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Aprendizagem baseada em problemas em uma plataforma de ensino a distância com o apoio dos estilos de aprendizagem: uma análise do aproveitamento dos estudantes de engenharia / Problem-based learning in a platform of distance education with the support of the learning styles: an analysis of the performance of the students in engineeringKalatzis, Adriana Casale 07 October 2008 (has links)
Este estudo tem por principal objetivo investigar o aproveitamento de uma amostra de 29 estudantes que participaram de uma experiência pedagógica na disciplina Planejamento e Análise de Sistemas de Transporte, oferecida para o curso de engenharia civil da Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos, Universidade de São Paulo. Essa experiência decorreu da aplicação do método aprendizagem baseada em problemas (Problem-Based Learning - PBL) na modalidade de ensino semipresencial, com o uso de uma plataforma de ensino a distância CoL (Cursos on-Line), apoiada nos estilos de aprendizagem. Os dados foram coletados por meio do instrumento - Índice de Estilos de Aprendizagem (Index of Learning Styles - ILS) de Felder e Soloman, traduzido para o português, para identificar os estilos de aprendizagem dos estudantes. O ILS foi aplicado no início da disciplina para conhecer o perfil de aprendizagem dos estudantes, auxiliar no preparo de atividades direcionadas para o público-alvo, e na composição dos grupos de acordo com seus estilos de maneira mais heterogênea e equilibrada possível, visando um melhor aproveitamento na disciplina. Para analisar o aproveitamento da amostra submetida à alternativa instrucional e os efeitos do PBL, foram utilizadas as respostas dos estudantes a um questionário de avaliação da nova proposta, respondido no final da disciplina e um questionário para avaliação do aprendizado, usado após o encerramento da disciplina. A partir das respostas desse questionário foram construídos mapas cognitivos que contribuíram para a avaliação e comparação do aprendizado da amostra com uma turma submetida ao modelo tradicional. Além desses instrumentos, na análise dos dados, foram utilizadas as notas dos estudantes da amostra e de outra turma de alunos regularmente matriculados na mesma disciplina, porém sem a inserção de inovações pedagógicas. Essas notas foram analisadas com o objetivo de investigar sua relação com os estilos de aprendizagem e com o método PBL bem como para verificar a ocorrência de aproveitamentos diferenciados entre os estudantes. Os resultados da análise qualitativa e quantitativa mostraram que os estudantes obtiveram um aproveitamento significativamente melhor com o novo desenho da disciplina. / The main purpose of this study is to investigate the performance of a sample of 29 students who participated in an educational experience in Planning and Analysis of Transportation Systems Course for civil engineering course from Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos, Universidade de São Paulo. This experience elapsed from the application of problem-based learning (PBL) method in a blended learning mode using a web-based learning - CoL (Cursos on-Line) - with the support of the leaning styles. The data were collected through the Felder and Solomans instrument - Index of Learning Styles (ILS) to identify the students learning styles. The portuguese version of the ILS was applied at the beginning of the course to find the students learning preferences to assist the development of activities directed to the public, and the composition of the groups according to their styles seeking a better use in the course. To examine the use of the sample submitted to the instructional alternative and the effects of PBL were used the responses of the students to a questionnaire for assessing the new proposal responded at the end of the course, and a questionnaire for assessment of learning that was used after the closure of the course. Cognitive maps were built from the answers of the questionnaire that contributed to this assessment and also to make the comparison of the sample with a group of students submitted to the traditional model. Besides these instruments were used the grades of the sample and also of the other group of students regularly enrolled in the same course, but without the introduction of pedagogical innovations. These grades were analyzed with the aim of investigating the relationship between the learning styles and the PBL method, and to verify the presence of differentiated performance between the groups of students. The results of the qualitative and quantitative analysis showed that students obtained a significantly better performance with the new course design.
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La mise en place de dispositifs "hybrides" d'enseignement - apprentissage des langues en milieu universitaire. analyse didactique d'une recherche-action / Designing and setting up a SLA blended learning environment for French ESP learners. case study to investigate action research’s impact on learning and teaching practicesBrudermann, Cédric 07 December 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à analyser l’interaction des procédés d’enseignement et d’appropriation dans un univers didactique multipolaire [le tuteur, les aides en ligne, les conduites d’auto-apprentissage, etc.], afin de déterminer à quelles conditions l’utilisation d’un environnement mixte rend possible la mise en oeuvre d’expériences d’apprentissage potentiellement favorables à l’acquisition de l’anglais langue étrangère auprès d’un public LANSAD en milieu universitaire. L’ouverture de cette thèse est consacrée à l’apprenant. Etant donné que la mise en place d’un dispositif pédagogique donné revient à mettre à la disposition de ce dernier des outils visant potentiellement à le conduire vers une progression qualitative et quantitative en L-C 2, celui-ci y occupe une place centrale en tant qu’utilisateur. La deuxième partie vise à mettre en évidence comment les logiques de la DLC et de la RAL peuvent être conciliées pour transformer les diverses implications et pédagogiques tirées de la première partie en outils didactiques susceptibles d’influer positivement sur les mécanismes acquisitionnels des apprenants. Ces considérations sont réinvesties dans le cadre de la troisième partie, afin d’étudier à quelle[s] condition[s] un dispositif permettant a priori aux apprenants [ou d’élaborer à leur intention] des tâches [macrotâches] qui répliquent ou simulent les pratiques sociales observées et qui servent d’objectifs aux apprenants ou à l’institution [Demaizière et Narcy-Combes, 2005] peut être mis en place. Enfin, les pratiques apprenantes au sein du dispositif élaboré sont analysées à la lumière des conclusions tirées dans nos trois premières parties. / The perspective of this dissertation is to analyze how the teaching and learning processes are interacting in a multipolar environment [tutor, online help, learning strategies] in order to shed light on the conditions to which a numerical environment is liable to promote English as a foreign language and culture [hereinafter L-C 2] acquisition amongst ESP learners at university level. The first part of the dissertation deals with the learner. If the implementation of a pedagogical environment aims at providing him - her with tools enabling both a potential qualitative and quantitative progression in L-C 2, the learner indeed plays a central role within it, as a user. In order to achieve this objective, a reflection on the L-C 2 learning processes is necessary to take them into account, as far as possible, in the setting up of a pedagogical environment. The second part looks at how the considerations of SLA, second language learning and teaching and the pedagogical implications drawn from the first part can be linked up and turned into tailor-made tools liable to impact positively on the learners’ SLA processes. The third part is about pedagogical engineering with a particular emphasis on how both the pedagogical implications drawn from the first two parts and the various parameters inherent to a pedagogical setting can be taken into account to implement an L-C 2 blended learning environment. Eventually, action research is presented. This part aims at providing an analysis of the learning practices and of the multipolar interaction taking place within a blended environment and at assessing its potential in terms of SLA.
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Impacto das novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação, através do blended learning, aplicadas aos graduandos em Odontopediatria / The impact of new information and communications technology, through blended learning, applied to undergraduates in Pediatric DentistryCássio José Fornazari Alencar 28 March 2012 (has links)
Este estudo descreve a experiência inicial de integração do sistema de gestão de aprendizagem Moodle, para apoiar o processo de ensino-aprendizagem na Disciplina de Odontopediatria da Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade de São Paulo. Os alunos de pós-graduação (11) foram capacitados em tutoria para construir um curso complementar à grade curricular e gerenciar 2 grupos do último ano de graduação (n=132). Após um mês de aula teórica, os graduandos realizaram uma prova (P1), responderam um questionário inicial e em seguida participaram das atividades no ambiente virtual de aprendizagem (AVA), durante o restante do curso. Realizaram 3 provas presenciais (P2, P3 e P4) durante a aprendizagem baseada na Web, gerando assim uma nota final (NF). Também responderam outro questionário sobre a experiência com a plataforma e foram avaliados através de uma nota de participação (NP) no Moodle. Observou-se uma correlação entre NP e NF. E comparando as notas finais das duas coortes do estudo, que participaram do Moodle, com outras 2 coortes que não participaram das atividades, observou-se diferença significante (p<0,001). Os alunos que mais participaram das atividades no Moodle obtiveram notas melhores. Além disso, houve uma diferença significativa entre as notas das coortes que tiveram a participação dos alunos no Moodle em comparação aos que não tiveram o aprendizado híbrido, sugerindo que a flexibilização através do AVA favorece o acréscimo de conhecimento. / This study describes our initial experience of integrating an open-source course management system (CMS) called Moodle (the modular object-oriented dynamic learning environment) to support teaching and learning in pediatric dentistry applied to 2 groups of last-year undergraduate dentistry students (n=134) from University of São Paulo. It is a longitudinal case study of two prospective cohorts (undergraduate students) and it includes the creation of two courses in a virtual learning environment - moodle (version 1.9). The integration of the Moodle course into our teaching was assessed using online grades activity, student examination marks and feedbacks from students. The freely available Moodle platform was simple to use, helped to effectively deliver course materials, and has features that allowed cooperative learning. Students who used the CMS throughout their academic year commented favorably regarding its use as a complement to the face-to-face classroom sessions. The group of students that used the CMS obtained significantly higher scores in the final examination compared with the previous class that did not use the CMS. In addition, there was a significant correlation between student participation and performance in their final examination marks.
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Apprentissage du français dans une université anglophone au Cameroun : de l’expérience du quasi-synchrone à un nouveau modèle d’intégration des TIC / Learning French in an English-speaking university in CameroonNgandeu, Joseph blaise 15 October 2015 (has links)
Les Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication (TIC) font désormais partie du paysage de nombreux établissements d’enseignement supérieur, secondaire et même primaire en Afrique. Les avantages pour l’Institution, l’enseignant et l’apprenant sont avérés (Mvoto Meyong, 2010). Cependant les expériences, à l’échelle des établissements de formation, sont encore peu nombreuses et peu concluantes. Cette thèse porte sur l’intégration des TIC dans un cours de français pour anglophones à l’université de Buéa au Cameroun. Le cours traditionnel, dans sa version uniquement présentiel en classe, se déroule dans un contexte limitant fortement la satisfaction d’objectifs pédagogiques essentiels. En effet, les effectifs pléthoriques, le peu de temps alloué à la formation, l’hétérogénéité des groupes d’apprenants font que les compétences de production ainsi que les compétences en interaction des intéressés ne peuvent être développées. En réponse à cet existant, cette thèse, de type recherche-action, présente un dispositif hybride articulant travail en classe et dans le centre technologique de l’université. Là sont offertes des activités de communication en petits groupes dans une modalité quasi-synchrone. Cette modalité, peu souvent étudiée dans la littérature de recherche, offre une alternative réaliste aux environnements synchrones peu fiables, compte tenu de l’état des réseaux et de l’Internet dans cette partie du monde. Afin d’étudier si ce nouveau dispositif de formation permet de dépasser les difficultés évoquées et de faciliter l’apprentissage, je l’ai déployé deux années successives, en l’entourant d’un protocole de recherche. Les données recueillies m’ont permis d’analyser les interactions, de mettre en évidence les traces d’apprentissage. Mais cette double expérimentation apporte aussi un nouvel éclairage au travers de l’analyse des obstacles qui ont handicapé la mise en œuvre du dispositif technopédagogique. Je questionne le modèle d’intégration des TIC qui traditionnellement concentre toutes les ressources en un seul endroit, sans tenir compte des contextes technologiquement limités. J’esquisse une voie alternative destinée, grâce à l’apprentissage mobile, à intégrer les TIC dans des dispositifs de formation de langues et un contexte technologique proches de notre situation prototypique. / Information and Communication Technologies are now part of the life of many institutions of higher education, secondary education and even primary education. The benefits for these institutions, as well as for teachers and learners are established. However, there are very few cases of experiments carried out in learning Institutions with positive results. This thesis is about integrating ICTs into a French course in the Anglo-Saxon university of Buea in Cameroon. The context in which the course is taught in classrooms makes it difficult for the objectives to be met. Because of the large class size, the little time allocated to the course and the heterogeneous nature of students’ language levels, speaking, writing and interactional skills are not worked out in class. This action research thesis sets out to propose a blended learning set-up that hinges around the university IT Centre. Online classes are articulated with classroom sessions. Thus, students have the opportunity to involve in small groups, in communicative activities and in quasi synchronous mode. These communication modality, very often less studied by CMC researchers, is an efficient alternative to synchronous communication and environments that are very much reliable as far as internet quality is concerned in that part of the world. The general question that has driven the research is: How can a technology instrumented approach help in overcoming difficulties and ease learning? To answer that question, two technology based experiences were carried out. They were guided by a research protocol. Data collected enable me to analyse interactions and determine traces of language acquisition. From the circumstances surrounding the experiments, it is discovered that there are a number of obstacles to the integration of ICT in “low tech context” like that which is studied. The technology-based stet-up pattern is then questioned. This research work goes further to propose mobile learning as an alternative to the ICT integration model that concentrates all the resources in a single location.
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Emancipação digital cidadã de jovens do campo num contexto híbrido, multimodal e ubíquoGuedes, Anibal Lopes 20 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Silvana Teresinha Dornelles Studzinski (sstudzinski) on 2017-04-19T13:54:17Z
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Previous issue date: 2017-02-20 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / PROEX - Programa de Excelência Acadêmica / O tema da tese se relaciona aos processos emancipatórios digitais de jovens do campo, no contexto de uma cultura híbrida, multimodal e ubíqua. Tem-se como foco compreender de que forma o componente curricular Informática Básica pode contribuir para a promoção da emancipação digital cidadã dos jovens do campo, quanto ao seu desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional. Os sujeitos da pesquisa são os estudantes do curso de História-ITERRA da Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul - UFFS, Campus Erechim. A pesquisa tem uma abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa. Como metodologia para o seu desenvolvimento foi utilizado o método cartográfico de pesquisa intervenção proposto por Kastrup (2007), Passos, Kastrup e Escóssia (2009) e Passos, Kastrup e Tedesco (2014). Como resultados obtidos com esta pesquisa estão: o aprofundamento teórico sobre a realidade dos estudantes do curso de História-ITERRA da UFFS; o desenvolvimento do curso Culturas Híbridas, a partir da perspectiva da gamificação, considerando a cultura híbrida, multimodal e ubíqua; o desenho metodológico proposto para o curso Culturas Híbridas, o que resultou no desenvolvimento de Projetos de Aprendizagem Gamificados, na perspectiva do movimento Games for Change, possibilitando repensar o componente curricular de Informática Básica; o movimento gerado no desenvolvimento dos PAG instigou os participantes a identificar problemáticas no âmbito da GMF, na relação com processos educativos, bem como compreender de que forma as tecnologias poderiam contribuir nesse processo. Assim, foram desenvolvidos jogos analógicos e híbridos que contribuíram para ampliar os processos de emancipação digital cidadã dos sujeitos do campo. Além disso, os resultados apontam para a necessidade de ampliar a discussão sobre as matrizes curriculares, metodologias e práticas desenvolvidas nos cursos da UFFS. / The theme of the thesis is related to the digital emancipatory processes of rural youth in the context of a blended learning, multimodal and ubiquitous culture. The aim is to understand how the Basic Informatics curriculum component can contribute to the promotion of citizen digital emancipation of rural youth, as to their personal and professional development. The subjects of the research are the students of the History-ITERRA course of the Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul - UFFS, Campus Erechim. The research has an qualitative and quantitative approach. As a methodology for its development was used the cartographic method of research intervention proposed by Kastrup (2007), Passos, Kastrup and Escóssia (2009) and Passos, Kastrup and Tedesco (2014). As results obtained with this research are: the theoretical deepening on the reality of the students of the course of History-ITERRA of the UFFS; the development of the Culturas Híbridas course, from the gamification perspective, considering the blended learning, multimodal and ubiquitous culture; the proposed methodological design for the Culturas Híbridas course, which resulted in the development of Projetos de Aprendizagem Gamificados from the Games for Change perspective, making it possible to rethink the curricular component of Basic Informatics; the movement generated in the development of the PAG instigated the participants to identify issues within the GMF in relation to educational processes as well as to understand how technologies could contribute to this process. Thus, analog and hybrid games were developed that contributed to broaden the processes of citizen digital emancipation of the subjects of the field. In addition, the results point to the need to broaden the discussion about the curricular matrices, methodologies and practices developed in the UFFS courses.
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Web 2.0 Tools and Communities of Practice: Bridging Gaps in Novice Teacher TrainingDonaldson, Stacey 01 January 2016 (has links)
Novice teachers do not have sufficient opportunities to troubleshoot real-world teaching situations prior to having their own classrooms. Antiquated professional development (PD) models lack the collaboration element that provides authentic application of concepts. This qualitative case study was conducted to fill a gap in research on novice teachers' voluntary participation in an online community of practice. The study explored how the situated learning in this virtual community addressed the cognitive and social needs of early career teachers as they made the theory to practice connections. The community of practice framework and the social learning theories supported socialization as essential in early career teachers' growth. Research questions in the study examined five teachers' beliefs about collaboration- in promoting community engagement, the influence of voluntary participation on the quality of teacher engagement, and teachers' perceptions of the use of Web 2.0 technology to build community. A priori codes were created using the theoretical frame and research questions to guide the analysis of audio, transcriptions, observations, and other coded artifacts to find themes and patterns promoting internal validity. Findings revealed teachers' belief in collaboration impacted their level of engagement virtually. While voluntary participation motivates teacher participation, it does not guarantee high quality engagement without accountability. Since attrition is a continual threat to the teaching workforce, study results validate recommending the use of virtual resources to facilitate CoPs to remedy the mentoring and coaching void for early career teachers. Also, innovative use of Web 2.0 tools should be used to expose new teachers to diverse experiences that bridge theory to practice gaps and encourage teacher leadership, which promotes retention.
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FC WInf: Flipped Classroom in der WirtschaftsinformatikLorenz, Anja, Einert, Annett, Dinter, Barbara 01 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Szenarien mit Blended-Learning-Charakter sind Alltag an deutschen Hochschulen: Insbesondere durch die Verbreitung von Learning-Management- Systemen, in Sachsen namentlich „OPAL“, können Lehrveranstaltungen über die Präsenzveranstaltungen hinaus in nahezu allen Fachbereichen um computergestützte Lerneinheiten ergänzt werden. Nach der Etablierung von Web Based Trainings als typische digitale Ergänzungsmodule streben einige didaktische Konzepte die verstärkte Abstimmung von Präsenz- und Onlinephase an. In der jüngeren Zeit wurde vor allem die Idee des Flipped Classroom (auch Inverted Classroom genannt) diskutiert. Hierbei wird die traditionelle Aufteilung der Lehr-Lern-Aktivitäten, bei der die Wissensvermittlung in den Präsenzveranstaltungen und die Vertiefung des Gelernten in Übungen zu Hause stattfinden, vertauscht. Stattdessen erwerben die Studierenden das nötige Wissen online und im Vorfeld der Präsenzphase, in der dann mithilfe komplexer Beispiele und unter aktiver Einbeziehung der Studierenden das Verständnis gefestigt und durch den Lehrenden unterstützt angewendet werden kann. Auch die Großveranstaltung „Grundlagen der Wirtschaftsinformatik“ (GWI) an der TU Chemnitz soll im Übungsbetrieb durch ein Flipped-Classroom-Konzept verbessert werden. Hierfür werden bestehende Aufgaben mithilfe einer Fachlandkarte und der Bewertung der jeweiligen Lehrziele zu einem Online-Materialien-Pool aufgebaut. Die Präsenzphase soll zur stärkeren Einbeziehung der Studierenden in Form eines aktiven Plenums abgehalten werden.
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Student Perceptions On Learning By Design Method In Web-based Learning Environment: A Case StudyAkman, Evrim 01 May 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the perceptions of students in an implementation of &ldquo / Learning by Design&rdquo / method through a web based learning environment. The information gathered from the students enrolled in the undergraduate course / &ldquo / Foundations of Distance Education&rdquo / in 2009 Summer School and 2009-2010 Fall Semesters was evaluated.
The course was given in blended form, i.e. face to face lessons and online instructional activities were performed together. In the web based part of the course, several educational modules of an open source learning management system (LMS), such as quizzes, forums, lesson pages, wiki pages, mail interface etc. were used. The students were responsible for implementing an educational course site on the LMS platform, using the course curriculum applications.
Within the scope of this thesis, the perceptions of the students about course-related projects, and online and classroom activities were investigated through interviews and questionnaires. The academic development of students was also considered in the study. Additionally, several informal interviews were also done with the instructor of the course in order to investigate his perceptions about the conduct of the course. Questionnaire results have been analyzed quantitatively and face to face interview results have been analyzed qualitatively.
Both quantitative and qualitative data indicated that the students&rsquo / perceptions about how the course was conducted and the learning by design activities were generally positive. Especially the project work, which was assigned as a requisite of the learning by design method, was pointed out as a positive factor in students' / learning of the subject matter both in the questionnaires and in the face to face interviews. Another important finding of the interview and questionnaire results was that the communication between the instructor and the students contributed positively to not only learning the course content but the quality of the projects as well. As an outcome of this study, many important factors, which lead to successful results in implementation of learning by design method in a web based environment, have been identified. These results are presented in detail in the ' / Discussion and Recommendations' / section.
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Blended learning in the adoption of emerging technology in a government department.Mabyane, Otsile. January 2012 (has links)
M. Tech. Business Informatics / Addresses the adoption of emerging technology through blended learning. In the study, the Department of Home Affairs has just adopted a new traveler processing system. To use this emerging technology, employees had to be trained, and blended learning was seen as an appropriate training style. The emerging technology, the new passport scanning readers, posed challenges that are unpacked in this mini-dissertation.
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Learning Robotics Online: Teaching a blended robotics course for secondary school studentsDunn, Katana January 2015 (has links)
This thesis explores the use of an online robotics course, in the context of Technology Education, for senior secondary school students in an urban New Zealand (NZ) school. The reasons for using an online course are discussed through investigating the need for quality resources to assist schools in providing students with appropriate learning experiences, and knowledge to enable them to make informed choices with respect to technology careers. There is a shortage of students pursuing technology careers and that in turn influences the NZ economy (Baron & McLaren, 2006).
The purpose of the study was to examine how an online robotics course can be used for teaching robotics and engaging students in a blended environment. The author planned, implemented, monitored and reviewed an online course in robotics through an action research approach using formative evaluation methods to determine the effectiveness of the individual action research cycles. After reflection at the end of each AR cycle, the online course was modified and updated to improve student engagement. Qualitative methods were used to analyse online discussions, classroom observations and discussions, and one to one interviews with the participants.
Research findings identified four themes that influenced student engagement with the online robotics course: access to the online course, the students’ background knowledge and skills, the students’ interaction with the online course and the students’ conation or internal motivation. The research findings are discussed in terms of areas that need to be addressed when using an online course to teach robotics. These areas are the course design, student considerations and course implementation. Course design, or how the course is structured, includes opportunities for students to develop their thinking skills, experiences and activities for learning, and opportunities for conversation and interaction. Course design must also accommodate student considerations. Student considerations focus on the needs of the learners and their readiness to ensure successful engagement in the online course in terms of their background knowledge and skills in electronics and Web 2.0 tools, their conation and their key competencies. Course implementation includes the factors that need to be taken into account in the execution of the online course such as reliable access to the online course, the students’ interactions with the online course, and the learning culture of the school and classroom, and the role of the teacher.
The thesis justifies the rational for using an online robotics course and describes how an online robotics course can address and advance student learning outcomes, how online tools can be used for assessment purposes, the aspects of course design that are successful for teaching robotics and online learning experiences that provide positive outcomes for students. Recommendations for teaching practice in terms of school-wide programmes to develop and support students’ digital literacy and key competencies, and teacher professional development in Technology Education and online robotics courses are provided. Suggestions for future research are given in terms of student conation, the development of critical thinking skills through forums and how teachers’ philosophies can be aligned to Technology Education and the intent of the NZ Curriculum.
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