The aim of the present study was: a) to assess the indicators of anxiety, dysphoria and depression in a group of mothers of very low birthweight preterm neonates (GPT) and to compare these indicators with the ones of one group of mothers of fullterm neonates (GFT); b) to compare indicators of anxiety, dysphoria and depression of mothers of very low birthweight preterm neoantes that were assessed in two distinct moments, during the period of hospitalization and after their hospital discharge; c) to compare the verbal contents about the baby, the breastfeeding and the maternity that were expressed by the group of mothers of very low birthweight preterm neoantes and by the group of mothers of fullterm ones. The GPT was constituted by 50 mothers of neoantes that were born preterm and with very low birthweight (?1,500 grams), while the GFT was constituted by 25 mothers of neoantes that were born fullterm with birthweight equal or more than 2,500 grams. It was used the following instruments and materials: Structured Clinical Interview for DSM III-R Non-Patient (SCID/NP), State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (IDATE), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Interview Profile, Vital Events Scale and medical chart. First, it was administrated the SCID/NP to identify the mothers with psychiatric background, which were excluded from the final sample. After this, for the GPT, it was realized two sessions, during the hospitalization period of the baby (1st assessment): in the first one, it was administrated the Interview Profile and the Vital Events Scale, and in the second one, it was administrated the instruments IDATE and BDI. After the hospital discharge of the baby, it was realized one more session with the GPT for the re-administration of IDATE and of BDI (2nd assessment). For the GFT, the assessment instruments were administrated in only one session, in the first days of the baby?s life. In relation to the data analyses, the assessment instruments of anxiety, dysphoria/depression were corrected according to the tests? norms and it was realized the comparative analyses between groups (GFT X GPT) and within groups (GPT ? 1st assessment X GPT ? 2nd assessment). The maternal answers to the Profile Interview were submitted to the thematic content analyses and were quantified in terms of frequency and percentage. The results indicated incidence of 32% of the mothers of the GPT and 4% of the mothers of the GFT with scores that indicate clinical symptoms of anxiety-state type. The comparative analyses between groups showed statistically significant differences between these incidences; in the GPT there were significantly more mothers with clinical symptoms of anxiety-state than in the GFT (p=0,006). After the babies? hospital discharge, there was a statistically significant reduction in the number of mothers of the GPT with clinical symptoms of anxiety-state (1st assessment = 35%; 2nd assessment = 12%; p = 0,006). In relation to the maternal verbal contents that were expressed by GPT and GFT, it was verified that, in the topic about questions that are related to the baby, 12% of the mothers of the GPT verbalized about maternal feelings and reactions, focused, predominantly on negative emotions, while just 1% of the GFT presented this kind of verbalization. In the topic about breastfeeding, the GPT expressed more preoccupation and doubts related to breastfeeding (46%) than the mothers of the GFT (4%), these related principally to the fact of drying the maternal milk, finishing the milk or not being enough to satisfy the baby. In the topic about maternity, though, both groups presented similar verbal contents, predominating the identification of several factors that have influence in maternity (GPT = 41%; GFT = 47%). The findings suggest the necessity of assessing indicators of anxiety and dysphoria/depression in mothers of preterm and very low birthweight infants, that are admitted in the ICU, with the objective of subsiding decisions about the psychological support that is offered to the mothers to the emotional regulation, during the period of baby?s hospital admission.

Ennenaikaisina ja pienipainoisina syntyneiden lasten puheen- ja kielenkehityksen taso kahdeksan vuoden iässä:pohjoissuomalainen syntymäkohortti 1985-86

Yliherva, A. (Anneli) 07 June 2002 (has links)
Abstract The speech and language abilities of preterm and low birthweight children were studied at the age of 8 in the northern Finland 1-year birth cohort for 1985 - 86. The language abilities of 42 8-year-old preterm children with birthweight &lt; 1750 g were studied with four different language tests: the Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities (ITPA), the Token Test for Children (TTC), the Morphological Test for Finnish speaking children (MT) and the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT). Full-term control children with birthweight ≥ 2500 g (n = 42) from the same birth cohort matched individually with their preterm pairs for age, sex, twinship, mother's education, place of residence, birth order and family type were also studied. In addition, linguistic and motor abilities of low birthweight (LBW, &lt; 2500 g) 8-year-old children (n = 279) were studied using parental (n = 8370, 90 %) and teacher (n = 8525, 92 %) evaluations by mailed questionnaire. The results showed that the 8-year-old preterm (&lt; 1750 g) children scored significantly poorer than their controls in visual subtests measured by ITPA and that the poor performance in visual tests was associated with neonatal infections, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) and patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). In addition, the preterm children with minor neurodevelopmental dysfunction (MND) scored worst and differed significantly from their matched controls in verbal comprehension measured by TTC. They also differed significantly from other preterm groups, namely healthy preterm and preterm children with cerebral palsy (CP) in TTC. Periventricular leukomalasia (PVL) findings in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were not associated with the performance in the language ability tests. The parents evaluated the LBW (&lt; 2500 g) children to have more problems in speech and language than the normal birth-weight (NBW, ≥ 2500 g) children. The LBW boys were the poorest in linguistic and motor skills compared with the NBW boys or any of the groups of girls. There was also a clear relationship between speech/linguistic and motor disabilities. Multivariate logistic regression analyses showed that the lower birthweight and some sociodemographic factors, for example mother's younger age (20 - 24y), having more than four children in the family, a reconstructed family, as well as hearing impairment and male gender were the most important determinants of poor speech and language abilities at 8 years of age, with and without adjustment for neonatal risk factor. Smallness for gestational age was also a risk factor for poor speech and language skills. Preterm birth was associated with poor skills only after removal of the neonatal risk factor from the model. Brain auditory evoked potential (BAEP) findings did not associate to poor language abilities of preterm children. To conclude, the preterm (&lt; 1750 g) and the LBW children experienced speech and language disabilities at 8 years of age more than their full-term mates with NBW. Problems in speech production and especially in speech perception were more frequent among them both in clinical studies and parental evaluations.The visual problems were typical for preterm children (&lt; 1750 g), which should be taken into account also in speech therapy. A closer and regular follow-up of language development in the preterm children with MND is important. Parental and teachers evaluations are useful in studying children's speech and language abilities. / Tiivistelmä Pohjoissuomalaisen vuoden 1985 - 86 syntymäkohortin ennenaikaisina ja pienipainoisina syntyneiden lasten puheen- ja kielenkehitystä tutkittiin heidän ollessaan 8-vuotiaita. Aluksi testattiin 42 ennenaikaisena ja alle 1750 g syntyessään painanutta 8-vuotiasta lasta sekä heidän 42 täysiaikaisina syntynyttä ja ≥ 2500 g painanutta kontrollipariaan neljällä kielellisellä testillä, nimittäin Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities -testillä (ITPA), Lasten Token testillä, Morfologiatestillä ja Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test nimisellä sanavarastotestillä (PPVT). Kontrollilapset valittiin samasta kohortista ja kaltaistettiin ennenaikaisina syntyneiden lasten kanssa iän, sukupuolen, kaksosuuden, äidin koulutuksen, asuinpaikan, syntymäjärjestyksen ja perhetyypin perusteella. Koko syntymäkohortin kaikkien pienipainoisina (LBW, &lt; 2500 g) syntyneiden 8-vuotiaiden lasten (n=279) kielellisiä ja motorisia taitoja tutkittiin lisäksi vanhemmille (n = 8370, 90 %) ja opettajille (n = 8525, 92 %) osoitetun kyselyn perusteella. Tulokset osoittivat, että ennenaikaisina (&lt; 1750 g) syntyneet lapset saivat merkitsevästi heikommat pisteet kuin heidän kontrollinsa ITPA:n visuaalisissa tehtävissä. Heikko visuaalinen suoriutuminen oli yhteydessä neonataalikauden infektioihin, ylipainehoitoon (CPAP) ja avoimeen valtimotiehyeen (PDA). Lisäksi ne ennenaikaisina syntyneet lapset, joilla oli lievää neurologista toiminnan häiriötä (MND) saivat puheen ymmärtämistä mittaavasta Token testistä heikommat pisteet kuin kontrollinsa. MND-lapset erosivat myös merkitsevästi muista ennenaikaisina syntyneistä lapsista, terveistä ja CP-vammaisista, Token testillä mitattuna. Periventrikulaarisen leukomalasian (PVL) löydökset aivojen magneettikuvauksessa (MRI) eivät olleet yhteydessä suoriutumiseen kielellisissä testeissä. Vanhempien arvioiden perusteella LBW lapsilla oli enemmän ongelmia puheessa ja kielessä kuin normaalipainoisina (NBW, ≥ 2500 g) syntyneillä kahdeksan vuoden iässä. LBW-pojat olivat heikompia kielellisissä ja motorisissa taidoissa kuin NBW-pojat tai kummatkaan tyttöjen ryhmät. Tutkimuksen perusteella puheen ja kielellisten taitojen sekä motoriikan välillä oli selvä yhteys. Monimuuttujaisen logistisen regressioanalyysin perusteella matala syntymäpaino sekä tietyt sosiodemografiset tekijät, kuten äidin nuori ikä (20 - 24 v.), perheen yli neljän menevä lapsimäärä, uusperhe sekä kuulovika ja poikasukupuoli olivat lasten keskeisimpiä heikkoon puheen- ja kielenkehitykseen liittyviä riskitekijöitä 8 vuoden iässä riippumatta siitä, oliko analyysissa mukana neonataalikauden riskitekijä vai ei. Pienipainoisuus raskauden kestoon nähden oli myös riski heikolle puheen ja kielen kehitykselle. Ennenaikaisuus oli yhteydessä heikkoon puheen ja kielen kehitykseen, kun neonataalikauden riskitekijä poissuljettiin analyysista. Aivorunkoaudiometrian (BAEP) löydökset puolestaan eivät olleet yhteydessä kielenkehityksen ongelmiin. Tutkimuksen johtopäätöksenä voidaan esittää, että ennenaikaisina (&lt; 1750 g) syntyneillä ja LBW-lapsilla oli enemmän ongelmia kuin täysiaikaisina syntyneillä NBW-lapsilla puheen- ja kielenkehityksessään 8 vuoden iässä. Ongelmat puheen tuotossa ja erityisesti vastaanotossa olivat heillä yleisempiä sekä kliinisen tutkimuksen että vanhempien arvion perusteella. Visuaalisen hahmottamisen vaikeudet olivat tyypillisiä ennenaikaisina (&lt; 1750 g) syntyneille lapsille, mikä olisi hyvä huomioida myös puheterapiassa. Tutkimuksen perusteella ennenaikaisina syntyneiden MND-lasten kielenkehityksen tarkka ja säännöllinen seuranta on tärkeää. Vanhempien ja opettajien arviot ovat hyödyllinen lisä lasten puheen- ja kielenkehityksen tutkimuksessa. / Čoahkkáigeassu Davvisuopmelaš jagi 1985-86 riegadankohortta ovdaláigge ja menddo geahpasin riegádan mánáid hupman- ja giellaovdaneapmi dutkojuvvui go mánát ledje 8-jahkáččat. Álggos testejuvvojedje 42 riegádettiin vuollái 1750 g deaddán 8-jahkásaš máná ja sin 42 dievasáigge šaddan ja ≥2500g deaddán kontrollapára njeljiin giellateasttain, namalassii ITP:ain (Illinois Test of Psycolinguistic Abilities), Mánáid Toke-teasttain, Morfologiijateasttain ja Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-sátnerádjoteasttain (= PPTV). Kontrollapárat válljejuvvojedje seamma kohorttas ja dahkkojuvvojedje seammaláganin čuovvovaš áššiid ektui: ahki, sohkabealli,jumešvuohta,eatni skuvlejupmi,orrunbáiki,riegádanortnet ja bearaštiipa. Riegádankohortta menddo geahpasin (&lt; 2500) riegádan 8-jahkásaš mánáid (n = 279) gielalaš ja motora dáiddut dutkojuvvojedje dasa lassin váhnemiid ja oahpaheaddjiid árvvoštallamiid vuođul. Mánáid váhnemiin 8370 (90%) ja oahpaheaddjiin 8525 (92%) vástidedje jearahallamii. Bohtosat čájehedje, ahte ovdaláigge riedágan mánát ožžo statistihkalaččat mearkkašahtti heajut čuoggaid go sin kontrollapárat ITPA visuála bargguin. Heajos visuála návccain lei oktavuohta neonatála-áiggi infekšuvnnaide, alladeaddodikšui (CPAP) ja rabas váibmosutnii (PDA). Dasa lassin ovdaláigge riegádan mánát, geain ledje muhtun veardde neurologalaš doaibmanváttut(MND) ožžo Toke-teasttas, mainna mihtidit hupmama ipmirdeapmi,heajut čuoggáid go sin kontrollapárat. MND-mánát sierranedje maiddái mearkkašahtti veardde Toke-teasttas eará ovdaláigge riegádan mánáin, sihke dearvasiin ja CP-váttogiin. Periventikuláralaš leukomasiija (PVL) gávdnosiin ii lean oktavuohta gielalaš teasttain birgemii. Periventikuláralaš leukomasiija (PVL) gávdnosiin magnehtagovvideamis(MRI) ii lean oktavuohta gielalaš teasttain birgemii. Váhnemiid árvvoštallama mielde menddo geahpasin riegádan mánáin ledje eambbo váttisvuođat hupmamis go normáladeattogin riegádan mánáin. Menddo geahpasin riegádan bártnit ledje heajubut gielalaš ja ja motora dáidduid ektui go normáladeattogin riegádan bártnit dahje goabbáge nieddaid joavkkuin. Dutkamuša vuođul hupmama ja gielalaš dáidduid ja motoriikka gaskkas lea čielga oktavuohta. Logistihkalas regreššuvdna-analiissa,mas ledje máŋga rievdi, vuođul menddo geahppa riegádandeaddu ja dihto sosiodemográfalaš dahkkit, dego eatni ahki (20-24 j.), mánáid lohku > 4 bearrašis, ođđabearaš ja lossa gullu ja bárdnesohkabealli ledje mánáid deaháleamos heajos hupmama ja giela ovdaneami einnosteaddjit 8 jagi agis, fuolakeahttá das, leigo analiissas mielde neonatála-áiggi várradahkki vai ii. Menddo geahppa riegádandeaddu ohkeagi ektui lasihii maiddái vára ahte mánná hupmagoahtá heajut ja su giella ovdana funet. Ovdaláigge riegádeamis lei oktavuohta heajos hupmama ja giela ovdaneapmái, go neonatála-áigge várradahkki ii váldojuvvon vuhtii analiissas. BAEP-gávdnosiin ii lean fas lean oktavuohta giela heajos ovdaneapmái. Dutkamuša jurddaboađusin sáhttá buktit ovdan,ahte ovdaláigge ja menddo geahpasin riegádan mánáin ledje 8- jahkásažžan eambbo váttisvuođat hupmama ja giela ovdaneamis go ollesáigge ja normáladeattogin riegádan mánáin. Maiddái hupmama ipmirdeamis ledje eambbo váttisvuođat. Heajos visuála návccat ledje sidjiide mihtilmaččat ja dan galggašii váldit vuhtii maid hupmanterapiijas.Dutkamuša vuođul MND-mánáid giellaovdaneami dárkilit ja regulára čuovvun lea deahálaš. Váhnemiid ja oahpaheaddjiid árvvoštallamat sáhttet leat ávkkalaččat mánáid hupmama ja giela ovdameami dutkamis.


DEAN, KELLY L. 23 May 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Sireline variation in neonatal lamb cold tolerance

Gudex, B. W. January 2001 (has links)
The cost of lamb mortality caused by cold exposure has been estimated at approximately 40 million dollars per year. This value is probably conservative as it does not include the cost due to the reduction in productivity in hypothermic lambs that manage to survive or the cost of reduced selection potential incurred by fewer lambs surviving until selection. The objectives of this research was to investigate whether sire-line variation exists in neonatal lamb cold tolerance and whether polymorphism in the β₃ adrenergic receptor gene can be used as a genetic marker for lamb cold tolerance and lean muscle growth. The influence of the climate, birthweight, age of dam at lambing, gender and birth rank on neonatal lamb cold tolerance was also analysed. Neonatal lamb mortality due to cold exposure was analysed in four field trials that used neonatal lamb morality from cold exposure as a predictor of neonatal lamb cold tolerance. Sire-line variation in neonatal lamb morality was observed in all trials, though it appeared that this effect was largely mediated through sire-line variation in lamb birth weight. Variation in lamb birth weight between birth rank classed was also found to be responsible for the influence of birth rank on neonatal lamb mortality due to cold exposure. The age of dam at lambing and the lamb gender was not observed to influence neonatal lamb mortality due to cold exposure. The sires from the cold tolerance study and the progeny of the lean muscle growth study were genotyped for the β₃ adrenergic receptor locus. Other studies have found evidence that a major gene exists in the catecholamine stimulation of brown adipose thermogenesis and evidence that the β₃-AR gene is a likely candidate. However, this hypothesis and the hypothesis that polymorphism in the β₃-AR gene is also linked to lean muscle growth in lambs was not confirmed in this study. So while it appears that the results were confounded by experimental design, there is evidence that influence of polymorphism in the ovine β₃ AR gene on neonatal lamb mortality and/or lean muscle growth is not sufficient to be considered a major gene effect. The implications of this experiment on the sheep industry and sheep farmers in general are huge. While completely eliminating lamb deaths due to inadequate cold tolerance is impossible, this study shows that large gains in lamb survival could be possible through selective breeding.

Sireline variation in neonatal lamb cold tolerance

Gudex, B. W. January 2001 (has links)
The cost of lamb mortality caused by cold exposure has been estimated at approximately 40 million dollars per year. This value is probably conservative as it does not include the cost due to the reduction in productivity in hypothermic lambs that manage to survive or the cost of reduced selection potential incurred by fewer lambs surviving until selection. The objectives of this research was to investigate whether sire-line variation exists in neonatal lamb cold tolerance and whether polymorphism in the β₃ adrenergic receptor gene can be used as a genetic marker for lamb cold tolerance and lean muscle growth. The influence of the climate, birthweight, age of dam at lambing, gender and birth rank on neonatal lamb cold tolerance was also analysed. Neonatal lamb mortality due to cold exposure was analysed in four field trials that used neonatal lamb morality from cold exposure as a predictor of neonatal lamb cold tolerance. Sire-line variation in neonatal lamb morality was observed in all trials, though it appeared that this effect was largely mediated through sire-line variation in lamb birth weight. Variation in lamb birth weight between birth rank classed was also found to be responsible for the influence of birth rank on neonatal lamb mortality due to cold exposure. The age of dam at lambing and the lamb gender was not observed to influence neonatal lamb mortality due to cold exposure. The sires from the cold tolerance study and the progeny of the lean muscle growth study were genotyped for the β₃ adrenergic receptor locus. Other studies have found evidence that a major gene exists in the catecholamine stimulation of brown adipose thermogenesis and evidence that the β₃-AR gene is a likely candidate. However, this hypothesis and the hypothesis that polymorphism in the β₃-AR gene is also linked to lean muscle growth in lambs was not confirmed in this study. So while it appears that the results were confounded by experimental design, there is evidence that influence of polymorphism in the ovine β₃ AR gene on neonatal lamb mortality and/or lean muscle growth is not sufficient to be considered a major gene effect. The implications of this experiment on the sheep industry and sheep farmers in general are huge. While completely eliminating lamb deaths due to inadequate cold tolerance is impossible, this study shows that large gains in lamb survival could be possible through selective breeding.

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