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A School of Choice: A Case Study of an Instructional Learning Model in a Public School SystemMcCord, Samuel 01 May 2018 (has links) (PDF)
This case study focused on the understandings of the administration and teaching staff with regard to the implementation and student academic growth of the B-L Upward program. The understandings were formed from data collected through structured, face-to-face interviews. The questioning of the staff members assisted in determining an understanding of the instructional model of the B-L Upward program. The experimental nature of the B-L Upward program allowed students, primarily those graduating from eighth grade and heading into high school, to choose an alternative to the traditional secondary learning environment. The current case study is an examination of the B-L Upward program through the interview process involving the administrative and teaching staff with regard to program implementation and student academic growth. Four members of the administrative staff directly responsible for the management of the B-L Upward program and eight members of the teaching staff currently employed at the school were interviewed regarding their understandings of the BLU program. The case study approach provides a detailed picture of the understandings of these staff members. Recommendations for practice and for the continuation of further research were included at the study’s conclusion.
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Supporting Middle School Students with Emotional or Behavioral Disorders in Blended Learning: A Fraction Intervention using Virtual ManipulativesSerianni, Barbara 01 January 2014 (has links)
Students with emotional or behavioral disorders (EBD) are more likely than other students with disabilities to drop out of school (Blackorby & Wagner, 1996) and suffer societal consequences that include higher probabilities and rates of incarceration, poverty, drug abuse, homelessness, low wages, and unemployment (Bradley, Doolittle, & Bartolotta, 2008; Wagner, 1995). High school graduation is a critical factor to improve post-secondary outcomes for students with EBD; yet it is often mathematics, specifically algebra, that stands in the way of graduation (Blackorby & Wagner). Students with EBD often enter middle school lacking foundational mathematics skills, such as fractions, which sets them up to struggle with pre-algebra and ultimately fail algebra (U.S. Department of Education, 2008). The purpose of this study was to improve the ability of middle school students with EBD to access online grade-level mathematics content by providing fraction remediation to improve conceptual fraction knowledge and procedural fluency. The intervention consisted of Initial Fraction Ideas, an intervention curriculum from the Rational Number Project (RNP; Cramer, Behr, Post, & Lesh, 2009), in conjunction with three online virtual manipulatives (VM). The unique blended learning environment of this study provided the opportunity to evaluate the use of an evidence-based fraction intervention, in conjunction with VMs, in a single subject, multiple baseline across subjects design. Fluency data was gathered from daily fraction addition assessments (FAA) administered after each intervention session. A second component of the study featured a non-experimental repeated measures design that assessed student conceptual understanding of fraction equivalency through the administration of pre, post, and delayed-post Equivalent Fraction Tests (EFT). The intervention was effective in producing increases in median group fluency with high effect sizes, across three replications, establishing a functional relationship between the intervention and the dependent variable for these groups of students with EBD. In addition, all groups posted mean gains in equivalent fraction knowledge from pre to post-EFT, and maintained those gains for at least 15 days after the intervention concluded.
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En potentiell lösning för att kunna mäta en undervisningsmodells påverkan i en datalogikurs / A potential solution to be able to measure the impact of a teaching model in a computer science courseForsman, Gustaf January 2022 (has links)
Inom den högre utbildningen är det fortfarande vanligt att använda traditionella undervisningsmetoder även om det finns andra metoder som går att tillämpa. En faktor som påverkar införandet av nya metoder är digitaliseringen. Många lärosäten använder sig idag av en digital plattform för undervisningen, ibland också flera stycken olika plattformar och där dessa då kräver en teknisk kompetens för att kunna användas på ett bra sätt i undervisningen. Speciellt är kurser inom datalogi som har goda förutsättningar för att kunna nyttja nyare metoder. Dock kräver detta kunskap i metoden, hur de tekniska hjälpmedlen går att tillämpa för kursens ändamål och att man vågar pröva nya metoder i kurser. Målet med denna studie är hitta nya sätt som kan mäta en undervisningsmodells effektivitet. Lösningen kommer att bestå i att undersöka existerande forskning inom området, specifikt implementation av metoden, vad gav metod för effekt och hur denna effekt har mätts. Av den existerande forskningen pekar på att detta är en svår fråga att analysera, det är många faktorer som vi behöver ta i anspråk för att kunna komma till konsensus i hur den potentiella lösningen bör skapas. Den gemensamma faktorn är att det finns en positiv inverkan på studenternas resultat baserat på att det har införts en ny undervisningsmodell. Det vi kom fram till är att skapa en mätmetod som använder studenternas lösningar för befintliga uppgifterna i kursen, genom att vi fick göra ett antal antaganden för de problem som ansågs kunna påverka mätmetoden. Av detta kunde vi sedan dra slutsatser av metodens effektivitet. / In higher education, it is still common to use traditional teaching methods, although there are other methods that can be applied. One factor influencing the introduction of new methods is digitalization. Many higher education institutions today use a digital platform for teaching, sometimes also several different platforms and where these then require a technical competence to be used in a good way in teaching. Especially are courses in computer science that have good conditions for being able to use newer methods. However, this requires knowledge of the method, how the technical aids can be applied for the purpose of the course and that you dare to try new methods in courses. The goal of this study is to find new ways that can measure the effectiveness of a teaching model. The solution will consist of investigating existing research in the area, specifically implementation of the method, what gave method for effect and how this effect has been measured. From the existing research indicates that this is a difficult issue to analyze, there are many factors that we need to take into account in order to be able to come to a consensus on how the potential solution should be created. The common factor is that there is a positive impact on student outcomes based on the introduction of a new teaching model. What we came up with is to create a measurement method that uses the students’ solutions for existing tasks in the course, by making several assumptions for the problems that were considered to affect the measurement method. From this we were then able to draw conclusions from the effectiveness of the method
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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusive Behaviors of School Librarians: Perceptions during Times of CrisisGill, Diane 05 1900 (has links)
School librarians create an atmosphere where learners feel empowered. Moreover, school library programming should support diversity, equity, and inclusive learning opportunities to facilitate student success. Thus, school librarians are expected to model and advocate for equitable learning spaces while considering the universal design for learning approach to improving accessibility, utilization, and relevance for all library patrons. Although it has been established that school library standards support diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), more is needed to know about the impact of a crisis on school library programming and services. In addition, extensive research has not been conducted to determine school librarians' responsiveness and strategies to provide services for their school communities during disruptive times. This study examines school librarians' perceptions of the opportunities and challenges encountered while endeavoring to engage in DEI practices during crises.
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The Transition: Developmental Math to College Level MathOsae-Kwapong, Eliza, Osae-Kwapong 02 May 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Exploring Learning Preferences of External Clients in Corporate Training : A thematic and statistical analysis of Ericsson’s Learning Services Department / Utforskar Inlärningspreferenser för Kunder i FöretagsutbildningSkoglund, Amanda January 2024 (has links)
This master thesis project researches the learning preferences of external clients of Ericsson Learning Services Department, focusing on adult corporate training. The purpose is to collect insights and opinions of clients and use their answers as a basis of improvement for updating and developing courses in the future. The project employed a mix method approach to answer the research question, which combined qualitative data collection through interviews and surveys for a thematic analysis and quantitative data collection from former survey results for statistical analyses. Furthermore, a literary study was conducted to support the research process. The main results from the thematic analysis proved that most external clients preferred an online learning setting or face to face training. Online courses were mostly preferred due to convenience, even if most would agree that a classroom setting is the best setting for optimal learning. Results from the statistical analysis gave few valuable insights. This may depend on how the questions in the survey were asked and therefore the main result of the statistical analysis is how to improve the surveys using the Learning Experience Questionnaire (LEQ). This project opens possibilities for applications and future research in this area. One suggestion is to conduct a follow-up study where the surveys are updated and tailored to the needs and wants of the external clients which enables a more comprehensive analysis. Furthermore, researching the specific elements of classroom-based learning that external clients find valuable could provide more understanding to further better the online learning experience. These paths of further research can contribute to the ongoing improvement of adult corporate learning. / Detta examensarbete undersöker lärandepreferenser hos externa kunder till Ericssons Learning Services Department och fokuserar på vuxenutbildning på företag. Målet är att samla insikter och åsikter från externa kunder och använda deras svar för ett förbättringsunderlag för uppdatering och utveckling av kurser. Examensarbetet använde en blandning av metoder för att besvara frågeställningarna, vilket kombinerade kvalitativ datainsamling via intervjuer och frågeformulär till en tematisk analys med kvantitativ datainsamling från äldre undersökningsresultat till statistiska analyser. Vidare genomfördes en litteraturundersökning som stöd i undersökningsprocessen. De huvudsakliga resultaten från den tematiska analysen visade att de flesta externa kunder föredrog en lärandemiljö online eller traditionell klassrumsundervisning med den gemensamma nämnaren att kursen är lärarledd. Onlinekurser föredrogs mest på grund av bekvämligheten, även om de flesta skulle hålla med om att en klassrumsmiljö är den bästa miljön för optimalt lärande. Resultaten från den statistiska analysen gav få värdefulla insikter. Detta kan bero på hur frågorna i undersökningen ställs och därför är huvudresultatet av den statistiska analysen hur man kan förbättra undersökningarna med hjälp av Learning Experience Questionnaire (LEQ). Detta undersökningsresultat öppnar upp möjligheter till vidare forskning på området. Ett förslag är att genomföra en uppföljande studie då frågeformulären är uppdaterade och skräddarsydda till externa kunders behov och önskemål som möjliggör en mer omfattande analys. Vidare kan undersökning av de specifika element som kunder uppskattar med klassrumsbaserat lärande för att ge insikter om hur man kan optimera upplevelser av lärande online. Dessa vägar av vidare forskning kan bidra till den pågående förbättringen av vuxenutbildning på företag.
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A IPTV como modalidade de educação: um estudo de caso no ensino de engenharia. / IPTV how modality education: a case study in engineering education.Marcos Jolbert Cáceres Azambuja 17 December 2013 (has links)
A modalidade de Educação a Distância (EAD) ocupa atualmente um lugar importante no desenvolvimento e expansão da Educação no Brasil. A EAD a partir de novas tecnologias, teve um grande impulso, principalmente aquela que envolve a rede Internet. O uso das tecnologias digitais em espaços educativos permitiu que a comunicação, interação, armazenamento e distribuição de conteúdos para o processo educativo, fossem realizados de maneira mais eficiente. Em meio à diversidade de mídias e tecnologias na atualidade, a IPTV surge como uma nova proposta, um veículo de comunicação interativo que possibilita novas perspectivas para a modalidade de EAD. Neste contexto, a IPTV torna-se fundamental, pois possibilita através de seu alto índice de interatividade e qualidade na entrega de conteúdos síncronos e assíncronos oferecer uma gama cada vez maior de opções para seus usuários. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar elementos visando o uso da IPTV como modalidade de Educação no sistema a distância, para a entrega de conteúdos no Ensino de Engenharia, buscando reduzir as distâncias no processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Dessa forma, são apresentados os benefícios da integração da IPTV e a Educação em Engenharia, dentro de uma estratégia de Educação a Distância na IPTV. / Distance Education (DE) plays an important role nowadays on the development and expansion of education in Brazil. Due to new technologies, DE had a great propulsion, mainly on those which involve the Internet. The use of digital technologies in educational spaces allowed that communication, interaction, storage and distribution of content became more efficient. In between the diversity of medias and technologies, IPTV arises as a new proposal; an interactive communication tool which enables new perspectives for DE. In this context, IPTV is paramount, since its high rates of interaction and synchronous and asynchronous content delivery quality enables a great range of options for its users. This work aims at presenting elements of IPTV use as a modality of DE in the content delivering for Engineering Teaching and Learning, focusing the reduction of distances in the teaching and learning process. Thus, it is presented benefits of the integration between IPTV and Engineering Education through a strategy of DE in IPTV.
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A IPTV como modalidade de educação: um estudo de caso no ensino de engenharia. / IPTV how modality education: a case study in engineering education.Azambuja, Marcos Jolbert Cáceres 17 December 2013 (has links)
A modalidade de Educação a Distância (EAD) ocupa atualmente um lugar importante no desenvolvimento e expansão da Educação no Brasil. A EAD a partir de novas tecnologias, teve um grande impulso, principalmente aquela que envolve a rede Internet. O uso das tecnologias digitais em espaços educativos permitiu que a comunicação, interação, armazenamento e distribuição de conteúdos para o processo educativo, fossem realizados de maneira mais eficiente. Em meio à diversidade de mídias e tecnologias na atualidade, a IPTV surge como uma nova proposta, um veículo de comunicação interativo que possibilita novas perspectivas para a modalidade de EAD. Neste contexto, a IPTV torna-se fundamental, pois possibilita através de seu alto índice de interatividade e qualidade na entrega de conteúdos síncronos e assíncronos oferecer uma gama cada vez maior de opções para seus usuários. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar elementos visando o uso da IPTV como modalidade de Educação no sistema a distância, para a entrega de conteúdos no Ensino de Engenharia, buscando reduzir as distâncias no processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Dessa forma, são apresentados os benefícios da integração da IPTV e a Educação em Engenharia, dentro de uma estratégia de Educação a Distância na IPTV. / Distance Education (DE) plays an important role nowadays on the development and expansion of education in Brazil. Due to new technologies, DE had a great propulsion, mainly on those which involve the Internet. The use of digital technologies in educational spaces allowed that communication, interaction, storage and distribution of content became more efficient. In between the diversity of medias and technologies, IPTV arises as a new proposal; an interactive communication tool which enables new perspectives for DE. In this context, IPTV is paramount, since its high rates of interaction and synchronous and asynchronous content delivery quality enables a great range of options for its users. This work aims at presenting elements of IPTV use as a modality of DE in the content delivering for Engineering Teaching and Learning, focusing the reduction of distances in the teaching and learning process. Thus, it is presented benefits of the integration between IPTV and Engineering Education through a strategy of DE in IPTV.
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Wozu so ein Aufwand?Bergert, Aline, Hoyer, Marika, Geburek, Doris 05 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Zum ersten Mal an der TU Bergakademie Freiberg wurde im Wintersemester 2012/13 eine klassische Präsenzvorlesung in ein umfassendes handlungsorientiertes Blended-Learning-Szenario (Methode: Flipped Classroom; Tools: OPAL-Kurs mit Wiki, Forum etc.) transformiert und evaluiert. Im folgenden Beitrag werden die Ergebnisse des Pilotversuchs vorgestellt und aus Sicht der beteiligten Akteure kritisch diskutiert.
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Wozu so ein Aufwand?: Anpassung, Erprobung und Evaluation der Methode Flipped Classroom an der TU Bergakademie FreibergBergert, Aline, Hoyer, Marika, Geburek, Doris January 2013 (has links)
Zum ersten Mal an der TU Bergakademie Freiberg wurde im Wintersemester 2012/13 eine klassische Präsenzvorlesung in ein umfassendes handlungsorientiertes Blended-Learning-Szenario (Methode: Flipped Classroom; Tools: OPAL-Kurs mit Wiki, Forum etc.) transformiert und evaluiert. Im folgenden Beitrag werden die Ergebnisse des Pilotversuchs vorgestellt und aus Sicht der beteiligten Akteure kritisch diskutiert.
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