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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influ?ncia de fatores de risco na preval?ncia de h?bitos bucais delet?rios em crian?as de 0 a 5 anos na cidade do Natal-RN

Ara?jo, Iara Medeiros de 28 March 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:31:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 IaraMA.pdf: 257430 bytes, checksum: 573c51eb359dfa628d0f41063918f3f9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-03-28 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / Literature has demonstrated to the narrow relation between deleterious habits and the occurrence of malocclusion in minors of 5 years. The existence of these habits, however, already considered as risk factors, having also, its determinative ones, which present cultural dimensions and economic social, many of them related to the parents of the child, having in account that such habits if develop in phases in which the child establish a narrow relation of dependence. This study it had an objective to investigate the prevalence of deleterious buccal habits in children and its relation with the economic social and characteristics of the parents. It was developed an epidemiologist study of transversal character with interview, through daily pay-tested form, with 218 parents in the day of the National Campaign of Vaccination. In the cast of the variable that had composed the study, they had been used, as changeable dependents, the use of the baby's bottle, bottle and the digital suction, being considered as outcomes of the research. Amongst the independent variable, the economic social factors (type of occupation, number of children, civil state, sort, schooling and age) and staffs of the parents (self perception in oral health) had entered as the variable to be analyzed in the problems of the infantile odontology. The collected data had been submitted to the analysis descriptive and inferential statistics, being used the test qui-square and the analysis of the possibility reasons. As main results, it was found that breast feeding before the six months if presents as one of the main factors of risk for the use of baby's bottle (p< 0.001, OR= 2.8, I.C= 1.589 4.906), bottle (p< 0.001, OR= 3.7, I.C.= 2.076 6.624) and digital suction (p< 0.014, OR= 3.5, I.C.= 1.225 10.181). From the data found, one concludes that breast-feeding is considered a primordial factor for not the installation of deleterious oral habits and that the economic social and cultural factors can reflect in central way in the performance of this act / A literatura tem demonstrado a estreita rela??o entre h?bitos orais delet?rios e a ocorr?ncia de maloclus?o em menores de 5 anos. A exist?ncia desses h?bitos, entretanto, j? considerados como fatores de risco, possui, tamb?m, seus determinantes, os quais apresentam dimens?es culturais e socioecon?micas muitas delas relacionadas ao cuidador da crian?a, tendo em conta que tais h?bitos se desenvolvem em fases nas quais a crian?a estabelece uma estreita rela??o de depend?ncia. Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar a preval?ncia de h?bitos bucais delet?rios em crian?as e sua rela??o com as caracter?sticas socioecon?micas e comportamentais dos cuidadores. Desenvolveu-se um estudo epidemiol?gico de car?ter transversal com entrevista, atrav?s de formul?rio pr?-testado, com 218 cuidadores no dia da Campanha Nacional de Vacina??o. No elenco das vari?veis que compuseram o estudo, utilizaram-se, como vari?veis dependentes, o uso da mamadeira, chupeta e a suc??o digital, sendo consideradas como desfechos da pesquisa. Dentre as vari?veis independentes, os fatores socioecon?micos (tipo de ocupa??o, n?mero de filhos, estado civil, g?nero, escolaridade e idade) e pessoais do cuidador (autopercep??o em sa?de bucal) entraram como as vari?veis a serem analisadas nos problemas da odontologia infantil. Os dados coletados foram submetidos ? an?lise estat?stica descritiva e inferencial, sendo utilizado o teste qui-quadrado e a an?lise das raz?es de chance. O aleitamento materno inferior a seis meses apresenta como um dos principais fatores de risco para o uso da mamadeira (p< 0,001, OR= 2,8, I.C= 1,589 4,906), chupeta (p< 0,001, OR= 3,7, I.C.= 2,076 - 6,624) e a suc??o digital (p< 0,014, OR= 3,5, I.C.= 1,225 - 10,181). A partir dos dados encontrados, conclui-se que a amamenta??o materna ? considerada um fator primordial para a n?o instala??o de h?bitos orais delet?rios e que os fatores econ?micos e culturais podem refletir de maneira decisiva no desempenho deste ato

An?lises para viabiliza??o de corredores ecol?gicos e cumprimento de requisitos legais: subs?dios ? efetividade de ?rea protegida e conserva??o de Mata Atl?ntica Setentrional / Analysis for the viabilition of ecological corridors and accomplishment of legal requirements: allowances the effectiveness of protected area and conservation of northern Atlantic forest

Rodrigues, Juliana Garcia Vidal 25 August 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2018-03-12T18:12:50Z No. of bitstreams: 1 JulianaGarciaVidalRodrigues_DISSERT.pdf: 2909534 bytes, checksum: 89c038cae48c52847f4a038ea1f24697 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2018-03-15T21:15:40Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 JulianaGarciaVidalRodrigues_DISSERT.pdf: 2909534 bytes, checksum: 89c038cae48c52847f4a038ea1f24697 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-15T21:15:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JulianaGarciaVidalRodrigues_DISSERT.pdf: 2909534 bytes, checksum: 89c038cae48c52847f4a038ea1f24697 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-08-25 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / A Mata Atl?ntica brasileira, atualmente com apenas cerca de 11,73% da sua vegeta??o original, ? um dos hotspots mundiais de biodiversidade, abrigando animais e plantas amea?ados de extin??o, grande riqueza e endemismo de esp?cies. A situa??o de fragmenta??o em que se encontra ? ainda mais cr?tica em sua por??o setentrional. ?reas Protegidas, em especial Unidades de Conserva??o (UCs), s?o as principais formas de conserva??o da biodiversidade, por meio de esfor?os nacionais e internacionais. Al?m da cria??o de UCs, ? imprescind?vel a efetividade dessas ?reas e, em caso de extensa fragmenta??o, a cria??o de corredores ecol?gicos interligando ?reas protegidas para possibilitar o fluxo g?nico entre esp?cies, ? relevante. A maior parte das UCs criadas no Brasil n?o ? efetiva, e a dificuldade em gerenciar UCs constitui um entrave s?rio ? Conserva??o. Nesse cen?rio e na perspectiva de colaborar para o alcance das metas 11 e 12 de Aichi, bem como dar suporte a um dos objetivos do Plano de A??o Nacional (PAN) para a Conserva??o da Herpetofauna Amea?ada da Mata Atl?ntica nordestina, este estudo teve como objetivos, analisar estrat?gias de implementa??o de instrumentos e pol?ticas p?blicas vi?veis ? cria??o de corredores ecol?gicos em ?rea protegida de Mata Atl?ntica setentrional; analisar o cumprimento dos requisitos legais em prol da cria??o e implementa??o de Unidade de Conserva??o em Mata Atl?ntica nordestina; avaliar os entraves ? efetiva??o de UC, utilizando o Parque Estadual Mata da Pipa (PEMP) como estudo de caso por constituir-se em um dos maiores remanescentes de Mata Atl?ntica do RN, cujo Plano de Manejo prev? ?rea com corredor ecol?gico e que, apesar de criado h? mais de 10 anos, ainda n?o foi implementado. Trata-se de estudo de natureza qualitativa, cuja abordagem de dados foi dividida em duas etapas complementares. Em um primeiro momento realizou-se an?lise documental conceitual e de observa??o do PEMP como situa??o emblema. Para a interpreta??o dos dados foi utilizada a t?cnica da an?lise argumentativa. Na categoriza??o dos dados utilizou-se de argumentos constru?dos a partir de fundamentos socioambientais, desenvolvimento sustent?vel e princ?pios jur?dico-ambientais. Para a an?lise das estrat?gias ? implementa??o de corredores, foi utilizada a ideia de proposi??o, sendo as leis empregadas como dados e os princ?pios jur?dico-ambientais como garantia. Tamb?m como garantia foi adotada a exemplifica??o dos corredores previstos para o PEMP. Em um segundo momento, estudou-se o caso emblema, atrav?s da an?lise documental, realiza??o de entrevistas semiestruturadas individuais, grupo focal e observa??o participante durante reuni?es do Conselho Gestor nos anos 2016 e 2017.1. Constatou-se que a promo??o do desenvolvimento sustent?vel como modo de conservar a Mata Atl?ntica ? a ess?ncia da lei que rege o bioma ? ?nica com regime jur?dico espec?fico. ? fundamental a institui??o de pol?ticas p?blicas que proporcionem efetividade aos comandos legais de modo a impedir a sucess?o do panorama de degrada??o deste bioma, e possibilitar o aumento do percentual existente interconectando seus remanescentes. Quanto aos fundos de recursos, seus gestores devem atentar para a Mata Atl?ntica setentrional, diminuindo as assimetrias regionais em investimentos; os ?rg?os ambientais devem elaborar projetos para beneficiamento. Constatou-se que o ?rg?o ambiental cumpriu os requisitos para a institui??o do PEMP, mas a celeridade comprometeu o resultado; o cumprimento das obriga??es legais com garantia de sua efic?cia, reduz os poss?veis entraves ? implanta??o desta UC; a ocorr?ncia de avan?os na implanta??o da UC por for?a de decis?o judicial e por compromisso ?tico do Conselho Gestor e da Gestora da UC. A implanta??o de UC criada ? um dever legal fundamentado no art. 2? da Lei n? 6938/81 no art. 225 da Constitui??o Federal - CF, no art. 4? da Lei n? 9985/2000 e no princ?pio da preven??o (implicitamente consagrado no art. 225, caput da CF). Constatou-se ainda que o maior problema para a falta de efici?ncia ? estrutural, organizacional da Administra??o P?blica e do Judici?rio, e a falta de prioriza??o na vontade pol?tica. Os obst?culos encontrados s?o comuns ?s UCs estaduais do RN. ? imprescind?vel, urgente e fundamental que a quest?o ambiental seja vista e tratada como um investimento e n?o como gasto adicional. Atitudes antropoc?ntrica e excludente apresentam um s?rio risco ? sobreviv?ncia da pr?pria humanidade. / The Brazilian Atlantic Forest, currently only about 11.73% of its original vegetation, is one of the world's biodiversity hotspots, housing endangered animals and plants, great wealth and species endemism.The situation of fragmentation in which it finds itself is even more critical in its northern portion. Protected Areas, in particular Conservation Units (UCs), are the main forms of biodiversity conservation, through national and international efforts. In addition to the creation of PAs, the effectiveness of these areas is essential and, in case of extensive fragmentation, the creation of ecological corridors interconnecting protected areas to enable gene flow between species is relevant. Most UCs created in Brazil are not effective, and the difficulty in managing UCs constitutes a serious impediment to Conservation. In this scenario and in order to collaborate in the achievement of goals 11 and 12 of Aichi, as well as support one of the objectives of the National Plan of Action (NAP) for the Conservation of the Northeastern Atlantic Forest Herpetofauna, this study had as objectives , To analyze strategies for the implementation of viable public policies and instruments for the creation of ecological corridors in a protected area of the Northern Atlantic Forest; Analyze the fulfillment of legal requirements in favor of the creation and implementation of Conservation Unit in Atlantic Forest Northeastern; (PEMP) as a case study because it is one of the largest remnants of the Atlantic Forest in the RN, whose Management Plan provides for an ecological corridor area and, despite Created more than 10 years ago, has not yet been implemented. This is a qualitative study, whose data approach was divided into two complementary stages. At first, conceptual documentary analysis and observation of the PEMP was carried out as emblematic situation. For the interpretation of the data the argumentative analysis technique was used. In the categorization of the data we used arguments based on socio-environmental foundations, sustainable development and legal and environmental principles. For the analysis of the strategies to the corridor implementation, the idea of proposition was used, the laws being used as data and the juridical-environmental principles as guarantee. Also as a guarantee was adopted the exemplification of corridors planned for the PEMP. In a second moment, the emblem case was studied through documentary analysis, individual semi-structured interviews, focus group and participant observation during meetings of the Management Council in the years 2016 and 2017.1. It was found that the promotion of sustainable development as a way to conserve the Atlantic Forest is the essence of the law governing the biome - unique with a specific legal regime. It is fundamental to institute public policies that provide effectiveness to legal controls in order to prevent the succession of the degradation scenario of this biome, and to enable the increase of the existing percentage interconnecting its remnants. As for resource funds, their managers should pay attention to the Northern Atlantic Forest, reducing regional asymmetries in investments; The environmental agencies must elaborate projects for beneficiation. It was verified that the environmental agency fulfilled the requirements for the establishment of the PEMP, but the celerity compromised the result; The fulfillment of legal obligations with guarantee of its effectiveness, reduces the possible obstacles to the implementation of this CU; The occurrence of advances in the implementation of the UC due to judicial decision and ethical commitment of the Management Council and the Manager of the UC. The creation of created UC is a legal duty based on art. 2 of Law 6938/81 in art. 225 of the Federal Constitution - CF, in art. 4 of Law 9985/2000 and in the principle of prevention (implicitly enshrined in article 225, caput of the CF). It was also verified that the biggest problem for the lack of efficiency is structural, organizational of the Public Administration and the Judiciary, and the lack of prioritization in the political will. Obstacles encountered are common to the state NRCs. It is essential, urgent and fundamental that the environmental issue is seen and treated as an investment and not as an additional expense. Anthropocentric and exclusionary attitudes present a serious risk to the survival of humanity itself.

O sistema de concess?o de di?rias e passagens como instrumento concretizador dos princ?pios da administra??o p?blica

Pontes, Diego Ribeiro Dantas 21 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2018-04-09T23:05:52Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DiegoRibeiroDantasPontes_DISSERT.pdf: 1575113 bytes, checksum: 1a8b2be1e23530653e8dfdf8940987a8 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2018-04-09T23:13:01Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DiegoRibeiroDantasPontes_DISSERT.pdf: 1575113 bytes, checksum: 1a8b2be1e23530653e8dfdf8940987a8 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-09T23:13:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DiegoRibeiroDantasPontes_DISSERT.pdf: 1575113 bytes, checksum: 1a8b2be1e23530653e8dfdf8940987a8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-03-21 / O presente diagn?stico tem, por objetivo geral, analisar os entraves institucionais que impedem a implanta??o do ?Sistema de Concess?o de Di?rias e Passagens? na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, bem como as solu??es para que a institui??o os suplante, avaliando os impactos da implanta??o almejada. Seus objetivos espec?ficos s?o: i) Caracterizar a atual sistem?tica de compra de di?rias e passagens a?reas pela UFRN e identificar seus entraves e falhas; ii) Caracterizar o Sistema de Concess?o de Di?rias e Passagens (SCDP) como ferramenta que proporciona economia, efici?ncia, agilidade e atendimento a princ?pios ?ticos na Administra??o; iii) Comparar a efici?ncia do SCDP em rela??o ?s atuais tramita??o e execu??o dos processos referidos; iv) Identificar as atividades relacionadas ? fase de implanta??o do SCDP e estabelecer uma sequ?ncia estrat?gica para a execu??o dessas atividades, atrav?s de contato com o Minist?rio do Planejamento, Desenvolvimento e Gest?o e Superintend?ncia de Inform?tica da UFRN. Este diagn?stico justifica-se, de um lado, pela redu??o de tempo e custos (Economicidade), e, de outro, pela obrigatoriedade de a institui??o atender aos ditames legais estabelecidos pelo governo (Legalidade). Pretende criar subs?dios para futuras pesquisas acerca do tema estudado, visto que se trata de um assunto t?o pouco debatido, mas de imensur?vel import?ncia ?s institui??es p?blicas, as quais devem estar cientes de sua responsabilidade para com a sociedade. / The present diagnostic has, as general objective, analyze the institutional obstacles that impede the implementation of the "Daily Allowances and Passages Concession System " at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, as well as the solutions for the institution to supplant them, evaluating the impacts of the intended implementation. Her specific objectives are: i) Characterize the current system of buying daily and passages by UFRN and identify her obstacles and failures; ii) Characterize the Daily Allowances and Passages Concession System (SCDP) as a tool that provides economy, efficiency, agility and compliance with ethical principles in Administration; iii) Compare the efficiency of the SCDP in relation to the current processing and execution of the mentioned processes; iv) Identify the activities related to the implementation phase of the SCDP and establish a strategic sequence for the execution of these activities, through contact with the Ministry of Planning, Development and Management and UFRN?s IT Superintendence. This diagnostic is justified, on the one hand, by the reduction of time and costs (Economics), and, on the other, by the institution's obligation to comply with the legal dictates established by the government (Legality). Intends to create subsidies for future researches on the studied subject, because it is a subject that is so little debated, but of immeasurable importance to public institutions, which must be aware of their responsibility towards society.

Avalia??o do Programa um Milh?o de Cisternas Rurais (P1MC): efic?cia, efici?ncia e efetividade nos territ?rios do Rio Grande do Norte (2003/2015)

Morais, Hugo Azevedo Rangel de 21 June 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-10-25T22:33:25Z No. of bitstreams: 1 HugoAzevedoRangelDeMorais_DISSERT.pdf: 10042689 bytes, checksum: e65cad435b8695043396aac71a4148e3 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-12-16T19:34:17Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 HugoAzevedoRangelDeMorais_DISSERT.pdf: 10042689 bytes, checksum: e65cad435b8695043396aac71a4148e3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-16T19:34:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 HugoAzevedoRangelDeMorais_DISSERT.pdf: 10042689 bytes, checksum: e65cad435b8695043396aac71a4148e3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-06-21 / A escassez de ?gua ? um problema recorrente na regi?o do semi?rido brasileiro, mas, precisamente no Nordeste, surgiram v?rias tentativas, mediante a??es p?blicas sociais de ?salva??o?, de corre??o das consequ?ncias da seca. A partir da d?cada de 1980, no processo de redemocratiza??o do pa?s de buscar alternativas para o desenvolvimento do semi?rido brasileiro, come?aram a existir algumas mudan?as na interven??o na regi?o a partir das organiza??es da sociedade civil, que passaram a realizar projetos com base na ideia de que ? poss?vel e necess?rio conviver com o semi?rido, representando a transi??o paradigm?tica na qual o modelo de ?combate ? seca? ? criticado em favor da ?conviv?ncia com o semi?rido?. Diante disso, este estudo objetivou analisar os resultados do Programa Um Milh?o de Cisternas Rurais (P1MC) diante dos indicadores de efic?cia, efici?ncia e efetividade. O programa, idealizado pela sociedade civil em 1999, apresenta como componentes a mobiliza??o, o controle social, a capacita??o, a comunica??o, o fortalecimento institucional e a constru??o de cisternas de placas de 16 mil litros para capta??o de ?gua de chuvas por meio de calhas no telhado do domic?lio rural. A pesquisa foi do tipo descritiva, o universo compreendeu os 10 territ?rios do Rio Grande do Norte, a abordagem foi quantitativa e qualitativa. Para o tratamento dos dados, utilizou-se an?lise envolt?ria de dados, na etapa quantitativa, e an?lise de conte?do, na etapa qualitativa, tendo como fonte de coleta entrevistas estruturadas com atores do P1MC. Os resultados apontaram que, em termos de efic?cia, representada pelas metas f?sicas pr?-estabelecidas, o programa ficou aqu?m do esperado; quanto ? efici?ncia, destacaram-se os territ?rios de Sert?o do Apodi, A?u-Mossor? e Mato Grande. Na rela??o popula??o rural versus cisternas constru?das, no tocante ? efetividade, verificou-se que os pressupostos do programa s?o atendidos, os participantes compreendem que o programa n?o tem como finalidade ?nica a constru??o da cisterna, mas sim proporcionar mudan?as na vida das pessoas a partir dela, o que converge com os objetivos do programa, representando uma a??o bem-sucedida. / Water scarcity is a recurrent problem in the Brazilian semi-arid, more precisely in the Northeast. The first initiatives, of attention to drought, emerged through public social actions of "salvation", mitigation of drought consequences. It lasted, until the 1980s, this perspective of "drought relief". From the 1980s, with the democratization of the Country and the state reform, new alternatives for the development of the Brazilian semi-arid began to emerge from civil society organizations, which began to implement projects based on the ideal that it is possible and necessary to coexist with the semi-arid. This movement represented a paradigmatic inflection - instead of "drought relief" emerges "coexistence with the semi-arid". This study lies, therefore, in this new moment of public actions aimed at semi-arid, assuming the intent to systematize results of the One Million Rural Cisterns Program (P1MC) in front of efficacy, efficiency and effectiveness indicators. The Program, designed and implemented by civil society organization since 1999, has as components mobilization, social control, training, communication, institutional strengthening and building of plates cisterns of 16,000 liters for rain water harvesting through gutters on the roof of the rural home. The research was descriptive, the universe comprised the 10 territories of Rio Grande do Norte, the approach was quantitative and qualitative. For the treatment of quantitative data, data envelopment analysis (DEA) was used through Siadv software and, in the qualitative stage, content analysis with assistance of NVivo 11 software, having as source of collection structured interviews with the actors of P1MC. The quantitative stage led to the determination of efficiency and efficacy indicators, while the qualitative stage enabled the interpretation of effectiveness, occurred based on the five principles expressed in P1MC by Brazilian Semi-Arid Articulation (ASA), a network of non-governmental organizations responsible for the design from the Program. Results showed that, in terms of efficacy, represented by pre-established physical goals, the Program was less than expectated. In terms of efficiency, the territories of Sert?o do Apodi, A?u-Mossor? and Mato Grande were highlighted, with relative performances above the state average in front of rural population of the territory versus number of built cisterns relation. Regarding the effectiveness, the Program assumptions are widely met in content and form. Representatives of interested segments - performers, community mobilizers and beneficiaries - report, in this research, that P1MC is not restricted to priority of water access, but also the formulation of a new standard of coexistence with the semi-arid, through the change in conscience of beneficiaries and the mobilization of served families and communities.

O sistema prisional brasileiro frente ? omiss?o estatal e ao estado de coisas inconstitucional: uma an?lise do controle jurisdicional de pol?ticas p?blicas / Brazilian prison system compared to state failure and unconstitutional state of fairs: an analysis of the judicial policy making

Fagundes, Ricardo Antonio Menezes Cabral 12 April 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-10-26T21:38:59Z No. of bitstreams: 1 RicardoAntonioMenezesCabralFagundes_DISSERT.pdf: 765093 bytes, checksum: 7326c81a6b2f081c188d83687330cf11 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-12-26T15:56:20Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 RicardoAntonioMenezesCabralFagundes_DISSERT.pdf: 765093 bytes, checksum: 7326c81a6b2f081c188d83687330cf11 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-26T15:56:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RicardoAntonioMenezesCabralFagundes_DISSERT.pdf: 765093 bytes, checksum: 7326c81a6b2f081c188d83687330cf11 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-04-12 / A Constitui??o Federal Brasileira de 1988 elencou um rol de garantias ?s pessoas encarceradas que decorrem do n?cleo essencial do princ?pio da dignidade humana. Entretanto, ao analisar o sistema prisional brasileiro, verifica-se um quadro desolador de viola??es reiteradas a direitos fundamentais. Questiona-se, ent?o, se a omiss?o estatal, ao n?o garantir o dever de prote??o ?s pessoas privadas de sua liberdade, pode configurar o que a corte constitucional colombiana definiu como sendo um ?Estado de Coisas Inconstitucional?. A partir da constata??o de eventual incapacidade do poder p?blico em sanar esta viola??o massiva e generalizada de v?rios direitos fundamentais exsurge a possibilidade de interven??o pela via do controle jurisdicional das pol?ticas p?blicas correlatas ao problema. N?o se pode olvidar, entretanto, que o princ?pio da separa??o de poderes propugna que a atua??o judicial deve se dar subsidiariamente nestes casos, apenas para suprir a omiss?o das outras esferas de poder, no intuito de efetivar os princ?pios constitucionais em quest?o. / Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988 has listed many guarantees to incarcerated persons deriving from the core of the principle of human dignity. However, analyzing the Brazilian prison system, can be found a bleak picture of repeated violations of fundamental rights. Then, the question is whether State?s omission, who failed to ensure the protection of the incarcerated persons rights, can configure what the Colombian Constitutional Court has defined as an "Unconstitutional State of Fairs". From finding potential inability of the government to remedy this massive and widespread violation of various fundamental rights rises the possibility of intervention by the judicial policy making related to the problem. We should not forget, however, that the principle of separation of powers advocates judicial action in these cases must be given just in an alternative way, only to supply the omission of other spheres of power, in order to give effect to the constitutional principles in question.

Avalia??o da qualidade do ar interior em ambientes acad?micos: um estudo de caso

Carvalho, M?rcio Humberto Almeida de 16 June 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-01-03T21:53:22Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MarcioHumbertoAlmeidaDeCarvalho_DISSERT.pdf: 4539548 bytes, checksum: 94210b564e51dfe8eb635ce32fc89918 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-01-09T16:13:20Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 MarcioHumbertoAlmeidaDeCarvalho_DISSERT.pdf: 4539548 bytes, checksum: 94210b564e51dfe8eb635ce32fc89918 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-09T16:13:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MarcioHumbertoAlmeidaDeCarvalho_DISSERT.pdf: 4539548 bytes, checksum: 94210b564e51dfe8eb635ce32fc89918 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-06-16 / Os agravos da polui??o atmosf?rica nas grandes cidades brasileiras s?o eventos antigos, conhecidos e recorrentes e, atualmente, tem sido um dos pontos principais de import?ncia no meio cient?fico. A partir da institui??o do Programa Nacional de Controle da Qualidade do Ar - PRONAR, em 1989 e mais recentemente, em 2009, com a concep??o do Plano Nacional de Qualidade do Ar - PNQA, surgiram novas perspectivas focadas na redu??o desses agravos que, dentre elas, cita-se a melhora da qualidade do ar em interiores climatizados artificialmente, visando ? maximiza??o do conforto ambiental e efetividade na minimiza??o de preju?zos ? sa?de da coletividade. A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo identificar, em ambientes acad?micos, em que medida os teores de CO, CO2, umidade relativa e temperatura do ar, est?o em conformidade com as normas e se atendem aos padr?es estabelecidos pela Pol?tica Nacional do Meio Ambiente - PNMA e seus instrumentos. O referencial tem como base os aportes te?ricos propostos por Satish et al. (2012), Mesquita e Ara?jo (2006), instrumentos da pol?tica Nacional do Meio Ambiente (CONAMA, 1981), PRONAR (1989) e ANVISA (2003). Trata-se de uma pesquisa explorat?rio-descritiva. Procedeu-se medi??es e coletou-se dados em salas de aula, escolhidas aleatoriamente nos setores de aula I, II, III e IV, dos Centros do Campus Central, da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Aplicou-se tamb?m question?rio com perguntas abertas e fechadas, preconizado pela ABNT NBR 16401-3/2008. Sobre os ?ndices da qualidade do ar - IQA, a metodologia utilizada foi desenvolvida pela Ag?ncia de Prote??o Ambiental dos Estados Unidos da Am?rica - EPA. Por fim, a partir da an?lise empreendida com refer?ncia ao par?metro relativo ao CO2 e ao compar?-lo com os par?metros legais, postos pelo Programa Nacional de Controle da Qualidade do Ar - PRONAR e Agencia Nacional de Vigil?ncia Sanit?ria - ANVISA, ficou evidenciado que, nos ambientes acad?micos da UFRN, ora pesquisados, os teores de CO2 est?o al?m dos limites legais, ou, dito de outra forma, n?o est?o em conformidade com os padr?es estabelecidos pelas normas vigentes no pa?s. / The grievances of the atmospheric pollution at great Brazilian cities are old events, known and recurrent. Currently, they have been one of the main points of importance amongst the scientific community. From the establishment of the National Program of Control of the Quality of Air - PRONAR, in 1989 and more recently, in 2009, with the conception of the National Plan of Quality of the Air - PNQA, new perspectives have arised, focused on the reduction of these grievances, including the improvement of the quality of artificially air-conditioned indoor air, aiming to maximize the ambient comfort and effectiveness and minimize the damages to the collective health. The present research has the objective of identifying, in academic environments, if the contents of CO, CO2, relative humidity and temperature of the air are in accordance with the norms and if they obey the standards established for the National Politics of Environment - PNMA and its instruments. The theoretical framework has its basis on the contribution of Satish et al. (2012), Mesquita e Ara?jo (2006), instruments of the National politics of the Environment (CONAMA, 1981), PRONAR (1989) and ANVISA (2003). This is a descriptive exploratory research. Measurements and collection of data were made in classrooms that were randomly chosen amongst the class sectors I, II, III and IV of the Central Campus, at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. A questionnaire with open and closed questions recommended by ABNT NBR 16401-3/2008 was also applied. As to the air quality index - IQA, the used methodology was developed by the Agency of Ambient Protection of the United States of America - EPA. Lastly, about the concentration of CO2 on the surveyed academic environments, it was concluded that these concentrations are beyond the limits established by the present regulations in the country and the standards established by the instruments of National Environmental Policy-PNMA.

Provis?o habitacional e a (des) constru??o do direito ? cidade: um olhar sobre a a??o civil p?blica como instrumento de avalia??o do PMCMV

Costa, Simone da Silva 28 April 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-01-10T12:21:45Z No. of bitstreams: 1 SimoneDaSilvaCosta_TESE.pdf: 6695719 bytes, checksum: bfca8860fb7e2e6d625da24072d02a65 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-01-11T12:41:31Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 SimoneDaSilvaCosta_TESE.pdf: 6695719 bytes, checksum: bfca8860fb7e2e6d625da24072d02a65 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-11T12:41:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 SimoneDaSilvaCosta_TESE.pdf: 6695719 bytes, checksum: bfca8860fb7e2e6d625da24072d02a65 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-04-28 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / Com a constata??o das distor??es do Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida (PMCMV) presente na edifica??o dos empreendimentos em diversas cidades brasileiras, este trabalho de investiga??o procura responder as seguintes quest?es: as pol?ticas federais de habita??o implementadas no Brasil, ap?s a d?cada de 1940, se moveram em dire??o ? efetiva??o do direito ? cidade ou apenas atuaram no sentido de promover um empoderamento do setor privado? O PMCMV, atual modelo de provis?o habitacional, segue os princ?pios e diretrizes que conduzem a concretiza??o desse direito? Como a A??o Civil P?blica (Lei 7.347/1985) pode contribuir para a constru??o de pol?ticas habitacionais mais justas e democr?ticas, j? que se constitui num instrumento de defesa dos interesses coletivos de uma sociedade? A fim de responder tais quest?es, faz-se uma revis?o de literatura acerca do conceito de direito ? moradia e ? cidade, bem como dos modelos adotados pelas pol?ticas habitacionais implementadas pelo governo federal a partir de 1940. Apresenta-se e cr?tica-se a estrutura adotada pelo PMCMV para a constru??o de moradias populares e, para tanto, utiliza a A??o Civil P?blica como um instrumento de avalia??o do PMCMV e de defesa do direito ? cidade num momento de intensa provis?o habitacional apoiada pelo sistema financeiro. Foi selecionada e analisada, dentre outras, a ACP n? 0012584-70.2011.403.6119, que tramita na 1? Vara Federal de Guarulhos (SP). A referida ACP foi proposta pelo MPF em desfavor da Uni?o Federal e da Caixa Econ?mica Federal enfatizando mudan?as nos crit?rios de sele??o dos candidatos do referido programa, tendo em vista a comercializa??o de vagas e a cobran?a indevida de taxas de inscri??o das organiza??es n?o governamentais respons?veis pela sua execu??o. Neste sentido, a ACP surge como um relevante instrumento de defesa do direito ? cidade aos benefici?rios do PMCMV. As considera??es finais t?m por objetivo assinalar elementos de car?ter pedag?gico, educativo, preventivo, relacional e de esclarecimento sobre a relev?ncia da constru??o de uma pol?tica habitacional que conduza a verdadeira justi?a urbana, ainda que por meio da sua judicializa??o, ou seja, da interven??o direta do Poder Judici?rio nos atos do Poder Executivo. / Through the observation of the distortions of the Minha Casa Minha Vida Program (PMCMV) present in the edification of projects in several Brazilian cities, this work seeks to answer the following questions: federal housing policies implemented in the country after the 1940s, moved toward the realization of the right to the city or just acted to promote empowerment of the private sector? The PMCMV, current housing provision model follows the principles and directives that lead to realization of this right? As the A??o Civil P?blica (Law 7.347/1985) can contribute to building a more just and democratic housing policies, since it is an instrument for defending the collective interests of a society? To answer the questions, we carried out a literature review on the concept of the right to housing and the right to the city, as well as the models adopted by the housing policies implemented by the federal government since 1940. It presents and critical to structure adopted by PMCMV for the provision of social housing and, therefore, uses the A??o Civil P?blica as an evaluation instrument of the PMCMV and defense of the right to the city in a moment of intense housing construction supported by the system financial. It was selected and analyzed some ACPs presented by the MPF because of the serious mistakes made in the aforementioned program. We also present some MPF recommendations to the government restores the right to decent housing to hyposufficient. Thus, given the absence of civil society in the formulation, implementation and decision-making in PMCMV, we highlight the importance of the MPF as a new actor political and ACP as a relevant rights protection instrument to the city to beneficiaries of social housing programs produced by the state. The final considerations are intended to show that the housing provision when formulated without the participation of civil society, even in democratic contexts, intensifies the struggle for urban land, leading to policy legalization process, ie, the direct intervention of the judiciary in acts of the Executive.

Profissionaliza??o da fun??o p?blica: estudo sobre o processo de avalia??o de desempenho do servidor em est?gio probat?rio

Gadelha, Camila Pinto 23 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-01-13T14:40:24Z No. of bitstreams: 1 CamilaPintoGadelha_DISSERT.pdf: 1704747 bytes, checksum: 274a4d4a2cec58d1a234825d9311c75b (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-01-26T15:18:24Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 CamilaPintoGadelha_DISSERT.pdf: 1704747 bytes, checksum: 274a4d4a2cec58d1a234825d9311c75b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-26T15:18:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CamilaPintoGadelha_DISSERT.pdf: 1704747 bytes, checksum: 274a4d4a2cec58d1a234825d9311c75b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-08-23 / A avalia??o de desempenho do servidor p?blico no per?odo do est?gio probat?rio, exigida a partir da Emenda Constitucional n? 19/1998, tem por finalidade analisar, no per?odo de tr?s anos, se o profissional aprovado em concurso p?blico possui as habilidades e compet?ncias necess?rias ao desenvolvimento do cargo p?blico em que teve provimento, bem como permitir que a Administra??o P?blica possa acompanh?-lo e propor treinamentos e pol?ticas de adapta??o ao cargo. Com essa configura??o, a avalia??o especial de desempenho, como ? denominada, em sua natureza ? um instrumento de profissionaliza??o da fun??o p?blica que pode refletir na maximiza??o da efici?ncia administrativa. O objetivo desse trabalho foi investigar se a avalia??o especial de desempenho submetida ao servidor do Minist?rio P?blico do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (MPRN) est? em conson?ncia com o sistema jur?dico vigente e possui efetividade na sua operacionaliza??o. Para tanto, foi realizado um estudo de caso no MPRN no qual preponderaram tr?s t?cnicas de levantamento de dados: a) documental, feita a partir dos documentos oficiais da institui??o, principalmente a Resolu??o n? 243/2013-PGJ, que regulamenta o instituto avaliativo; b) aplica??o de question?rios online, desenvolvido por meio da plataforma survey monkey, submetidos aos servidores efetivos que ingressaram em 2011 e conclu?ram o est?gio probat?rio em 2014 e que permaneceram na institui??o; c) e entrevista semiestruturada com representantes da Diretoria de Gest?o de Pessoas (DGEP) e da Comiss?o de Est?gio Probat?rio. Na an?lise dos dados utilizou-se o m?todo bibliogr?fico e exeg?tico para discutir os aspectos relacionados ? legalidade, em que se analisou a correspond?ncia objetiva da Resolu??o institucional com as normas previstas na Constitui??o Federal e legisla??o estadual (regras gerais). Para a discuss?o referente ? efetividade, utilizou-se da estat?stica descritiva na apresenta??o dos dados quantitativos e da an?lise do conte?do na interpreta??o dos dados qualitativos. Concluiu-se que a avalia??o especial de desempenho do MPRN atende ?s formalidades legais e, de outra parte, no vi?s da efetividade, precisa implementar pr?ticas que diminuam a possibilidade de julgamentos subjetivos pelo avaliador e que promovam a comunica??o entre a Administra??o Superior os estagi?rios e avaliadores, conciliando o desenvolvimento administrativo com o individual, para que assim se possa maximizar os resultados da Organiza??o para uma administra??o eficiente sem se descuidar da dimens?o pessoal do servidor p?blico. / The performance evaluation of public servants during the probation period, demanded since the Constitutional Amendment 19/1998, aims to analyze, during the period of three years, if the professional approved in public contest has the skills and competence needed to develop the public position in which had nomination, as well as allow the Public Administration to observe and recommend professional training and position adaptation policies. With this configuration, the special performance evaluation, as it is named, in its nature is an instrument of public function profissionalization which can reflect in a maximization of administrative efficiency. The objective of this study was to investigate whether the special performance evaluation submitted to the Member of the Government Agency for Law Enforcement in the state of Rio Grande do Norte (MPRN) is in consonance with the existing legal system and has effectiveness in its operation. Therefore, we conducted a case study in MPRN in which predominated three data collection techniques: a) documentary, done with the institution official documents, mainly the Resolution No. 243/2013-PGJ, which regulates the evaluation regulation; b) application of online questionnaires, developed through the survey monkey platform, submitted to the permanent civil servants that joined in 2011 and completed probation period in 2014 and who remained in the institution; c) and semi-structured interviews with representatives of the People Management Direction (DGEP) and the Probationary Period Commission. In the data analysis it was used the bibliographic and exegetical method to discuss aspects related to legality, which analyzed the objective correspondence of institutional resolution with the rules set out in the Constitution and state legislation (general rules). To the debate concerning the effectiveness, we used descriptive statistics in the presentation of quantitative data and content analysis in the interpretation of qualitative data. It was concluded that the special evaluation performance at MPRN attends the legal requirements, and on the other hand, on the effectiveness aspect, needs to implement practices that reduce the possibility of subjective judgments by the evaluator and promote communication between Senior Management, the interns and evaluator, conciliating the administrative development with the individual.

Fatores contextuais do envelhecimento populacional no nordeste brasileiro

Silva, Diviane Alves da 28 June 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-02-10T16:52:35Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DivianeAlvesDaSilva_TESE.pdf: 1589141 bytes, checksum: 6f4b5d84ef15ebd80e623a387a7d41af (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-02-10T22:14:05Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DivianeAlvesDaSilva_TESE.pdf: 1589141 bytes, checksum: 6f4b5d84ef15ebd80e623a387a7d41af (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-10T22:14:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DivianeAlvesDaSilva_TESE.pdf: 1589141 bytes, checksum: 6f4b5d84ef15ebd80e623a387a7d41af (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-06-28 / A transi??o da estrutura et?ria no Brasil ocorre de forma r?pida e em ambiente socioecon?mico desfavor?vel. O Nordeste brasileiro, historicamente, destacado pela presen?a de profundas desigualdades sociais apresenta-se como a terceira regi?o mais envelhecida do pa?s e tal fato ganha import?ncia, considerando sua extensa dimens?o territorial, bem como o contexto s?cio-ambiental desfavor?vel. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a rela??o entre o contexto e o envelhecimento populacional na regi?o Nordeste do Brasil. Trata-se de um estudo ecol?gico, cujo cen?rio corresponde ? regi?o Nordeste, composta por 9 estados e 1.794 munic?pios. Foram coletados dados demogr?ficos e de indicadores socioecon?micos, nas bases eletr?nicas do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estat?stica ? IBGE, do Instituto de Pesquisa Econ?mica e Aplicada ? IPEA, do Atlas de Desenvolvimento Humano do Programa das Na??es Unidas para o Desenvolvimento ? PNUD e do Departamento de Inform?tica do SUS ? DATASUS. O desfecho do estudo consistiu nos n?veis de envelhecimento populacional, definidos a partir de an?lise de conglomerados que agrupou os munic?pios, considerando cinco indicadores demogr?ficos de envelhecimento (percentual de idosos, ?ndice de envelhecimento, sobreenvelhecimento, depend?ncia senil e ?ndice de substitui??o da popula??o em idade ativa). Foi utilizada a an?lise de componentes principais para obten??o de fatores socioecon?micos e demogr?ficos, que representaram as vari?veis independentes do estudo. Outras vari?veis de import?ncia te?rica para o desfecho tamb?m foram selecionadas. Realizou-se o georreferenciamento dos dados da vari?vel dependente, utilizando TabWin 3.6b, para identifica??o visual do perfil de envelhecimento da regi?o, segundo os n?veis de envelhecimento. Nas an?lises de associa??o utilizou-se o teste ANOVA, para os fatores e demais vari?veis quantitativas, e o teste do Qui-quadrado, para as vari?veis categ?ricas. Em ambos os testes considerou-se um n?vel de signific?ncia de 5%. Utilizou-se a an?lise de regress?o log?stica ordinal para verificar as associa??es finais com o desfecho. Observou-se que o envelhecimento populacional no Nordeste apresenta um padr?o de distribui??o espacial heterog?neo, com concentra??o de maiores n?veis na regi?o do semi?rido, atingindo o sert?o e centro-sul do Cear?, partes das regi?es oeste, central e agreste do Rio Grande do Norte, e quase a totalidade do estado da Para?ba, ? exce??o da regi?o litor?nea. Os altos n?veis de envelhecimento associaram-se a bons n?veis de educa??o, depend?ncia de renda governamental, ao saldo migrat?rio da popula??o geral, ? raz?o urbano-rural e a alguns estados da regi?o, tomando como refer?ncia para compara??o, o estado da Para?ba. Considera-se importante o estudo situacional do envelhecimento no Nordeste brasileiro que, embora desigual, destaca-se pela presen?a de grandes contingentes de idosos. O entendimento de tal distribui??o, por sua vez, pode levar ? identifica??o de fatores determinantes locais e/ou gerais do envelhecimento das popula??es, a serem abordados nas pol?ticas p?blicas pr?-envelhecimento. / The changing age distribution in Brazil occurs quickly and in an unfavorable environment socio-economically. The Brazilian Northeast, historically, highlighted by the presence of deep social inequality appears as the third most aged region of the country and this fact becomes important, considering its extensive territorial dimension as well as an unfavorable socio-environmental context. The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between the context and the aging population in the Northeast of Brazil. This is an ecological study, whose scenario corresponds to the Northeast region, consisting of nine states and 1,794 municipalities. We collected demographic data and several socioeconomic indicators in the electronic databases of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), Applied Economic Research Institute (IPEA), the Human Development Atlas of the United Nations Development Programme (PNUD) and the SUS Department of Informatics (DATASUS). The outcome of the study was the levels of population aging, defined from cluster analysis that grouped municipalities, considering five demographic aging indicators (percentage of elderly, aging index, ?over-aging?, senile dependence and population replacement in active age index). The principal component analysis was used to obtain socioeconomic-demographics factors, which represented the independent variables of the study. Other variables with theoretical importance for the outcome were also selected. It was held georeferencing of the outcome variable data using TabWin 3.6b, for visual identification of Northeast aging profile, according to the levels of aging. In association analyzes used the ANOVA test for the factors and others quantitative variables and the chi-square test for categorical variables. In both tests it was considered a 5% significance level. We used the ordinal logistic regression analysis to verify the actual associations with the outcome. It was observed that aging in the Northeast shows a pattern of heterogeneous distribution, with concentration higher levels in the region belonging to the semi-arid region, covering the interior and south-central of the Cear? state, parts of the western, central and harsh regions of Rio Grande do Norte state, and almost all of the area of Paraiba state, except the coastal region. The high levels of aging were associated with good levels of education, dependence on government income, the net migration of the general population, the reason urban/rural and some states of the region, taking as reference for comparison, the state of Paraiba. It is important the aging situational study in Northeast Brazil, a region that, although unequally, has a large contingent of elderly. The understanding of such distribution, in turn, can lead to the identification of local and/or general determinants of the population aging, to be addressed in the pro-aging policies.

Independ?ncia funcional do advogado p?blico federal na constitui??o da rep?blica federativa do Brasil em uma advocacia de estado atenta aos direitos dos cidad?os

Mattos, Rodrigo Gerent 12 September 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-02-13T19:58:38Z No. of bitstreams: 1 RodrigoGerentMattos_DISSERT.pdf: 1595220 bytes, checksum: 949e075a4c6fb1a1cc2d60f951fe99b9 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-02-15T23:36:09Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 RodrigoGerentMattos_DISSERT.pdf: 1595220 bytes, checksum: 949e075a4c6fb1a1cc2d60f951fe99b9 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-15T23:36:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RodrigoGerentMattos_DISSERT.pdf: 1595220 bytes, checksum: 949e075a4c6fb1a1cc2d60f951fe99b9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-09-12 / A presente disserta??o possui como tema a Independ?ncia Funcional do Advogado P?blico Federal na Constitui??o da Rep?blica Federativa do Brasil em uma Advocacia de Estado atenta aos Direitos dos Cidad?os. A Constitui??o Federal confere ? Advocacia P?blica o status de Fun??o Essencial ? Justi?a. A atividade est? regulada nos arts. 131 e 132 da Constitui??o Federal. No ?mbito federal, a Advocacia P?blica ? exercida pela Advocacia-Geral da Uni?o, integrada pelas carreiras de Advogado da Uni?o, Procurador da Fazenda Nacional, Procurador Federal e Procurador do Banco Central. Cumpre ao Advogado P?blico realizar a defesa do Estado e viabilizar juridicamente a concretiza??o das pol?ticas p?blicas. Imp?e-se, no entanto, verificar como se pode compatibilizar a tarefa de defesa dos interesses do Estado sem negar direitos aos cidad?os. Desse modo, tem-se como objetivo geral analisar a exist?ncia, ou n?o, da independ?ncia funcional para o Advogado P?blico desenvolver suas atribui??es, pois a Constitui??o n?o destaca essa prerrogativa expressamente, tal como fez em rela??o ao Minist?rio P?blico e ? Defensoria P?blica. Como objetivos espec?ficos procurar-se-? verificar como a independ?ncia funcional do Advogado P?blico poderia contribuir para a redu??o da litigiosidade estatal; analisar as incongru?ncias do paradigma atual de uma Advocacia de Governo e conceber aspectos inerentes ao paradigma ideal de uma Advocacia de Estado. Adotase a metodologia dedutiva, partindo-se dos conhecimentos gerais para o espec?fico, com a abordagem do tema proposto sob a ?tica da t?cnica da pesquisa bibliogr?fica, buscando elementos na legisla??o, na doutrina nacional e estrangeira, bem como na jurisprud?ncia p?tria e em normas internas da Advocacia-Geral da Uni?o. Realiza-se uma abordagem exemplificativa para demonstrar o quanto o paradigma da Advocacia P?blica est? centrado em uma Advocacia de Governo e o que se poderia esperar de uma Advocacia de Estado em um modelo republicano atento aos direitos dos cidad?os. Na forma republicana de governo a atua??o estatal deve ser dirigida para atender aos interesses e ?s necessidades prim?rias da sociedade, visando sempre ? promo??o do bem comum. A atua??o do Advogado P?blico deve ent?o estar calcada no fio t?nue entre defender o Estado, viabilizar a realiza??o das pol?ticas p?blicas ao mesmo tempo em que exerce importante papel preventivo para a observ?ncia da legalidade pelos ?rg?os estatais. Conclui-se que a independ?ncia funcional do Advogado P?blico constitui princ?pio constitucional impl?cito ao exerc?cio da atividade jur?dica decorrente da pr?pria investidura constitucional. Em um Estado Republicano e Democr?tico de Direito que possui como fundamento a constru??o de uma sociedade justa (CF, art. 3?, I) o princ?pio da independ?ncia funcional do Advogado P?blico ? extra?do do exame do art. 131 em conjunto com o art. 37, caput, da Constitui??o Federal, bem como pela observ?ncia dos princ?pios e direitos fundamentais. No entanto, ante a realidade do paradigma vigente de uma Advocacia de Governo o princ?pio da independ?ncia funcional do Advogado P?blico Federal vem sendo inobservado na realidade emp?rica, sendo uma das causas para o excesso de litigiosidade estatal e da dificuldade de reconhecimento de direitos pertencentes aos cidad?os. / This dissertation has as its theme the Functional Independence of the Federal Public Attorney in the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil in a Advocacy of the State Attentive to the Rights of Citizens. The Federal Constitution gives the Public Advocacy status of Essential Function to justice. The activity is regulated in arts. 131 and 132 of the Federal Constitution. At the federal level, the Public Advocacy is exercised by the Advocacy General of the Union, composed by the careers of the Union Attorney, Attorney of the National Treasury, Federal Attorney and Attorney of the Central Bank. Meets the Public Attorney conduct the defense of the state and legally enable the implementation of public policies. It is necessary, however, to see how one can reconcile the defense task of state interests without denying rights to citizens. Thus, it has as general objective to analyze the existence or not of functional independence for the public attorney to develop his/her tasks, because the Constitution does not highlight this prerogative expressly, as it did in relation to the Public Ministry and the Public Defender's Office. Specific objectives will be sought to verify how the functional independence of the Public Attorney could contribute to the reduction of state litigation; analyze the inconsistencies of the current paradigm of a Government Advocacy and shape aspects of the ideal paradigm of an Advocacy of the State. It is adopt the deductive methodology, starting from the general knowledge to a specific one, with the theme of the approach proposed from the perspective of the literature technique, seeking elements in legislation, national and foreign doctrine and the country law and internal rules of the Advocacy General of the Union. It is realized an exemplary approach to demonstrate how the paradigm of Public Advocacy is focused on a Government Advocacy and what could be expected from an Advocacy of the State in a republican model attentive to the rights of citizens. The republican way of government the state action should be directed to meet the interests and basic needs of society, always seeking to promote the common good. The role of the Public Attorney should then be feet in the thin thread between defending the state, enabling the implementation of public policies and at the same time plays an important preventive role for the observance of the law by state bodies. It is concluded that the functional independence of the Public Attorney is implicit constitutional principle to the exercise of legal activity deriving from the constitutional endowment. In a Republican and Democratic State of Law that has the foundation to build a just society (CF, art. 3, I) the principle of functional independence of the Public Attorney is extracted from examination of art. 131 in conjunction with art. 37, caput, of the Federal Constitution, and the observance of fundamental principles and rights. However, given the reality of the current paradigm of a Government Advocacy the principle of functional independence of the Federal Public Attorney has being unobserved in empirical reality, being one of the causes for the excess state litigation and the difficulty of recognition of rights belonging to citizens.

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