Spelling suggestions: "subject:"blind""
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A distribui????o das rendas do petr??leo e a efici??ncia na gest??o financeira dos munic??pios do estado de S??o PauloFroemming, Douglas Schiavoni 10 February 2015 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2015-02-10 / The federal decentralization promoted by the Constitution of 1988 raised the Brazilian municipalities to the important role in the dissemination of public policies. Once they are closest to the population, the decisions made at the municipal level are readily perceived by users and citizens. On the other hand, the social demands and the management of the administrative structure need efficient financial management and a constant search for resources. Additionally, the 9.478/97 Act, which amended the mode of distribution of oil revenues, brought to some municipalities, a new frontier of resources available by the distribution of oil royalties. Given this new frontier of resources, one wonders whether there is not relaxation in fiscal effort and an increasing inefficiency in the management of the administrative machinery by the benefited municipalities. The aim of this work is verify if petroleum revenues cause distortions in the way municipalities run their fiscal effort, that is, if the oil royalties contribute to increase inefficiencies in the municipalities involved in their search for the own revenues and their expense management. For this work, we selected 56 municipalities of the State of S??o Paulo which have been received the distribution of oil revenues during the period between the years 2005 to 2012. The efficiency of municipalities was obtained from a non-parametric production frontier model, the Data Envelopment Analysis - DEA, creating a ranking of the S??o Paulo municipalities which received oil royalties. Given the distribution rules of oil royalties imposed by the regulatory framework, the results showed the values distributed to S??o Paulo municipalities have great variability and has been showed relevant only in a few municipalities. There was no significant difference in the tax effort of the municipalities affected by the variable oil royalites. However, several factors related to municipal management indicated that such rents can contribute to increase inefficiencies in the management of municipal administrative machinery / A descentraliza????o federativa, promovida pela Constitui????o Federal de 1988, elevou os Munic??pios brasileiros ao importante papel na dissemina????o das pol??ticas p??blicas. Por estarem mais pr??ximos da popula????o, as decis??es realizadas na esfera municipal s??o prontamente percebidas pelos usu??rios e pelos cidad??os. Por outro lado, as demandas sociais e a administra????o da m??quina administrativa necessitam de uma gest??o financeira eficiente e uma constante busca por recursos. Adicionalmente, a Lei 9.478/97, que alterou o modo de distribui????o das rendas do petr??leo, trouxe, para alguns Munic??pios, uma nova fronteira de recursos, disponibilizada pela distribui????o dos royalties de petr??leo. Diante dessa nova fronteira de recursos, questiona-se se n??o h??, por parte dos Munic??pios beneficiados, um relaxamento no esfor??o fiscal e o aumento da inefici??ncia na gest??o da m??quina administrativa. Neste trabalho objetiva-se verificar se as rendas do petr??leo provocam distor????es na forma como os Munic??pios s??o conduzidos em seu esfor??o fiscal, ou seja, se os royalties de petr??leo contribuem para o aumento das inefici??ncias nos Munic??pios envolvidos em sua busca pelas receitas pr??prias e na sua gest??o de despesas. Para a realiza????o deste trabalho, foram selecionados 56 Munic??pios do Estado de S??o Paulo, contemplados pela distribui????o das rendas do petr??leo durante o per??odo compreendido entre os anos de 2005 a 2012. A efici??ncia dos Munic??pios foi obtida a partir de um modelo de fronteira de produ????o n??o param??trico, a An??lise Envolt??ria de Dados, criando um ranking dos Munic??pios paulistas beneficiados pelos royalties de petr??leo. Os resultados mostraram que, diante das regras de distribui????o dos royalties de petr??leo impostas pelo marco regulat??rio, os valores distribu??dos aos Munic??pios paulistas possuem grande variabilidade e s??o relevantes apenas em poucos Munic??pios. N??o houve diferen??a significativa no esfor??o fiscal dos Munic??pios afetados pela vari??vel royalites de petr??leo. No entanto, diversos fatores ligados ?? gest??o municipal indicaram que tais rendas contribuem para aumentar as inefici??ncias na gest??o da m??quina
administrativa municipal
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A percep????o de gestores sobre as pr??ticas da auditoria interna em uma institui????o financeira p??blicaSilva, Aparecida Gon??alves da 10 August 2015 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2015-08-10 / This research highlights the practices of internal audit as an instrument influenced management to improve performance, through the review of the perception of managers of a Public Financial Institution. It was a qualitative and quantitative descriptive study, with a single observation field study, by means of a questionnaire investigation. The main population was composed of managers and subordinates to the area of internal audit (control group) and the Administrative strategic planning and subordinate areas (user group). To reach the goal of the study, it was applied questionnaire surveys, available online. The survey results confirmed the perception of the use of internal audit as an instrument in decision making, susceptible to improvement in the strategic planning process and effects on the administrative cycle of the institution, on aspects of Performance Audit. Among the main findings, it was evident that the perception of managers, that the researched financial institution shows concern in results-oriented management but the internal audit is apparently more focused on the control (in the evaluation of the implemented performance) rather than planning (in the criticism of planned performance) / Esta pesquisa evidencia as pr??ticas da Auditoria Interna como instrumental de gest??o influenci??vel ?? melhoria de Desempenho, pela an??lise da percep????o de gestores de uma Institui????o Financeira P??blica. Como m??todo de pesquisa, foi feita pesquisa de car??ter descritivo quali-quantitativo, com estudo de campo de ??nica observa????o, por meio de investiga????o por question??rio, tendo como popula????o gestores diretamente ligados e subordinados ?? ??rea de Auditoria Interna (grupo de controle) e ??s ??reas Administrativas de planejamento estrat??gico e subordinadas (grupo de usu??rios). Para alcan??ar o objetivo, foram utilizadas surveys de question??rio, com disponibilidade de acesso online, atrav??s de link web. Os resultados da pesquisa confirmaram a percep????o dos gestores quanto a utiliza????o da Auditoria Interna como instrumental na tomada de decis??o, influenci??vel a melhorias no processo de planejamento estrat??gico e efeitos no ciclo administrativo da institui????o nos aspectos da Auditoria de Desempenho. Dentre os principais achados, foi evidenciado que, na percep????o dos gestores, a institui????o financeira pesquisada apresenta preocupa????o em gest??o orientada a resultados, por??m, a Auditoria Interna, aparentemente, est?? mais focada no controle (avalia????o do desempenho realizado) e n??o em planejamento (cr??tica do desempenho planejado)
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Percep????es de professores de contabilidade governamental sobre as condi????es de ensino e necessidade da disciplina em cursos de ci??ncias cont??beis da regi??o metropolitana da baixada santistaSANCHEZ, Andr?? Felipe de Carvalho 30 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Elba Lopes (elba.lopes@fecap.br) on 2016-05-16T19:04:50Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-03-30 / The Government Accounting Brazilian converges IPSAS, were created several standards, impacting Demonstrative and Subsystems. Meantime, there are conflicting aspects and HEI are to prepare the graduate with skills required. Having that said, this research objective to identify the perception of teachers of the Government Accounting about the teaching conditions and the need in Courses of Accounting in the Baixada Santista region. Was conducted exploratory and qualitative research; data collection techniques were interview and document analysis. Were taken sample, 7 teachers who teach the discipline in 7 courses in accounting sciences in HEI in the region in 2015. It requested the teaching plans to 7 teachers. The results showed that 42.85% are accountants, 42.85% has Masters, 71.42% have up to 6 years of experience. In teaching strategies and evaluation, expositive classes and exercises were the most mentioned. All use tests, practical exercises and assignments. Regarding workload, 71.42% have reported failure. As for literature, lack autonomy of teachers, most use outdated plans. As for NBCT16, 57.14% say they consider the program. About the last question, it was sought to go deeper concerning what??s taught, 100% do not address differences between MCASP and IPSAS, 42,85% use the current subsystems and property aspects. It got to the conclusion and, it??s recommended, changing plans after 6 months, sources?? inclusion teacher autonomy in preparing the plan, expansion of the workload and expansion of content regarding on MCASP / IFAC / NBCT16. Though there??s an affirmation from all teachers that applied content so far meets the demands of the contests for Accountant, the results demonstrate that there are need to expand the expertise to students. / Devido a Contabilidade Governamental Brasileira convergir ??s IPSAS, criaram-se diversas normas, impactando Demonstrativos e Subsistemas. Entretanto, existem aspectos conflitantes e as IES devem preparar o egresso com conhecimentos necess??rios. Isso posto, esta pesquisa objetiva identificar a percep????o dos professores de contabilidade governamental sobre as condi????es de ensino e necessidade da disciplina em Cursos de Ci??ncias Cont??beis na regi??o da Baixada Santista. No alcance deste, realizaram-se: pesquisa explorat??ria, qualitativa, t??cnicas de coleta de dados de entrevista e an??lise documental. Na amostra, 7 docentes que lecionaram a disciplina em 7 cursos de ci??ncias cont??beis nas IES da regi??o em 2015. Solicitou-se os planos de ensino aos 7 docentes. Os resultados demonstraram que 42,85% s??o Contadores, 42,85% possuem Mestrado, 71,42% tem at?? 6 anos de experi??ncia. Nas estrat??gias de ensino e avalia????o, aula expositiva e exerc??cios foram os mais mencionados. Todos utilizam provas, exerc??cios pr??ticos e trabalhos. Na carga hor??ria, 71,42%, relatam insufici??ncia. Quanto a bibliografia, falta autonomia dos professores, a maioria utiliza planos desatualizados. Quanto ??s NBCT16, 57,14%, dizem considerar no programa. Na ??ltima quest??o, buscou-se aprofundar o conte??do lecionado, 100% n??o abordam diferen??as entre MCASP e IPSAS, 42,85% abordam subsistemas atuais e aspectos patrimoniais. Conclui-se e recomenda-se, planos alterados semestralmente, inclus??o de fontes, autonomia do docente na elabora????o do plano, amplia????o da carga hor??ria e amplia????o de conte??do quanto ao MCASP/IFAC/NBCT16. Embora h?? a afirma????o de todos os professores de que o conte??do aplicado atende as exig??ncias dos concursos para Contador, os resultados demonstram necessidade em ampliar os conhecimentos necess??rios aos discentes.
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Higiene pessoal fora da resid?ncia: os sanit?rios p?blicos na ?rea central da cidade de S?o Paulo / Personal hygiene outside one s residence: public lavatories in the central area of the city of S?o PauloIamamura, Rosalia Brasil Ribeiro 31 October 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-10-31 / In the course of their civilizatory process, human groupings have been able to account for different answers as to places for the fulfillment of their physiological needs, their disposal and sanitation. The purpose of the present dissertation is to examine this issue and to study public restrooms in the central area of the city of S?o Paulo (City Hall s S? Subdivision) and their users, specifically workers not based in the area those who carry out some kind of economic activity in the streets. Personal hygiene is the expression used for the physiological functions of defecating, urinating and personal cleaning. As a fundamental right, a citizen s health entails his/her total physical, mental and social wellbeing and is based on the definition of human needs and their fulfillment, a role that is assigned to the representatives of the public authority. In order to evaluate the performance of such a role the evolution of habits and customs related to personal hygiene is studied as well as the solutions found in the course of times to dispose of and treat human wastes. The discussion is on the social transformations derived from the industrialization process and the emergence of a working class which starts to occupy the urban fabric under insalubrious spaces and conditions, giving rise to the dissemination of epidemic diseases and the damaging of the social body, forcing the State to take over the people s health. In S?o Paulo, the lack of timing of public policies with the socio-economic and cultural development of the population as well as the fast growth of the city result in a metropolis of extreme contrasts in terms of infrastructure, income distribution and access to education, health, work, housing, and transportation. These contrasts can be identified in the field research carried out with 360 workers not based in the central area of the city, in an effort to delineate the solutions they found to satisfy their personal hygiene when not in their houses. From the analysis of the management of the public restrooms services, offered by the municipal authorities, in public grounds of the city center, and from the experience of previous managers, and especially those from the Subway Railway, due to the similarity with this study in relation to location, demand and utilization of their restrooms, we try to characterize the existing challenges for the improvement of the ways to provide these services. / No decorrer do seu processo civilizat?rio, os agrupamentos humanos d?o conta de respostas diversas ? quest?o dos locais de satisfa??o das necessidades fisiol?gicas, de seu escoamento e saneamento. Esta monografia tem por escopo o exame desse tema e como objeto de estudo os sanit?rios p?blicos em logradouros da ?rea central da cidade de S?o Paulo (Subprefeitura S?) e seus usu?rios, especificamente os trabalhadores sem base fixa aqueles que exercem alguma atividade econ?mica nessas vias. A express?o higiene pessoal ? usada para as fun??es fisiol?gicas de defeca??o e mic??o e a??es de asseamento. Como direito fundamental, a sa?de implica o completo bem-estar f?sico, mental e social do cidad?o e baseia-se na defini??o das necessidades humanas e sua satisfa??o, papel este atribu?do aos representantes do poder p?blico. Para avaliar o desempenho desse papel, estuda-se a evolu??o dos h?bitos e costumes relacionados ? higiene pessoal e as solu??es encontradas ao longo dos tempos para escoar e tratar os dejetos humanos. Discorre-se sobre as transforma??es sociais advindas do processo de industrializa??o e do surgimento de uma classe oper?ria que passa a ocupar o tecido urbano em condi??es e espa?os insalubres, originando a dissemina??o de doen?as epid?micas e preju?zos ao corpo social, o que for?a o Estado a assumir a sa?de do povo. Em S?o Paulo, o descompasso das pol?ticas p?blicas com o desenvolvimento socioecon?mico e cultural da popula??o e o crescimento acelerado da cidade gera uma metr?pole de contrastes extremos em termos de infra-estrutura, distribui??o de renda e acesso ? educa??o, sa?de, trabalho, moradia e transporte. Tais contrastes podem ser identificados na pesquisa de campo realizada com 360 trabalhadores sem base fixa da regi?o central da cidade, em que se procura delinear as solu??es por eles encontradas para satisfa??o da higiene pessoal fora da resid?ncia. A partir da an?lise da gest?o dos servi?os de sanit?rios p?blicos em logradouros do centro da cidade, oferecidos pelo poder municipal, e do conhecimento da experi?ncia de outros gestores, especialmente do Metr?, em virtude da similaridade com este estudo em rela??o ? localiza??o, demanda e utiliza??o dos seus sanit?rios, busca-se caracterizar os desafios existentes para melhoria dessa presta??o de servi?os.
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Sistema de Espa?os Livres P?blicos no Munic?pio de Hortol?ndia / Public open spaces system in the Hortol?ndia CityCamargo, Patricia Reis Caldeira de 24 February 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-02-24 / This study sought to understand the Public Open Spaces system in the Hortol?ndia City, checking the quantity, quality and distribution of open public spaces offered by the government. The study of the open space system is related to the development of the public sphere, which facilitates the integration of citizens and encourages the appropriation of space which we live. Hortol?ndia is a municipality that is part of the Metropolitan Region of Campinas, was emancipated in 1991 and brings some weaknesses to be overcome and the challenge of its population internally enjoying their socioeconomic dynamics. The study covers the period from 1947 to 2010. The method chosen to carry out this work is a survey of the spaces owned by the municipality which is thus formed through the division of land and check how they are structured, their uses and especially if they are free building. Compilations of data from this survey and analysis were presented in data sheets. The management review of the public on these spaces allowed us to observe the good results, conflicts, obstacles and possible guidelines for this system, thus completing the survey. / Este trabalho procurou compreender o Sistema de Espa?os Livres P?blicos no Munic?pio de Hortol?ndia, averiguando a quantidade, a qualidade e a distribui??o dos Espa?os Livres P?blicos ofertados pelo poder p?blico. O estudo do Sistema de Espa?os Livres est? relacionado ao desenvolvimento da esfera p?blica, a qual favorece a integra??o dos cidad?os e fomenta a apropria??o do espa?o que se vive. Hortol?ndia ? um munic?pio que faz parte da Regi?o Metropolitana de Campinas, foi emancipado em 1991 e traz consigo algumas defici?ncias a serem superadas e o desafio de ter sua popula??o usufruindo internamente de sua din?mica socioecon?mica. O estudo abrange o per?odo de 1947 ao ano de 2010. O m?todo escolhido para realiza??o deste trabalho consiste no levantamento dos espa?os de propriedade do munic?pio que assim se constitu?ram atrav?s do parcelamento do solo e na verifica??o de como estes se encontram estruturados, seus usos e principalmente se est?o livres de edifica??o. As compila??es de dados deste levantamento e da an?lise foram apresentadas em fichas t?cnicas. A an?lise de gest?o do poder p?blico sobre estes espa?os permitiu observar os bons resultados, os conflitos, os entraves e as poss?veis diretrizes para este sistema, concluindo assim a pesquisa.
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As din?micas vivenciais na borda das metr?poles: o caso de Atibaia / The dynamics of the metropolis edge: the case of AtibaiaPassos, Francisco Carlos Leal 27 June 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-06-27 / The contemporany urban expansion, particularly examined here in southeastern Brazil, has advanced and consolidated in the last decades as a new model of occupation and articulation of metropolitan territories and is band envelope. This new scenario scattered, fragmented, and multinucleated, is structured by large displacement axes expressed and functional conurbations, new communication technologies, transportation information, new ways of individualized production and consumption which emerge deep changes in relationships and daily dynamics af their populations, and in their spheres of public and private life. This paper attempts from the case study of the municipality of Atibaia, to the edge of the metropolitan areas of S?o Paulo and Campinas, contribute to a reflection on hemogenic movements interwoven in this new model of expansion and occupation, and their reflections in a municipality smaller inserted in that system, in what refers in particular to their daily dynamics and way of life. The paper also proposes a reflection on the issues that relativize the feeling of belonging and indentity as potential engines of strengthening the sphere of public life and the rebuilding of a city more democratic in order to expand the knowledge of urbanism in the direction of deepening the understanding the complexities of contemporary urbanization processes. / A expans?o urbana contempor?nea, analisada aqui particularmente na regi?o Sudeste do Brasil, tem avan?ado e si consolidado nas ?ltimas d?cadas como um novo modelo de ocupa??o e articula??o dos territ?rios metropolitanos e sua faixa envolt?ria. Este novo cen?rio disperso, fragmentado, e polinucleado, ? estruturado por grandes eixos expressos de deslocamento e conurba??es funcionais, novas tecnologias e comunica??o, transporte de informa??o, novas pr?ticas de produ??o e consulmo individualizadas de onde emergem profundas altera??es nas rela??es e din?micas cotidianas de suas popula??es, assim como em suas esferas de vida p?blica e privada. Este trabalho procura a partir do estudo de caso do Munic?pio da Est?ncia de Atibaia, ? borda das Regi?es Metropolitanas de S?o Paulo e Campinas, contribuir com uma reflex?o acerca dos movimentos hegem?nicos imbricados nesse novo modelo de expans?o e ocupa??o, e seus relexos em um Munic?pio de menor porte inserido nesse sistema, naquilo que se refere, em especial, ?s suas din?micas cotidianas e vivenciais. O trabalho prop?e ainda uma reflex?o sobre as quest?es que relativizam o sentimento de pertencimento e identidade como poss?veis motores do fortalecimento da esfera da vida p?blica, a fim de ampliar o conhecimento do urbanismo na dire??o do aprofundamento do entendimento das complexidades dos processos de urbaniza??o contempor?neos.
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A sa?de mental e a (re)organiza??o do trabalho docente: trabalho coletivo e poder de agirKawamura, Eduardo Alessandro 09 February 2015 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2015-02-09 / This dissertation, situated in the line of "Research and Prevention Psychological Intervention" from the "Graduate Program stricto sensu of the Pontifical Catholic University - Campinas", intends to explicit the effects of the reorganization of work and the power to act on the mental health of teachers in public education. From the daily life of a municipal school in infant education in the city of Campinas in contrast to what occurs in most of the city schools, achieves very positive results not only in relation to quality of education but the health of their professional - this paper discusses a group of workers who for approximately a decade (re)invented a way to sustain a vitalizing work in collectively developed actions.. By focusing on Mental Health Work-Related and using the ethnographic method and reflexive interviews, We intended to discuss, given the context of our current public school model, as has consolidated this process in order to achieve a better understanding about the mental wear and the dynamics of the health-disease process in relation to the formative experiences, the interpretations of these professionals on the teaching practice, the development of their practices, the subversion of utilitarian models of education, solidarity and the need for communion between work and educational action by emancipatory bias. / A presente disserta??o, situada na linha de Pesquisa Preven??o e Interven??o Psicol?gica do Programa de P?s-gradua??o Stricto Sensu da Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas, visa explicitar os efeitos da reorganiza??o do trabalho e do poder de agir na sa?de mental de docentes no ensino p?blico. A partir do cotidiano de uma escola municipal de educa??o infantil na cidade de Campinas - que diferentemente do que ocorre em boa parte das escolas desta mesma rede, alcan?a resultados muito positivos n?o apenas no que se refere ? qualidade do ensino, mas na sa?de de seus profissionais -, este trabalho discorre sobre um grupo de trabalhadoras que durante aproximadamente uma d?cada (re)inventou uma forma de trabalho vitalizante sustentada nas a??es desenvolvidas coletivamente. Por meio do enfoque da Sa?de Mental Relacionada ao Trabalho (SMRT) e utilizando o m?todo etnogr?fico e entrevistas reflexivas, buscamos discutir, diante do contexto de nosso atual modelo de escola p?blica, como se consolidou tal processo com vistas a um melhor entendimento sobre o desgaste mental e a din?mica do processo sa?de-doen?a no ambiente laboral em rela??o ?s experi?ncias de forma??o, ?s interpreta??es dessas profissionais diante do exerc?cio do magist?rio, ao desenvolvimento de suas pr?ticas, ? subvers?o dos modelos de educa??o utilitaristas, ? solidariedade e ? necessidade de comunh?o entre trabalho e a??o educativa pelo vi?s emancipat?rio.
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A escola na ?tica de alunos de Ensino M?dio de diferentes tribos / The school in the view of High School students of different tribesGuernelli, Sonia Maria dos Santos 04 September 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-09-04 / This study refers to a research carried at Carlos Gomes State School in Campinas, S?o Paulo, Brazil; with the objective of producing knowledge about the way High School teenagers see their school. The research subjects were 12 teenagers, aged between 18 and 20 with different characteristics concerning their behavior related to clothes, study activities, language which are out of the socially expected standards. The investigation was based on Case Study methodology and the procedures of data assessment were observation and interview. The data analysis exposes the views that the students have about: The School, the Principal, the Coordinator and the teachers. Also the way they see phenomena such as discrimination and prejudice. The analysis also aims at contributing to the change in educational relations at School. / O presente estudo refere-se a uma pesquisa efetuada na Escola Estadual Carlos Gomes, na cidade de Campinas, cujo objetivo foi produzir conhecimentos sobre a compreens?o que jovens do Ensino M?dio t?m em rela??o a essa Escola. Selecionamos como sujeitos da pesquisa 12 jovens com idade entre 18 e 20 anos, que se apresentam com posturas diferenciadas em rela??o a vestu?rio, linguagem, atividades de estudo e que se afastam do padr?o at? agora esperado socialmente. O trabalho investigativo fundamenta-se na metodologia de Estudo de Caso, e os procedimentos para a coleta de dados consistiram em observa??o e entrevista. A an?lise de dados revela a compreens?o que esses alunos t?m de: escola, dire??o, professor, discrimina??o e preconceito, e pretende oferecer uma contribui??o para a mudan?a nas rela??es educacionais que ocorrem no interior da Escola.
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Exame Nacional de Cursos: um balan?o da produ??o cient?fica brasileira, com foco nos impactos nas IES e suas estrat?gias de aprimoramento institucional (1999-2010) / National Course Examination: a balance of Brazilian scientific production, focusing on impacts in HEIs and their strategies for institutional improvement (1999-2010)Ferreira, T?nia Aparecida 11 December 2013 (has links)
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Tania Aparecida Ferreira.pdf: 1581685 bytes, checksum: c9ee28eaf07f0e25e50fca300833d338 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2013-12-11 / In 1996, was established by the government of Fernando Henrique Cardoso (1995-2002), the National Course Examination (ENC), a tool for large-scale assessment which lasted until 2003, when it was replaced by the National Examination of Student Performance (ENADE) as part of the National System of Higher Education Assessment (SINAES) established government Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (2003-2010). As a general goal, this dissertation meets identify and characterize the scientific production around the ENC in the form of doctoral theses and dissertations defended in the period 1999-2010, in order to outline the main thematic trends, focusing the impacts on the IES, specifically in undergraduate, and their strategies for institutional improvement. Employing the literature in order to undertake a study of the state of the art type, specific objectives focused on understanding the ENC in the context of large-scale assessments in the Brazilian higher education map the national scientific production in terms of timeline, areas of knowledge, methods of post- graduate studies, regional distribution and addressed themes as well as identify impacts on HEIs and their strategies for improving institutional performance, beyond the perception of the authors on the ENC. The analysis of theses and dissertations pointed out that the perception of the authors about the ENC can be characterized by a confrontation between the paradigm of consensus and conflict paradigm, detecting the existence of an epistemic community that strives for questioning the policies and refraction FHC, especially the forward and the associated ranking, classifying them as aligned to neoliberalism and referring their conduct to the interference of transnational bodies such as the World Bank. However, despite the unremitting critique of academia, the conclusion of this study is that the forward effectively produced impacts on HEIs from the threat of disqualification for poor performance, reflected in the areas of teaching and pedagogical organization, structure physical, scientific, faculty, student body, academic management and market relations. These impacts, in turn, led to the development of strategies in these areas, seeking institutional and course offerings improvement. Thus, it appears the effect of the external evaluation and its association to induce the ranking quality. / Em 1996, foi implantado pelo governo Fernando Henrique Cardoso (1995 a 2002), o Exame Nacional de Cursos (ENC), um instrumento de avalia??o em larga escala que vigorou at? 2003, quando foi substitu?do pelo Exame Nacional de Desempenho do Estudante (ENADE), como parte do Sistema Nacional de Avalia??o do Ensino Superior (SINAES), instaurado no governo Luiz In?cio Lula da Silva (2003 a 2010). Como objetivo geral, esta disserta??o de mestrado cumpre identificar e caracterizar a produ??o cient?fica em torno do ENC, na forma de teses de doutorado e disserta??es de mestrado defendidas no per?odo de 1999 a 2010, com o intuito de delinear as principais tend?ncias tem?ticas, com foco nos impactos provocados nas IES, especificamente nos cursos de gradua??o, e em suas estrat?gias de aprimoramento institucional. Empregando a pesquisa bibliogr?fica, a fim de empreender um estudo do tipo estado da arte, os objetivos espec?ficos centraram-se em compreender o ENC no contexto das avalia??es em larga escala na educa??o superior brasileira, mapear a produ??o cient?fica nacional em termos de linha do tempo, ?reas do conhecimento, modalidades de p?s-gradua??o stricto sensu, distribui??o regional e eixos tem?ticos abordados, assim como identificar os impactos nas IES e suas estrat?gias de melhoria do desempenho institucional, al?m da percep??o de seus autores sobre o ENC. A an?lise das teses e disserta??es apontou que a percep??o de seus autores acerca do ENC pode ser caracterizada por um confronto entre o paradigma do consenso e o paradigma do conflito, detectando-se a exist?ncia de uma comunidade epist?mica que prima pelo questionamento e refra??o ?s pol?ticas de FHC, sobretudo, o ENC e o ranqueamento a ele associado, classificando-as como alinhadas ao neoliberalismo e remetendo sua condu??o ? interfer?ncia de organismos transnacionais, como o Banco Mundial. Entretanto, apesar da renitente cr?tica da academia, a conclus?o deste estudo ? a de que o ENC, efetivamente, produziu impactos sobre as IES, a partir da amea?a de descredenciamento por baixo desempenho, refletindo-se nas ?reas da organiza??o did?tico-pedag?gica, estrutura f?sica, produ??o cient?fica, corpo docente, corpo discente, gest?o acad?mica e rela??es com o mercado. Esses impactos, por sua vez, levaram ao desenvolvimento de estrat?gias nessas ?reas, buscando a melhoria institucional e das ofertas de curso. Dessa forma, constata-se o efeito da avalia??o externa e sua associa??o ao ranqueamento como indutores de qualidade
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O Programa Bolsa Fam?lia e o desafio da constru??o uma vida nova: percep??es das m?es de crian?as benefici?rias do programa matriculadas em uma escola de Campinas/SP / The Bolsa Familia Program and the challenge of building a new life: perceptions of mothers of children in the program beneficiary enrolled in a school in Campinas/SPSilva, Ang?lica Lima da 11 February 2014 (has links)
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Angelica Lima da Silva.pdf: 831395 bytes, checksum: 484b5337192fea58cecebc8007f8b27b (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014-02-11 / The receipt of the benefit of the Bolsa Familia Program (BFP), public policy of cash transfer from the federal government program to families in poverty and extreme poverty is linked to compliance with conditionalities on health and education. In education the minimum school attendance of 85 % for children between 6 and 15 years and 75 % for adolescents aged 16 to 17 years is required . According rationale explicit in legislation and official documents BFP, ensuring school attendance of children and young people in school would be a major break with the call for intergenerational transmission of poverty factor. This paper assumes the following questions: is attendance important factor to prevent the call intergenerational transmission of poverty? Does the fact that the child is in school with the help of the program ensures your education? This study examined the perceptions of mothers beneficiaries of the program regarding the requirement of attending school and prepared to understand according to their placements, the education of their children was related to participation in the BFP. Twenty semi-structured interviews with mothers of BFP beneficiaries were held in the southern region of Campinas/SP. The survey results indicate that for the beneficiary mothers BFP education of their children is not linked to the program because, according to them, the only requirement BFP with respect to school is school attendance and that they declare comply. As to the education of their children, mothers argue that it is necessary to promote a school that develops a quality education that will prepare them for the job market, so they will have opportunities to break away from poverty in the future and build a better life. / O recebimento do benef?cio do Programa Bolsa Fam?lia (PBF), pol?tica p?blica de transfer?ncia de renda do governo federal destinado a fam?lias em situa??o de pobreza e de extrema pobreza est? vinculado ao cumprimento de condicionalidades nas ?reas de sa?de e educa??o. Na ?rea da educa??o ? exigida a frequ?ncia escolar m?nima de 85% para as crian?as entre 6 e 15 anos e de 75% para adolescentes entre 16 e 17 anos. Segundo justificativa explicitada na legisla??o e documentos oficiais do PBF, a garantia da frequ?ncia escolar de crian?as e jovens na escola seria um fator importante para romper com a chamada transmiss?o intergeracional da pobreza. O presente trabalho parte das seguintes indaga??es: ser? a frequ?ncia escolar fator importante para impedir a chamada transmiss?o intergeracional da pobreza? Ser? que o fato da crian?a estar na escola com o aux?lio do programa garante a sua educa??o? Este estudo analisou as percep??es de m?es benefici?rias do programa a respeito da exig?ncia da frequ?ncia escolar e se disp?s a compreender de acordo com suas coloca??es, se a educa??o de seus filhos estava relacionada com a participa??o no PBF. Foram realizadas vinte entrevistas semiestruturadas com m?es benefici?rias do PBF na regi?o sul de Campinas/SP. Os resultados da pesquisa indicam que para as m?es benefici?rias do PBF a educa??o de seus filhos n?o est? vinculada ao programa, pois, segundo elas, a ?nica exig?ncia do PBF com rela??o ? escola ? a frequ?ncia escolar e isso elas declaram cumprir. J? com rela??o ? educa??o de seus filhos, as m?es argumentam que ? necess?rio promover uma escola que desenvolva um ensino de qualidade, que os prepare para o mercado de trabalho, assim eles ter?o possibilidades de romper com a pobreza no futuro e construir uma vida melhor.
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